Cheers for that, after hundreds of techniques, countless hours of Japanese translations, more hours of videoing the techniques explaining in detail every little point and the best you can come up with is the golden nugget left versus right. very good. Ous!
I rarely look at these video's and even more rarely the comments left by people. Some see it for what it is, others make assumptions with little insight into the whole. There are know it all's all over the internet, content to sit behind their keyboards spouting their fountain of knowledge without having any real knowledge! more often than not they have practiced some mediocre form of MMA for a very limited time and/or have "worked a door!" obviously i am no more than this one video and have absolutely no real life experience whatsoever, in fact my whole life is no more than this short series. I bow to the huge knowledge of keyboard warriors the world over and just hope to god, none of them turn up to batter me into submission....keep the comments flowing all, negative or positive at least your taking an interest :)
Edmond Dantez hardly. your giant paragraph is referring to people who dont know shit about what theyre talking about, but act like they do. The poster of this video obviously has some training/expertise whatever.... unless somehow i missed the entire point of what youre saying.
"Hidari eri dori" means "left lapel hold". It just describes the 'attack' made by uke. Thus "hidari eri dori from the other side" would be "migi eri dori", "right lapel hold".
Interesting video series. I do Judo. And can't help but think that the BJA / IJF should also consider authorising a self defence syllabus that compliments their sport syllabus in the same way that Gracie Jiu Jutsu has a sport syllabus and a self defence syllabus. I also can't help think that if the BJA etc were able to develop a syllabus, then they could also devise a way for the core techniques to also be trained in a randori type of style, although, perhaps with self defence in mind and less of a sport mindset. I thought that this may be developed by doing varying types of co-operative/restricted randori developed so as to simulate a street attack more than a judo match between two Judo experts. This perhaps could be done by having an individual defend using normal or adapted for the street Judo techniques plus new techniques used to protect oneself against a striking attacker, while the attacker/s use basic striking attacks (perhaps progressively becoming more and more realistic over time). Perhaps all parties could wear head guards and padded but open hand gloves and strike with partial force. Such a syllabus would help Judoka apply their art to self defence scenarios, not to win cups or get belts but to save lives. :-) As I am sure that Judo could be used for this. Otherwise thanks for sharing your videos. Cheers
This is originally what judo was used for but historically it was developed as a self defence program for girls/women, (I'm pretty sure it was mainly used by Japanese Prostitutes). Unfortunately, Judo has been brought low and so far watered down so it is safe for sports use. It is nigh impossible to find a judo instructor who knows the original Judo. It is to my understanding that the original self defence techniques of Judo have been illegalized in Dojos as they were "too dangerous". People don't actually know how dangerous Judo is if you knew a few "finishing touches" to some of the throws. Breaking peoples arms in mid throw (Seonagi), changing elbow position so when you fell on your opponent you would crush their sternum etc. The original form of Judo has been changed so much it's actually depressing. Even Traditional Ju Jutsu (although still very effective as a self defence) has been altered, the same finishing touches as the judo throws they don't teach you it anymore.
If you are interested in traditional martial arts that Judo has developed from, perhaps consider studying traditional Tai-Jutsu and authentic schools of Jujutsu. I trained for a brief time in Bujinkan Tai-Jutsu. One of the teachers whom I trained with explained that the more advanced techniques in some of the styles that Bujinkan encompasses are as you say designed for lethal assault and to either maim or kill. Personally, I am more of a Judoka these days and am happy sacrificing techniques that maim and kill my partner in the interest of safety and so that i can include free fighting with my partners instead of limiting my training to only kata. I just enjoy the safer free fighting stuff more than traditional kata's, not that i think there is nothing to be learnt from traditional kata or lethal techniques. As for Judo being developed as a self defense for girls/woman and used mainly by Japanese Prostitutes. I cant say that i have ever read this version of history in any Judo book. Thanks
+Jus Roc According to Mark Law's book on judo, Dr Kano encouraged the study of judo by women and girls, including his wife, his daughter, and their friends, but I've never seen it suggested that it was 'mainly' for women, let alone prostitutes!
Yes. I think our friend who is going by the name RogueSmurf is incorrect and mischievous. From what he/she has written, he/she be a practitioner of some of the more deadly schools of Tai-jutsu which include kata's that do indeed include techniques that are specifically designed to maim and kill their victim and which include some schools and techniques that have been specifically designed for female prostitutes. Woman, sometimes more deadly than the men. Especially when espionage agents, as recent global events have proven, well at least in the news. From what i have read about the development of Judo, some of the more lethal techniques were not banned but only became banned because people did indeed die or get maimed. People still get injured practicing Judo, but hopefully the amount of people who do are less than they used to be, especially beginners and kids. As the kids, beginners and parents TRUST their teachers to not put them in danger! Sometimes no one can help minor injury, but major injury we all can do with out. Especially if it is only for ego's sake! Most people who train in Judo do so for fun, and to give them a positive activity in life that they can engage physically as well as mentally and physically in. No point if it would involve killing your self or your friends. Thanks for backing me up and your support. RogueSmurf?! bad bad bad! :-)
I have hidden in the shadows for too long... In all honesty, I think I may have my information mixed up, how ever I do remember reading a Japanese history book that mentioned judo and prostitutes in the same paragraph... I may have been mistaken. It also wasn't my intention to imply that it was only for prostitutes... (Although I am rather mischievous ;) It is easy to injure one self in Judo, incorrect form can lead to harming oneself or one's opponent/training partner. I myself have had a bad lower back for the past 5-6 years due to having to throw someone twice my weight and shorter than me when I was 14-15... I was a practitioner of many martial arts but none of them were this Tai Jutsu you speak of, just Boxing, Judo, Zen Do Kai, Tae Kwon Do and traditional Jui jutsu. Yours sincerely, The mischievous, roughish, RogueSmurfz ;P
I really would like to know why the hell we don't learn these techniques in the training? We learn just techniques for competition (that are not a good idea to use for self defense in the streets). There is some kind of prohibition by the Kodokan? Modern judo is very (if not totally) inclined just for competitions. And also there are a lots of techniques that would be difficult (if not impossible) to use if the aggressor is not using a judogi or a thick coat. Thanks!
Appreciate Video clip! Excuse me for butting in, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you thought about - Schallingora Family Friendship Scheme (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a great exclusive guide for revealing some simple military style self defence techniques to protect your family minus the headache. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my GF got great success with it.
i m shantanu from india right now my age is 21 in my childhood i had practised wrestling and boxing for some times and even i was excelled in both now i m a college student i m practising TAEKWONDO from 10 months i m green belt in taekwondo but i also want to learn judo... is 20+ good age to start judo??? is there any age limit to start judo???my main motive is to protect himself from bad situation i mean self defense
Judo was taken from about five different styles of Japanese Jujutsu, especially Kito Ryu and Tenshin Shinyo Ryu. Aikido was taken from a style of Japanese Jujutsu called Daito Ryu. Japanese Jujutsu goes back very far, further back than the 1500's AD. Both Judo and Aikido were created after about 1880. There was probably cross polination between various styles of JJJ (Daito Ryu may have cross polinated with Tenshin Shinyo at some point, etc) There aren't a lot of historical records of this, but there aren't necessarily a ton of historical records of old school JJJ in the first place. Most accurately, Judo and Aikido are both descended from JJJ to some extent, but selected from different JJJ styles. The Goshin Jutsu were indeed based on Aikido techniques, as well as existing Judo techniques. Kenji Tomiki held 8th dan in both Judo and Aikido, and he deliberately borrowed from Aikido when he brought in the Goshin Jutsu kata in 1956.
Kote - gaeshi tehniku napadač može da izbegne podizanjem lakta ili ako je dosta mišićav i jak pa mu je ruka zgrčena. U džudou kao borilačkoj veštini postoje kategorije, ali na ulici ne.
What i was saying is that when they use striking in judo self defense there really doing jujitsu and pretty much any martial art can be used for self defense even though some were made for sport.
I think these are really interesting videos. I would love to attend a judo Dojo or class session that focused on self defense. The movements are very similar to what we do in Aikido. Kanō Jigorō and Morihei Ueshiba were friends. I often wonder if the practicality is lost when so many Judo Dojos do not going beyond the starting grapple. I suppose it depends on what you want to train for.
These look like they're from Judo's Goshin-Jitsu (self-defense) kata; the kata was developed by Kenji Tomiki, who was a high-ranking Judoka, and Aikidoka. The Goshin-Jitsu kata was a more "modern" self-defense kata; there's another self-defense kata in Judo but the situations/attacks that you defend against are somewhat archaic (people attacking you while you're sitting in seiza, people coming at you with swords).
its judo which teaches throwing techniques. why not show how to defend then throw opponent on :"hard surface". that is more better for street stuff with concrete etc.
I think judo should incorporate knife defence and escapes from grabs as traditional ju jitsu doesn't have the resistance and randori of judo. They should do self defence but without strikes (to keep with the spirit of judo). I did both traditional ju jitsu and judo but prefer judo
The same guy who created the Judo Goshin Jutsu Kata also did create a knife-defense form of sparring... but it's found in Tomiki Aikido (Kenji Tomiki was a Judo master and an Aikido master) not Judo itself.
if you want to learn the old jata og judo just train in gracie jiu jitsu and not sport bjj. gjj is actually old judo kata plus some catch. Helio was a 4 dan judoka and carlo learn the katas for maeda, akso heluo train with dudu (catch wreslter)for a while. Also kito ju jutsu and tenji jujutsu help to understand the roots of judo
It isn't effective self-defense unless you spar with it at full-speed against a resisting opponent. If someone attacks you, treat it like a no-gi tournament where they're also trying to punch and kick you. In fact, if you're training for self-defense then it'd be a great idea to enter into a few MMA competitions so that you can have some experience fighting strikers. This video is Aikido-level bollocks, and the worst kind of McDojo. It is not teaching self-defense, all it could ever do is give a false sense of confidence to people who wouldn't last a second against an actual attacker. Trying to apply this video to a real-life situation will get you killed, and it's incredibly irresponsible for a group calling itself a martial arts club to encourage it.
Nix6p Not true at all. In a real street scenario, not all attackers have similar intentions and levels of aggression, and not everyone who tries to protect themselves will have the same intention to escalate violence. Not every attacker who grabs you by the collar or arm intends to punch and kick you. Watch my new video to see my explanation of these dynamics:
Tze-wei Lim It doesn't matter how aggressive your attacker is, if you're trying to do ineffective wrist locks like this video shows, you just won't accomplish your objective. If you spar against a lot of people, you'll see people with different levels of aggression. Assuming that every violent criminal on the planet acts in exactly the same way is an incredibly dangerously incorrect mindset. My main complaint isn't about techniques, it's about the learning approach. If you want to learn how to fight untrained people who telegraph strikes and can't grapple... Spar with some stronger but less experienced people. There is no "MMA vs TMA" distinction. Judo and kyokushin karate are TMAs, yet they still completely destroy "grandmasters" in McDojos like yours. Why? Because they spar regularly against resisting opponents. Note that nothing shown in this video is judo. It seems like your entire video basically comes down to this point: You seem to believe that even though mediocre practitioners of real martial arts can completely destroy "grandmasters" in bullshido martial arts in competitions regardless of the ruleset, this is because the "grandmasters" only train for fighting inexperienced people who follow a specific pattern and have absolutely no experience. Even though practitioners of real martial arts have experience sparring against people of a whole range of skill levels, the bullshido practitioner will supposedly be more effective against the untrained, inexperienced and incompetent buffoon who acts out these "real world self-defense" scenarios of wrist-grabbing and unbalanced punches. Sorry mate, but if your martial art is only effective against incompetent people who follow the exact pattern that you've decided they'll follow, then it just isn't an effective martial art. Of course, this is completely ignoring the fact that your idea of "the street" is completely and unarguably false. We're living in the age of technology, where you can quickly and easily search online for real examples of "street fights". Go figure, none of them play out like your imagination, because the real world is different to your fantasies. But hey, if you manage to ever find one of these fabled people that you're describing then I'd love to see you bring them into a ring and fight with them. Of course, they'll completely destroy you because you've never fought against a resisting opponent, but it should be an interesting wake-up call. However, I'm sure you'd still try to backtrack and justify why you lost - "He was too evasive!", "He didn't telegraph his attacks enough!", "He cheated!" Hopefully nobody in your bogus school ever gets into a real fight, because when they get pounded into the pavement because of their baseless confidence, their blood will be on your hands.
Nix6p Before I even discuss your fallacies point by point, everything you have said in your response shows you understood nothing of what I mentioned in the video, and how quick you are to presume you know everything about me. (1) "It doesn't matter how aggressive your attacker is, if you're trying to do ineffective wrist locks like this video shows, you just won't accomplish your objective. The wrist locks in the video are NOT ineffective. They are ineffective against ring fighters who play a cat a mouse game of evasiveness. You understood nothing from my video. (2) "If you spar against a lot of people, you'll see people with different levels of aggression. Precisely what I am talking about: SPARRING is different from street fighting. Just to let you know, I sparred at every opportunity when I was between the ages of 10 and 46. Very good if you have more experience than I. No problem if you don't. Just stop acting smart. (3) "Assuming that every violent criminal on the planet acts in exactly the same way is an incredibly dangerously incorrect mindset. That is a VERY big assumption by you, that EVERY criminal is violent. If a man decides to grab the wrist of a 16 year old girl to pull her into an alley so he can grope her, you automatically assume he plans to punch and kick her the moment he grabs her wrist? That is YOUR MAC DOJO thinking. If a man decides to rob another by asking for his wallet, grabbing the latter's shirt, that means he plans to kick and punch him immediately? Again, YOUR MAC DOJO thinking. The point is YOU can't see that there are a variety of intentions of attackers, and you should not immediately ASSUME everyone of them is violent to the extreme. (4) "If you want to learn how to fight untrained people who telegraph strikes and can't grapple... Spar with some stronger but less experienced people." How do you know this judo teacher doesn't spar? Here he is teaching a lesson on technique, specific techniques that will work. (5) '...this is because the "grandmasters" only train for fighting inexperienced people who follow a specific pattern and have absolutely no experience.' Firstly, this is what you will see on the street. You are absolutely right that Grandmasters train for this because martial arts were designed for the street. Secondly, it will not vary much with experience, because the street attacker's mindset is different from that of your Mac Dojo's. If you want to grab someone's wallet, you will have to commit yourself, you will have to use strength. Being evasive as a ring fighter would, would not get you someone's wallet. Being evasive would not permit a groping opportunity. Are there psycho's who would circle around a girl, pound her down to the ground, knocking her out, before raping her and taking her purse? Sure there are. That is why I do not teach martial arts, but something far more aggressive. But the majority of attacks do not begin with ultimate violence in mind. You assume too many things, have too many stereotypes, whether about this judo teacher, about me, or about attackers in general. You are not observant, but quick to insult. Bad for you. (6) "Even though practitioners of real martial arts have experience sparring against people of a whole range of skill levels, the bullshido practitioner will supposedly be more effective against the untrained, inexperienced and incompetent buffoon who acts out these "real world self-defense" scenarios of wrist-grabbing and unbalanced punches.'' If your level of comprehension is this low in spite of my tedious explanations and examples, you really should go back to your Mac Dojo. (7) "We're living in the age of technology, where you can quickly and easily search online for real examples of "street fights"." Hey kiddo, if you think you have it all and no one else has spent countless hours analyzing the evidence, I hate to tell you that that is the assumption of the uneducated. (8) "But hey, if you manage to ever find one of these fabled people that you're describing then I'd love to see you bring them into a ring and fight with them." You are back to square ZERO. Back to the ring again huh? You need to go back to kindergarten? You have a problem reading and watching? (9) "Of course, they'll completely destroy you because you've never fought against a resisting opponent, but it should be an interesting wake-up call. Wow, exposing your fan-boy insults, assumptions, and zero-culture ways, huh? (a) You know I have never fought against a resisting opponent how? (b) You assume every street mugger will resist like a ring fighter, how, after all my explanations? (c) In the ring? Wake up call? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and try to attack a martial arts master on the street, unchallenged? (10) "Hopefully nobody in your bogus school ever gets into a real fight, because when they get pounded into the pavement because of their baseless confidence, their blood will be on your hands." Unfortunately for you, my colleagues get into real fights on the field in the line of duty you would probably shit your pants in. And, as you have distinctly proved, you have ZERO CULTURE. Well done.
Tze-wei Lim You're misusing the word "McDojo". It describes you, not me. "That is a VERY big assumption by you, that EVERY criminal is violent" All of those examples that you gave are of violent criminals. If you don't want to get hurt, don't attack others. Mugging, rape, assault and burglary are all forms of violent crime. I'm not going to try and determine whether someone wants to take me to a theme park or his basement if he tries to pull me into his car, I'm going to assume the worst. "Here he is teaching a lesson on technique, specific techniques that will work" Except that they're never used in Judo competitions, there is absolutely no evidence of anybody having ever used them in self-defense and even he doesn't seem to be capable of performing them full-speed. "Sure there are. That is why I do not teach martial arts, but something far more aggressive." Phew, that's a relief. Apologies for assuming that you were teaching people ineffective martial arts, if you really are just teaching CCW classes then good for you. "You are back to square ZERO. Back to the ring again huh?" I knew you'd backtrack to this. Just because it's in a ring doesn't mean it's different to one of your mythological "real street fights". Find an inexperienced but aggressive person and tell him that if he can take your wallet he can keep it. The stakes are raised, no? "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and try to attack a martial arts master on the street, unchallenged?" I'm actually not a violent criminal, so I don't particularly enjoy assaulting strangers. However, if you're in my city (Melbourne, Australia) I'd happily spar with you. In fact, there are hundreds of people far more experienced and skilled than me who'd be willing to take you up on an offer of a recorded, no-rules fight. The Gracie Challenge is a great example. Of course, it won't be inside your imagination, so the incredibly specific criteria which you require to be fulfilled in order to be effective won't be there, and you'd end up running home and continuing to make baseless claims about what "real fights" are like. "you have ZERO CULTURE" I'm actually curious about this. What exactly qualifies someone to "have culture", and in what ways am I lacking it?
Nix6p Hey Kiddo, you have done nothing but rehash everything you mentioned previously, all of which I disproved in my video. Either take it or leave it. I'm not going to waste my time on you as you obviously did not watch the video, or read any of my responses. How much do you know about me? You know a lot heh? "All of those examples that you gave are of violent criminals. If you don't want to get hurt, don't attack others." They represent violence in DIFFERENT degrees, something you don't care to understand. When martial artists teach sef-protection skills, they don't teach their students to attack others, something MMA fan-boys such as yourself will never understand. So, you should be saying your statement to yourself. "I'm actually not a violent criminal, so I don't particularly enjoy assaulting strangers. However, if you're in my city (Melbourne, Australia) I'd happily spar with you. In fact, there are hundreds of people far more experienced and skilled than me who'd be willing to take you up on an offer of a recorded, no-rules fight." Are you trying to show the world how low your IQ is by contradicting yourself again and again? You want me to repeat endlessly that what I or countless others teach are counters to street attacks and not pre-arranged matches? What would a pre-arranged match between you and me prove, even if I whip your ass? It would prove nothing because I have already shown you that ring and street fights are completely different. It's not that there is 1 point of difference. It's that you are not interested in knowing that there are any points of difference, when there are many, as I have shown. "I knew you'd backtrack to this. Just because it's in a ring doesn't mean it's different to one of your mythological "real street fights". Find an inexperienced but aggressive person and tell him that if he can take your wallet he can keep it. The stakes are raised, no?" That is precisely the POINT: (1) Real street fights are not mythological. EVERY SINGLE street fight where there is an attacker and a fighter fulfill the 4 criteria listed in my video. You are referring to 2 persons coming together and challenging each other. That is precisely what I said they were NOT what I was referring to. When 2 persons decide they want to fight each other, it won't make a difference if it was in a ring or on the street. They would be the same. In my video I challenged you to bring me just ONE video clip of a street fight with an attacker and a fighter showing a ring fighting approach, and you can't. Why have you challenged me to bring you videos of mythological street fights when EVERY recorded street fight proves my point? This one simple difference between ring and street fights you can't even understand, and I know you will repeat over and over your misconceptions no matter how much I explain this. (2) The inexperienced and aggressive person will be whipped by a martial arts master on the street trying to take his wallet. If you choose not to believe that, then you are the one who must try taking the wallet of a martial arts master. Simple as that, or shut up. Getting the martial arts master into the ring will completely change the approach. "Of course, it won't be inside your imagination, so the incredibly specific criteria which you require to be fulfilled in order to be effective won't be there, and you'd end up running home and continuing to make baseless claims about what "real fights" are like." I specifically spoke about Vale Tudo and No-Holds Barred fights in my video. You obviously weren't watching. Choose to believe whatever you want. But don't make a fool of yourself by your stupid stereotypical assumptions. You are stupid beyond reason. You actually think that martial arts masters have to go into your ring and play your game with you? Who do you think you are? If you think that MMA fighters can fight as well as a martial arts master in a street fight, then IT IS YOU WHO MUST ATTACK A MASTER ON THE STREET. Claiming you are not a thug is a worthless comment. Either show your balls and go attack say, this judo teacher in the video unchallenged, or shut up for good. 'I'm actually curious about this. What exactly qualifies someone to "have culture", and in what ways am I lacking it?' Every traditional martial artist will know what I mean, so you should know where to look. My video and comments were made to benefit interested parties at large, and if you choose to remain an uncultured prick, you will not receive any more responses from me.
Nice variations to the Kodokan goshin jutsu!
Cheers for that, after hundreds of techniques, countless hours of Japanese translations, more hours of videoing the techniques explaining in detail every little point and the best you can come up with is the golden nugget left versus right. very good. Ous!
Nice nd better tchniq 2 use
I rarely look at these video's and even more rarely the comments left by people. Some see it for what it is, others make assumptions with little insight into the whole. There are know it all's all over the internet, content to sit behind their keyboards spouting their fountain of knowledge without having any real knowledge! more often than not they have practiced some mediocre form of MMA for a very limited time and/or have "worked a door!" obviously i am no more than this one video and have absolutely no real life experience whatsoever, in fact my whole life is no more than this short series. I bow to the huge knowledge of keyboard warriors the world over and just hope to god, none of them turn up to batter me into submission....keep the comments flowing all, negative or positive at least your taking an interest :)
+BushidoJuJitsu If you are much more than this, why is it this you share?
+Edmond Dantez probably to inform people.... to share useful knowledge that he actually understands? kind of a dumb question
xlaythe An extremely pertinent question given the circumstances.
Edmond Dantez hardly. your giant paragraph is referring to people who dont know shit about what theyre talking about, but act like they do. The poster of this video obviously has some training/expertise whatever.... unless somehow i missed the entire point of what youre saying.
+xlaythe What giant paragraph? WTF are you talking about?
"Hidari eri dori" means "left lapel hold". It just describes the 'attack' made by uke. Thus "hidari eri dori from the other side" would be "migi eri dori", "right lapel hold".
Judo excelente arte marcial,muy práctico
Interesting video series. I do Judo. And can't help but think that the BJA / IJF should also consider authorising a self defence syllabus that compliments their sport syllabus in the same way that Gracie Jiu Jutsu has a sport syllabus and a self defence syllabus.
I also can't help think that if the BJA etc were able to develop a syllabus, then they could also devise a way for the core techniques to also be trained in a randori type of style, although, perhaps with self defence in mind and less of a sport mindset.
I thought that this may be developed by doing varying types of co-operative/restricted randori developed so as to simulate a street attack more than a judo match between two Judo experts.
This perhaps could be done by having an individual defend using normal or adapted for the street Judo techniques plus new techniques used to protect oneself against a striking attacker, while the attacker/s use basic striking attacks
(perhaps progressively becoming more and more realistic over time).
Perhaps all parties could wear head guards and padded but open hand gloves and strike with partial force.
Such a syllabus would help Judoka apply their art to self defence scenarios, not to win cups or get belts but to save lives.
As I am sure that Judo could be used for this.
Otherwise thanks for sharing your videos.
This is originally what judo was used for but historically it was developed as a self defence program for girls/women, (I'm pretty sure it was mainly used by Japanese Prostitutes). Unfortunately, Judo has been brought low and so far watered down so it is safe for sports use. It is nigh impossible to find a judo instructor who knows the original Judo. It is to my understanding that the original self defence techniques of Judo have been illegalized in Dojos as they were "too dangerous". People don't actually know how dangerous Judo is if you knew a few "finishing touches" to some of the throws. Breaking peoples arms in mid throw (Seonagi), changing elbow position so when you fell on your opponent you would crush their sternum etc. The original form of Judo has been changed so much it's actually depressing. Even Traditional Ju Jutsu (although still very effective as a self defence) has been altered, the same finishing touches as the judo throws they don't teach you it anymore.
If you are interested in traditional martial arts that Judo has developed from, perhaps consider studying traditional Tai-Jutsu and authentic schools of Jujutsu. I trained for a brief time in Bujinkan Tai-Jutsu. One of the teachers whom I trained with explained that the more advanced techniques in some of the styles that Bujinkan encompasses are as you say designed for lethal assault and to either maim or kill.
Personally, I am more of a Judoka these days and am happy sacrificing techniques that maim and kill my partner in the interest of safety and so that i can include free fighting with my partners instead of limiting my training to only kata.
I just enjoy the safer free fighting stuff more than traditional kata's, not that i think there is nothing to be learnt from traditional kata or lethal techniques.
As for Judo being developed as a self defense for girls/woman and used mainly by Japanese Prostitutes. I cant say that i have ever read this version of history in any Judo book.
+Jus Roc According to Mark Law's book on judo, Dr Kano encouraged the study of judo by women and girls, including his wife, his daughter, and their friends, but I've never seen it suggested that it was 'mainly' for women, let alone prostitutes!
Yes. I think our friend who is going by the name RogueSmurf is incorrect and mischievous.
From what he/she has written, he/she be a practitioner of some of the more deadly schools of Tai-jutsu which include kata's that do indeed include techniques that are specifically designed to maim and kill their victim and which include some schools and techniques that have been specifically designed for female prostitutes.
Woman, sometimes more deadly than the men. Especially when espionage agents, as recent global events have proven, well at least in the news.
From what i have read about the development of Judo, some of the more lethal techniques were not banned but only became banned because people did indeed die or get maimed.
People still get injured practicing Judo, but hopefully the amount of people who do are less than they used to be, especially beginners and kids. As the kids, beginners and parents TRUST their teachers to not put them in danger!
Sometimes no one can help minor injury, but major injury we all can do with out. Especially if it is only for ego's sake!
Most people who train in Judo do so for fun, and to give them a positive activity in life that they can engage physically as well as mentally and physically in. No point if it would involve killing your self or your friends.
Thanks for backing me up and your support.
RogueSmurf?! bad bad bad! :-)
I have hidden in the shadows for too long... In all honesty, I think I may have my information mixed up, how ever I do remember reading a Japanese history book that mentioned judo and prostitutes in the same paragraph... I may have been mistaken. It also wasn't my intention to imply that it was only for prostitutes... (Although I am rather mischievous ;)
It is easy to injure one self in Judo, incorrect form can lead to harming oneself or one's opponent/training partner. I myself have had a bad lower back for the past 5-6 years due to having to throw someone twice my weight and shorter than me when I was 14-15...
I was a practitioner of many martial arts but none of them were this Tai Jutsu you speak of, just Boxing, Judo, Zen Do Kai, Tae Kwon Do and traditional Jui jutsu. Yours sincerely, The mischievous, roughish, RogueSmurfz ;P
I really would like to know why the hell we don't learn these techniques in the training? We learn just techniques for competition (that are not a good idea to use for self defense in the streets). There is some kind of prohibition by the Kodokan? Modern judo is very (if not totally) inclined just for competitions. And also there are a lots of techniques that would be difficult (if not impossible) to use if the aggressor is not using a judogi or a thick coat. Thanks!
thanks for sharing "BushidoJuJitsu"
yan nay n
2:19 it's the most painful and devastative technique you can imagine. All ignorants should experience it on their own.
Appreciate Video clip! Excuse me for butting in, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you thought about - Schallingora Family Friendship Scheme (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a great exclusive guide for revealing some simple military style self defence techniques to protect your family minus the headache. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my GF got great success with it.
i m shantanu from india right now my age is 21 in my childhood i had practised wrestling and boxing for some times and even i was excelled in both now i m a college student i m practising TAEKWONDO from 10 months i m green belt in taekwondo but i also want to learn judo... is 20+ good age to start judo??? is there any age limit to start judo???my main motive is to protect himself from bad situation i mean self defense
When Jigoro Kano made judo he took moves from jujitsu that could be used for sport you can watch him and the history of him and judo on youtube.
Some techniques are from aikido
Aye, man, at's some grrreeat Joodo yeeeve goit therrrre!
I read that Goshin Jutsu was a complement to Kano's Kime no Kata. Is that true? Do these techniques come from japanese jujutsu or aikido?
Judo was taken from about five different styles of Japanese Jujutsu, especially Kito Ryu and Tenshin Shinyo Ryu. Aikido was taken from a style of Japanese Jujutsu called Daito Ryu.
Japanese Jujutsu goes back very far, further back than the 1500's AD. Both Judo and Aikido were created after about 1880.
There was probably cross polination between various styles of JJJ (Daito Ryu may have cross polinated with Tenshin Shinyo at some point, etc) There aren't a lot of historical records of this, but there aren't necessarily a ton of historical records of old school JJJ in the first place.
Most accurately, Judo and Aikido are both descended from JJJ to some extent, but selected from different JJJ styles. The Goshin Jutsu were indeed based on Aikido techniques, as well as existing Judo techniques. Kenji Tomiki held 8th dan in both Judo and Aikido, and he deliberately borrowed from Aikido when he brought in the Goshin Jutsu kata in 1956.
at the beginning, i didn't notice it's in english
Kote - gaeshi tehniku napadač može da izbegne podizanjem lakta ili ako je dosta mišićav i jak pa mu je ruka zgrčena. U džudou kao borilačkoj veštini postoje kategorije, ali na ulici ne.
Almost! its Jockanese!
What i was saying is that when they use striking in judo self defense there really doing jujitsu and pretty much any martial art can be used for self defense even though some were made for sport.
It looks good sounds good. I would ask would you be willing to fight
Am I the only one who thought of "you'll also have to take the coriolus effect into consideration" when he said "at this distance"?
I think these are really interesting videos. I would love to attend a judo Dojo or class session that focused on self defense. The movements are very similar to what we do in Aikido. Kanō Jigorō and Morihei Ueshiba were friends. I often wonder if the practicality is lost when so many Judo Dojos do not going beyond the starting grapple. I suppose it depends on what you want to train for.
These look like they're from Judo's Goshin-Jitsu (self-defense) kata; the kata was developed by Kenji Tomiki, who was a high-ranking Judoka, and Aikidoka. The Goshin-Jitsu kata was a more "modern" self-defense kata; there's another self-defense kata in Judo but the situations/attacks that you defend against are somewhat archaic (people attacking you while you're sitting in seiza, people coming at you with swords).
We do similar self defence techniques in Hapkido with sleeves, back techniques etc. This is really interesting to see some variations.
its judo which teaches throwing techniques. why not show how to defend then throw opponent on :"hard surface". that is more better for street stuff with concrete etc.
I think judo should incorporate knife defence and escapes from grabs as traditional ju jitsu doesn't have the resistance and randori of judo. They should do self defence but without strikes (to keep with the spirit of judo). I did both traditional ju jitsu and judo but prefer judo
The same guy who created the Judo Goshin Jutsu Kata also did create a knife-defense form of sparring... but it's found in Tomiki Aikido (Kenji Tomiki was a Judo master and an Aikido master) not Judo itself.
if you want to learn the old jata og judo just train in gracie jiu jitsu and not sport bjj. gjj is actually old judo kata plus some catch. Helio was a 4 dan judoka and carlo learn the katas for maeda, akso heluo train with dudu (catch wreslter)for a while. Also kito ju jutsu and tenji jujutsu help to understand the roots of judo
Sorry to type the obvious again outloud--have you ever seen a standing wristlock in MMA? i've only seen it once.
very powerful very veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
"Everyone has a plan until they get punch" - Mike Tyson
Do the same when somebody is going to give you a Wiltshire bailer
Nither did I. O.o
The self defence of judo is pretty much jujitsu because judo is all grappling.
It isn't effective self-defense unless you spar with it at full-speed against a resisting opponent.
If someone attacks you, treat it like a no-gi tournament where they're also trying to punch and kick you. In fact, if you're training for self-defense then it'd be a great idea to enter into a few MMA competitions so that you can have some experience fighting strikers.
This video is Aikido-level bollocks, and the worst kind of McDojo. It is not teaching self-defense, all it could ever do is give a false sense of confidence to people who wouldn't last a second against an actual attacker.
Trying to apply this video to a real-life situation will get you killed, and it's incredibly irresponsible for a group calling itself a martial arts club to encourage it.
Nix6p Not true at all. In a real street scenario, not all attackers have similar intentions and levels of aggression, and not everyone who tries to protect themselves will have the same intention to escalate violence.
Not every attacker who grabs you by the collar or arm intends to punch and kick you.
Watch my new video to see my explanation of these dynamics:
Tze-wei Lim It doesn't matter how aggressive your attacker is, if you're trying to do ineffective wrist locks like this video shows, you just won't accomplish your objective.
If you spar against a lot of people, you'll see people with different levels of aggression. Assuming that every violent criminal on the planet acts in exactly the same way is an incredibly dangerously incorrect mindset.
My main complaint isn't about techniques, it's about the learning approach.
If you want to learn how to fight untrained people who telegraph strikes and can't grapple... Spar with some stronger but less experienced people.
There is no "MMA vs TMA" distinction. Judo and kyokushin karate are TMAs, yet they still completely destroy "grandmasters" in McDojos like yours. Why? Because they spar regularly against resisting opponents. Note that nothing shown in this video is judo.
It seems like your entire video basically comes down to this point:
You seem to believe that even though mediocre practitioners of real martial arts can completely destroy "grandmasters" in bullshido martial arts in competitions regardless of the ruleset, this is because the "grandmasters" only train for fighting inexperienced people who follow a specific pattern and have absolutely no experience. Even though practitioners of real martial arts have experience sparring against people of a whole range of skill levels, the bullshido practitioner will supposedly be more effective against the untrained, inexperienced and incompetent buffoon who acts out these "real world self-defense" scenarios of wrist-grabbing and unbalanced punches.
Sorry mate, but if your martial art is only effective against incompetent people who follow the exact pattern that you've decided they'll follow, then it just isn't an effective martial art. Of course, this is completely ignoring the fact that your idea of "the street" is completely and unarguably false. We're living in the age of technology, where you can quickly and easily search online for real examples of "street fights". Go figure, none of them play out like your imagination, because the real world is different to your fantasies.
But hey, if you manage to ever find one of these fabled people that you're describing then I'd love to see you bring them into a ring and fight with them.
Of course, they'll completely destroy you because you've never fought against a resisting opponent, but it should be an interesting wake-up call.
However, I'm sure you'd still try to backtrack and justify why you lost - "He was too evasive!", "He didn't telegraph his attacks enough!", "He cheated!"
Hopefully nobody in your bogus school ever gets into a real fight, because when they get pounded into the pavement because of their baseless confidence, their blood will be on your hands.
Before I even discuss your fallacies point by point, everything you have said in your response shows you understood nothing of what I mentioned in the video, and how quick you are to presume you know everything about me.
(1) "It doesn't matter how aggressive your attacker is, if you're trying to do ineffective wrist locks like this video shows, you just won't accomplish your objective.
The wrist locks in the video are NOT ineffective. They are ineffective against ring fighters who play a cat a mouse game of evasiveness. You understood nothing from my video.
(2) "If you spar against a lot of people, you'll see people with different levels of aggression.
Precisely what I am talking about: SPARRING is different from street fighting.
Just to let you know, I sparred at every opportunity when I was between the ages of 10 and 46. Very good if you have more experience than I. No problem if you don't. Just stop acting smart.
(3) "Assuming that every violent criminal on the planet acts in exactly the same way is an incredibly dangerously incorrect mindset.
That is a VERY big assumption by you, that EVERY criminal is violent.
If a man decides to grab the wrist of a 16 year old girl to pull her into an alley so he can grope her, you automatically assume he plans to punch and kick her the moment he grabs her wrist? That is YOUR MAC DOJO thinking.
If a man decides to rob another by asking for his wallet, grabbing the latter's shirt, that means he plans to kick and punch him immediately? Again, YOUR MAC DOJO thinking.
The point is YOU can't see that there are a variety of intentions of attackers, and you should not immediately ASSUME everyone of them is violent to the extreme.
(4) "If you want to learn how to fight untrained people who telegraph strikes and can't grapple... Spar with some stronger but less experienced people."
How do you know this judo teacher doesn't spar?
Here he is teaching a lesson on technique, specific techniques that will work.
(5) '...this is because the "grandmasters" only train for fighting inexperienced people who follow a specific pattern and have absolutely no experience.'
Firstly, this is what you will see on the street. You are absolutely right that Grandmasters train for this because martial arts were designed for the street.
Secondly, it will not vary much with experience, because the street attacker's mindset is different from that of your Mac Dojo's.
If you want to grab someone's wallet, you will have to commit yourself, you will have to use strength.
Being evasive as a ring fighter would, would not get you someone's wallet.
Being evasive would not permit a groping opportunity.
Are there psycho's who would circle around a girl, pound her down to the ground, knocking her out, before raping her and taking her purse? Sure there are. That is why I do not teach martial arts, but something far more aggressive.
But the majority of attacks do not begin with ultimate violence in mind.
You assume too many things, have too many stereotypes, whether about this judo teacher, about me, or about attackers in general. You are not observant, but quick to insult. Bad for you.
(6) "Even though practitioners of real martial arts have experience sparring against people of a whole range of skill levels, the bullshido practitioner will supposedly be more effective against the untrained, inexperienced and incompetent buffoon who acts out these "real world self-defense" scenarios of wrist-grabbing and unbalanced punches.''
If your level of comprehension is this low in spite of my tedious explanations and examples, you really should go back to your Mac Dojo.
(7) "We're living in the age of technology, where you can quickly and easily search online for real examples of "street fights"."
Hey kiddo, if you think you have it all and no one else has spent countless hours analyzing the evidence, I hate to tell you that that is the assumption of the uneducated.
(8) "But hey, if you manage to ever find one of these fabled people that you're describing then I'd love to see you bring them into a ring and fight with them."
You are back to square ZERO. Back to the ring again huh? You need to go back to kindergarten? You have a problem reading and watching?
(9) "Of course, they'll completely destroy you because you've never fought against a resisting opponent, but it should be an interesting wake-up call.
Wow, exposing your fan-boy insults, assumptions, and zero-culture ways, huh?
(a) You know I have never fought against a resisting opponent how?
(b) You assume every street mugger will resist like a ring fighter, how, after all my explanations?
(c) In the ring? Wake up call? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and try to attack a martial arts master on the street, unchallenged?
(10) "Hopefully nobody in your bogus school ever gets into a real fight, because when they get pounded into the pavement because of their baseless confidence, their blood will be on your hands."
Unfortunately for you, my colleagues get into real fights on the field in the line of duty you would probably shit your pants in.
And, as you have distinctly proved, you have ZERO CULTURE.
Well done.
Tze-wei Lim You're misusing the word "McDojo". It describes you, not me.
"That is a VERY big assumption by you, that EVERY criminal is violent"
All of those examples that you gave are of violent criminals. If you don't want to get hurt, don't attack others.
Mugging, rape, assault and burglary are all forms of violent crime.
I'm not going to try and determine whether someone wants to take me to a theme park or his basement if he tries to pull me into his car, I'm going to assume the worst.
"Here he is teaching a lesson on technique, specific techniques that will work"
Except that they're never used in Judo competitions, there is absolutely no evidence of anybody having ever used them in self-defense and even he doesn't seem to be capable of performing them full-speed.
"Sure there are. That is why I do not teach martial arts, but something far more aggressive."
Phew, that's a relief. Apologies for assuming that you were teaching people ineffective martial arts, if you really are just teaching CCW classes then good for you.
"You are back to square ZERO. Back to the ring again huh?"
I knew you'd backtrack to this. Just because it's in a ring doesn't mean it's different to one of your mythological "real street fights". Find an inexperienced but aggressive person and tell him that if he can take your wallet he can keep it.
The stakes are raised, no?
"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and try to attack a martial arts master on the street, unchallenged?"
I'm actually not a violent criminal, so I don't particularly enjoy assaulting strangers.
However, if you're in my city (Melbourne, Australia) I'd happily spar with you. In fact, there are hundreds of people far more experienced and skilled than me who'd be willing to take you up on an offer of a recorded, no-rules fight. The Gracie Challenge is a great example. Of course, it won't be inside your imagination, so the incredibly specific criteria which you require to be fulfilled in order to be effective won't be there, and you'd end up running home and continuing to make baseless claims about what "real fights" are like.
"you have ZERO CULTURE"
I'm actually curious about this. What exactly qualifies someone to "have culture", and in what ways am I lacking it?
Nix6p Hey Kiddo, you have done nothing but rehash everything you mentioned previously, all of which I disproved in my video. Either take it or leave it. I'm not going to waste my time on you as you obviously did not watch the video, or read any of my responses.
How much do you know about me? You know a lot heh?
"All of those examples that you gave are of violent criminals. If you don't want to get hurt, don't attack others."
They represent violence in DIFFERENT degrees, something you don't care to understand. When martial artists teach sef-protection skills, they don't teach their students to attack others, something MMA fan-boys such as yourself will never understand. So, you should be saying your statement to yourself.
"I'm actually not a violent criminal, so I don't particularly enjoy assaulting strangers.
However, if you're in my city (Melbourne, Australia) I'd happily spar with you. In fact, there are hundreds of people far more experienced and skilled than me who'd be willing to take you up on an offer of a recorded, no-rules fight."
Are you trying to show the world how low your IQ is by contradicting yourself again and again?
You want me to repeat endlessly that what I or countless others teach are counters to street attacks and not pre-arranged matches?
What would a pre-arranged match between you and me prove, even if I whip your ass? It would prove nothing because I have already shown you that ring and street fights are completely different. It's not that there is 1 point of difference. It's that you are not interested in knowing that there are any points of difference, when there are many, as I have shown.
"I knew you'd backtrack to this. Just because it's in a ring doesn't mean it's different to one of your mythological "real street fights". Find an inexperienced but aggressive person and tell him that if he can take your wallet he can keep it.
The stakes are raised, no?"
That is precisely the POINT:
(1) Real street fights are not mythological. EVERY SINGLE street fight where there is an attacker and a fighter fulfill the 4 criteria listed in my video. You are referring to 2 persons coming together and challenging each other.
That is precisely what I said they were NOT what I was referring to. When 2 persons decide they want to fight each other, it won't make a difference if it was in a ring or on the street. They would be the same.
In my video I challenged you to bring me just ONE video clip of a street fight with an attacker and a fighter showing a ring fighting approach, and you can't. Why have you challenged me to bring you videos of mythological street fights when EVERY recorded street fight proves my point?
This one simple difference between ring and street fights you can't even understand, and I know you will repeat over and over your misconceptions no matter how much I explain this.
(2) The inexperienced and aggressive person will be whipped by a martial arts master on the street trying to take his wallet. If you choose not to believe that, then you are the one who must try taking the wallet of a martial arts master. Simple as that, or shut up. Getting the martial arts master into the ring will completely change the approach.
"Of course, it won't be inside your imagination, so the incredibly specific criteria which you require to be fulfilled in order to be effective won't be there, and you'd end up running home and continuing to make baseless claims about what "real fights" are like."
I specifically spoke about Vale Tudo and No-Holds Barred fights in my video. You obviously weren't watching.
Choose to believe whatever you want. But don't make a fool of yourself by your stupid stereotypical assumptions.
You are stupid beyond reason.
You actually think that martial arts masters have to go into your ring and play your game with you? Who do you think you are?
If you think that MMA fighters can fight as well as a martial arts master in a street fight, then IT IS YOU WHO MUST ATTACK A MASTER ON THE STREET.
Claiming you are not a thug is a worthless comment. Either show your balls and go attack say, this judo teacher in the video unchallenged, or shut up for good.
'I'm actually curious about this. What exactly qualifies someone to "have culture", and in what ways am I lacking it?'
Every traditional martial artist will know what I mean, so you should know where to look.
My video and comments were made to benefit interested parties at large, and if you choose to remain an uncultured prick, you will not receive any more responses from me.
Blue belt * ugh i`m so bored *