【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】# 09 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 配信START 1:42 声入り(With voice) 2:41 OPとーく(Chat) 4:00 これまでのハイライトとこれから (Review and future game progress) 7:16 ゲーム収益化について (Support such as Super Chat is now possible) 9:12 MUZUの心境 (MUZU is feeling homesick in the game) 11:50 OP MOVIE 《本編 Main story START》 14:53 アパートからSTART (Start from your apartment) 16:40 雪降る街並み (Snowy cityscape) 18:13 服屋さんで衣装選び (Choosing an outfit at a clothing store) 35:05 衣装購入 (Buy winter clothes) 36:42 ガレージ着 (Arrived at the garage) 39:22 今日のドラテク (Today's MUZU Driving) 41:34 警察署で道を尋ねる (Find out where the car was impounded) 43:00 ! 43:23 インパウンド場着 (MUZU came to collect the seized car, but it wouldn't start.) 45:58 メカニックを探すも,,, (MUZU is looking for a mechanic but there is none) 47:24 一旦ガソリンスタンドで給油 47:50 ガソリンスタンド着 (Arrived at gas station but couldn't refuel electric car) 48:41 車の充電 (Car charging) 49:40 請求書決済 (Invoice settlement) 50:46 やはり動かない (It won't start even with gas bought at a gas station) 53:58 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 54:48 しばらく修理待ち (Waiting for car repair) 59:33 修理依頼 (Repair Service) 1:00:02 CAR診断 (Car Diagnostics) 1:00:49 もう一台の車を修理したくて,,, (Another car waiting to be repaired) 1:04:22 待ち時間暇なので,,, (MUZU was interested in the NPC, so he started stirring things up.) 1:09:37 救出出来たNPCだが,,, (The NPC's car seems to be broken.) 1:12:00 メカニックとインパウンド場へ (Head to the place where the mechanic and the car are stuck) 1:13:02 ! 1:14:03 インパウンド場着 (Car warehouse arrival) 1:14:30 出張修理 (On-site repair) 1:15:06 査定・修理 (Repair assessment) 1:16:19 修理価格 (Repair Price) 1:19:01 次の目的地へ (Next Destination) 1:19:35 カジノに行こうと,,, (Go astray) 1:20:26 このあと衝撃的な事が,,, (Then something shocking happens) 1:21:02 (T_T) 1:21:42 車の救出 (Car rescue) 1:22:44 潜った結末 (Diving, but...) 1:23:14 心の嘆き (MUZU laments while waiting for help) 1:25:11 救急医登場 (Emergency doctors arrive, but rescue is difficult in the water.) 1:26:55 救出の一部始終 (The whole story of the rescue) 1:28:28 車は、、、 (Cars go to the inbound area) 1:29:10 地上へ (To the ground) 1:30:34 インパウンド場まで送ってもらう (Get picked up at the import site) 1:32:54 インパウンド場着 (MUZU came to retrieve the submerged car) 1:35:07 雪道で車の操作が,,, (It's difficult to operate a car on snowy roads) 1:36:37 カジノ着 (Arrival at the casino) 1:37:37 デイリールーレット (Daily Roulette available for free once a day) 1:39:37 次の目的地へ (Next Destination) 1:41:39 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 1:44:14 メカニックに相談・修理 (Car repair) 1:45:43 修理が治るまで他プレイヤーとコミュニケーション (Talk to other players until the repair is completed) 1:48:55 「瞬足でどうにかなるの?」 (Suspension) 1:50:08 タイヤの相談 (We are looking for non-skid tires for the snowy roads.) 1:51:29 白ギャングのプレイヤー (Communicating with White Gang players) 2:00:00 タイヤ交換済 (Tires replaced) 2:01:33 タイヤ交換後の乗り心地 (Ride comfort after tire and wheel customization) 2:04:47 電話で情報交換 (Exchange information over the phone) 2:09:52 アイリッシュパブ着 (Arrival at the Irish Pub) 2:10:05 不在の為、しばらく待つことに (There are no staff in the store, so you have to wait.) 2:12:22 諦めて違う事を考える (No one comes, so I give up and think about committing a crime.) 2:13:21 犯罪の支度 (Preparing for crime in the garage) 2:17:04 着信 (The other party calls and asks you to come to the car dealership.) 2:18:32 ! 2:19:48 カーディーラー着 (Car dealer arrival) 2:22:05 部活に入りたくて,,, (Buy a custom-made bicycle to join a club) 2:30:17 自転車購入 (Bicycle purchase) 2:31:14 自転車カスタムの打診 (Bike customization is recommended) 2:32:32 自転車操作の設定 (Bicycle operation settings) 2:36:46 ギャングより大きい勢力 (Cycling club has many participants) 2:40:53 部活ユニホーム (Bicycle club outfits) 2:41:40 正式なエモート? (Unified cycling club emote) 2:43:23 撮ってほしいアピ (Waiting to take a photo) 2:44:20 自転車を漕ぐ魅力とは? (Teaching the charm of cycling) 2:45:16 デスマウンテンの楽しみ方 (How to enjoy Death Mountain by bike) 2:46:28 納車記念の写真撮影 (photo shoot) 2:49:51 自転車でトドメを刺す (Buy a bike and run someone over right away) 2:54:09 MUZUが憧れるバイク (MUZU's dream bike: Nagasaki Shotaro) 2:55:11 元同僚と談笑 (Chatting with former colleagues) 3:00:35 交通事故の示談交渉 (Traffic accident settlement negotiations) 3:02:19 あてもなくドライブ (MUZU can't find anything he wants to do so he goes for a drive.) 3:02:48 ! 3:09:49 メカニック着 (Repaired by mechanic again) 3:13:05 移動販売 (Meet up with a former colleague again and buy food and drinks from a mobile vendor) 3:18:45 「今日この車3回見た」 (MUZU's driving techniques that make mechanics cry) 3:19:22 一言から始まったバトルの結末 (MUZU gets into a fist fight after being accused of being a bad driver) 3:21:05 車の損傷状態 (Car damage status) 3:21:28 車の塗装方法 (Car painting procedure) 3:25:18 塗装カスタム (Car painting customization completed) 3:27:01 車のカスタムいろんな視点 (Car customization from various perspectives) 3:33:52 犯罪道具の調達 (Procurement of criminal tools) 3:36:43 ガレージに向かう (Back in town) 3:40:41 本日4回目 (4th mechanic repair) 3:42:51 メカニックも驚愕 (Even the mechanics are amazed at how often he repairs his car.) 3:44:09 「折り紙みたいな車」 (The durability of the car is seriously damaged.) 3:45:54 大切な言葉 (Important words) 3:50:50 コンビニ強盗の手順 (Steps for robbing a convenience store) 3:53:24 コンビニ犯罪を一緒にする事に,,, (Rob a convenience store with a player you met at Mechanic) 3:59:11 運転操作 (Driving operations) 4:00:10 コンビニ着 (Arrived at convenience store) 4:00:42 コンビニ強盗START (Convenience store robbery begins) 4:03:04 なかなか成功せず (It is difficult to unlock the register) 4:03:42 失敗すると,,, (Every time you fail to rob a cash register, a notification is sent to the police.) 4:04:58 諦めて金庫に挑戦 (Give up on the cash register and try the safe) 4:05:30 ラグ多発で操作が出来ない (There is a lot of lag in the MUZU game and I can't control it.) 4:06:29 再起動 (Reboot) 4:07:02 配信が重い原因 (Is cleaning the reason why the stream isn't progressing?) ※文字上限を超えるためコメント返信欄に続きを記載 (Please continue in the reply comment section as the character limit has been exceeded)
【タイムスタンプその2 Timestamp #2】 4:10:27 再起動までつぶやき (Tweet until reboot) 4:14:41 本編再開続きから (Main story resumes Continue reading) 4:14:53 人質の対応 (Hostage Response) 4:15:57 再びコンビニ強盗 (Another convenience store robbery) 4:16:42 とうとう (Robbery tools gone) 4:17:18 犯罪道具の寄付 (tAdditional crime tools) 4:19:16 魂のコンビニリベンジ (Another Convenience Store Robbery) 4:22:01 金庫解除へ (To unlock the safe) 4:23:37 このあとはチェイス (After this, there's a car chase) 4:24:20 警察と交渉 (Police negotiate hostage release terms) 4:25:18 チェイス直前準備 (Pre-chase preparations) 4:26:09 チェイスSTART (Car chase begins) 4:29:59 このあとチャンス到来 (Good fortune comes to MUZU) 4:31:01 身を潜める (Hide) 4:31:42 逃げ切った後の手順 (Steps to follow when escaping a car chase) 4:32:47 メカニックまで (Go to the mechanic) 4:33:10 アドバイスに従順? (MUZU is driving hard) 4:34:23 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 4:34:57 見た目で察するメカニック (Repeated repairs) 4:36:13 運転が上達するコツ (MUZU doesn't know how to slow down when driving.) 4:37:34 「この街も一緒」 (Driving operations are the same in real life and in games) 4:38:09 「マイナス」 (The cost of repairs will exceed the money gained from the crime) 4:39:00 MUZU運転講習受講 (Driving course start) 4:40:54 EMSへ (MUZU's health gauge is decreasing, so go to EMS.) 4:41:51 最適なアドバイス (The best advice) 4:42:32 EMS着 (EMS arrives) 4:43:55 回復治療 (Get restorative treatment) 4:46:44 新しい目標設定 (MUZU decides to try robbing a convenience store again) 4:48:55 犯罪の前に人質探し (Arrived at convenience store. Searching for hostages) 4:50:09 人質発見 (Hostage found) 4:50:48 一旦給油 (Refuel once) 4:52:46 コンビニ強盗直前 (Just before the convenience store robbery) 4:53:27 コンビニ強盗START (Convenience store robbery begins) 4:55:24 金庫解除へ (Safe unlock challenge) 4:56:48 警察到着 (Police arrive at the convenience store) 4:57:23 MUZU VS 警察 (MUZU vs. Police) 4:58:41 救急医登場 (MUZU loses to police and receives emergency medical treatment) 4:59:38 救いのプレイヤー 現る (A player appears to help before going on foot to retrieve the seized car.) 5:01:35 ※このあと映像が乱れインパウンド場までスキップされます (*You will be skipped to the location where MUZU will pick up the seized car.) 5:01:42 インパウンド場着 (Arrival at the inbound area) 5:02:04 車は戻って来たが,,, (The car was able to be recovered, but all of the tires were flat.) 5:06:29 スタント練習目撃 (Players practicing stunts) 5:07:52 メカニック登場 (Car repair) 5:09:07 修理完了 (Repair completed) 5:10:01 運転練習① (Driving practice①) 5:15:36 運転練習② (Driving practice②) 5:17:42 ! 5:18:55 !! 5:19:27 MUZUに足りなかったもの (MUZU reaffirms the need for driving practice) 5:19:54 救急医登場 (Emergency doctor appears. Resuscitation treatment is given.) 5:21:39 転職相談 (Career change consultation) 5:23:19 運転練習③ (Driving practice③) 5:23:43 ! 5:23:59 運転練習④ (Driving practice④) 5:28:22 つぶやき(Tweet) 5:28:54 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives due to severe damage to car during practice) 5:29:34 修理依頼 (Car repair request) 5:30:20 損傷箇所 (Damage to the car) 5:33:52 MUZUは諦めない (Driving practice⑤) 5:36:16 ! 5:36:48 まだまだ (Driving practice⑥) 5:38:58 体力ゲージが,,, (Reduced collision damage) 5:39:51 EMSで回復 (EMS arrives) 5:40:04 救急医の裏顔 (The Other Side of the Emergency Doctor) 5:40:54 練習しながら今日の振り返り (Reflecting on today while practicing driving) 5:47:23 給油前にメカニック (Car repair) 5:49:01 「運転頑張れ」 (Encouragement from the mechanic) 5:49:54 ガソリンスタンドまで (Head to the gas station) 5:51:02 給油(Refueling) 5:52:47 ガレージへ (Take the car to the garage) 5:53:41つぶやき(Tweet) 5:54:20 !! 5:54:51 ボヤキ (Complaint) 5:55:47 救急医登場 (Emergency doctor appears. Resuscitation treatment is given.) 5:57:40 レギオン着 (Arrive at Central Parking Lot) 6:02:52 今日の最終地点場所 (Today's final destination) 6:04:01 ビルの屋上 (Rooftop) 6:04:29 自撮り写真 (Selfie) 6:05:46 景色を眺めつつ本編振り返り総括 (Summary of the day while looking at the scenery) 6:11:09 これからについて (Talk about the future) 6:12:39 職業選択 (Career choice) 6:13:48 生きるためには,,, (Thinking to live this game) 6:17:22 本編終了 (End of main story) 6:19:19 ちょっと雑談 (After-talk) 6:20:22 歌枠アーカイブが公開されない理由※現在はアーカイブご視聴出来ます (Why the song archive is not available※You can now listen to the song archives) 6:23:40 終わりの挨拶 (End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Thank you for the stream
Please drive safely
Have a good night
【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】# 09
0:01 配信START
1:42 声入り(With voice)
2:41 OPとーく(Chat)
4:00 これまでのハイライトとこれから
(Review and future game progress)
7:16 ゲーム収益化について
(Support such as Super Chat is now possible)
9:12 MUZUの心境
(MUZU is feeling homesick in the game)
11:50 OP MOVIE
《本編 Main story START》
14:53 アパートからSTART
(Start from your apartment)
16:40 雪降る街並み
(Snowy cityscape)
18:13 服屋さんで衣装選び
(Choosing an outfit at a clothing store)
35:05 衣装購入
(Buy winter clothes)
36:42 ガレージ着
(Arrived at the garage)
39:22 今日のドラテク
(Today's MUZU Driving)
41:34 警察署で道を尋ねる
(Find out where the car was impounded)
43:00 !
43:23 インパウンド場着
(MUZU came to collect the seized car, but it wouldn't start.)
45:58 メカニックを探すも,,,
(MUZU is looking for a mechanic but there is none)
47:24 一旦ガソリンスタンドで給油
47:50 ガソリンスタンド着
(Arrived at gas station but couldn't refuel electric car)
48:41 車の充電
(Car charging)
49:40 請求書決済
(Invoice settlement)
50:46 やはり動かない
(It won't start even with gas bought at a gas station)
53:58 メカニック着
(Mechanic arrives)
54:48 しばらく修理待ち
(Waiting for car repair)
59:33 修理依頼
(Repair Service)
1:00:02 CAR診断
(Car Diagnostics)
1:00:49 もう一台の車を修理したくて,,,
(Another car waiting to be repaired)
1:04:22 待ち時間暇なので,,,
(MUZU was interested in the NPC, so he started stirring things up.)
1:09:37 救出出来たNPCだが,,,
(The NPC's car seems to be broken.)
1:12:00 メカニックとインパウンド場へ
(Head to the place where the mechanic and the car are stuck)
1:13:02 !
1:14:03 インパウンド場着
(Car warehouse arrival)
1:14:30 出張修理
(On-site repair)
1:15:06 査定・修理
(Repair assessment)
1:16:19 修理価格
(Repair Price)
1:19:01 次の目的地へ
(Next Destination)
1:19:35 カジノに行こうと,,,
(Go astray)
1:20:26 このあと衝撃的な事が,,,
(Then something shocking happens)
1:21:02 (T_T)
1:21:42 車の救出
(Car rescue)
1:22:44 潜った結末
(Diving, but...)
1:23:14 心の嘆き
(MUZU laments while waiting for help)
1:25:11 救急医登場
(Emergency doctors arrive, but rescue is difficult in the water.)
1:26:55 救出の一部始終
(The whole story of the rescue)
1:28:28 車は、、、
(Cars go to the inbound area)
1:29:10 地上へ
(To the ground)
1:30:34 インパウンド場まで送ってもらう
(Get picked up at the import site)
1:32:54 インパウンド場着
(MUZU came to retrieve the submerged car)
1:35:07 雪道で車の操作が,,,
(It's difficult to operate a car on snowy roads)
1:36:37 カジノ着
(Arrival at the casino)
1:37:37 デイリールーレット
(Daily Roulette available for free once a day)
1:39:37 次の目的地へ
(Next Destination)
1:41:39 メカニック着
(Mechanic arrives)
1:44:14 メカニックに相談・修理
(Car repair)
1:45:43 修理が治るまで他プレイヤーとコミュニケーション
(Talk to other players until the repair is completed)
1:48:55 「瞬足でどうにかなるの?」
1:50:08 タイヤの相談
(We are looking for non-skid tires for the snowy roads.)
1:51:29 白ギャングのプレイヤー
(Communicating with White Gang players)
2:00:00 タイヤ交換済
(Tires replaced)
2:01:33 タイヤ交換後の乗り心地
(Ride comfort after tire and wheel customization)
2:04:47 電話で情報交換
(Exchange information over the phone)
2:09:52 アイリッシュパブ着
(Arrival at the Irish Pub)
2:10:05 不在の為、しばらく待つことに
(There are no staff in the store, so you have to wait.)
2:12:22 諦めて違う事を考える
(No one comes, so I give up and think about committing a crime.)
2:13:21 犯罪の支度
(Preparing for crime in the garage)
2:17:04 着信
(The other party calls and asks you to come to the car dealership.)
2:18:32 !
2:19:48 カーディーラー着
(Car dealer arrival)
2:22:05 部活に入りたくて,,,
(Buy a custom-made bicycle to join a club)
2:30:17 自転車購入
(Bicycle purchase)
2:31:14 自転車カスタムの打診
(Bike customization is recommended)
2:32:32 自転車操作の設定
(Bicycle operation settings)
2:36:46 ギャングより大きい勢力
(Cycling club has many participants)
2:40:53 部活ユニホーム
(Bicycle club outfits)
2:41:40 正式なエモート?
(Unified cycling club emote)
2:43:23 撮ってほしいアピ
(Waiting to take a photo)
2:44:20 自転車を漕ぐ魅力とは?
(Teaching the charm of cycling)
2:45:16 デスマウンテンの楽しみ方
(How to enjoy Death Mountain by bike)
2:46:28 納車記念の写真撮影
(photo shoot)
2:49:51 自転車でトドメを刺す
(Buy a bike and run someone over right away)
2:54:09 MUZUが憧れるバイク
(MUZU's dream bike: Nagasaki Shotaro)
2:55:11 元同僚と談笑
(Chatting with former colleagues)
3:00:35 交通事故の示談交渉
(Traffic accident settlement negotiations)
3:02:19 あてもなくドライブ
(MUZU can't find anything he wants to do so he goes for a drive.)
3:02:48 !
3:09:49 メカニック着
(Repaired by mechanic again)
3:13:05 移動販売
(Meet up with a former colleague again and buy food and drinks from a mobile vendor)
3:18:45 「今日この車3回見た」
(MUZU's driving techniques that make mechanics cry)
3:19:22 一言から始まったバトルの結末
(MUZU gets into a fist fight after being accused of being a bad driver)
3:21:05 車の損傷状態
(Car damage status)
3:21:28 車の塗装方法
(Car painting procedure)
3:25:18 塗装カスタム
(Car painting customization completed)
3:27:01 車のカスタムいろんな視点
(Car customization from various perspectives)
3:33:52 犯罪道具の調達
(Procurement of criminal tools)
3:36:43 ガレージに向かう
(Back in town)
3:40:41 本日4回目
(4th mechanic repair)
3:42:51 メカニックも驚愕
(Even the mechanics are amazed at how often he repairs his car.)
3:44:09 「折り紙みたいな車」
(The durability of the car is seriously damaged.)
3:45:54 大切な言葉
(Important words)
3:50:50 コンビニ強盗の手順
(Steps for robbing a convenience store)
3:53:24 コンビニ犯罪を一緒にする事に,,,
(Rob a convenience store with a player you met at Mechanic)
3:59:11 運転操作
(Driving operations)
4:00:10 コンビニ着
(Arrived at convenience store)
4:00:42 コンビニ強盗START
(Convenience store robbery begins)
4:03:04 なかなか成功せず
(It is difficult to unlock the register)
4:03:42 失敗すると,,,
(Every time you fail to rob a cash register, a notification is sent to the police.)
4:04:58 諦めて金庫に挑戦
(Give up on the cash register and try the safe)
4:05:30 ラグ多発で操作が出来ない
(There is a lot of lag in the MUZU game and I can't control it.)
4:06:29 再起動
4:07:02 配信が重い原因
(Is cleaning the reason why the stream isn't progressing?)
(Please continue in the reply comment section as the character limit has been exceeded)
【タイムスタンプその2 Timestamp #2】
4:10:27 再起動までつぶやき
(Tweet until reboot)
4:14:41 本編再開続きから
(Main story resumes Continue reading)
4:14:53 人質の対応
(Hostage Response)
4:15:57 再びコンビニ強盗
(Another convenience store robbery)
4:16:42 とうとう
(Robbery tools gone)
4:17:18 犯罪道具の寄付
(tAdditional crime tools)
4:19:16 魂のコンビニリベンジ
(Another Convenience Store Robbery)
4:22:01 金庫解除へ
(To unlock the safe)
4:23:37 このあとはチェイス
(After this, there's a car chase)
4:24:20 警察と交渉
(Police negotiate hostage release terms)
4:25:18 チェイス直前準備
(Pre-chase preparations)
4:26:09 チェイスSTART
(Car chase begins)
4:29:59 このあとチャンス到来
(Good fortune comes to MUZU)
4:31:01 身を潜める
4:31:42 逃げ切った後の手順
(Steps to follow when escaping a car chase)
4:32:47 メカニックまで
(Go to the mechanic)
4:33:10 アドバイスに従順?
(MUZU is driving hard)
4:34:23 メカニック着
(Mechanic arrives)
4:34:57 見た目で察するメカニック
(Repeated repairs)
4:36:13 運転が上達するコツ
(MUZU doesn't know how to slow down when driving.)
4:37:34 「この街も一緒」
(Driving operations are the same in real life and in games)
4:38:09 「マイナス」
(The cost of repairs will exceed the money gained from the crime)
4:39:00 MUZU運転講習受講
(Driving course start)
4:40:54 EMSへ
(MUZU's health gauge is decreasing, so go to EMS.)
4:41:51 最適なアドバイス
(The best advice)
4:42:32 EMS着
(EMS arrives)
4:43:55 回復治療
(Get restorative treatment)
4:46:44 新しい目標設定
(MUZU decides to try robbing a convenience store again)
4:48:55 犯罪の前に人質探し
(Arrived at convenience store. Searching for hostages)
4:50:09 人質発見
(Hostage found)
4:50:48 一旦給油
(Refuel once)
4:52:46 コンビニ強盗直前
(Just before the convenience store robbery)
4:53:27 コンビニ強盗START
(Convenience store robbery begins)
4:55:24 金庫解除へ
(Safe unlock challenge)
4:56:48 警察到着
(Police arrive at the convenience store)
4:57:23 MUZU VS 警察
(MUZU vs. Police)
4:58:41 救急医登場
(MUZU loses to police and receives emergency medical treatment)
4:59:38 救いのプレイヤー
(A player appears to help before going on foot to retrieve the seized car.)
5:01:35 ※このあと映像が乱れインパウンド場までスキップされます
(*You will be skipped to the location where MUZU will pick up the seized car.)
5:01:42 インパウンド場着
(Arrival at the inbound area)
5:02:04 車は戻って来たが,,,
(The car was able to be recovered, but all of the tires were flat.)
5:06:29 スタント練習目撃
(Players practicing stunts)
5:07:52 メカニック登場
(Car repair)
5:09:07 修理完了
(Repair completed)
5:10:01 運転練習①
(Driving practice①)
5:15:36 運転練習②
(Driving practice②)
5:17:42 !
5:18:55 !!
5:19:27 MUZUに足りなかったもの
(MUZU reaffirms the need for driving practice)
5:19:54 救急医登場
(Emergency doctor appears. Resuscitation treatment is given.)
5:21:39 転職相談
(Career change consultation)
5:23:19 運転練習③
(Driving practice③)
5:23:43 !
5:23:59 運転練習④
(Driving practice④)
5:28:22 つぶやき(Tweet)
5:28:54 メカニック着
(Mechanic arrives due to severe damage to car during practice)
5:29:34 修理依頼
(Car repair request)
5:30:20 損傷箇所
(Damage to the car)
5:33:52 MUZUは諦めない
(Driving practice⑤)
5:36:16 !
5:36:48 まだまだ
(Driving practice⑥)
5:38:58 体力ゲージが,,,
(Reduced collision damage)
5:39:51 EMSで回復
(EMS arrives)
5:40:04 救急医の裏顔
(The Other Side of the Emergency Doctor)
5:40:54 練習しながら今日の振り返り
(Reflecting on today while practicing driving)
5:47:23 給油前にメカニック
(Car repair)
5:49:01 「運転頑張れ」
(Encouragement from the mechanic)
5:49:54 ガソリンスタンドまで
(Head to the gas station)
5:51:02 給油(Refueling)
5:52:47 ガレージへ
(Take the car to the garage)
5:54:20 !!
5:54:51 ボヤキ
5:55:47 救急医登場
(Emergency doctor appears. Resuscitation treatment is given.)
5:57:40 レギオン着
(Arrive at Central Parking Lot)
6:02:52 今日の最終地点場所
(Today's final destination)
6:04:01 ビルの屋上
6:04:29 自撮り写真
6:05:46 景色を眺めつつ本編振り返り総括
(Summary of the day while looking at the scenery)
6:11:09 これからについて
(Talk about the future)
6:12:39 職業選択
(Career choice)
6:13:48 生きるためには,,,
(Thinking to live this game)
6:17:22 本編終了
(End of main story)
6:19:19 ちょっと雑談
6:20:22 歌枠アーカイブが公開されない理由※現在はアーカイブご視聴出来ます
(Why the song archive is not available※You can now listen to the song archives)
6:23:40 終わりの挨拶
(End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu)