I just had an acupuncture therapy for the same muscle group. Today I woke up with a runny nose. Is that something that can cause runny nose one nose and sneezing at the same time. I was wondering if there is such connection. Thanks.
Thank you for the video. I have one question about how to avoid subacromial bursa because the needling site for middle deltoid seems very close to where bursa is located. Or, we don't need to avoid bursa? Thank you.
Hi Jacob, I wouldn’t worry about needing through the busa in this case. Corticosteroid bursal injections are fairly commonly used for bursitis that doesn’t appear to be responding to conservative measures (anti-inflammatories, activity modification and exercise therapy etc). These use a much larger gauge needle into the bursa and don’t appear to have any notable side effects, so no reason to worry here that I’m aware of.
What precautions are needed to avoid hitting the axillary nerve during dry needling of the shoulder?
How long do u leave the needle in the body
Doesnt it damage axillary nerve ?
I'm assuming that's why he does the oblique-lateral angle to avoid lesioning axillary nerve
I just had an acupuncture therapy for the same muscle group. Today I woke up with a runny nose. Is that something that can cause runny nose one nose and sneezing at the same time. I was wondering if there is such connection. Thanks.
Thank you for the video. I have one question about how to avoid subacromial bursa because the needling site for middle deltoid seems very close to where bursa is located. Or, we don't need to avoid bursa? Thank you.
Hi Jacob,
I wouldn’t worry about needing through the busa in this case. Corticosteroid bursal injections are fairly commonly used for bursitis that doesn’t appear to be responding to conservative measures (anti-inflammatories, activity modification and exercise therapy etc). These use a much larger gauge needle into the bursa and don’t appear to have any notable side effects, so no reason to worry here that I’m aware of.
I think its better to laying patient in side lying pos?