- 236
- 454 317
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 6 ต.ค. 2011
2011/10/07 むずちゃんねる開設
2023/03/30 100人突破✨
2024/01/12 150人突破✨(歌枠など配信活動本格始動)
2024/01/16 179人!
2024/01/17 186人!
2024/01/28 ついに🎊200人突破🎊ありがとう!!
2011/10/07 むずちゃんねる開設
2023/03/30 100人突破✨
2024/01/12 150人突破✨(歌枠など配信活動本格始動)
2024/01/16 179人!
2024/01/17 186人!
2024/01/28 ついに🎊200人突破🎊ありがとう!!
【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 配信START 1:14 声入り(With voice) 2:00 OPとーく (Opening Talk) 4:37 ボイスガチャランキング (The official announcement of the Voice Gacha ranking will be made next year, but the top winners) 5:18 久しぶりのご褒美結果,,, (MUZU gambled for the first time in a long time and lost.) 9:09 蟹の行方 (MUZU said he would buy crab in yesterday's voice gacha ranking, but he had a busy schedule and couldn't go buy it.) 12:16 「冷凍って無限じゃないの?」 (MUZU is thinking of eating crab that has been stored in the freezer for two years.) 18:45 「買うよ」 (A listener commented, urging MUZU not to eat the crabs they have, and they decide to buy new crabs.) 23:43 猫アレルギー (MUZU is allergic to cats) 25:36 アレルギー対策 (MUZU is allergic to cats so he is taking precautions.) 26:38 ロブスターの値段 (The price of lobster) 27:52 贅沢な幼少期 (When MUZU was a child, he ate a lot of shellfish, but he got tired of eating too many.) 30:05 「向いてない」 (It's very difficult to keep eating the same food) 36:02 一口、二口が食べられない (MUZU cannot finish food even if there is leftover food when he is full.) 39:55 MUZUと食べるペースの波長が合う唯一の人 (MUZU eats at a fast pace, so she's on the same wavelength as her sister.) 42:31 「絶望だよ」 (MUZU's personal story) 1:42:11 チャンネル登録11500人突破 (Over 11,500 subscribers) 2:31:22 MUZUのレパートリー (MUZU repertoire songs) 2:36:00 🎵 2:36:18 いろいろアニメの話 (Various anime chats) 2:48:11 毎日配信継続中 (Streaming every day) 2:51:10 MUZUはのめり込むタイプ (MUZU is the type to get absorbed in) 2:53:53 MUZUが歌っている理由 (Why MUZU is singing) 2:56:51 毎日配信が出来ている理由 (The reason why MUZU continues to stream every day is because the listeners have good manners) 2:58:56 MUZUのチャット読みポリシー (MUZU's chat reading service does not read anti-comments) 3:07:14 MUZUが使用しているPC関連 (Computer keyboard chat) 3:13:59 車のタイヤ (Car Tires) 3:16:41 パンク経験話① (A chat about my experience with a flat tire) 3:22:07 レッカー車のルール (If you need a tow truck from a long distance, you will have to use public transportation.) 3:24:36 タイヤのパンク経験話② (Chatting about my experience with a MUZU tire puncture) 3:28:47 MUZU9連休 (MUZU is worried that the nine-day holiday will distort people's sense of time and end it all too soon.) 3:32:21 今後のスケジュール (MUZU's upcoming stream schedule is "I want to play games") 3:46:44 波酔い経験 (MUZU has experienced seasickness at the beach) 3:50:56 エンディングパート (Ending Talk) 3:53:35 スパチャ&メンバー加入・継続&メンバーギフト感謝お礼読み上げタイム (Time to read out thank you notes for Super Chat, joining/continuing membership, and member gifts) 3:54:48 蟹は来年 (MUZU will purchase crabs next year in a stream to celebrate winning the top positions in the voice gacha rankings) 3:58:03 終わりの挨拶 (End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
【セットリスト Setlist】12/28 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1:01:17 ~ 1:06:09 (01🤧)一滴の影響/UVERworld (Itteki no Eikyou/UVERworld) 1:09:23 ~ 1:13:12 (02🤧)ロウワー/ぬゆり (Lower/Nuyuri) 1:15:00 ~ 1:20:05 (03🤧)Tomorrow never knows/ Mr.Children 1:22:51 ~ 1:27:42 (04🤧)ピエロ/KEI (Pierrot/KEI) 1:30:30 ~ 1:35:16 (05🤧)コンプリケイション/ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D (Complication/ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D) 1:37:05 ~ 1:43:04 (06🤧)一番の宝物(Original version)/karuta (Iciban no Takarono/karuta) 1:48:21 ~ 1:53:03 (07🤧)比翼の羽根/eufonius (Hiyoku no Hane/eutonius) 1:55:48 ~ 1:59:56 (08🤧)BAKUROCK ~未来の輪郭線~/ YA-KYIM (BAKUROCK~Mirai no Rinkakusen~/YA‐KYIM) 2:03:32 ~ 2:09:00 (09🤧)ほんの少し/UVERworld (Hon no Sukosi/UVERworld) 2:10:33 ~ 2:15:29 (10🤧)energy/UVERworld 2:19:18 ~ 2:24:46 (11🤧)ハイ!問題作/UVERworld (Hai Mondaisaku/UVERworld) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
おつむずでした!連休おめでとう~ 配信とお休みとのバランスを取りつつ、 連休を楽しんでいきましょう✨
Otsumuzu Thank you for the stream Well done on 11500 subscribers 1:42:28 🎉🎉 Have a good night
【セットリスト Setlist】12/26~12/27 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 29:04 ~ 32:53 (01🤧)負けないで/ZARD (Makenaide/ZARD) 35:31 ~ 39:43 (02🤧)愛は勝つ/KAN (Ai wa Katsu/KAN) 45:05 ~ 49:03 (03🤧)RUN!RUN!RUN!/大槻マキ (Run!Run!Run!/Maki Otsuki) 49:46 ~ 53:46 (04🤧)Climax Jump/AAA DEN‐O form 57:47 ~ 1:01:42 (05🤧)Prepare/MUZU 2:13:03 ~ 2:17:46 (06🤧)謎/小松未歩 (Nazo/Komatsu Miho) 2:19:41 ~ 2:23:40 (07🤧)Time after time~花舞う街で~/倉木麻衣 (Time after time~Hanamau Macide~/Mai Kuraki) 2:30:03 ~ 2:34:39 (08🤧)MySterious Eyes/GARNET CROW 2:37:02 ~ 2:41:17 (09🤧)素晴らしき世界/嵐 (Subarashiki Sekai/Arashi) 2:43:41 ~ 2:47:54 (10🤧)futuristic imagination/ School Food Punishment 2:51:52 ~ 2:55:59 (11🤧)RPG/School Food Punishment 2:56:55 ~ 3:01:35 (12🤧)future nova/School Food Punishment 3:06:34 ~ 3:12:02 (13🤧)NO.1/UVERworld 3:14:47 ~ 3:17:23 (14🤧)メズマライザー/サツキ feat.初音ミク・重音テト (Mesmerizer/Satsuki feat.Hatsune Miku and Kasane Teto) 3:18:52 ~ 3:22:18 (15🤧)ヒバナ/DECO *27 (Hibana/DECO *27) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【タイムスタンプ】 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 配信START 3:10 声入り(With voice) 4:38 最後のお願い (Voice Gacha final day, 1 hour left, please hurry up) ※現在は終了しています (*This event has now ended.) 32:57 現在の順位は,,,? (Ranked 9th with 30 minutes remaining) 39:50 助っ人がガチャ貢献 (Gacha contribution from MUZU's VTuber creator, Mama) 53:52 残り時間7分 (7 minutes remaining) 1:02:04 最終結果は集計中 (Waiting for the final results of the Voice Gacha ranking) 1:07:59 最終結果発表※この時点では未確定 (Final Results Announcement) 1:11:37 MUZUより感謝の声 (A message of thanks from MUZU) 1:35:40 2年間眠っている蟹 (MUZU has crabs stored in the freezer for two years.) 1:41:13 アニメイトはMUZUの行きつけ (MUZU is a regular customer at Animate, an anime specialty store.) 1:42:56 MUZUのお願い (When MUZU goes to Animate, he asks listeners for permission to use the store, takes a photo, and asks X to post it.) 1:45:02 「お祝いで蟹を買う(予定)」 (MUZU plans to buy king crab as a celebration.) 1:48:28 お祝い枠 (Celebration stream for winning the top gacha rankings) 1:48:43 MUZUは魚卵好き (MUZU loves fish eggs) 1:52:47 TKGの話 (The Story of Raw Egg and Rice) 1:55:06 英検4級のMUZUイングリッシュ (MUZU's English thanks to Kaniyo for the super chat) 1:56:34 英検4級取得したのは小学校6年生です (MUZU passed the Eiken Grade 4 exam in the sixth grade of elementary school) 2:00:15 MUZUが英語の勉強を諦めた瞬間 (I studied English conversation at MUZU, but gave up after struggling with grammar.) 3:02:11 確定の知らせ (MUZU was ranked highly and was selected to appear on Animate TV.) 3:23:05 エンディングパート (Ending Talk) 3:25:23 喜び感謝をお祝い配信で (Celebration stream scheduled for today) 3:26:27 今後の配信スケジュール予定 (MUZU will be closed from Friday onwards, so we plan to increase the frequency of streams.) 3:30:50 改めてお礼 (Once again, a message of thanks from MUZU) 3:32:30 気になっている映画 (The movie that MUZU is interested in is Hello World.) 3:34:17 スパチャ&メンバー加入・継続&メンバーギフト感謝お礼読み上げタイム (Time to read out thank you notes for Super Chat, joining the membership, and member gifts) 3:36:20 終わりの挨拶 (Closing remarks is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ※本日の夜(時間未定)はボイスガチャランキング上位入賞お祝い配信です (※Tonight (time TBA) is a stream celebrating the top rankings of the Voice Gacha.)
おつむずでした! 公式発表は楽しみですね✨
Otsumuzu Thank you for the songs Well done reaching higher on the rankings It was short today but have a good night
57:53 [Prepare] (MUZU Original Song) <Vocal & Lyrics by MUZU> (Transcription by Moderator Pepe) 大事にしていた思い出とか宝物たちが今でも 輝いて見えているこれは僕が始めた物語 全ては上手くいくわけないんだって 遠回りしてもいい ここに示せたら I'm Just The Only One 始めようここから ボロボロでたとえ格好悪くても You Are The Only One 恥ずかしくないから ここにいたしるしを残しておこう 立ち止まってしまったあの日におくる It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On やり残してきたもの全て投げ出してしまっていないか 頭ではわかってるそれは錆びてしまって動かない 後悔するまでやりきれてたんだっけ ただ見ていただけのあの日にサヨナラ I'm Just The Only One これしかなかったから 何もかも全て置いてきたんだ You Are The Only One 振り返らないように 大丈夫君は進んでいける 手を伸ばして誓ったあの日におくる It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On ここではまだ終われないんだよ 僕にしか出来ないことがあるはずなんだ I'm Just The Only One 始めようここから ボロボロでたとえ格好悪くても You Are The Only One 恥ずかしくないから ここにいたしるしを残しておこう 立ち止まってしまったあの日におくる It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On <For overseas listeners only. Everything is written in Roman letters.> Daijini Shiteita Omoidetoka Takaramonotachiga Imademo Kagayaite Mieteiru Korewa Bokugahajimeta Monogatari Subetewa Umakuikuwake Naindatte Toumawari shitemoii Kokoni shimesetara I'm Just The Only One Hajimeyou Kokokara Boroborode Tatoe kakkowarukutemo You Are The Only One Hazukashikunaikara Kokoniita shirushio Nokoshiteokou Tachidomatte shimatta Anohini Okuru It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On Yarinokoshitekita monosubete Nagedashite shimatte inaika Atamadewa Wakatteru Sorewa SabiteShimatte Ugokanai Koukaisurumade Yarikirete Tandakke Tadamiteita Dakeno Anohini Sayonara I'm Just The Only One Koreshika Nakattakara Nanimokamo Subete Oitekitandakara You Are The Only One Furikaeranaiyouni Daijyoubu Kimiwa Susundeikeru Teonobashite Chikatta Anohiniokuru It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On Kokodewa Mada Owarenaindayo Bokunishika Dekinai kotoga Aruhazunanda I'm Just The Only One Hajimeyou Kokokara Boroborode Tatoe Kakkowarukutemo You Are The Only One Hazukashiku Naikara Kokoniita Shirushiwo Nokoshiteokou Tachidomatte Shimatta Anohini Okuru It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On
【セットリスト Setlist】12/26 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 16:11 ~ 19:14 (01🤧)残響散歌/Aimer (Zankyou Sanka/Aimer) 36:05 ~ 40:34 (02🤧)炎/LISA (Homura/LISA) 45:02 ~ 48:28 (03🤧)未完成交響曲/ONE OK ROCK (Mikansei Koukyoukyoku/ONE OK ROCK) 53:09 ~ 57:23 (04🤧)Nobody's Home/ONE OK ROCK 1:01:24 ~ 1:04:44 (05🤧)トレモロ/RADWIMPS (Toremoro/RADWIMPS) 1:08:20 ~ 1:12:20 (06🤧)革命デュアリズム/水樹奈々×T.M.Revolution (Kakimei Dualism/Mizuki Nana×T.M.Revolution) 1:16:23 ~ 1:20:47 (07🤧)特捜戦隊デカレンジャー/サイキックラバー (Dekaranger/Psychic Lover) 1:22:35 ~ 1:27:05 (08🤧)Mr.Music/かごめP 、れるりり、ロンチーノ=ぺぺ (Mr.Music/KagomeP Reruriri Roncino=Pepe) 1:28:59 ~ 1:32:53 (09🤧)ALL I Want For of Christmas Is You/Mariah Carey 1:35:07 ~ 1:38:43 (10🤧)Rapport/キタニタツヤ (Rapport/Kitani Tatsuya) 1:40:05 ~ 1:45:03 (11🤧)Re:prey/Aimer 1:46:27 ~ 1:50:19 (12🤧)乱舞のメロディ/シド (Ranbu no Melody/Shido) 1:52:07 ~ 1:57:00 (13🤧)STAY TUNE/Suchmos 2:03:55 ~ 2:08:41 (14🤧)コンプリケイション/ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D (Complications/ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D) 2:10:08 ~ 2:14:11 (15🤧)あの日タイムマシン/LONG SHOT PARTY (Anohi Time Machine/Long Shot Party) 2:15:15 ~ 2:20:03 (16🤧)more than words/羊文学 (more than words/Hitsuji Bungaku) 2:20:55 ~ 2:24:34 (17🤧)廻廻奇譚/Eve (Kaikai Kitan/Eve) 2:44:33 ~ 2:49:49 (18🤧)vestige/T.M.Revolution ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 配信START 1:53 声入り(With voice) 4:34 OPとーく (Opening Talk) 7:20 ショート動画御礼 (Short video now available) 19:58 ボイス販売最終日 (Last day to purchase voice) 専用URL→www.eternalmedal.com/gacha/266 28:25 くしゃみ (sneeze) 31:21 MUZUの12/25 (MUZU went to a chain restaurant and the pickles were delicious.) 40:44 乾燥中の保湿 (Since it is a dry season at MUZU, we use a spray-type moisturizer.) 50:37 電車の車窓 (MUZU doesn't like riding trains, but he likes the scenery from the train windows.) 57:48 「よく乗り切った」 (He praised listeners, including MUZU, for making it through the Christmas event, even though they were not in a real life situation.) 1:00:27 🎵 1:05:40 「アイドルなんだ一応,,,」 (Telling a newcomer who has just watched a short video of a part-time job game that she is an idol) 1:12:51 喉を壊す原因 (According to MUZU, the cause of his sore throat is the caffeine in his daily stream and energy drinks.) 1:58:01 自己紹介&ボイス販売お知らせ (Self-introduction & Voice Sales Announcement) 2:25:25 「9連休が待っている」 (MUZU has two more days of work before it enters its nine-day holiday.) 2:26:35 映像技術 (Video Technology) 2:27:10 もうすぐ1年 (It's been almost a year since I started Stream) 2:51:30 ※本日最終日ボイスガチャMUZUのお願い (Voice Gacha today is the last day, last request) 専用URL→www.eternalmedal.com/gacha/266 2:53:59 「ただの平日でした」 (MUZU wasn't alone this Christmas) 2:56:12 エンディング① (Ending ①) 2:57:11 ホストのムーブ (MUZU is desperate to get into the top 5 of the voice gacha) 3:03:03 MUZUは個人Vで孤軍奮闘 (Most of the top gacha voices are VTubers from the agency, and MUZU is working hard as an individual VTuber.) 3:09:41 3:09:45 3:09:47 3:10:17 脳に直接問いかけるアイドル (Idols who question the brain to increase channel subscribers) 3:18:46 もぐもぐたいむ (Chatting while eating Karpas jerky) 3:23:20 アニメ映画を観たい (MUZU wants to watch anime movies) 3:27:27 アニメ映画同時視聴候補 (Simultaneous viewing stream candidates) 3:37:56 チャンネル登録11400人突破 (Over 11,400 subscribers) 3:39:57 エンディングパート (Ending Talk) 3:44:00 次の配信予定 (Next stream) 3:44:35 スパチャ&メンバー加入・継続&メンバーギフト感謝読み上げタイム (Super Chat, member joining/renewal, and member gift thank you time) 3:45:15 終わりの挨拶 (End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
配信おつむずでした 電車の背景はいいですね~画面が華やかになる ゆっくり寝てくださいね🌙💤 Eternal Medalのランキングに入りますように🙏
Otsumuzu Thank you for the songs New background train test Congratulations on 11400 Subscriber 3:38:00🎉🎉 Have a good rest
最速で最短で真っ直ぐに一直線に伸びてる! これでまた芸人と勘違いするリスナーが… あ⁉️・・・あながち間違ってないか?🤣 (※一応、バーチャル声優アイドルです)
※クリスマス曲が入った特別セトリです (*Special setlist with Christmas songs added) 【セットリスト Setlist】12/24~12/25 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 24:13 ~ 29:45 (01🤧)メリクリ/BoA (Merikuri/BoA) 54:46 ~ 59:00 (02🤧)PRESENT/JUJU 1:27:48 ~1:31:46 (03🤧)All I Want For Christmas Is You/Mariah Carey 1:36:51 ~ 1:40:10 (04🤧)あわてんぼうのサンタクロース/童謡 (A hasty Santa Claus/Nursery Rhymes) 2:09:59 ~ 2:17:00 (05🤧)LAST IMPRESSION/TWO‐MIX 2:28:56 ~ 2:33:20 (06🤧)君の好きなうた/UVERworld (Kimi no Sukina Uta/UVERworld) 2:36:44 ~ 2:41:20 (07🤧)Lovers Again/EXILE 2:44:07 ~ (08🤧)NO MORE CRY/D‐51with Otamatone 2:51:50 ~ 2:56:11 (09🤧)白い雪のプリンセスは/のぼる↑ (Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa/Noboru↑) 3:03:48 ~ 3:08:04 (10🤧)Snow halation/μ's 3:12:21 ~ 3:17:57 (11🤧)クリスマスソング/back number (Christmas Song/back number) 3:23:02 ~ 3:26:51 (12🤧)Prepare/MUZU 4:03:00 ~ 4:05:14 (13🤧)CH4NGE/Giga 4:07:34 ~ 4:09:59 (14🤧)ダーリン/須田景凪 (Darling/Suda Kenna) 4:12:36 ~ 4:15:53 (15🤧)Never grow up/ちゃんみな (Never grow up/Chanmina) 4:18:41 ~ 4:21:31 (16🤧)きよしこの夜/クリスマスソング (Silent Night/Christmas Songs) 4:24:17 ~ 4:28:00 (17🤧)Let It Go~ありのままで~/松たか子 (Let It Go/Takako Matsu) 4:30:34 ~ 4:34:00 (18🤧)雪だるまつくろう/神田 沙也加、稲葉菜月、諸星すみれ (Do you Want to Build a Snowman/Sayaka Kanda, Natsuki Inaba, and Sumire Morohoshi) 4:37:52 ~ 4:40:54 (19🤧)ムーンライト/星街すいせい (Moonlight/Hoshimaci Suisei) 4:47:16 ~ 4:50:22 (20🤧)HEROES/Brian the Sun ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 配信START 2:21 声入り(With voice) 3:31 OPとーく (Opening Talk) 6:29 コンビニで買ったクリスマス商品 (Christmas food bought by MUZU) 13:14 間もなくボイス販売終了 (Voice sales will end soon) 14:46 ヒッチハイカーに出会った話 (A story about meeting a hitchhiker) 36:50 もぐもぐたいむ雑談 (MUZU eats Christmas cake with chopsticks because he doesn't have a spoon. Drink is cola.) 43:36 「ただの平日です」 (A message to not give in to the Christmas spirit) 45:07 冷めたローストチキン実食 (Chilled roast chicken) 1:00:45 クリスマスの過ごし方 (How to spend Christmas) 1:04:18 マミーと一緒に,,, (The story of going to MUZU to gamble with Mommy) 1:09:41 年末年始になると,,, (Year-end and New Year listeners) 1:17:41 「喧嘩売ってんな」 (MUZU's Christmas present is the Super Chats he received from everyone.) 1:25:31 🎵 1:41:56 もぐもぐたいむ (Chatting while eating thick-sliced prosciutto) 1:44:53 割り箸最強説 (MUZU uses a lot of disposable chopsticks) 1:47:46 ケーキを素手で食べること (It's hard to eat cake with bare hands) 1:51:49 ケーキのフルーツって,,, (MUZU doesn't really like fruit on cakes.) 1:56:53 好きなアイスフレーバー (Favorite ice cream flavor) 1:59:25 年末ジャンボ (Year-end Jumbo Lottery) 2:18:31 課金背景 (Charge background) 2:23:38 横動画 (Important points to remember to get your horizontal TH-cam LIVE recommended) 2:56:45 🎵 3:20:00 毎日配信中 (Streaming every day) 3:27:55 オリ曲 (Original Song) 3:28:55 MUZUの本心 (Horizontal streams are a jinx that reduces channel subscriptions) 3:30:01 🎵 3:36:06 クリスマスケーキを食べるタイミング (Time to eat Christmas cake) 3:42:20 焼き鳥屋さんのアルバイト経験 (MUZU worked part-time at a yakitori restaurant) 3:48:17 MUZUアルバイト面接無敗 (MUZU has never been rejected during a part-time job interview) 3:49:29 過去経験したMUZUのニッチなアルバイト職種 (MUZU has experience working part-time as a fortune teller in the past.) 3:53:13 試飲マネキンのアルバイト (Part-time work experience tasting food at a supermarket) 3:55:30 わがままな退職理由 (I quit MUZU right away because my temporary part-time job tasting milk was too hard.) 4:43:15 自己紹介 (self-introduction) 4:45:43 チェンネル登録11300人突破 (Over 11,300 channel subscribers) 4:52:11 エンディングパート (Ending Talk) 4:53:27 今日の配信振り返り (Stream Review) 4:57:06 むぅの民リスナー写真披露 (Listener photo presentation) 4:59:32 MUZUから一言 (A word from MUZU) 5:02:35 スパチャ&メンバー加入・継続&メンバーギフト感謝お礼読み上げタイム (Super Chat & Membership Joining/Continuing & Member Gift Thank You Reading Time) 5:05:19 終わりの挨拶 (Closing remarks is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ※リスナーの皆さん良いクリスマスを (Merry Christmas to everyone overseas)
ペンギンは人間じゃないからね☆ 罪に問われないんですよ(白目)
・どうみても高級なLive2Dアバター ・毎日歌枠できるスケジュールと配信環境 ・記念3D配信 ・高品質イラストレーション切り抜き どっかの社長令嬢だったりする……?
Crowbar solves problems
世紀末すぎるコンビニ😂 ペンギンには激甘のむずさん🐧 あのお店の中じゃ唯一の心のオアシスですもんね~
3:23:02 [Prepare] (MUZU Original Song) <Vocal & Lyrics by MUZU> (Transcription by Moderator Pepe) 大事にしていた思い出とか宝物たちが今でも 輝いて見えているこれは僕が始めた物語 全ては上手くいくわけないんだって 遠回りしてもいい ここに示せたら I'm Just The Only One 始めようここから ボロボロでたとえ格好悪くても You Are The Only One 恥ずかしくないから ここにいたしるしを残しておこう 立ち止まってしまったあの日におくる It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On やり残してきたもの全て投げ出してしまっていないか 頭ではわかってるそれは錆びてしまって動かない 後悔するまでやりきれてたんだっけ ただ見ていただけのあの日にサヨナラ I'm Just The Only One これしかなかったから 何もかも全て置いてきたんだ You Are The Only One 振り返らないように 大丈夫君は進んでいける 手を伸ばして誓ったあの日におくる It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On ここではまだ終われないんだよ 僕にしか出来ないことがあるはずなんだ I'm Just The Only One 始めようここから ボロボロでたとえ格好悪くても You Are The Only One 恥ずかしくないから ここにいたしるしを残しておこう 立ち止まってしまったあの日におくる It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On <For overseas listeners only. Everything is written in Roman letters.> Daijini Shiteita Omoidetoka Takaramonotachiga Imademo Kagayaite Mieteiru Korewa Bokugahajimeta Monogatari Subetewa Umakuikuwake Naindatte Toumawari shitemoii Kokoni shimesetara I'm Just The Only One Hajimeyou Kokokara Boroborode Tatoe kakkowarukutemo You Are The Only One Hazukashikunaikara Kokoniita shirushio Nokoshiteokou Tachidomatte shimatta Anohini Okuru It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On Yarinokoshitekita monosubete Nagedashite shimatte inaika Atamadewa Wakatteru Sorewa SabiteShimatte Ugokanai Koukaisurumade Yarikirete Tandakke Tadamiteita Dakeno Anohini Sayonara I'm Just The Only One Koreshika Nakattakara Nanimokamo Subete Oitekitandakara You Are The Only One Furikaeranaiyouni Daijyoubu Kimiwa Susundeikeru Teonobashite Chikatta Anohiniokuru It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On Kokodewa Mada Owarenaindayo Bokunishika Dekinai kotoga Aruhazunanda I'm Just The Only One Hajimeyou Kokokara Boroborode Tatoe Kakkowarukutemo You Are The Only One Hazukashiku Naikara Kokoniita Shirushiwo Nokoshiteokou Tachidomatte Shimatta Anohini Okuru It's Ok To Fail Just To Moving On
今日もおつむずでした! 楽しいクリスマスイヴの夜をありがとうございました🎄🌟🎁🎅 横型で同接が120⤴ぐらい超えてしかもかなり110ぐらい安定してて凄い! これからは横でも縦でもどんどん伸びていきますように✨
Otsumuzu Merry Christmas 🎄 🍻 Congratulations on 11.3k subscribers Good night
【セットリスト Setlist】12/24 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 14:01 ~ 18:28 (01🤧)千本桜/和楽器バンド (Senbon Zakura/Wagakki Band) 20:51 ~ 23:07 (02🤧)KING/Kanaria 24:45 ~ 28:36 (03🤧)オレンジ/SPYAIR (orange/SPYAIR) 31:23 ~ 36:17 (04🤧)The Beginning/ONE OK ROCK 43:22 ~ 48:46 (05🤧)THE OVER/UVERworld 1:10:32 ~ 1:15:31 (06🤧)心とココロ/UVERworld (Kokoro to Kokoro/UVERworld) 1:18:31 ~ 1:22:02 (07🤧)サインはB~アイSolo Ver.~/B小町 アイ(CV:高橋李依) (Sign wa Be~Ai Solo Ver.~/B Komaci CV:Rie Takahashi) 1:25:05 ~ 1:28:31 (08🤧)うっせぇわ/Ado (Usseewa/Ado) 1:31:32 ~ 1:34:08 (09🤧)モエチャッカファイア/弌誠 (Moechukka Fire/Issei) 1:38:12 ~ 1:40:28 (10🤧)酔いどれ知らず/Kanaria (Yoidore Shirazu/Kanaria) 1:42:39 ~ 1:45:22 (11🤧)ビビデバ/星街すいせい (Vivideva/Hoshimaci Suisei) 1:53:49 ~ 1:56:50 (12🤧)ずうっといっしょ!/キタニタツヤ (Zutto Issyo/Kitani Tatsuya) 1:58:40 ~ 2:00:54 (13🤧)Dec./Kanaria 2:06:35 ~ 2:11:19 (14🤧)少女レイ/みきとP feat.初音ミク (Syoujyo Rei/MikitoP feat.Hatsune Miku) 2:13:11 ~ 2:18:52 (15🤧)君の知らない物語/Supercell (Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari/Supercell) 2:22:30 ~ 2:27:12 (16🤧)GHOST/星街すいせい (GHOST/Hoshimaci Suisei) 2:36:14 ~ 2:40:57 (17🤧)23ワード/UVERworld (23 word/UVERworld) 2:43:06 ~ 2:47:03 (18🤧)未来地図/ST☆RISH (Mirai Cizu/ST☆RISH) 2:49:58 ~ 2:53:52 (19🤧)Flash!/PICG 3:29:02 ~ 3:31:42 (20🤧)はいよろこんで/こっちのけんと (Hai Yorokonde/Kocci no Kento) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 配信START 1:55 声入り(With voice) 3:47 OPとーく (Opening Talk) 6:13 「全然予定ありますけど何か?」 (MUZU's Christmas Schedule) 8:16 MUZUが共有したいコンビニ商品 (Convenience store products that MUZU wants you to know about) 50:46 UVERworld様のクリスマスプレゼント (A Christmas present from rock band UVERworld) 53:44 🎵むぅの民お誕生日① (🎵Listener's birthday) 54:53 MUZUの贅沢な悩み (When I was a child, MUZU was a season for family celebrations and was able to get anything I wanted, so it was a luxury problem.) 1:00:41 MUZU家のお小遣い制度 (MUZU did not have an allowance system, but instead had to ask parents for money when needed.) 1:01:37 親と口ケンカ (When MUZU was a child, he got into an argument with his parents because he bought sweets at a candy store and they didn't give him a receipt.) 1:05:20 駄菓子屋さんはテンションが上がる (MUZU gets excited when he sees a candy store) 1:06:13 ※オリジナルボイスガチャキャンペーン (※Original Voice Gacha Campaign) 1:08:24 駄菓子にも値上げの余波 (The time has come for price hikes for candy stores too) 1:35:46 「寝ないで」 (MUZU's voice makes me sleepy) 1:47:14 リクエストする時のポイント (Tips for making song requests) 1:48:34 🎵 1:48:56 MUZUはVTuber勉強中 (MUZU is studying VTuber) 2:02:09 クリスマスケーキ (MUZU wants to buy ice cream cake for Christmas) 2:03:46 むぅの民お誕生日② (Listener's birthday②) 2:21:25 🎵 2:27:28 自己紹介 (self-introduction) 2:29:41 MUZUのストロングポイント (MUZU's strength is daily streaming) 2:42:22 🎵 2:49:24 オリジナル壁紙無料配布中 (Original wallpapers available for free Available for download from the MUZU Channel Community) 2:55:04 グミ (MUZU's favorite food: Gummy candy) 2:58:57 グミ界隈 (Gummies are sold exclusively at convenience stores) 3:01:35 酢昆布のパウダー (Vinegared kelp) 3:02:20 「味が無くなってからが本番まである」 (Even if you keep chewing gum and it loses its flavor, you keep chewing MUZU) 3:06:22 板ガムの良さ (I like the moment when you start chewing MUZU gum and the flavor spreads in your mouth.) 3:09:01 ヒスMUZU (The hysterical side) 3:10:26 再度オリジナルボイス販売説明 (Original Voice Sales Description) 3:13:37 🎵 3:16:03 ボイス販売ランキングについて (Voice Sales Ranking) 3:16:55 LIVE中にボイスガチャ購入をすると,,, (If you purchase a voice during a LIVE...) 3:18:18 🎵 3:20:05 ガチャ購入割引キャンペーン中 (Discount campaign for gacha purchases ends on 12/24) URL→www.eternalmedal.com/gacha/266 3:24:00 睡眠の重要性 (The Importance of Sleep) 3:31:49 エンディングパート (Ending Talk) 3:33:01 媚MUZU (Please subscribe to my channel) 3:35:24 スパチャ&メンバー継続&メンバーギフト感謝お礼読み上げタイム (Reading out thank you notes for Super Chat, membership renewal, and member gifts) 3:36:22 終わりの挨拶 (End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
おつむずでした! 今日もいっぱい歌ってますね~ 久々に少女レイも聴けて大満足! 話題に出てるグミの話しを聞いてグミ食べたくなってきた😋
Otsumuzu Thank you for the songs tonight There were lots of congratulations earlier but couldn't understand what those were Have a good sleep
【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】# 09 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 配信START 1:42 声入り(With voice) 2:41 OPとーく(Chat) 4:00 これまでのハイライトとこれから (Review and future game progress) 7:16 ゲーム収益化について (Support such as Super Chat is now possible) 9:12 MUZUの心境 (MUZU is feeling homesick in the game) 11:50 OP MOVIE 《本編 Main story START》 14:53 アパートからSTART (Start from your apartment) 16:40 雪降る街並み (Snowy cityscape) 18:13 服屋さんで衣装選び (Choosing an outfit at a clothing store) 35:05 衣装購入 (Buy winter clothes) 36:42 ガレージ着 (Arrived at the garage) 39:22 今日のドラテク (Today's MUZU Driving) 41:34 警察署で道を尋ねる (Find out where the car was impounded) 43:00 ! 43:23 インパウンド場着 (MUZU came to collect the seized car, but it wouldn't start.) 45:58 メカニックを探すも,,, (MUZU is looking for a mechanic but there is none) 47:24 一旦ガソリンスタンドで給油 47:50 ガソリンスタンド着 (Arrived at gas station but couldn't refuel electric car) 48:41 車の充電 (Car charging) 49:40 請求書決済 (Invoice settlement) 50:46 やはり動かない (It won't start even with gas bought at a gas station) 53:58 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 54:48 しばらく修理待ち (Waiting for car repair) 59:33 修理依頼 (Repair Service) 1:00:02 CAR診断 (Car Diagnostics) 1:00:49 もう一台の車を修理したくて,,, (Another car waiting to be repaired) 1:04:22 待ち時間暇なので,,, (MUZU was interested in the NPC, so he started stirring things up.) 1:09:37 救出出来たNPCだが,,, (The NPC's car seems to be broken.) 1:12:00 メカニックとインパウンド場へ (Head to the place where the mechanic and the car are stuck) 1:13:02 ! 1:14:03 インパウンド場着 (Car warehouse arrival) 1:14:30 出張修理 (On-site repair) 1:15:06 査定・修理 (Repair assessment) 1:16:19 修理価格 (Repair Price) 1:19:01 次の目的地へ (Next Destination) 1:19:35 カジノに行こうと,,, (Go astray) 1:20:26 このあと衝撃的な事が,,, (Then something shocking happens) 1:21:02 (T_T) 1:21:42 車の救出 (Car rescue) 1:22:44 潜った結末 (Diving, but...) 1:23:14 心の嘆き (MUZU laments while waiting for help) 1:25:11 救急医登場 (Emergency doctors arrive, but rescue is difficult in the water.) 1:26:55 救出の一部始終 (The whole story of the rescue) 1:28:28 車は、、、 (Cars go to the inbound area) 1:29:10 地上へ (To the ground) 1:30:34 インパウンド場まで送ってもらう (Get picked up at the import site) 1:32:54 インパウンド場着 (MUZU came to retrieve the submerged car) 1:35:07 雪道で車の操作が,,, (It's difficult to operate a car on snowy roads) 1:36:37 カジノ着 (Arrival at the casino) 1:37:37 デイリールーレット (Daily Roulette available for free once a day) 1:39:37 次の目的地へ (Next Destination) 1:41:39 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 1:44:14 メカニックに相談・修理 (Car repair) 1:45:43 修理が治るまで他プレイヤーとコミュニケーション (Talk to other players until the repair is completed) 1:48:55 「瞬足でどうにかなるの?」 (Suspension) 1:50:08 タイヤの相談 (We are looking for non-skid tires for the snowy roads.) 1:51:29 白ギャングのプレイヤー (Communicating with White Gang players) 2:00:00 タイヤ交換済 (Tires replaced) 2:01:33 タイヤ交換後の乗り心地 (Ride comfort after tire and wheel customization) 2:04:47 電話で情報交換 (Exchange information over the phone) 2:09:52 アイリッシュパブ着 (Arrival at the Irish Pub) 2:10:05 不在の為、しばらく待つことに (There are no staff in the store, so you have to wait.) 2:12:22 諦めて違う事を考える (No one comes, so I give up and think about committing a crime.) 2:13:21 犯罪の支度 (Preparing for crime in the garage) 2:17:04 着信 (The other party calls and asks you to come to the car dealership.) 2:18:32 ! 2:19:48 カーディーラー着 (Car dealer arrival) 2:22:05 部活に入りたくて,,, (Buy a custom-made bicycle to join a club) 2:30:17 自転車購入 (Bicycle purchase) 2:31:14 自転車カスタムの打診 (Bike customization is recommended) 2:32:32 自転車操作の設定 (Bicycle operation settings) 2:36:46 ギャングより大きい勢力 (Cycling club has many participants) 2:40:53 部活ユニホーム (Bicycle club outfits) 2:41:40 正式なエモート? (Unified cycling club emote) 2:43:23 撮ってほしいアピ (Waiting to take a photo) 2:44:20 自転車を漕ぐ魅力とは? (Teaching the charm of cycling) 2:45:16 デスマウンテンの楽しみ方 (How to enjoy Death Mountain by bike) 2:46:28 納車記念の写真撮影 (photo shoot) 2:49:51 自転車でトドメを刺す (Buy a bike and run someone over right away) 2:54:09 MUZUが憧れるバイク (MUZU's dream bike: Nagasaki Shotaro) 2:55:11 元同僚と談笑 (Chatting with former colleagues) 3:00:35 交通事故の示談交渉 (Traffic accident settlement negotiations) 3:02:19 あてもなくドライブ (MUZU can't find anything he wants to do so he goes for a drive.) 3:02:48 ! 3:09:49 メカニック着 (Repaired by mechanic again) 3:13:05 移動販売 (Meet up with a former colleague again and buy food and drinks from a mobile vendor) 3:18:45 「今日この車3回見た」 (MUZU's driving techniques that make mechanics cry) 3:19:22 一言から始まったバトルの結末 (MUZU gets into a fist fight after being accused of being a bad driver) 3:21:05 車の損傷状態 (Car damage status) 3:21:28 車の塗装方法 (Car painting procedure) 3:25:18 塗装カスタム (Car painting customization completed) 3:27:01 車のカスタムいろんな視点 (Car customization from various perspectives) 3:33:52 犯罪道具の調達 (Procurement of criminal tools) 3:36:43 ガレージに向かう (Back in town) 3:40:41 本日4回目 (4th mechanic repair) 3:42:51 メカニックも驚愕 (Even the mechanics are amazed at how often he repairs his car.) 3:44:09 「折り紙みたいな車」 (The durability of the car is seriously damaged.) 3:45:54 大切な言葉 (Important words) 3:50:50 コンビニ強盗の手順 (Steps for robbing a convenience store) 3:53:24 コンビニ犯罪を一緒にする事に,,, (Rob a convenience store with a player you met at Mechanic) 3:59:11 運転操作 (Driving operations) 4:00:10 コンビニ着 (Arrived at convenience store) 4:00:42 コンビニ強盗START (Convenience store robbery begins) 4:03:04 なかなか成功せず (It is difficult to unlock the register) 4:03:42 失敗すると,,, (Every time you fail to rob a cash register, a notification is sent to the police.) 4:04:58 諦めて金庫に挑戦 (Give up on the cash register and try the safe) 4:05:30 ラグ多発で操作が出来ない (There is a lot of lag in the MUZU game and I can't control it.) 4:06:29 再起動 (Reboot) 4:07:02 配信が重い原因 (Is cleaning the reason why the stream isn't progressing?) ※文字上限を超えるためコメント返信欄に続きを記載 (Please continue in the reply comment section as the character limit has been exceeded)
【タイムスタンプその2 Timestamp #2】 4:10:27 再起動までつぶやき (Tweet until reboot) 4:14:41 本編再開続きから (Main story resumes Continue reading) 4:14:53 人質の対応 (Hostage Response) 4:15:57 再びコンビニ強盗 (Another convenience store robbery) 4:16:42 とうとう (Robbery tools gone) 4:17:18 犯罪道具の寄付 (tAdditional crime tools) 4:19:16 魂のコンビニリベンジ (Another Convenience Store Robbery) 4:22:01 金庫解除へ (To unlock the safe) 4:23:37 このあとはチェイス (After this, there's a car chase) 4:24:20 警察と交渉 (Police negotiate hostage release terms) 4:25:18 チェイス直前準備 (Pre-chase preparations) 4:26:09 チェイスSTART (Car chase begins) 4:29:59 このあとチャンス到来 (Good fortune comes to MUZU) 4:31:01 身を潜める (Hide) 4:31:42 逃げ切った後の手順 (Steps to follow when escaping a car chase) 4:32:47 メカニックまで (Go to the mechanic) 4:33:10 アドバイスに従順? (MUZU is driving hard) 4:34:23 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives) 4:34:57 見た目で察するメカニック (Repeated repairs) 4:36:13 運転が上達するコツ (MUZU doesn't know how to slow down when driving.) 4:37:34 「この街も一緒」 (Driving operations are the same in real life and in games) 4:38:09 「マイナス」 (The cost of repairs will exceed the money gained from the crime) 4:39:00 MUZU運転講習受講 (Driving course start) 4:40:54 EMSへ (MUZU's health gauge is decreasing, so go to EMS.) 4:41:51 最適なアドバイス (The best advice) 4:42:32 EMS着 (EMS arrives) 4:43:55 回復治療 (Get restorative treatment) 4:46:44 新しい目標設定 (MUZU decides to try robbing a convenience store again) 4:48:55 犯罪の前に人質探し (Arrived at convenience store. Searching for hostages) 4:50:09 人質発見 (Hostage found) 4:50:48 一旦給油 (Refuel once) 4:52:46 コンビニ強盗直前 (Just before the convenience store robbery) 4:53:27 コンビニ強盗START (Convenience store robbery begins) 4:55:24 金庫解除へ (Safe unlock challenge) 4:56:48 警察到着 (Police arrive at the convenience store) 4:57:23 MUZU VS 警察 (MUZU vs. Police) 4:58:41 救急医登場 (MUZU loses to police and receives emergency medical treatment) 4:59:38 救いのプレイヤー 現る (A player appears to help before going on foot to retrieve the seized car.) 5:01:35 ※このあと映像が乱れインパウンド場までスキップされます (*You will be skipped to the location where MUZU will pick up the seized car.) 5:01:42 インパウンド場着 (Arrival at the inbound area) 5:02:04 車は戻って来たが,,, (The car was able to be recovered, but all of the tires were flat.) 5:06:29 スタント練習目撃 (Players practicing stunts) 5:07:52 メカニック登場 (Car repair) 5:09:07 修理完了 (Repair completed) 5:10:01 運転練習① (Driving practice①) 5:15:36 運転練習② (Driving practice②) 5:17:42 ! 5:18:55 !! 5:19:27 MUZUに足りなかったもの (MUZU reaffirms the need for driving practice) 5:19:54 救急医登場 (Emergency doctor appears. Resuscitation treatment is given.) 5:21:39 転職相談 (Career change consultation) 5:23:19 運転練習③ (Driving practice③) 5:23:43 ! 5:23:59 運転練習④ (Driving practice④) 5:28:22 つぶやき(Tweet) 5:28:54 メカニック着 (Mechanic arrives due to severe damage to car during practice) 5:29:34 修理依頼 (Car repair request) 5:30:20 損傷箇所 (Damage to the car) 5:33:52 MUZUは諦めない (Driving practice⑤) 5:36:16 ! 5:36:48 まだまだ (Driving practice⑥) 5:38:58 体力ゲージが,,, (Reduced collision damage) 5:39:51 EMSで回復 (EMS arrives) 5:40:04 救急医の裏顔 (The Other Side of the Emergency Doctor) 5:40:54 練習しながら今日の振り返り (Reflecting on today while practicing driving) 5:47:23 給油前にメカニック (Car repair) 5:49:01 「運転頑張れ」 (Encouragement from the mechanic) 5:49:54 ガソリンスタンドまで (Head to the gas station) 5:51:02 給油(Refueling) 5:52:47 ガレージへ (Take the car to the garage) 5:53:41つぶやき(Tweet) 5:54:20 !! 5:54:51 ボヤキ (Complaint) 5:55:47 救急医登場 (Emergency doctor appears. Resuscitation treatment is given.) 5:57:40 レギオン着 (Arrive at Central Parking Lot) 6:02:52 今日の最終地点場所 (Today's final destination) 6:04:01 ビルの屋上 (Rooftop) 6:04:29 自撮り写真 (Selfie) 6:05:46 景色を眺めつつ本編振り返り総括 (Summary of the day while looking at the scenery) 6:11:09 これからについて (Talk about the future) 6:12:39 職業選択 (Career choice) 6:13:48 生きるためには,,, (Thinking to live this game) 6:17:22 本編終了 (End of main story) 6:19:19 ちょっと雑談 (After-talk) 6:20:22 歌枠アーカイブが公開されない理由※現在はアーカイブご視聴出来ます (Why the song archive is not available※You can now listen to the song archives) 6:23:40 終わりの挨拶 (End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
今日もおつむずでした! 働くむずさん、タンクローリー~!今日も破壊活動が絶好調! バーでまったり店員やってるのも和みますね😄 度々起きたハプニングと他の方との会話で笑いもあって楽しかったです
Otsumuzu Thank you for the stream More stories to be gathered in the bar Have a good night