"The King's Horses" is a Blache arrangement, "Pasadena" is James Tiller, "Folies Begere" was never on the organ when i used to operate it and i have never heard that arrangement before.
Well I am sure the organ has never sounded so good in 60 plus years. I can not remember those bass pipes under the organ case sounding as they now do, if they played at all. Well done to Frank & every one involved in the restoration. I am sure Tom Alberts & Tom Norman look down approvingly. I was wondering how much of the music is from previous owners, re cut or new.
"The King's Horses" is a Blache arrangement, "Pasadena" is James Tiller, "Folies Begere" was never on the organ when i used to operate it and i have never heard that arrangement before.
Well I am sure the organ has never sounded so good in 60 plus years. I can not remember those bass pipes under the organ case sounding as they now do, if they played at all. Well done to Frank & every one involved in the restoration. I am sure Tom Alberts & Tom Norman look down approvingly. I was wondering how much of the music is from previous owners, re cut or new.