tbh i dont think call of duty will ever be able to come back to what it was before. call of duty has out lived its usefulness in gaming and i would not miss it if microsoft shut them down for good.
It's funny bc these guys play ball with Activision every time they are getting checks from them 💰Optic ogs need to be more consistent. Not too long ago Nadeshot said BO6 is the greatest cod ever.
Bro u can pay scump to say what ever you want him to say I wonder how much marvel rivals paid him to say that games good You can pay they boys to say what ever u want them to no self respect man
What would work so they can still make their money is they can have a store in each map cost $10/20 and you could download individual maps and make your own custom playlist
Rick, try WZ mobile with a controller! It's really smooth, no hackers, plus it has multiplayer game modes in the "Mosh Pit" Playlist. And the weapons from MW3 and 2 if that matters
Multiplayer maps are shit. Rebirth Island is good but its getting old so we need a 2nd map. Area 99 is good but its not what we needed. It encourages stackers to camp and hold hands as they move around the Map. SO many buildings to hide in makes it weird.
Anyone else have been experiencing an insane amount of lag spikes these past 2 weeks? With the recent article they put out they explained how they have already started to make improvements to the servers and said they have already seen improvements with stability on the backend lmao. What a joke...For the last week or 2 BO6 has been almost unplayable and frustrating! I have been rubber banding a lot recently and i dont remember it being this bad when the game first came out. Im not sure if they are still actively tweaking with the servers and maybe thats why this shit is happening but whatever they're doing has made the servers significantly worse. Im on console by the way with great Internet so its not me. The game was running smoothly the first 2 months but now the servers have been shitting the bed lately. I can't even play ranked because i dont want to lose SR due to the constant lagging. I don't feel confident enough to play ranked because of the servers contrantly hiccupping.
I really hope they don't ruin BO2 when/if they remaster it. It can't have all the things the new games have. It's such an iconic game, probably overall the most loved in th series, but, making it with today's games in mind takes away what it is. I feel like anyone who was around when it was out has to agree.
*****Rick your theme is awesome. I was in my car the other day and heard something and wanted to share it with you. Song is call Labyrinthian by the band Humanity Last Breath. Start the song from 0:53 and their is an instrumental that plays till 1:00. In that time range, i think that could potentially be a new theme sound. Its just only from 0:53 - 1:00**** That part give me vibes of your exisiting theme intro. Just give it a listen 0:53 - 1:00
Literally, every year, they could have an IN GAME poll and allow us to vote for 10-15 maps to bring back. But Sledge was cooking all last year with their original maps.
Great video Rick but it all comes back to what we've been talking about before if they don't fix the anti-cheat, The servers, and the matchmaking system it doesn't matter what they do What good is all this stuff that they put into the game if you can't even play the game!!
I remember we were all in rebirth while verdansk was barely played after rebirth. To much camps on high buildings, claymores, few and long ways off, and to little cover to rotate around it.
i wonder who actually designed area 99? … was it treyarch or raven? 🤔 i wanna say treyarch but then i know they say that raven is in charge of warzone? who knows?
Okay I'm going to say and I will die on this hill ashika island and vondel is better than rebirth. The reason why I say this is because when all 3 maps were in warzone around mw2 and mw3 it was a perfect balance of resurgence maps
F it if Activision wants to go full money hungry and pay as little as possible they should just make a live service game make the whole thing free or shit make it a 10 or 20 bucks subscription not that i would like that to happen but it would fix the server issue as that money will go towards that then bring all the maps,guns,perks,kill streaks/score streaks from every call of duty and then build on top of that instead of making a new game every year just update/DLC event or whatever they want at this point they are running out of ideas for new cods and at some point people are going to stop playing like they are now
Bro I played one ranked wz match yesterday and I couldn’t interact with the buy stations to get boys back I have permanently quit warzone cause it’s so buggy 😭😭😭
How many competitive players are there compared to the Old School gamers that are in their 40’s and above? And not to mention all the younger crowd who just like to game with their friends who like to just wind down from work or life. Not trying to stream or compete. But for the love of God please stop Chat Banning people for nothing and ban those who are obviously cheating. I use discord and somehow got a 2 week chat ban!! How does that make any sense?
It’s because the game is listening to your microphone whether you are using in game voice chat or not. They are completely monitoring your pc/console the second you launch the game.
Ehhh. The movement/feeling of this call of duty is just fine. In fact it’s even better than MW3. I went back and tried that game again, and I just felt like I was stuck in place, sliding and shooting felt like ass, just not good on the movement side at all. It’s clunky asf
Verdansk got it right, not too many buildings to camp and it flowed location to location, urzikstan has so many buildings and stupid water in the middle messing the flow and navigating if u dont have a uavs u wont find or see anyone, people hear a parachute and go crazy to beam u out of the sky if u do move, and last circles everyone is in a building, to me there are 3 types of players hunters, campers, and roof top snipers it a great map for campers, but not really for snipers cause there are so many buildings to hide away from view, then for hunters it so hard to find people and if u do they are camping with so many different angles to get away or hide in dark corners, then you factor in cheating and wall banging its a mess, need a map that balances roof top sniping, camping and hunting, dead space with more natural cover and minor poi's less condensed areas with too many buildings and less water and the area with water shouldnt have angles to be shot in it from above it should be purposefully interactive kinda of like al mazrah did in some locations, in some ways I think it was an under rated map but it had its flaws and was too big and it was with mw2 gameplay. 1. Verdansk 2. Al Mazrah 3. Urzikstan (Couldve been great, with some tweaks) 4. Caldera 1. Rebirth 2. Ashika (Bad Lighting) 3. Fortunes Keep 4. Area 99 5. Vondal (too many building, too big) (could've been great)
they just need to make one more final game and just keep making maps and add n subtract maps as the seasons go. They could never give us all maps ever made it would be to big of a game. Plus as a live service game they can add new things to movement and all sorts of things season to season as well. Ps. They could also just sell you the campaign every year for 30 bucks
Or if anything just keep adding to one cod, preferably the Mw3 engine and graphics , just add Omni movement to that and new maps and guns and go from there
@@TheRickCOD I have a example of what happened to a dead game division1 and division 2 are basically dead in the public face but if they make a new one every will talk about no matter how shit Ubisoft is
You are so on point about the maps dude. They are so trash, expect a few that are decent. The maps to me are the main reason this game is nearly unplayable despite all the other issues.
It needs to make a lot of changes starting with an Activision, with new leadership, overhaul, make a new plan of development (like making consistent development, etc..) from the ground up, getting rid of the current anti-cheat system with a better and simpler anti-cheat system, and other major changes.
if they remaster bo2 FIRST and not bo1 im not buying it tf... are yall r words??? did yall not remember what happened with mw3 last year???? they got my ash and they aint gonna do it again, shame on them for once but SHAME ON YOURSELF if you fall for it twice.
An ode to Activision So once I made a bad decision, I gave my money to Activision, For a while it was good the relationship fair, They made some great games and I was there. I was there on the beach at Pointe du Hoc, I was there when Zombies first unlocked, I was there when Shepard turned on Ghost that's probably the thing that shook me the most. I was there in my ghillie suit crawling past guards, I fought in favellas and in the shipyards, And I was there when Mason was losing his shit 'cause Reznov was being a bit of a git. Things have changed though and something is wrong, Like me those incredible moments are gone, Transactions now are their only focus as they twist and bend and prod and poke us. Now I'm awake, no longer enthralled, That steaming pile has been uninstalled, Shame to think of what comes next, Stay frosty and press F.. to pay respects.
Verdansk had huge problems and was never a great map, it was just that Warzone was fresh back then. Downtown was crap, the Dam sucked and honestly the rest was pretty mediocre too. Watch people leave in droves after about 3-4 weeks.
i mean it would be fun of everyone didnt take the game so seriously… we shouldnt need to sweat or even remotely try in quick play, ranked should be the only place
I think that they deliberately try to make the game as unappealing to the non casual player base as possible, for many reasons but one of them simply because, from a business standpoint, in the gaming industry if you have a loyal player base that know the core mechanics and gameplay and are used to it , you won’t get as much impulse based/repeat purchases. A game like rust keeps its fan base because people know how the game plays and they make sure everyone has access to a fair game play, no game will be perfect but when the players feel whoever is in charge actually caring about the game they’ll be more open to hearing them out in skins/bundles/retention. We know how cod plays we can skip the 2400 cod points bundles or dlc games and just rip through the core game any day of the week. Odds are is that there’s more of a crowd that comes home and dusts off the console to “get on with the boys for the one time” who would find the the snoop dogg/waifu bundles impossible to skip just to have a good time. Where as loyal base is fine with default skin and good gameplay as long as the maps/weapon balance is good. The more casual the game , the easier it will be to sell a new product every year , add ons and dlcs included. I know I’ve loved the game for years casually and competitively, just very upsetting to see myself fighting to find something to like about one of the franchises I grew up on and after all this time we’re getting shitted on in every corner of the way there as a whole. Games feel like call of duty at the core. Ideas and goals of those behind the game translate terribly into the game and is the reason why we’re getting shit games at a premium price tag
Question for everyone. I’m playing on PlayStation so I go to settings and go to account and it pops up on screen recording paused. I thought wtf I must of hit the button. Nope it isn’t my PlayStation recording there is nothing on it. I’m assuming it’s cod recording my screen? Has anyone else have this happen to them or is it just me? It only happens when I go to settings then go into the account tab on Black ops 6. Haven’t tried it on any of the others but I’m pretty sure MW3 never did that.
If people think Area 99 is a good map. It just shows how low the bar has gotten. The colors the buildings the layout is all mid. Is it call of duty or Star Wars.
BO6 has good movement/feel, though I could argue that they should just remove tac sprint, it doesn’t even benefit the game. TTK of BO6 is also good, same with gun feel. The biggest issue with BO6 is that the server/netcode feel is just really awful feeling. I have rock stable internet, and the dude with terrible internet seems to have an easier time, huh? Imo: IW games have the best netcode and audio. SHG have the best creativity and honestly looking like some of the better map designs. Treyarch….idk, best…zombies? I’m not even sure lol. Cold War and bo6 were just kinda ehhhh compared to BO1 and BO2 and even BO3
I think multiplayer maps sucks ass gameplay is great. Cheaters in ranked and high level warzone suck. If only they’d fix this bullshhhi. I’m holding out hope for s2 tbh
I haven't played cod in a while. I started playing RDR2 for the first time. I will get back to Cod when season 2 starts or I download MW3 because that game is so much better.
I think people really need to stop listening to influencers on how to feel about a video game. Especially streamers, they have their own agenda and its a business for them. If you play the game, and enjoy and like it, then continue to play it. If you think it sucks and have grievances as to why, then stop playing and take your business elsewhere. This while COD Activision thing is like beating a dead horse. Social Media makes up the majority of competitive game market, not the casual people and casual gamers, and most casuals probably do not even go on social media much. So you are all speaking into your own echo chamber and a corporation like Microsoft /Activision is laughing at streamer click bait content.
mp dude that dont play warzone big map for br smaller maps for resurgence big map feels like a small map once you play it several times. All these modes are warzone some of us grow out of mp mode and the wittle ass maps maps get old quick the bigger, the more maps the better. We need more good maps
I feel like what they are describing is COD Mobile but for PC. I have been asking for that for years now, but I'm nobody so people don't listen. At least some folks in YT are talking about it now and I'm happy. There should just be 1 MP experience that keeps on getting updates for 4-5 years and then once people start getting bored, release a brand new MP with some huge overhauls. (I personally want 1 MP forever, but I understand not everybody grew up playing just a single MP FPS game - for me it was CS.) But, sadly, we are never getting that. Especially now that Microsoft bought Activision. They need something new every year to justify their Game Pass product. They can still make outstanding SP every year, but I don't think Activision has creative talent to create mind blowing SPs every year. I'm talking about game of the year worthy SP, not the average to bad SP we currently get.
This is spin. Just making excuses. Any person who is in the development of gaming even the children learning how to code knows that it doesn't matter how many people companies, departments, developers doesn't matter. ALL THE CURRENT COD GAMES ARE WARZONE USE THE SAME ENGINE. They are just regurgitating the same games same maps same movement ect. These streamers just want to play a game that they would like. Simply who gives af what they want. There's millions of players who play and don't want anything that they want. With the exception of scump, when ANY of these streamers even make a suggestion players walk away from the game. They first need to get off the white list then turn off their cheats and get good. Then maybe players would actually give af about their opinion 😢
Mfs at activation are so stupid they want the new games to make them money so they don't remaster the good games like they aren't getting paid either way
At thisw point anyone qho doesnt like the game juat move on. The constant bashing of the game is getting ridiculous. Just move on and come back in a few months to see if it improved. But whining and bitching = views, so that isnt happening.
The maps are horrible and they're all horrible, there's not one single map that isn't and I know what you're thinking.... "I like skyline"... no you don't like Skyline, is Skyline the prettiest map? Yes... But it's HORRID, the kitchen is the size of the closet, the kitchen is too small... then there's no smg routes... you have to wait b/c all lanes are dominated by ARs... but ya the size of things in the map are disproportional and the more you realize that the more it will drive you insane... like you can slide all the way across kitchen in one slide, like the battle for p3 or A bomb is the most DONKEY trash in the world... but ya... all the maps are very very very bad... and this is the most boring COD to date...
The rick i saw in your recent vid you are shadow banned in your new account playing mw3. Please tell us when you are unbanned and how long it took you to be cleared of the ban and back to normal matchmaking state. Because im shadow baned in bo6 now 8 days and im on ps5 and never played on pc. Now i cannot play and just spending my time on mw3 and fortnite. I also left activision feed back complaining about this and also left ExcusiveAce a comment about this topic and he replied to me and said he discussed the shadow bann issue with the devs before. But who knows if they actually care about this bullshit. It seems what you said its true the anti xheat only depends on repoets to ban people and send them to the shadow realm before either temporarily ban them or clear them. I say if you are on cosole you ahould not be repoeted for cheating. But i just saw Happa video of someone aimbotting on console using pc its a mess you must see it.
Why do these guys have such issues with Dads? Did your Dad go for milk and never come back bro? Funny part is in a VERY short few years these guys are going to be these old gamer dads they seem so obsessed with. Hahahaha
Who should be in charge of Call of Duty?
Literally anyone that actually plays cod
tbh i dont think call of duty will ever be able to come back to what it was before. call of duty has out lived its usefulness in gaming and i would not miss it if microsoft shut them down for good.
@@Elsa_IcywindI can agree with that sadly
Anyone but Activision lol
It's funny bc these guys play ball with Activision every time they are getting checks from them 💰Optic ogs need to be more consistent. Not too long ago Nadeshot said BO6 is the greatest cod ever.
Nadeshot always said the gameplay was great, not the other bs and I agree with him
@ I don’t doubt Nadeshot has been honest about certain things, he’s not a dumb guy.
Scump is literally suing Activision right now As is Hecz owner of optic
@@KingPinRoy I don't doubt that Activision is the main root problem.
Bro u can pay scump to say what ever you want him to say
I wonder how much marvel rivals paid him to say that games good
You can pay they boys to say what ever u want them to no self respect man
What would work so they can still make their money is they can have a store in each map cost $10/20 and you could download individual maps and make your own custom playlist
Rick, try WZ mobile with a controller! It's really smooth, no hackers, plus it has multiplayer game modes in the "Mosh Pit" Playlist. And the weapons from MW3 and 2 if that matters
Lmaoooo when he said “just let’s go of all the map devs” all they have to do for that is exit out of chat GPT. Bam there you go no more map devs.
great video rick keep em comin bro! 🔥
Multiplayer maps are shit.
Rebirth Island is good but its getting old so we need a 2nd map.
Area 99 is good but its not what we needed. It encourages stackers to camp and hold hands as they move around the Map. SO many buildings to hide in makes it weird.
Greed will always be the #1 eye opener
There’s way too many companies working on the game 1 studio should make the game…Problem solved!!
Vehicles in verdansk made the map way better. Helis made the map more connected
Helicopters are amazing, just don't make them with the integrity of a tank and faster than Mike Tyson's 25yr old jab
Anyone else have been experiencing an insane amount of lag spikes these past 2 weeks? With the recent article they put out they explained how they have already started to make improvements to the servers and said they have already seen improvements with stability on the backend lmao. What a joke...For the last week or 2 BO6 has been almost unplayable and frustrating! I have been rubber banding a lot recently and i dont remember it being this bad when the game first came out. Im not sure if they are still actively tweaking with the servers and maybe thats why this shit is happening but whatever they're doing has made the servers significantly worse. Im on console by the way with great Internet so its not me. The game was running smoothly the first 2 months but now the servers have been shitting the bed lately. I can't even play ranked because i dont want to lose SR due to the constant lagging. I don't feel confident enough to play ranked because of the servers contrantly hiccupping.
I really hope they don't ruin BO2 when/if they remaster it. It can't have all the things the new games have. It's such an iconic game, probably overall the most loved in th series, but, making it with today's games in mind takes away what it is. I feel like anyone who was around when it was out has to agree.
It would be VERY hard to ruin it lol
The issues with COD rn make me wonder if it's actually dead this time
Nah. If Fifa hasn't 'died' yet, COD won't either
The UI on the OG CODs are superior than what it is today.
u can customize your hud anyways in the settings like place it how u want
Activision needs to step up as the parent company, 1 take accountability for the dog shit game, 2 get on their devs for producing trash
*****Rick your theme is awesome. I was in my car the other day and heard something and wanted to share it with you. Song is call Labyrinthian by the band Humanity Last Breath. Start the song from 0:53 and their is an instrumental that plays till 1:00.
In that time range, i think that could potentially be a new theme sound. Its just only from 0:53 - 1:00****
That part give me vibes of your exisiting theme intro. Just give it a listen 0:53 - 1:00
Literally, every year, they could have an IN GAME poll and allow us to vote for 10-15 maps to bring back. But Sledge was cooking all last year with their original maps.
Sledge did not cook most of those maps sucked on mw3 it wasn't bad bug wise but maps were ass
@Jayslit420 so Vista, Rio, 6 star, Greece, and MOST of the non launch maps were bad?! Remember that launch maps were from the OG MW2 in 2009
@@RamboUnchained Yes they were ass, the OG mw2 maps were also ass cause they weren't designed for the modern movement.
Great video Rick but it all comes back to what we've been talking about before if they don't fix the anti-cheat, The servers, and the matchmaking system it doesn't matter what they do What good is all this stuff that they put into the game if you can't even play the game!!
100% agree bro! Thanks!
The black out map was perfect
I remember we were all in rebirth while verdansk was barely played after rebirth.
To much camps on high buildings, claymores, few and long ways off, and to little cover to rotate around it.
I actually agree, the camping was a problem
i wonder who actually designed area 99? … was it treyarch or raven? 🤔 i wanna say treyarch but then i know they say that raven is in charge of warzone? who knows?
Okay I'm going to say and I will die on this hill ashika island and vondel is better than rebirth. The reason why I say this is because when all 3 maps were in warzone around mw2 and mw3 it was a perfect balance of resurgence maps
Ashika is ssoooooooo good
Nice video
F it if Activision wants to go full money hungry and pay as little as possible they should just make a live service game make the whole thing free or shit make it a 10 or 20 bucks subscription not that i would like that to happen but it would fix the server issue as that money will go towards that then bring all the maps,guns,perks,kill streaks/score streaks from every call of duty and then build on top of that instead of making a new game every year just update/DLC event or whatever they want at this point they are running out of ideas for new cods and at some point people are going to stop playing like they are now
Been saying this. It’s already monetized like a f2p game anyways. Them charging 70$ each year but full of mtx is egregious!
Bro I played one ranked wz match yesterday and I couldn’t interact with the buy stations to get boys back I have permanently quit warzone cause it’s so buggy 😭😭😭
I’m only going to play Warzone when Rick sends my level 360 account an invite to a match ☠️
WARZONE/RESURGENCE needs to be a separate game all together. MP and zombies 🧟♂️ with campaign on another.
Facts, imagine if they did that with mw3 and just kept adding onto that warzone instead of an integration. Shit would’ve been so fire
I love cod 6 right now I’m a casual player and I see no problem with the game. Competitive might be different but me and my homies enjoy the game
totally agree bro
How many competitive players are there compared to the Old School gamers that are in their 40’s and above? And not to mention all the younger crowd who just like to game with their friends who like to just wind down from work or life. Not trying to stream or compete. But for the love of God please stop Chat Banning people for nothing and ban those who are obviously cheating. I use discord and somehow got a 2 week chat ban!! How does that make any sense?
It’s because the game is listening to your microphone whether you are using in game voice chat or not.
They are completely monitoring your pc/console the second you launch the game.
@ I’m not sure about it being able to over ride console or PC privacy and setting.
Sledgehammer should be the main studio no cap they have the best gunplay in their games
I agree! I love sledgehammer
Ehhh. The movement/feeling of this call of duty is just fine. In fact it’s even better than MW3. I went back and tried that game again, and I just felt like I was stuck in place, sliding and shooting felt like ass, just not good on the movement side at all. It’s clunky asf
Verdansk got it right, not too many buildings to camp and it flowed location to location, urzikstan has so many buildings and stupid water in the middle messing the flow and navigating if u dont have a uavs u wont find or see anyone, people hear a parachute and go crazy to beam u out of the sky if u do move, and last circles everyone is in a building, to me there are 3 types of players hunters, campers, and roof top snipers it a great map for campers, but not really for snipers cause there are so many buildings to hide away from view, then for hunters it so hard to find people and if u do they are camping with so many different angles to get away or hide in dark corners, then you factor in cheating and wall banging its a mess, need a map that balances roof top sniping, camping and hunting, dead space with more natural cover and minor poi's less condensed areas with too many buildings and less water and the area with water shouldnt have angles to be shot in it from above it should be purposefully interactive kinda of like al mazrah did in some locations, in some ways I think it was an under rated map but it had its flaws and was too big and it was with mw2 gameplay.
1. Verdansk
2. Al Mazrah
3. Urzikstan (Couldve been great, with some tweaks)
4. Caldera
1. Rebirth
2. Ashika (Bad Lighting)
3. Fortunes Keep
4. Area 99
5. Vondal (too many building, too big) (could've been great)
Fortunes Keep, Rebirth, Vondel, Ashika, Area 99. In that order for me.
I love Ashika lowkey
Still to this day if I get killed mid finishing move on someone they turn invisible and are just a floating gun 😂
they just need to make one more final game and just keep making maps and add n subtract maps as the seasons go. They could never give us all maps ever made it would be to big of a game. Plus as a live service game they can add new things to movement and all sorts of things season to season as well.
Ps. They could also just sell you the campaign every year for 30 bucks
Look at that dudes shoes! are those vintage?
honestly bring back blackout
I loved blackout for the most part
You know its bad when the ogs get together to talk about the bad things a company is doing
Its been in trouble since 2019
COD isn't made to be fun it's made to sell you microtransactions
The player's are the ones being played.
Stop buying operators skins in FPS games period.
Hacienda sucks in BO6, I hate that map in ranked play.
Verdansk is cheeks. I don’t like this map. I honestly like urzikstan. The biggest issue with that map is the sky scrapers, I hate fighting over there.
I just think cod should end like no more games nothing in my opinion
Or if anything just keep adding to one cod, preferably the Mw3 engine and graphics , just add Omni movement to that and new maps and guns and go from there
@@TheRickCOD I have a example of what happened to a dead game division1 and division 2 are basically dead in the public face but if they make a new one every will talk about no matter how shit Ubisoft is
So cod should basically dead for at least 5 years so player miss cod no matter a shit was
You are so on point about the maps dude. They are so trash, expect a few that are decent. The maps to me are the main reason this game is nearly unplayable despite all the other issues.
It needs to make a lot of changes starting with an Activision, with new leadership, overhaul, make a new plan of development (like making consistent development, etc..) from the ground up, getting rid of the current anti-cheat system with a better and simpler anti-cheat system, and other major changes.
They could do the map thing. They do it in cod mobile. Also mw3 has 65 maps in it if you go to custom games.
if they remaster bo2 FIRST and not bo1 im not buying it tf... are yall r words??? did yall not remember what happened with mw3 last year???? they got my ash and they aint gonna do it again, shame on them for once but SHAME ON YOURSELF if you fall for it twice.
A list of old maps that we can vote on to bring back would be nice.
Ngl the older maps would be a cool idea but I'd actually put them in a weekly rotation that's way we play 1 cod game every week
An ode to Activision
So once I made a bad decision,
I gave my money to Activision,
For a while it was good the relationship fair,
They made some great games and I was there.
I was there on the beach at Pointe du Hoc,
I was there when Zombies first unlocked,
I was there when Shepard turned on Ghost
that's probably the thing that shook me the most.
I was there in my ghillie suit crawling past guards,
I fought in favellas and in the shipyards,
And I was there when Mason was losing his shit
'cause Reznov was being a bit of a git.
Things have changed though and something is wrong,
Like me those incredible moments are gone,
Transactions now are their only focus
as they twist and bend and prod and poke us.
Now I'm awake, no longer enthralled,
That steaming pile has been uninstalled,
Shame to think of what comes next,
Stay frosty and press F.. to pay respects.
Verdansk had huge problems and was never a great map, it was just that Warzone was fresh back then. Downtown was crap, the Dam sucked and honestly the rest was pretty mediocre too. Watch people leave in droves after about 3-4 weeks.
i mean it would be fun of everyone didnt take the game so seriously… we shouldnt need to sweat or even remotely try in quick play, ranked should be the only place
13:31 the audio isnt there at all
Nobody cares what pros have to say. COD was screwed for years and we were treated like conspiracy theorists
I find it disgusting that u can use skins u paid for on previous cods on their free to play warzone but u cant use em on bo6.
They should use the map size they use on battle royal bootcamp
2:50 funny how everyone says have the same UI, but complained when OG MW2 and MW3 had the same UI, lol
Area 99 is better
I think that they deliberately try to make the game as unappealing to the non casual player base as possible, for many reasons but one of them simply because, from a business standpoint, in the gaming industry if you have a loyal player base that know the core mechanics and gameplay and are used to it , you won’t get as much impulse based/repeat purchases. A game like rust keeps its fan base because people know how the game plays and they make sure everyone has access to a fair game play, no game will be perfect but when the players feel whoever is in charge actually caring about the game they’ll be more open to hearing them out in skins/bundles/retention.
We know how cod plays we can skip the 2400 cod points bundles or dlc games and just rip through the core game any day of the week. Odds are is that there’s more of a crowd that comes home and dusts off the console to “get on with the boys for the one time” who would find the the snoop dogg/waifu bundles impossible to skip just to have a good time. Where as loyal base is fine with default skin and good gameplay as long as the maps/weapon balance is good. The more casual the game , the easier it will be to sell a new product every year , add ons and dlcs included.
I know I’ve loved the game for years casually and competitively, just very upsetting to see myself fighting to find something to like about one of the franchises I grew up on and after all this time we’re getting shitted on in every corner of the way there as a whole. Games feel like call of duty at the core. Ideas and goals of those behind the game translate terribly into the game and is the reason why we’re getting shit games at a premium price tag
Question for everyone. I’m playing on PlayStation so I go to settings and go to account and it pops up on screen recording paused. I thought wtf I must of hit the button. Nope it isn’t my PlayStation recording there is nothing on it. I’m assuming it’s cod recording my screen? Has anyone else have this happen to them or is it just me? It only happens when I go to settings then go into the account tab on Black ops 6. Haven’t tried it on any of the others but I’m pretty sure MW3 never did that.
Exactly y I don’t play big maps… sumbody always camping
i agree with the ui tbh it was perfect for so long and they just changed it literally just to accommodate the store items😂
If people think Area 99 is a good map. It just shows how low the bar has gotten. The colors the buildings the layout is all mid. Is it call of duty or Star Wars.
Too little too late..
Maybe sadly
Rebirth > Area 99 and it’s not even close
BO6 has good movement/feel, though I could argue that they should just remove tac sprint, it doesn’t even benefit the game. TTK of BO6 is also good, same with gun feel. The biggest issue with BO6 is that the server/netcode feel is just really awful feeling. I have rock stable internet, and the dude with terrible internet seems to have an easier time, huh?
IW games have the best netcode and audio.
SHG have the best creativity and honestly looking like some of the better map designs.
Treyarch….idk, best…zombies? I’m not even sure lol. Cold War and bo6 were just kinda ehhhh compared to BO1 and BO2 and even BO3
I think multiplayer maps sucks ass gameplay is great. Cheaters in ranked and high level warzone suck. If only they’d fix this bullshhhi. I’m holding out hope for s2 tbh
I haven't played cod in a while. I started playing RDR2 for the first time. I will get back to Cod when season 2 starts or I download MW3 because that game is so much better.
they dont have any MAP devs 4:11
change my mind
I think this is the start of some big changes, and it can only get better from here on in
I think people really need to stop listening to influencers on how to feel about a video game. Especially streamers, they have their own agenda and its a business for them. If you play the game, and enjoy and like it, then continue to play it. If you think it sucks and have grievances as to why, then stop playing and take your business elsewhere. This while COD Activision thing is like beating a dead horse. Social Media makes up the majority of competitive game market, not the casual people and casual gamers, and most casuals probably do not even go on social media much. So you are all speaking into your own echo chamber and a corporation like Microsoft /Activision is laughing at streamer click bait content.
They all sit with one leg over the other haha
mp dude that dont play warzone
big map for br
smaller maps for resurgence
big map feels like a small map once you play it several times.
All these modes are warzone
some of us grow out of mp mode and the wittle ass maps
maps get old quick the bigger, the more maps the better. We need more good maps
I feel like what they are describing is COD Mobile but for PC.
I have been asking for that for years now, but I'm nobody so people don't listen.
At least some folks in YT are talking about it now and I'm happy.
There should just be 1 MP experience that keeps on getting updates for 4-5 years and then once people start getting bored, release a brand new MP with some huge overhauls. (I personally want 1 MP forever, but I understand not everybody grew up playing just a single MP FPS game - for me it was CS.)
But, sadly, we are never getting that. Especially now that Microsoft bought Activision. They need something new every year to justify their Game Pass product. They can still make outstanding SP every year, but I don't think Activision has creative talent to create mind blowing SPs every year. I'm talking about game of the year worthy SP, not the average to bad SP we currently get.
We need Ashika island back
Verdansk and the grau was the shit lol
I could care less about anything these guys say.
This is spin. Just making excuses. Any person who is in the development of gaming even the children learning how to code knows that it doesn't matter how many people companies, departments, developers doesn't matter. ALL THE CURRENT COD GAMES ARE WARZONE USE THE SAME ENGINE. They are just regurgitating the same games same maps same movement ect. These streamers just want to play a game that they would like. Simply who gives af what they want. There's millions of players who play and don't want anything that they want. With the exception of scump, when ANY of these streamers even make a suggestion players walk away from the game. They first need to get off the white list then turn off their cheats and get good. Then maybe players would actually give af about their opinion 😢
Mfs at activation are so stupid they want the new games to make them money so they don't remaster the good games like they aren't getting paid either way
At thisw point anyone qho doesnt like the game juat move on. The constant bashing of the game is getting ridiculous.
Just move on and come back in a few months to see if it improved.
But whining and bitching = views, so that isnt happening.
We want the game to be better my dude
hacienda does not play like ass in bo6.
you’re tripping!
Yoooooo tfyd
The maps are horrible and they're all horrible, there's not one single map that isn't and I know what you're thinking.... "I like skyline"... no you don't like Skyline, is Skyline the prettiest map? Yes... But it's HORRID, the kitchen is the size of the closet, the kitchen is too small... then there's no smg routes... you have to wait b/c all lanes are dominated by ARs... but ya the size of things in the map are disproportional and the more you realize that the more it will drive you insane... like you can slide all the way across kitchen in one slide, like the battle for p3 or A bomb is the most DONKEY trash in the world... but ya... all the maps are very very very bad... and this is the most boring COD to date...
Nadeshot is a cheat what does it matter what he says
The rick i saw in your recent vid you are shadow banned in your new account playing mw3.
Please tell us when you are unbanned and how long it took you to be cleared of the ban and back to normal matchmaking state.
Because im shadow baned in bo6 now 8 days and im on ps5 and never played on pc.
Now i cannot play and just spending my time on mw3 and fortnite.
I also left activision feed back complaining about this and also left ExcusiveAce a comment about this topic and he replied to me and said he discussed the shadow bann issue with the devs before. But who knows if they actually care about this bullshit.
It seems what you said its true the anti xheat only depends on repoets to ban people and send them to the shadow realm before either temporarily ban them or clear them.
I say if you are on cosole you ahould not be repoeted for cheating. But i just saw Happa video of someone aimbotting on console using pc its a mess you must see it.
Why do these guys have such issues with Dads? Did your Dad go for milk and never come back bro? Funny part is in a VERY short few years these guys are going to be these old gamer dads they seem so obsessed with. Hahahaha
Game sucks
Bla bla
These 2 are idiots no matter what any1 says! 🤣🤣🤣