LOL! "You gimme gimme gimme for free Vepons and hundreds of billions in aid. More! More more!" Supreme Dictator Volodomor I's favorite spiel. And only Ukraine can order the groveling Europeans , and until Jan 20th, America to decrease their obligations..
We as USA citizens have already promised Ukraine we will secure their sovereignty. Thats why they gave up a large nuclear stockpile. Unfortunately Russia was the other security rider! We must live up to that promise or our word means nothing moving forward.
Sadly, the role of the US under every other president, Republican and Democratic, before Trump, would be to assist Poland with free and fair elections.
America fight it's wars on some other countries turf not on their soil. So only wise leaders will not fall into this trip. Zelensky is just a actor a comedian he doesn't know politics..
@@geoffgill5334 Oops, I hope Trump has enough knowledge to not give Yukon to Russia…hhhhh. Anyone who thinks Trump taking over Canada would do anything other then handing over a complete North American continent to Putin… I suggest you wake up and smell Trump. He is a puppet of Putin…
Where is Russia getting the means to fund not only the Ukraine war, but operations in so many other regions when Russia is said to have an economy only the size of one USA state? Are they getting it all from stealing the natural resources of countries in Africa? Are they
You have to sell stuff even if you have resourse. They have large shadow fleet and ways to make natural gas "non-russian technically". Basically they pay cut to middleman and sell stuff that way. Who knows how big their Grey economy is.
I wish I was on the other side of this coming U.S. Administration for once I would be glad to be four years older! So far the Great Orange is looking way crazier than last time, and last time was he was crazy enough. god help us all
Musk must stay out of politics. This is ridiculous that the richest person in the world is helping right wingers to be elected in the their government.
Well the Dems raised 1.5 billion from around 10 tech oligarchs. Trump raised what...75 million from Musk? Anyway less. And he won. Thats what pisses you off i reckon.
@@JoeFreeman-y2d well, what I do not like is that two malignant narcissists with rich daddies and no ethics or love of democracy now rule the world. President Musk is not the only oligarch who contributed to tRump financially; it is his X ownership and following - by ignorant Americans - that got the convicted fellon the formal presidency. Musk is power behind the trone.
Donald Trump is taking inspiration from Putin in terms of territorial expansion is essential to being a *Great Leader.* He has bought into the idea that the U.S. should absolutely dominate the Western Hemisphere.
Absolutely, he sounds like the next Putin. In his mind 60,000 people are not entitled to their country and culture, if their land can be turned into a mine or a military base. Trump sees Greenland as empty and up for grabs. He is revolting.
Will trump eliminate the felony / misdemeanor checkbox on job application since he's won through the system, the past is not to find the future especially on a job applications if we are to become great again.
What might be better after billionaires' cabinet will take over? The life of ordinary Americans? Go and check who from MAGA elected officials voted for people's interest. It's a public info. And prepeare to be shocked.
Canadian provences could become U.S. States. If the U.S. federal gov. were to keep to only fulfilling its Constitutionally prescribed duties, the Canadian provences would retain great say in their governance as States.
TVP World abridged Mr. Trump's full statement about Greenland and thereby deliberately changed the intent of his words and knowingly misled their whole audience. Mr. Trump had said, "They should give it to us (meaning Greenland), for the sake of the free world." Europe was upset when Mr. Trump threatened to pull out of a delinquent mutual defence arrangement that was designed to protect the free world - and in this instance, you strategically mocked his proposal to make Greenland a military base for the safety of the free world (the US possibly buying it to contribute to your safety). The free world may have to get creative about how they can together protect themselves from Russia and China - and anyone is welcome to bring their ideas to the table if you have any better ones. But if Europe doesn't pay their share and openly mocks the person trying to find a way to keep you all safe, then the day may come when the US will have enough of you and leave you to your own defence altogether. Sometimes an imperfect working relationship is better than no relationship. I hope you won't have to realize how much the US meant to your safety - until they're gone. If you think it's fun to mock him then you haven't seen the gravity and vulnerability of your own situation as well as he has. Either continue to put your fingers in your nose and mockingly dance like ignorant brats ...or grow up and bring some substance to the table for open discussion.
Trump is a thinker and those who hate him do not understand how Trump works. Trump is a thinker and mover of things and NATO must know how to support each other with the US.
chaos or law and order, we are so divided I see no way, but from those in control let others have control is no way, that's the problem. Everything here is backwards, they run the world, they are the winners, really, there is one thing that I thank God is, it's them and not me. I can't even think about there lives and what awaits them as it is about to end. My goal in life was to die with no regrets, I define a regret something that I did, even an accident and no matter what age, if it resulted that effecting another person life in a negative way, physical or even worse spiritually that would be a regret. I am 70 and so far so good, all it took was a little GOD GIVEN COMMON SENSE.
*"We Pray Then Stand For The IDF Soldiers Unit & A Ukraina Military Army To Giving Protection To The Hebrew Community or Alot Ukrainian People's From The Dangerous Enemy Attacks With A Fighting Spirit Never Surender Anytime Foreve , Shalom Aleichem And Slava Ukraina _ God Bless To All of You !"* 😇🙏 How Can The Assad Family Regime Tobe Lost Power Leadership In Syria Because He To Haven't Supported By A His Best Friend Like : Hassan-Nasrallah ( Hezbollah Chief ) Including High Commander Rank : Fuad Shukkar - Ibrahim Aqil as The US Embassy Bomber Suspect In Beirut Lebanon 1983 & Eks Iran President Ibrahim-Raissi + IRGC Adviser In Damascus Then They To Death By A Intensively IDF Strikes With The Modern Stealth Jet-Fighter { F-35 Lighting 2 } To Dropping A Smart Anti-Bunker Guided-Bomb's [ GBU-25 + JDAMS ] Into The Iran-Proxies Underground Tunnels of Southern Lebanon Territory Meanwhile Vladimir-Putin To Also Bussy War Aggression In Ukraine Soils To Resulting A His Policy Disaster On The Battle Field Combat For A Significant Russian Military Capabilities Anything 😎🤘 Why Saudi Arabia Kingdom & A Gulf Countries To Don't Interested To Support The Iran War's Plan Together Again Israel In South Lebanon Because This A Gold Momentum To Backing The Moeslim Brotherhood Factions Rebel In The Syria Land ! 😎✊🎉👊 Now The Anti Basyar Al-Assad Rebels To Entering A Second Big City *"ALLEPO-HAMMA + DAMASCUS "* Then To Captured By The Multi Factions Militia From A Government Forces ( Assad Army ) Who Backed Up of Hezbollah-IRGC + Russian Wagner Mercenaries Because The Assad Family To Haven't Support Again From A Their Loyal Allies _ This A Real Karma-Law Curses For Ali-Khameini Ruler & Vladimir Putin Tyrant Leadership About A Their Brutality War's Conflict In Gaza-$trip + Southern Lebanon And Also Ukrainian Soils When Israel is A Legal Exist State of Hamas-Hezbollah-Houties Militant Attacks or The Real Ukraina Sovereign Country From Russia Invasion Aggression _ Don't Blame Jews Anything Because This A 100 Percent Is The Totally Islamist World Problem Since of 7 BC In Middle East ! 😎✊🎉👊 Ketika Ada Gencatan Senjata Yg Di Langgar Hezbollah Hingga IDF Hrs Bertindak Sendiri Krn Pasukan Perdamaian UNIFIL + Pasukan Nasional Lebanon Tdk Berani Lucuti Senjata Militan Proxi-Iran Tsb , Ada Berita Terbaru Yg Bakalan Bikin Pusing Rezim Teheran Iran Juga Diktator Putin Russia Sejak Tgl 28 November Sejumlah Milisi Pemberontak Anti Basyar Al-Assad Melakukan Serangan Mendadak Serempak Merebut Desa2 + Kota2 Yg Selama Di Duduki Pasukan Pemerintah ( Assad Army ) Yg Di Back-Up Milisi Hezbollah + IRGC-Iran $ekarang Mereka { HTS Rebels Including FSA / Freedom Syria Army } Telah Memasuki Kota Terbesar Bersejarah Baik Utk Umat Kristen-Islam-Yahudi : ALLEPO Sejumlah Pasukan Penguasa Di Tawan Milisi2Pemberontak [ Lihat Berita Syria-TV Dlm Bhs Arab Jangan Kaget Penyiar Wanitanya Tdk Kenakan Busana Muslimah Spt Jilbab Berkode Ala Jurnalis TV Wanita Bule ] Sekarang Perang Pecah Lagi Di Suriah Spt Thn 2011-18 Yg Dikenal Sbg Arab-$pring Para Netizen Kadrunista Di Negeri Konoha Pada Bingung Sendiri Dlm Menentukan Sikap Mau Bela Siapa Krn Sama2 1 Iman _ Asal Tahu Baik Ali-Khameini Juga Vladimir Putin Teman Sekutu Keluarga Assad Sejak Thn 1960an Era Bpk nya Havez Al-Assad Gagal Mempertahankan *"Gencatan Senjata Selamanya Sejak Thn 2019 Lalu"* Artinya Perang Berlanjut Terus Hingga Salah-$atu Pihak Hrs Kalah Menyerah Dgn Sendiri nya Secara Tulus Ihklas Tanpa Paksaan Oleh Pihak Manapun! 👳🤜👥🤛👳♀️ Para Kadrunista Selalu Klaim Propaganda Bhw Yg Tewas Di Jalur Gaza Itu Adl Rata-rata Wanita & Anak2 + Orang Tua Tapi Pernah Di Sebutkan Namanya Siapa-$aja Juga Bertempat Tinggal Di Mana Anehnya Kok Di Bilang Korban Sipil IDF Tetapi Pakai Rompi Anti~Peluru Bawa Senpi AK-47 Serta RPG-7 Itu Ada Foto-Video Dokumentasi Syahnya Sedangkan Konflik Di Tetangga Sebelah Di Suriah Hingga Kini Yg Telah Tewaskan 575 Ribu Jiwa Baik Warga-$ipil Maupun Anggota Milisi Bersenjata Yg Saling Bertikai Sejak Thn 2011 Hingga 2024 Ini Nggak Ada Tuh Teriak2 Genosida Juga Gencatan Senjata Serta Tdk Satupun Pimpinan Yg Hendak Di Tahan ICC Spt Ali Khameini ( Mulah Iran IRGC Leader ) , Vladimir Putin / Presiden Russia , Basyar Al-Assad { Diktator Suriah } & President Turki Otoriter Edrogan __ Padahal Tangan Mereka Banyak Berlumuran~Darah Nggak Ada Demo2Protes-Keras Di Eropa-Amerika DST Soal Masalah Tsb Hanya Melulu Israel Saja Jadi Fokus Utamanya Seolah Negeri Yg Musti Di Hukum Hanya Bangsa Zionist __ Ingat Tuhan Akan Membuktikan Siapa Sebenarnya Yg Paling Di Zolimin Bukan Persepsi Manusia Dungu Minim Literasi Sejarah Agama Terutama Muslim Kadrun Bin Bahlul Tdk Punya Kecerdasan Intelektual! ✍️📜📂📒 Krn Panglima Suriah Itu Tak Lain Adl Hassan-Nasrallah / Ketua Hezbollah-IRGC + Komandan2nya ( Fuad Sukhar - Ibrahim Aqil : Pelaku Pemboman Kedubes Amerika Serikat Yg Tewaskan 250 Marinir Amerika + Perancis Thn 1983 Juga Salim Jamil Ayash Pelaku Pembunuhan Eks Presiden Lebanon Hariri Thn 2006 ) Juga Tewasnya Eks President Iran Ibrahim Raissi Yg Jatuh Di Pegunungan Azerbaijan-Iran Kemarin Bulan Maret 2024 Sedangkan Vladimir Putin Sibuk Konflik Dgn Ukraina Hingga Kini Udah Ratusan-Ribu Militernya Tewas Ribuan Kendaraan Lapis-Baja Rusak Total __ Inilah Yg Membuat Sahabat-$ekutu Dekatnya Assad-Suriah Terabaikan Tdk Ada Aliran Dana & Senjata Utk Mempertahankan Pemerintahan Otoriter-Diktatornya Sejak Thn 1961 Pd Era Kekuasaan Ayahnya Hafez Al-Assad Yg Pernah Membantai 200Ribu Warga Sipil Di Kota HAMMA Anehnya Tdk Ada Satupun Pemimpin2 Negara Muslim Termasuk Indonesia Mengecam Aksi Kebiadaban Kejahatan Perang Syria-Assad Ini 👥😢🎉 NB : *"Hanya Nabi Ke 25 Bang Mamad Yg Jelas Buta Huruf Tdk Bisa Baca Tulis Ketika Menerima Wahyu Allah-SWT Dlm Keadaan Tercekik Sewaktu Bertemu Malaikat Jibril Di Gua Hiro Yg Gelap-Gulita Tsb Hingga Tdk Heran Pengikutnya Hingga Kini Tetap Terbelakang Dlm Segala Hal Aspek Kehidupan Krn Mengagumi Idola Junjungan nya Yg Banyak Alami Gangguan Ke Jiwaan! "* 🥸🤲👳♀️👺😈 Negeri Konoha Kita Ini Penghasil Barang Palsu ( CD Kaset Palsu , HP Palsu , Baju Merk Ternama Palsu DST ) Juga Pencetak Sertifikat Kelulusan Palsu Utk Sekolah & Universitas + Gelar Doktor Sarjana Palsu , Sumpah Palsu , Pernikahan Palsu ( Kawin Mutah / Siri _ Nikah Kontrak ) Krn Nabinya + Tuhan Juga Palsu Tdk Bisa Di Buktikan Dgn Fakta Sejarah🙄💴💰🤫
Present Elon Musk and his side kick Trump are psychopaths and stormy confirmed Trump small vienna. People in MAGA have been coned and some have woken up to the con by Musk and Trump and are fighting back with cyber trucks.
Trump is a psychopath and stormy confirmed a small vienna conman. People in MAGA have been coned and some have woken up to the con by Musk and Trump and are fighting back with cyber trucks.
My guess is there is plenty of metals, minerals, uranium, gass and oil in Greenland. Under a kilometer or more of ice. The Greenkand national water 🧐 Hmmmmmmmm Denmark does not have the means to defend the Arctic. Greenland says no now. Much can change in 3 years.
It is Ukraine that decides what they want to do. May God bless Ukraine and protect Ukraine.
Amen. 🙏 Ukraine will win. 👍👍
❤🇺🇦❤ trump is just vlad's bumboy puppet. ❤🇺🇦❤
LOL! "You gimme gimme gimme for free Vepons and hundreds of billions in aid. More! More more!" Supreme Dictator Volodomor I's favorite spiel.
And only Ukraine can order the groveling Europeans , and until Jan 20th, America to decrease their obligations..
The biggest enemy of Ukraine since 1991 independence was Ukrainians who looted Ukraine treasury starting with all presidents at the top.
We as USA citizens have already promised Ukraine we will secure their sovereignty. Thats why they gave up a large nuclear stockpile. Unfortunately Russia was the other security rider!
We must live up to that promise or our word means nothing moving forward.
You don’t have the ability or the financial resources to do that.
@@khaya7272just checking my account yea i am broke! 😅😂😂
@@khaya7272 Sure we do, Igor. Remember Lend Lease? You don't, though.
What pathetic dribble 😅@@khaya7272
God help Ukraine 🇺🇦 🙏 they need it more now than ever before 😢😢
Sadly, the role of the US under every other president, Republican and Democratic, before Trump, would be to assist Poland with free and fair elections.
Why are news organizations not calling his statements crazy and ridiculous he can’t do any of this!!!!!
News organizations are no longer independent and owned by a powerful few who support Trump because Trump supports the billionaires.
Don’t give up any territory to Russia
Bit like Ukraine, why doesn't America give Alaska and the Yukon to Russia??
Why would anyone want to give Russia anything! They are all Mafia! Quit talking foolish!
America fight it's wars on some other countries turf not on their soil. So only wise leaders will not fall into this trip. Zelensky is just a actor a comedian he doesn't know politics..
Suggest that the Alaskans would object violently to that. As for the Yukon it is Canada
@@andiswamabuza9145-Tv could also be literally on a payroll.
Oops, I hope Trump has enough knowledge to not give Yukon to Russia…hhhhh. Anyone who thinks Trump taking over Canada would do anything other then handing over a complete North American continent to Putin… I suggest you wake up and smell Trump. He is a puppet of Putin…
Oh no!!!! Pro-Russian Moldovans are freezing!!! Where is my tiny violin 🎻 at???
Ukrain is right .
Where is Russia getting the means to fund not only the Ukraine war, but operations in so many other regions when Russia is said to have an economy only the size of one USA state?
Are they getting it all from stealing the natural resources of countries in Africa?
Are they
Putin is using the money Trump stole from the US treasury in his last term
Drugs distribution too. Lots of it.
There is lots of black cash , mafia cash
You have to sell stuff even if you have resourse. They have large shadow fleet and ways to make natural gas "non-russian technically". Basically they pay cut to middleman and sell stuff that way. Who knows how big their Grey economy is.
Russia also doesn’t spend money on roads and infrastructure for years. Putin takes money from impoverished regions and put it into his war chests.
Those gems 💎 Poland found is great! Thank you 💛 TVP World
Canada recently passed off 80,000 air defence missiles to the Ukraine.😊
Kellogg is a turncoat.
It's all part of his weird politics and 0% knowledge of politics
It’s obviously not Kellog's own decision.
As all Americans are. Ask the Vietnamese, Afganistans, Middle Americans, Libyans, Irakis, Palestinians, Kurds, Ukraine,, etc etc etc.
I wish I was on the other side of this coming U.S. Administration for once I would be glad to be four years older!
So far the Great Orange is looking way crazier than last time, and last time was he was crazy enough. god help us all
Thank you TVP world news. America's 50 years of a race to the bottom continues sadly
To dangerous for con Don to go to Kiev, you will never see that coward in a country at war,
Musk must stay out of politics. This is ridiculous that the richest person in the world is helping right wingers to be elected in the their government.
It's called as prerograrive president in every single democracy state. Learn much about state science in faculty of law
it is called oligarchy.
Well the Dems raised 1.5 billion from around 10 tech oligarchs.
Trump raised what...75 million from Musk?
Anyway less.
And he won. Thats what pisses you off i reckon.
@@JoeFreeman-y2d well, what I do not like is that two malignant narcissists with rich daddies and no ethics or love of democracy now rule the world. President Musk is not the only oligarch who contributed to tRump financially; it is his X ownership and following - by ignorant Americans - that got the convicted fellon the formal presidency. Musk is power behind the trone.
Seem like Musk love his old South African.
Good to hear the former ambassador speak so clearly; I totally share his view and hope that view prevails in the US. Thanks TVP World from Norway
Cool bit about the royal gems found
remember, in fallout 3, we got nuked after the US annexed canada.
time to head to vegas
Trump talks out of his ass 😂
Donald Trump is taking inspiration from Putin in terms of territorial expansion is essential to being a *Great Leader.* He has bought into the idea that the U.S. should absolutely dominate the Western Hemisphere.
Absolutely, he sounds like the next Putin. In his mind 60,000 people are not entitled to their country and culture, if their land can be turned into a mine or a military base. Trump sees Greenland as empty and up for grabs. He is revolting.
@@creativeandaliveat65well said.
Will trump eliminate the felony / misdemeanor checkbox on job application since he's won through the system, the past is not to find the future especially on a job applications if we are to become great again.
I don’t think Poland cares about American job applications. Lol
No one here cares bro lol
Big mistake
RATs get nothing 😡
TVP,, 👍🌟👍
Of course he did he is a traitor
Might be better after he takes office.
Lol.. how?
What might be better after billionaires' cabinet will take over? The life of ordinary Americans? Go and check who from MAGA elected officials voted for people's interest. It's a public info. And prepeare to be shocked.
No kidding. He isn't even President until the 20th and he has no business sending anyone anywhere yet.
Yeah and jesus is gonna show up any minute
Not true and you know it
Canadian provences could become U.S. States. If the U.S. federal gov. were to keep to only fulfilling its Constitutionally prescribed duties, the Canadian provences would retain great say in their governance as States.
They're becoming real russians 😂
Moldova will lose transdnistria if it keep going like ukraine.
The SMO can't be frozen.😊
When you use a cable for remote command well...what do you expect?😊
talk in British or American English, LO English is not enough Mr Ł
Canada's 10 provences would have 20 U.S. Senators.
A moment of silence for Thomas Crooks.
Not "god help" ...the EU needs to help...get your house in order, when will you mobilize?
ask yourself why? Why would US send Billy Smith to die on some Poltava, Ukraine field unless to inreach US Boeing military pay check.
TVP World abridged Mr. Trump's full statement about Greenland and thereby deliberately changed the intent of his words and knowingly misled their whole audience. Mr. Trump had said, "They should give it to us (meaning Greenland), for the sake of the free world." Europe was upset when Mr. Trump threatened to pull out of a delinquent mutual defence arrangement that was designed to protect the free world - and in this instance, you strategically mocked his proposal to make Greenland a military base for the safety of the free world (the US possibly buying it to contribute to your safety). The free world may have to get creative about how they can together protect themselves from Russia and China - and anyone is welcome to bring their ideas to the table if you have any better ones. But if Europe doesn't pay their share and openly mocks the person trying to find a way to keep you all safe, then the day may come when the US will have enough of you and leave you to your own defence altogether. Sometimes an imperfect working relationship is better than no relationship. I hope you won't have to realize how much the US meant to your safety - until they're gone. If you think it's fun to mock him then you haven't seen the gravity and vulnerability of your own situation as well as he has. Either continue to put your fingers in your nose and mockingly dance like ignorant brats ...or grow up and bring some substance to the table for open discussion.
Polish state TV "Peace deal will include losing territory". We glimpse Tusk's true colours.
Trump is a thinker and those who hate him do not understand how Trump works. Trump is a thinker and mover of things and NATO must know how to support each other with the US.
chaos or law and order, we are so divided I see no way, but from those in control let others have control is no way, that's the problem. Everything here is backwards, they run the world, they are the winners, really, there is one thing that I thank God is, it's them and not me. I can't even think about there lives and what awaits them as it is about to end. My goal in life was to die with no regrets, I define a regret something that I did, even an accident and no matter what age, if it resulted that effecting another person life in a negative way, physical or even worse spiritually that would be a regret. I am 70 and so far so good, all it took was a little GOD GIVEN COMMON SENSE.
Putin is Trumps buddy in case you don't remember. Not sure what the surprise is.
*"We Pray Then Stand For The IDF Soldiers Unit & A Ukraina Military Army To Giving Protection To The Hebrew Community or Alot Ukrainian People's From The Dangerous Enemy Attacks With A Fighting Spirit Never Surender Anytime Foreve , Shalom Aleichem And Slava Ukraina _ God Bless To All of You !"* 😇🙏
How Can The Assad Family Regime Tobe Lost Power Leadership In Syria Because He To Haven't Supported By A His Best Friend Like : Hassan-Nasrallah ( Hezbollah Chief ) Including High Commander Rank : Fuad Shukkar - Ibrahim Aqil as The US Embassy Bomber Suspect In Beirut Lebanon 1983 & Eks Iran President Ibrahim-Raissi + IRGC Adviser In Damascus Then They To Death By A Intensively IDF Strikes With The Modern Stealth Jet-Fighter { F-35 Lighting 2 } To Dropping A Smart Anti-Bunker Guided-Bomb's [ GBU-25 + JDAMS ] Into The Iran-Proxies Underground Tunnels of Southern Lebanon Territory Meanwhile Vladimir-Putin To Also Bussy War Aggression In Ukraine Soils To Resulting A His Policy Disaster On The Battle Field Combat For A Significant Russian Military Capabilities Anything 😎🤘
Why Saudi Arabia Kingdom & A Gulf Countries To Don't Interested To Support The Iran War's Plan Together Again Israel In South Lebanon Because This A Gold Momentum To Backing The Moeslim Brotherhood Factions Rebel In The Syria Land ! 😎✊🎉👊
Now The Anti Basyar Al-Assad Rebels To Entering A Second Big City *"ALLEPO-HAMMA + DAMASCUS "* Then To Captured By The Multi Factions Militia From A Government Forces ( Assad Army ) Who Backed Up of Hezbollah-IRGC + Russian Wagner Mercenaries Because The Assad Family To Haven't Support Again From A Their Loyal Allies _ This A Real Karma-Law Curses For Ali-Khameini Ruler & Vladimir Putin Tyrant Leadership About A Their Brutality War's Conflict In Gaza-$trip + Southern Lebanon And Also Ukrainian Soils When Israel is A Legal Exist State of Hamas-Hezbollah-Houties Militant Attacks or The Real Ukraina Sovereign Country From Russia Invasion Aggression _ Don't Blame Jews Anything Because This A 100 Percent Is The Totally Islamist World Problem Since of 7 BC In Middle East ! 😎✊🎉👊
Ketika Ada Gencatan Senjata Yg Di Langgar Hezbollah Hingga IDF Hrs Bertindak Sendiri Krn Pasukan Perdamaian UNIFIL + Pasukan Nasional Lebanon Tdk Berani Lucuti Senjata Militan Proxi-Iran Tsb , Ada Berita Terbaru Yg Bakalan Bikin Pusing Rezim Teheran Iran Juga Diktator Putin Russia Sejak Tgl 28 November Sejumlah Milisi Pemberontak Anti Basyar Al-Assad Melakukan Serangan Mendadak Serempak Merebut Desa2 + Kota2 Yg Selama Di Duduki Pasukan Pemerintah ( Assad Army ) Yg Di Back-Up Milisi Hezbollah + IRGC-Iran $ekarang Mereka { HTS Rebels Including FSA / Freedom Syria Army } Telah Memasuki Kota Terbesar Bersejarah Baik Utk Umat Kristen-Islam-Yahudi : ALLEPO Sejumlah Pasukan Penguasa Di Tawan Milisi2Pemberontak [ Lihat Berita Syria-TV Dlm Bhs Arab Jangan Kaget Penyiar Wanitanya Tdk Kenakan Busana Muslimah Spt Jilbab Berkode Ala Jurnalis TV Wanita Bule ] Sekarang Perang Pecah Lagi Di Suriah Spt Thn 2011-18 Yg Dikenal Sbg Arab-$pring Para Netizen Kadrunista Di Negeri Konoha Pada Bingung Sendiri Dlm Menentukan Sikap Mau Bela Siapa Krn Sama2 1 Iman _ Asal Tahu Baik Ali-Khameini Juga Vladimir Putin Teman Sekutu Keluarga Assad Sejak Thn 1960an Era Bpk nya Havez Al-Assad Gagal Mempertahankan *"Gencatan Senjata Selamanya Sejak Thn 2019 Lalu"* Artinya Perang Berlanjut Terus Hingga Salah-$atu Pihak Hrs Kalah Menyerah Dgn Sendiri nya Secara Tulus Ihklas Tanpa Paksaan Oleh Pihak Manapun! 👳🤜👥🤛👳♀️
Para Kadrunista Selalu Klaim Propaganda Bhw Yg Tewas Di Jalur Gaza Itu Adl Rata-rata Wanita & Anak2 + Orang Tua Tapi Pernah Di Sebutkan Namanya Siapa-$aja Juga Bertempat Tinggal Di Mana Anehnya Kok Di Bilang Korban Sipil IDF Tetapi Pakai Rompi Anti~Peluru Bawa Senpi AK-47 Serta RPG-7 Itu Ada Foto-Video Dokumentasi Syahnya Sedangkan Konflik Di Tetangga Sebelah Di Suriah Hingga Kini Yg Telah Tewaskan 575 Ribu Jiwa Baik Warga-$ipil Maupun Anggota Milisi Bersenjata Yg Saling Bertikai Sejak Thn 2011 Hingga 2024 Ini Nggak Ada Tuh Teriak2 Genosida Juga Gencatan Senjata Serta Tdk Satupun Pimpinan Yg Hendak Di Tahan ICC Spt Ali Khameini ( Mulah Iran IRGC Leader ) , Vladimir Putin / Presiden Russia , Basyar Al-Assad { Diktator Suriah } & President Turki Otoriter Edrogan __ Padahal Tangan Mereka Banyak Berlumuran~Darah Nggak Ada Demo2Protes-Keras Di Eropa-Amerika DST Soal Masalah Tsb Hanya Melulu Israel Saja Jadi Fokus Utamanya Seolah Negeri Yg Musti Di Hukum Hanya Bangsa Zionist __ Ingat Tuhan Akan Membuktikan Siapa Sebenarnya Yg Paling Di Zolimin Bukan Persepsi Manusia Dungu Minim Literasi Sejarah Agama Terutama Muslim Kadrun Bin Bahlul Tdk Punya Kecerdasan Intelektual! ✍️📜📂📒
Krn Panglima Suriah Itu Tak Lain Adl Hassan-Nasrallah / Ketua Hezbollah-IRGC + Komandan2nya ( Fuad Sukhar - Ibrahim Aqil : Pelaku Pemboman Kedubes Amerika Serikat Yg Tewaskan 250 Marinir Amerika + Perancis Thn 1983 Juga Salim Jamil Ayash Pelaku Pembunuhan Eks Presiden Lebanon Hariri Thn 2006 ) Juga Tewasnya Eks President Iran Ibrahim Raissi Yg Jatuh Di Pegunungan Azerbaijan-Iran Kemarin Bulan Maret 2024 Sedangkan Vladimir Putin Sibuk Konflik Dgn Ukraina Hingga Kini Udah Ratusan-Ribu Militernya Tewas Ribuan Kendaraan Lapis-Baja Rusak Total __ Inilah Yg Membuat Sahabat-$ekutu Dekatnya Assad-Suriah Terabaikan Tdk Ada Aliran Dana & Senjata Utk Mempertahankan Pemerintahan Otoriter-Diktatornya Sejak Thn 1961 Pd Era Kekuasaan Ayahnya Hafez Al-Assad Yg Pernah Membantai 200Ribu Warga Sipil Di Kota HAMMA Anehnya Tdk Ada Satupun Pemimpin2 Negara Muslim Termasuk Indonesia Mengecam Aksi Kebiadaban Kejahatan Perang Syria-Assad Ini 👥😢🎉
NB : *"Hanya Nabi Ke 25 Bang Mamad Yg Jelas Buta Huruf Tdk Bisa Baca Tulis Ketika Menerima Wahyu Allah-SWT Dlm Keadaan Tercekik Sewaktu Bertemu Malaikat Jibril Di Gua Hiro Yg Gelap-Gulita Tsb Hingga Tdk Heran Pengikutnya Hingga Kini Tetap Terbelakang Dlm Segala Hal Aspek Kehidupan Krn Mengagumi Idola Junjungan nya Yg Banyak Alami Gangguan Ke Jiwaan! "* 🥸🤲👳♀️👺😈
Negeri Konoha Kita Ini Penghasil Barang Palsu ( CD Kaset Palsu , HP Palsu , Baju Merk Ternama Palsu DST ) Juga Pencetak Sertifikat Kelulusan Palsu Utk Sekolah & Universitas + Gelar Doktor Sarjana Palsu , Sumpah Palsu , Pernikahan Palsu ( Kawin Mutah / Siri _ Nikah Kontrak ) Krn Nabinya + Tuhan Juga Palsu Tdk Bisa Di Buktikan Dgn Fakta Sejarah🙄💴💰🤫
This channel is misleading...
Not true and you know it
Europe will no longer be able to support the Ukraine due to deindustrialization of European nations.😊
Russia is back on its feet after decades of slumber.😊
as its oil export slumps, weapon exports are even recalled, weapon systems are found not performing,cities are in need of critical maintenance, etc..
It's not Russia that halts electricity.... It ukrain That refused to rew contract.
Can you blame them ? The contract expired. Ukraine kept its side of the deal.
The United States must support Ukraine.
Russia recently captured and seized the largest lithium deposit in the world in the Ukraine.😊
Canada is so financially distressed the prime minister of Canada...Justin Trudeau resigned.😊
Lol, Oh boy
They complain about Elon Musk, but not one word about George Soros! Think about that!
What about Soros?
Present Elon Musk and his side kick Trump are psychopaths and stormy confirmed Trump small vienna. People in MAGA have been coned and some have woken up to the con by Musk and Trump and are fighting back with cyber trucks.
20% is the size of a small American state. That's nothing.😊
Trump is a true friend of Europe and Denmark in particular. What did he say? Greenland should come peacefully?
Trump is a psychopath and stormy confirmed a small vienna conman. People in MAGA have been coned and some have woken up to the con by Musk and Trump and are fighting back with cyber trucks.
There's no electricity or gas in the Ukraine.😊
and your basis for this statement?
@@rustyyb8450 The basis for such a ridiculous statement is in the posters name "@Bird(Brain)_McBride"
Trump junior is a very smart guy. The U S can bring Greenland great prosperity.
My guess is there is plenty of metals, minerals, uranium, gass and oil in Greenland. Under a kilometer or more of ice.
The Greenkand national water 🧐
Denmark does not have the means to defend the Arctic.
Greenland says no now. Much can change in 3 years.
Not true and you know it. Anything Trump's touched has been a deranged disaster
Trumpet mouths family are very smart they are smarter than than most sorry every body in the world they are so smart they listen to Muskie
We already have Putler, do we add Trumpler?
No thanks