Great episode, even if you spent most of it getting the crap kicked out of you inside your own home. Ah, the thrills of early Kenshi, it forever holds both love and hate in my heart. Gotta love my character being introduced, and he looks amazing, just as messed up and Kleenexed as I thought he would! Always wanted my own version of a Kleenex, and now I have one! Today’s story is nice. I really like writing from the perspective of a madman. I don’t know what that says about my conscience, but I’m sure it’s fine :D Todays story: Kreeps awoke to the sound of footsteps walking towards his hidden shell. The voices fought still, reaching crescendo after crescendo as they each argued in their own way as to why they needed to be in charge, until Smart Kreep eventually prevailed. As he celebrated his victory, he finally noticed the two hivers walking along the road that Kreeps hadn’t noticed during Coward Kreeps running from the town. Kreeps decided to stay still, hoping the strangers wouldn’t see him. His shell was weak, after many days of fighting and little food. Smart Kreeps would have to let the angry one out for a while in order to allow the shell to get stronger. That’s when he heard voices. He felt like he remembered one of them, from the Hive so long ago… Kreeps remembered back to when he was whole, when he was… pure. Bane, as he called himself even when he was apart of pheromones, apart of the whole. The destined Prince. The Precious One’s favorite, and the cause of Kreeps exile and madness. The one who could have stopped the Precious One’s death. One who could have prevented all this… But that would be questions for another time. If Bane survived, then that means surely the two pretorian “twins” did as well. The three of them were always together when Bane was in the hive, and it always seemed they would be willing to listen to Bane more than the Precious One. Kreeps felt his blood boil as he thought of that day… CK: “NO!! That day is dark day, day of fear and despair. We do not dwell upon it, as agreed upon!! Nasty day, sad day, evil day!! All caused by BANE!!!” Smart kreep was shocked. Coward Kreep had managed to shout out a word while not in control, not even close, with Angry Kreep always lurking now that it knew he would be allowed to slaughter soon. Kreeps heard the footsteps…. Bane: “Who is there? Come out, and show yourself!” SK: “Oh yes, yes yes yes. Kreeps has been looking for you, Bane, champion of the Precious One. We remember you fondly.” Smart Kreep let out a cackle, making sure to sound as deranged as possible, and let the other two influence the voice, letting it once again fluctuate. The hiver alongside Bane winced, before raising his crossbow. SK: “I wouldn’t do that, Drone. No no no, I wouldn’t do that at all.” *Cackles* “Not if you want your limbs to remain where they are!!” Bane: “Do I know you?” SK: “Yes, yes, you know Kreeps. You know us well, we served the Precious together. We served and served until I was forced out, due to nothing I did! NOTHING!! I WAS LOYAL!!” Smart Kreep liked the small flicker of fear that crossed both their faces before he decided to pull a trick. He calmed down completely and straitened up as much as his scarred and deformed ability could. He even tried for a smile, like the ones Greenlanders wore sometimes. He could tell this unnerved them more. SK: “I know. I found the Precious One dead. I found king, lying there, speared to the ground. I searched, but all survivors fled or were killed by the Blue Ones. I killed the Blue Ones. I killed the murderers, the Eaters-of-hivemates, the Blue Demons. I know your mission, Champion Bane, beloved of the Queen. I want to help, help help help.” Kreeps let out a giggle at the end of the sentence, as if Kreeps was once again mad. Maybe Kreeps was. It didn’t matter. Kreeps enjoyed the look of uncertainty, indecision, and even fear that flickered in the pairs eyes. Kreep just smiled more and waited for a response, going back into Kreeps comfortable slouch, where the pain of Kreeps deformity didn’t bother Kreeps all that much. Bane: “O-Okay. Uhm, follow us? I guess?” Kreeps just smiled at them, and when they began to walk away, he followed at a distance, while the Kreeps yelled at one another, all agreeing on two things. One: Bane was now leader of a revenge mission. He would suffer, for his crime, but not after Kreep used him to get revenge for the Precious One. Two: Kreeps should have asked for food. Kreeps is starving.
(Oof... a brutal episode... crabs and Crab Raiders. I know the Fogmen are supposed to be the big bads of our setting... however honestly, the Crab Raiders are doing an excellent job of becoming the biggest, most dangerous threat to the existence of the nascent Hive. Also? It's kind of funny that Kirk and Krik both lost their left arm. They match! Honestly surprised no one died at this point. And awesome, we have the outpost back! ... For, like, a day? Maybe? We'll see! And maybe double-check the hive armor mod page if you're unsure where they put their crafting armor section? And now, some more story!) ... ... ... ... ... ... The blood trail did not go far, unfortunately. But it went far enough for Scalpel to locate further bodies. Crabs? Yes. But also, the humans known as “Crab Raiders”. It was not a Hive he had had much interaction with, but he recognized them from descriptions given when he was serving the Anti-Slaver Hive. Discussions and complaints between the members mentioning them had enflamed his curiosity, and he had sought Bo’s knowledge on the matter. Big Bo had declared the Crab Raiders “crazy” and had advised Scalpel to avoid them, while giving a good description of their armor and weaponry. … He missed Bo. The female caste human had brought forth positive emotional responses in his brain when she was present. The necessity in leaving her behind with the Anti-Slaver Hive was something he did not enjoy. But he had to fix The Queen. He hoped that was something she could understand. Regardless though, he moved to the nearest Crab Raider corpse and got to work. He remembered when he thought that human clothing and armor was a part of their skin and indicative of different castes. He learned that was not the case soon enough however, and that they utilized clothing. Armor. It was an interesting concept, body protection. Not utilized by the Southern Hive before he was exiled. But he’d seen it when he came back, on some of the corpses that were still somewhat recognizable. He wondered what had brought about that change, if The Queen knew the enemy was coming… and that the changes weren’t enough? Scalpel moved such thoughts aside, as he neatly separated the corpse from it’s armor, and then it’s clothing. Male caste human. Well fed. Decently strong. Multiple small wounds were present on the body, at odd angles. Crab Raider armor was highly protective, so getting around it was difficult, and most direct attacks would fail. Most. Of the entire body, the neck, was the most exposed. And that was where the lethal blow had struck. Cut. Severed. Arteries spilling out blood. Long time ago now. Dried. But not too long. The body was not yet decayed to the point where he could not study. Calmly, Scalpel pulled out a knife, and began to cut into the corpse, examining it over. It was relaxing, even as it pushed a fire into his mind. Ignited his sparks of thought. This Crab Raider was dead by a blade. Unfortunately, that didn’t give Scalpel much to work with. As Scalpel cleared some of the excess flesh from the neck wound though, he looked further into it, pulling it farther, and made notes on the angles, the depth. Deep but awkward strike, tip-movement, severance relatively clean, but without too much force. That narrowed the weapons down, but not enough for him to make a clean observation. He turned his attention to the other, smaller fresh wounds, the ones that had gotten through the armor. This one had barely sliced the skin, slid off. This one had pierced through the chainmail but- small. Too small, at an odd curvature. And this one jutted in at an odd angle, leaving a superficial wound that stopped with- a curvature that was not dissimilar to what he’d seen. It reminded him of a katana blade, but the angle was wrong for that. The force behind the lighter wounds. He examined the neck wound again, compared to the angle to what he’d seen from the others and- Naginata. This had been made with a naginata. He was eighty-percent sure at this point. Nodding calmly, and noting the nature of the wound down in his thoughts, Scalpel calmly shifted his focus to the torso of the corpse, and began to cut in to examine the organs. Even as he did so, he thought… he considered. Violence around here was nothing new. But this was fairly fresh violence. And fresh violence could mean potentially fresh sources of information. There was much that Scalpel wanted to know. But what he needed to know, was who had taken the Queen’s body. If it was Mork and Thork, then if he found them, he could potentially begin his work to fix The Queen immediately. If it was not… … … … … If it was Mork and Thork, he could potentially begin his work to fix The Queen immediately, if it was not… … … … … … If it was Mork and Thork, he could potentially begin his work to- Scalpel blinked as he realized that he’d cut in too deep and severed the human’s lungs. Sloppy. Not that the human needed them anymore, just- sloppy. … In any case, the first piece of information he needed, he really needed, was- was that. After he knew that, he could make decisions on how best to approach his task. The Hiver stood up with bloodied hands, unbothered, as he observed the corpse. The Crab Raider’s insides were beautiful and showed signs of good nourishment compared to many other humans. However, he could not delay further. With this relatively recent death, he had yet another tentative thread to grasp at. He noted which of the Crab Raider’s organs were healthiest, and thus tastiest, and began to prepare himself to remove and store them for future consumption. Once he had done so, he would begin his search around the local area. He didn’t know what he would find. But he was chasing hints of leads, as he had done for some time now. But those were the only kinds of leads he had. So with resolve, he loaded up on food, acquired new blades from the other corpses, fought off the urge to cut them all up for examination, and moved along. He- had to know. He had to know to find her.
"...we failed bane, we failed." Molbo was barely able to stand up, his leg was completely messed up and he coughed blood from getting his teeth literally kicked in, as the growing southern vengeance hive was completely attacked by crab raiders, who not only won against their fledgling militia, but also took down every worker and took over the place as theirs, bane had help them heal and run once again, as they kept getting beaten more and more, and even some hive friends lost their limbs, their bodies and will getting more and more broken, those are very dark days on bane's path of vengeance indeed.
First attempt at these tale thingies you all are doing. It has been 26 days since I joined with bane and the other Hivers; there have been few moments of peace. If it were not for me owing him, For saving me, and the Precious, For failing her, I would have left the moment I regained my leg, Too much conflict.. It sets a toll on my mind, But finally after 26 days I have been able to begin my work outside of combat. Not the best as I haven't been writing much, also didn't really know what to write lol
That is a very tough area to settle in early... With that much pop you'd need to be in 50s to compete with crab raiders. The only upside is them using slashing weapons - with some good armor it is possible to counter them with some armor pen hackers while they try to slash their own crab armors...
Haze’s Journal day 35 Kit is gone! I saw a lone bone dog and thought it would be a good opportunity to get some food to take with us to the deadlands… killing the dog was easy but when I returned the camp was filled with blood and Kit was missing! I’m going to follow the blood and footprints while they last. Day 36 Iv found Kit. She is bound up in iron shackles by Humans wearing blue and white plate armor. At least 8 of them. And two or 3 bone dogs. I can’t get Kit back alone..I need help.. Day 40 Iv followed them into the Skinners Roam. There slowly headed north picking up more slaves along the way. Anyone who is alone or starving seems to be there target.. well Iv got an idea. They like to take starving people? I saw a group of 50 of them. I’m going to yell at the group that I know where food is. Let’s see how these Men handle 50 starving people and one pissed Hiver. Day 41 Iv got Kit back! The battle was almost as bad as the most ghouls attack. I lead the charge. When I first got there attention they were like zombies slow to respond. Then one man in the middle shirtless with a sword turned to me and yelled “Food?!” That’s when they all started running. To be honest I don’t know if they were following me or trying to attack me but I kept pace ahead of the group. There footsteps were like thunder and I lead them straight to the men that captured Kit. On the charge I cleaved a bonedogs head in two. I followed up with a spinning swing on the Shek that had Kits ninja blade. I was shocked when my blow glanced off one of his outer bone plates. He followed up with a crushing blow to my left arm. The thrill of battle made the blow feel like nothing at all. This Shek was skilled but he wasn’t prepared for the 5 starving men that began beating him ruthlessly with iron rods. I snatched up Kits ninja blade and began trying to find her. There were people everywhere…I couldn’t find here in the chaos of battle. Some of the starving people were already eating the bone dogs. They began fighting each other for the small amount of meat on the bone dog. There were countless starving people laying on the ground broken and bleeding. Only a few of the men in blue were still standing. That’s when the starving people turned on me. They weren’t much of a match for me but they were many. I kept them at range using my polearm when I heard Kits voice in the distance yelling for me. In that moment I ran. As fast and hard as I could. Kit freed herself at the beginning of the attack and ran to safety. The starving humans couldn’t keep pace with us as we sprinted into the deadlands. Day 43 Kit told me all that had happened to her over the last week. She also patched up my arm. She was amazed I was still fighting. That blow to my arm almost made it useless. I think there is a city on the hill we will go there. Day 50 It was a city full of metal men. They had a bar with beds and even another hiver. The hiver refused to speak to us but the metal men were kind. They let us stay basically free of charge. We will rest here for a short time but we only have food for 6-7 days we will need to get out of this land full of metal if we’re going to make it to Bane. Day 56 We’ve left the deadlands. We’re in a place called Venge. Iv no idea how this happened but we found a beakthing cooked hole down to the bone. I’m not going to complain this will feed us for another week or two. But how does that happen? It a problem for the morning I guess.
Main story mork and thork old friend: Thork: it been a while musk Musk: yeah it been 3 months being alone I drink rum I am just alcoholic Thork: it seems that you different from working hiver I remember you want join my squad so I let you join bc I'm sure I have a cross bow was from tech hunter so I give you that weapon few year later I didn't expect that you become a scout and a ranger Musk: yeah(drink rum) Thork: it seems that half of our solider skill alive and surviver I bet that they hear rumors about us and twin brother skill alive from war right Musk: mhm but you lost you arm and leg form battle the mist ghoul Thork: yeah I didn't expect that mist ghoul can repopulate so fast I was order from queen go to fogland I arrived that with my army we see a mist ghoul eat a foghiver so I cut his head off I give mist ghoul to the scout go queen base so we can research I was wounder something their skin I familiar with the dark hiver that was disappear for 500 year Musk: yeah it strange that mist ghoul and dark hiver have familiar maybe they were overwhelmed by foghiver there someone have that picture from 500 year ago I saw it that picture dark queen have Giant body and dark soilder hiver same as queen body I don't know what happened to them Thork: yeah I saw it but I remember pearl hiver (musk pour rum thork cup) pearl are strange thing hiver their skin are different from us like pure white skin and beautiful eye that I saw from human eye (drink rum) Musk: I expected that they were from Lab Thork: where you get that information from Musk: tech hunter I heard it I thought it not important (drink rum) Thork: mhm ( drink rum) it seem like mork and kreep are old friend but kreep was his trusted warrior so he make him a right hand man I don't know why he accepted him Musk: 😴 Thork: I'm drunken as hell ha ha ha ( fell asleep) mork and kreep old friend: Mork: didn't expect that you surviver Sk: yeah I'm alive my captain Mork: ha you alway unpredictable guy to everyone but I see you though real self Sk: seem so it been for 50 year ah there some fun old time Mork: yeah (laught) it been a quite hey Sk: yeah Mork: take a look (pull out a mist ghoul skull) Ck: ahh is that ah ah😨 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sk: keep it down ck but where did you get this skull Mork: twin brother scout give me head so I research it didn't expect was they are from 500 year ago where All giant skeleton die expect last one Sk: yeah I didn't expect that these skull from 500 year old Mork: mhm (drink rum) but didn't notice somethings I remember the dark hiver did go to west from 500 year ago I wounder why they go west Sk: I wounder that why Mork: they almost beat the blood hiver our brother from that era die from western hiver bc we and blood hiver are related Sk: some of them skill alive but disappear for 300 year Mork: maybe dark hiver are strong than western hiver I know western hiver just become friendly to dark hiver bc they strong than blood hiver not southern hiver so southern hiver almost whip them the dark hiver they were traumatic and sacred to death so southern hiver spare them there one southern hiver saw dark queen with a death stared at southern hiver Sk: so these storyteller southern hiver were true after all Mork: yeah (drink rum) Sk: it seem this conversation over rn I do my job (run away) Mork started sing: a prince hiver with his weirds spine but unexpected a praetorian hiver just let him join for no reason but Prince was happy two of them have developed a what so call friendship two of them fight together so many year but until they get order from queen where they go uc for food but what we saw was shocking a giant skeleton walk away in our eye but we follow it the giant skeleton unexpected this skeleton die we saw skeleton just shock so we just watch until a skeleton appear but his name is burn take a a memory card from giant skeleton walk away so we go to uc but my friend just follow a skeleton name burn until I felt like someone missing so I search everyone but unexpected my friend is gone where is but 50 year pass but they meet each other for second praetorian hiver was just shock his old friend is skill alive and kicking same as his friends so they started talk each other like old Buddy ( fall asleep) end: Edit: I like this sing 🙂
Side story 3 title: I want to peel out crab rider skin: Bane: I go back that ruins mork and thork defense base ok Mork and thork: ok Potpot: I'm working:D thork and mork: it interesting that no crab rider come to base thork said yeah twin brother andddddddddddd look at gate the crab rider come again with big Giant crab mork said son of b word dam you f word I gonna to whip out you faction ( I skip this conversation bc of bane is mc give him some time sence and talk) bane on other base: oooo what that base bane said (unlock door) bane: imma to take a look 2 second later bane: nope nope nope I'm not gonna deal with that meanwhile on thork and mork fight with crab rider Thork: king Christ we lose by crab rider bc we injury dam it why f word Mork: I was try to swim but the crab jump me under water than everyone got knock out Kirk and krik: we lost our arm Mork I was expecting one of you lost a Right arm so I can remember Krik and Kirk: 🤕 you make me stuffed so hard not cool Nakazyvat:not me lose any limb Vax:no lost limb for me Meanwhile bane: Bane: I remember there's one ruins I go ( minutes later) bane: ok if there robotics spider I go to enemy than they fight each other ok (Break door) Bane: please no spider (open door) :D no spider Bane: oh yes oh yes god oh yes 😁 I'm about to bus (remember ep 1 pato 😀) meanwhile thork and mork also gang: Thork: we in ruin yes finally after been attack so many we finally got in yes Mork: yippee Musk:🛌 Bane: hello guy Thork: ah (punch bane) Bane: ow what that for Thork: dude we been chew out by crab rider bc we injury Bane: ahh I see I gonna find the sleep bag ( Bane come back for 2 hour) 5 hour later Bane: ok ready Everyone:ready Bane: let go ( Go to base) Everyone: ...😐 Thork and mork: go back to work mork Everyone: Roger End:
Yes it is, I’ve done it many times in previous series, but Pat may make you wait before you put in another character so that he can introduce everyone else’s
Great episode, even if you spent most of it getting the crap kicked out of you inside your own home. Ah, the thrills of early Kenshi, it forever holds both love and hate in my heart.
Gotta love my character being introduced, and he looks amazing, just as messed up and Kleenexed as I thought he would! Always wanted my own version of a Kleenex, and now I have one!
Today’s story is nice. I really like writing from the perspective of a madman. I don’t know what that says about my conscience, but I’m sure it’s fine :D
Todays story:
Kreeps awoke to the sound of footsteps walking towards his hidden shell. The voices fought still, reaching crescendo after crescendo as they each argued in their own way as to why they needed to be in charge, until Smart Kreep eventually prevailed. As he celebrated his victory, he finally noticed the two hivers walking along the road that Kreeps hadn’t noticed during Coward Kreeps running from the town.
Kreeps decided to stay still, hoping the strangers wouldn’t see him. His shell was weak, after many days of fighting and little food. Smart Kreeps would have to let the angry one out for a while in order to allow the shell to get stronger. That’s when he heard voices. He felt like he remembered one of them, from the Hive so long ago…
Kreeps remembered back to when he was whole, when he was… pure.
Bane, as he called himself even when he was apart of pheromones, apart of the whole. The destined Prince. The Precious One’s favorite, and the cause of Kreeps exile and madness. The one who could have stopped the Precious One’s death. One who could have prevented all this…
But that would be questions for another time. If Bane survived, then that means surely the two pretorian “twins” did as well. The three of them were always together when Bane was in the hive, and it always seemed they would be willing to listen to Bane more than the Precious One. Kreeps felt his blood boil as he thought of that day…
CK: “NO!! That day is dark day, day of fear and despair. We do not dwell upon it, as agreed upon!! Nasty day, sad day, evil day!! All caused by BANE!!!”
Smart kreep was shocked. Coward Kreep had managed to shout out a word while not in control, not even close, with Angry Kreep always lurking now that it knew he would be allowed to slaughter soon. Kreeps heard the footsteps….
Bane: “Who is there? Come out, and show yourself!”
SK: “Oh yes, yes yes yes. Kreeps has been looking for you, Bane, champion of the Precious One. We remember you fondly.”
Smart Kreep let out a cackle, making sure to sound as deranged as possible, and let the other two influence the voice, letting it once again fluctuate. The hiver alongside Bane winced, before raising his crossbow.
SK: “I wouldn’t do that, Drone. No no no, I wouldn’t do that at all.” *Cackles* “Not if you want your limbs to remain where they are!!”
Bane: “Do I know you?”
SK: “Yes, yes, you know Kreeps. You know us well, we served the Precious together. We served and served until I was forced out, due to nothing I did! NOTHING!! I WAS LOYAL!!”
Smart Kreep liked the small flicker of fear that crossed both their faces before he decided to pull a trick. He calmed down completely and straitened up as much as his scarred and deformed ability could. He even tried for a smile, like the ones Greenlanders wore sometimes. He could tell this unnerved them more.
SK: “I know. I found the Precious One dead. I found king, lying there, speared to the ground. I searched, but all survivors fled or were killed by the Blue Ones. I killed the Blue Ones. I killed the murderers, the Eaters-of-hivemates, the Blue Demons. I know your mission, Champion Bane, beloved of the Queen. I want to help, help help help.”
Kreeps let out a giggle at the end of the sentence, as if Kreeps was once again mad. Maybe Kreeps was. It didn’t matter. Kreeps enjoyed the look of uncertainty, indecision, and even fear that flickered in the pairs eyes. Kreep just smiled more and waited for a response, going back into Kreeps comfortable slouch, where the pain of Kreeps deformity didn’t bother Kreeps all that much.
Bane: “O-Okay. Uhm, follow us? I guess?”
Kreeps just smiled at them, and when they began to walk away, he followed at a distance, while the Kreeps yelled at one another, all agreeing on two things.
One: Bane was now leader of a revenge mission. He would suffer, for his crime, but not after Kreep used him to get revenge for the Precious One.
Two: Kreeps should have asked for food. Kreeps is starving.
I love that we know have a Kleenex/Golum In Kenshi hahaha!
Man i love the idea of that, awesome story, pleas keep em comming
(Oof... a brutal episode... crabs and Crab Raiders. I know the Fogmen are supposed to be the big bads of our setting... however honestly, the Crab Raiders are doing an excellent job of becoming the biggest, most dangerous threat to the existence of the nascent Hive. Also? It's kind of funny that Kirk and Krik both lost their left arm. They match! Honestly surprised no one died at this point. And awesome, we have the outpost back! ... For, like, a day? Maybe? We'll see! And maybe double-check the hive armor mod page if you're unsure where they put their crafting armor section? And now, some more story!)
... ... ...
... ... ...
The blood trail did not go far, unfortunately. But it went far enough for Scalpel to locate further bodies. Crabs? Yes. But also, the humans known as “Crab Raiders”. It was not a Hive he had had much interaction with, but he recognized them from descriptions given when he was serving the Anti-Slaver Hive. Discussions and complaints between the members mentioning them had enflamed his curiosity, and he had sought Bo’s knowledge on the matter.
Big Bo had declared the Crab Raiders “crazy” and had advised Scalpel to avoid them, while giving a good description of their armor and weaponry. … He missed Bo. The female caste human had brought forth positive emotional responses in his brain when she was present. The necessity in leaving her behind with the Anti-Slaver Hive was something he did not enjoy. But he had to fix The Queen. He hoped that was something she could understand.
Regardless though, he moved to the nearest Crab Raider corpse and got to work. He remembered when he thought that human clothing and armor was a part of their skin and indicative of different castes. He learned that was not the case soon enough however, and that they utilized clothing. Armor.
It was an interesting concept, body protection. Not utilized by the Southern Hive before he was exiled. But he’d seen it when he came back, on some of the corpses that were still somewhat recognizable. He wondered what had brought about that change, if The Queen knew the enemy was coming… and that the changes weren’t enough?
Scalpel moved such thoughts aside, as he neatly separated the corpse from it’s armor, and then it’s clothing. Male caste human. Well fed. Decently strong. Multiple small wounds were present on the body, at odd angles. Crab Raider armor was highly protective, so getting around it was difficult, and most direct attacks would fail. Most. Of the entire body, the neck, was the most exposed. And that was where the lethal blow had struck. Cut. Severed. Arteries spilling out blood. Long time ago now. Dried. But not too long. The body was not yet decayed to the point where he could not study.
Calmly, Scalpel pulled out a knife, and began to cut into the corpse, examining it over. It was relaxing, even as it pushed a fire into his mind. Ignited his sparks of thought. This Crab Raider was dead by a blade. Unfortunately, that didn’t give Scalpel much to work with.
As Scalpel cleared some of the excess flesh from the neck wound though, he looked further into it, pulling it farther, and made notes on the angles, the depth. Deep but awkward strike, tip-movement, severance relatively clean, but without too much force. That narrowed the weapons down, but not enough for him to make a clean observation.
He turned his attention to the other, smaller fresh wounds, the ones that had gotten through the armor. This one had barely sliced the skin, slid off. This one had pierced through the chainmail but- small. Too small, at an odd curvature. And this one jutted in at an odd angle, leaving a superficial wound that stopped with- a curvature that was not dissimilar to what he’d seen.
It reminded him of a katana blade, but the angle was wrong for that. The force behind the lighter wounds. He examined the neck wound again, compared to the angle to what he’d seen from the others and- Naginata. This had been made with a naginata. He was eighty-percent sure at this point.
Nodding calmly, and noting the nature of the wound down in his thoughts, Scalpel calmly shifted his focus to the torso of the corpse, and began to cut in to examine the organs. Even as he did so, he thought… he considered. Violence around here was nothing new. But this was fairly fresh violence. And fresh violence could mean potentially fresh sources of information.
There was much that Scalpel wanted to know. But what he needed to know, was who had taken the Queen’s body. If it was Mork and Thork, then if he found them, he could potentially begin his work to fix The Queen immediately. If it was not… … … … … If it was Mork and Thork, he could potentially begin his work to fix The Queen immediately, if it was not… … … … … … If it was Mork and Thork, he could potentially begin his work to-
Scalpel blinked as he realized that he’d cut in too deep and severed the human’s lungs. Sloppy. Not that the human needed them anymore, just- sloppy. … In any case, the first piece of information he needed, he really needed, was- was that. After he knew that, he could make decisions on how best to approach his task.
The Hiver stood up with bloodied hands, unbothered, as he observed the corpse. The Crab Raider’s insides were beautiful and showed signs of good nourishment compared to many other humans. However, he could not delay further. With this relatively recent death, he had yet another tentative thread to grasp at. He noted which of the Crab Raider’s organs were healthiest, and thus tastiest, and began to prepare himself to remove and store them for future consumption. Once he had done so, he would begin his search around the local area.
He didn’t know what he would find. But he was chasing hints of leads, as he had done for some time now. But those were the only kinds of leads he had. So with resolve, he loaded up on food, acquired new blades from the other corpses, fought off the urge to cut them all up for examination, and moved along. He- had to know. He had to know to find her.
Man... the story
"...we failed bane, we failed."
Molbo was barely able to stand up, his leg was completely messed up and he coughed blood from getting his teeth literally kicked in, as the growing southern vengeance hive was completely attacked by crab raiders, who not only won against their fledgling militia, but also took down every worker and took over the place as theirs, bane had help them heal and run once again, as they kept getting beaten more and more, and even some hive friends lost their limbs, their bodies and will getting more and more broken, those are very dark days on bane's path of vengeance indeed.
Man, imagen a Real life scenery, of getting constantly attacked by Huge crabs lol
First attempt at these tale thingies you all are doing.
It has been 26 days since I joined with bane and the other Hivers; there have been few moments of peace. If it were not for me owing him, For saving me, and the Precious, For failing her, I would have left the moment I regained my leg, Too much conflict.. It sets a toll on my mind, But finally after 26 days I have been able to begin my work outside of combat.
Not the best as I haven't been writing much, also didn't really know what to write lol
Lets gooo!
thats fine, keep am comming and just write whats on your mind :)
That is a very tough area to settle in early... With that much pop you'd need to be in 50s to compete with crab raiders. The only upside is them using slashing weapons - with some good armor it is possible to counter them with some armor pen hackers while they try to slash their own crab armors...
Yeeeep! its a hard start, but i do love them to be honest :D
ay im early lets goooo. this series has been pretty cool
lets gooo!
important progress in spite of the difficulties
looking foward for the next installment of this adventure
Thanks Davi!
Haze’s Journal day 35
Kit is gone! I saw a lone bone dog and thought it would be a good opportunity to get some food to take with us to the deadlands… killing the dog was easy but when I returned the camp was filled with blood and Kit was missing! I’m going to follow the blood and footprints while they last.
Day 36
Iv found Kit. She is bound up in iron shackles by Humans wearing blue and white plate armor. At least 8 of them. And two or 3 bone dogs. I can’t get Kit back alone..I need help..
Day 40
Iv followed them into the Skinners Roam. There slowly headed north picking up more slaves along the way. Anyone who is alone or starving seems to be there target.. well Iv got an idea. They like to take starving people? I saw a group of 50 of them. I’m going to yell at the group that I know where food is. Let’s see how these Men handle 50 starving people and one pissed Hiver.
Day 41
Iv got Kit back! The battle was almost as bad as the most ghouls attack. I lead the charge. When I first got there attention they were like zombies slow to respond. Then one man in the middle shirtless with a sword turned to me and yelled “Food?!” That’s when they all started running. To be honest I don’t know if they were following me or trying to attack me but I kept pace ahead of the group. There footsteps were like thunder and I lead them straight to the men that captured Kit. On the charge I cleaved a bonedogs head in two. I followed up with a spinning swing on the Shek that had Kits ninja blade. I was shocked when my blow glanced off one of his outer bone plates. He followed up with a crushing blow to my left arm. The thrill of battle made the blow feel like nothing at all. This Shek was skilled but he wasn’t prepared for the 5 starving men that began beating him ruthlessly with iron rods. I snatched up Kits ninja blade and began trying to find her. There were people everywhere…I couldn’t find here in the chaos of battle. Some of the starving people were already eating the bone dogs. They began fighting each other for the small amount of meat on the bone dog. There were countless starving people laying on the ground broken and bleeding. Only a few of the men in blue were still standing. That’s when the starving people turned on me. They weren’t much of a match for me but they were many. I kept them at range using my polearm when I heard Kits voice in the distance yelling for me. In that moment I ran. As fast and hard as I could. Kit freed herself at the beginning of the attack and ran to safety. The starving humans couldn’t keep pace with us as we sprinted into the deadlands.
Day 43
Kit told me all that had happened to her over the last week. She also patched up my arm. She was amazed I was still fighting. That blow to my arm almost made it useless. I think there is a city on the hill we will go there.
Day 50
It was a city full of metal men. They had a bar with beds and even another hiver. The hiver refused to speak to us but the metal men were kind. They let us stay basically free of charge. We will rest here for a short time but we only have food for 6-7 days we will need to get out of this land full of metal if we’re going to make it to Bane.
Day 56
We’ve left the deadlands. We’re in a place called Venge. Iv no idea how this happened but we found a beakthing cooked hole down to the bone. I’m not going to complain this will feed us for another week or two. But how does that happen? It a problem for the morning I guess.
Awesome story mate!
Ohhh noo... how could this Beakthing be cooked hole...
Main story mork and thork old friend:
Thork: it been a while musk
Musk: yeah it been 3 months being alone I drink rum I am just alcoholic
Thork: it seems that you different from working hiver I remember you want join my squad so I let you join bc I'm sure I have a cross bow was from tech hunter so I give you that weapon few year later I didn't expect that you become a scout and a ranger
Musk: yeah(drink rum)
Thork: it seems that half of our solider skill alive and surviver I bet that they hear rumors about us and twin brother skill alive from war right
Musk: mhm but you lost you arm and leg form battle the mist ghoul
Thork: yeah I didn't expect that mist ghoul can repopulate so fast I was order from queen go to fogland I arrived that with my army we see a mist ghoul eat a foghiver so I cut his head off I give mist ghoul to the scout go queen base so we can research I was wounder something their skin I familiar with the dark hiver that was disappear for 500 year
Musk: yeah it strange that mist ghoul and dark hiver have familiar maybe they were overwhelmed by foghiver there someone have that picture from 500 year ago I saw it that picture dark queen have Giant body and dark soilder hiver same as queen body I don't know what happened to them
Thork: yeah I saw it but I remember pearl hiver (musk pour rum thork cup) pearl are strange thing hiver their skin are different from us like pure white skin and beautiful eye that I saw from human eye (drink rum)
Musk: I expected that they were from Lab
Thork: where you get that information from
Musk: tech hunter I heard it I thought it not important (drink rum)
Thork: mhm ( drink rum) it seem like mork and kreep are old friend but kreep was his trusted warrior so he make him a right hand man I don't know why he accepted him
Musk: 😴
Thork: I'm drunken as hell ha ha ha ( fell asleep)
mork and kreep old friend:
Mork: didn't expect that you surviver
Sk: yeah I'm alive my captain
Mork: ha you alway unpredictable guy to everyone but I see you though real self
Sk: seem so it been for 50 year ah there some fun old time
Mork: yeah (laught) it been a quite hey
Sk: yeah
Mork: take a look (pull out a mist ghoul skull)
Ck: ahh is that ah ah😨 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sk: keep it down ck but where did you get this skull
Mork: twin brother scout give me head so I research it didn't expect was they are from 500 year ago where All giant skeleton die expect last one
Sk: yeah I didn't expect that these skull from 500 year old
Mork: mhm (drink rum) but didn't notice somethings I remember the dark hiver did go to west from 500 year ago I wounder why they go west
Sk: I wounder that why
Mork: they almost beat the blood hiver our brother from that era die from western hiver bc we and blood hiver are related
Sk: some of them skill alive but disappear for 300 year
Mork: maybe dark hiver are strong than western hiver I know western hiver just become friendly to dark hiver bc they strong than blood hiver not southern hiver so southern hiver almost whip them the dark hiver they were traumatic and sacred to death so southern hiver spare them there one southern hiver saw dark queen with a death stared at southern hiver
Sk: so these storyteller southern hiver were true after all
Mork: yeah (drink rum)
Sk: it seem this conversation over rn I do my job (run away)
Mork started sing: a prince hiver with his weirds spine but unexpected a praetorian hiver just let him join for no reason but Prince was happy two of them have developed a what so call friendship two of them fight together so many year but until they get order from queen where they go uc for food but what we saw was shocking a giant skeleton walk away in our eye but we follow it the giant skeleton unexpected this skeleton die we saw skeleton just shock so we just watch until a skeleton appear but his name is burn take a a memory card from giant skeleton walk away so we go to uc but my friend just follow a skeleton name burn until I felt like someone missing so I search everyone but unexpected my friend is gone where is but 50 year pass but they meet each other for second praetorian hiver was just shock his old friend is skill alive and kicking same as his friends so they started talk each other like old Buddy ( fall asleep)
Edit: I like this sing 🙂
Cool story 👍
Side story 3 title: I want to peel out crab rider skin:
Bane: I go back that ruins mork and thork defense base ok
Mork and thork: ok
Potpot: I'm working:D
thork and mork: it interesting that no crab rider come to base thork said yeah twin brother andddddddddddd look at gate the crab rider come again with big Giant crab mork said son of b word dam you f word I gonna to whip out you faction
( I skip this conversation bc of bane is mc give him some time sence and talk) bane on other base: oooo what that base bane said (unlock door) bane: imma to take a look 2 second later bane: nope nope nope I'm not gonna deal with that meanwhile on thork and mork fight with crab rider
Thork: king Christ we lose by crab rider bc we injury dam it why f word
Mork: I was try to swim but the crab jump me under water than everyone got knock out
Kirk and krik: we lost our arm
Mork I was expecting one of you lost a Right arm so I can remember
Krik and Kirk: 🤕 you make me stuffed so hard not cool
Nakazyvat:not me lose any limb
Vax:no lost limb for me
Meanwhile bane:
Bane: I remember there's one ruins I go ( minutes later)
bane: ok if there robotics spider I go to enemy than they fight each other ok
(Break door)
Bane: please no spider (open door) :D no spider
Bane: oh yes oh yes god oh yes 😁 I'm about to bus (remember ep 1 pato 😀) meanwhile thork and mork also gang:
Thork: we in ruin yes finally after been attack so many we finally got in yes
Mork: yippee
Bane: hello guy
Thork: ah (punch bane)
Bane: ow what that for
Thork: dude we been chew out by crab rider bc we injury
Bane: ahh I see I gonna find the sleep bag
( Bane come back for 2 hour)
5 hour later
Bane: ok ready
Bane: let go
( Go to base)
Everyone: ...😐
Thork and mork: go back to work mork
Everyone: Roger
Is it possible for the same person to make couple characters at the same time? I had some ideas for couple more characters
Yes it is, I’ve done it many times in previous series, but Pat may make you wait before you put in another character so that he can introduce everyone else’s
@ oh okay thanks
Yes it is, currently we have many people in the Que, but it is :)