For anyone getting radiation, not everyone burns. That was my biggest fear but I had my 30 treatments with slightly pink skin that didn't hurt and faded in a few days. I am someone who gets sunburn going to get the mail. Avoiding friction is the most important thing you can do to protect your fragile skin. Prop your arm out to the side while you work or prop it on a pillow while you sleep to avoid skin to skin contact with your underarm. When you exercise (daily exercise minimizes symptoms and fatigue during chemo, radiation and afterwards), adjust your arm movements to avoid skin to skin contact. I was able to successfully do kickboxing (1000+) punches on each arm, running and walking without irritation by adjusting my arm positioning. Good luck to anyone going through radiation.
There is enough variation in the dosage of radiation to influence developing burns. I had thirty doses over Six weeks. I did get burns in the last week. But the areas were dressed daily after each dose. And left no scars.
I'm just starting my final week of radiation (Week 6)... Also finished my 2nd (final) round of Chemo last week (Chemo&Radiation done together)... At week 5 is when the area really started to show radiation burns (very dark red, rough peeling skin).. My Doc prescribed me Silver Sulfadiazine cream (which has worked wonders so far).. and i'm also taking daily Epsom salt (with peppermint) baths to soak the area (might increase to 2 baths a day)... Not looking forward to week 7 of the burn, But I am looking forward to being done with the treatment and I am looking forward to being cured and ringing the "Bell" ..
Thanks for sharing! The details will be helpful for others to read. My radiation oncologist gave me the same thing - Flamazine/Silvadene - also worked wonders. Hoping the peak of your symptoms aren’t too terrible.
5 days ago, I had a lumpectomy with sentinal lymph node biopsy. I'll be doing radiation next month. This video helped me understand what's ahead. Thank you!!! My radioligist told me to plan on using Aloe for the burn.
@lindas2531 a year later I am cancer free. Eating healthy, exercising, attending regular checkups, and taking turkey tail. Your comment sounds like you've had a very bad experience. I wish you all the best❤️
After 5 months chemo, DMX with 19 lymph nodes removed, 9 were cancer. Now on 25 of 30 radiation. The next 5 Boost. Very burnt and am told become of my lymphodema too, reconstruction is not likely. Ill start 2yr chemo pill next month and 10 yrs hormone blockers. HATE every second of this nightmare!!!
What a rollercoaster for you. I hope that you are getting the support that you need as you're dealing with lot!! Regarding your lymphedema - if you have the resources to do lymphatic massage that would be very helpful (after radiation burns have healed). If not, doing consistent self-lymphatic massage can really help too. Hang in there for the rest of your treatment.
Hi Lisa, I just want to drop message to you, Im with you they told me I need only remove tumor from my breast. End up removed all lymp nodes, mastectomy 4 surgeries, cording, half year chemo which caused me new cancer and now strating radio. Same as you hormonal 10 years treatment and lasting numb toes on my feets from chemo. I use to hate it, constant recovery, waiting ages for physio and help. So I decided help myslef. I did my own physio and from not able lift my shoulder i háve 80% my mobility back. Instead of hate my cancer I tried to find what it brought me. It showed me who is real friend, it fixed bad relationship with my father, and I appreciate more life. Im always thinking I still have 2 legs, 2 eyes to see and 2 arms, roof above head and food. They told me I cant do solo backpacking but I went anyway and hiked over 1k km during my cancer treatment. It gave me power for chemo, and all surgiers and although it was hard I realised that be in my bed after chemo was many times easier than hike in norway 11 days in rain in fjords. My point is that hate create more hate and sometimes we have to go thru darkness to appreciate what is it to stand on sun. You can do it Lisa..sending you lots of power and love ❤ Lucy
Just reading all the comments from the survivors of this treatment. God bless you all for the supporting words. And thank you kindly for this video. Today was my "day 15"; 7 days to go. The burn has just begun but I didn't know it doesn't stop when the treatments stop. Thank you for all the valuable information.
I'm glad this video has been so helpful...and also the comments from other women. It really does help knowing what to expect. Some of the most challenging parts of treatment for me have been a lack of information about what to expect with surgery, reconstruction and radiation. Wishing you luck with the last part of your radiation!
Thank you very much for explaining everything in detail along with timelines and visuals. I had exactly what you had following 2 weeks after my radiation. I had broken skin in my face underarm and was beginning to get worried. After I viewed this video I felt more at ease.
A year ago, I had breast cancer and used your site as a guide, which was very helpful. Even though there has been no other breast cancer in our family (nor in my husband's that we know of) (and my genetic testing was negative) My 27yr old daughter just had a positive biopsy. I will be introducing her to your site. Thank you!❤
My goodness! What a shock that must have been for all of you. I would check at her hospital if there are any groups/programs for younger women with breast cancer (they’re usually for women under 40) - it’s a difference stage of life as I’m sure you know and getting the right support is so important through the process. Wishing her (and you) well!
@breast-cancer-rehab she lives in a small town with few options. She's traveling 3 1/2 hours to see my oncologist, who is part of Ironwoood Cancer Centers (PHX). I had such a positive experience with everyone there that she wanted to stay with me to go there too. Hubby will come and go as he can.
It makes sense to travel given your positive experience with your medical team. There are likely online resources for younger thrivers in addition to in-person ones.
My Plastic surgeon gave me a list of special protective spray to be used before every radiation session, and a lotion, MiaDerm Radiation lotion, to use afterward and again later in the day, he said put plastic Wrap over the lotion so it doesn’t get absorbed by the clothing worn. I also have a special soap he recommended Miaderm Calendula Radiation Relief soap.
I'm currently doing radiotherapy for lymphoma in the arm pit, just like the picture you shown. I have only 5 treatments left out of 18 and so far, absolutely no side effect, no redness, no hair loss, nothing. However my lymphoma which was about the size of a baseball as shrunk by 90%. I'm amazed by the results.
Just to help folks w some general info. I had surgery then I had chemo first, then rads. Was told that the general timeline to start radiation is 4-8 weeks after your last chemo. it will depend on how your body has healed post chemo/blood panel and any risk factors from chemo. Just sharing in case someone out there i wondering. General statement from my doc so I am sure it varies but it was true for me. I started Rads exactly 4 weeks after my last chemo infusion (which had a 21 day healing cycle)
I hear you! The survivorship stage can often be more challenging than some of the treatment. Keeping up with self-care (exercise in my case) has been key to my recovery. I hope you're able to find what that thing is for you too.
I wish I’d found you sooner but so glad I found you now! I had breast reduction and lift after lumpectomies. I’m glad to see those videos as my scarring is bad on one side
I didn’t have any issues with radiation. Sorry to hear your journey was painful 😣 Excellent information on what to expect, and what side effects to be aware of. I was stage 3A, and surprised I had no issues.
@@bekind22 I finished radiation in 2018. I just saw my oncologist last week, and everything looks good. My magnesium is low and has been through out my journey, but I continue with the magnesium tablets, and try to eat as many leafy greens as I can. I still have another year on my cancer meds, which will take me to seven yrs taking them. I’ve been quite lucky in that respect as well. I do experience some bone pain and hot flashes, but I can tolerate it. Best of luck to you whatever stage you’re experiencing. ❤️
@@breast-cancer-rehab I finished radiation the summer of 2018. 15 sessions in total. I just had a six month check up, and everything looks good with the exception of my magnesium deficiency. I continue to take magnesium tablets, and try to consume foods rich in magnesium. Thank you for your kind words, and god bless all women dealing with breast cancer. My thoughts are with you❤️
I’ve finished my chemotherapy cycles, going to have surgery next week and possibly radiation afterwards , dependent upon the pathology results. Thank you so much for sharing your experience🙏🤗
Thanks for sharing. I had to stop radiation after 21/30 treatments bc of skin issues. Had raw areas the size of my palm in 2 places. 4 weeks to heal extremely painful.
Did you do ok. I have six to go. The rare tumor is in my ankle. My foot is swollen twice its size,huge blister all around heel,bottom of heel. I can't walk,an it has made me sick. Nurse saw me instead of the Dr. Told me to go to ER if it doesn't feel better.Surely the Dr can help ,should be educated on all this. It isn't them,so they don't care.
Thank you for your video, I have read so much about the side effects and is good to know what to expect but each body is different and I am concerned of how mine will react. I am mostly concerned about the fatigue and skin blistering. I am starting my radiation in January; 40 GY / 15 treating the left breast, and the armpit and collarbone lymph nodes. First I had a lumpectomy for Stage 1 /grade 2 IDC and sentinel node biopsy which was positive for 2/5 nodes. I am not doing chemo as it will only benefit me 1%, and I will do hormonal therapy after radiation for 8 years. My cancer is ER/PR positive.
I had the exact same protocol for my radiation as you and I also didn’t do chemo for the same reason. Everyone responds differently to treatment, but I do find it helpful to have some sort of idea of what to expect. The fatigue can be quite variable as well. I was fortunate not to have any! Some women can experience fatigue during radiation while others it can be a delayed response. Good luck!
I am also recommended for radiation after mastectomy with a tissue expander currently. I have been offered a 3 week course as well as a 5 week course. One doc says that 5 weeks is better for reconstruction in the long run but I am finding it hard to find consensus on this. Obviously Id prefer 3 weeks over 5 all things being equal. If anyone has experience Id love to hear. Thanks!
Interesting! I wasn't given the choice of 3 vs 5 weeks as my radiation oncologist automatically said 3 weeks. If your doctor gives more info about the longer course "being better for reconstruction in the long run" please give an update for others to see. Ask if there's less contracture, fewer radiation fibrosis symptoms, etc.
I somehow never paid attention to radiation....after chemo and mastectomy, I thought it was just a minor thing to finish up with. NO! I am scalded red from my neck above my clavicle to under my breast and my armpit area. There are lots of open, weeping, areas and I have been in severe pain. The Mepilex silicone bandages need to be changed every morning and I smell fetid. I am assured that nothing is infected, but at 5 days past my last radiation treatment ( had 25) I don't think I have peaked yet. Yes, it appears that there are quite varied responses to radiation. (and note, I had proton radiation which may give more intense burns than photon) Good luck....I hope you have a more moderate response.
Thank you for this video it really helped me be more prepared for what symptoms and side effects I could encounter. Knowledge is comforting to me. I am a multi time cancer thriver. My question for you is how did the skin tightening affect your tissue expander?
Knowledge helped to put me at ease too. When I had my expanders the radiated side was much tighter/harder than the other side. The expander also looked a bit smaller as radiation can have a shrink wrap appearance with breasts.
I had 3 lymph nodes removed, 1 positive. My oncologist did the “Oncotype Dx” breast cancer test. This helps to identify patients likely to benefit from chemotherapy, or not. My Oncotype score was 9 (low) so there was little value in adding chemo to my treatment plan.
May I pls ask if you were pre menopausal at the time ? My doctor didnt want me to do oncotype, he says for pre menopausal women there was a 5% benefit of chemo regardless. Thanks heaps.
I was working but only a few hours a week treating patients. I was fortunate not to have any fatigue during radiation. I returned to work 6 wks after my double felt right at the time but was too soon in retrospect. I took 9 mths off after my reconstruction surgery.
I had a lumpectomy on Oct 9. I had clear margins and no lymph node involvement, so I was lucky to have only 5 targeted radiation treatments. I had no pain until the last treatment Dec 11. That treatment was painful and has been painful since. My underarm is especially tight and painful, and has changed from pink to darkening brown. The pain is deep in…is there any way to relieve that?
The pain can be radiation related but can also be due to muscular tension and reduced motion in the shoulder/underarm/chest. It’s ideal to have a therapist assess you in-person to determine the best way to address your pain. In the meantime try some of the stretching and rehab videos.
I just completed 5 sessions of targeted SBRT radiation for ovarian cancer at a high dose of 6gy per session and I am in terrible pain in my abdomen where the tumour is. Severe nausea too. I guess it really depends on which area of the body they are targeting.
The side effects from radiation can be significant and you’re right, it all depends on the area that was radiated. I hope that your symptoms settle down soon!
My hospital gave me Proshield (a barrier cream) near the end of radiation and that was helpful. I used a fragrance-free water based cream that I already had at home throughout treatment before my skin got bad. I didn’t know at the time what other alternatives there were. Had I known I would have used Eucerin, Aquaphor or CeraVe (see product link in the description of video)
Hello! I was wondering if you experienced any discomfort when swallowing. They say the esophagus might also be affected. Did you take any medications? Does it ever go away? Thank you!
I didn’t have any issues with my esophagus and swallowing. The only medication right after radiation was a topical antibiotic ointment (name in video description). Burn appearance does go away but can take a long time!
Im undergoing IMRT on my left breast and they have me cover my breast with a linen cloth during radiation. They said it does not act as a barrier. Has anyone else covered their breast with this cloth as well?
The radiation therapist put a rubber-like square on my chest and part of my under arm due to the double mastectomy I had. The rubber square protected the organs where the breast used to be; because there is either very little or no tissue in that area.
I will be undergoing radiation therapy soon. Do I need to isolate myself for the whole treatment considering that I have below 16 years old daughter living with me in my room?
The majority of the radiation beams are directed from the front. In my case (not sure for others) there was also a small amount of radiation directed from back to front. It targeted the "supraclavicular lymph nodes". Hope that helps!
I apply Alovera gel right after my sister's inlaw's radiation then apply aquapor oitment shes in her 4th week radiation and no burn and redness. In her 4th week alovera+aquapor+ top with Alovera again..
I have skin peeling of from armpit, areola and under my breast. The most uncomfortable area is under my breast as i can not wear any bra rigt now. Any ideas from u guys going through same on how to avoid friction in that area
@@breast-cancer-rehab one more thing i wanted to ask. When i saw your after radiation skin changes video. Was there any thing with which you cleaned your burnt skin.?as mine is coming off too. And i am not sure with what should i wipe the dead dark skin. I would appreciate if you could share your experience.
Mine was pretty bad. Very raw in large areas. I alternated aquaphor and silvadine, cleaning with sterile saline twice a day. Covered with a petrolatum dressing and large pads for surgical dressings then wrapped and ace bandage. No adhesives or tape!!
I know this is an old video, but I was hoping for some insight. I will start my radiation sometime the end of next month and may need it under my arm as well as my chest. What I was wondering is if the skin gets bad like yours did, is there a way to keep your skin from sticking together where it overlaps when your arm is lowered? I had this horrible dream last night that this happened to me during my sleep and my skin was stuck to together and the only way to raise my arm was to rip the skin apart as it stuck together...needless to say I was pretty panicked when I woke up.
Remember that not everyone’s skin responds the same way so yours may not look as bad as mine did. Even though mine looked pretty bad, my skin never actually stuck together when my arm was lowered at my side. It also looked much worse than it felt. It really was only a few days where I was in pain. I moisturized my chest a ton and probably didn’t do my under arm to the same extent. Had I known exactly what the burn patterns were going look like I would’ve known in retrospect exactly where I needed to focus for the moisturizing! One day at a time thriver!
Did you use any cream or ointment other than the antibiotic one for the blisters? My radiation oncologist provides calendula cream, and my dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream to use as well, so I’m hoping that if I use those diligently I won’t have any skin issues! Thanks for your videos-I’m watching a lot of them and they’re incredibly helpful. I appreciate that they’re short and to the point as well.
I didn’t use any other cream/ointment when it came to the blisters stage. I’ve heard positive things about calendula cream. Glad the videos have been helpful. Good luck with radiation!
@breast-cancer-rehab o.k.27 yrs.after the radiation I developed an area in the underarm skin that were two dark thin lines.I was cancer again,and I feel certain my lumpectomy treatment caused it.
@@breast-cancer-rehabsurgery,radiation and chemo.18 nodes were removed and one was pos.a ten day boost was given also because my margins were not clear after surgery.
My mom had radiation and the skin under her breast is very bad like it's burning, the doctor gave her mebo but it's not helping please mention a treatment that helps 🙏🙏
If your mom‘s burns are so uncomfortable, she may need a prescription medication. I would circle back and ask her radiation oncologist for more suggestions.
@@breast-cancer-rehab i took her to 3 doctors even a dermatologist they all gave her mebo cream and mebo scar it's not working and she's in pain they even gave her painkillers i just feel useless as I don't know what to do or use
Hi ! It’s been 2 years I’ve had breast radiation. After about a year ago, I started having issues I. My underarm area, it’s scartches a lot. So now after putting my deodorant I put a bit of a cream call glaxal base. It’s a life saver and you can have it on the counter no prescription needed. Can you please tell me what kind of deodorant you ppl use please ? If it can help some, mine is mineral crystal, fantastic! 😊
I had a patient whose oncologist recommended glaxal as well. Thanks for sharing Re: deodorant. I haven’t had skin issues post-radiation (other than immediately after) so in terms of deodorant I use one that has clean ingredients and is free of aluminum, parabens, phthalates, and artificial fragrances, etc (no specific brand).
My radiation skin care handout from the hospital said not to use aloe vera gel. I have read other things online that recommend it. I would check with your radiation oncologist/therapist on what they recommend for you.
I would be very grateful if you could write me detailed, clear information about some very important things that fill me with great fear. Thank you in advance. First of all, please write about your experiences, in addition to pain, what other terrible symptoms radiation causes. I mean, did it cause esophageal irritation, cauterization, or something like that? Then the other, even hairier one, how much does it provoke nausea and vomiting? If so, how strong, when, how long? Can it be effectively helped? If so, with what? Back to the pain, you said that you can handle the pain well, but it was so intense for you too. I would be grateful if you could detail what kind of pain it causes!? Can it be effectively helped and prevented with what? Here you can buy a foam that specifically helps relieve the symptoms and pain associated with sunburn, which you have to spray on the skin. In this regard, it would also be nice if it could be clarified whether this horrible, destructive radiation treatment really causes pain as severe as a sunburn, or is it more serious and painful!? If it is more serious and painful than a sunburn, then this foam, which you can buy here at the pharmacy, may not be enough. When you say it causes severe pain, do you mean something else besides burning? If yes, then what? When is it expected to come out? That's all the questions I can think of so far. What's more, I was operated on with a relatively milder, hormone-sensitive tumor, I had her2 negative and absolute negative lymph nodes, but they still removed 3 for examination. They said that there was no need for underarm radiation, only for the whole breast, and unfortunately the radiation oncologist recommended a higher dose the first time I showed my test results. It is true that it would only last 15 days, but I read that the smaller the dose, the less it causes more severe and intense symptoms. 2gy units are usually written as a normal, wearable dose in oncology specialist descriptions. Unfortunately, the 3-week total amount is less than the 15-day one, but the daily one is much stronger, almost 3g. This also worries me a lot and I am terrified of it. I don't know what to do and can I say that I don't dare to take this, but only the daily dose of 2g. The problem is that the total dose is higher than that. I'm afraid they won't let me have a say. Unfortunately, my left breast became sick, and that's where the heart is and the stomach below it. That's why I asked you how it causes irritation of the esophagus and stomach and vomiting. Unfortunately, I do not tolerate pain well and my stomach is also very sensitive. If something makes me nauseous, anything, I usually feel very sick, so much so that I almost faint. Please don't be angry that I'm asking so many questions, but it would be a great help if you could answer everything. I don't know who to ask. My hope is in you. With kind regards: Erika I hope you can understand what I wrote, because I could only use a language translator.
Everyone’s pain experience can really vary so it’s hard to compare. Mine was quite uncomfortable for a few days when I got those mini blisters in my underarm area, but really wasn’t painful during radiation. I didn’t have any nausea, vomiting or symptoms related to my esophagus. It sounds like you may need more information from your radiation oncologist in terms of what to expect with side effects. It’s easy to spiral once you start running through all the things that can potentially happen so this may help ease your mind.
Ask your radiation oncologist or therapist if you should be using anything else at this stage. I never experienced that as I had a skin-sparing mastectomy.
The timeline depends on whether you'll need other treatment first (eg: chemo). My surgeon said it's generally 6-12 weeks after surgery - I did at 11 weeks.
The peak of skin changes take place after radiation is complete so you don’t actually know how bad it’s going to be while you’re going through it. If I had the choice I would do it all over again. My cancer spread to one lymph node so I’m all good with being pro-active to reduce my recurrence rate.
Can you please suggest early stage Breast cancer which surgery is better lumpectomy or masctemony for 50 year woman? Is radiation therapy effect on lungs?
This video may help with your decision - It includes all the factors that I considered when making this decision. Yes, sometimes radiation therapy can affect the lungs. It is a less common side effect.
The old advice used to be not applying cream before radiation. Most radiation oncologists don't have these limitations anymore and mine didn't - so I applied cream liberally throughout the day. I would check with your radiation therapist/oncologist for what they recommend for you.
My team has told me to use the most organic aloe vera gel I can . Follow with Aquaphor. They said every am & Pm . They also stressed. Do not put anything on four hours prior to the procedure. It looks like you were here six months ago. I hope things went well for you❤
@brendachristian582 Thanks for your input. It’s interesting the different advice that’s given from different teams. My team said in the past they used to advise patients not to put anything on before radiation, but have since changed their tune on this.
I probably wouldn’t have used them if given at the beginning. Not everyone gets significant shin changes and I would have wanted to see what the actual changes were without cream…and then used it when I needed it like I did.
I have just finished 15 radiation treatments. I have mild sunburn and intense itching on my chest. I had a left mastectomy. I rub cortisone cream on the itchy skin, bepanthanen cream on my scars and QV cream over the top of all that! X4 daily. It has really saved my skin. Literally! Good Luck 💗❤️🇦🇺🦘
For anyone getting radiation, not everyone burns. That was my biggest fear but I had my 30 treatments with slightly pink skin that didn't hurt and faded in a few days. I am someone who gets sunburn going to get the mail. Avoiding friction is the most important thing you can do to protect your fragile skin. Prop your arm out to the side while you work or prop it on a pillow while you sleep to avoid skin to skin contact with your underarm. When you exercise (daily exercise minimizes symptoms and fatigue during chemo, radiation and afterwards), adjust your arm movements to avoid skin to skin contact. I was able to successfully do kickboxing (1000+) punches on each arm, running and walking without irritation by adjusting my arm positioning. Good luck to anyone going through radiation.
Thanks for sharing your experience! You’re right, radiation skin changes can be quite variable. Reducing friction points is super helpful!
There is enough variation in the dosage of radiation to influence developing burns. I had thirty doses over Six weeks. I did get burns in the last week. But the areas were dressed daily after each dose. And left no scars.
@wendymorrison5803 Thanks for sharing your experience!
What kind of exercise did you do during chemo and radiation, if you don’t mind me asking?
I'm just starting my final week of radiation (Week 6)... Also finished my 2nd (final) round of Chemo last week (Chemo&Radiation done together)... At week 5 is when the area really started to show radiation burns (very dark red, rough peeling skin).. My Doc prescribed me Silver Sulfadiazine cream (which has worked wonders so far).. and i'm also taking daily Epsom salt (with peppermint) baths to soak the area (might increase to 2 baths a day)... Not looking forward to week 7 of the burn, But I am looking forward to being done with the treatment and I am looking forward to being cured and ringing the "Bell" ..
Thanks for sharing! The details will be helpful for others to read. My radiation oncologist gave me the same thing - Flamazine/Silvadene - also worked wonders. Hoping the peak of your symptoms aren’t too terrible.
Praying 🙏for all women that under go treatments I’m going to have16 treatments of radation soon Wish everyone the he Very Best 💯🙏🙏
5 days ago, I had a lumpectomy with sentinal lymph node biopsy. I'll be doing radiation next month. This video helped me understand what's ahead. Thank you!!! My radioligist told me to plan on using Aloe for the burn.
All the best with the rest of your treatment. There’s lots of info on the channel to help with your recovery.
Did he tell you about all the serious side effects, including other cancers in the future?
@lindas2531 a year later I am cancer free. Eating healthy, exercising, attending regular checkups, and taking turkey tail. Your comment sounds like you've had a very bad experience. I wish you all the best❤️
After 5 months chemo, DMX with 19 lymph nodes removed, 9 were cancer. Now on 25 of 30 radiation. The next 5 Boost. Very burnt and am told become of my lymphodema too, reconstruction is not likely. Ill start 2yr chemo pill next month and 10 yrs hormone blockers. HATE every second of this nightmare!!!
What a rollercoaster for you. I hope that you are getting the support that you need as you're dealing with lot!! Regarding your lymphedema - if you have the resources to do lymphatic massage that would be very helpful (after radiation burns have healed). If not, doing consistent self-lymphatic massage can really help too. Hang in there for the rest of your treatment.
🙏🏻 I wish you all the best
Prayers for you 🙏
Hi Lisa, I just want to drop message to you, Im with you they told me I need only remove tumor from my breast. End up removed all lymp nodes, mastectomy 4 surgeries, cording, half year chemo which caused me new cancer and now strating radio. Same as you hormonal 10 years treatment and lasting numb toes on my feets from chemo. I use to hate it, constant recovery, waiting ages for physio and help. So I decided help myslef. I did my own physio and from not able lift my shoulder i háve 80% my mobility back. Instead of hate my cancer I tried to find what it brought me. It showed me who is real friend, it fixed bad relationship with my father, and I appreciate more life. Im always thinking I still have 2 legs, 2 eyes to see and 2 arms, roof above head and food. They told me I cant do solo backpacking but I went anyway and hiked over 1k km during my cancer treatment. It gave me power for chemo, and all surgiers and although it was hard I realised that be in my bed after chemo was many times easier than hike in norway 11 days in rain in fjords. My point is that hate create more hate and sometimes we have to go thru darkness to appreciate what is it to stand on sun. You can do it Lisa..sending you lots of power and love ❤ Lucy
@lucy_orangina awww thanks so much for sharing all that and I'm so happy for you to overcome so much too. ❤️
Just reading all the comments from the survivors of this treatment. God bless you all for the supporting words. And thank you kindly for this video. Today was my "day 15"; 7 days to go. The burn has just begun but I didn't know it doesn't stop when the treatments stop. Thank you for all the valuable information.
I'm glad this video has been so helpful...and also the comments from other women. It really does help knowing what to expect. Some of the most challenging parts of treatment for me have been a lack of information about what to expect with surgery, reconstruction and radiation. Wishing you luck with the last part of your radiation!
Thank you very much for explaining everything in detail along with timelines and visuals. I had exactly what you had following 2 weeks after my radiation. I had broken skin in my face underarm and was beginning to get worried. After I viewed this video I felt more at ease.
You’re welcome! I definitely felt more at ease anytime I knew more of what to expect.
Such a great presentation of the whole skin change process ! Congrats
Thank you so much!
This was very helpful information! Thank you!
A year ago, I had breast cancer and used your site as a guide, which was very helpful. Even though there has been no other breast cancer in our family (nor in my husband's that we know of) (and my genetic testing was negative) My 27yr old daughter just had a positive biopsy. I will be introducing her to your site. Thank you!❤
My goodness! What a shock that must have been for all of you. I would check at her hospital if there are any groups/programs for younger women with breast cancer (they’re usually for women under 40) - it’s a difference stage of life as I’m sure you know and getting the right support is so important through the process. Wishing her (and you) well!
@breast-cancer-rehab she lives in a small town with few options. She's traveling 3 1/2 hours to see my oncologist, who is part of Ironwoood Cancer Centers (PHX). I had such a positive experience with everyone there that she wanted to stay with me to go there too. Hubby will come and go as he can.
It makes sense to travel given your positive experience with your medical team. There are likely online resources for younger thrivers in addition to in-person ones.
Thx! This was VERY informative! So glad you're a thriver & survivor and now contributing to the health & wellness of others 🤗💞🙏🏾✨💐
Glad you found it so useful! I originally documented all of the changes for myself…I’m happy to be paying it forward now.
My Plastic surgeon gave me a list of special protective spray to be used before every radiation session, and a lotion, MiaDerm Radiation lotion, to use afterward and again later in the day, he said put plastic Wrap over the lotion so it doesn’t get absorbed by the clothing worn.
I also have a special soap he recommended Miaderm Calendula Radiation Relief soap.
Thanks for sharing your expereice and what your team suggested.
I'm currently doing radiotherapy for lymphoma in the arm pit, just like the picture you shown. I have only 5 treatments left out of 18 and so far, absolutely no side effect, no redness, no hair loss, nothing. However my lymphoma which was about the size of a baseball as shrunk by 90%. I'm amazed by the results.
Wow, that’s amazing that you can see such a difference with radiation!
Just to help folks w some general info. I had surgery then I had chemo first, then rads. Was told that the general timeline to start radiation is 4-8 weeks after your last chemo. it will depend on how your body has healed post chemo/blood panel and any risk factors from chemo. Just sharing in case someone out there i wondering. General statement from my doc so I am sure it varies but it was true for me. I started Rads exactly 4 weeks after my last chemo infusion (which had a 21 day healing cycle)
Thanks for sharing the timeline after you’ve had chemo. 🙏🏼
I finish my treatement last year
And it s very hard to live with breast cancer😢
I hear you! The survivorship stage can often be more challenging than some of the treatment. Keeping up with self-care (exercise in my case) has been key to my recovery. I hope you're able to find what that thing is for you too.
Yes it is my sister is batting for her life now I pray God heals everyone of cancer now in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for sharing your experience as I start 15 sessions of Radiotherapy next month ❤
Best of luck!
@@breast-cancer-rehab thank you xx
what kind of cream do you recommend?
This skin care tips video includes all this info -
Omg! I just finished radiation 2 days ago and I'm experiencing the underarm issues now.Thanks for the info!
It can be pretty uncomfortable but thankfully the skin effects are temporary!
I wish I’d found you sooner but so glad I found you now! I had breast reduction and lift after lumpectomies. I’m glad to see those videos as my scarring is bad on one side
Welcome to the channel!
Thank you for sharing valuable information.
Glad it was helpful!
Excellent presentation and very informative~thank you♥️
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you for documenting this! I really needed this!
Welcome to the channel!
I too had burns and open wounds in my armpit after radiation. Bag Balm worked best to soothe and heal that area up.
Thanks for posting about what worked for you with radiation burns!
@@breast-cancer-rehab It's a very good thing. We share and talk. So much to be learned! Thanks for providing a place for that to happen!
I didn’t have any issues with radiation. Sorry to hear your journey was painful 😣 Excellent information on what to expect, and what side effects to be aware of. I was stage 3A, and surprised I had no issues.
That is great to hear. When did your radiation treatment end?
That's great that you didn't have any issues! Hope the rest of your recovery goes just as well.
@@bekind22 I finished radiation in 2018. I just saw my oncologist last week, and everything looks good. My magnesium is low and has been through out my journey, but I continue with the magnesium tablets, and try to eat as many leafy greens as I can. I still have another year on my cancer meds, which will take me to seven yrs taking them. I’ve been quite lucky in that respect as well. I do experience some bone pain and hot flashes, but I can tolerate it. Best of luck to you whatever stage you’re experiencing. ❤️
@@bekind22 Did you get my reply?
@@breast-cancer-rehab I finished radiation the summer of 2018. 15 sessions in total. I just had a six month check up, and everything looks good with the exception of my magnesium deficiency. I continue to take magnesium tablets, and try to consume foods rich in magnesium. Thank you for your kind words, and god bless all women dealing with breast cancer. My thoughts are with you❤️
I’ve finished my chemotherapy cycles, going to have surgery next week and possibly radiation afterwards , dependent upon the pathology results. Thank you so much for sharing your experience🙏🤗
You’re welcome. Wishing you well with your upcoming surgery and the rest of your treatment. One step at a time!
@@breast-cancer-rehab Thank you!
@@breast-cancer-rehab Thank you!
I still have 7 more treatments and I’m sore burning irritated peeling itchy and all in my under arm it hurts and can’t wait to get it done with 😢
Don't give up keep chin up
I hear you! It can be pretty terrible at the end…well worth it though.
Going through the samething right
Thanks for sharing. I had to stop radiation after 21/30 treatments bc of skin issues. Had raw areas the size of my palm in 2 places. 4 weeks to heal extremely painful.
That sounds pretty painful and no wonder you had to stop radiation early. Hoping your recovery since then is going well.
Praying 🙏 for u and everyone that is haveing breast cancer I’m starting radation soon 16 treatments will remember All 🙏🙏♥️❤️
Thank you all for prayers. Doing well. First mammogram in January. Crossed fingers. Doing well on anastrozole and verzenio.
Did you do ok. I have six to go. The rare tumor is in my ankle. My foot is swollen twice its size,huge blister all around heel,bottom of heel. I can't walk,an it has made me sick. Nurse saw me instead of the Dr. Told me to go to ER if it doesn't feel better.Surely the Dr can help ,should be educated on all this. It isn't them,so they don't care.
Thank you for sharing this important topic.
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching!
Hi , not everyone burns 🙏
I had 25 sessions and only turned my skin slightly pink.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I start radiation in a few weeks.
Good luck! Moisturizing daily and the saline soaks really do help.
I M so glad that I found your channel. Thanks for doing your video explaining everything so clear and thoroughly.
Glad it was helpful! Welcome to the channel.
Thank you for your story! Helps answer my questions
Happy to help!
Thank you for the information.
Thank you for your video, I have read so much about the side effects and is good to know what to expect but each body is different and I am concerned of how mine will react. I am mostly concerned about the fatigue and skin blistering. I am starting my radiation in January; 40 GY / 15 treating the left breast, and the armpit and collarbone lymph nodes. First I had a lumpectomy for Stage 1 /grade 2 IDC and sentinel node biopsy which was positive for 2/5 nodes. I am not doing chemo as it will only benefit me 1%, and I will do hormonal therapy after radiation for 8 years. My cancer is ER/PR positive.
I had the exact same protocol for my radiation as you and I also didn’t do chemo for the same reason. Everyone responds differently to treatment, but I do find it helpful to have some sort of idea of what to expect. The fatigue can be quite variable as well. I was fortunate not to have any! Some women can experience fatigue during radiation while others it can be a delayed response. Good luck!
I unfortunately have low pain tolerance. I will start week number two. Thank you for your tutorial. Deep breath...
One day at a time...lots of deep breaths too!!
Your Amazing. You have been through it all. ❤
God bless you.
Thanks. We've all been through a lot!
Here are some of my favourite Radiation Skin Care Tips -
Thanks for information
Thx for sharing ur experience
You’re welcome! Hope it helped.
I am also recommended for radiation after mastectomy with a tissue expander currently. I have been offered a 3 week course as well as a 5 week course. One doc says that 5 weeks is better for reconstruction in the long run but I am finding it hard to find consensus on this. Obviously Id prefer 3 weeks over 5 all things being equal. If anyone has experience Id love to hear. Thanks!
Interesting! I wasn't given the choice of 3 vs 5 weeks as my radiation oncologist automatically said 3 weeks.
If your doctor gives more info about the longer course "being better for reconstruction in the long run" please give an update for others to see. Ask if there's less contracture, fewer radiation fibrosis symptoms, etc.
I somehow never paid attention to radiation....after chemo and mastectomy, I thought it was just a minor thing to finish up with. NO! I am scalded red from my neck above my clavicle to under my breast and my armpit area. There are lots of open, weeping, areas and I have been in severe pain. The Mepilex silicone bandages need to be changed every morning and I smell fetid. I am assured that nothing is infected, but at 5 days past my last radiation treatment ( had 25) I don't think I have peaked yet. Yes, it appears that there are quite varied responses to radiation. (and note, I had proton radiation which may give more intense burns than photon) Good luck....I hope you have a more moderate response.
I sure hope your symptoms peak soon so that you can start getting some relief! Best wishes.
Thank you very much for your help. I don't know yet how it will turn out.
Thank you for this video it really helped me be more prepared for what symptoms and side effects I could encounter. Knowledge is comforting to me. I am a multi time cancer thriver. My question for you is how did the skin tightening affect your tissue expander?
Knowledge helped to put me at ease too. When I had my expanders the radiated side was much tighter/harder than the other side. The expander also looked a bit smaller as radiation can have a shrink wrap appearance with breasts.
Thank you so much for sharing this. How did you manage to avoid chemo with the node positive pls?
I had 3 lymph nodes removed, 1 positive. My oncologist did the “Oncotype Dx” breast cancer test. This helps to identify patients likely to benefit from chemotherapy, or not. My Oncotype score was 9 (low) so there was little value in adding chemo to my treatment plan.
May I pls ask if you were pre menopausal at the time ? My doctor didnt want me to do oncotype, he says for pre menopausal women there was a 5% benefit of chemo regardless. Thanks heaps.
good information. I’m on day 6. I’m using a topical cream and gel with calendula 2-3 x a day. I guess we’ll see how it works.
Thanks for sharing. Hope the rest of your radiation goes well!
Thanks sister
Did you go to work during treatments?
I was working but only a few hours a week treating patients. I was fortunate not to have any fatigue during radiation. I returned to work 6 wks after my double felt right at the time but was too soon in retrospect. I took 9 mths off after my reconstruction surgery.
@@breast-cancer-rehab can you work while doing radiation?
Yes, but it depends how you feel going through radiation.
Thank you!
I had a lumpectomy on Oct 9. I had clear margins and no lymph node involvement, so I was lucky to have only 5 targeted radiation treatments. I had no pain until the last treatment Dec 11. That treatment was painful and has been painful since. My underarm is especially tight and painful, and has changed from pink to darkening brown. The pain is deep in…is there any way to relieve that?
The pain can be radiation related but can also be due to muscular tension and reduced motion in the shoulder/underarm/chest. It’s ideal to have a therapist assess you in-person to determine the best way to address your pain. In the meantime try some of the stretching and rehab videos.
Thanks 🙏🙏
You're welcome Sana! Not sure where you're at in the treatment process but I hope you're recovery goes well.
Very helpful
I just completed 5 sessions of targeted SBRT radiation for ovarian cancer at a high dose of 6gy per session and I am in terrible pain in my abdomen where the tumour is. Severe nausea too. I guess it really depends on which area of the body they are targeting.
The side effects from radiation can be significant and you’re right, it all depends on the area that was radiated. I hope that your symptoms settle down soon!
Thanks for sharing your experience. Were you able to use any other cream, aside from the prescribed cream?
My hospital gave me Proshield (a barrier cream) near the end of radiation and that was helpful. I used a fragrance-free water based cream that I already had at home throughout treatment before my skin got bad. I didn’t know at the time what other alternatives there were. Had I known I would have used Eucerin, Aquaphor or CeraVe (see product link in the description of video)
I 'm 2 treatments away from being done. I used aquaphor the entire time.
Hello! I was wondering if you experienced any discomfort when swallowing. They say the esophagus might also be affected. Did you take any medications? Does it ever go away? Thank you!
I didn’t have any issues with my esophagus and swallowing. The only medication right after radiation was a topical antibiotic ointment (name in video description). Burn appearance does go away but can take a long time!
Im undergoing IMRT on my left breast and they have me cover my breast with a linen cloth during radiation. They said it does not act as a barrier. Has anyone else covered their breast with this cloth as well?
The radiation therapist put a rubber-like square on my chest and part of my under arm due to the double mastectomy I had. The rubber square protected the organs where the breast used to be; because there is either very little or no tissue in that area.
Hope some more women comment to answer your question. All the best with the rest of your radiation!
I will be undergoing radiation therapy soon. Do I need to isolate myself for the whole treatment considering that I have below 16 years old daughter living with me in my room?
You don’t need to isolate during radiation.
Why would you have a spot in the back?
The majority of the radiation beams are directed from the front. In my case (not sure for others) there was also a small amount of radiation directed from back to front. It targeted the "supraclavicular lymph nodes". Hope that helps!
I apply Alovera gel right after my sister's inlaw's radiation then apply aquapor oitment shes in her 4th week radiation and no burn and redness. In her 4th week alovera+aquapor+ top with Alovera again..
Thank you for sharing!
I have skin peeling of from armpit, areola and under my breast. The most uncomfortable area is under my breast as i can not wear any bra rigt now. Any ideas from u guys going through same on how to avoid friction in that area
I didn’t wear a bra either at that stage. I also went without a top when I was at home (just for a few days) to reduce friction.
@@breast-cancer-rehab one more thing i wanted to ask. When i saw your after radiation skin changes video. Was there any thing with which you cleaned your burnt skin.?as mine is coming off too. And i am not sure with what should i wipe the dead dark skin.
I would appreciate if you could share your experience.
I didn’t wipe the skin with anything. Just regular showers and it peeled off day by day…but it wasn’t painful at all at this stage.
Mine was pretty bad. Very raw in large areas. I alternated aquaphor and silvadine, cleaning with sterile saline twice a day. Covered with a petrolatum dressing and large pads for surgical dressings then wrapped and ace bandage. No adhesives or tape!!
Thank you for sharing 🥹 God you🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽
You're welcome!
I know this is an old video, but I was hoping for some insight. I will start my radiation sometime the end of next month and may need it under my arm as well as my chest. What I was wondering is if the skin gets bad like yours did, is there a way to keep your skin from sticking together where it overlaps when your arm is lowered? I had this horrible dream last night that this happened to me during my sleep and my skin was stuck to together and the only way to raise my arm was to rip the skin apart as it stuck together...needless to say I was pretty panicked when I woke up.
Remember that not everyone’s skin responds the same way so yours may not look as bad as mine did. Even though mine looked pretty bad, my skin never actually stuck together when my arm was lowered at my side. It also looked much worse than it felt. It really was only a few days where I was in pain. I moisturized my chest a ton and probably didn’t do my under arm to the same extent. Had I known exactly what the burn patterns were going look like I would’ve known in retrospect exactly where I needed to focus for the moisturizing! One day at a time thriver!
@@breast-cancer-rehabthank you for responding! ❤
Did you use any cream or ointment other than the antibiotic one for the blisters? My radiation oncologist provides calendula cream, and my dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream to use as well, so I’m hoping that if I use those diligently I won’t have any skin issues!
Thanks for your videos-I’m watching a lot of them and they’re incredibly helpful. I appreciate that they’re short and to the point as well.
I didn’t use any other cream/ointment when it came to the blisters stage. I’ve heard positive things about calendula cream. Glad the videos have been helpful. Good luck with radiation!
thank you for your video.. comimg up for 3 weeks radiation
You’re welcome. Hope your side effects are manageable during and after radiation!
Hi,I had one positive lymph node 31 yrs.ago.Do the radiation techniques include the axilla area?
The area that the radiation targets can be different depending on the case but it's typically done in the axilla area.
@breast-cancer-rehab o.k.27 yrs.after the radiation I developed an area in the underarm skin that were two dark thin lines.I was cancer again,and I feel certain my lumpectomy treatment caused it.
I’m not sure what you mean when you say your “lumpectomy treatment cause it”.
@@breast-cancer-rehabsurgery,radiation and chemo.18 nodes were removed and one was pos.a ten day boost was given also because my margins were not clear after surgery.
Thanks for clarifying.
My mom had radiation and the skin under her breast is very bad like it's burning, the doctor gave her mebo but it's not helping please mention a treatment that helps 🙏🙏
If your mom‘s burns are so uncomfortable, she may need a prescription medication. I would circle back and ask her radiation oncologist for more suggestions.
@@breast-cancer-rehab i took her to 3 doctors even a dermatologist they all gave her mebo cream and mebo scar it's not working and she's in pain they even gave her painkillers i just feel useless as I don't know what to do or use
Hi ! It’s been 2 years I’ve had breast radiation. After about a year ago, I started having issues I. My underarm area, it’s scartches a lot. So now after putting my deodorant I put a bit of a cream call glaxal base. It’s a life saver and you can have it on the counter no prescription needed. Can you please tell me what kind of deodorant you ppl use please ? If it can help some, mine is mineral crystal, fantastic! 😊
I had a patient whose oncologist recommended glaxal as well. Thanks for sharing Re: deodorant. I haven’t had skin issues post-radiation (other than immediately after) so in terms of deodorant I use one that has clean ingredients and is free of aluminum, parabens, phthalates, and artificial fragrances, etc (no specific brand).
I use fresh lemon or limes. Just rub a few drops under each arm. It works better than any deodorant. Keeps you fresh all day. A must try
After bathing I dab my underarms with rubbing alcohol. Keeps bacteria away without deodorant
Hello guys. Actually I’m going to start radiation soon.. please any advice about diet , creams, clothing, … before and after each session.. thank you
All the best with your upcoming radiation!
Can i use Aloe Vera gel on these "burns"?
My radiation skin care handout from the hospital said not to use aloe vera gel. I have read other things online that recommend it. I would check with your radiation oncologist/therapist on what they recommend for you.
Thank you
You're welcome! Thanks for watching.
Is there any cutting edge technology other than standard of care
Hi. Not sure if you’re asking about alternatives to radiation as this is standard of care?
I would be very grateful if you could write me detailed, clear information about some very important things that fill me with great fear. Thank you in advance. First of all, please write about your experiences, in addition to pain, what other terrible symptoms radiation causes. I mean, did it cause esophageal irritation, cauterization, or something like that? Then the other, even hairier one, how much does it provoke nausea and vomiting? If so, how strong, when, how long? Can it be effectively helped? If so, with what? Back to the pain, you said that you can handle the pain well, but it was so intense for you too. I would be grateful if you could detail what kind of pain it causes!? Can it be effectively helped and prevented with what? Here you can buy a foam that specifically helps relieve the symptoms and pain associated with sunburn, which you have to spray on the skin. In this regard, it would also be nice if it could be clarified whether this horrible, destructive radiation treatment really causes pain as severe as a sunburn, or is it more serious and painful!? If it is more serious and painful than a sunburn, then this foam, which you can buy here at the pharmacy, may not be enough. When you say it causes severe pain, do you mean something else besides burning? If yes, then what? When is it expected to come out? That's all the questions I can think of so far.
What's more, I was operated on with a relatively milder, hormone-sensitive tumor, I had her2 negative and absolute negative lymph nodes, but they still removed 3 for examination.
They said that there was no need for underarm radiation, only for the whole breast, and unfortunately the radiation oncologist recommended a higher dose the first time I showed my test results. It is true that it would only last 15 days, but I read that the smaller the dose, the less it causes more severe and intense symptoms. 2gy units are usually written as a normal, wearable dose in oncology specialist descriptions. Unfortunately, the 3-week total amount is less than the 15-day one, but the daily one is much stronger, almost 3g. This also worries me a lot and I am terrified of it. I don't know what to do and can I say that I don't dare to take this, but only the daily dose of 2g. The problem is that the total dose is higher than that.
I'm afraid they won't let me have a say.
Unfortunately, my left breast became sick, and that's where the heart is and the stomach below it. That's why I asked you how it causes irritation of the esophagus and stomach and vomiting. Unfortunately, I do not tolerate pain well and my stomach is also very sensitive. If something makes me nauseous, anything, I usually feel very sick, so much so that I almost faint. Please don't be angry that I'm asking so many questions, but it would be a great help if you could answer everything. I don't know who to ask. My hope is in you. With kind regards: Erika
I hope you can understand what I wrote, because I could only use a language translator.
Everyone’s pain experience can really vary so it’s hard to compare. Mine was quite uncomfortable for a few days when I got those mini blisters in my underarm area, but really wasn’t painful during radiation. I didn’t have any nausea, vomiting or symptoms related to my esophagus. It sounds like you may need more information from your radiation oncologist in terms of what to expect with side effects. It’s easy to spiral once you start running through all the things that can potentially happen so this may help ease your mind.
Im in my third week of radiation 😢but my only problem now is my nipple very red also in pain 😢 I used mioderm cream
Any recommendations?
Ask your radiation oncologist or therapist if you should be using anything else at this stage. I never experienced that as I had a skin-sparing mastectomy.
After surgery , when will the radiation start?
The timeline depends on whether you'll need other treatment first (eg: chemo). My surgeon said it's generally 6-12 weeks after surgery - I did at 11 weeks.
Why didn't anyone stop that. It's ridiculous.
The peak of skin changes take place after radiation is complete so you don’t actually know how bad it’s going to be while you’re going through it. If I had the choice I would do it all over again. My cancer spread to one lymph node so I’m all good with being pro-active to reduce my recurrence rate.
Can you please suggest early stage Breast cancer which surgery is better lumpectomy or masctemony for 50 year woman? Is radiation therapy effect on lungs?
This video may help with your decision - It includes all the factors that I considered when making this decision. Yes, sometimes radiation therapy can affect the lungs. It is a less common side effect.
Is it ok to use moisturizer cream before going to your radiation therapy and after therapy?
The old advice used to be not applying cream before radiation. Most radiation oncologists don't have these limitations anymore and mine didn't - so I applied cream liberally throughout the day. I would check with your radiation therapist/oncologist for what they recommend for you.
My team has told me to use the most organic aloe vera gel I can . Follow with Aquaphor. They said every am & Pm . They also stressed. Do not put anything on four hours prior to the procedure. It looks like you were here six months ago. I hope things went well for you❤
@brendachristian582 Thanks for your input. It’s interesting the different advice that’s given from different teams. My team said in the past they used to advise patients not to put anything on before radiation, but have since changed their tune on this.
Anyone can help me w seroma under expander as lymphes removed and resistent bacteria
I would check with your surgeon on this. Hope it resolves for you.
Those mfers couldn’t give you Rx for creams before treatment?
I probably wouldn’t have used them if given at the beginning. Not everyone gets significant shin changes and I would have wanted to see what the actual changes were without cream…and then used it when I needed it like I did.
I know I can help someone fight with breast cancer garlic cayenne pepper and going chiropractor helps too for body adjustment😊
I only wish those things could fight cancer.
I have just finished 15 radiation treatments. I have mild sunburn and intense itching on my chest. I had a left mastectomy. I rub cortisone cream on the itchy skin, bepanthanen cream on my scars and QV cream over the top of all that! X4 daily. It has really saved my skin. Literally! Good Luck 💗❤️🇦🇺🦘
Thx for sharing your experience for others to read.