【タイムスタンプ】# 06 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 OP START 1:42 声入り(With voice) 《本編 Main story START》 2:28 ゲーム開始直後に,,, (Died before the game even started) 7:31 光を求めて (MUZU is unable to move, so they choose to restart with EMS) 8:50 RE:START 11:22 ガレージ探しへ (MUZU is embarrassed about his outfit so he heads to the garage.) 16:49 クリスマス仕様の街 (Christmas Town) 17:23 バイクで服屋に行き服を購入 (Heading out on a motorbike to buy clothes) 17:54 服屋着 (Arrived at the clothing store) 19:20 お着替えタイム (Costume Change) 23:57 着信ラッシュ (MUZU is surprised by the call history) 24:33 折り返し電話 (Call back recipient) 27:47 いきなり始まる寸劇 (A skit that starts suddenly) 29:57 犯罪者と人質の攻めた質問にも明るい接客 (Customer Service) 42:35 自撮りをアップ (Selfie) 44:25 所持金で購買意欲が,,, (MUZU's funds) 45:20 服屋へ (Heading to the clothing store where she was in the middle of changing clothes.) 46:23 服屋着 (Arrived at the clothing store) 47:29 衣装変更 (Costume Change) 51:46 Bar店員衣装 (Bar staff costume) 57:36 普段着 (Casual wear) 59:08 MASK 59:33 Barに戻る (Back to Bar) 59:59 ! 1:00:35 Bar着 (Arrived at the bar) 1:01:11 やっぱり (Health gauge decreases) 1:02:54 EMSへ (Heading to EMS) 1:05:38 EMSで出会い (Meeting through EMS) 1:06:18 打診 (He was asked to become a gang boss.) 1:09:37 ギャングボス練習① (Gang Boss Practice①) 1:11:17 ギャングボス練習② (Gang Boss Practice②) 1:13:22 治療 (Health Gauge Recovery) 1:15:11 バイクが,,, (Motorcycle breakdown) 1:16:14 メカニックに連絡 (Contact a mechanic) 1:17:26 燃料切れ (Out of fuel) 1:17:50 車も (The car is not working properly so MUZU heads to the mechanic.) 1:19:04 ! 1:20:06 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 1:21:23 ピーナッツの魅力 (The appeal of MUZU private cars) 1:22:35 アーマー装備 (Request customization to increase the durability of your car) 1:24:57 カスタム終了 (Car custom finish) 1:26:24 ジェリ缶を求めて (MUZU goes to a gas station to refuel his motorcycle.) 1:28:01 ガソリンスタンド着 (Refueling & purchasing portable gasoline) 1:31:22 バイクの給油 (Refueling the bike) 1:32:34 再びメカニックへ (Back to the mechanic) 1:32:51 ! 1:33:13 !! 1:34:03 救急医登場 (Emergency physician treatment) 1:35:53 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives to repair the bike) 1:39:15 パシリ (They tell me to go to the bank.) 1:40:24 フリーカ銀行着 (Arrived at Freeka Bank) 1:41:01 フリーカ襲撃した犯罪者達 (Criminals who can't move) 1:42:44 再度メカニックへ (Back to the mechanic) 1:44:12 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 1:48:44 ようやくバイクの修理 (Finally repaired the bike) 1:51:29 まだ未修理箇所が,,, (The tire was also damaged so it had to be repaired.) 1:53:02 バイクでは物足りず (MUZU wants a car, so he goes to a CAR dealer) 1:54:38 CARディーラー着 (Arrived at the CAR dealer) 1:54:46 車購入の相談 (Car purchase consultation) 1:57:04 他のプレイヤーと談笑 (Chatting with other players) 1:58:34 車の試乗 (Test drive ) 2:00:12 車の購入 (Buying a car) 2:00:39 電気自動車納車 (Purchasing a Hybrid Car) 2:02:44 乗り心地 (Ride comfort) 2:04:56 嫌な予感 (Witnessing a crime) 2:05:58 Bar着 (Arrived at the bar) 2:06:51 SNS Check 2:09:05 開店準備 (Opening preparations) 2:10:45 材料でクラフト作業 (Food and drink crafts at the store) 2:13:17 まだやっていないこと (What MUZU wants to do in the future) 2:21:26 唐突なオタマトーン練習 (Otamatone practice) 2:25:27 お客さん来店 (Customer visits) 2:26:35 店長の弟さん登場 (The manager's younger brother appears) 2:29:38 店長登場 (The manager appears) 2:30:03 フリーカ銀行の犯罪を行う※人質役 (MUZU takes hostages and commits crimes against Freeka Bank) 2:30:50 寸劇START (MUZU's realistic acting) 2:35:20 警察が来ないまま犯罪終了 (The crime ended without the police coming.) 2:36:30 飲食店総会 (A lineup of restaurant players) 2:40:25 テニス部のプレイヤー (Tennis club player) 2:40:45 犯罪未経験のテニス部プレイヤーに犯罪スターターキットのプレゼント (Gifting criminal tools to players who have never committed a crime) 2:42:57 犯罪の事を皆が教えてくれる (Everyone will tell you about the crime) 2:44:12 犯罪Day (A regular day when all players can commit crimes) 2:45:05 デスマウンテンを登る団体 (Group climbing Death Mountain) 2:48:04 色知識 (Color knowledge) 2:50:44 tattooとシール tattoo 2:52:50 兄弟故に,,, (Sibling players are misunderstood) 2:55:13 解散(dissolution) 2:55:42 Barに戻る (Back to Bar) 2:55:50 店長とクラフト作業しながら談笑 (Chatting with the store manager) 2:59:36 店長に新車披露 (Showing off the car purchased by MUZU to the store manager) 3:00:38 ガソリンスタンドへ (To the gas station) 3:01:04 ガソリンスタンド着 (Arrived at the gas station) 3:01:17 ハイブリッド車なので,,, (Electric cars don't use gasoline) 3:02:06 車の充電 (Car charging) 3:02:44 店長も新車を,,, (The manager also bought a new car.) 3:03:48 店長の助言 (Manager's advice) 3:04:18 店長の新車 (Manager's new car) 3:04:42 急なゲームサーバーダウン (Game server down) 3:05:24 ミニトーク (Mini talk until reboot) 3:07:00 ファンアートがサムネイルに採用 (Fan art used as thumbnail) 3:08:26 OP MOVIE 3:09:55 本編再開 (Main story resumes) 3:10:14 ライトの色 (The color of the light can be changed by the mechanic) 3:10:42 メカニックへ (Go to the mechanic) 3:11:42 ! 3:12:16 ! 3:12:45 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 3:13:09 車の修理 (Car repair request) 3:17:00 車のネオンカスタム (Car neon custom) 3:18:20 タイヤ変更 (Tire change) 3:19:53 カスタム後の車試乗 (Test drive the customized car) 3:20:31 ! 3:22:43 EMS着 (EMS arrives) 3:23:04 体力ゲージ治療回復 (Health Gauge Healing Recovery) 3:25:09 MUZUの衣装披露 (MUZU costume unveiling) 3:26:15 お揃い衣装 (Matching outfits) 3:26:39 写真撮影 (photo shoot) 3:27:52 店長の衣装を変えると顔の特徴が,,, (The manager's face becomes smaller when he changes into his criminal costume.) 3:28:39 残りの僅かな時間はオーバーオールになろうとするが,,, (Trying to change into overalls with the little time left) 3:31:25 《本編終了》 (End of main story) 3:32:49 本編振り返り+α (Review of the main story+α) 3:41:06 お知らせ予告(ボイス販売) (Announcement *Voice sales) 3:44:39 今日のサムネイルはファンアートから採用 (Today's thumbnail is taken from fan art) 3:51:37 MUZUのスケジュール (MUZU has been busy lately) 3:55:21 次回の目標 (Next goal) 3:57:20 終わりの挨拶 (End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
【タイムスタンプ】# 06
1:42 声入り(With voice)
《本編 Main story START》
2:28 ゲーム開始直後に,,,
(Died before the game even started)
7:31 光を求めて
(MUZU is unable to move, so they choose to restart with EMS)
11:22 ガレージ探しへ
(MUZU is embarrassed about his outfit so he heads to the garage.)
16:49 クリスマス仕様の街
(Christmas Town)
17:23 バイクで服屋に行き服を購入
(Heading out on a motorbike to buy clothes)
17:54 服屋着
(Arrived at the clothing store)
19:20 お着替えタイム
(Costume Change)
23:57 着信ラッシュ
(MUZU is surprised by the call history)
24:33 折り返し電話
(Call back recipient)
27:47 いきなり始まる寸劇
(A skit that starts suddenly)
29:57 犯罪者と人質の攻めた質問にも明るい接客
(Customer Service)
42:35 自撮りをアップ
44:25 所持金で購買意欲が,,,
(MUZU's funds)
45:20 服屋へ
(Heading to the clothing store where she was in the middle of changing clothes.)
46:23 服屋着
(Arrived at the clothing store)
47:29 衣装変更
(Costume Change)
51:46 Bar店員衣装
(Bar staff costume)
57:36 普段着
(Casual wear)
59:08 MASK
59:33 Barに戻る
(Back to Bar)
59:59 !
1:00:35 Bar着
(Arrived at the bar)
1:01:11 やっぱり
(Health gauge decreases)
1:02:54 EMSへ
(Heading to EMS)
1:05:38 EMSで出会い
(Meeting through EMS)
1:06:18 打診
(He was asked to become a gang boss.)
1:09:37 ギャングボス練習①
(Gang Boss Practice①)
1:11:17 ギャングボス練習②
(Gang Boss Practice②)
1:13:22 治療
(Health Gauge Recovery)
1:15:11 バイクが,,,
(Motorcycle breakdown)
1:16:14 メカニックに連絡
(Contact a mechanic)
1:17:26 燃料切れ
(Out of fuel)
1:17:50 車も
(The car is not working properly so MUZU heads to the mechanic.)
1:19:04 !
1:20:06 メカニック着
(Mechanic arrives)
1:21:23 ピーナッツの魅力
(The appeal of MUZU private cars)
1:22:35 アーマー装備
(Request customization to increase the durability of your car)
1:24:57 カスタム終了
(Car custom finish)
1:26:24 ジェリ缶を求めて
(MUZU goes to a gas station to refuel his motorcycle.)
1:28:01 ガソリンスタンド着
(Refueling & purchasing portable gasoline)
1:31:22 バイクの給油
(Refueling the bike)
1:32:34 再びメカニックへ
(Back to the mechanic)
1:32:51 !
1:33:13 !!
1:34:03 救急医登場
(Emergency physician treatment)
1:35:53 メカニック着
(Mechanic arrives to repair the bike)
1:39:15 パシリ
(They tell me to go to the bank.)
1:40:24 フリーカ銀行着
(Arrived at Freeka Bank)
1:41:01 フリーカ襲撃した犯罪者達
(Criminals who can't move)
1:42:44 再度メカニックへ
(Back to the mechanic)
1:44:12 メカニック着
(Mechanic arrives)
1:48:44 ようやくバイクの修理
(Finally repaired the bike)
1:51:29 まだ未修理箇所が,,,
(The tire was also damaged so it had to be repaired.)
1:53:02 バイクでは物足りず
(MUZU wants a car, so he goes to a CAR dealer)
1:54:38 CARディーラー着
(Arrived at the CAR dealer)
1:54:46 車購入の相談
(Car purchase consultation)
1:57:04 他のプレイヤーと談笑
(Chatting with other players)
1:58:34 車の試乗
(Test drive )
2:00:12 車の購入
(Buying a car)
2:00:39 電気自動車納車
(Purchasing a Hybrid Car)
2:02:44 乗り心地
(Ride comfort)
2:04:56 嫌な予感
(Witnessing a crime)
2:05:58 Bar着
(Arrived at the bar)
2:06:51 SNS Check
2:09:05 開店準備
(Opening preparations)
2:10:45 材料でクラフト作業
(Food and drink crafts at the store)
2:13:17 まだやっていないこと
(What MUZU wants to do in the future)
2:21:26 唐突なオタマトーン練習
(Otamatone practice)
2:25:27 お客さん来店
(Customer visits)
2:26:35 店長の弟さん登場
(The manager's younger brother appears)
2:29:38 店長登場
(The manager appears)
2:30:03 フリーカ銀行の犯罪を行う※人質役
(MUZU takes hostages and commits crimes against Freeka Bank)
2:30:50 寸劇START
(MUZU's realistic acting)
2:35:20 警察が来ないまま犯罪終了
(The crime ended without the police coming.)
2:36:30 飲食店総会
(A lineup of restaurant players)
2:40:25 テニス部のプレイヤー
(Tennis club player)
2:40:45 犯罪未経験のテニス部プレイヤーに犯罪スターターキットのプレゼント
(Gifting criminal tools to players who have never committed a crime)
2:42:57 犯罪の事を皆が教えてくれる
(Everyone will tell you about the crime)
2:44:12 犯罪Day
(A regular day when all players can commit crimes)
2:45:05 デスマウンテンを登る団体
(Group climbing Death Mountain)
2:48:04 色知識
(Color knowledge)
2:50:44 tattooとシール tattoo
2:52:50 兄弟故に,,,
(Sibling players are misunderstood)
2:55:13 解散(dissolution)
2:55:42 Barに戻る
(Back to Bar)
2:55:50 店長とクラフト作業しながら談笑
(Chatting with the store manager)
2:59:36 店長に新車披露
(Showing off the car purchased by MUZU to the store manager)
3:00:38 ガソリンスタンドへ
(To the gas station)
3:01:04 ガソリンスタンド着
(Arrived at the gas station)
3:01:17 ハイブリッド車なので,,,
(Electric cars don't use gasoline)
3:02:06 車の充電
(Car charging)
3:02:44 店長も新車を,,,
(The manager also bought a new car.)
3:03:48 店長の助言
(Manager's advice)
3:04:18 店長の新車
(Manager's new car)
3:04:42 急なゲームサーバーダウン
(Game server down)
3:05:24 ミニトーク
(Mini talk until reboot)
3:07:00 ファンアートがサムネイルに採用
(Fan art used as thumbnail)
3:08:26 OP MOVIE
3:09:55 本編再開
(Main story resumes)
3:10:14 ライトの色
(The color of the light can be changed by the mechanic)
3:10:42 メカニックへ
(Go to the mechanic)
3:11:42 !
3:12:16 !
3:12:45 メカニック着
(Mechanic arrives)
3:13:09 車の修理
(Car repair request)
3:17:00 車のネオンカスタム
(Car neon custom)
3:18:20 タイヤ変更
(Tire change)
3:19:53 カスタム後の車試乗
(Test drive the customized car)
3:20:31 !
3:22:43 EMS着
(EMS arrives)
3:23:04 体力ゲージ治療回復
(Health Gauge Healing Recovery)
3:25:09 MUZUの衣装披露
(MUZU costume unveiling)
3:26:15 お揃い衣装
(Matching outfits)
3:26:39 写真撮影
(photo shoot)
3:27:52 店長の衣装を変えると顔の特徴が,,,
(The manager's face becomes smaller when he changes into his criminal costume.)
3:28:39 残りの僅かな時間はオーバーオールになろうとするが,,,
(Trying to change into overalls with the little time left)
3:31:25 《本編終了》
(End of main story)
3:32:49 本編振り返り+α
(Review of the main story+α)
3:41:06 お知らせ予告(ボイス販売)
(Announcement *Voice sales)
3:44:39 今日のサムネイルはファンアートから採用
(Today's thumbnail is taken from fan art)
3:51:37 MUZUのスケジュール
(MUZU has been busy lately)
3:55:21 次回の目標
(Next goal)
3:57:20 終わりの挨拶
(End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu)
車は安全運転しましょう~ シートベルトはかけてなくても
Thank you for the stream
That was another fun run
Have a good night and a great weekend.
シュッ =͟͟͞͞ ( ˙꒳˙)