Jewish Convert to Catholicism: Must I Still Follow the Mosaic Law? w/

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ต.ค. 2024
  • A Jewish convert asks whether Jewish converts must still follow the Mosaic Law or if baptism supersedes ancient traditions. Understand the role of circumcision in the Old Covenant and how it's fulfilled in the New Covenant. Joe Heschmeyer give the Catholic Answer.
    Joe's Channel: ‪@shamelesspopery‬
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ความคิดเห็น • 40

  • @shaulkramer7425
    @shaulkramer7425 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +80

    That caller was me.

    • @theaccidentalsaint8872
      @theaccidentalsaint8872 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      Nice Bro and welcome home!

    • @youngKOkid1
      @youngKOkid1 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

      I’m a Jewish convert too. God bless you, bro! Curious to hear more about how you came to the faith.

    • @shaulkramer7425
      @shaulkramer7425 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      @@youngKOkid1 It was a long journey... I think the Spirit came knocking when my wife and I visited Jerusalem, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre... It took a couple years after that.

    • @codycampbell9851
      @codycampbell9851 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Amazing welcome home brother!!

    • @EdgardoSilva-od3td
      @EdgardoSilva-od3td 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      God bless you brother, what an amazing thing, may our Lord keeps giving you much more grace to you and all your family! And let’s continuing praying for all the Jewish people.

  • @Rocketninja200
    @Rocketninja200 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

    We should all pray for the caller. Im sure its tough navigating through such a life change, true is it certainly is. As Saint Paul said, and im loooosely paraphrasing. We must love our Jewish brothers and sisters because we're grafted onto them and our hope is they will be grafted onto us. Rejoice!

    • @andrewpatton5114
      @andrewpatton5114 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Also, let us prepare for the Coming of the Lord, for the national conversion of Israel is a sign that His Coming is near. There were a few Jews who converted in every generation, but since World War II, we have seen Jews coming to Christ in numbers not seen since the days of the Apostles. Surely, this is the beginning of the prophesied national repentance.

    • @shaulkramer7425
      @shaulkramer7425 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Thank you! I appreciate the prayers.

  • @Risteard_Bear
    @Risteard_Bear 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Very interesting questions

  • @timhaley3459
    @timhaley3459 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    With Jesus death on a stake, this abolished the Mosaic Law, for Jesus said at Matthew 5:17: "Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill." And the apostle Paul wrote that "in his saying “a new covenant,” he has made the former one (the Mosaic Law covenant) obsolete. Now what is obsolete and growing old is near to vanishing away."(Heb 8:13)
    At Colossians 2:13, 14, Paul wrote: "Furthermore, though you were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcised state of your flesh, God made you alive together with him. He kindly forgave us all our trespasses and erased the handwritten document that consisted of decrees and was in opposition to us. He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake."
    At Ephesians 2, Paul wrote: "At that time you (Gentiles or people of the nations) were without Christ, alienated from the state of Israel, strangers to the covenants of the promise; you had no hope and were without God in the world. But now in union with Christ Jesus, you who were once far off have come to be near by the blood of the Christ."
    "For he is our peace, the one who made the two groups (Jews and Gentiles) one and destroyed the wall (or Mosaic Law covenant) in between that fenced them off. By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments (or Mosaic Law covenant) consisting in decrees, in order to make the two groups in union with himself into one new man and to make peace, and to reconcile fully both peoples in one body to God through the torture stake, because he had killed off the enmity by means of himself."(Eph 2:12-16)
    This fulfilled Jeremiah 31:31-34, that says: "Look ! The days are coming,” declares Jehovah (God's name, see Ex 6:3, KJV, "Yahweh", Jerusalem Bible), “when I will make with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant."
    "It will not be like the (Mosaic Law) covenant that I made with their forefathers on the day (Abib 14, 1513 B.C.E., see Ex 12:1-6; 13:4; Note: Abib means "Green Ears", that changed to the name Nisan after the Jews returned home from exile in Babylon) I took hold of their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, ‘my covenant that they broke, although I was their true master,’ declares Jehovah."
    "For this is the (new) covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares Jehovah. “I will put my law within them, and in their heart I will write it. And I will become their God, and they will become my people."
    "And they will no longer teach each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know Jehovah !’ for they will all know me, from the least to the greatest of them,” declares Jehovah. “For I will forgive their error, and I will no longer remember their sin.”
    At Luke 22, Jesus told his eleven faithful apostles: "However, you are the ones who have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a (new) covenant with you, just as my Father has made a (new) covenant with me, for a (heavenly) kingdom (see Matt 13:11), so that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom (as the 144,000 imperfect "chosen ones", Matt 24:22, 24, 31; Rev 7:4), and sit on thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel."(Luke 22:28-30)
    So, with Jesus death on a stake, he abolished the Mosaic Law covenant that showed the Jews they were sinners (Gal 3:19) and that only the Jews were required the adhere to (Ex 31:12-17), and established ' the new covenant for a kingdom ', or for a heavenly government (see Isa 9:6) that will be the means to restore genuine peace to the earth, that was lost in the rebellion in the garden of Eden some 6,000 years ago.(Gen 3:1-6, 15)
    At Daniel 9, it says: "There are 70 weeks (of years, or 490 years that began in 455 B.C.E.) that have been determined for your people (the Jews) and your holy city (Jerusalem), in order to terminate the transgression, to finish off sin, to make atonement for error, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up the vision and the prophecy, and to anoint the Holy of Holies."
    "You should know and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Mes·siʹah the Leader, there will be 7 weeks, also 62 weeks (or 69 "weeks of years", 483 years, that arrived in 29 C.E.). She (Jerusalem) will be restored and rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in times of distress."
    "And after the 62 weeks (plus "7 weeks"), Mes·siʹah will be cut off (or put to death on a stake), with nothing for himself. And the people (the Roman army) of a leader (General Titus) who is coming will destroy the city and the holy place (the temple). And its end will be by the flood (of some 60,000 Roman soldiers that overruns Jerusalem)."
    "And until the end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations. And he will keep the (Mosaic) covenant in force for the many (or for the Jews) for one week (or till 36 C.E.); and at the half of the week (or on Nisan 14, 33 C.E.), he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease (for Jewish Christians because the Mosaic Law covenant is now obsolete for them)."(Dan 9:24-27)

    • @twoody9760
      @twoody9760 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      For those that do not know timhaley is Seventh Day Adventist. He does not believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ or the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    • @timhaley3459
      @timhaley3459 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Tim Haley is NOT a Seventh Day Adventist, and does believe in the "deity of Jesus Christ" as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, for he is "a god" (John 1:1), a "Mighty God" (Isa 9:6), but NOT "the only true God" (John 17:3), or Almighty God, whose name is Jehovah.(see Ex 6:3, KJV)
      And Jesus was resurrected as "a life-giving spirit".(1 Cor 15:45) "He was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit. And in this state he went and preached to the spirits (or rebel angels) in prison (or tartarus, that means ' chains of dense spiritual darkness ', see 2 Pet 2:4, rendered as "hell" by the King James Bible and Catholic Douay Version, misleading their readers), who had formerly been disobedient when God was patiently waiting in Noah’s day (see Gen 6:1-4; Jude 6, 7), while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water."(1 Pet 3:18-20)

  • @user-zw8k
    @user-zw8k 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    It would be great if the point that it is not only not necessary, but also sinful to observe customs of the Mosaic Ceremonial Law after the promulgation of the Gospel is emphasized in discussing matters such as this one.
    "...It firmly believes, professes and teaches that the legal prescriptions of the old Testament or the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, holy sacrifices and sacraments, because they were instituted to signify something in the future, although they were adequate for the divine cult of that age, once our lord Jesus Christ who was signified by them had come, came to an end and the sacraments of the new Testament had their beginning. Whoever, after the passion, places his hope in the legal prescriptions and submits himself to them as necessary for salvation and as if faith in Christ without them could not save, sins mortally. It does not deny that from Christ’s passion until the promulgation of the gospel they could have been retained, provided they were in no way believed to be necessary for salvation. But it asserts that after the promulgation of the gospel they cannot be observed without loss of eternal salvation. Therefore it denounces all who after that time observe circumcision, the sabbath and other legal prescriptions as strangers to the faith of Christ and unable to share in eternal salvation, unless they recoil at some time from these errors. ...." - Pope Eugene IV, SESSION 11, 4 February 1442 [Bull of union with the Copts], The General Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence, 1431-45 A.D.

  • @jperez7893
    @jperez7893 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    to be baptized into the catholic church is the fulfillment of all the promises of God and the continuation of the chosen people of God. i do believe that it would be good for baptized jews to keep circumcision as a mark of distinction, without the need to pay the cohen the ransom required because jesus has paid that ransom for them. the sabbath meal should also be kept because it is a celebration of the gift of God to His people. the mass is the complete worship and this where the jews and christians will continue to witness the perpetual sacrifice offered since the time of the temple. the bread and wine offering and the incense offering is still there, and because of transubstantiation, the lamb offering is still offered on the altar to fulfill the perpetual requirement to YHVH.

    • @timcusack9388
      @timcusack9388 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@jperez7893 You believe that should continue a condemned practice!!!!! Kidding me?

    • @jperez7893
      @jperez7893 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@timcusack9388 there is nothing wrong with practicing circumcision among the jews

  • @joelauretta4067
    @joelauretta4067 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    To be clear the apostle Paul referred to baptism of the Holy Spirit, not water baptism !
    Just like the Jews in the day were trying to insist that you must be circumcised to be truly saved. The Roman Catholic Church insists you must be water baptized to be saved. This is not biblical !

    • @jackm725
      @jackm725 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Oh brother. Did pastor Jimbob tell you that?

    • @joelauretta4067
      @joelauretta4067 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      No, the word of God did.

  • @noobgamingtv6626
    @noobgamingtv6626 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @MathAdam
    @MathAdam 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The OT describes pork as an “abomination.” That sounds to me like an ontological statement about pigs. I’d love to hear a deeper dive from Aquinas on these matters.

    • @enniomojica7812
      @enniomojica7812 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      Just look to St Peters testimony about the vision God gave him. God showed him a great extended sheet with all kinds of unclean animals. God said “get up kill and eat”. Peter said NO! God repeated the command. Then said what God calls clean now no one can call unclean.

    • @MathAdam
      @MathAdam 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@enniomojica7812 Peter himself said the vision was about people, not food. Also, even the clean animals would have been made unclean by the presence of the unclean (according to Jewish law, as far as I know).

    • @enniomojica7812
      @enniomojica7812 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@MathAdam Peter didn’t say it wasn’t about food he said God showed him he shouldn’t call people unclean. But you cannot reject the immediate message of God’s vision of unclean animals now being clean from the human aspect of the message. Because what separated the Jews from the pagans was their mosaic law which the unclean animals represented. Paul in all his writings writes extensively that the works of the law do not save. And Peter echoes that in the council of Jerusalem.

    • @Sevenspent
      @Sevenspent 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@enniomojica7812 I would also look at Luke 11:39 and Mark 7:15 in light of Peters testimony in Acts to explain why the stuff that made people unclean were "lifted" off us.

  • @docsavage8640
    @docsavage8640 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Short answer: welcome to the joy of bacon

  • @ji8044
    @ji8044 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So you left the faith of Jesus himself to join the faith of those who have persecuted the faith of Jesus for 1500 years? That's interesting.

    • @byonnoyb
      @byonnoyb 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      How twisted and ignorant this comment truly is...

    • @Ruudes1483
      @Ruudes1483 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ji8044 Proof?

  • @TheTruthsOfOurFaith
    @TheTruthsOfOurFaith 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    @catholiccom Joe gets it wrong yet again. All laws,rules,regulations and yes commandments have ended.

    • @theaccidentalsaint8872
      @theaccidentalsaint8872 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ya all except the moral law-the 10C

    • @TheTruthsOfOurFaith
      @TheTruthsOfOurFaith 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@theaccidentalsaint8872 If you love then you satisfy God.

  • @Jesus3ITrustinThee
    @Jesus3ITrustinThee 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Acts 15:20 and 28 “but that we write to them to *ABSTAIN FROM THINGS POLLUTED BY IDOLS* _FROM SEXUAL IMMORALITY_ from things strangled, and from blood. . . 28 FOR IT SEEMED GOOD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND TO US, TO LAY UPON YOU NO GREATER BURDEN THAN THESE NECESSARY things: 29 that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. IF YOU KEEP YOURSELVES FROM THESE, YOU WILL DO WELL.”
     This above was by decree of the Universal Church, not a local church like Laodicea or Thyatira, but all churches:
     _Compare this with_
    o Rev 2: 20 20 Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess _TO TEACH AND SEDUCE MY SERVANTS TO COMMIT SEXUAL IMMORALITY_ *and EAT THINGS SACRIFICED TO IDOLS*
    o Rev. 2:24 24 “Now to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this doctrine, who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I WILL PUT ON YOU NO OTHER BURDEN.
    The church, as Jesus endowed with authority, was able to bind and loosen, matters like circumcision, and Jesus upholds them.