For anybody that isnt familiar with Choi Jae Rim, who is the Korean Hermes. He is unbelievably good at everything. Hes played Billy Flynn and many other roles. Just look him up!
All of them. Just...all of them. Love Andre as the 'original,' Levi Kreis adds an exciting spunk, Lillias White definitely nails it, Jon Jon gives a neat vaudeville spin on it, and the Korean production (which I didn't realize existed) was stunning as well. Honorable mention to Chris Sullivan as well...I love his "good ol' boy"-meets-cajun take. God, I love this musical and how its story can be portrayed in so many different ways.
I saw Lillias White as Hermes when I went to NY, she's by far my favorite (but if I ever had the chance to see the Korean cast I certainly wouldn't pass that up lol)
Jon Jon may be my new favorite Mr. Hermes everyone made him more goofy while Jon Jon made him more serious
For anybody that isnt familiar with Choi Jae Rim, who is the Korean Hermes. He is unbelievably good at everything. Hes played Billy Flynn and many other roles. Just look him up!
All of them. Just...all of them. Love Andre as the 'original,' Levi Kreis adds an exciting spunk, Lillias White definitely nails it, Jon Jon gives a neat vaudeville spin on it, and the Korean production (which I didn't realize existed) was stunning as well. Honorable mention to Chris Sullivan as well...I love his "good ol' boy"-meets-cajun take. God, I love this musical and how its story can be portrayed in so many different ways.
I came for the comparisons and left loving the Korean company!
I saw Lillias White as Hermes when I went to NY, she's by far my favorite (but if I ever had the chance to see the Korean cast I certainly wouldn't pass that up lol)
Checkout MELANIE LA BARRIE'S version, I love her as Hermes. My absolute fave
Lillias White is my forever favourite
if I know one thing, its that Levi is by FAR the worst one in this bunch
I’m ngl, I frickin love Levi as Hermes. This specific clip does not do him justice
I saw Levi live he was phenomenal. Agreed. Does NOT do him justice in this clip
also that umbrella swing is just awesome
I kinda like him. He gives off an energetic game show host and has a pretty nice voice imo. I don't think the recording did him justice though.
he was much better on the james corden show