I thought you Finns loved winter as it gives you the opportunity to make snowshoes out of ice from the lake, a parka sewed from pine needles, and grenades out of pine cones? You know in case the Russians get any ideas.
Love how one of the Alsace players gets salty in chat about how Moskva is able to kill him with a ram pulling a displacement card. 2 Alsace's were not even able to kill one Moskva a few kilometers away, that surely tells us something
To be fair, unless the moskva is broadsiding, the alsace will struggle like no tomorrow to damage the moskva as 380mm vs angled moskva armor=frustrating times for alsace.
Well to be honest the moskva was showing way too much broadside to the other Alsace here, they both just misplayed very badly not being able to capitalize on the fact they were outnumbering a Moskva which can not do much to them in return. Secondaries could also play a big part in that engagement, and I see most of Alsace players use secondary build so that situation does not favor Moskva in any way
@@MrMeerkat818 And too many BB players (except those British BB pyro captians) dont seem to know what that HE round is for. Unless I'm in the IJN behemoths, if i see a nose facing me, I'm loading the HE especially in my Alsace. Rather get the consolation prize of a smash and fire than a ricochet and nothing.
Excellent video Flamu - this build and explanation on "how to play the Asashio" have really helped me a lot. I got the B as a present from WG via their containers; been really enjoying this ship playing as a scout and BB hunter. Thanks mate. Keep up these incredibly helpful, honest, technically sound reviews.
Thank you for a good comprehensive primer on how to DD. So often video's concentrate more on "look what I can do" instead of showing what "we" should be doing and the thoughts behind the actions.
Really appreciate the commentary on this one. Excellent point about doing all the usual DD things, especially since with the Asashio you can easily find yourself without any torp targets, so you have to be useful in other ways. Spotting w/low detection=excellent role for this DD. Thanks!
Best ship i purchased recently! At first i wanted to buy Atago B but since i'm a IJN DD player i ended buying Asashio. At first i didn't know how to play her. I built Asashio as a gun boat so it can deal damage by both torps and its guns. Worked surprising well..
Again, I know a Flamu isn’t going to show a battle where he gets deleted in the first 2 minutes, but good lord. The Des Moines spotted the first set of torps and the Biz still drove into them? The GK with the next set just sitting there with hydro not on?? Come on, man. In my Asashio, I cap, I spot but damage games like this are rare. Hell, I barely play the thing anymore.
I got chat banned a few days ago for harassment. I was calling out the Asashio on my team. 3 ships, left he was yelling at the Fiji and the Gneisenau to cap. I had some choice words for him.
Don't worry I found chat ban can do wonders for me. When I think I couldn't carry even harder uncarryable games - then I actually played even better when I couldnt tell idiots they are idiots lul. After all even if you type fast on keyboard you lose a bit focus on game/minimap. But of course i regret nothing I say to people playing after 5k and more games like its thier first battle. I don't threat them, I don't call out thier mom or dad , just plain and simple tell them they garbage at this game. Because how you justify people doing 10k average damage on T10 ships, HOW ? So don't feel bad - we got chat for a reason - to express our feelings. Even if mine is locked around 3-4 days out of 7 ^_^. That being said uncarryable games are uncarryable no matter what.
People like to yell at BBs all the time, but the DDs that park broadside inside of a cap, with a smoke and proceeds to eat multiple torps within 3 minutes of the game starting, never get called out the way they need to.
@@SensationXBlack Well said, you forgot to mention they also ping BBs to spot for them , so they can shoot and torp ! Funny is once they die to said torpedo they also complain about lack of support and blame everyone around. BBabies ? More like DDownies ! DDs biggest crybabies among playerbase. List of thier demands : 1. Be unpenable by AP like every other ship in game - check 2. Be unradarable (work in progress) 3. Have guns to pen BBs nose in (@Harugumo) - check 4. Get single launch torps so they can now even punish nose in BBs (@Daring line) - check 5. Forbid any counterplay against DD - check 6. Nerf CV so they cannot strike / spot them (work in progress) I play DD myself and I already lost 50IQ and losing even more with every change to this class.
I don't, because I don't compliment people just for doing the job they should do anyway. Asashio is a premium ship. No grind or such forces you to play Asashio. By queuing up in it you are volunteering to play a DD that is not good at playing the objective. There's literally no excuse for them if they don't. Else, am I going to compliment every DD that ever plays the objective? I mean, in a sense, someone who queues in a Loyang or some other proper DD actually seems to at least be willing to pick a ship that isn't just damage farmer and has the best chances of winning the objective. Is that less worthy of rewards?
@@Evangeline.F you want to put incentives for good behavior. Its management basics. And yes,you could compliment everyone that plays well. Complimenting is free and effective
That is a good match making - when I play Asashio, I want T10. The Asashio has a good use with the smoke for radar cruisers (T8-T10), and Torps hitting the T10s pretty hard
Very good point ... I rather torp slow, long, fat BBs with horrible concealment, rudder and turning circle than Stuff like Bismarck, Scharnhorst or even Nagato. Getting dream mm and he is complaining. Truth is 3 radars are not even that bad , also only 2 enemy dds and Asashio aint great dd killer either. Still of course I like flamu , heck i'm his sub. But complaining about perfect mm on perfect torping map is silly :). But I suppose it is done to make his carry look even more awesome. Don't get me wrong he carried hard here and played great game of course.
I have as many gun kills as torp kills in the Asashio. The guns were surprisingly good before the HE buff, and just got even better. You can't outgun in a fair fight, but with 5.4km detection you don't get many of those types of engagements.
6:56 And that is because the job of a destroyer with extremely long-range and highly-specific torpedoes is to use its advantages instead of trying to act like it's a different ship.
I use Asashio as an agressive scout due to its glorious deyect range of 5.4 km, and just stealth torping every BB I see. At first, I found it hard to use the guns, bt I naturally got gud and started using them more
T8 Asashio is literally the T8 Fubuki argument all over again, where no one uses the guns even though they are actually useful (now the ijn 127mm HE got un-nerfed). Minus the cancerous DW torps and +2-3 years later into the game...
@@AggrarFarmer I love players like you who think rpf is useless. It's awesome at knowing which direction an enemy DD will be approaching the cap at and as they enter they eat my torps because I know where they are coming from. It lets me know when an enemy DD hads left its smoke or is still sat there broadsiding in his smoke. it lets me warn team mates when an unspotted DD is trying to ambush them from round an islnad. the list of it's uses in game is endless. Players that don't like rpf are the ones who don't know how to take advantage of it and they usually end up dead in the first 3 mins of the match crying it's their team mates fault lol
@@Mark_Deighton however, should you have decent red players, it may give away your position in the endgame, or even early on. "Rpf'ed" in chat is tremendously useful...
I got the Asashio B in one of the Black Friday containers that I had won with the daily login and it was my first ever ship from a container after playing this game for some time now so it was pretty nice to finally get a premium ship from a container. This is a pretty fun ship to play and in my first game I did about 210k damage with 2.5 base XP and I was near the front lines most of the game contesting caps and shooting DDs. Those torpedoes do some pretty sick damage on BBs that like to sail in predictable paths lol. I'm not a great DD player either so it was pretty satisfying to get that result. Keep up the great content Flamu. I've learned and improved in this game so much from watching you play and watching your commentaries!
Dude thx for the reviews and videos! I purchased this ship and been having soo much fun. I have nuked soo many ships in the few games I have played. Oddly enough it seems the more BB the enemy has the more I miss. But if theres only 3 or 4 I seem to hit more lol
The first thing I noticed was the concealment which made me think how well I could go hide in caps and spot for my team. All I saw was that the torpedo range was just a nice bonus. Though I would still choose torpedoes with something like 10 km range which could hit any target rather than the gimmicky DW torpedoes.
“I’m going to go flank and torpedo them” - Every ijn dd player ever *continues to never set a foot in capture zone because they think ijn dds don’t have the same role as other dds* *never uses guns even though they were buffed* *always uses white lines for torpedoes and ends up missing completely* That sums up my problem with potato ijn dd players
I got this ship free from a lucky black friday container a long time ago. It my best DD and 80% of the time I play it has always been in the top 3 in the list. The only thing is why some BB/CV can detect me am aiming at them with torp. and avoid the torp. It with a 19 point commander. This ship depend on stealth to ambush a BB and I hardly use the gun also try to avoid orther enemy DD. The worst is playing with CV present.
I love going as close as possible with dd’s trying not to be spotted but what I find uncomfortable is toot having torps to kill a surprise cruiser, which happens way too often for me, so I usually go close to the cap to spot or stay on the outside ready to run at the nearest sign of a radar cruiser (or German too if t X) and I am no where near to trust the team enough to have them being my only chance to kill what is threatening me
Increasing torp speed doesn’t have a significant impact on Reaction Time (like it does with Gearing). However, it shortens Travel Time. So many idiots think “I have long range torps so I should always launch at long range.” No! With 5.5 km concealment you still should get as close as you can before launching your torps. That increases your probability of hits. Asashio guns have always been useful. Now they’re even better. Don’t ever take a fair fight in a DD, but a full health Asashio can wreck a 40% Gearing, etc. Flamu thanks so much for this Public Service Announcement. Could you do a similar video about Harugumo? I know it’s not a super sneaky DD, but it CAN kill DDs, contest caps, and even spot larger enemy ships. P.S. Staying middle in Asashio means you are closer to all of your potential targets. Also, there are times when it benefits you and your team to get spotted for a moment. BBs pushing hard toward you? Drop some torps and get spotted right around when they’re hitting. Their tendency to stall and get in each other’s way while turning around to run away is great.
the only thing what we need is a new UI for torps Idicator that are deffierent when Normal torps or Deep water torps so i won't get confuse trying to dodge it. Only question is are Akizuki to Harugumo line have H.E buff?
I play my Asashio just like you. The concealment makes it a fantastic scout. Gotta know when to pick your battles in caps depending on what enemy DD you have to face off with. But other than that, the ability to keep the enemy BBs pushed back (or simply kill them) is a valuable team asset. I think I’m 70% win rate which is my best DD.
The thing about torping from range and firing from range is the same, basic positioning aside, a lot can happen in the minds of the ship youre torping in 16 km, a small adjustment in their course and your torps are wasted, 10km is far less reaction time. Dont snipe. It doesnt work. Also Flamu said it doesnt work so it mustnt work.
Asashio is beautiful, I pushed a stealth build and stopped by detctibility to 5.3 km. You can cap, flank and sneak around to harass battleships with its 20km deep waters
Great Lesson Flamu. Please, could you repeat in another video, how the spotting and the other thing (the potential damage I guess) increases while spotting etc... Only after seen this video a see the "spotting" gain, but the other with the "shell" below I didn't see how it works. By the way, now (2020) after the last nerf in torp detection, how you do with this ship? Best Regards.
Love the Asashio. The changes since this video came out haven’t changed much. When the carrier rework first happened, the clan I was in lost a lot of active players who were fed up - some even saying it was impossible to play a DD anymore. This seemed to be game-wide as not many DD’s were playing for a while - this led to me having some of my best Asashio games ever in post rework CV games, especially when you end up bottom tier since no one bothers to shoot at the low tier guy when threatening stuff is actively shooting at them. Then there are the cruisers who get used to Asashio torps not hitting them, and then forget to dodge when up against tech tree pan-Asian DD’s, much lulz ensues.
Solid commentary as always Flamu. I do find that any IJN dd would have been better suited at the playstyle you showed this match, esp. since if they didn't have any BB's left, Asashio would lose almost all of its value, whereas any other IJN DD (Haru/Shima) always poses a threat, even without the stealthy/long range torps. I just hope the newer asashio (and existing) players bother to watch you and learn a thing or two about the ship and the class.
I agree with your argument that the Asashio should scout and take caps. My problem is that the reliance on your team once you spotted actual gunboats who have support. I can not tell you how many times I have encountered this and it's either you get called out for either trying to save your behind or die because you engage the gunboat only to be killed by the combined effort of the DD and the support he has.
Same to CV players who refuse play CV, cruisers refusing to play cruisers and Battleships refusing to play BB. "Thank God I got 50% chance to have you on enemy team every now and then"
Not sure about Daring, but Harugumo doesn't usually want to push into caps with little or no support. Especially Harugumo captains who run full gunboat builds, 6.9km concealment and 820m turning circle as well as meh acceleration means getting spotted while capping will generally result in a lot of pain. I try to cap and spot whenever I can, but it's still highly risky.
@@chipsterb4946 Well that "attitude" is somewhat shared by DE - Harugumo and Khaba are only two "DDs" that do not enjoy protection mechanic against high caliber AP shells, and just quess which two TX "DDs" are known commonly as "CLs pretending to be DDs"? Harugumo and Khabarovsk - just in case you didn't know. Except while Kahabarovsk is silly fast, Harugumo is slow, turns slower than a frigging BB and is outspotted by pretty much every DD. And it should be played to it's strenghts, therefore - not as DD. Because playing "as a DD" you'll die faster than you'll realise. The only moment when Harugumo could afford to play a DD and not sink, would be when there is no enemy DD left.
Flamu, can you please do some map guides? Especially the map mountain range. Whenever I get that map, my team (and probably the entire enemy team, too) disregard the existence of any cap circles and go to the eastern end of the map to "snipe it out". Some guides on misplayed maps would probably benefit everyone.
i have the Asashio. At first i thought it was handicapped because the torps are BB and Carriers only. But as Iv learned how to play DDs better, Iv gotten much better with Asashio. The guns may seam slow when your being shot at but they do damage and like any DD your job should be doing your best at being invisible. My problem now is knowing what ships have radar.
Thanks for this explaining. I just got the asashio, (xmas crate) and was kind of wondering how to try and play it well. I tried torping enemies while getting to about 8-10k ranges, worked pretty well. Working around the flank of the enemy team worked well too. (Untill a z52 spoiled it. Tough, left that one on 3k health before he got me, so the guns actually supprised me. :-) )
The Asashio has taught me how shit the regular IJN torps are. I have about double the amount of torp hits with the Asashio than with any other IJN DD, love to play it basically the same as the Kagero with torp reload. Contesting caps and surprising other DD with gun power...I also hardly ever use all smokes
Asashio has the best/second best Torpedos in case of stats, while the IJN high tier torps are more or less the worst, because of high reaction times. Reaction time of Ashasio torps is below 5 seconds, while Shima torps are ~9 / 15 s, depending on torps
@@pikkozoikum8523 Except they can't hit half the ships. That alone eliminates them from being among the best. PA DDs might not have the range, but they have less reaction time and can hit cruisers, which rely more on reaction time than a BB, which you can devastate even with a Kagero.
@@Evangeline.F but the hit chance is way higher. Torps that can hit everything, but miss everything, are not better. Asashio can hit only a few targets but pretty reliable
@@pikkozoikum8523 PA torps have similar hit chances if you launch from proper ranges and don't play the ships from 15 km away. Just that PA torps would as well have killed that Des Moines, not the Bismarck behind it.
You got it wrong on the smoke firing Alsace though. He's not a weekend player, he's an FRF. It's basically the same except they also play during weekdays.
I actually have fun with this ship I push caps and contest caps when I can. The torps are great but people forget that they are deep water torps and I've gotten told why I'm not using my torps when ever I face a DD or CL and time and time again I tell people that I have only deep water torps. Also to add with my experience with this ship. The guns aren't terrible but I only really shoot low health ships or shoot when I can't fire my torps at the enemy ship
Every time I have to go up against the Asashio in my Colorado or NM, I automatically want to quit. It's bad enough not being able to get anywhere or hit anything with out being permaspotted with walls of invisible torps constantly coming at me.
asashio is still a realy good ship with a standard shima captain + i like to use my guns alot so the extra health is necessary. a fun thing i like to do is if there is no good torp target on your flank and if a cv is in the game im just trying to blind torp the guy considering the position of my cv and the movement of the squads. honestly, she is the most beautiful dd in the entire game and the camo is amazing
Did you take into account its amazing fire starting percentage, and try to combine it with AFT for more range to hit those targets that used repair - or even demolition expert to make sure the burn after one hit?
I play this ship alot, I rush caps and spot but so many people don't in this ship so most of the team will abandon you thinking you are going to spend time lobbing torps at 16km all game... I usually don't even torp umless 10km or less
I learnt from you how to DD long ago (still can't play them) but japanese guns always hit hard, and I used that as well. Not to mention that 5.4 km Concealment is great for capping and spotting gun-DDs
First game i got 200K after 140K in the first drop (16 Torps). I tried to get more on the side of the cap trying to spot for the team, but our Kagero was torped in the smoke. So their Massa and Iowa tried to push when i hurt them very hard. Massa took torps from both drops, and was out of DC when the second hit him. This turned the game and both BBs were killed soon after.
Great game Flamu, but just want to point out that Get Back, doesn't mean run or get further away from the enemy. It means retur, come back, turn around, all the stuff you absolutely didn't want him to do. I've seen you ping others to Get back, when you actually want them to run, and it's often quite confusing for the receiver. Not sure if you still do this though.
i enjoy my asashio. ill push inbetween caps, then go into whatever cap has less anti dd ships, and launch my torps at bbs. Also its very easy to get the asashio to a 5.4 km stealth build, which is a meme and a half at tier 8.
Been getting over 65% win rate with the ship. with proper skills it is quite a skirmisher. Potential of 4k HE alpha makes it a viable gunboat. As far as i been playing it, I have no issues taking on cossack, lightning, z23 and even benson & fletcher. Reason being the ship is extremely low on the water making it is rather difficult to get hit. Reminds me of the good old pre-nerfed tier 8 fubuki
I've bought the black asashio because it was cheap tier VIII premium and a DD so I can use it for missions and its OP! 100k damage is normal battle even if there are not many battleships... unfortunately im uptiered +2 almost every battle
There are lot other usefull captain perks. You need superintended for extra smoke or heal. You need survivability expert to buff your health and your heal. And you want advanced firing training cause you need the extra range. There is room for BFT, but not a lot. I run it on my Khabarovsk cause I am DPM elitist.
@@KnodsilMemeMaker what did you drop to fit it? I run Priority Target, AR, LS, Superintendent, DE, SE, AFT with my last point in PM. I'd need to drop either DE or SE for BFT
@@andrewduan5123 I dont use DE. Sure, +2% fire chance is nice, but its still heavily RNG based whether you actually set those fires. With BFT you fire 10% more shells, thus you also set ~10% more fires on average. And in my opinion the raw HE shell DPM outweights the benefit from a higher fire chance. Your DPM is much more consistent with BFT then with DE.
I got the Asashio B( and Tirp B) in the free Black Friday containers( RNJesus loved me). I've never played IJN DDs until this ship. I have to say though, it's not( usually) that hard to play. Stealthy long range torps and best for tier concealment combined with usable guns in spit of the reload time. I poor man krackened my first random battle in it and topped the leaderboard. I will say though that this ship can be feast or famine since torps only do damage to BBs and CVs.
Whenever I see an Asashio B player in the team list, I will assume they are wallet warriors and potatoes all the same and 99% of the time they prove me right. I have a regular one myself, and I pretty much play it like any DD. Running into caps, slowing down the BB push, and spot anything and everything thanks to the god tier concealment.
My initial thought was that you shouldn't have told the Hindenburg to stop shooting, and just let him die so you could get a Solo Warrior. but actually looking at where the points were when the clock hit zero, him dying would've made it a 934-934 draw. Though that actually would've been hilarious, since draws practically never happen in World of Warships.
HE Buff was very good for IJN DD's. Before that i badically Neverland stsrtee gunfight against other DD's, but after that I got multiple kills with Shima.
Asashio (I don't have the B) is one of my fav DDs (I'm pretty much a torpedo boat DD one-trick). Her low concealment and deep water torpedos are very sweet for hunting down enemy BBs and CVs while you are "done" on the flank (so now you can start herding your enemies)
you can gun down most of the tier 8 dds, if you keep a good distance, the shell velocity is much easier to use than most dds. I've taken down Benson and Lightning, only akizuki is really one sided against you. but I do use a bit more of gun boat captain that this...
Can't agree more with Flamu. Especially since Asashio is the God of spotting and you do get good xp for capping and spotting alone, which is just plain stupid to omit. I remember a particular game, when partly due to good enemy play, partly due to my poor judgement I landed only 1 torp hit and still managed to save the game with 1400 base xp just for spotting and capping.
SORRY for the background noise, that's rain hitting the window outside. Finnish winter grumble...
Stream: www.twitch.tv/flamuu
Discord: discord.gg/Flamu
Twitter: twitter.com/flamuchz
I thought you Finns loved winter as it gives you the opportunity to make snowshoes out of ice from the lake, a parka sewed from pine needles, and grenades out of pine cones? You know in case the Russians get any ideas.
You're Finnish!?
why u need to say sorry for real life?
Finnish Winter?
M Front?
You don't know what rain is, come to the Highlands laddie, then you'll see rain ;)
i remember someone was reading chat when this shima pops up :) im not going to say who :)
I thought that by watching the video without having seen the stream. "what a slow reaction time - someone must have read the chat" :D
Tbh I prefer the Asashio B. I think it is a much more versatile and hardy ship
So much more buffed compared to normal Asashio right?
I kid.
Jason Chan Really quite pay2win
You Kidd.*
Love how one of the Alsace players gets salty in chat about how Moskva is able to kill him with a ram pulling a displacement card. 2 Alsace's were not even able to kill one Moskva a few kilometers away, that surely tells us something
To be fair, unless the moskva is broadsiding, the alsace will struggle like no tomorrow to damage the moskva as 380mm vs angled moskva armor=frustrating times for alsace.
Well to be honest the moskva was showing way too much broadside to the other Alsace here, they both just misplayed very badly not being able to capitalize on the fact they were outnumbering a Moskva which can not do much to them in return. Secondaries could also play a big part in that engagement, and I see most of Alsace players use secondary build so that situation does not favor Moskva in any way
I had a moskva frustrate me in same situation,he put 4 fires on me while I couldn't do anything to his nose
@@MrMeerkat818 And too many BB players (except those British BB pyro captians) dont seem to know what that HE round is for. Unless I'm in the IJN behemoths, if i see a nose facing me, I'm loading the HE especially in my Alsace. Rather get the consolation prize of a smash and fire than a ricochet and nothing.
Excellent video Flamu - this build and explanation on "how to play the Asashio" have really helped me a lot. I got the B as a present from WG via their containers; been really enjoying this ship playing as a scout and BB hunter. Thanks mate. Keep up these incredibly helpful, honest, technically sound reviews.
Thank you for a good comprehensive primer on how to DD. So often video's concentrate more on "look what I can do" instead of showing what "we" should be doing and the thoughts behind the actions.
Really appreciate the commentary on this one. Excellent point about doing all the usual DD things, especially since with the Asashio you can easily find yourself without any torp targets, so you have to be useful in other ways. Spotting w/low detection=excellent role for this DD. Thanks!
Best ship i purchased recently!
At first i wanted to buy Atago B but since i'm a IJN DD player i ended buying Asashio.
At first i didn't know how to play her. I built Asashio as a gun boat so it can deal damage by both torps and its guns. Worked surprising well..
Again, I know a Flamu isn’t going to show a battle where he gets deleted in the first 2 minutes, but good lord. The Des Moines spotted the first set of torps and the Biz still drove into them? The GK with the next set just sitting there with hydro not on?? Come on, man. In my Asashio, I cap, I spot but damage games like this are rare. Hell, I barely play the thing anymore.
Love this. You are the king of condescending humble brags!
I got chat banned a few days ago for harassment. I was calling out the Asashio on my team. 3 ships, left he was yelling at the Fiji and the Gneisenau to cap. I had some choice words for him.
Don't worry I found chat ban can do wonders for me. When I think I couldn't carry even harder uncarryable games - then I actually played even better when I couldnt tell idiots they are idiots lul. After all even if you type fast on keyboard you lose a bit focus on game/minimap. But of course i regret nothing I say to people playing after 5k and more games like its thier first battle. I don't threat them, I don't call out thier mom or dad , just plain and simple tell them they garbage at this game. Because how you justify people doing 10k average damage on T10 ships, HOW ?
So don't feel bad - we got chat for a reason - to express our feelings. Even if mine is locked around 3-4 days out of 7 ^_^.
That being said uncarryable games are uncarryable no matter what.
People like to yell at BBs all the time, but the DDs that park broadside inside of a cap, with a smoke and proceeds to eat multiple torps within 3 minutes of the game starting, never get called out the way they need to.
@@SensationXBlack Well said, you forgot to mention they also ping BBs to spot for them , so they can shoot and torp !
Funny is once they die to said torpedo they also complain about lack of support and blame everyone around.
BBabies ? More like DDownies !
DDs biggest crybabies among playerbase.
List of thier demands :
1. Be unpenable by AP like every other ship in game - check
2. Be unradarable (work in progress)
3. Have guns to pen BBs nose in (@Harugumo) - check
4. Get single launch torps so they can now even punish nose in BBs (@Daring line) - check
5. Forbid any counterplay against DD - check
6. Nerf CV so they cannot strike / spot them (work in progress)
I play DD myself and I already lost 50IQ and losing even more with every change to this class.
I'll be honest, I instantly complement any Asashio on my team who plays the objectives. It is so rare, they need to be rewarded.
I don't, because I don't compliment people just for doing the job they should do anyway. Asashio is a premium ship. No grind or such forces you to play Asashio. By queuing up in it you are volunteering to play a DD that is not good at playing the objective. There's literally no excuse for them if they don't. Else, am I going to compliment every DD that ever plays the objective? I mean, in a sense, someone who queues in a Loyang or some other proper DD actually seems to at least be willing to pick a ship that isn't just damage farmer and has the best chances of winning the objective. Is that less worthy of rewards?
@@Evangeline.F you want to put incentives for good behavior. Its management basics. And yes,you could compliment everyone that plays well. Complimenting is free and effective
@@HoracioFdzG Playing Asashio is not good behaviour and nothing I want to incentivise, so, no.
Man these videos are amazing for me since i am not a veteran player, learn more here than a documentary on The History Channel, Love you Flamu!
It’s great for scouting and the guns are very useful in many situations.
That is a good match making - when I play Asashio, I want T10. The Asashio has a good use with the smoke for radar cruisers (T8-T10), and Torps hitting the T10s pretty hard
Very good point ... I rather torp slow, long, fat BBs with horrible concealment, rudder and turning circle than Stuff like Bismarck, Scharnhorst or even Nagato.
Getting dream mm and he is complaining. Truth is 3 radars are not even that bad , also only 2 enemy dds and Asashio aint great dd killer either.
Still of course I like flamu , heck i'm his sub. But complaining about perfect mm on perfect torping map is silly :). But I suppose it is done to make his carry look even more awesome.
Don't get me wrong he carried hard here and played great game of course.
You just gotta love that 72-knot torpedo from Asashio, I too play the same way :D
I have as many gun kills as torp kills in the Asashio. The guns were surprisingly good before the HE buff, and just got even better. You can't outgun in a fair fight, but with 5.4km detection you don't get many of those types of engagements.
very good said about the behavior of the dd and bb captains that keep back
6:56 And that is because the job of a destroyer with extremely long-range and highly-specific torpedoes is to use its advantages instead of trying to act like it's a different ship.
I use Asashio as an agressive scout due to its glorious deyect range of 5.4 km, and just stealth torping every BB I see.
At first, I found it hard to use the guns, bt I naturally got gud and started using them more
T8 Asashio is literally the T8 Fubuki argument all over again, where no one uses the guns even though they are actually useful (now the ijn 127mm HE got un-nerfed). Minus the cancerous DW torps and +2-3 years later into the game...
fuck asashio is such a fking cancer
That shima was such a potato. No RPF and never shot you with guns to reset the cap.
RPF is for looser who dont look at minimap.
Yeah, losers like Flamu, lel.
@@AggrarFarmer I love players like you who think rpf is useless. It's awesome at knowing which direction an enemy DD will be approaching the cap at and as they enter they eat my torps because I know where they are coming from. It lets me know when an enemy DD hads left its smoke or is still sat there broadsiding in his smoke. it lets me warn team mates when an unspotted DD is trying to ambush them from round an islnad. the list of it's uses in game is endless. Players that don't like rpf are the ones who don't know how to take advantage of it and they usually end up dead in the first 3 mins of the match crying it's their team mates fault lol
@@Mark_Deighton however, should you have decent red players, it may give away your position in the endgame, or even early on. "Rpf'ed" in chat is tremendously useful...
@@Mark_Deighton I mean RPF is useless as BB player .
I got the Asashio B in one of the Black Friday containers that I had won with the daily login and it was my first ever ship from a container after playing this game for some time now so it was pretty nice to finally get a premium ship from a container. This is a pretty fun ship to play and in my first game I did about 210k damage with 2.5 base XP and I was near the front lines most of the game contesting caps and shooting DDs. Those torpedoes do some pretty sick damage on BBs that like to sail in predictable paths lol. I'm not a great DD player either so it was pretty satisfying to get that result. Keep up the great content Flamu. I've learned and improved in this game so much from watching you play and watching your commentaries!
13:14 Richelieu and Musashi spotted,
Flamu: 'Yamato and Alsace want to push up'
Jingles moment right there haha
Dude thx for the reviews and videos! I purchased this ship and been having soo much fun. I have nuked soo many ships in the few games I have played. Oddly enough it seems the more BB the enemy has the more I miss. But if theres only 3 or 4 I seem to hit more lol
I play Kagero with torp reload booster, so have no smoke, hence when i play Assahio and it have both torp reload booster and smoke, BBs fear me.
The first thing I noticed was the concealment which made me think how well I could go hide in caps and spot for my team. All I saw was that the torpedo range was just a nice bonus. Though I would still choose torpedoes with something like 10 km range which could hit any target rather than the gimmicky DW torpedoes.
“I’m going to go flank and torpedo them” - Every ijn dd player ever
*continues to never set a foot in capture zone because they think ijn dds don’t have the same role as other dds*
*never uses guns even though they were buffed*
*always uses white lines for torpedoes and ends up missing completely*
That sums up my problem with potato ijn dd players
I'm sorry for what my fellow IJN DD players have done to you.
Learning DDs has been the hardest thing in the game for me so far. It's so easy to get overextended and gunned down. Will keep working on it! :)
This is a video that needed to be made. Not being 'good' at a ship-type role, is not an excuse to not do it. People need to do their jobs.
I got this ship free from a lucky black friday container a long time ago. It my best DD and 80% of the time I play it has always been in the top 3 in the list. The only thing is why some BB/CV can detect me am aiming at them with torp. and avoid the torp. It with a 19 point commander. This ship depend on stealth to ambush a BB and I hardly use the gun also try to avoid orther enemy DD. The worst is playing with CV present.
I love going as close as possible with dd’s trying not to be spotted but what I find uncomfortable is toot having torps to kill a surprise cruiser, which happens way too often for me, so I usually go close to the cap to spot or stay on the outside ready to run at the nearest sign of a radar cruiser (or German too if t X) and I am no where near to trust the team enough to have them being my only chance to kill what is threatening me
Thank you for this video! This should, hopefully, help me improve my play in this ship.
As usual you commentary is on point.
Increasing torp speed doesn’t have a significant impact on Reaction Time (like it does with Gearing). However, it shortens Travel Time. So many idiots think “I have long range torps so I should always launch at long range.” No! With 5.5 km concealment you still should get as close as you can before launching your torps. That increases your probability of hits.
Asashio guns have always been useful. Now they’re even better. Don’t ever take a fair fight in a DD, but a full health Asashio can wreck a 40% Gearing, etc.
Flamu thanks so much for this Public Service Announcement. Could you do a similar video about Harugumo? I know it’s not a super sneaky DD, but it CAN kill DDs, contest caps, and even spot larger enemy ships.
P.S. Staying middle in Asashio means you are closer to all of your potential targets. Also, there are times when it benefits you and your team to get spotted for a moment. BBs pushing hard toward you? Drop some torps and get spotted right around when they’re hitting. Their tendency to stall and get in each other’s way while turning around to run away is great.
the only thing what we need is a new UI for torps Idicator that are deffierent when Normal torps or Deep water torps so i won't get confuse trying to dodge it.
Only question is are Akizuki to Harugumo line have H.E buff?
I play my Asashio just like you. The concealment makes it a fantastic scout. Gotta know when to pick your battles in caps depending on what enemy DD you have to face off with. But other than that, the ability to keep the enemy BBs pushed back (or simply kill them) is a valuable team asset. I think I’m 70% win rate which is my best DD.
Do you get xp and credits for spotting damage?
The thing about torping from range and firing from range is the same, basic positioning aside, a lot can happen in the minds of the ship youre torping in 16 km, a small adjustment in their course and your torps are wasted, 10km is far less reaction time. Dont snipe. It doesnt work. Also Flamu said it doesnt work so it mustnt work.
Asashio is beautiful, I pushed a stealth build and stopped by detctibility to 5.3 km. You can cap, flank and sneak around to harass battleships with its 20km deep waters
Great Lesson Flamu. Please, could you repeat in another video, how the spotting and the other thing (the potential damage I guess) increases while spotting etc... Only after seen this video a see the "spotting" gain, but the other with the "shell" below I didn't see how it works. By the way, now (2020) after the last nerf in torp detection, how you do with this ship? Best Regards.
if you press (right) ctrl+shift+backspace you can fly around with numpad controls. Might be better to track torps that way in a replay.
Love the Asashio. The changes since this video came out haven’t changed much. When the carrier rework first happened, the clan I was in lost a lot of active players who were fed up - some even saying it was impossible to play a DD anymore. This seemed to be game-wide as not many DD’s were playing for a while - this led to me having some of my best Asashio games ever in post rework CV games, especially when you end up bottom tier since no one bothers to shoot at the low tier guy when threatening stuff is actively shooting at them. Then there are the cruisers who get used to Asashio torps not hitting them, and then forget to dodge when up against tech tree pan-Asian DD’s, much lulz ensues.
watching you is more satisfactory than actual playing
Solid commentary as always Flamu. I do find that any IJN dd would have been better suited at the playstyle you showed this match, esp. since if they didn't have any BB's left, Asashio would lose almost all of its value, whereas any other IJN DD (Haru/Shima) always poses a threat, even without the stealthy/long range torps. I just hope the newer asashio (and existing) players bother to watch you and learn a thing or two about the ship and the class.
I agree with your argument that the Asashio should scout and take caps. My problem is that the reliance on your team once you spotted actual gunboats who have support. I can not tell you how many times I have encountered this and it's either you get called out for either trying to save your behind or die because you engage the gunboat only to be killed by the combined effort of the DD and the support he has.
Nice DD but the torp reload times are a bit slow, and I find everytime I select a target it turns away, so the torps are too slow aswell
hold up theres a torpedo predictor line? what white line?? (im new to DD's)
How about Harugumo and especially Daring drivers who refuse to play DD?
Same to CV players who refuse play CV, cruisers refusing to play cruisers and Battleships refusing to play BB.
"Thank God I got 50% chance to have you on enemy team every now and then"
Not sure about Daring, but Harugumo doesn't usually want to push into caps with little or no support.
Especially Harugumo captains who run full gunboat builds, 6.9km concealment and 820m turning circle as well as meh acceleration means getting spotted while capping will generally result in a lot of pain.
I try to cap and spot whenever I can, but it's still highly risky.
harugumo ain't DD tho, harugumo is CL with DD mechanics and MM
Trejgon - that attitude is exactly what I’m talking about. No, you don’t play the Hag the same way you play Shima but it’s still a DD.
@@chipsterb4946 Well that "attitude" is somewhat shared by DE - Harugumo and Khaba are only two "DDs" that do not enjoy protection mechanic against high caliber AP shells, and just quess which two TX "DDs" are known commonly as "CLs pretending to be DDs"? Harugumo and Khabarovsk - just in case you didn't know. Except while Kahabarovsk is silly fast, Harugumo is slow, turns slower than a frigging BB and is outspotted by pretty much every DD. And it should be played to it's strenghts, therefore - not as DD. Because playing "as a DD" you'll die faster than you'll realise.
The only moment when Harugumo could afford to play a DD and not sink, would be when there is no enemy DD left.
Flamu, can you please do some map guides? Especially the map mountain range. Whenever I get that map, my team (and probably the entire enemy team, too) disregard the existence of any cap circles and go to the eastern end of the map to "snipe it out". Some guides on misplayed maps would probably benefit everyone.
i have the Asashio. At first i thought it was handicapped because the torps are BB and Carriers only. But as Iv learned how to play DDs better, Iv gotten much better with Asashio. The guns may seam slow when your being shot at but they do damage and like any DD your job should be doing your best at being invisible. My problem now is knowing what ships have radar.
Still waiting for you to play Dunk since you got in on NA. :)
Who let the smokebot escape?
Thanks for this explaining. I just got the asashio, (xmas crate) and was kind of wondering how to try and play it well.
I tried torping enemies while getting to about 8-10k ranges, worked pretty well. Working around the flank of the enemy team worked well too. (Untill a z52 spoiled it. Tough, left that one on 3k health before he got me, so the guns actually supprised me. :-) )
Great teaching video of in game tactics.
The arguments about coward dd and bb at the beginning is gold
@Flamu what captain skills do you recommend on the Iwaki Alpha?
The Asashio has taught me how shit the regular IJN torps are. I have about double the amount of torp hits with the Asashio than with any other IJN DD, love to play it basically the same as the Kagero with torp reload. Contesting caps and surprising other DD with gun power...I also hardly ever use all smokes
Asashio has the best/second best Torpedos in case of stats, while the IJN high tier torps are more or less the worst, because of high reaction times. Reaction time of Ashasio torps is below 5 seconds, while Shima torps are ~9 / 15 s, depending on torps
@@pikkozoikum8523 khaba torp has best detection :) imagine if it 10km range :D
@@pikkozoikum8523 Except they can't hit half the ships. That alone eliminates them from being among the best. PA DDs might not have the range, but they have less reaction time and can hit cruisers, which rely more on reaction time than a BB, which you can devastate even with a Kagero.
@@Evangeline.F but the hit chance is way higher. Torps that can hit everything, but miss everything, are not better. Asashio can hit only a few targets but pretty reliable
@@pikkozoikum8523 PA torps have similar hit chances if you launch from proper ranges and don't play the ships from 15 km away. Just that PA torps would as well have killed that Des Moines, not the Bismarck behind it.
I have played in many months. Where can I read about these IGN gun changes?
*Stealth is her greatest weapon* she outsneaks EVERY other DD and those torps are near invisible to enemy bs... sneak around and torp to the ground
huh i was considering putting the torpedo speed boost skill on one of the captains i have to try it out on this ship.
Nice to know i play this thing better than most people who bought it... even though i barely even played DDs prior to owning it...
What damage details are you using in the top right?
Flamu, you are amazing...that is all.
You got it wrong on the smoke firing Alsace though. He's not a weekend player, he's an FRF. It's basically the same except they also play during weekdays.
I actually have fun with this ship
I push caps and contest caps when I can. The torps are great but people forget that they are deep water torps and I've gotten told why I'm not using my torps when ever I face a DD or CL and time and time again I tell people that I have only deep water torps.
Also to add with my experience with this ship. The guns aren't terrible but I only really shoot low health ships or shoot when I can't fire my torps at the enemy ship
Every time I have to go up against the Asashio in my Colorado or NM, I automatically want to quit. It's bad enough not being able to get anywhere or hit anything with out being permaspotted with walls of invisible torps constantly coming at me.
asashio is still a realy good ship with a standard shima captain + i like to use my guns alot so the extra health is necessary.
a fun thing i like to do is if there is no good torp target on your flank and if a cv is in the game im just trying to blind torp the guy considering the position of my cv and the movement of the squads.
honestly, she is the most beautiful dd in the entire game and the camo is amazing
Did you take into account its amazing fire starting percentage, and try to combine it with AFT for more range to hit those targets that used repair -
or even demolition expert to make sure the burn after one hit?
I play this ship alot, I rush caps and spot but so many people don't in this ship so most of the team will abandon you thinking you are going to spend time lobbing torps at 16km all game... I usually don't even torp umless 10km or less
I learnt from you how to DD long ago (still can't play them) but japanese guns always hit hard, and I used that as well. Not to mention that 5.4 km Concealment is great for capping and spotting gun-DDs
First game i got 200K after 140K in the first drop (16 Torps). I tried to get more on the side of the cap trying to spot for the team, but our Kagero was torped in the smoke. So their Massa and Iowa tried to push when i hurt them very hard. Massa took torps from both drops, and was out of DC when the second hit him. This turned the game and both BBs were killed soon after.
Your screen looks different than mine in the USA.
SEA Weekend, NA Weekend, EU Weekend
it is the same?
Oh, great. So the ONE ship I had decent success with, now has lots of new players and a step-by-step guide. :p
Great game Flamu, but just want to point out that Get Back, doesn't mean run or get further away from the enemy. It means retur, come back, turn around, all the stuff you absolutely didn't want him to do. I've seen you ping others to Get back, when you actually want them to run, and it's often quite confusing for the receiver. Not sure if you still do this though.
I prefer this to any other ijn Torpedo bote. Godly bote.
Lots of Asashio player still launch torps on cruisers !
i enjoy my asashio. ill push inbetween caps, then go into whatever cap has less anti dd ships, and launch my torps at bbs. Also its very easy to get the asashio to a 5.4 km stealth build, which is a meme and a half at tier 8.
Dang, you succeeded the pobeda challenge in a tier 8 destroyer
Been getting over 65% win rate with the ship. with proper skills it is quite a skirmisher. Potential of 4k HE alpha makes it a viable gunboat. As far as i been playing it, I have no issues taking on cossack, lightning, z23 and even benson & fletcher. Reason being the ship is extremely low on the water making it is rather difficult to get hit.
Reminds me of the good old pre-nerfed tier 8 fubuki
excellent strategy play.
all my dd win rate goes down below 49% from up to 55% because i always play in weekend
I've bought the black asashio because it was cheap tier VIII premium and a DD so I can use it for missions and its OP! 100k damage is normal battle even if there are not many battleships... unfortunately im uptiered +2 almost every battle
is it worth specing BFT on Russian DDs? none of your builds feature it, yet a straight 10% DPS buff seems too good to pass up...
There are lot other usefull captain perks. You need superintended for extra smoke or heal. You need survivability expert to buff your health and your heal. And you want advanced firing training cause you need the extra range. There is room for BFT, but not a lot. I run it on my Khabarovsk cause I am DPM elitist.
@@KnodsilMemeMaker what did you drop to fit it?
I run Priority Target, AR, LS, Superintendent, DE, SE, AFT with my last point in PM. I'd need to drop either DE or SE for BFT
@@andrewduan5123 I dont use DE. Sure, +2% fire chance is nice, but its still heavily RNG based whether you actually set those fires. With BFT you fire 10% more shells, thus you also set ~10% more fires on average. And in my opinion the raw HE shell DPM outweights the benefit from a higher fire chance. Your DPM is much more consistent with BFT then with DE.
Have gotten Krakens in my Asashio, with two torp kills and the rest with guns.
I smack down Asashio in the Shima all day.. that Shima capt. was a turd, never fired a shot, beached. Happy Birthday.
AR Activation is painful.
I got the Asashio B( and Tirp B) in the free Black Friday containers( RNJesus loved me). I've never played IJN DDs until this ship. I have to say though, it's not( usually) that hard to play. Stealthy long range torps and best for tier concealment combined with usable guns in spit of the reload time. I poor man krackened my first random battle in it and topped the leaderboard. I will say though that this ship can be feast or famine since torps only do damage to BBs and CVs.
Whenever I see an Asashio B player in the team list, I will assume they are wallet warriors and potatoes all the same and 99% of the time they prove me right.
I have a regular one myself, and I pretty much play it like any DD. Running into caps, slowing down the BB push, and spot anything and everything thanks to the god tier concealment.
My initial thought was that you shouldn't have told the Hindenburg to stop shooting, and just let him die so you could get a Solo Warrior. but actually looking at where the points were when the clock hit zero, him dying would've made it a 934-934 draw. Though that actually would've been hilarious, since draws practically never happen in World of Warships.
HE Buff was very good for IJN DD's. Before that i badically Neverland stsrtee gunfight against other DD's, but after that I got multiple kills with Shima.
Asashio (I don't have the B) is one of my fav DDs (I'm pretty much a torpedo boat DD one-trick).
Her low concealment and deep water torpedos are very sweet for hunting down enemy BBs and CVs while you are "done" on the flank (so now you can start herding your enemies)
You could had tried setting some fires on the ships. Many good opportunities.
you can gun down most of the tier 8 dds, if you keep a good distance, the shell velocity is much easier to use than most dds. I've taken down Benson and Lightning, only akizuki is really one sided against you. but I do use a bit more of gun boat captain that this...
Deep water torps-Cant hit DDs
Deeper water torps-Cant hit dds Cls and CAs
Even deeper water torps-Cant hit BBs
dEepEs wAteR tORpS-only hits CVs
@@secretidentity2052 but they can only hit subs
Shallow water torps: Dud unless it hits a DD
Flying-Fish torps , they periodically jump out of water like Flying-Fish and detonate only if they connect with Aircrafts.
Mini torps-third main battery type
Hits submarines instead
And I thought I was the only Asashio who cap and play aggressively in the frontline, not sniping on the border of the map.
Watching this in 2020 reminds of the Good Old Days: no sky cancer, no russian balans, no french and panEU DD bullsh.t, and so on...
Some DD tried torping me with dw torpedo's... While i was in a Loyang😂
My favorite special DD.
Can't agree more with Flamu. Especially since Asashio is the God of spotting and you do get good xp for capping and spotting alone, which is just plain stupid to omit. I remember a particular game, when partly due to good enemy play, partly due to my poor judgement I landed only 1 torp hit and still managed to save the game with 1400 base xp just for spotting and capping.
the torpedo beats