As many of you know, we were forced to reupload this video due to copyright violations in the previous iteration. The Soviet era footage has been replaced with original animations made by "V" who put a lot of work in to save this video from just being a blank screen. As always, we are limited by time and resources. However, we hope to continue to incorporate original animations both to spruce up the presentation and avoid losing content to legal troubles.
@@Nancy-mq4uc Some post Soviet contries appropriated the copyright of the works of their respective republics and extended them to the standard death + 70 year duration
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
@@malcombrown7617 - Oh, look, a brand new youtube profile spouting fascist propaganda! I am so shocked! Very shocked! Well, maybe not that shocked. When you spout that much lies and fascist propaganda you sort of have to be able to just delete your profile in a jiffy afterwards. Is that something you do often? Delete youtube profiles you've used to write stupid comments with?
@@malcombrown7617 Buddy. There were always women oppression in traditional cultures. Per the Marx's communist vision, Women are equal to men and should have every rights that men enjoy.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
It's also a bit strange that many people focus a lot on the "Stalinist Era" (the ML era while Stalin was General Secretary) as if he had control over specific circumstances or could have just willed sexism away if he wanted. This could also vary by region as Russia itself is full of varying regions, cultures, and people. Of course sexism isn't going away within 1 generation just because the party tries to make it so. Yet still the USSR had many women engineers by the 1960s. That means those people grew up in the so called Stalinist era. Regarding the video specifically: I don't like the use of anecdotal without at least multiple examples. In the one example, the fact that she even could get divorced in the 1930s was a big deal for any other country. There is a surprising amount of conjecture that overall takes away from the information and is just speculation on anecdotal examples as well as speculation on broad ones. mixing this with practical and real sources also provided makes it seem oddly misleading whether or not that is the intention. I think the video could have done with more foundation, specifically the conditions leading up to these points. Such as, the climb for many woman was slow due to men pre-revolution being the only ones to get any kind of education. The specific examples are great for demonstrating the complexity of sexism on an individual level during this time, particularly for where the person was, but I don't like the speculative remarks that were being drawn from it. I want to be clear, I'm saying that speculation is counter productive and shouldn't be used in an otherwise informational video that conducts analysis over such a broad stretch of time. Also post war sought the inclusion of countries who were fascist and very sexist which obviously would start diluting the pool. I would have liked to have seen more information about specific Soviet Blocs varied with women.
So what you're saying, is that creators of this video extrapolated today's status of women to 1930s and didn't think that USSR was a very progressive nation compared to other capitalist nations in the world and that it's citizens, at first, didn't progress much since czarist regime in the matters of equality between both genders and equality between nationalities?
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
Increasing participation in the workforce and keeping birth rate up weren't so much at conflict in the Soviet Union as they are in some other systems, because Soviets offered childcare for working mothers. They tried to boost birth rate in several ways, offering monetary and other benefits for having children and banning abortion in 1936 and imposing a tax on childlessness in 1941. Abortion ban was harsh, but it probably didn't seem as bad then as it would now, because Soviet Union was the only country where it had been legal. The ban wasn't as effective as they had thought, because large part of the population had already gotten used to abortions and opted for illegal ones after the ban
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
So after really trying to find actual sources for the childless tax, I came up empty on the USSR, but found the United States tried a couple times in some states to have a bachelor tax around the early 1900s. Montana had it for a year in 1922 before it was struck down and California tried to have it in 1934. If you have a source on the USSR having it I would really appreciate it. The wiki sources were useless as usual.
By your logic, if the West bans abortion, it must be good? If you're suggesting that Stalin was right to strip women of their reproductive rights since the West didn't support women's rights either, then I'm not sure what else to tell you.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
... when a son died, all societies mourn... when a daughter died, charge to fate... in the soviet era that continued to this day, daughters are told to learn everything and push through what they prefer... though mothers and grandmothers reacted and disagreed, at least, fathers and grand fathers give their alright of daughters learning everything... one sister continued buddhism/yoga, one sister taken by chritianity praise the lord amen, one sister went islam prophet mohammed... the brother continued ethnic ancestral rituals... there are times of heated arguments for differences of not eating pork, eating vegetables only, and eating everything... mao words: we fight we tussle we misunderstand each other in the night everyone eat in one big pot... everyone learned to cope up or tolerate or ignore each other preferences... no matter soviet and stalin and mao kim ho castro are being MUTILATED by western media/ literature, the sentiments for opening all worlds to daughters could never die... the sentiments of gratefulness pass generations after generations... daughters are delightful same as sons... daughters are mourned same as sons... daughters supported and encouraged same as sons... any soul in east asia wont forget soviet russia stalin mao no matter how many chocolates america and western europe give...
Just wanted to point to point out the 1936 constitution ratified by Stalin actually prohibited abortion and made it harder for women to initiate divorce. Obviously setting back women's rights that were achieved during the early stages of the revolution. Women were still expected and even encouraged them to provide both paid and domestic labor. This did nothing but emphasize instead of erase the gender division of labor because of the Dual burden of paid and unpaid labor that women had to endure. This relegated women in Soviet society primarily to the role of reproductive based labor. Which consisted of child rearing.
@Hussein Doesn't change in an instant? That doesn't explain why the Stalin constitution actually rolled back womens' freedoms. The change was already happening, it was halted and even reversed during the 'stalin era'
@@atomisedman6235 I'm using it as shorthand for the time during which Stalin was nominally in a leadership position. My point is that women's rights were advanced during the revolution (including divorce and abortion rights) and these rights were rolled back post-lenin
Oliver Kent as if patriarchy was abolished with lenin? stalin made a mistake not divorced from material reality that is the existence of patriarchy. pointing it on stalin as if he was conspiring is ridiculous. his mistake is one worthy of brutal criticism obviously but you so obviously just want to have a gotcha on stalin that i can’t take you seriously, and i doubt your actual care of women’s rights the way you so opportunistically solicit this point for your own ends.
@@drill6739 Lol. The soviet constitution and Stalin himself were very pro natalist as it appears so are you. You're not a socialist. You're just a patriarchal natalist.
thank you the marxist project... kindly allow me... one very reason why soviet-lenin-stalin moscow russia sentiments could never die... is the then attention given to female bodies (women)... it spread so fast around east asia... particularity to sons in east asia greatly eased... one ethnic father said: you are six girls and one boy... it is alright for you to learn the basics of judo karate for self defense... note: in those times, brothers are responsible to sisters safety... a one brother with six or seven sisters is also a butt of joke in societies/communities... they say: tell your father to make good in doing sex to produce son not daughter... the soviet ear is the beginning of opening all activities to daughters not just grooming them for marriage for the purpose of procreation and taking care of the household & everything related to having children rearing children grooming daughters...
i don't know if this is the case, but whenever there was a polemic usually they would discuss it as "the question of", for example "the question of the land" or "the question of the indian" just to address a problematic matter.
in communism, the use of comrade parent children youths elders, dont necessitate acknowledgement if female or male... in communism, gender age religion is simply not particular things to matter... what is particular to define in communism is the defining of proletariats and bourgeosie of how both classes can meet and work together for peace and prosperity of every citizen of the nation... equality is a modern terinology... old people only know values and rights of every living entity... it is the modern world that devised terminologies and complicated the material meaning to the social meaning to the spiritual meaning... like you talk of equality but you dont first define what aspect of equality do you want to pursue... in the times of revolution, females volunteered to battle trainings and no leader said, no you cant bcoz your body is female... male is better... such words are never heard... only heard from a number of truly male chauvinists... are they born that way...? yes is the answer... the problem is, there is not a hard lined female appeared who hates a male or see a male as unfit... seems there is no female chauvinist... equality is only applicable to weight and size... women in communism/ socialism simply fought for their RIGHTS and DEMANDED RESPECT... it was a matter of justifying desire and passing requirements and qualifications... equality is not a very appropriate term in the social aspects of life...
the prewar to 1970 jump in women's participation is a ridiculous Why skip over the Khrushchev coup in the 50s???? even if u think Stalin was bad there was still the revocation / condemnation of Stalin by Khrushchev and new policies
There were certainly new dynamics at play after 1953, but as you can see, going past Stalin's administration would have carried this video through the 20 minute mark and we were trying to keep it manageable.
@@themarxistproject the introduction of market production by Khrushchev is an important shift for a Marxist in the socio-economic basis of life. I think it's too ideological to blindside that major shift
@@t.gallagher2635 agreed. I dont think you're understanding the point though. The scope of this video was limited from 1920s - 1953 precisely because going beyond this timeframe would have exploded the research burden and would have likely doubled the length of the video. The decision to not include the post-Stalin era was purely practical.
Well, well. A "Marxist" channel that won't use the very basic methods of materialism and dialect for its analysis - neither consider contradiction within its rhetoric at least, to cover its shame. What we have here is an essay that fails to cover basic concepts and developments achieved when Stalin served as a General Secretary towards gender equality. The main - if not only - concern of this video is to highlight wrong decisions - few of them legit while the majority being ridiculous, not considering any historical context, thus resulting in wrong conclusions and misleading viewers. But, what can one expect when Lynne Attwood and her (truly marxist :D) concept of a "rational and romantic view" is used? Give me a break. Anyway, we know you socialist-democrats hate Stalin - USSR in general as a matter of fact, but at least try to retain some dignity when using Marxism/Leninism as your supposed theory and method to view this world.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
(Gasp!) He dared to criticise Joseph Stalin! He must be a liberal, bourgeois, fascist, counter-revolutionary, capitalist, Trotskyite, reactionary imperialist! He may be openly opposed to capitalism but he doesn't look at historical figures through rose-tinted glasses, so he's got to be counter-revolutionary! LOL. Seriously though. You should realise that no one's impervious to history. Not George Washington, not Winston Churchill and not Joseph Stalin. Criticising Stalin's intolerant attitudes toward women does not make someone counter-revolutionary. Far from it. There can be no socialism without women's liberation.
kindly allow me... the three realities of female bodies in the SOCIAL ASPECTS OF SOCIETY... 1- a female body is a 9 months carrier of procreation and one year breastfeeding... this is where the tradition has strong influence... traditional people say, you are a female to give birth, dont put it into waste bcoz of your desire to work... thus, a female body has to learn how to justify herself to traditonal conservative people about her stronger desire to work than to pro-create... 2- there are truly hard lined male chauvinists... a female body has to have the wits to befriend powerful connections to help in position competition against male chauvinists... a female body has to have the guts to expose sexual harrassment/s (verbal & physical) used by male chauvinists... 3- the undeniable human genetic make up of jealousy prominent in female bodies... female bodies fight each other reflecting a non-support of a female body towards higher positions... a female body need to exert efforts to win the support of females that a male body need not exert... in short, a female body faces procreation tradition, male chauvinists, jealousy prominent in female bodies ...
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
Stalin was really socially right wing, traditionalism and old conservatism when it came to treating women. Could even say he was slightly nationalist especially in his war effort against the nazis. But economically he was left wing.
Why are all Marxists - leftists feminists?? I'm a left winger too and i don't understand why so many people support this cancerous misandrist ideology.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
As many of you know, we were forced to reupload this video due to copyright violations in the previous iteration. The Soviet era footage has been replaced with original animations made by "V" who put a lot of work in to save this video from just being a blank screen. As always, we are limited by time and resources. However, we hope to continue to incorporate original animations both to spruce up the presentation and avoid losing content to legal troubles.
hope you can spare effort to input english subtitles... thank you...
The soviet... era... footage... where... copyrighted? Excuse me what? It's crazy
@@Nancy-mq4uc Some post Soviet contries appropriated the copyright of the works of their respective republics and extended them to the standard death + 70 year duration
Glad you got it up again, comrade. I do see a shift in people, coming. I think we are slowly getting there.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
@@malcombrown7617 - Oh, look, a brand new youtube profile spouting fascist propaganda! I am so shocked! Very shocked! Well, maybe not that shocked.
When you spout that much lies and fascist propaganda you sort of have to be able to just delete your profile in a jiffy afterwards.
Is that something you do often? Delete youtube profiles you've used to write stupid comments with?
@@malcombrown7617 Buddy. There were always women oppression in traditional cultures. Per the Marx's communist vision, Women are equal to men and should have every rights that men enjoy.
Keep up the good work Comrade!! Much love from Brazil 🇧🇷
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
It's also a bit strange that many people focus a lot on the "Stalinist Era" (the ML era while Stalin was General Secretary) as if he had control over specific circumstances or could have just willed sexism away if he wanted. This could also vary by region as Russia itself is full of varying regions, cultures, and people. Of course sexism isn't going away within 1 generation just because the party tries to make it so. Yet still the USSR had many women engineers by the 1960s. That means those people grew up in the so called Stalinist era.
Regarding the video specifically: I don't like the use of anecdotal without at least multiple examples. In the one example, the fact that she even could get divorced in the 1930s was a big deal for any other country. There is a surprising amount of conjecture that overall takes away from the information and is just speculation on anecdotal examples as well as speculation on broad ones. mixing this with practical and real sources also provided makes it seem oddly misleading whether or not that is the intention. I think the video could have done with more foundation, specifically the conditions leading up to these points. Such as, the climb for many woman was slow due to men pre-revolution being the only ones to get any kind of education. The specific examples are great for demonstrating the complexity of sexism on an individual level during this time, particularly for where the person was, but I don't like the speculative remarks that were being drawn from it. I want to be clear, I'm saying that speculation is counter productive and shouldn't be used in an otherwise informational video that conducts analysis over such a broad stretch of time. Also post war sought the inclusion of countries who were fascist and very sexist which obviously would start diluting the pool. I would have liked to have seen more information about specific Soviet Blocs varied with women.
yeah, I was thinking this
So what you're saying, is that creators of this video extrapolated today's status of women to 1930s and didn't think that USSR was a very progressive nation compared to other capitalist nations in the world and that it's citizens, at first, didn't progress much since czarist regime in the matters of equality between both genders and equality between nationalities?
I'm so glad this channel exists
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
Great stuff guys, thank you for the reupload!
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
Increasing participation in the workforce and keeping birth rate up weren't so much at conflict in the Soviet Union as they are in some other systems, because Soviets offered childcare for working mothers. They tried to boost birth rate in several ways, offering monetary and other benefits for having children and banning abortion in 1936 and imposing a tax on childlessness in 1941. Abortion ban was harsh, but it probably didn't seem as bad then as it would now, because Soviet Union was the only country where it had been legal. The ban wasn't as effective as they had thought, because large part of the population had already gotten used to abortions and opted for illegal ones after the ban
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
So after really trying to find actual sources for the childless tax, I came up empty on the USSR, but found the United States tried a couple times in some states to have a bachelor tax around the early 1900s. Montana had it for a year in 1922 before it was struck down and California tried to have it in 1934. If you have a source on the USSR having it I would really appreciate it. The wiki sources were useless as usual.
@@iamjoeysteel In Finland there was a tax for childless during 1935-1975
By your logic, if the West bans abortion, it must be good? If you're suggesting that Stalin was right to strip women of their reproductive rights since the West didn't support women's rights either, then I'm not sure what else to tell you.
Learning history is important. Thanks for this video.
Your work is amazing bro
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
Nice video. Um abraço do Brasil camaradas.
Thanks for the well researched and detailed video. Keep up the good work!
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
Very nice and interesting video comrades, good labour!
Thank you for making this
Please add subtitle for all video comrade..
... when a son died, all societies mourn... when a daughter died, charge to fate... in the soviet era that continued to this day, daughters are told to learn everything and push through what they prefer... though mothers and grandmothers reacted and disagreed, at least, fathers and grand fathers give their alright of daughters learning everything... one sister continued buddhism/yoga, one sister taken by chritianity praise the lord amen, one sister went islam prophet mohammed... the brother continued ethnic ancestral rituals... there are times of heated arguments for differences of not eating pork, eating vegetables only, and eating everything... mao words: we fight we tussle we misunderstand each other in the night everyone eat in one big pot... everyone learned to cope up or tolerate or ignore each other preferences... no matter soviet and stalin and mao kim ho castro are being MUTILATED by western media/ literature, the sentiments for opening all worlds to daughters could never die... the sentiments of gratefulness pass generations after generations... daughters are delightful same as sons... daughters are mourned same as sons... daughters supported and encouraged same as sons... any soul in east asia wont forget soviet russia stalin mao no matter how many chocolates america and western europe give...
You are true my friend. East Asia will always be grateful for Stalin, Mao and Ho.
Socialism or Barbarism.
Get organised, get agitating, get educating.
what was the name of the party organisations mentioned at 10:36 ?
Just wanted to point to point out the 1936 constitution ratified by Stalin actually prohibited abortion and made it harder for women to initiate divorce. Obviously setting back women's rights that were achieved during the early stages of the revolution. Women were still expected and even encouraged them to provide both paid and domestic labor. This did nothing but emphasize instead of erase the gender division of labor because of the Dual burden of paid and unpaid labor that women had to endure. This relegated women in Soviet society primarily to the role of reproductive based labor. Which consisted of child rearing.
@Hussein Doesn't change in an instant? That doesn't explain why the Stalin constitution actually rolled back womens' freedoms. The change was already happening, it was halted and even reversed during the 'stalin era'
@@Akatoriful So the USSR is now collectively known as Stalin? So much for empowering the masses.
@@atomisedman6235 I'm using it as shorthand for the time during which Stalin was nominally in a leadership position. My point is that women's rights were advanced during the revolution (including divorce and abortion rights) and these rights were rolled back post-lenin
Oliver Kent as if patriarchy was abolished with lenin? stalin made a mistake not divorced from material reality that is the existence of patriarchy. pointing it on stalin as if he was conspiring is ridiculous. his mistake is one worthy of brutal criticism obviously but you so obviously just want to have a gotcha on stalin that i can’t take you seriously, and i doubt your actual care of women’s rights the way you so opportunistically solicit this point for your own ends.
@@drill6739 Lol. The soviet constitution and Stalin himself were very pro natalist as it appears so are you. You're not a socialist. You're just a patriarchal natalist.
thank you the marxist project... kindly allow me... one very reason why soviet-lenin-stalin moscow russia sentiments could never die... is the then attention given to female bodies (women)... it spread so fast around east asia... particularity to sons in east asia greatly eased... one ethnic father said: you are six girls and one boy... it is alright for you to learn the basics of judo karate for self defense... note: in those times, brothers are responsible to sisters safety... a one brother with six or seven sisters is also a butt of joke in societies/communities... they say: tell your father to make good in doing sex to produce son not daughter... the soviet ear is the beginning of opening all activities to daughters not just grooming them for marriage for the purpose of procreation and taking care of the household & everything related to having children rearing children grooming daughters...
Mao said, “Women hold up half the sky!” ✌️
He literaly banned abortion and bring back traditional family.
This is a nice vid but why phrase it as the "woman question"
i don't know if this is the case, but whenever there was a polemic usually they would discuss it as "the question of", for example "the question of the land" or "the question of the indian" just to address a problematic matter.
in communism, the use of comrade parent children youths elders, dont necessitate acknowledgement if female or male... in communism, gender age religion is simply not particular things to matter... what is particular to define in communism is the defining of proletariats and bourgeosie of how both classes can meet and work together for peace and prosperity of every citizen of the nation... equality is a modern terinology... old people only know values and rights of every living entity... it is the modern world that devised terminologies and complicated the material meaning to the social meaning to the spiritual meaning... like you talk of equality but you dont first define what aspect of equality do you want to pursue... in the times of revolution, females volunteered to battle trainings and no leader said, no you cant bcoz your body is female... male is better... such words are never heard... only heard from a number of truly male chauvinists... are they born that way...? yes is the answer... the problem is, there is not a hard lined female appeared who hates a male or see a male as unfit... seems there is no female chauvinist... equality is only applicable to weight and size... women in communism/ socialism simply fought for their RIGHTS and DEMANDED RESPECT... it was a matter of justifying desire and passing requirements and qualifications... equality is not a very appropriate term in the social aspects of life...
Eww who voiced this? Jk jk
the prewar to 1970 jump in women's participation is a ridiculous
Why skip over the Khrushchev coup in the 50s????
even if u think Stalin was bad there was still the revocation / condemnation of Stalin by Khrushchev and new policies
There were certainly new dynamics at play after 1953, but as you can see, going past Stalin's administration would have carried this video through the 20 minute mark and we were trying to keep it manageable.
@@themarxistproject the introduction of market production by Khrushchev is an important shift for a Marxist in the socio-economic basis of life. I think it's too ideological to blindside that major shift
@@t.gallagher2635 agreed. I dont think you're understanding the point though. The scope of this video was limited from 1920s - 1953 precisely because going beyond this timeframe would have exploded the research burden and would have likely doubled the length of the video. The decision to not include the post-Stalin era was purely practical.
Well, well. A "Marxist" channel that won't use the very basic methods of materialism and dialect for its analysis - neither consider contradiction within its rhetoric at least, to cover its shame. What we have here is an essay that fails to cover basic concepts and developments achieved when Stalin served as a General Secretary towards gender equality. The main - if not only - concern of this video is to highlight wrong decisions - few of them legit while the majority being ridiculous, not considering any historical context, thus resulting in wrong conclusions and misleading viewers. But, what can one expect when Lynne Attwood and her (truly marxist :D) concept of a "rational and romantic view" is used? Give me a break. Anyway, we know you socialist-democrats hate Stalin - USSR in general as a matter of fact, but at least try to retain some dignity when using Marxism/Leninism as your supposed theory and method to view this world.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
@@malcombrown7617 There is not a shred of truth to your comment, lmao.
(Gasp!) He dared to criticise Joseph Stalin! He must be a liberal, bourgeois, fascist, counter-revolutionary, capitalist, Trotskyite, reactionary imperialist! He may be openly opposed to capitalism but he doesn't look at historical figures through rose-tinted glasses, so he's got to be counter-revolutionary! LOL. Seriously though. You should realise that no one's impervious to history. Not George Washington, not Winston Churchill and not Joseph Stalin. Criticising Stalin's intolerant attitudes toward women does not make someone counter-revolutionary. Far from it. There can be no socialism without women's liberation.
@@epitaph3988 its a bot
This serms like marxism, but I'm willing to accept it anyway on the grounds of egalitarianism.
kindly allow me... the three realities of female bodies in the SOCIAL ASPECTS OF SOCIETY... 1- a female body is a 9 months carrier of procreation and one year breastfeeding... this is where the tradition has strong influence... traditional people say, you are a female to give birth, dont put it into waste bcoz of your desire to work... thus, a female body has to learn how to justify herself to traditonal conservative people about her stronger desire to work than to pro-create... 2- there are truly hard lined male chauvinists... a female body has to have the wits to befriend powerful connections to help in position competition against male chauvinists... a female body has to have the guts to expose sexual harrassment/s (verbal & physical) used by male chauvinists... 3- the undeniable human genetic make up of jealousy prominent in female bodies... female bodies fight each other reflecting a non-support of a female body towards higher positions... a female body need to exert efforts to win the support of females that a male body need not exert... in short, a female body faces procreation tradition, male chauvinists, jealousy prominent in female bodies ...
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
Stalin was really socially right wing, traditionalism and old conservatism when it came to treating women. Could even say he was slightly nationalist especially in his war effort against the nazis. But economically he was left wing.
Why are all Marxists - leftists feminists?? I'm a left winger too and i don't understand why so many people support this cancerous misandrist ideology.
The communists/socialists were against traditional cultures. They banned Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans and amongst others from: wearing traditional clothing, listening to their folk music, practising their religions, replacing folk architecture with 'socialist realism'(Also 'functionalism' and the like), (sometimes) even speaking their languages. I do not see any reason why those Filipino communist rebel fighters would do the same thing and generally, I don't see any reason why most Marxist-Leninists and Maoists would have abandoned this habit.
Bro what
please for the love of god delete this. Im getting second hand embarrassment
ok bot
Ok you spoke a lot now show me a woman who was in the top leadership position in politbueraru