Because you remember them from being a kid. Play it now and see what happens lol. I’m 29 and tried to go back and play games that I remembered being good….they were so bad I stopped a few hours in. Sometimes not even that far. People just like to whine like babies about everything nowadays
Because you remember them from being a kid. Play it now and see what happens lol. I’m 29 and tried to go back and play games that I remembered being good….they were so bad I stopped a few hours in. Sometimes not even that far. People just like to whine like babies about everything nowadays
In the original, the design of closed spaces (indoors) effectively shows darkness, stuffiness, crampedness, uneasiness, unpredictable feelings of unsafeness,... While the remake focusing on graphics and reality, not bringing the atmosphere as the original. Another example, the original version has the sound of James's footsteps pounding with each step, it creates a heavy (psychological) feeling for the player, listening to it often creates a feeling of going crazy due to stress. The remake otherwise it is not like that.
@@dinhpham2718 tal cual iba decirlo, la atmosfera de encierro en la original es mucho mejor, tambien la niebla el original lo tiene mas denso, lo hubieran hecho tal cual 😔
well said! it was too dark in re2 remake and a bit bright here. Well hopefully mods/ reshade for the pc version can fix this. Reshade does wonders to pc games
@@shayanali8771 thats like... your opinion man. im saying its OBJECTIVELY not very faithful to the OG re2's lighting in the police station etc. You probably didnt play the OG, lighting is very different
@@Spillow-C You OBVIOUSLY havent played enough ps1 games if you're spouting such nonsense. Tomb raider 3 and 4 etc had great lighting for the ps1 and shadows and darkness, same with silent hill 1 and soul reaver 1. And thats just very few games out of many
Un remake AA de una obra maestra que fue hace más de 20 años, me parece que Unreal 5 sigue dando mucho resultado, pero en cuanto animaciones, konami ya no es, lo que en algún momento fue .
Konami ya no hace juegos, esto es algo que tenemos que entender, contrata estudios para hacerlo. Lo mejor que debió hacer Konami fue unirse a Sony, pero al ser una compañía familiar, muy poco probable que esto ocurra.
Konami solo es culpable de no haber invertido más. Y claramente no le dieron tiempo al estudio, play necesita juego y seguro que obligaron a lanzarlo en tiempo record
Me encanta éste remake, aquí el pueblo sí se ve abandonado, la luz del sol que entra por las ventanas le da un ambiente bellísimo. También me encantó como James marca los objetivos en el mapa y los sonidos de ambiente cuando explora. Amo este remake.
@@otsu3011a mi me pareció corrrecto, recuerda que la original era por cgi esta es bastante parecida es cierto que un poco subida de peso pero nada malo a decir verdad, hasta la ropa fue fiel y el diseño de Laura y maria junto a James son joya solo resta Eddy
La luz de las ventanas debería ser más tenue y blanca o gris (por la niebla y la falta de sol), ese tono cálido de The Last Of Us no concuerda con Silent Hill.
@@PurArquitectura23Es así porque en el original, en ese mismo momento, se pueden ver algunos rayos de sol. Si te fijas bien, despues de reunirte con Maria en el parque, durante todo el trayecto hasta el hospital, se "aclara" un poco la iluminación.
Bro, the combat must be like that, rough, then they go around complaining that it looks like a resident evil (horror shooter), for having so much combat, be consistent with what you say🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
The original looked grungy and almost photorealistic, due to it's use of natural lighting. The textures were way grungier too. The remake looks too clean but the monsters do look amazing.
In the original, the design of closed spaces (indoors) effectively shows darkness, stuffiness, crampedness, uneasiness, unpredictable feelings of unsafeness,... While the remake focusing on graphics and reality, not bringing the atmosphere as the original. Another example, the original version has the sound of James's footsteps pounding with each step, it creates a heavy (psychological) feeling for the player, listening to it often creates a feeling of going crazy due to stress. The remake otherwise it is not like that.
Also noticed they used sounds in areas that make no sense or at least that 1 particular sound that's suppose to play at the stairs before James start to explore the hotel floors. Fr like the little musical ambient sounds bits should be louder.
remember that old silent hill used a dense fog not to make the sense of horror only but also to gain performance... the more fog, the less things to render .
@@Tronx431 agree, I hope there's modders who can negate the unnecessary "horror" ambient frequency type music and LET THE SILENCE do the trick, as well as reverbing footsteps around the halls and corridors... rather than using cheap tricks as such. Maybe someone can make a remake version of some ambience with an old "ethereal" pads and synth, or maybe use the same old ambience, in order to recapture the OG version's experience
Sin duda los ultimos minutos del gameplay, fueron lo mejor. Tal vez sea por la poca iluminación de las escenas pero se ven bastante bien, sobretodo las expresiones de los personajes en las cinematicas. Pero la primera parte del gameplay si se ve bien tieso xd
Dicen por ahí, que los trailers son de fases distintas del desarrollo. Y también han dicho que el trailer de angela es de etapas anteriores al adelanto jugable.
@@CNLALostMedia pues suena creíble viendo lo bien que se ve la ultima parte del gameplay a comparación con lo feo que se ve las caras y expresiones en la parte del cementerio xd
@@xnivekrlx6881 Tienen razón. No tienen nada que ver las últimas caras con las del cementerio xddddd parecen juegos distintos, y ni de coña son de un juego de Play 5 íntegro.
No se que ve la gente, para mi es un remake de cuarta… salta a la vista la mala calidad, la repetición de patrones en la pared, parece un juego sin terminar que te lo venden a 70 dolares. Desastroso remake
Perfect! I liked that they kept the character locked in... it helps with the terror and brings nostalgia... The camera changed, but patience... it was an inevitable influence.
well it IS one of the bettee looking ps2 games.. that is, until sh3 and the room came out, they look much better graphically. Heather for example still looks great to this day
The remake pisses me off because I realize now that they’re trading off atmosphere for graphics . The original felt so disorienting traveling through the fog , I had to keep looking at my map or stick to buildings because it felt safe .
@@lBorosDavidl disagree. remake fog looks like its only visible in front of the character, while the older one is visible behind the character when walking pass through it
Notice that the fog was also introduced to load the map, and also it added more to the atmosphere, now with new technology we can still keep it and give it a more realistic approach, not a 1:1 to real life, but a believable behavior. A game from 2001 will never be the same as a game from 2024, time goes on.
I agree. Technically it could be a lot better like RE2 and RE4 Remakes, but it doesn't look bad at all... and I hope the story and atmosphere make up for the experience.
1:35 That ass shot of the very first enemy in the OG was no accident. I wonder if the remake is going to tone down one of the key themes expressed in SH2.
Of course not. The problem with many remakes is that they're inspired by the original games instead of being inspired by the same things that original developers had as an inspiration. A lot of aesthetic choices in Silent Hill 2 is obviously inspired by old pornography. Can you imagine a modern videogame developer to watch a ton of 25-year-old hardcore porn to the point that it's imprinted in your brain that much that you make monsters look like a walking and rotten dead female body covered with massage oil?
There are lots of sexual innuendos in SH2 original, because it represents to tormented mind of the protag, mainly his lust and sexual frustration. The original was eerie because it touched on disturbing real themes of dark human emotions.
I was thinking the same, everyone points out the ass of that cutscene as a funny thing when they play it for the first time, but it has his meaning behind and the fact that everyone saw it, makes it a good detail. In the remake the detail its gone :(
I wish the character models and their facial animations (I saw a lack of emotion during the cutscenes) looked better, but overall the game looks good (they nailed the atmosphere) and it will certainly provide an interesting perspective for people who have played the original game. Some people have compared the graphics of the SH2 remake to those of the PS3 era, but such comparisons (since when did PS3 or even PS4 use realtime GI?) only show how many people are clueless when it comes to technology and game graphics.
They're not entirely wrong, though. The environments look incredible, thanks to the use of UE5, but there are definitely PS3 moments in some of the models. During the State of Play trailer sequence it kind of stood out to me as looking meh compared to a lot of what came before it.
@@PabloB888 I'm guessing you're referring to the 13 minute gameplay preview during the Transmission. I looked it over several times and I can see people arguing the same topic about that. For some it looks amazing, but it struck me as weird from the moment the camera left the cutscene and panned to James in the street. His model felt off, like it didn't belong in the environment. It took me a while to figure out why I was getting that impression. Focusing on the character/monster models alone, they looked a generation or two behind the environment. Cutscenes looked great though, so it might just be the lighting. This is me trying to figure out why it felt off, because the RE2Remake trailer several years back blew my mind instantly in comparison.
what? are people here blind or something? The character models look absolutely fine, fantastic even.. and the facial animations are great and fitting to the style of horror and atmosphere this game has and needs.. for fucks sake, gamers nowadays are just never happy with anything.. bitching and bitching is the only things that gives them pleasure
@@wes8723 I dunno what to tell you. Resident Evil 2 Remake is a 5 year old release and the models look way, way better. To SH2's credit, they do look really good in cinematics when the lighting falls just right. Probably something that needs to be adjusted across the board, because the faces often look washed during gameplay segments.
@@jasonageraldsPeople have the right to criticize a product. They should hold developers to higher standards instead of welcoming mediocrity. Criticism doesn't mean hating.
@@Pelayum I see a strange mix, however. In some cases, valid criticism towards stiff animations and rather bright areas appear on the internet. Unfortunately, they're overshadowed by frequent, hostile comments that simply despise the game simply because changes were made. Because the latter is more common, it is sometimes hard to find the line between critique and insult. Though the aura of the 2001 original is superior in my eyes, I'd be lying if I said that the remake wasn't doing a good job at modernizing the original game. Unless the reviews are bad, I believe that this game-play trailer has sold me on the product, something the trailers struggled to do.
Espero que este remake tenga la esencia de los juegos originales, cómo es el 1 y el 2, que no eran tan lineales ni era obvio para dónde ir, uno podía recorrer todas las calles del pueblo, sin encontrar el camino, viendo acertijos en los carteles de las casas y cosas así, se podían entrar a la mayoría de habitaciones del hospital o donde uno estuviera, así no tuvieran nada, espero este nuevo tenga eso, y no lo dañen poniendo la ruta directa a dónde uno se dirige o marquen como en resident con pintura las cosas, quitándole la esencia al juego. Y ojalá hubieran iniciado haciendo un remake del 1, con todos sus finales, ya a los juegos les quitan mucha dificultad y muchos finales.
A todos los que estáis pensando que el original de la izquierda se veia peor, el que nos está mostrando es la versión de PC remasterizada por fans durante años. Tiene reescalado de imagenes por IA y 200 cosas mas. La versión original de PS2 es bastante peor.
@@Hao06 quitando lo de la resolucion el juego en ps2 se ve igual o levente inferior. Tienen en la mente que se veia como un juego de ps1 cuando en realidad los graficos de los Silent Hill de esa generacion eran de lo mejor graficamente en ps2.
@@likedvidsz Laura was skinny before, so why don't use the same model? Was it so hard? I mean they want to do that inclusive bs in every game, movie, etc...
Tampoco es la gran mejora pa, solo mejora en comparación con la versión normal de PC, que venía bastante mal, arreglan bugs visuales como el de la linterna, de audio y le pusieron las cinemáticas de PS2 que por alguna razón se ven mejor en PS2 que en el port original de PC. La única mejora gráfica entre comillas sería que te permite subir la resolución a 16:9 . Por lo demás es todo igual a PS2 xd por ende al pedo el comentario.
Sigue siendo el juego original sólo que en lugar de Standard Definition está en High Definition, es la versión HD para PC llamada "Enhanced Edition" hecha por fans, corrige muchos errores.
@@AlexLeut si tiene cambios no es la versión original. Conozco la versión enhanced porque la tengo. Los cambios son importantes porque otra resolución hace mucha diferencia en este tipo de comparaciones. Tiene otras mejoras a parte de la resolución
The remake looks kinda nice, but my biggest problems are with the shoulder camera because it will prevent moments like this (11:25) from happening. Also, James combat actions seems too fast for me... The slowness of the original's combat added to the horror of it
Creo que han hecho un buen juego, veremos hasta que punto se han inspirado en el original, pero lo que es la ambientación creo que luce bien. El Gameplay parece algo tosco pero creo que es como debería de ser, al fin y al cabo es lo que hacía en parte interesante el enfrentarse a los enemigos, aún que puede que mucha gente se queje en este aspecto, pero des de luego esto será un juego para un público más cerrado que los resident. Lo que si tengo intriga es por el tema de la banda sonora, por qué es la mejor de todos los juegos y no se cómo lo habrán resuelto o si quiera estará. Saludos
Why does Konami hates their brands so much? I don't understand. You decide to remake one of the most beloved games of all time and you hire a relatively amateur studio to do it. It looks like as if they're trying to make it bad on purpose.
and what exactly are you basing that on now? serious question! are you serious about wanting the camera from the original game? are you serious about wanting auto-aim?
Esperemos tenga tanto éxito como para hacer el remake del poderosísimo SH1. Perdimos el P.T. pero tenemos este remake. Me encantó escuchar que este juego será mas largo.
thank you for the video the remake isn't bad, it just needs more work on the character's movement especially the combat, otherwise they really nailed the atmosphere and the environment also i appreciate Konami for showing us an extensive gameplay unlike the others who sell you a game and don't even know anything other than the cinematic trailer now based on what has been shown everyone will be 100% sure if they wanna play it or not
Se vé espectacular. La verdad que no sé qué mas quieren. Quieren algo nuevo que sea igual al viejo pero que sea diferente y a la vez igual pero diferente. Para mí se ve re bien. Las animaciones acartonadas del original tienen su encanto por la nostalgia que me causa, pero el remake se ve y se siente muy bien.
Pienso lo mismo, es difícil complacer a la gente, y se ve que le han puesto amor y respeto a la versión de mi parte estoy feliz y esperando con ansias poder jugar el remake.
@@edithesmeraldaramirezmoral3617 Pero claro! Mientras la ambientación esté bien, los personajes sean convincentes y la historia esté bien dirigida va a quedar bueno. Ahora estoy jugando The Outer Worlds, y para mí el gunplay y todo eso es secundario. El contexto es interesante y los personajes son carismáticos y te generan empatía fácilmente. Y al igual que en Silent Hill, en este tipo de juegos lo importante es la evolución del personaje y su entorno. Por otro lado, el tema de que si los actores nuevos son feos y muy diferentes a los originales me parece absurdo.
I notice that in the remake there are missing dialogues that may not be very important but they lose a bit of interaction without them like in the part about the bear's needle
It's not quite true. There are more interaction between characters - James spend with Maria more time and they communicate a lot, he meets Angela and Eddie more, also there are one extra scene with Laura in the end
Se ve muchisimo mejor que lo mostrado en el trailer anterior. Aun asi faltaria mejorar el movimiento al caminar y al golpear con el palo en el suelo, un poco mas de oscuridad se agradeceria y a mi ver faltan mas detalles de suciedad, corrosion y moho en paredes y pisos
Sí, algo que me llamaba la atención del original es que estaba lleno de hongo. Si te topas con eso en la vida real, sabes que es un lugar que no te conviene.
@@jeansynklar386 Exacto, en el remake parece un simple hospital abandonado, en el viejo aparte de abandonado da la sensacion de un lugar infernal, repleto de metal y oxido
@pablososaleguizamon7211 they are there. We've only seen the transformed darker version of the environments in the shorter trailer released recently. Absent from a demo doesn't equal absent from the game.
Me gusta lo que veo. La ambientación está muy bien lograda, los entornos se ven muy bien. Por otro lado me gusta las animaciones de combate, James es un hombre común y corriente y no me hubiera gustado verlo haciendo parrys, saltos espectaculares o moviendose de forma tan ágil como Leon que es un hombre entrenado militarmente. En Silent Hill debes sentir agobio y que tu personaje no se sienta superior a los enemigos ayuda mucho a eso. Lo de las caras no sé que espera la gente, si quieren ver las mismas caras ahí tienen el original que seguirá existiendo pero en un remake es normal que retoquen cosas por que si no lo hicieran no tendría sentido el remake.
El problema no es que James parezca un novato usando armas, lo que la gente vé de "feo", son las animaciones, se sienten entrecortadas e incluso en ocasiones parecen sin terminar. Tal vez mejoren a futuro , pero, solo faltan 5 meses para que salga.
@@danielc1635 Lo entiendo y comparto en cierto punto. El problema acá es que Bloober team no tiene mucha experiencia en juegos en 3era persona, sus juegos más conocidos son Layers of Fear y Blair Witch que son Walking simulators en primera persona. Yo creo que aún pueden mejorar ciertos detalles, lo que vimos hoy es MUCHO mejor que lo visto en los trailers anteriores, se nota que escucharon las quejas de los fans con lo visto anteriormente.
@@FelipeGamingCL we already know straight from the developers mouths that the earlier trailer was just a bad cut from Konami that made it seem action oriented. Nothing has changed. They are not listening to fans and making changes. This gameplay snippet is exactly what they said they are making. With 5 months left, it is highly unlikely that they will do a pass to polish the animations. They are what they are. Stiff and poorly done. They don't convey someone who doesn't have training. They just show a lack of talent in the animation department. They couldn't even be bothered to use kinematics or motion blending, which are both baked into UE5. The only thing we can hope for in the final product is that these animations don't have a negative impact on playability and responsiveness. Garbage controls don't make games scary, they make them tedious.
@@mikew1080 Silent Hill 2 original tiene un pésimo gameplay y eso no hace que el juego sea malo, a día de hoy lo sigo jugando y disfrutando. Además no es un juego de acción, tienes opciones de defenderte pero no es un resident evil, puedes pasar de los enemigos.
@@FelipeGamingCL what are you arguing here? I never said anything regarding the gameplay of the original. My comments are showing concern about negatively affecting the remakes gameplay. I also never stated it is an action game. You just talked your way around my response or didn't comprehend what I said.
the music in the original makes u fear more than the new, the environment doesn't make u stressed unfurtionatly + I hope there will be more than one enemy at the same time in normal difficulty
The bubblehead nurse has less Ju-on-like movement, and more humanoid. I don't know if it's for better or for worse. The new perspective is to make up for the combat I guess. Looks like the combat will be way better, but over the sholder perspective will make you see less. Interesting.
Me gustó lo visto en el trailer del gameplay, se ve que hay respeto y amor al juego original. No sé si deje contentos a todos, pero creo que no será un mal juego para nada
Inside the hospital the enviroment is very bright compared to original. The original is more dark, the walls more dirty. In my opinion the places the hospital leaves to be desired.
The remake looks too pretty. Why are there perfectly clear puddles and spotless roads, full green bushes. This doesn't make a game feel scary at all. The original though primitive had the scary feel of the game down to perfection.
It's interesting to see the differences between the two. I'd say at this point I'm...cautiously optimistic. Though I wish they had announced a demo at the end of the presentation yesterday. That would've been perfect.
I just can't agree with some people who say this remake looks bad. I think it looks really good. Although, SH really needs to step up in terms of fun gameplay. It doesn't need to be action packed, but it needs to be a bit more thought of.
It looks bad for everything except the engine, but animations, faces, gameplay, looks like a fan project and not an official remake, there is not one trailer that give me a vibe of "this game will be good" but we'll see in october.
Thats what I keeps saying. RE added a purser enemy, dodge rolling, knife parry combat, side quest, and a linear openworld in the remake while adding quality of life a new better spins. Not saying SH needs to do this. Just need to have something that defines SH. RE fans love their case organizing so much they wont ever use the auto-sort function. The SH remake looks good but fails to innovate or evovle its self with the blueprint its has. Beside the standard remake service. Hopefully, Im wrong and they just didnt show much because its a trailer.
Don't know how I feel about interacting with the environment to find minor items like health drinks. If I have to check inside every single car now to make sure I didn't miss everything, it's going to be a long, drawn-out first playthrough. On second thought, I love that idea. Give it to me.
Se ve increíble. Qué juegazo se nos viene. El original ha envejecido bastante mal en su control. El remake se le nota mucho el cariño. Gracias Blobber team
I've been looking at the trailers for way longer than anyone should to figure out why it feels off and why there's a divide between fans saying it looks incredible vs it looking like a PS3 game. My best observation - There's a disconnect between the quality of the environment vs the quality of the models. The game being made in UE5 probably means the engine/assets did a lot of work for creating the world, while the parts that had to be made from scratch look like they don't fit. Depending on the lighting/angles etc. it's either really good (like in cutscenes) or PS3 reminiscent (like the Lying Figure texture and acid).
No tiene mala pinta del todo, pero las animaciones y la fluidez del juego no termina de verse del todo fino. Por los motivos que sean, el motor Unreal 5 da mas quebradero de cabeza que soluciones.
@@Educa69bro, has jugado al original? porque parece que no, el silent hill 2 original, tiene de las jugabilidades más toscas de la historia (y no es que sea malo).
¿Qué tiene que ver el tocino con la velocidad? Una cosa es hablar de la jugabilidad y otra muy distinta los problemas serios que sufre el juego de Stuttering.
Looks better than I expected, however, they need to fix Maria's giant head and stupid outfit, and Angela's bloated face. It'd be nice if they added a noise filter like the original to give it that film grain look.
The camera angle is what ruins it all for me. The FIXED CAMERA was a PART of the horror. Taking that away and putting it so close to the main char have turned this into a Resident Evil clone. Hell the whole Hospital scene could have been a DLC or MOD pack to Resident Evil. The horror from the old Silent Hill 2 is just not there. The bloober devs (as i feared) have totally failed on every level to understand what made SH2 into the pure psychological horror spectacle it was. This remake went to the wrong dev studio 100%. They would do better making a game like Resident Evil or Evil Within.
a fixed camera is better for small spaces because you can see what's going on around you without having to rotate the main person 360°. So it would be wise to use both cameras, as was done in Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water for example!!!!!!!!
The remake feels exaggerated and tries to come across as an American film. The OG has a denser, rawer atmosphere that makes you feel like you're in a surreal nightmare, everything is strangely more unsettling.
That's the feel i got too i didn't knew how to expressed it , SH2 feels so natural not so acted not so forced, people in a terrible situation , meanwhile the remake its soo grain sand level measured and engined, everything is soo unnecessaryly detail , everything seems so pretentious and I'm scared in a bad way of what the remake is going to be😔
@@captaincool6268 You guys can not be for real. The original silent hill 2 no one is acting remotely human. The bad voice acting with the dream like interactions is all off.
@@cleit1802 yea i agree with you.. all these idiots are just blinded by nostalgia with the foggiest glasses you can possibly imagine. the ps2 had technical limitations and they dont wana wrap their heads around that. Maybe the sound design was great, but the remake so far doesnt look bad at all (minus the faces and maybe brighter environment)
@@heyjeySigma I agree. Nostalgia is the biggest power of all. It does not only affect video games but literally ANYTHING. The face that you're not thinking about the past itself but the past from the context of the present is what gets people. Sillent Hill 2's atmosphere is great but has many faults. Conversations are awkward not only for atmosphere but literally because they are janky in various places. If they recreated that jank it'd look like a parody.
@@cleit1802you cant really ask good voice acting for a PS1 game, and this remake barely looks better than TLOU1 for the PS3, it says alot of the low budget they had, and thats way they hired Bloober Team, a mediocre studio
It's really not. You're just saying it doesn't look like Silent Hill because they changed the camera. You guys see Resident Evil in everything that has a behind the shoulder POV.
Bro, the combat should be like that, rough, then they go around complaining that it looks like a resident evil, because there is so much combat, be consistent with what you say. Also, silent hill and resident evil are not as original as you think, both are inspirations from the game "alone in the dark", so according to your logic resident evil seems like alone in the dark
Yeah not a fan of the combat and camera. It hits the fun receptors of my brain not the fear and anxiety. It's a balancing act and unfortunately I don't agree with the direction they took.
Wait this video was 4 months ago??? And their remake demo had revealed the parts in the hospital??? That’s more than what I expected to find from a demo.
El original se ve mas tétrico en todos los aspectos, en el Remake es como si hubiera más luz y menos neblina, todo se puede apreciar, en el original no sabes que te puede aparecer, hay mas tensión y ansiedad, en mi opinión los desarrolladores originales son los únicos que pueden hacer un verdadero Remake de este juego.
Mucho es el cambio de tecnología, primero no había luz indirecta, que es como se comporta la luz realmente, la luz indirecta hace que se ilumine mas las estancias, también tiene que ver la cámara, antes al estar en alto daba menor visibilidad
@@miguelm.a7462 claro, pero estas comparando la tecnología de ahora con la de antes, cuando se hizo ese juego estaba pensado en las consolas de ese momento y ahora que tenemos tecnología más avanzada no pueden capturar la esencia de lo tétrico y terror que el juego original te hace sentir, si ya tienen el juego hecho ya esta perfecto a como es pero capturar esa esencia parece ser no tan sencillo, por la misma razón dije que los desarrolladores originales son los únicos que podrían rehacer el juego para las consolas modernas.
@@msanchez1680d Es juego no esta hecho, no hay nada hecho, es como tener el guion de una pelicula y decir que esta hecha, el juego sigue un guion pero se hace desde cero todo lo demás, y decir que los desarrolladores originales podrían rehacerlo, las habilidades para hacer juegos no son la mismas hace 20 años, seguramente los desarrolladores originales, no tienen idea de cinematografía, algo que hoy en día mucha gente que trabaja en cine trabaja en videojuegos, por eso la dirección de las escenas como los de la niña, esta hecha por gente que sabe de composicion, y camaras
Para ser más justos, la versión "original" que está mostrando es una remasterización hecha por fans para PC, que incluye texturas reescaladas en HD y videos mejorados por IA, el de la comparación debió usar la versión original real, aunque supongo que no lo hizo por temas de compatibilidad con sistemas operativos recientes.
Hablando de forma realista, esos detalles que pasan, como la niebla, es densa pero no a tal punto, tambien es para apreciar mejor el ambiente alrededor, recuerda bro, la niebla era por limitaciones de la consola y por eso casi ni mostraba nada🤷♂️🤷♂️😂
Pinta muy guapo ahora, lo único que no me gusta es que le falta mas niebla a distancia corta. En el original no podias ver a 2 metros de ti hasta que no ibas avanzando y eso te da una sensación de inquietud constante, mientras que ahora se ve todo mucho más.
It's strange cos that's how it looked to me in my head back in the day!! They've done an amazing job! People will say what's the point of re doing these games but it gives people a chance to try them and me to re live them! Gameplay has moved on, we used to put up with some right rotten tank controls lol
El ambiente y probablemente el soundtrack esta geniales aunque ya no se siente tan tetrico como el original ahora bien y sacando al elefante de la habitación: el diseño de personajes esta horriblemente mal, se cargaron lo que hacian a los personajes y monstruos. - James ya no se ve como alguien sombrio que perdió a su amada. - Angela ya no parece esa mujer que sabes que es bella pero se descuida por sus traumas pasados (recordar que su madre le decia que era ella la culpable de seducir a los hombres) - pero que le hicieron a Maria? Su diseño se basa literalmente en la fantasía de James de una Mary sexy con caracter fuertey seductor y que a su vez esta le este recordando que ella no es Mary. - Los Lying figure ya no tienen esa característica femenina que representaba la psiqui de James (que nos dejan en claro que nacen de sus emociones conflictivas y su represión sexual) Soy fan de la saga y amo sus historias (algunas mas que otras) pero no por eso me voy a cegar y decir que esto es bueno solo por que tiene Silent hill en el nombre.
Mantiene su esencia y estilo artístico del original aunque en estos tiempos parezcan desactualizas. Que realmente es lo mas importante, una muy buena adaptación por parte de Bloober Team. Un saludo.
The fog effects and lighting seem alot more immersive and horrific than the remake. Also the ambient music had more of a scarier tone in the original. Still gonna play but just my thoughts
Thos video really shed light on how good the new game looks...those it does nothing for those ugly mugs 🤣👌 I appreciate your videos and thos side by side. I can't wait to play this in Oct. As silent hill is one of my favorite horror franchises. I remember when it was announced for ps1 and I read about it in psm(playstation magazine)when it became available I pre ordered it at software etc. In the mall. Getting that game and playing it day one was an awesome and scary experience(those demon kids killing you and thinking you did so.ething wrong was great and those jarring camera angles so cool.
Hay cosas que me han gustado bastante, como ver los objetos, mapas y todo eso en tiempo real (sin la pausa característica del OG), esa actitud que tiene James hacia Laura ahora pareciese ser más rencorosa (como que me causa un malestar que no siento que esté tan fuera de lugar), la ambientación, la niebla y todo eso. Las cosas por pulir... (animaciones, el efecto del vidrio rompiéndose fue bastante cutre, algunas actuaciones de voz podría mejorar bastante). Todavía así, siento que tengo confianza en este proyecto.
Nostalgia is fogging your mind. The older game was literally trying to hide it's imperfections via the insane amount of darkness and fog, therefore you'd feel that it's more "atmospheric" when in reality, it just isn't
Honestly, if you're gonna adapt and update a game like this into modern generation, I think they did a really good job. Especially considering how bad it was looking in the early trailers. I don't think hardcore fans of the original will be satisfied if it's not exactly like the original, but then the remake wouldn't have a reason to exist. The updates to the combat and level design I think help a lot for giving this a reason to play. Cutscenes are more subjective, but I think they're not better, but not worse either. Could be more uncanny like the original, but hasn't lost it completely either.
Esto ya no es tema de presupuesto, sino de tiempo y también habilidad de la propia desarrolladora, y como hemos visto con otros juegos Bloober Team aún tiene mucho que aprender.
La peor decisión es la jodida cámara ,wey ,esto parece god of war Ragnarok con esas animaciones de combates ,cuando deberían ser animaciones más a lo desesperado ,ya que es así cuando juegas silent hill 2 y en ciertas zonas , esa forma de apuntar te juega en contra ,porque el terror también es con la mecánica ,no solo el ambiente.
Se ve muy bien en mi opinión, si, las animaciones se ven durisimas y todo, pero mas allá de eso la atmosfera esta muy bien lograda, los cinemas se ven bien, las actuaciones estan mortales. Esta presentación fue MUCHO mejor que ese "trailer de acción" que nos quisieron vender antes, esto tiene mas pinta de Silent Hill.
La verdad esta bueno el remake, para un juego que nunca ah vendido mucho como re de esforzaron bastante y basándonos en los gráficos de ahora es lo más realista al mundo en cuanto iluminación pudieron hacer pero muchos no van a entender eso quieren que un remake se siga viendo como el original
pero si se ve buenísimo por que tanto hate? la atmósfera, los actores, la dirección de cinemática, los gráficos, el overhaul de gameplay comparado al primero, la música rehecha por Yamaoka, el tono general del juego, las partes de terror..
Porque la gente ve resúmenes y tesis del juego pero nunca lo han probado ellos mismos. Cualquiera que haya jugado el primero sabrá que está bien el remake.
Yeah and ? At least it’s built by fans of the original and not given to western companies to completely screw up the IP and make it closer to the movie rather than the first 4 games. (Origins, Homecoming, Downpour, Shattered Memories, etc)
@@mgf909 yeah, I've replayed Origins on my PS2 after many years, and the "westernization" is perfectly visible if you compare it to the previous games.
Ponte a pensar tantito… alan wake 2 tampoco es que tuviera las mejores animaciones, es más las de resident evil 2 remake son mejores pero a lo que quiero llegar es que tanto alan wake 2 como dead space remake y alone in the dark salieron bastante mal en ventas y eso que dos son juegazos, en serio crees que vale la pena invertir tanto en un juego que siempre ha sido de nicho? Dead space era más rentable y la secuela de Alan wake era deseadisima y mira que no vendieron bien, es mejor ser precavido y al menos para mi me gusta mucho lo que estoy viendo, la historia y la admosfera es lo importante en este juego y ya cumplió con este gameplay
The original horror games from back in the day will always be scarier for me.
No es cierto, los remakes de resident Evil dan 1000 veces más miedos, qué esos juegos cuadriculados y sonidos ochenteros mediocres.
mucha nostalgia
Because you remember them from being a kid. Play it now and see what happens lol. I’m 29 and tried to go back and play games that I remembered being good….they were so bad I stopped a few hours in. Sometimes not even that far.
People just like to whine like babies about everything nowadays
Because you remember them from being a kid. Play it now and see what happens lol. I’m 29 and tried to go back and play games that I remembered being good….they were so bad I stopped a few hours in. Sometimes not even that far.
People just like to whine like babies about everything nowadays
OG Silent Hill loks a bit more atmospheric than Remake, but the remake got his own Twist.
In the original, the design of closed spaces (indoors) effectively shows darkness, stuffiness, crampedness, uneasiness, unpredictable feelings of unsafeness,... While the remake focusing on graphics and reality, not bringing the atmosphere as the original. Another example, the original version has the sound of James's footsteps pounding with each step, it creates a heavy (psychological) feeling for the player, listening to it often creates a feeling of going crazy due to stress. The remake otherwise it is not like that.
@@dinhpham2718 hell yeah i just saw that too
@@dinhpham2718 tal cual iba decirlo, la atmosfera de encierro en la original es mucho mejor, tambien la niebla el original lo tiene mas denso, lo hubieran hecho tal cual 😔
The remake looks like a painting and im here for it
Resident Evil 2 Remake looks like they forgot to turn on the lights.
Silent Hill 2 Remake looks like they forgot to turn off the lights.
well said! it was too dark in re2 remake and a bit bright here.
Well hopefully mods/ reshade for the pc version can fix this. Reshade does wonders to pc games
@@heyjeySigmathere was nothing wrong with the lightning in re2 remake. The darkness added to the scariness and immersion of the game
@@shayanali8771 thats like... your opinion man.
im saying its OBJECTIVELY not very faithful to the OG re2's lighting in the police station etc. You probably didnt play the OG, lighting is very different
ps1 "lighting" can't be other than bright, because there actually are no lighting system
@@Spillow-C You OBVIOUSLY havent played enough ps1 games if you're spouting such nonsense. Tomb raider 3 and 4 etc had great lighting for the ps1 and shadows and darkness, same with silent hill 1 and soul reaver 1.
And thats just very few games out of many
Un remake AA de una obra maestra que fue hace más de 20 años, me parece que Unreal 5 sigue dando mucho resultado, pero en cuanto animaciones, konami ya no es, lo que en algún momento fue .
😂😂😂 doble aa😂😂😂 uno a diría yo ... que el fanatismo no te ciegue...
Konami ya no hace juegos, esto es algo que tenemos que entender, contrata estudios para hacerlo. Lo mejor que debió hacer Konami fue unirse a Sony, pero al ser una compañía familiar, muy poco probable que esto ocurra.
Konami solo es culpable de no haber invertido más. Y claramente no le dieron tiempo al estudio, play necesita juego y seguro que obligaron a lanzarlo en tiempo record
no se si cobrar 70 dólares habla de un juego AA
Si no leo el comentario que es Unreal engine 5 no lo creo . Se ve que no esta aprovechando el motor grafico
-Где ты, Мэри?...
-Я в багажнике твоей машины...
Me encanta éste remake, aquí el pueblo sí se ve abandonado, la luz del sol que entra por las ventanas le da un ambiente bellísimo. También me encantó como James marca los objetivos en el mapa y los sonidos de ambiente cuando explora. Amo este remake.
y el nuevo diseño de angela te gusta?
@@otsu3011 admito que se ve un poco rara, pero para mí está muy bien.
@@otsu3011a mi me pareció corrrecto, recuerda que la original era por cgi esta es bastante parecida es cierto que un poco subida de peso pero nada malo a decir verdad, hasta la ropa fue fiel y el diseño de Laura y maria junto a James son joya solo resta Eddy
La luz de las ventanas debería ser más tenue y blanca o gris (por la niebla y la falta de sol), ese tono cálido de The Last Of Us no concuerda con Silent Hill.
@@PurArquitectura23Es así porque en el original, en ese mismo momento, se pueden ver algunos rayos de sol. Si te fijas bien, despues de reunirte con Maria en el parque, durante todo el trayecto hasta el hospital, se "aclara" un poco la iluminación.
The art style looks really good! Unfortunately the animations look horrific at times especially combat!😬
Yeah, they're stiff. The art style, sound design are good. Graphics are mid 😏
Bro, the combat must be like that, rough, then they go around complaining that it looks like a resident evil (horror shooter), for having so much combat, be consistent with what you say🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
@@saphyre-l4wYea, the original was exactly like that.
The animations are similar to the original, they put old style animations into realistic models and looks off.
Nope, especially the walking and RUNNING animations ☠️
The original looked grungy and almost photorealistic, due to it's use of natural lighting. The textures were way grungier too. The remake looks too clean but the monsters do look amazing.
Now that I think about it, the remake looks in top good condition for a supposedly abandoned town
In the original, the design of closed spaces (indoors) effectively shows darkness, stuffiness, crampedness, uneasiness, unpredictable feelings of unsafeness,... While the remake focusing on graphics and reality, not bringing the atmosphere as the original. Another example, the original version has the sound of James's footsteps pounding with each step, it creates a heavy (psychological) feeling for the player, listening to it often creates a feeling of going crazy due to stress. The remake otherwise it is not like that.
Also noticed they used sounds in areas that make no sense or at least that 1 particular sound that's suppose to play at the stairs before James start to explore the hotel floors. Fr like the little musical ambient sounds bits should be louder.
remember that old silent hill used a dense fog not to make the sense of horror only but also to gain performance... the more fog, the less things to render .
@@Tronx431 agree, I hope there's modders who can negate the unnecessary "horror" ambient frequency type music and LET THE SILENCE do the trick, as well as reverbing footsteps around the halls and corridors... rather than using cheap tricks as such.
Maybe someone can make a remake version of some ambience with an old "ethereal" pads and synth, or maybe use the same old ambience, in order to recapture the OG version's experience
Can't explain that to a "modern audience".
@@NPC-30 brainrot audience, you mean?😂
Atmosphere in both is great
Sin duda los ultimos minutos del gameplay, fueron lo mejor. Tal vez sea por la poca iluminación de las escenas pero se ven bastante bien, sobretodo las expresiones de los personajes en las cinematicas. Pero la primera parte del gameplay si se ve bien tieso xd
Esas expresiones pocos juegos lo han logrado, como the last of us y este también
Dicen por ahí, que los trailers son de fases distintas del desarrollo.
Y también han dicho que el trailer de angela es de etapas anteriores al adelanto jugable.
@@CNLALostMedia pues suena creíble viendo lo bien que se ve la ultima parte del gameplay a comparación con lo feo que se ve las caras y expresiones en la parte del cementerio xd
@@xnivekrlx6881 Tienen razón. No tienen nada que ver las últimas caras con las del cementerio xddddd parecen juegos distintos, y ni de coña son de un juego de Play 5 íntegro.
No se que ve la gente, para mi es un remake de cuarta… salta a la vista la mala calidad, la repetición de patrones en la pared, parece un juego sin terminar que te lo venden a 70 dolares. Desastroso remake
Perfect! I liked that they kept the character locked in... it helps with the terror and brings nostalgia... The camera changed, but patience... it was an inevitable influence.
The fog in the og is still amazing. I think they’re doing good for the remake
I never liked the fog in SH2/SH3 it looked like smoke more than fog, but the draw distances of the "fog" is great compared to the remake.
Damn you're fast with making these comparison videos! 😮
And SH2 looks very beautiful for the ps2 ❤
well it IS one of the bettee looking ps2 games.. that is, until sh3 and the room came out, they look much better graphically.
Heather for example still looks great to this day
It's a fan made remastered version for the PC known as SH2 Enhanced.
It’s not from ps2. It’s PC game play
The remake pisses me off because I realize now that they’re trading off atmosphere for graphics . The original felt so disorienting traveling through the fog , I had to keep looking at my map or stick to buildings because it felt safe .
The original fog was there to hide the horrific render distance of what the hardware of that time could handle. Nothing more, nothing less.
0:38 my man the atmosphere is the exact same...
the atmosphere is still good tho
@@lBorosDavidl disagree. remake fog looks like its only visible in front of the character, while the older one is visible behind the character when walking pass through it
Notice that the fog was also introduced to load the map, and also it added more to the atmosphere, now with new technology we can still keep it and give it a more realistic approach, not a 1:1 to real life, but a believable behavior.
A game from 2001 will never be the same as a game from 2024, time goes on.
Now that I see the comparison, I guess it doesn’t look that bad.
well yeah.. theres SOO many idiots out there who are stubborn and blinded by nostalgia that they refuse to look at things objectively
I agree. Technically it could be a lot better like RE2 and RE4 Remakes, but it doesn't look bad at all... and I hope the story and atmosphere make up for the experience.
@@heyjeySigmala verdad no, objetivamente el original da más miedo
@user-uu2uv8bw2sthat’s exactly why it was a remake and not a remaster
@@heyjeySigma Sure. If want to ignore atmosphere, difficulty, character design, personalities...
1:35 That ass shot of the very first enemy in the OG was no accident. I wonder if the remake is going to tone down one of the key themes expressed in SH2.
Of course not. The problem with many remakes is that they're inspired by the original games instead of being inspired by the same things that original developers had as an inspiration.
A lot of aesthetic choices in Silent Hill 2 is obviously inspired by old pornography. Can you imagine a modern videogame developer to watch a ton of 25-year-old hardcore porn to the point that it's imprinted in your brain that much that you make monsters look like a walking and rotten dead female body covered with massage oil?
well, did u see marias outfit ?
There are lots of sexual innuendos in SH2 original, because it represents to tormented mind of the protag, mainly his lust and sexual frustration. The original was eerie because it touched on disturbing real themes of dark human emotions.
@@SOS1G_yes and I'm happy about it. I'm sorry that OG outfit is hideous. 😂 the skirt was not working. And would look terrible in this version.
I was thinking the same, everyone points out the ass of that cutscene as a funny thing when they play it for the first time, but it has his meaning behind and the fact that everyone saw it, makes it a good detail. In the remake the detail its gone :(
I wish the character models and their facial animations (I saw a lack of emotion during the cutscenes) looked better, but overall the game looks good (they nailed the atmosphere) and it will certainly provide an interesting perspective for people who have played the original game.
Some people have compared the graphics of the SH2 remake to those of the PS3 era, but such comparisons (since when did PS3 or even PS4 use realtime GI?) only show how many people are clueless when it comes to technology and game graphics.
They're not entirely wrong, though. The environments look incredible, thanks to the use of UE5, but there are definitely PS3 moments in some of the models. During the State of Play trailer sequence it kind of stood out to me as looking meh compared to a lot of what came before it.
@@stryfer1989 I have seen official gameplay in 4K. There was never a moment where this game looked like a PS3 title.
@@PabloB888 I'm guessing you're referring to the 13 minute gameplay preview during the Transmission. I looked it over several times and I can see people arguing the same topic about that. For some it looks amazing, but it struck me as weird from the moment the camera left the cutscene and panned to James in the street. His model felt off, like it didn't belong in the environment.
It took me a while to figure out why I was getting that impression. Focusing on the character/monster models alone, they looked a generation or two behind the environment. Cutscenes looked great though, so it might just be the lighting.
This is me trying to figure out why it felt off, because the RE2Remake trailer several years back blew my mind instantly in comparison.
what? are people here blind or something? The character models look absolutely fine, fantastic even.. and the facial animations are great and fitting to the style of horror and atmosphere this game has and needs.. for fucks sake, gamers nowadays are just never happy with anything.. bitching and bitching is the only things that gives them pleasure
@@wes8723 I dunno what to tell you. Resident Evil 2 Remake is a 5 year old release and the models look way, way better.
To SH2's credit, they do look really good in cinematics when the lighting falls just right. Probably something that needs to be adjusted across the board, because the faces often look washed during gameplay segments.
It looks good and Im going to have fun playing. Nobody is going to rain down on my parade.
Same. I don't care about people crying, day one for me, I'm a huge fan of Silent Hill 2! It's the best horror story, ever made.
Yes. People just love to hate these days
@@jasonageraldsPeople have the right to criticize a product. They should hold developers to higher standards instead of welcoming mediocrity.
Criticism doesn't mean hating.
@@Pelayum I see a strange mix, however. In some cases, valid criticism towards stiff animations and rather bright areas appear on the internet. Unfortunately, they're overshadowed by frequent, hostile comments that simply despise the game simply because changes were made. Because the latter is more common, it is sometimes hard to find the line between critique and insult. Though the aura of the 2001 original is superior in my eyes, I'd be lying if I said that the remake wasn't doing a good job at modernizing the original game. Unless the reviews are bad, I believe that this game-play trailer has sold me on the product, something the trailers struggled to do.
excellent job, analyzing the original vs the remake
Espero que este remake tenga la esencia de los juegos originales, cómo es el 1 y el 2, que no eran tan lineales ni era obvio para dónde ir, uno podía recorrer todas las calles del pueblo, sin encontrar el camino, viendo acertijos en los carteles de las casas y cosas así, se podían entrar a la mayoría de habitaciones del hospital o donde uno estuviera, así no tuvieran nada, espero este nuevo tenga eso, y no lo dañen poniendo la ruta directa a dónde uno se dirige o marquen como en resident con pintura las cosas, quitándole la esencia al juego. Y ojalá hubieran iniciado haciendo un remake del 1, con todos sus finales, ya a los juegos les quitan mucha dificultad y muchos finales.
A todos los que estáis pensando que el original de la izquierda se veia peor, el que nos está mostrando es la versión de PC remasterizada por fans durante años. Tiene reescalado de imagenes por IA y 200 cosas mas.
La versión original de PS2 es bastante peor.
Yo lo juego en mi ps2 y se ve exactamente igual 🤷🏻♂️
@@javiergarzon2200 Si, seguro que lo juegas en 16:9 respetando la relación de aspecto y con los menús y objetos reescalados xD
Correcto. No es una comparación realmente con el original. Que ni siquiera estaba a esta resolución.
@@Hao06 quitando lo de la resolucion el juego en ps2 se ve igual o levente inferior. Tienen en la mente que se veia como un juego de ps1 cuando en realidad los graficos de los Silent Hill de esa generacion eran de lo mejor graficamente en ps2.
@@javiergarzon2200Mís cojones se ve igual 😂
13:05 This scene with Laura makes me excited for the remake. Massive improvement!
Nahh...why didn't use a skinny girl like b4?
@@DarktekGbro what???
@@likedvidsz Laura was skinny before, so why don't use the same model? Was it so hard? I mean they want to do that inclusive bs in every game, movie, etc...
@@DarktekG it’s a little kid bro why do it matter?
@@DarktekG weird
Solo como nota. Las imágenes de la izquierda no son realmente de la versión original sino de una mejorada hecha por fans para PC.
Es el Enchanted Edition.
Tampoco es la gran mejora pa, solo mejora en comparación con la versión normal de PC, que venía bastante mal, arreglan bugs visuales como el de la linterna, de audio y le pusieron las cinemáticas de PS2 que por alguna razón se ven mejor en PS2 que en el port original de PC. La única mejora gráfica entre comillas sería que te permite subir la resolución a 16:9 . Por lo demás es todo igual a PS2 xd por ende al pedo el comentario.
Sigue siendo el juego original sólo que en lugar de Standard Definition está en High Definition, es la versión HD para PC llamada "Enhanced Edition" hecha por fans, corrige muchos errores.
@@AlexLeut si tiene cambios no es la versión original. Conozco la versión enhanced porque la tengo. Los cambios son importantes porque otra resolución hace mucha diferencia en este tipo de comparaciones. Tiene otras mejoras a parte de la resolución
Tendré que jugar al Silent Hill 2 antes de su Remake ! Quiero disfrutarlo asi como me pasó con la primera parte !
Yo lo volví a jugar y ahora espero con ansias el remake
A mi me encanta este lo eh jugado muchisimas veces excelente juego
Tenian que haber empezado a hacer remakes con el 1 en vez de haber empezado con el 2
@@IgnacioCalvo87 el 2 es mas popular
@@IgnacioCalvo87 Lo que sí deberían de hacer es un remaster como lo que hicieron con los de tomb raider 12 y 3
Remake needs a lot more work than expected, more fogs, enhanced shadow, accurate sounds
The remake looks kinda nice, but my biggest problems are with the shoulder camera because it will prevent moments like this (11:25) from happening. Also, James combat actions seems too fast for me... The slowness of the original's combat added to the horror of it
Creo que han hecho un buen juego, veremos hasta que punto se han inspirado en el original, pero lo que es la ambientación creo que luce bien. El Gameplay parece algo tosco pero creo que es como debería de ser, al fin y al cabo es lo que hacía en parte interesante el enfrentarse a los enemigos, aún que puede que mucha gente se queje en este aspecto, pero des de luego esto será un juego para un público más cerrado que los resident. Lo que si tengo intriga es por el tema de la banda sonora, por qué es la mejor de todos los juegos y no se cómo lo habrán resuelto o si quiera estará. Saludos
En la música estará el mismo del original, no te preocupes, saludos😅
Why does Konami hates their brands so much? I don't understand. You decide to remake one of the most beloved games of all time and you hire a relatively amateur studio to do it. It looks like as if they're trying to make it bad on purpose.
I really don't get what you're on about lol. Are we watching the same thing?
Dumbass this looks amazing
if you don't want a remake, why you even here? that's not healthy.
and what exactly are you basing that on now? serious question! are you serious about wanting the camera from the original game? are you serious about wanting auto-aim?
Bloober Team amateur? they have been doing big games for a while already, just not TPS with combat
The original is better than I expected
Actually is not the original. Is an enhanced version for PC.
Play original is much more scary.
Now, I'm scared of metal gear remake
A metal gear without Kojima himself 😂
Same. Couse knowing konami. I dont know if with this one this is the best they can do. Lets wait and see.
@@candidosilva7755 the problem is bloober...for a tilte like SH2, they should've gone for Bluepoint games
It depends who is behind, cause it seems Konami hiring the cheapers devs out there.
Esperemos tenga tanto éxito como para hacer el remake del poderosísimo SH1. Perdimos el P.T. pero tenemos este remake. Me encantó escuchar que este juego será mas largo.
thank you for the video
the remake isn't bad, it just needs more work on the character's movement especially the combat, otherwise they really nailed the atmosphere and the environment
also i appreciate Konami for showing us an extensive gameplay unlike the others who sell you a game and don't even know anything other than the cinematic trailer
now based on what has been shown everyone will be 100% sure if they wanna play it or not
Se vé espectacular. La verdad que no sé qué mas quieren. Quieren algo nuevo que sea igual al viejo pero que sea diferente y a la vez igual pero diferente. Para mí se ve re bien. Las animaciones acartonadas del original tienen su encanto por la nostalgia que me causa, pero el remake se ve y se siente muy bien.
Pienso lo mismo, es difícil complacer a la gente, y se ve que le han puesto amor y respeto a la versión de mi parte estoy feliz y esperando con ansias poder jugar el remake.
@@edithesmeraldaramirezmoral3617 Pero claro! Mientras la ambientación esté bien, los personajes sean convincentes y la historia esté bien dirigida va a quedar bueno.
Ahora estoy jugando The Outer Worlds, y para mí el gunplay y todo eso es secundario. El contexto es interesante y los personajes son carismáticos y te generan empatía fácilmente. Y al igual que en Silent Hill, en este tipo de juegos lo importante es la evolución del personaje y su entorno.
Por otro lado, el tema de que si los actores nuevos son feos y muy diferentes a los originales me parece absurdo.
I notice that in the remake there are missing dialogues that may not be very important but they lose a bit of interaction without them like in the part about the bear's needle
It's not quite true. There are more interaction between characters - James spend with Maria more time and they communicate a lot, he meets Angela and Eddie more, also there are one extra scene with Laura in the end
Se ve muchisimo mejor que lo mostrado en el trailer anterior. Aun asi faltaria mejorar el movimiento al caminar y al golpear con el palo en el suelo, un poco mas de oscuridad se agradeceria y a mi ver faltan mas detalles de suciedad, corrosion y moho en paredes y pisos
Sí, algo que me llamaba la atención del original es que estaba lleno de hongo.
Si te topas con eso en la vida real, sabes que es un lugar que no te conviene.
@@jeansynklar386 Exacto, en el remake parece un simple hospital abandonado, en el viejo aparte de abandonado da la sensacion de un lugar infernal, repleto de metal y oxido
@pablososaleguizamon7211 they are there. We've only seen the transformed darker version of the environments in the shorter trailer released recently. Absent from a demo doesn't equal absent from the game.
El arte del terror de Silent Hill es el sonido en los momentos indicados, eso es algo insuperable
El remake al final lo supero
The remake looks really good. I'm genuinely shocked at how well it works
me gusto el gameplay dejando eso a un lado. imaginate los mods de la minita en el hospital jaja
Me gusta lo que veo. La ambientación está muy bien lograda, los entornos se ven muy bien. Por otro lado me gusta las animaciones de combate, James es un hombre común y corriente y no me hubiera gustado verlo haciendo parrys, saltos espectaculares o moviendose de forma tan ágil como Leon que es un hombre entrenado militarmente. En Silent Hill debes sentir agobio y que tu personaje no se sienta superior a los enemigos ayuda mucho a eso.
Lo de las caras no sé que espera la gente, si quieren ver las mismas caras ahí tienen el original que seguirá existiendo pero en un remake es normal que retoquen cosas por que si no lo hicieran no tendría sentido el remake.
El problema no es que James parezca un novato usando armas, lo que la gente vé de "feo", son las animaciones, se sienten entrecortadas e incluso en ocasiones parecen sin terminar.
Tal vez mejoren a futuro , pero, solo faltan 5 meses para que salga.
@@danielc1635 Lo entiendo y comparto en cierto punto. El problema acá es que Bloober team no tiene mucha experiencia en juegos en 3era persona, sus juegos más conocidos son Layers of Fear y Blair Witch que son Walking simulators en primera persona. Yo creo que aún pueden mejorar ciertos detalles, lo que vimos hoy es MUCHO mejor que lo visto en los trailers anteriores, se nota que escucharon las quejas de los fans con lo visto anteriormente.
@@FelipeGamingCL we already know straight from the developers mouths that the earlier trailer was just a bad cut from Konami that made it seem action oriented. Nothing has changed. They are not listening to fans and making changes. This gameplay snippet is exactly what they said they are making. With 5 months left, it is highly unlikely that they will do a pass to polish the animations. They are what they are. Stiff and poorly done. They don't convey someone who doesn't have training. They just show a lack of talent in the animation department. They couldn't even be bothered to use kinematics or motion blending, which are both baked into UE5. The only thing we can hope for in the final product is that these animations don't have a negative impact on playability and responsiveness. Garbage controls don't make games scary, they make them tedious.
@@mikew1080 Silent Hill 2 original tiene un pésimo gameplay y eso no hace que el juego sea malo, a día de hoy lo sigo jugando y disfrutando. Además no es un juego de acción, tienes opciones de defenderte pero no es un resident evil, puedes pasar de los enemigos.
@@FelipeGamingCL what are you arguing here? I never said anything regarding the gameplay of the original. My comments are showing concern about negatively affecting the remakes gameplay. I also never stated it is an action game. You just talked your way around my response or didn't comprehend what I said.
If they up the fog a lil bit and lower the brightness a lil bit it would be perfect.
the music in the original makes u fear more than the new, the environment doesn't make u stressed unfurtionatly + I hope there will be more than one enemy at the same time in normal difficulty
well, the composer is the same one, he reworked all the music themes
The bubblehead nurse has less Ju-on-like movement, and more humanoid. I don't know if it's for better or for worse.
The new perspective is to make up for the combat I guess. Looks like the combat will be way better, but over the sholder perspective will make you see less. Interesting.
Me gustó lo visto en el trailer del gameplay, se ve que hay respeto y amor al juego original. No sé si deje contentos a todos, pero creo que no será un mal juego para nada
Inside the hospital the enviroment is very bright compared to original. The original is more dark, the walls more dirty. In my opinion the places the hospital leaves to be desired.
The remake looks too pretty. Why are there perfectly clear puddles and spotless roads, full green bushes. This doesn't make a game feel scary at all. The original though primitive had the scary feel of the game down to perfection.
It's interesting to see the differences between the two. I'd say at this point I'm...cautiously optimistic. Though I wish they had announced a demo at the end of the presentation yesterday. That would've been perfect.
I just can't agree with some people who say this remake looks bad. I think it looks really good. Although, SH really needs to step up in terms of fun gameplay. It doesn't need to be action packed, but it needs to be a bit more thought of.
It looks bad for everything except the engine, but animations, faces, gameplay, looks like a fan project and not an official remake, there is not one trailer that give me a vibe of "this game will be good" but we'll see in october.
Thats what I keeps saying. RE added a purser enemy, dodge rolling, knife parry combat, side quest, and a linear openworld in the remake while adding quality of life a new better spins. Not saying SH needs to do this. Just need to have something that defines SH. RE fans love their case organizing so much they wont ever use the auto-sort function. The SH remake looks good but fails to innovate or evovle its self with the blueprint its has. Beside the standard remake service. Hopefully, Im wrong and they just didnt show much because its a trailer.
@Elya_0_0_7 And ? Game looks bad anyway.
Don't know how I feel about interacting with the environment to find minor items like health drinks. If I have to check inside every single car now to make sure I didn't miss everything, it's going to be a long, drawn-out first playthrough.
On second thought, I love that idea. Give it to me.
Se ve increíble. Qué juegazo se nos viene. El original ha envejecido bastante mal en su control. El remake se le nota mucho el cariño. Gracias Blobber team
I've been looking at the trailers for way longer than anyone should to figure out why it feels off and why there's a divide between fans saying it looks incredible vs it looking like a PS3 game. My best observation - There's a disconnect between the quality of the environment vs the quality of the models.
The game being made in UE5 probably means the engine/assets did a lot of work for creating the world, while the parts that had to be made from scratch look like they don't fit. Depending on the lighting/angles etc. it's either really good (like in cutscenes) or PS3 reminiscent (like the Lying Figure texture and acid).
Ami me sigue pareciendo un buen trabajo,pese aquien le pese.
No tiene mala pinta del todo, pero las animaciones y la fluidez del juego no termina de verse del todo fino. Por los motivos que sean, el motor Unreal 5 da mas quebradero de cabeza que soluciones.
El juego original es así 💁🏻💁🏻💁🏻 ellos quisieron mantenerse fiel al original
@@Educa69bro, has jugado al original? porque parece que no, el silent hill 2 original, tiene de las jugabilidades más toscas de la historia (y no es que sea malo).
Yo también pienso que bloober hizo un buen trabajo, pero siento que konami no les dio tanto presupuesto
¿Qué tiene que ver el tocino con la velocidad? Una cosa es hablar de la jugabilidad y otra muy distinta los problemas serios que sufre el juego de Stuttering.
James not having wooden shoes is a plus.
Looks better than I expected, however, they need to fix Maria's giant head and stupid outfit, and Angela's bloated face. It'd be nice if they added a noise filter like the original to give it that film grain look.
There is a film grain filter you can apply in the remake. It's one of the things the devs mentioned players can toggle.
The camera angle is what ruins it all for me. The FIXED CAMERA was a PART of the horror. Taking that away and putting it so close to the main char have turned this into a Resident Evil clone. Hell the whole Hospital scene could have been a DLC or MOD pack to Resident Evil. The horror from the old Silent Hill 2 is just not there. The bloober devs (as i feared) have totally failed on every level to understand what made SH2 into the pure psychological horror spectacle it was. This remake went to the wrong dev studio 100%. They would do better making a game like Resident Evil or Evil Within.
The over the shoulder camera is getting stale indeed. There's no real identity. It looks like every other game with a different setting and characters
a fixed camera is better for small spaces because you can see what's going on around you without having to rotate the main person 360°.
So it would be wise to use both cameras, as was done in Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water for example!!!!!!!!
I agree about fixed camera but everyone would complain if they keep them in 2024.
Feeling of being isolated in original hits harder
The remake feels exaggerated and tries to come across as an American film. The OG has a denser, rawer atmosphere that makes you feel like you're in a surreal nightmare, everything is strangely more unsettling.
That's the feel i got too i didn't knew how to expressed it , SH2 feels so natural not so acted not so forced, people in a terrible situation , meanwhile the remake its soo grain sand level measured and engined, everything is soo unnecessaryly detail , everything seems so pretentious and I'm scared in a bad way of what the remake is going to be😔
@@captaincool6268 You guys can not be for real. The original silent hill 2 no one is acting remotely human. The bad voice acting with the dream like interactions is all off.
@@cleit1802 yea i agree with you.. all these idiots are just blinded by nostalgia with the foggiest glasses you can possibly imagine.
the ps2 had technical limitations and they dont wana wrap their heads around that. Maybe the sound design was great, but the remake so far doesnt look bad at all (minus the faces and maybe brighter environment)
@@heyjeySigma I agree. Nostalgia is the biggest power of all. It does not only affect video games but literally ANYTHING. The face that you're not thinking about the past itself but the past from the context of the present is what gets people. Sillent Hill 2's atmosphere is great but has many faults. Conversations are awkward not only for atmosphere but literally because they are janky in various places. If they recreated that jank it'd look like a parody.
@@cleit1802you cant really ask good voice acting for a PS1 game, and this remake barely looks better than TLOU1 for the PS3, it says alot of the low budget they had, and thats way they hired Bloober Team, a mediocre studio
I will say that atmosphere of the remake reminds me of my former home...Portland OR on a cloudy day.
Dude, the remake is trying to be resident evil, doesn't feel like the og silent hill
Como puedes compararlos es absurdo... fan boy de capcom... hater
@@NeoxXpalhes telling a fact my dude this game really trying so hard to be resident evil but I see it already falied 😅
It's really not.
You're just saying it doesn't look like Silent Hill because they changed the camera.
You guys see Resident Evil in everything that has a behind the shoulder POV.
Bro, the combat should be like that, rough, then they go around complaining that it looks like a resident evil, because there is so much combat, be consistent with what you say. Also, silent hill and resident evil are not as original as you think, both are inspirations from the game "alone in the dark", so according to your logic resident evil seems like alone in the dark
Yeah not a fan of the combat and camera. It hits the fun receptors of my brain not the fear and anxiety.
It's a balancing act and unfortunately I don't agree with the direction they took.
Wait this video was 4 months ago??? And their remake demo had revealed the parts in the hospital??? That’s more than what I expected to find from a demo.
El original se ve mas tétrico en todos los aspectos, en el Remake es como si hubiera más luz y menos neblina, todo se puede apreciar, en el original no sabes que te puede aparecer, hay mas tensión y ansiedad, en mi opinión los desarrolladores originales son los únicos que pueden hacer un verdadero Remake de este juego.
Mucho es el cambio de tecnología, primero no había luz indirecta, que es como se comporta la luz realmente, la luz indirecta hace que se ilumine mas las estancias, también tiene que ver la cámara, antes al estar en alto daba menor visibilidad
@@miguelm.a7462 claro, pero estas comparando la tecnología de ahora con la de antes, cuando se hizo ese juego estaba pensado en las consolas de ese momento y ahora que tenemos tecnología más avanzada no pueden capturar la esencia de lo tétrico y terror que el juego original te hace sentir, si ya tienen el juego hecho ya esta perfecto a como es pero capturar esa esencia parece ser no tan sencillo, por la misma razón dije que los desarrolladores originales son los únicos que podrían rehacer el juego para las consolas modernas.
@@msanchez1680d Es juego no esta hecho, no hay nada hecho, es como tener el guion de una pelicula y decir que esta hecha, el juego sigue un guion pero se hace desde cero todo lo demás, y decir que los desarrolladores originales podrían rehacerlo, las habilidades para hacer juegos no son la mismas hace 20 años, seguramente los desarrolladores originales, no tienen idea de cinematografía, algo que hoy en día mucha gente que trabaja en cine trabaja en videojuegos, por eso la dirección de las escenas como los de la niña, esta hecha por gente que sabe de composicion, y camaras
Para ser más justos, la versión "original" que está mostrando es una remasterización hecha por fans para PC, que incluye texturas reescaladas en HD y videos mejorados por IA, el de la comparación debió usar la versión original real, aunque supongo que no lo hizo por temas de compatibilidad con sistemas operativos recientes.
Hablando de forma realista, esos detalles que pasan, como la niebla, es densa pero no a tal punto, tambien es para apreciar mejor el ambiente alrededor, recuerda bro, la niebla era por limitaciones de la consola y por eso casi ni mostraba nada🤷♂️🤷♂️😂
Pinta muy guapo ahora, lo único que no me gusta es que le falta mas niebla a distancia corta. En el original no podias ver a 2 metros de ti hasta que no ibas avanzando y eso te da una sensación de inquietud constante, mientras que ahora se ve todo mucho más.
0:27 Why didn't they use arms while walking like og.. He is walking like a wooden plank🤣
OG he walked like a robot
his wall is so exaggerated in og
@@Oxygen97 it's an 23 year old game but still it looks better than remake one.. remake has stiff animation
Who walks like original James in real life? LOL
Remake is much more natural.
@@eddiethehead5988 someone with too much steroids but small pp xD
It's strange cos that's how it looked to me in my head back in the day!! They've done an amazing job! People will say what's the point of re doing these games but it gives people a chance to try them and me to re live them! Gameplay has moved on, we used to put up with some right rotten tank controls lol
El ambiente y probablemente el soundtrack esta geniales aunque ya no se siente tan tetrico como el original ahora bien y sacando al elefante de la habitación: el diseño de personajes esta horriblemente mal, se cargaron lo que hacian a los personajes y monstruos.
- James ya no se ve como alguien sombrio que perdió a su amada.
- Angela ya no parece esa mujer que sabes que es bella pero se descuida por sus traumas pasados (recordar que su madre le decia que era ella la culpable de seducir a los hombres)
- pero que le hicieron a Maria? Su diseño se basa literalmente en la fantasía de James de una Mary sexy con caracter fuertey seductor y que a su vez esta le este recordando que ella no es Mary.
- Los Lying figure ya no tienen esa característica femenina que representaba la psiqui de James (que nos dejan en claro que nacen de sus emociones conflictivas y su represión sexual)
Soy fan de la saga y amo sus historias (algunas mas que otras) pero no por eso me voy a cegar y decir que esto es bueno solo por que tiene Silent hill en el nombre.
Mantiene su esencia y estilo artístico del original aunque en estos tiempos parezcan desactualizas. Que realmente es lo mas importante, una muy buena adaptación por parte de Bloober Team. Un saludo.
Pienso que muchos estan criticando por criticar.. en mi opinion este se ve como un verdadero juego next gen
The fog effects and lighting seem alot more immersive and horrific than the remake. Also the ambient music had more of a scarier tone in the original. Still gonna play but just my thoughts
The amazing thing is the real time UE5 gameplay has really surpassed those old 2000's pre rendered CGi... Take a look at the little girl scene!
Where you live last 10 years,these 2001 cgi was surpassed a long time ago at ue3 4
@@BlazeEcho9 SH2 x SH2
1 mayor thing that I'm glad they kept the same is the not being forced to fight.
Classic give you the uneasy vibe.
Remake give you the oh it's another foggy day.
Thos video really shed light on how good the new game looks...those it does nothing for those ugly mugs 🤣👌 I appreciate your videos and thos side by side. I can't wait to play this in Oct. As silent hill is one of my favorite horror franchises. I remember when it was announced for ps1 and I read about it in psm(playstation magazine)when it became available I pre ordered it at software etc. In the mall. Getting that game and playing it day one was an awesome and scary experience(those demon kids killing you and thinking you did so.ething wrong was great and those jarring camera angles so cool.
Sólo espero que este Remake tenga éxito así hacen el del 1 y el 3...
Hay cosas que me han gustado bastante, como ver los objetos, mapas y todo eso en tiempo real (sin la pausa característica del OG), esa actitud que tiene James hacia Laura ahora pareciese ser más rencorosa (como que me causa un malestar que no siento que esté tan fuera de lugar), la ambientación, la niebla y todo eso. Las cosas por pulir... (animaciones, el efecto del vidrio rompiéndose fue bastante cutre, algunas actuaciones de voz podría mejorar bastante). Todavía así, siento que tengo confianza en este proyecto.
Wait... Dude are u using the enchanced edition (which is made by fans) to make a comparison?
Its enhanced to to suit modern hd displays. How oculd you compare a games graphics while using 512p crt display vs modern resolutions.
Wow, the hospital in the original game seems way more scary!
This remake is an insult to the original.
😂 cry
the original was darker with less light, more fog and darker sky.. made a better atmosphere
The original feels WAY MORE atmospheric
the game aint even out yet
The gameplay is right there to compare @@leviathan9865
Maybe this is how you remember the game, but the graphics weren't the best, not even back then.
Nostalgia is fogging your mind. The older game was literally trying to hide it's imperfections via the insane amount of darkness and fog, therefore you'd feel that it's more "atmospheric" when in reality, it just isn't
Honestly, if you're gonna adapt and update a game like this into modern generation, I think they did a really good job. Especially considering how bad it was looking in the early trailers.
I don't think hardcore fans of the original will be satisfied if it's not exactly like the original, but then the remake wouldn't have a reason to exist. The updates to the combat and level design I think help a lot for giving this a reason to play. Cutscenes are more subjective, but I think they're not better, but not worse either. Could be more uncanny like the original, but hasn't lost it completely either.
Se nota que konami no solto tanto dinero para hacerlo mas perfecto, pero espero disfrutarlo cuando salga el juego.
Esto ya no es tema de presupuesto, sino de tiempo y también habilidad de la propia desarrolladora, y como hemos visto con otros juegos Bloober Team aún tiene mucho que aprender.
La peor decisión es la jodida cámara ,wey ,esto parece god of war Ragnarok con esas animaciones de combates ,cuando deberían ser animaciones más a lo desesperado ,ya que es así cuando juegas silent hill 2 y en ciertas zonas , esa forma de apuntar te juega en contra ,porque el terror también es con la mecánica ,no solo el ambiente.
El juego siento que falta pulir porque en cuestion de cinemáticas se ven bastante bien
Se ve muy bien en mi opinión, si, las animaciones se ven durisimas y todo, pero mas allá de eso la atmosfera esta muy bien lograda, los cinemas se ven bien, las actuaciones estan mortales. Esta presentación fue MUCHO mejor que ese "trailer de acción" que nos quisieron vender antes, esto tiene mas pinta de Silent Hill.
Se ve hermoso, ojalá pulan aún más el tema de algunas animaciones, ojalá sea el exito que necesite la franquicia para sacar nuevos titulos o remakes.
Se ve impresionante gráficamente, si pulen las mecánicas de combate seguro tendrá éxito
350 pal é sacanagem mano, qualquer jogo hj lança full price, duvido nada o Astro ser esse preço também
The sunlight coming through the hospital doesn’t work at all
A decent job, from Bloober team despite it has it issues, still a Remake,I want to play.
La verdad esta bueno el remake, para un juego que nunca ah vendido mucho como re de esforzaron bastante y basándonos en los gráficos de ahora es lo más realista al mundo en cuanto iluminación pudieron hacer pero muchos no van a entender eso quieren que un remake se siga viendo como el original
I can’t wait to play this in October
pero si se ve buenísimo por que tanto hate? la atmósfera, los actores, la dirección de cinemática, los gráficos, el overhaul de gameplay comparado al primero, la música rehecha por Yamaoka, el tono general del juego, las partes de terror..
Porque la gente ve resúmenes y tesis del juego pero nunca lo han probado ellos mismos. Cualquiera que haya jugado el primero sabrá que está bien el remake.
It doesn't look bad, but you can tell that Konami didn't give them that much budget it looks like a previous gen game
Basically the original had style and the remake feels like a cheap B-Movie adaption.
Y tu llorando😂😂
@@mastresh1606 ...and you're simple.
Best version Silent Hill 2 , PS2
"You can't step in the same river twice" -Heraclitus - for those who are complaining...
Onde o canal conseguiu acesso a tantas cenas do remake? Está disponível em algum lugar?
Son escenas del nuevo tráiler promocional que salió hace poco.
The developers are known for making bad games, this will be no exception, people are blinded by nostalgia
How about playing the game first?
Yeah and ? At least it’s built by fans of the original and not given to western companies to completely screw up the IP and make it closer to the movie rather than the first 4 games. (Origins, Homecoming, Downpour, Shattered Memories, etc)
No, blinded by PS exclusivity
@@mgf909 yeah, I've replayed Origins on my PS2 after many years, and the "westernization" is perfectly visible if you compare it to the previous games.
I'm going to play my game first. If it sucks, oh well. I'm not going homeless over buying one bad game.
The remake look awesome ❤
Buen trabajo para haber sido hecho por una empresa Indie sin muchos recursos como Konami, que apenas está incursionando en la industria. 😬
Ponte a pensar tantito… alan wake 2 tampoco es que tuviera las mejores animaciones, es más las de resident evil 2 remake son mejores pero a lo que quiero llegar es que tanto alan wake 2 como dead space remake y alone in the dark salieron bastante mal en ventas y eso que dos son juegazos, en serio crees que vale la pena invertir tanto en un juego que siempre ha sido de nicho? Dead space era más rentable y la secuela de Alan wake era deseadisima y mira que no vendieron bien, es mejor ser precavido y al menos para mi me gusta mucho lo que estoy viendo, la historia y la admosfera es lo importante en este juego y ya cumplió con este gameplay
Se ve horrible
Bueno, la desarrolladora es Bloober Team, que es una AA y no una AAA.
@@Gamethanks te cerraron el orto xD
Everything is accepted except for the HAND WRITING IN THE PAPERS