Basically, a potion that permanently buffs STR by 100 & debuffs every other stat by 30. And additionally inflicts Confuse, Berserk and Life Drain on the user.
He works out because he values his life and health. You shouldn't take steroids unless you're a professional,and understand what dangers you're getting into
I'm 41. A year ago my testosterone was 333. I changed everything. Keto, intermittent fasting, 10k+ steps per day, and back in the gym. Went from 213 to 170 and am currently doing a recomp. Testosterone this past month was 456.
That's largely due to being overweight causes increased aromatization of testosterone converting to estrogen. That's why you will see nearly 100% of people who are obese (30-40%+ body fat percentage) have obesity induced hypogonadism
Biggest thing that stops me from taking steroids is the aging. I am 24, friend from highschool has taken roids for 2 years now and he looks so much older now. He’s aged 15 years in the last 2-3 years.
Yeah stay natural and you can look fit and look young at the same time. Never alter something your own body does naturally. Your body knows best how to regulate your hormones
Or, crazy idea, let people make their own decisions. You don’t tell people to not drink, yet excessive drinking will kill you a hell of a lot faster than some testosterone will.
@@fitz2917Except we do tell people not to drink, or, at the very least, to drink responsibly. Also, let's not pretend that alcohol is the same as steroids.
The issue however for natties is what time of day your blood is drawn for testosterone readings. First thing in the morning is the highest level while towards the evening the T levels drop significantly
I'm a 37 year old man and last time I checked I was in the mid 300s. My dad is 70 years old, does NOT to use steroids or trt, it's not a particularly large man, task levels above 700. Crazy shit.
That’s not true. You need maybe 10 working sets per muscle group per week to see growth. I would say it’s more to do with consistency outside of the gym with diet and sleep that is important.
A teacher at my school quit because of the chronic pain he deals with everyday. He quit because he couldn’t get out of bed anymore. In his last day he told us that he was a body builder for a long time and took a lot of steroids. Steroids really fucked up his body
@@gabrielmagalhaes859it takes a massive toll on the body if you lift like a moron, sure. if you do everything Dr. Mike says to minimize ur injury risk to gains ratio by using as light weight as possible and still getting in moderate reps by very slow eccentric control, perfect form, warming up properly etc. then obviously you may very well not make a single injury in your life and your bone density and general body health would be 10x better than everyone else your age. to say bodybuilding, let alone lifting, takes a massive toll on the body as black and white as that isn't right
@patootie3529 I'm talking about the competitive side in general, since it was what was being mentioned above me. If you are an amateur, you don't need to worry about making weight, drying for competition, maintaining perfect progress, etc... If you get injured, you still have to pull through somehow in a competition in some cases, which definitely takes its toll If you are amateur, sure, not much, if anything will happen to you, but professional, it's a different story, most professional sports demand a lot physically
Offcourse. This is probably normal thing to put ancient Egyptian/Babylonian/Masonic symbol on dolar bill in country with Christians values and history. He should use instead real paranoia C-19 shots image.
@@smokingcrab2290Maybe a coincidence, but I recently watched the meaning of Masonic symbolism and the pyramid with an eye. Each symbol has its own meaning and it is not the same as a logo. The pyramid with an eye, the "star of David", the pentagram and the seven-pointed star are the greatest occult symbols. ?v=b3gJZw6X-LA&pp=ygUbTWFyayBwYXNzaW9uIGlsbHVtaW5hdGkgZXll
If you work with your body I don't care if you take or not roids...but the problem is when many influencers call themselves "natty" and they lie to people who think they can have their body just working out harder
That comes with society's stupid anti-steroids bias. I even see pharmaceuticals advertised as "steroid-free". That is one of the most ridiculous and underhanded marketing tactics I have ever heard. Almost everything in the universe is more expensive that steroids. And almost nothing in the pharmaceutical industry is more natural than steroids. When they substitute something else for steroids, the new product is more expensive, less effective, and almost definitely has a LOT more side effects. This is a scam. Steroids should never have been illegalized. This act really just screwed everyone because steroids are miracle cures.
In this same video he talks about how 5 years ago people called him a fake natty but now, after so much desensitization of steroid use, he is now called "small". Steroids really fkked us up.
@@bageleater3373are you kidding. Mate, he's been on gear 10 years likely. There is no single possibility. He knows his channel would fall apart if he got exposed. It's all business. Build an impressive body. Talk about all the science. Blah blah. Truth is he's using or has used many times. Anyone with 10yrs training would know that.
I refuse to believe that steroid usage improves long-term general happiness for more than a handfull of people. Would be an interesting study to conduct.
I’m pretty sure in the full length video he discusses that there is a lot of times a cycle where you want to get bigger so you juice, then you do get bigger and stop, then you get smaller and then you want to juice again. It can definitely be a vicious cycle for a lot of people.
I'm on TRT for various medical reasons. It has done nothing to improve my muscle mass. (I haven't been going to the gym regularly) It is not a magic pill. You still have to do the work. You still have to put the time into the gym and diet.
I think it might be more helpful for older people who for some reason have very low levels of their hormones. Without those hormones, they don’t feel motivated or in a good mood.
@Wicked2305 Nope. There's only a littttlle bit of evidence that supports taking it after a workout is best, but almost all studies show as long as you do it once a day and are fully saturated(takes about 3 weeks without loading), you're good.
Your so right big difference between trt and taking steroids trt is ssfe keeping you at a healthy level steroids at high levels are definitely not safe at all. Good information mate keep educating people specially the young 👍
Also, be mindful of elevated T levels on their own. With or without roids they can cause serious mood swings, anger issues, and poor impulse control. This can be mitigated by being aware of it and remembering to be a decent person. I was witness to an experiment where guys were unknowingly dosed with T, though, and one of em went berserk enough to almost kill someone. Thanks for talking honestly about the science. We need more of that.
@@xmmatzexm4496 Pretty much any argument against "steroid users" is going to be in bad faith because there's such a huge range of substances and dosages. It's like lumping "drug users" into one group and concluding that weed is the same as smoking meth.
@@xmmatzexm4496I think steroids are just an unjustified risk if you aren't competing, it's like smoking to "relax", it might work at first, but in the end it's just not worth it
Okay, at 63, it dropped pretty low. Went on TRT microdose. After a few weeks, there are not a lot of differences, but importantly, I do recover like I did when I was younger. That is a huge difference between being young and being old is that you recover from injury so much faster. I've added about 10 lbs more muscle on exactly the same training. Body fat lowered very modestly. Got rid of a spare tire, that midsection fat that is so annoying but not harmful. BMI didn't mean anything before as a total natural. It means even less now.
Telling you something is bad for you isn’t an attack on your agency. People telling you that you’re making bad choices isn’t the same as taking away your choices; unless you’re insecure and seek external approval, which would lend an explanation as to why you as a non-athlete would be taking PED’s in the first place.
@@elibonham4388 that’s your choice. Though if you’re going on gear, personally I’d go with more traditional options since they’re medically regulated and tested. Sarms are new, not fully studied, and lots of suppliers straight up lie about what in them so if you have a lot of food/ substance allergies be wary of that. Be careful out there man. If you’re gonna play with your life at least play smart.
@@elibonham4388You could capitalize on the process transformation of your physique alone without ever touching steroids, that’s what almost every gym bro content creator did on tiktok. Dont believe me? Look at how their pages started. Some of them popped into thin air with zero transformation from their beginning physique to their worked on physique. But I read this comment somewhere, someone said “I don’t plan on taking roids until I’ve hit my peak natty physique, then I might consider it” and I think those are words a lot of people should follow first. Good luck to you my man!
Really helpful. I’m 40 and have 346 ng/Dl which is on the low side of normal. Or 12 nmol/L for the brits in the comments. Knowing you’re at 16 nmol/L and have that muscle mass is encouraging
My brother tested 1180 at 24, I tested about 950 at 16, he had a bit of a second puberty at 22. Our whole family on our dads side has super high test, dense back hair almost as thick as our head hair, also ear hair, based on our last name we would have been basically the Kshatriya (Indian warrior caste, about 15%~ of our population) war generals back in the day so makes sense. So 1000 isn't exactly the limit for nattys. Depends on the person and genetics, along with physical activities, we do frequent exercise and martial arts swell.
346 ng/dL is extremely fucking low. Though this also depends on free test and SHBG levels. Get more sleep and fix your diet. Make sure you get plenty of zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, and boron. If your diet & general lifestyle is good & you can't find any reasons as to why your test is this low, I'd recommend hopping on TRT.
Trust me heart, liver and kidney problems are the worst problems out there. If you want to take them make sure to eat and live healthy AF and perhaps extra supplements for intestines
Got my test levels done yesterday. Been off ⚙️ for almost 10 years now. 36 1/2 years old, wondering where Im sitting. Will update when I get the results. Wish me luck 🙏
@@nitolinilo9034 man I've always been against steroids and been slamming people who did it... But like.. looking at the guys I mentioned... You could make a serious case that steroids have been healthy and beneficial... Like theyre literally super humans compared to people their age. And it makes me wonder what steroids could do to us humans if carefully monitered by a doctor for an example. I mean TRT are already doing wonders for some people.
Just had mine tested 35 years old at 748 naturally I ran test and other compounds for years since I was 18 quit 3 years ago and for a Lil over 2 years had super low test levels so glad to bounce back
Unless your profession/ability to make money hinges on you being bigger and stronger than everyone else, there is no logical reason to ever take steroids.
Crazy beans. My total T is 760 and I'm tiny compared to Jeff based on shape and insertions. We've met in person too in Sac. Jeff keep up the great worm
Dude you're an inspiration to me. I dont think I'll ever look like you, but knowing I can still get jacked without steroids is really cool. Also i appreciate that everything you say is backed by studies and research. Keep it up!
@@kgtl12345 you're missing that the human body is complex and one single hormone value of a single person at a single blood test does not define their entire health state or the capabilities of their body
@@kgtl12345 Genetics play a huge part. Anything above 300 and below 1000 is the normal range. If it is lower than 300 then it is considered abnormal and your doctor may prescribe you TRT (if you ask)
I did a bloodtest last month my test is exactly the same as yours. 485. Beautiful spot for a natural lifter. Keep up the good work. Hope youre recovering well after that assault
Ive been on TRT for a about a month and half now and the only problem ive had with it was it hurts my wallet. But like he said in the video “some people”. If you want to hop on juice or gear, do it in a medically prescribed way. My hair is fuller, i dont have acne, im more cognitive, i retain more that im told, ive never felt better in my life. Moral of the story, “some people” have different reactions… make an educated decision on it. This guy is smart, not bashing him at all. Id just like to throw a experience out there that not many users know is possible.
Yeah natural test levels aren’t as important as people think. A 300-400 isn’t much different from like an 800, as long as both people feel good and are healthy, cause bodies also have different sensitivities and reactions to hormones
It does slow down over time. Another aspect to consider is possibly needing to increase your intensity and vary your training a bit. If all you do is flat bench, try progressively overloading dumbbells and cables for a while and see how it goes. Potentially, you may also want to go into a very slight surplus in calories to see if your body will therefore be more willing to build extra tissue.
Bro, it took me the first 4 years to have little muscle growth, I know have a very good amount of muscle but I have 7 years lifting, so I am guessing you probably have like 2 years, it takes time as natural to build a nice physique
Androgen receptors play a big role in that, cant really explain it all too well but basically they helpy build muscle with test however some may not be as sensitave like yours
Excellent, Jeff. You're a 'clean' body builder, and so is your message. Unfortunately, body building has taken a negative spin for a number of decades now by the use of steroids and other enhancing substances, compromising health. Body building and holistic (clean) living still go hand-in-hand. That's the way of nature. As one example, I'll take a Steve Reeves physique any time over looking like the 'Hulk' (OK for comics but not real life). Thanks.
wear any shoes but when u squat u either want weightlifting shoes with heels for better leverages especially if ur ankle mobility is poor or ull want flat for both squats and deadlifts. or u can just be barefoot/in socks for both
Bro doctors told me it was 1100. I got tested at 15 it was 760. And 18 was 1190. I was so concerned bc I had a hard time sleeping, and I was just always on the move, and that led to heart problems eventually and slightly damaged the atrial walls. And I have to take meds now to lower it. So for anyone wanting to boost it just do it naturally and do not worry to much about it. I would rather be a normal range in the lower side than this bc this sucks.
Young men. Don't be like Sam. That's too low of a Bar. Be the best you can be without the stuff. You'll be crying when he's gone early just like my gen lost Zyzz.
This is why I have followed you for years. You don’t absolutely bash the use of steroids, but you do the research to show people the negative causes behind it. Some people don’t believe that you’re natural but I believe that you’re 100% honest when it comes to that That’s why I still continue to follow you. I too have used anabolics and when talking to others about those too also point out the harsh side effects and that’s why I steer them in the direction of less is more just because you use massive amounts of steroids doesn’t mean you’re gonna become a professional bodybuilder so find out what your body likes and stay away from what it doesn’t like.
Used gear on and off in my mid to late 20s. I decided to get my test levels checked and I was sitting around 640. Been over 10 years since I last used anything.
I’ll be 50 next year and got my testosterone levels checked along with a full metabolic panel 6 months ago. My testosterone is 825 ng/dl. Lifetime natty and don’t use TRT either.
Oh okay, well that makes me feel a lot better having had my test come from 240 to 450 from a year or so of training and weight loss so that’s reassuring as I was questioning it being quite low.
I am 28 years old, when i was 16 i had Leukemia, after that other things started happening, i always felt sad depressed, even when going to the gym and everything, so i went to the doctor to check my Testosterone levels and it was on 230 ng/dl, so i am now on 200mg Testosterone every 7 days, and i feel better than ever . Only Side effects after 8 months are some Acne on my back, but barely noticeable and for me it is 100% worth since i feel alive again.
It’s also the frequency of use and dosage. If you did say one cycle to push you over a hill, you’re not likely to suffer side effects. As usual with things it’s the regular users that experience the negative aspects.
I had 18 in arms at 18 without drugs or food, had no job ? Planned on gearing up at 21, but it just felt like training that hard wasn't healthy, then adding the drugs. I ended up quitting. Went to guitar school in Los Angeles instead..
I gained 13 pounds in about 4 months with just beast mode 2 a days and a not so tasty but effective diet. I never thought that was even possible. Pure natural. I was shocked to see the results.
Maybe if you want a slight boost just use it in smaller amounts, sure you wont get as much but it will help and also slow down the effects of aging and shorter lifespan.
Testosterone increases when you spend your time in a "manly" environment. My test was at around 600 (I also worked out probably a little too much at the time, thus the test was pretty low for 24 y.o. with 210 pound lean mass, consider I'm from Dagestan BTW). Lived in a city, had everything I needed, didn't spend much time working, just lived a comfortable life. Then I moved to the North of Russia and worked there at at a gas field for 3 months (dirty work for 12 hours a day with no days off, construction sites, dirty and aggressive people, conflicts all the time and stuff), returned home and checked it again. It was 900. I worked out way less than at home, ate much worse, didn't sleep as well, and still had a 50% increase in just 3 months without any supplements or drugs. So, I think the environment plays a huge role, much more than anything else.
If you take them responsibly aka on-cycle for 3 months max, then off-cycle for 4 months preferably more and don't take too high a dose, you can mitigate any and all side effects people mention.
You should look into the lives of people like reg. Park and Steve Reeves. These guys were 4Runners to people like Arnold Schwarzenegger. And they demonstrated a commitment to natural gains and the benefits of avoiding drugs. The single biggest thing that will drive results is your commitment to training and a regular schedule and excitement of going into the gym with a focus. I often had guys that were on steroids pull-up chairs to watch me squat. I've never used drugs, although I've been around people who use drugs on a regular basis. In fact, most of them use drugs. I passed no judgment on them because of their commitment. But look into all the different ways you can enhance yourself from the inside out without trying to do so from the outside in. And commit to training and alternative health is lifestyles.
My test levels are over 800 with free test at 28ngdl. The main benefit i get with these levels are high moods, extremely positive libido and desire and feel confident all tbe time. Muscle wise nothing special easier to stay strong and not get tired
Before steroids: My name is Jeff Nippard
After steroids: y ae i e ia
Azzhole 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Im crying
I laughed too hard at this
Revert to gorrila
More like: my name jeff
10k testoterone is crazy😂, bro can just imagine a dumbbell to get jacked
mind muscle connection 😩
Bro came from baki😂
Literally, you gain more doing nothing on steroids than a natty gains lifting optimally. Jeff has another video with this insane graph in it.
I wonder how oversized his heart is...
Test increases the size of *all* muscles.
It also causes roid users to punch people in the throat randomly in the gym.
Never had that problem on roids. Infact it makes my anxiety and anger disappear
@@burger101fulI think you don't get the joke? 🤔😅
@@TBNRnz1422I don’t think it landed
Underrated side effect that isn’t discussed often enough.
Yes like Jeff said they make you “Dumber” fact
Before steroids: Hi I'm Jeff Nippard
After Steroids: YEAAH BUDDYYY
And a tan.
You did Ronnie dirty
Basically, a potion that permanently buffs STR by 100 & debuffs every other stat by 30. And additionally inflicts Confuse, Berserk and Life Drain on the user.
Finally something I can understand
Bro really said “let me tell you in a language you understand”
thank you for that bro
Lmao makes sense to me 😂
Thx for translating, I couldn't understand whatever nonsense jeff was yapping about
It’s crazy you haven’t sold out yet. Mad respect dude.
He also has incredible genetics sooo
@@rzznakhvonvoraath4566Depends, he is a pretty short guy. He just put the work in like a mad man. He doesn't have above average genetics
He works out because he values his life and health. You shouldn't take steroids unless you're a professional,and understand what dangers you're getting into
I mean... _incredible_ is a stretch but his _parents _*_did_* manage to get *_decently_* jacked, back in the day...
He’s a the top of the healthy body builder niche he would lose everything if he did.
“Vegeta what does the scouter say about his power level?”
“It’s over 10,000!!!!!”
"What 10 000? There's no way that could be right! "
Damn beat me to it
I knew there would be a comment like this.
@@strawldier7751 lol when i opened the comments i expected literally every single person to be saying it but i didn’t, i was surprised.
Came here for this!
I'm 41. A year ago my testosterone was 333. I changed everything. Keto, intermittent fasting, 10k+ steps per day, and back in the gym. Went from 213 to 170 and am currently doing a recomp. Testosterone this past month was 456.
Hells yeah!! Thanks for sharing!
Take boron it will go up. Worked for me
Good to hear man!
That's largely due to being overweight causes increased aromatization of testosterone converting to estrogen. That's why you will see nearly 100% of people who are obese (30-40%+ body fat percentage) have obesity induced hypogonadism
@@GwasBoat still bigger than yours 🤣
Biggest thing that stops me from taking steroids is the aging. I am 24, friend from highschool has taken roids for 2 years now and he looks so much older now. He’s aged 15 years in the last 2-3 years.
RFK jr is on trt and for 70 the dude looks great.
@@sniper161718He is probably on trt to maintain his t-levels, not make them abnormally high
@@sniper161718 he also likely needs it medically
Good. Don’t change.
Yeah stay natural and you can look fit and look young at the same time. Never alter something your own body does naturally. Your body knows best how to regulate your hormones
the increased agitation/ aggression is the biggest turn-off to me, i wouldn't want to put that upon my loved ones
Yeah, especially if naturally already high strung.
yea it depends on the person. if you are already a dickhead it will just make you more of a dickhead
Thats a good mentality to have i like that
If you have aggression right now and are an asshole it will just enhance it but if your a nice person and can keep calm it won’t do shit like that 😂
Bouta go cyber psycho from the test
1. don't even contemplate taking them before the age of 25
2. don't take them if you're not competing
Or, crazy idea, let people make their own decisions. You don’t tell people to not drink, yet excessive drinking will kill you a hell of a lot faster than some testosterone will.
@@fitz2917I tell people not to drink. As do lots of people. Especially people who drink a lot of
@@fitz2917Except we do tell people not to drink, or, at the very least, to drink responsibly. Also, let's not pretend that alcohol is the same as steroids.
@@fitz2917are you completely stupid?
Lifetime natty, 48, got mine tested last week, 704.
628 2 years ago and 1,009 4 years ago.
Happy I'm over 700, holding off in TRT as long as I can.
Mine was 860 when I was 42 and I've never used steroids. I doubt that my numbers will be as high as yours by the time I reach 48, though.
"Steroids make you dumber." Mike O'Hearn's brain suddenly makes so much sense.
@stevenpeterson5981 😂😂😂😂
Mike is natty
@@mz8802 Hahahaha 😆 😂 🤣
Baby don't hearn me~ No more~
Thank you for the honesty. People are so eager for the juice and dont consider how future might look like with it.
The issue however for natties is what time of day your blood is drawn for testosterone readings. First thing in the morning is the highest level while towards the evening the T levels drop significantly
They may not live long enough for the future to even matter, ironically.
@@stevecooper7883 posted your comment on the wrong thread, it's inconsistent with what op states.
I'm a 37 year old man and last time I checked I was in the mid 300s. My dad is 70 years old, does NOT to use steroids or trt, it's not a particularly large man, task levels above 700. Crazy shit.
Careful with him to not bring you home a little brother 😂
38 and mine is 662. Which surprised me tbh
@@tarikviaer-mcclymont5762 ???
@arkanraznatovic5444 our food and beverage are tainted with microplastics perhaps and other chemicals and additives perhaps this impacted Test levels
Fact that I have all symptoms without using steroids makes me cry 😢
Being natty is more about consistency than working out long hours in the gym.
It's about being actually fit
That’s not true. You need maybe 10 working sets per muscle group per week to see growth. I would say it’s more to do with consistency outside of the gym with diet and sleep that is important.
@@kea4185it depends on the muscle tension sets is way way way to generalized your quads may be able to handle 12 sets but your biceps only 7
I'm just trying to maintain my muscle mass as a natty guy who works a physical job and uses muscles for work. Functional muscle!
Really depends on what you try to achieve
Well done raising awareness! You are becoming my favorite source of info on fitness topic.
really appreciate this content! need more open conversations about this
Thanks for doing the hard work so that we can appreciate and gain the knowledge Jeff. Great work.
I already have acne and paranoia. I'm also bald and dumb so nothing to lose 💪
Same here, you still can lose your balls and screw up your heart, so stay away from gear ⚙️ 😉
@@pablol1069 "loose your balls" is a bit of an exaggeration, more like a 20% reduction in size, and it stills functions as needed
@bryanscruggs7566 if you're not a IFFB pro, what's the freaking point of being on steroids?
@@bryanscruggs7566 No, it goes to zero and might never come back.
you still got a life to lose tho.
A teacher at my school quit because of the chronic pain he deals with everyday. He quit because he couldn’t get out of bed anymore. In his last day he told us that he was a body builder for a long time and took a lot of steroids. Steroids really fucked up his body
It's not just steroids, bodybuilding, even natural, takes a massive toll on the body
@@gabrielmagalhaes859it takes a massive toll on the body if you lift like a moron, sure. if you do everything Dr. Mike says to minimize ur injury risk to gains ratio by using as light weight as possible and still getting in moderate reps by very slow eccentric control, perfect form, warming up properly etc. then obviously you may very well not make a single injury in your life and your bone density and general body health would be 10x better than everyone else your age. to say bodybuilding, let alone lifting, takes a massive toll on the body as black and white as that isn't right
@patootie3529 I'm talking about the competitive side in general, since it was what was being mentioned above me. If you are an amateur, you don't need to worry about making weight, drying for competition, maintaining perfect progress, etc...
If you get injured, you still have to pull through somehow in a competition in some cases, which definitely takes its toll
If you are amateur, sure, not much, if anything will happen to you, but professional, it's a different story, most professional sports demand a lot physically
@@gabrielmagalhaes859all professional sports are unhealthy. If you want to be on the top at anything physical it’s not going to be healthy.
@@gabrielmagalhaes859 I thought you were talking about resistance training until that second reply lol
Bro the Illuminati eye in the dollar when he said paranoia got me 😂😂😂
Offcourse. This is probably normal thing to put ancient Egyptian/Babylonian/Masonic symbol on dolar bill in country with Christians values and history. He should use instead real paranoia C-19 shots image.
@Jutubowiec1, dude even the medal of honor is a satanic pentagram.
@@smokingcrab2290Maybe a coincidence, but I recently watched the meaning of Masonic symbolism and the pyramid with an eye. Each symbol has its own meaning and it is not the same as a logo. The pyramid with an eye, the "star of David", the pentagram and the seven-pointed star are the greatest occult symbols.
@@Jutubowiec1what is C-19?
Great video Jeff awesome message and transparency
I like that he’s not judging he’s just like “be safe and make good decisions”
If you work with your body I don't care if you take or not roids...but the problem is when many influencers call themselves "natty" and they lie to people who think they can have their body just working out harder
That comes with society's stupid anti-steroids bias.
I even see pharmaceuticals advertised as "steroid-free". That is one of the most ridiculous and underhanded marketing tactics I have ever heard. Almost everything in the universe is more expensive that steroids. And almost nothing in the pharmaceutical industry is more natural than steroids. When they substitute something else for steroids, the new product is more expensive, less effective, and almost definitely has a LOT more side effects.
This is a scam. Steroids should never have been illegalized. This act really just screwed everyone because steroids are miracle cures.
Like the guy on the video lol
@@Benjaram2 💯🔥👏👍
@@Benjaram2Nippard is natty and has a good physique, but still not as big compared to GVS, Atlaspowershrugged, or Alex Leonidas.
bro he's natty. bodybuilding police like you need to stop, seriously. let people be inspirations for others
Proof you dont need to be a raging tren head to look like jeff
@@Anonymously-187 So you think he's on gear?
In this same video he talks about how 5 years ago people called him a fake natty but now, after so much desensitization of steroid use, he is now called "small".
Steroids really fkked us up.
@@bageleater3373are you kidding. Mate, he's been on gear 10 years likely. There is no single possibility. He knows his channel would fall apart if he got exposed. It's all business. Build an impressive body. Talk about all the science. Blah blah. Truth is he's using or has used many times. Anyone with 10yrs training would know that.
@@Anonymously-187 you're extremely dumb for thinking that, get off the internet because it's learly ruining your perception on life
GREAT vid for young people !
Grats & THANKS
This is so good, world needs more of this kind of honest content
Man I respect your content so much, thank you for providing accurate information and scientific approach to fitness
I refuse to believe that steroid usage improves long-term general happiness for more than a handfull of people. Would be an interesting study to conduct.
Outside of medical purposes probably not.
I’m pretty sure in the full length video he discusses that there is a lot of times a cycle where you want to get bigger so you juice, then you do get bigger and stop, then you get smaller and then you want to juice again. It can definitely be a vicious cycle for a lot of people.
I'm on TRT for various medical reasons. It has done nothing to improve my muscle mass. (I haven't been going to the gym regularly) It is not a magic pill. You still have to do the work. You still have to put the time into the gym and diet.
I think it might be more helpful for older people who for some reason have very low levels of their hormones. Without those hormones, they don’t feel motivated or in a good mood.
Good information about muscle growth.
Idk... I just stick to black coffee as a pre workout and creatine with a protein shake after 🤷♂️
Dude I do that exact same thing and works perfectly.
I take creatine after breakfast, am i doing it wrong?
@Wicked2305 Nope. There's only a littttlle bit of evidence that supports taking it after a workout is best, but almost all studies show as long as you do it once a day and are fully saturated(takes about 3 weeks without loading), you're good.
Bro this is what I do too! Saved a lot of money with free black coffee at the office 😅
@@manzero134gd lolol niiiice
You always share great and useable information. Hats off to you Jeff!
thank you for reappearing on my feed jeff 💪 it’s been a minute
Your so right big difference between trt and taking steroids trt is ssfe keeping you at a healthy level steroids at high levels are definitely not safe at all. Good information mate keep educating people specially the young 👍
Also, be mindful of elevated T levels on their own. With or without roids they can cause serious mood swings, anger issues, and poor impulse control. This can be mitigated by being aware of it and remembering to be a decent person. I was witness to an experiment where guys were unknowingly dosed with T, though, and one of em went berserk enough to almost kill someone.
Thanks for talking honestly about the science. We need more of that.
its really important to differentiate ABUSE.
Exactly. I take 250mg a week of just regular test and have for a year now and I experience almost no sides and definitely no health issues
@@dijon0810 im on my second year. no issues.
@@dijon0810for now
@@dijon0810the health issues do not usually present instantly, though the risks raise instantly
@@dijon0810 yeah
”Seem to shorten your lifespan”
You said that a bit wrong
It DOES shorten your lifespan
Not rly it depends on the dosis
@@xmmatzexm4496 yeah
@@xmmatzexm4496 Pretty much any argument against "steroid users" is going to be in bad faith because there's such a huge range of substances and dosages. It's like lumping "drug users" into one group and concluding that weed is the same as smoking meth.
@@Fossil87 yes thats true, but i wanted zo say is thst steroids arent as unhealthy as everyone says, of u dont overdo it is not that bad
@@xmmatzexm4496I think steroids are just an unjustified risk if you aren't competing, it's like smoking to "relax", it might work at first, but in the end it's just not worth it
I love following you. You do great work man.
Okay, at 63, it dropped pretty low. Went on TRT microdose. After a few weeks, there are not a lot of differences, but importantly, I do recover like I did when I was younger. That is a huge difference between being young and being old is that you recover from injury so much faster. I've added about 10 lbs more muscle on exactly the same training. Body fat lowered very modestly. Got rid of a spare tire, that midsection fat that is so annoying but not harmful. BMI didn't mean anything before as a total natural. It means even less now.
At 30 I scored 200, but my doctor said lose weight first and come back in a month. Don’t you think I’m trying to lose the spare tire doc
Telling you something is bad for you isn’t an attack on your agency. People telling you that you’re making bad choices isn’t the same as taking away your choices; unless you’re insecure and seek external approval, which would lend an explanation as to why you as a non-athlete would be taking PED’s in the first place.
U better if I too steroids I could make money really fast ive thought about taking it maybe ill take a sarm
@@elibonham4388 that’s your choice. Though if you’re going on gear, personally I’d go with more traditional options since they’re medically regulated and tested. Sarms are new, not fully studied, and lots of suppliers straight up lie about what in them so if you have a lot of food/ substance allergies be wary of that. Be careful out there man. If you’re gonna play with your life at least play smart.
@@elibonham4388You could capitalize on the process transformation of your physique alone without ever touching steroids, that’s what almost every gym bro content creator did on tiktok. Dont believe me? Look at how their pages started.
Some of them popped into thin air with zero transformation from their beginning physique to their worked on physique.
But I read this comment somewhere, someone said “I don’t plan on taking roids until I’ve hit my peak natty physique, then I might consider it” and I think those are words a lot of people should follow first. Good luck to you my man!
@@elibonham4388 That's how it starts. Once you inject, you never go back.
Really helpful. I’m 40 and have 346 ng/Dl which is on the low side of normal. Or 12 nmol/L for the brits in the comments. Knowing you’re at 16 nmol/L and have that muscle mass is encouraging
My brother tested 1180 at 24, I tested about 950 at 16, he had a bit of a second puberty at 22. Our whole family on our dads side has super high test, dense back hair almost as thick as our head hair, also ear hair, based on our last name we would have been basically the Kshatriya (Indian warrior caste, about 15%~ of our population) war generals back in the day so makes sense. So 1000 isn't exactly the limit for nattys. Depends on the person and genetics, along with physical activities, we do frequent exercise and martial arts swell.
346 ng/dL is extremely fucking low. Though this also depends on free test and SHBG levels.
Get more sleep and fix your diet. Make sure you get plenty of zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, and boron. If your diet & general lifestyle is good & you can't find any reasons as to why your test is this low, I'd recommend hopping on TRT.
@@lashedandscornedIt is not extremely low and no doc will prescribe TRT for this
You'd be surprised at how easy it is to get get a TRT script. @@yoendlesss
Low is like 100-200 at age 40.
Looking good Jeff. I see you're starting to get your mature muscle size. Keep it up and stay healthy brother
Trust me heart, liver and kidney problems are the worst problems out there. If you want to take them make sure to eat and live healthy AF and perhaps extra supplements for intestines
Got my test levels done yesterday. Been off ⚙️ for almost 10 years now. 36 1/2 years old, wondering where Im sitting. Will update when I get the results. Wish me luck 🙏
817 😎💪
@@TheRealFutureMillionairegood for you bro. Have you kept any of those gains from when you were on gear, or have they all gone away?
Good luck with everything Sir. Whatever the result, you got this
How old are you
@@dg9015I’m going to guess he’s 36.5
If it affects your brain, mood, anxiety, etc how can anyone make a sensible choice to stay on them or not? Once you are in, the old you is gone.
I don't know man. Tell that to Arnold, Sly and especially Vince McMahon who are all pushing 80 and look better than 99.9% of people their age
@@TheDavidbeckham7And dying at 80 compared to 85-90 for a better quality of life doesn’t sound too bad lol
with how much sam sulek abuses steroids, im kinda impressed he can control his emotions and pretty chill and not roid raging
@@nitolinilo9034 man I've always been against steroids and been slamming people who did it... But like.. looking at the guys I mentioned... You could make a serious case that steroids have been healthy and beneficial... Like theyre literally super humans compared to people their age. And it makes me wonder what steroids could do to us humans if carefully monitered by a doctor for an example. I mean TRT are already doing wonders for some people.
@@TheDavidbeckham7 i mean it was created to be helpfull
Just had mine tested 35 years old at 748 naturally I ran test and other compounds for years since I was 18 quit 3 years ago and for a Lil over 2 years had super low test levels so glad to bounce back
Unless your profession/ability to make money hinges on you being bigger and stronger than everyone else, there is no logical reason to ever take steroids.
Money isn't worth dying quicker for in my opinion. I'd never take steroids
Agreed 👍🏼 dudes ❤
As a personal trainer it's definitely like that but not worth it.
I mean isnt this like a worse or just as bad version of like getting a cheap plastic surgery
@deuceisdaman plastic surgery probably causes less long term damage to your health
Crazy beans. My total T is 760 and I'm tiny compared to Jeff based on shape and insertions. We've met in person too in Sac. Jeff keep up the great worm
I’m laughing with you, brother… with you
Pretty sus, his test is noticeably below average. No other markers are provided, so he can just be off cycle rn
@@shadik1998 not a user. For sure.
@@17jnewman Yeah, no cap, just an occasional visitor. Anything under 1g of test is natural anyway.
@@shadik1998 300-1200 ng/dL is the average range, so his test levels are perfectly normal.
The heart attack / stroke / thromboembolism risk is ridiculously high.
depends on dose
Thank you for being honest
"How to shorten your arms" was the video I was looking for.
Dude you're an inspiration to me. I dont think I'll ever look like you, but knowing I can still get jacked without steroids is really cool. Also i appreciate that everything you say is backed by studies and research. Keep it up!
mine is 700 and i am proud if it! after years of smoking and drinking..( now i am 2 months sober)
Congrats on your sobriety 🎉
Yeah my health is terrible and im above 700, no offense to Jeff, what am I missing that his isn’t at least comparable?
@@kgtl12345 you're missing that the human body is complex and one single hormone value of a single person at a single blood test does not define their entire health state or the capabilities of their body
@@kgtl12345honestly this makes him incredibly sus
@@kgtl12345 Genetics play a huge part. Anything above 300 and below 1000 is the normal range. If it is lower than 300 then it is considered abnormal and your doctor may prescribe you TRT (if you ask)
I did a bloodtest last month my test is exactly the same as yours. 485. Beautiful spot for a natural lifter. Keep up the good work. Hope youre recovering well after that assault
Thank you!! Please keep these clips coming. Sooooo immensely useful to get a broader evidence informed perspective for all kids out there 🙏👏💪😎
So much respect for Nippard staying natural and educating people on the risks.
Taking gear is like playing story mode with cheat codes on
And you mess the experience you're supposed to have and the possibility of real achievement.
With an asterisk..
Bullshit. It's the hardcore mode. You have to push extremely hard and to be careful and avoid their sides. Natty is easy mode.
@@ernestopreciado4895yes in fact Arnold and Jay Cutler NEVER reached their goals 😂 don't say useless things , skinny boy
@@wuggignovideo6045 I don't look up to any Mr. Olympia. I feel sorry for them actually. It's a very sad discipline.
This is the quality content and information that people should strive for; present you the facts and invite you to make an informed decision.
So I get stronger and die faster?! It's a win win
😂😂 my kind of people
Kinda but if you feel sick you will do everything to fix it. If you want to avoid doctors/drugs harder than last time better to be natty
Makes sense only if u are a 13 years old kid
Stop acting like if you were at the brink of death rn you wouldn’t go thru hell and high water to save yourself
Be careful what you ask for
Ive been on TRT for a about a month and half now and the only problem ive had with it was it hurts my wallet. But like he said in the video “some people”. If you want to hop on juice or gear, do it in a medically prescribed way. My hair is fuller, i dont have acne, im more cognitive, i retain more that im told, ive never felt better in my life. Moral of the story, “some people” have different reactions… make an educated decision on it. This guy is smart, not bashing him at all. Id just like to throw a experience out there that not many users know is possible.
Same here, I hopped on it at 40 a year ago and feel great . HRT dosages though .
6 weeks is a very small sample size 🙂
Doing gods work bro ❤ keep it up.
TRT with peptides is the key. You can get pretty good results that actually make you look your on something, without the negative side effects.
My total test is over 700, I lift, eat right, I can’t really increase muscle size, I do gain strength.
Yeah natural test levels aren’t as important as people think. A 300-400 isn’t much different from like an 800, as long as both people feel good and are healthy, cause bodies also have different sensitivities and reactions to hormones
How many years have you been lifting? After the initial gain it does just go real slow.
It does slow down over time. Another aspect to consider is possibly needing to increase your intensity and vary your training a bit. If all you do is flat bench, try progressively overloading dumbbells and cables for a while and see how it goes. Potentially, you may also want to go into a very slight surplus in calories to see if your body will therefore be more willing to build extra tissue.
Bro, it took me the first 4 years to have little muscle growth, I know have a very good amount of muscle but I have 7 years lifting, so I am guessing you probably have like 2 years, it takes time as natural to build a nice physique
Androgen receptors play a big role in that, cant really explain it all too well but basically they helpy build muscle with test however some may not be as sensitave like yours
Excellent, Jeff. You're a 'clean' body builder, and so is your message. Unfortunately, body building has taken a negative spin for a number of decades now by the use of steroids and other enhancing substances, compromising health. Body building and holistic (clean) living still go hand-in-hand. That's the way of nature. As one example, I'll take a Steve Reeves physique any time over looking like the 'Hulk' (OK for comics but not real life). Thanks.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
True bodybuilding is not natural. Best physiques are not natural and never will be. So, stop saying bullshit
Stay natural unless bodybuilding paying your bills
Good post Jeff. Good post.
"It can make you dumber"
Damn, he should really reupload this short 🤣
Please do a video on shoes for the gym
Bro what😂
TYR is good enough, sandals and socks too are good enough
Source: WSM Mitchell Hooper "Moose"
I'd be interested in that.
wear any shoes but when u squat u either want weightlifting shoes with heels for better leverages especially if ur ankle mobility is poor or ull want flat for both squats and deadlifts. or u can just be barefoot/in socks for both
Barefoot is king 🗿
Bro doctors told me it was 1100. I got tested at 15 it was 760. And 18 was 1190. I was so concerned bc I had a hard time sleeping, and I was just always on the move, and that led to heart problems eventually and slightly damaged the atrial walls. And I have to take meds now to lower it. So for anyone wanting to boost it just do it naturally and do not worry to much about it. I would rather be a normal range in the lower side than this bc this sucks.
Very professional wording .. well done
I love how when he said paranoia they showed a picture of actual conspiracy facts LOL
Nothing to see here
True , steroids did make Mike Van dumber
Young men. Don't be like Sam. That's too low of a Bar. Be the best you can be without the stuff. You'll be crying when he's gone early just like my gen lost Zyzz.
Ty bro for this warning
Exponentially highhhhh
This is why I have followed you for years. You don’t absolutely bash the use of steroids, but you do the research to show people the negative causes behind it. Some people don’t believe that you’re natural but I believe that you’re 100% honest when it comes to that That’s why I still continue to follow you. I too have used anabolics and when talking to others about those too also point out the harsh side effects and that’s why I steer them in the direction of less is more just because you use massive amounts of steroids doesn’t mean you’re gonna become a professional bodybuilder so find out what your body likes and stay away from what it doesn’t like.
Used gear on and off in my mid to late 20s. I decided to get my test levels checked and I was sitting around 640. Been over 10 years since I last used anything.
I’ll be 50 next year and got my testosterone levels checked along with a full metabolic panel 6 months ago. My testosterone is 825 ng/dl. Lifetime natty and don’t use TRT either.
That's incredible. I'm 36 with only 295 ng/dl. I did steroids when I was 26 for about 9 months
Oh okay, well that makes me feel a lot better having had my test come from 240 to 450 from a year or so of training and weight loss so that’s reassuring as I was questioning it being quite low.
I am 28 years old, when i was 16 i had Leukemia, after that other things started happening, i always felt sad depressed, even when going to the gym and everything, so i went to the doctor to check my Testosterone levels and it was on 230 ng/dl, so i am now on 200mg Testosterone every 7 days, and i feel better than ever . Only Side effects after 8 months are some Acne on my back, but barely noticeable and for me it is 100% worth since i feel alive again.
It’s also the frequency of use and dosage. If you did say one cycle to push you over a hill, you’re not likely to suffer side effects. As usual with things it’s the regular users that experience the negative aspects.
I had 18 in arms at 18 without drugs or food, had no job ? Planned on gearing up at 21, but it just felt like training that hard wasn't healthy, then adding the drugs. I ended up quitting. Went to guitar school in Los Angeles instead..
I gained 13 pounds in about 4 months with just beast mode 2 a days and a not so tasty but effective diet. I never thought that was even possible. Pure natural. I was shocked to see the results.
Maybe if you want a slight boost just use it in smaller amounts, sure you wont get as much but it will help and also slow down the effects of aging and shorter lifespan.
Why boost your self closer to death when you can just do it naturally?
Testosterone increases when you spend your time in a "manly" environment. My test was at around 600 (I also worked out probably a little too much at the time, thus the test was pretty low for 24 y.o. with 210 pound lean mass, consider I'm from Dagestan BTW). Lived in a city, had everything I needed, didn't spend much time working, just lived a comfortable life. Then I moved to the North of Russia and worked there at at a gas field for 3 months (dirty work for 12 hours a day with no days off, construction sites, dirty and aggressive people, conflicts all the time and stuff), returned home and checked it again. It was 900. I worked out way less than at home, ate much worse, didn't sleep as well, and still had a 50% increase in just 3 months without any supplements or drugs. So, I think the environment plays a huge role, much more than anything else.
If you take them responsibly aka on-cycle for 3 months max, then off-cycle for 4 months preferably more and don't take too high a dose, you can mitigate any and all side effects people mention.
I love that there’s finally a movement of natti influencers going against the normalisation of roids 👏👏
"It's better to die young and big than old and small."
- Domus Mazelius
You should look into the lives of people like reg. Park and Steve Reeves. These guys were 4Runners to people like Arnold Schwarzenegger. And they demonstrated a commitment to natural gains and the benefits of avoiding drugs. The single biggest thing that will drive results is your commitment to training and a regular schedule and excitement of going into the gym with a focus. I often had guys that were on steroids pull-up chairs to watch me squat. I've never used drugs, although I've been around people who use drugs on a regular basis. In fact, most of them use drugs. I passed no judgment on them because of their commitment. But look into all the different ways you can enhance yourself from the inside out without trying to do so from the outside in. And commit to training and alternative health is lifestyles.
the hair loss and the mental degradation are what really hold me back from steroid usage.
His testosterone level is OVER 9000!
Excellent video thx
Imagine how massive Jeff Nippard would be if he hopped on.
Great video thank you
My test levels are over 800 with free test at 28ngdl. The main benefit i get with these levels are high moods, extremely positive libido and desire and feel confident all tbe time. Muscle wise nothing special easier to stay strong and not get tired
Took testosterone in my 20s, I was 20 and 21. Two cycles. Saw the benefits saw the cons, said no to enhancing drugs. Forever. Regardless of type.
He took “It’s over 9000!!” Literally.
Honest video about the dangers of steroids