That's stupid, why are we so divided as a nation. We got too many harsh laws in certain states that are just useless. Just lift these laws and name a place where people can safely set off fireworks. There are open places away from cities, residentials, trees, and dry brush. Just like firearms, there are shooting ranges for them and we have the 2nd Ammendment right to bear arms that should never be infringed. Wyoming is very loose about fireworks. Half of Nevada has fireworks stores, you can take fireworks and shoot them off in these open areas. Even though certain parts of Nevada is illegal to shoot off fireworks, it doesn't prohibit you to bring your fireworks to legal areas to shoot them off. Fireworks are illegal in Utah, you can shoot off your fireworks at the salt flats and nobody cares. I ❤️ fireworks and firearms, be courteous to others and treat them the way you want to be treated. I hate it when people set off fireworks around my home and scaring my cats, I'm also sick and tired of law enforcement that don't want to deal with these people. These are wrongful people, lots of us people who love fireworks and firearms are not wrongful people. I also don't want to pay a lot of money to get a pyrotechnics license that I would be paid peanuts setting up fireworks displays.
Our home is rocked by explosions, numerous times per night, every day of the year. Of course, New Years is ridiculous. People who stockpile these explosives risk everyone in the neighborhood, not just themselves. Quality of life issue. Leaving this place.
Every year the 4th of July and New Years is like a war zone here with hundreds of people firing off massive numbers of huge mortars and rockets that are totally illegal. The people who do this don't care about the terror they cause to pets, vets or their neighbors.
@@OneHungLee..... There were. Three dead, last to die was a 23 year old female and scores in critical condition. My co-worker told me today that this happened the next street over from him.
Every year more people are stockpiling their own fireworks for the 4 of July and new years, last night seems like the whole neighborhood were setting off fireworks and firearms ,you have vehicle alarms going off everywhere, these people are idiots.
I live on the westside of the island and illegal fireworks went off for 7 straight hours. It was ridiculous and unsafe. This incident is NOT surprising and we actually have members of our city council that want to legalize this crap. Can you say idiots. Keep in mind, the only way these illegal fireworks get on this island is by boat. Someone is lining their pockets and looking the other way...kind of like the rail to no where. Last comment. People can't afford their housing or even to repair their cars, but they can somehow find thousands of dollars to buy this illegal crap. Time for a change. New Mayor and city council now!
The aerials were never legal, but lots of other safer fireworks used to be. Once the ban kicked in people fled to the black market and that’s why there’s an uptick in aerials. They were always around but there’s way more these days.
Enough already. How does what must be thousands of tons of TNT, get into our harbor every year, with absolutely no accountability? Is it a national security risk that this amount of explosives can so easily get through our ports? How is this not both a state and federal matter? What type of organization is behinf this large of an operation? There needs to be a serious undercover investigation to get to the bottom of this insanity. Last night had the most illegal aerials I've seen in almost 50 years here. There is absolutely no "cultural" benefit to this, as some try to claim.
Poor animals, elderly & infants, who have to endure the stupidity of man, who feels big. Condolences to the families who have lost a loved one to the stupidity of wanting to watch fireworks, or be part of it.
Saw the drone video of the incident. That was a lot of commercial looking fireworks to have, let alone to be setting off in a residential development. What made anyone think that would be safe, even if an accident didn't occur?
This year we bought our Christmas tree a week later than we normally do because the store rep said the state inspectors found a 1-inch spider in one of the containers, so they quarantined all the trees for a couple days! What is Ironic is how can they find a 1-inch spider in a huge container of trees. But they can't find hundreds of containers full to the brim with fireworks? Should it be harder to find a dead snake or a 1-inch spider vs 100 containers full of Fireworks? (that you can smell the gunpowder from 100'?) It's reeks of corruption! Fireworks don't ship themselves! Inspectors have to be letting the containers go through, and they need Government assistance! The fireworks operation is too big not to have somebody in a high government position helping large shipments go through. Also: There is no way fireworks is the only illegal substance that gets through. How small is a kilo of fentanyl? Imagine the next time you see aerials going off imagine it is fentanyl! If they can't stop fireworks coming in, they can stop any drugs or guns or anything else. This is a serious problem for everyone!
People will never learn. Ignorance and the herd mentality. My heart goes out to all the people and animals who have to put up with the horrible noise, bombs, aerials, thousands of firecrackers for hours every New Years Eve and 4th of July. And btw, the idiots blowing of fireworks on 4th of July don't even know what the hell they're "celebrating." Nothing's gonna change. DUH.
I couldn't find my cat, he was hiding in the litter box. He hates fireworks. We had fireworks, pipe bombs going off, assault rifles going off for almost 3 hours here . Must have been over 2000 rounds shot off just within earshot and I live in the City. Wild
@johnnyblack2125 lol assault rifle 🤔 not a real thing bud. AR stands or ArmaLite Rifle. assault rifle is a propaganda term to make people scared so they can try to strip the 2nd ammendment. Pistols cause more deaths than all rifles combined. And most of the time the gun violence is illegally owned guns in the ghettos. Rifles only make up less than 5% of gun violence in America. Stop watching liberal media and look for neutral media (which you won't find on the mainstream)
People really DON'T GET IT!! CAN'T UNDERSTAND the stupidity of paying for something that can cause fear,death for humans and PETS! STUPIDITY!! So Sad!!!
Yeah there's no point to create a law that you can't enforce. It's crazy because if any state should be able to enforce this it should be oahu because everything has to be shipped in.
The city and state need to look and investigate the docks where all of these illegal fireworks are coming from. Don't tell me the inspectors don't know which containers contain all of these fireworks. Someone or some group of people (stevedores/hpd) are getting paid to look the other way. Born and raised in Hawaii and this is just ridiculous.
We had people lighting fireworks right outside my house out of the bed of their truck. Of course fireworks are illegal in my city but people light them off anyway. I have no problem with people lighting fireworks but do it in a safe location, and be smart about how you handle them.
Fireworks is a tradition but you cant help idiots who store it where a flame or spark can get to it..your wrong to think nobody would care only an evil person wouldn’ now i asume you think people who follow their traditional practices are evil in your eyes..
oh we care for the families. But we will fight all authoritarian crack down! LIFE is dangerous. You don't get to put baby bumpers on all pointy objects in nature! Especially not in America! Scared? Leave!
Law enforcement is a total joke on Oahu, at least it appears that way. And the citizens who collect huge caches of explosives are plain stupid and criminal. How can every other house look like they are shooting illegal fireworks? Always something. Never fails...
blame ALL points to the person people that buy or have illegal or home-made fireworks NOT law-enforcement! Follow the law and those people are safe and sound!! People paid the ultimate price NOT cuz of a lack of law enforcement but because of a law-breaker!!!
Seems like a group of people huddled around a dud aerial which probably exploded in the metal pipe resulting in shrapnel injuries. It was a literal claymore.
I grew up in Hawaii and remember lot’s of fond memories of popping fireworks but I think it’s getting out of hand? Mortars are basically little bombs but I understand it’s part of the culture of Hawaii but this is sad.
Where is the FBI? These illegal fireworks cross state lines to get here. That makes it a federal offense as well as a felony in Hawaii. Where is the department of law enforcement? This is their responsibility as well.
Do you know why we don't buy pet food from China? How about toothpaste - Do you know why we don't buy toothpaste made in China? How about propane tanks - do you know why America does not buy propane tanks made in China?
Government must ban the sale of fireworks to individuals because setting off fireworks can be dangerous and harmful to people, animals, and the environment. We have selfish, inconsiderate and stupid parents with their equally selfish, inconsiderate and stupid children who let off fireworks near our houses a few times a year when it is allowed by our incompetent and stupid government. This always made the rest of us neighbors feel very anxious and worried because the fireworks could lend on our houses and burn our houses down. 🤬
Brah, fireworks have been illegal since 2011, where have you been? All airborne fireworks are manufactured in homes; you can literally hear them getting tested throughout the year for New Year's, Chinese New Year's, and 4th of July sales.
@phthisis It's not illegal in the whole country. Depends on the state you are in. Currently 49 states and Washington, allow some or all types of consumer fireworks. Only Massachusetts completely bans all consumer fireworks, including sparklers and firecrackers.
I’m in Chicago. We can drive over the border to Indiana to buy legal fireworks and carry it home in our car. How do you hell do you import that quantity of fireworks into Hawaii. That explosion was huge. You would need a commercial quantity like a warehouse. Starting to sound criminal.
Well said ruined for the people that do there best to be safe like blocking and strapping it down to a board boarding off on the area for your launching of your Aerials but just making sure everything stays down and not get knock over because that kind things happen prayers to those who lost their lives
What a tragedy, to many illegal fireworks, burn money, destroy property ,destroy lives, air ollution for what. sad way to start 2025 Prayers going out to all families involved in this tragedy including for the ones responsible.
What is going to be done about this? NOTHING! The state department of law enforcement isn’t interested. Their “task force” is useless and allows large quantities of fireworks to be shipped to Hawaii with no accountability. This is a sad and tragic event and nobody should have been exposed to this danger by foolish, inexperienced, negligent people who purchased and brought the fireworks to this house. There will be no arrests. No fines. No court date. No attempt to find out where it was purchased. It’s a great news story for the media but will change absolutely nothing because the attorney general and these departments are uninterested in preventing these disasters.
The government politicians need to stop banning safer novelty fireworks. People could be purchasing safer novelty fireworks like sparklers, fountains and paperless strings.
Doing Fireworks is Dangerous! Anything can happen! Sorry to hear this happen and Hurt 20+ People and Killed 2 People! Stay Safe for now on! I will not Do Fireworks. Waste of Money!
Change the laws to make it a felony for the purchase, use, and selling of all illegal aerial fireworks; investigate those smuggling in illegal fireworks. Like the Mayor and Governor stated, "it's a systemic problem"" and they "need to get to the root of the problem".
I agree but we would need years of preparation to legalize again. Just lifting the ban could have the opposite affect of what we are looking for if we rush into it. Just look at Vancouver when they decriminalized drugs
If u allowed it, it is going to get worse, banning it at least curbs it, however the black market always finds a way to smuggle it in, that is where law enforcement needs to up their game
@@BlueKnievel360idk about that. I lived through the 90s and early 2000s when you could get these aerials at roadside stands and 7/11 here on Oahu. And I don't remember it even being close to how it is now. It's almost like a status symbol now. In Kalihi people are lighting from Halloween all the way up to New Year's and after every football game. I never seen anything like this.
@@BlueKnievel360 Nope, after sparklers and fountains were banned all the people who would have purchased safe consumer grade fireworks all flocked to the black market and got the professional grade dangerous stuff.
Culture , tradition . It's all about money and a select group is making it each year . Through the years a Samoan family died in a home fire caused by fireworks landing on their home . I remember a mother dying. Endless burn injuries and loss of hands and even eyes. Now this year we do not know how many will die in this firework explosion. No one even consider war veterans go through and those on oxygen. Pets are terrified and small children. You would think a doctor now Governor would form a plan that residents can only do fireworks at parks with permits or beaches . Of course state would charge a permit fee .
This is why training and licensing is required for storage, set up, and discharge of pyrotechics above minimal risk levels. For all that consider stocking up in order to have a really cool fireworks show, consider what could go wrong. Think of this event when you do.
Police departments across the state should have unrestricted ability to use drones on these nights especially to monitor and record the use and possession of these illegal serials and be able to guide in law enforcement to the location for arrests. It would all be recorded and used in court to convict the idiots. While you can’t catch 100%, you will catch the larger offenders cause they love to show off. You could shut down entire blocks at one time. Whether it’s tens of thousands in fines or seizure of property, this will put a dent in this stupid action. Combine this with actual attempts to stop the import, and there is a chance to put an end to this.
Saw the drone video they look like 1.4 fireworks that’s professional I mean, anybody can shoot those just have to get a shooters license. It’s not hard but the fireworks look like they were all close together where you don’t do that when I shoot my fireworks off for the Fourth of July I have them in the garage. I take one out and go out into the middle of the street in front of my house and light it off. I’ve done that for the past five years had no issues. Just some people don’t know what to do and shouldn’t be allowed to shoot fireworks. It’s gonna get banned for everybody else who actually knows what they’re doing.
Fireworks are fun under Safe Conditions These were just Federal 50 milligrams of powder per items. But obviously sticking in the work conditions equals this type of incident.
neither are airplane crashes the "top cause of death & injuries" either but it doesn't make it ok; we should talk about how to minimize them...i shouldn't have to suffer the consequences for other peoples indiscretions.
@@tymcfadden8496 Well, I do not know ibeemee's political orientation .... but I clearly know yours. And while *they's comment is rather foolish, *thine ist even moreso. Seriously, anyone/everyone with a three digit IQ and paying attention knows full well who makes things up to be outraged about, who gaslights and who projects. ( * - to satisfy your touchy/feely communist, speech control sensibilities)
A whole new level of stupid is upon us. This actually can be a harbinger of things to come. People can blame anyone or any country they want but stupid is universal empirically proven stupid is universal. 😢😢😢😢
A whole new level of stupid is upon us. This actually can be a harbinger of things to come. People can blame anyone or any country they want but stupid is universal empirically proven stupid is universal. 😂
It's just plain stupidity with tragic results.
It is illegal to stockpile fireworks without a permit and safety regulations followed. My condolences on the families of the victims.
It’s illegal to posses everything they had let alone storing it
That's stupid, why are we so divided as a nation. We got too many harsh laws in certain states that are just useless. Just lift these laws and name a place where people can safely set off fireworks. There are open places away from cities, residentials, trees, and dry brush. Just like firearms, there are shooting ranges for them and we have the 2nd Ammendment right to bear arms that should never be infringed. Wyoming is very loose about fireworks. Half of Nevada has fireworks stores, you can take fireworks and shoot them off in these open areas. Even though certain parts of Nevada is illegal to shoot off fireworks, it doesn't prohibit you to bring your fireworks to legal areas to shoot them off. Fireworks are illegal in Utah, you can shoot off your fireworks at the salt flats and nobody cares. I ❤️ fireworks and firearms, be courteous to others and treat them the way you want to be treated. I hate it when people set off fireworks around my home and scaring my cats, I'm also sick and tired of law enforcement that don't want to deal with these people. These are wrongful people, lots of us people who love fireworks and firearms are not wrongful people. I also don't want to pay a lot of money to get a pyrotechnics license that I would be paid peanuts setting up fireworks displays.
These kind of people are putting other families in danger they don't care if a families house burns down
No kidding.
Our home is rocked by explosions, numerous times per night, every day of the year. Of course, New Years is ridiculous. People who stockpile these explosives risk everyone in the neighborhood, not just themselves. Quality of life issue. Leaving this place.
Every year the 4th of July and New Years is like a war zone here with hundreds of people firing off massive numbers of huge mortars and rockets that are totally illegal. The people who do this don't care about the terror they cause to pets, vets or their neighbors.
You have explosions too? Every night here in california there is an explosion and no one really knows what they are!
See ya 🎉
@@CliffCollipriest2013 Wahhh wahhh
Adults should know better. Hope no innocent children were hurt.
Children were hurt i heard.
All innocent except whoever imported it.
Kids died brains was all over the place.
@@OneHungLee..... There were. Three dead, last to die was a 23 year old female and scores in critical condition. My co-worker told me today that this happened the next street over from him.
Every year more people are stockpiling their own fireworks for the 4 of July and new years, last night seems like the whole neighborhood were setting off fireworks and firearms ,you have vehicle alarms going off everywhere, these people are idiots.
I live on the westside of the island and illegal fireworks went off for 7 straight hours. It was ridiculous and unsafe. This incident is NOT surprising and we actually have members of our city council that want to legalize this crap. Can you say idiots. Keep in mind, the only way these illegal fireworks get on this island is by boat. Someone is lining their pockets and looking the other way...kind of like the rail to no where. Last comment. People can't afford their housing or even to repair their cars, but they can somehow find thousands of dollars to buy this illegal crap. Time for a change. New Mayor and city council now!
well said
I agree (not about the fireworks) but get green, ed case, blangiardi, and hirono out of there. They're doodoo.
The aerials were never legal, but lots of other safer fireworks used to be. Once the ban kicked in people fled to the black market and that’s why there’s an uptick in aerials. They were always around but there’s way more these days.
True story 😊
Enough already. How does what must be thousands of tons of TNT, get into our harbor every year, with absolutely no accountability? Is it a national security risk that this amount of explosives can so easily get through our ports? How is this not both a state and federal matter? What type of organization is behinf this large of an operation? There needs to be a serious undercover investigation to get to the bottom of this insanity. Last night had the most illegal aerials I've seen in almost 50 years here. There is absolutely no "cultural" benefit to this, as some try to claim.
It must have been horrible beyond words. All of the people speaking here are clearly shaken by what they had to deal with.
Maybe time to enforce laws
you can not enforce laws, but you can enforce punishment.
No kidding right,hard to do when it's the Cops and Firemen selling the "goods"!
Agree brother. The law needs to say $10K fine and 1 year in jail....period. Not 100 bucks and they walk.
@@justthinking-g8eyou enforce laws with punishment….
@@caseyfitzpatrick5024: One year in jail not enough, should be 10 years in prison, with $20K fine!
I feel for the neighbors who had to deal with the aftermath.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
That was dumb..
@@c2hawaii that's a bit incentive I think it was a freak accident the Ariel holder probably fell igniting something like a grill
@sevenblessed2543 not freak they new it was illegal fire works. And so much in a house. See.s no adults round
@@sevenblessed2543that’s why it is illegal. Professionals have training to avoid these kinds of accidents.
@@kapenahill-el3gz Even the professionals make mistakes.
Poor animals, elderly & infants, who have to endure the stupidity of man, who feels big. Condolences to the families who have lost a loved one to the stupidity of wanting to watch fireworks, or be part of it.
Plus the war veterans with PTSD being forced to listen to this in their own homes
Now was it worth it! Someone should be charged with murder. Condolences to the family who lost there loved one 🙏 💔
@@localboyn2deep146 Capital punishment should be given to anyone saying that murder charges should be given.
@@afrodemon8629another ignorant comment
Saw the drone video of the incident. That was a lot of commercial looking fireworks to have, let alone to be setting off in a residential development. What made anyone think that would be safe, even if an accident didn't occur?
That video, brought me to this video. 😢🙏🕯🙏😢
This year we bought our Christmas tree a week later than we normally do because the store rep said the state inspectors found a 1-inch spider in one of the containers, so they quarantined all the trees for a couple days! What is Ironic is how can they find a 1-inch spider in a huge container of trees. But they can't find hundreds of containers full to the brim with fireworks? Should it be harder to find a dead snake or a 1-inch spider vs 100 containers full of Fireworks? (that you can smell the gunpowder from 100'?) It's reeks of corruption! Fireworks don't ship themselves! Inspectors have to be letting the containers go through, and they need Government assistance! The fireworks operation is too big not to have somebody in a high government position helping large shipments go through. Also: There is no way fireworks is the only illegal substance that gets through. How small is a kilo of fentanyl? Imagine the next time you see aerials going off imagine it is fentanyl! If they can't stop fireworks coming in, they can stop any drugs or guns or anything else. This is a serious problem for everyone!
People will never learn. Ignorance and the herd mentality. My heart goes out to all the people and animals who have to put up with the horrible noise, bombs, aerials, thousands of firecrackers for hours every New Years Eve and 4th of July. And btw, the idiots blowing of fireworks on 4th of July don't even know what the hell they're "celebrating." Nothing's gonna change. DUH.
You're right. All they do is use July 4 to make noise. And those things stink too!!
I couldn't find my cat, he was hiding in the litter box. He hates fireworks. We had fireworks, pipe bombs going off, assault rifles going off for almost 3 hours here . Must have been over 2000 rounds shot off just within earshot and I live in the City. Wild
Well said !!!!!!
@johnnyblack2125 lol assault rifle 🤔 not a real thing bud. AR stands or ArmaLite Rifle. assault rifle is a propaganda term to make people scared so they can try to strip the 2nd ammendment. Pistols cause more deaths than all rifles combined. And most of the time the gun violence is illegally owned guns in the ghettos. Rifles only make up less than 5% of gun violence in America. Stop watching liberal media and look for neutral media (which you won't find on the mainstream)
@@Joecrow-waytogo My butt goes out to the animals.
Stop yelling, learn to type.
No one thinks that.
It is there own fault for having illegal fireworks.
People really DON'T GET IT!! CAN'T UNDERSTAND the stupidity of paying for something that can cause fear,death for humans and PETS! STUPIDITY!! So Sad!!!
The result of government passing laws they don't have the backbone to enforce.
Yeah there's no point to create a law that you can't enforce. It's crazy because if any state should be able to enforce this it should be oahu because everything has to be shipped in.
The city and state need to look and investigate the docks where all of these illegal fireworks are coming from. Don't tell me the inspectors don't know which containers contain all of these fireworks. Someone or some group of people (stevedores/hpd) are getting paid to look the other way. Born and raised in Hawaii and this is just ridiculous.
It's the risk we take, and sadly people will keep taking it. RIP to these people 🙏😢
Condolences to all and the family
We had people lighting fireworks right outside my house out of the bed of their truck. Of course fireworks are illegal in my city but people light them off anyway. I have no problem with people lighting fireworks but do it in a safe location, and be smart about how you handle them.
I'm crying. So so sad. Prayers for all.
I want to see what the "Fireworks is tradition" crowd has to say about this? They probably don't care!
Fireworks is a tradition but you cant help idiots who store it where a flame or spark can get to it..your wrong to think nobody would care only an evil person wouldn’ now i asume you think people who follow their traditional practices are evil in your eyes..
oh we care for the families. But we will fight all authoritarian crack down! LIFE is dangerous. You don't get to put baby bumpers on all pointy objects in nature! Especially not in America! Scared? Leave!
Okay, boomer.
The lower your intellect is, the more money you spend on fireworks.
@@johnstamos4629 No heart brah! You celebrate over dead bodies! Zero respect for veterans, pets, and those the safety of children! Cherries!
Law enforcement is a total joke on Oahu, at least it appears that way. And the citizens who collect huge caches of explosives are plain stupid and criminal. How can every other house look like they are shooting illegal fireworks? Always something. Never fails...
Police shoot illegal fireworks and order them from out of state lol
100% they sell the damned fireworks, just disgusting!!!
blame ALL points to the person people that buy or have illegal or home-made fireworks NOT law-enforcement! Follow the law and those people are safe and sound!! People paid the ultimate price NOT cuz of a lack of law enforcement but because of a law-breaker!!!
@@jcougar55 Lawmakers are to blame because they dont understand 2nd and 3rd order effects of human psychology.
😢😢😢 PRAYERS 😢😢😢
Waste money 😅
Seems like a group of people huddled around a dud aerial which probably exploded in the metal pipe resulting in shrapnel injuries. It was a literal claymore.
No it was a cake that tipped over and ignited the stockpile of other fireworks that were stored in the home and garage
@ I saw the drone footage, pretty brutal.
So, Governor Green...are you going to do something to put a stop to this idiocy?
Praying for the families!!! Really sad...
I grew up in Hawaii and remember lot’s of fond memories of popping fireworks but I think it’s getting out of hand? Mortars are basically little bombs but I understand it’s part of the culture of Hawaii but this is sad.
Praying for the victims, families, and first responders 🙏. My heart hurts 💔.
Watch 4th of July same thing they not going learn
Far less fireworks are burned on the 4th of July in Hawaii. That being said, I'm pretty sure it will be status quo a year from now.
GOD bless all involved
How come they calling Alia’manu “Salt Lake”?
It's the name of the street..
There is one salty underground lake there where the Menehune makes some mean saltwater kalo taffy. Only the gods have enjoyed it.
because nobody calls it aliamanu.
@@LonnieBrewer-dd4wi the street it occurred on was Keaka drive….
@connorm3457 Got it, what a sad event.
They can stop the aerials, they just don’t want to.
Stop the aerials and bring back sparklers and fountains. I had so much fun with them growing up.
Now jimmy boi only get 8 fingers.
And kimo left with a huge crack in his ass
That's a lot of fireworks.... tragic and preventable incident.
Where is the FBI? These illegal fireworks cross state lines to get here. That makes it a federal offense as well as a felony in Hawaii. Where is the department of law enforcement? This is their responsibility as well.
Firefighters asked people to be careful. I guess that didn’t work. Enjoy your day off Gov. Green, tomorrow is going to be a busy day.
Federal fire department? What is that?
Military? Or National Parks/ BLM/ Forest Service?
We'll get anywhere in the country, hope you live nearby.
They pulled from Pearl harbor, tripler, and kaneohe marine
Homemade explosives or commercial fireworks?
Imagine that while everyone was in ahh from afar... up close, it was the worst moments of their lives 😢
If they were innocent and not involved, I feel bad. If they were involved I do not care.
The majority prob just went to the party and hanging out. So yeah it sucks for those people, probably there was kids.
Do you know why we don't buy pet food from China? How about toothpaste - Do you know why we don't buy toothpaste made in China? How about propane tanks - do you know why America does not buy propane tanks made in China?
Is this in Honolulu or Salt Lake?? I'm so confused when the OP cant get their geography right in the title!!!.. 🙄
Salt Lake is a neighborhood on Oahu.
Salt Lake is a neighborhood of honolulu. So both
Salt lake is in Honolulu county.
Don't you have access to Google Maps or Apple Maps? It's not hard. Maybe this was a kind of IQ test.
@tentacle218 Yeah dipshit! and I learned Salt Lake is exactly 2990.720 miles from Honolulu! 🤪
Plenty of fireworks going off there on the 4th. Almost every bit of the sky was sparkling and people were not only upset but were worried about fire
This has happened all over the country!
Government must ban the sale of fireworks to individuals because setting off fireworks can be dangerous and harmful to people, animals, and the environment. We have selfish, inconsiderate and stupid parents with their equally selfish, inconsiderate and stupid children who let off fireworks near our houses a few times a year when it is allowed by our incompetent and stupid government. This always made the rest of us neighbors feel very anxious and worried because the fireworks could lend on our houses and burn our houses down. 🤬
Brah, fireworks have been illegal since 2011, where have you been? All airborne fireworks are manufactured in homes; you can literally hear them getting tested throughout the year for New Year's, Chinese New Year's, and 4th of July sales.
Cuz banning drugs and crime has worked out brilliantly eh?
Eh they should ban Mary Jane here, oh wait.
Also causes damage to nearby cars.
😂😂fireworks is already illegal you 🤡🤡
@phthisis It's not illegal in the whole country. Depends on the state you are in. Currently 49 states and Washington, allow some or all types of consumer fireworks. Only Massachusetts completely bans all consumer fireworks, including sparklers and firecrackers.
I’m in Chicago. We can drive over the border to Indiana to buy legal fireworks and carry it home in our car. How do you hell do you import that quantity of fireworks into Hawaii. That explosion was huge. You would need a commercial quantity like a warehouse. Starting to sound criminal.
If you are pulled over they can confiscate the fireworks and charge you. Crossing the state border might bring me more charges!
This illegal activity has been going on for decades
No video of the event?
There is video. THIS is a press report.
Did someone get that call? They might be in trouble. When will we know what the reason for the call?
Just watched the drone footage…absolutely heartbreaking and horrifying. Senseless tragedy..praying for everyone..especially first responders..
How the heck did this happen in the first place????!!!! Who did they buy this from? Will they be found and indicted? They should be.
Not responsible when you’re popping fireworks condolence to the family
Well said ruined for the people that do there best to be safe like blocking and strapping it down to a board boarding off on the area for your launching of your Aerials but just making sure everything stays down and not get knock over because that kind things happen prayers to those who lost their lives
Hawaii goes hard
What a tragedy, to many illegal fireworks, burn money, destroy property ,destroy lives, air ollution for what. sad way to start 2025 Prayers going out to all families involved in this tragedy including for the ones responsible.
What is going to be done about this? NOTHING! The state department of law enforcement isn’t interested. Their “task force” is useless and allows large quantities of fireworks to be shipped to Hawaii with no accountability. This is a sad and tragic event and nobody should have been exposed to this danger by foolish, inexperienced, negligent people who purchased and brought the fireworks to this house. There will be no arrests. No fines. No court date. No attempt to find out where it was purchased. It’s a great news story for the media but will change absolutely nothing because the attorney general and these departments are uninterested in preventing these disasters.
That's where your wrong..
The government politicians need to stop banning safer novelty fireworks.
People could be purchasing safer novelty fireworks like sparklers, fountains and paperless strings.
Doing Fireworks is Dangerous! Anything can happen! Sorry to hear this happen and Hurt 20+ People and Killed 2 People! Stay Safe for now on! I will not Do Fireworks. Waste of Money!
5 people now
That's why I DON'T do this kind of stuff.
Thoughts and prayers are useless when it comes to locals and their yearly negligent habits such as this.
I want to see the Fire Chief and Police Chief calling these idiots out for what they are. "This is what happens when you are stupid"
police had drones in the sky. They didn't do jack squat.
What a woozie guy
Change the laws to make it a felony for the purchase, use, and selling of all illegal aerial fireworks; investigate those smuggling in illegal fireworks. Like the Mayor and Governor stated, "it's a systemic problem"" and they "need to get to the root of the problem".
us poor people can't afford these expensive fireworks 🎇 😮
This has nothing to do with salt lake fireworks.
It’s still gonna continue to happen no matter what the state does. You can’t stop it it’s impossible
Should be legal …you’ll never stop it ..and this is the result of bans …oh and kick backs ..
I agree but we would need years of preparation to legalize again. Just lifting the ban could have the opposite affect of what we are looking for if we rush into it. Just look at Vancouver when they decriminalized drugs
If u allowed it, it is going to get worse, banning it at least curbs it, however the black market always finds a way to smuggle it in, that is where law enforcement needs to up their game
@@BlueKnievel360idk about that. I lived through the 90s and early 2000s when you could get these aerials at roadside stands and 7/11 here on Oahu. And I don't remember it even being close to how it is now. It's almost like a status symbol now. In Kalihi people are lighting from Halloween all the way up to New Year's and after every football game. I never seen anything like this.
@@BlueKnievel360 Nope, after sparklers and fountains were banned all the people who would have purchased safe consumer grade fireworks all flocked to the black market and got the professional grade dangerous stuff.
When you place your life in the hands of someone "loosely" assembling fireworks for 3 cents a day in India or China.
Culture , tradition . It's all about money and a select group is making it each year . Through the years a Samoan family died in a home fire caused by fireworks landing on their home . I remember a mother dying. Endless burn injuries and loss of hands and even eyes. Now this year we do not know how many will die in this firework explosion. No one even consider war veterans go through and those on oxygen. Pets are terrified and small children. You would think a doctor now Governor would form a plan that residents can only do fireworks at parks with permits or beaches . Of course state would charge a permit fee .
It was a nice display of fireworks from the drone footage I saw. How do you even afford that many of that type of high end fireworks? 😩
Be more careful next year
This is why training and licensing is required for storage, set up, and discharge of pyrotechics above minimal risk levels. For all that consider stocking up in order to have a really cool fireworks show, consider what could go wrong. Think of this event when you do.
Honolulu, not Salt Lake
This must be the first bad news report of 2025 before New Orleans today
They handled the scene wonderfully. BUT this was only 21 critical, I can't imagine what happens in a catastrophe like a nuk attack..
Why is the word Salt Lake in the title. Were the victims from salt lake
Only Hawaii News Now working OT. All the other tv news stations on vacation.
What the heck is the “federal fire department”? When did the federal government start creating fire departments…..or is this just a Hawaii thing?
Ban lighters and matches, and string
Police departments across the state should have unrestricted ability to use drones on these nights especially to monitor and record the use and possession of these illegal serials and be able to guide in law enforcement to the location for arrests. It would all be recorded and used in court to convict the idiots. While you can’t catch 100%, you will catch the larger offenders cause they love to show off. You could shut down entire blocks at one time. Whether it’s tens of thousands in fines or seizure of property, this will put a dent in this stupid action. Combine this with actual attempts to stop the import, and there is a chance to put an end to this.
You know what else is massive
Saw the drone video they look like 1.4 fireworks that’s professional I mean, anybody can shoot those just have to get a shooters license. It’s not hard but the fireworks look like they were all close together where you don’t do that when I shoot my fireworks off for the Fourth of July I have them in the garage. I take one out and go out into the middle of the street in front of my house and light it off. I’ve done that for the past five years had no issues. Just some people don’t know what to do and shouldn’t be allowed to shoot fireworks. It’s gonna get banned for everybody else who actually knows what they’re doing.
This is why Hawaii can’t have nice things . Why place the works where it’s in an open space and visible?Ruin it for everyone .
“Dats no problem!” My uncle “One-eye’ Ernesto like to say before he lights up the “goodbye Philippines” firecracker that’s as big as a plate.
Getting lucky too many times
Way to bring in the new year, this brings new meaning to going out with a bang ‼️
Stupid is as stupid does.
Where's that permit!, 4 so many fiteworks
Fireworks are fun under Safe Conditions
These were just Federal 50 milligrams of powder per items.
But obviously sticking in the work conditions equals this type of incident.
Fireworks isn't even the top cause of death and injuries in Hawaii year over year. But the mindless masses will believe so...... Smh
neither are airplane crashes the "top cause of death & injuries" either but it doesn't make it ok; we should talk about how to minimize them...i shouldn't have to suffer the consequences for other peoples indiscretions.
Hmmm, I haven't seen anyone make that claim. Perhaps you're just making things up to be outraged about... how very maga of you.
@tymcfadden8496 US politics is STUPID and anyone who partakes in it is STUPID as well.
@@tymcfadden8496 Well, I do not know ibeemee's political orientation .... but I clearly know yours. And while *they's comment is rather foolish, *thine ist even moreso. Seriously, anyone/everyone with a three digit IQ and paying attention knows full well who makes things up to be outraged about, who gaslights and who projects.
( * - to satisfy your touchy/feely communist, speech control sensibilities)
@@tymcfadden8496 MAGA? Only idiots believe in the bought and paid for TWO PARTY ONLY system we have in the US. Guess you're one of them.
It couldn't have happened to a more considerate group of folks.
A whole new level of stupid is upon us. This actually can be a harbinger of things to come. People can blame anyone or any country they want but stupid is universal empirically proven stupid is universal. 😢😢😢😢
A whole new level of stupid is upon us. This actually can be a harbinger of things to come. People can blame anyone or any country they want but stupid is universal empirically proven stupid is universal. 😂