When you move your poles wider with the four on the ground, you move the first one 6", the second 12", and the third 18". Otherwise you have only increased the last gap and not the others.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! I knew my comments wouldn't be ignored! You have no idea how much this means, can't wait to get home and try this out. Hopefully my boy will start to have a little more drive and lengthen out. I hate beating him to death to get him to be forward, especially while jumping! Thank you guys soooooo much! Yall are wonderful!
Wow your videos have demystified some of the common training issues that I have had with my OTTB mare. It is amazing to witness first hand the progress we are both making.
love the bloopers at the end! would really like to see more of those! also my horse has the problem that at the trot and canter she is constantly wanting to go even more forward. if i were to drop the contact or ride on the buckle at the trot or canter she would not remain in the same rhythm and tempo we were originally going in, how do i fix that? would also love to see an episode on flying changes how to teach them, do them, and refine/ refresh them!!
Impressive videos, both technically (videography, audio, framing, lighting, background music, etc.) and in terms of information conveyed. Thanks for uploading them. Each and every one is appreciated.
Hey Evention. I'd love to see a video of "self correcting" exercises for the horse. Such as a rusher, a horse that doesn't take off evenly with his hind end, swings his legs to the side, or a horse that's loose with his knees.
Thank you so much for this video! I have been working so hard with my new forest pony to get him moving but it always ended up with me getting really angry and giving up. My pony is a riding school pony so he has become very desensitised to my leg so the lunging tactic really helped with me!
Nikki B. Me too, I have trouble working on my clicking and my lazy horses never listen when I kiss. Maybe working on some other commands for your horse? If not maybe voice commands?
The kissing sound is basically sucking in air through a really thin gap. An for the clicking sound you have to make big air pressure in your mouth and put your tongue on your right or left side ( not between your teeth , still in the middle bit slightly to your right or left. the tongue must slightly feel the the teeth. Then raise your upper lip to create a gap and push out the air really quickly through that. ( I really cant explain it any better. im sorry :( hope it helps, let me kno.) good luck keep trying :)
Heh - those bloopers. :D Unfortunately, my horse is a quirky little thing that seems to defy all logic. In pleasure mount we were trying to get the horse to slow down without the hand aids, so I leaned back, and then she took off like a rocket. Also, do you think you could do a video on different types of bits? I've tried millions of bits on my horse and she only seems to listen to a bitless bridle. Thanks guys! Great video as always.
cantering counter clockwise, my mare likes to swing her hind end out and flip her lead. I apply some pressure with my outside leg but this doesn't do much. she doesn't listen. I am hoping to show her next summer, because she is a new mare I recently started riding (March 4th 2013), but she hasn't been listening to my commands. And ideas?
Thank you This had helped a small bit of my problem!! My horse Grace had problems with the whole forward thing.She is 4 and still learning. Whenever I first get on her she tries to go back into her paddock. (Closed or opened) She just won't go! If you can get the rest of my problem straight I would thank you greatly!
hi im 13 and I have a 7 yo Appy x mare with next to no education. when I try to make her go more forward in walk, she just goes up into trot, what are some tips to get her to moving better? Also, she has learned to hump to try to get out of work, she has been doing this for about 8 weeks, how can I break this habit? ive been told it means she's learning to engage her back, is this true? thanku so much!!
by "hump" you mean buck? well if whenever she does that you stop working her then you're letting her get away with it so she knows whenever she's had enough or being lazy she can buck and you'll stop. you can't let her get away with it. carry on riding her and ALWAYS finish on a good note.
i shall try this tomorrow with my lazy one....that tip with the trott poles. he doesn't like canter at all and doesnt respond to my legs and even bucks when i ask him to canter and he has a REALLY bad day. but once i got him to work properly and his pace is more powerfull and he doesnt drag his hindquarters along behind him, he looks like a pro and doesnt want to stop anymore. but it would be nice if i could loosen him more quickly. it takes almost half an hour until he is willing to go forward and is more relaxed and i actually get to concentrate on my seat. and once he actually IS working, i'm already exhausted. :( i'm also working with him from the ground, where he obeys me quite well. i lead him without a rope, he just walks along beside me and follows me everywhere, even if i take a run. that has helped me a lot lately. also the tip with the spooky horse is great. i suscribed your channel immediately. it's also nice to see pro's wearing a helmet. many good riders ride without one and are a bad influence on kids because it's "cool".
I lease a school pony and because little kids sometimes ride him, he doesn't always respond, sometimes not to the crop or voice as they use them inappropriately. What do?
I recently started working with a school horse who was taken out of lessons because he refuses jumps and won't listen to aids I recommend trying to ride him outside. Or somewhere with more space and picking up a canter or gallop giving him the reign and letting him run you could also lunge him but I don't find it as affective they usually will be much more awake after that since he is a school horse you really have to make him know your in charge because he's probably used to little kids he can boss around I hope these tips that worked for me work for you!
+Emma Laiho I ride him out as much as possible, but as soon as he gets into the arena he gets very nappy. They also work him too much on rein and he is weak on the one rein when doing cantering.
The moment the horse takes off do a one rein stop (pull one rein, preferably the inside one, in a way that makes his head turn to face you or his hind quarters, do that every time the horse takes off).
The horse that I am currently riding is a draft cross. I have my whip with me and my legs pushes him forward almost all the time. Believe me that I have tried quite everything. Do you have any tips on how to keep a constant forward pace? He does go forward for a few strides before going slower. And then I forward him again, and he still slows down after a few strides. Could you please help? Thank you very much! Warm Regards xxx
Being relaxed and loading him into the trailer and getting him used to being around it when there's no time pressure and when he doesn't have to get into it will make everything much easier. Imagine it from a horse's perspective - a trailer is very scary, and so being forced into it when you're unfamiliar with it by nervous, rushing people... I would probably rear up and try to escape too.
Hey As a kid I learnt to ride on quite lazy horses and I have the habit of giving a squeeze everytime I come back in the saddle during posting trot, now usually when I ride the horses they don't seem to always react to my leg how they do with other riders. Do you think that my habit could be the reason why they're less reactive to my leg?
shana rosseel because you are a kid, you don't have so much power in your legs. You need to work harder for a leg aid. and keep your legs still and your ankle down when giving aids.
Lia Miu I'm becoming 17 this year so I'm not exactly a kid anymore. I try to keep my leg still and it's working but I still have to break the habit of squeezing with my leg the entire time. thanks for the tip tho
Hey, I need some help with the stallion I ride. He is so dead quiet that I stuck a nervous beginner rider on his bareback with mares in season in view, and he was falling asleep. Same concept at shows. I save my spurs for lessons and shows so he doesn't get dead to them, but when I do where them, no matter how hard I kick or whip him with the dressage whip, he stays dead. Completely unconcerned. How do I get him more forward? We're always going at a meander, even if the jump is a 1.30m oxer.
Quick question about fly sheets: One of my horses in very sensitive to flies and other summer insects. I think that a fly sheet might help him. However, he has this uncanny ability to get out of any sheet without undoing or breaking any of the clasps. I have no idea how he does it. No sheet has stayed on him for more than 24 hours, but he is always hiding in shed or going insane from the flies. I would like to know if there are any suggestions in how to keep a sheet on him or to help him. He is outside all the time, since we have no barn and using fly spray 24/7 is not practical for us.
You can buy this liquid stuff that you put on your horse to repel flys. Put apple cider vinegar in his feed, wash with small fly spray solution. (Very very little) Put you fly mask on inside out. Having a horse that is an escape artists with his rugs is a lost cause. You can treat the bites and get products from your vet. 😊 Hopefully that helped
+ThreeTailedWolf13 There are quite a few non toxic fly sprays out there, swell as fly block (a rub on) if you can't find any there are many youtube videos that can show you how to make some.
ahhhh holding the longe line in 'loops' is so not good! lol one thing ive always preached to everyone and always practice .. but awesome video i learned a lot!
Now ive had my horse for 3 months and hes been using a plastic well I dont rilly know what the black part of it is but its a soft bit any way he's been having a hard time stopping like theres no bit in his mouth and I dont know if its the bit or hes not wanting to stop but I might get a cupple of bits and see if that helps
hey love ur videos 😃 how do I get my horse to stop going backwards in the school she fine for first 5 mins but then when I ask her to go forward she will just back up I drop the reins and kick on and say walk on but she just keeps going backwards please help
I love the videos guys! Well, i have an extremely lazy connemara x that is soooo marey! She used to breed so shes brood marey. She will pin her ears and push her hind end towards me when mounting and swish her tail! When mounted she will do nothing but walk and i know shes capable of trot and canter and jump because ive ridden her doing it before and she was perfect. Please any solutions to ACTUALLY make her go?
*pokes with crop* XD XD XD Thank you!! I have ridden several horses with this problem and I will definitely try this out!! All of your videos are so helpful :)
Can you do a video about how to get your horse to listen to you? Mine won't listen to me when I try to keep her on the outside of the arena. I have tried getting off and walking her around the edge but it hasn't worked. She also start walking around in circles and will not listen to my leg or when use the reins
My freinds horse moves very forward, but he is on his front end. Like he wont get his speed from the back hand. Yet when you lung, or just running around. him he will balance himself out. How do I. Balance him out when riding?
I recently got a new 5 year old with very little experience and he is fast and likes to go but I can't get him to open out in trot and canter he's always gathering himself up really tight and I really want to know some tips if anyone has any ( also I'm not holding the reins really tight or restricting him from going )
Sounds like your horse is hollow--short, fast up-and-down steps. I second trying him out on the longe to see if it is a back pain or improper saddle fit. Have him looked over by a vet and chiro and have a professional saddle fitter check the fit of your saddle. If your saddle allows (if it's a tiny bit too wide, which is actually a good thing) I'd then look into getting a half pad either sheepskin or prolite (my mare REALLY loves the prolite) if all's well at this point, ride and try and get him to stretch down and out while still maintaining an active, not necessarily fast, gait. I've found this usually helps my tense ottb relax and supple. What a lot of people don't understand is that it takes TIME for any horse to change his way of going. It will be uncomfortable for him at first. Especially as a young horse his balance is not fully developed. If you get just a few steps of a nice, swinging trot, reward him by softening your hand, leg and seat for a moment, then gently remind him of what you want. Oh and be sure to keep a light seat at that age no sitting trot and use half seat at canter. Good luck!
Finally! An equestrian video that plays descent music, I still prefer Megadeth though, but that's me. A horse can fell a fly land on it's ass, my favorite quote! : )
For jumps? Go towards the jump at a nice forward pace, and a pew strides before your horse would normally refuse, use your legs to squeeze him really hard (say I had a horse that would run out or refuse a jump two strides before, I would canter into the jump and three or four strides before the jump I would squeeze really hard with my legs). Hope that helps.
Usually refusals are caused by the rider. From you throwing your weight around, before the jump. Looking down can also cause refusals. Not consistent aids. Lots of possibilities. If it's a young horse/pony--it may also be a learned behavior or error from not being properly trained in the fundamentals. And make sure the horse has been fully vetted and seen by a chiropractor. To make sure he isn't in pain from jumping and thats why he is refusing. Also, make sure if he has shoes on that the shoes arent covering up the real issue.
My horse racing into jumps but he jumps them perfect. His a hunter (stone walls) in the winter, but I like to do some show jumping in the summer. I tryed butting poles infront of the fence and when I take the poles away he goes back to rushing the jump. Can any1 help please
We tried loading my horse into a trailer the other day for a show and he has always been a little scared of trailers but this time he was rearing and striking at my trainer... Any ideas how to get him to be more relaxed and stop rearing and striking at people that are trying to load him in a trailer?And most importantly how to get him in the trailer.
My horse kicks out when i try to make him canter even if i hardly use my leck at all and then he just stops amd refuses to move Do u have any tips on how to stop him from doing this
Be sure to have him checked out by a equine chiropractor so he isn't in pain from a displaced rib or something. Or that his shoes are covering up the real problem. So have a barefoot trimmer specialist come out and take a look along with a chiropractor to give an adjustment.
two days ago my friend and I took or horses for a ride, my friend had a specific destination to reach, do he started cantering and after that he galloped, but my house refused to trot I've tried every single way to move but he refused,, so if anyone could help me I would be thankful.
+Sultan Jenaid Perhaps go back to the basics, lunging. Bring a long lead with you and when your horse refuses to slow, lunge him. he'll learn that not stopping will get him more work.
When you move your poles wider with the four on the ground, you move the first one 6", the second 12", and the third 18". Otherwise you have only increased the last gap and not the others.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! I knew my comments wouldn't be ignored! You have no idea how much this means, can't wait to get home and try this out. Hopefully my boy will start to have a little more drive and lengthen out. I hate beating him to death to get him to be forward, especially while jumping! Thank you guys soooooo much! Yall are wonderful!
Any tips to steadying or keeping a consistant canter?
I miss evention TV so much!!! Who’s watching in 2017 !!!
I miss them too...more episodes please... I;m begging you... pleassseee
Freya-Mae Equestrian I’m still watching it and it’s 2018
I wonder what they doing now
And I miss them to
2018 for me!
2024 😅
Fun fact: if you roll out all poles by 6 inches, the distance between them will be the same as before, only 6 inches to the right.
Wow your videos have demystified some of the common training issues that I have had with my OTTB mare. It is amazing to witness first hand the progress we are both making.
can you do keeping a consistant canter?
I am a 11 year old and my horse is being great with your help!
I love the bloopers, you should do that at the end of every episode!
Very helpful video in training my green 5 year old! Thank you. Subscribed! ❤️
Great 'Shout Out' - so many events wouldn't happen without the volunteers! And it's really good fun too :)
love the bloopers at the end! would really like to see more of those! also my horse has the problem that at the trot and canter she is constantly wanting to go even more forward. if i were to drop the contact or ride on the buckle at the trot or canter she would not remain in the same rhythm and tempo we were originally going in, how do i fix that?
would also love to see an episode on flying changes how to teach them, do them, and refine/ refresh them!!
could you please do a video on getting a horse on the bit/in a frame??
also could you do a video on keeping a consistent canter??
That last method is the one I will use on my horse that I brought yesterday. Thanks x
Impressive videos, both technically (videography, audio, framing, lighting, background music, etc.) and in terms of information conveyed. Thanks for uploading them. Each and every one is appreciated.
Is it just me or when he is talking, behind him the more green tree looks like a horse head!!!
Oh yeah
I'm so confused lol
@FUNFUNextraFUN me too
I like how you put the video together! Very nice!
The quality of this video is really nice!
Hey Evention. I'd love to see a video of "self correcting" exercises for the horse. Such as a rusher, a horse that doesn't take off evenly with his hind end, swings his legs to the side, or a horse that's loose with his knees.
love the evention tip of the day! I do this already, but its a great idea!
Thank you so much for this video! I have been working so hard with my new forest pony to get him moving but it always ended up with me getting really angry and giving up. My pony is a riding school pony so he has become very desensitised to my leg so the lunging tactic really helped with me!
Love your videos! Please do one on how to get the best jumping position?!?
"He can feel a fly land on his ass" I WAS😂😂😂😂
I love love love your channel !(: I would also like to see how to get your horse in shape for the show season.
thank you!! wonderful clip, so helpful!!
That awkward moment when one of your horses is dozing off when you're shooting a video 'how to get your horse more forward'. :-D Love you guys!!! xoxo
I can't make that clicking sound or a kissing sound ;-;
Nikki B. Me too, I have trouble working on my clicking and my lazy horses never listen when I kiss. Maybe working on some other commands for your horse? If not maybe voice commands?
The kissing sound is basically sucking in air through a really thin gap. An for the clicking sound you have to make big air pressure in your mouth and put your tongue on your right or left side ( not between your teeth , still in the middle bit slightly to your right or left. the tongue must slightly feel the the teeth. Then raise your upper lip to create a gap and push out the air really quickly through that. ( I really cant explain it any better. im sorry :( hope it helps, let me kno.) good luck keep trying :)
"forward" = "energy," not necessarily speed, just as he says.
I would LOVE to see some more videos for youngsters .. as i own a green show jumper? :) Thanks so much guys!!
Heh - those bloopers. :D
Unfortunately, my horse is a quirky little thing that seems to defy all logic. In pleasure mount we were trying to get the horse to slow down without the hand aids, so I leaned back, and then she took off like a rocket.
Also, do you think you could do a video on different types of bits? I've tried millions of bits on my horse and she only seems to listen to a bitless bridle. Thanks guys! Great video as always.
cantering counter clockwise, my mare likes to swing her hind end out and flip her lead. I apply some pressure with my outside leg but this doesn't do much. she doesn't listen. I am hoping to show her next summer, because she is a new mare I recently started riding (March 4th 2013), but she hasn't been listening to my commands. And ideas?
This should a tv show. for the horse people.
My horse's INSTANT reaction happens 2 years later..
Same xD
This was great can u please do a video on getting a horse for and maintaining the horses fitness :)
Thank you This had helped a small bit of my problem!! My horse Grace had problems with the whole forward thing.She is 4 and still learning. Whenever I first get on her she tries to go back into her paddock. (Closed or opened) She just won't go! If you can get the rest of my problem straight I would thank you greatly!
Could you do a video on choosing a horse please
I don't think I've ever heard anyone on this channel swear before😹😹😹
Kayleigh Burns Name lol
Kayleigh Burns O.o
Kayleigh Burns O.o
+Kayleigh Burns thats what i thought
bloopers are funny you should do that more often
Can you please do a video on how to teach a horse to go onto the bit and what the rider has to do? Thanks!
Can u do a video on how to get an out of shape horse more fit? I live ur videos! U are so helpful
Thank you for this video. It is very helpful. I will try this with the horse that I look after. :)
hi im 13 and I have a 7 yo Appy x mare with next to no education. when I try to make her go more forward in walk, she just goes up into trot, what are some tips to get her to moving better?
Also, she has learned to hump to try to get out of work, she has been doing this for about 8 weeks, how can I break this habit? ive been told it means she's learning to engage her back, is this true?
thanku so much!!
by "hump" you mean buck? well if whenever she does that you stop working her then you're letting her get away with it so she knows whenever she's had enough or being lazy she can buck and you'll stop. you can't let her get away with it. carry on riding her and ALWAYS finish on a good note.
i shall try this tomorrow with my lazy one....that tip with the trott poles. he doesn't like canter at all and doesnt respond to my legs and even bucks when i ask him to canter and he has a REALLY bad day. but once i got him to work properly and his pace is more powerfull and he doesnt drag his hindquarters along behind him, he looks like a pro and doesnt want to stop anymore. but it would be nice if i could loosen him more quickly. it takes almost half an hour until he is willing to go forward and is more relaxed and i actually get to concentrate on my seat. and once he actually IS working, i'm already exhausted. :(
i'm also working with him from the ground, where he obeys me quite well. i lead him without a rope, he just walks along beside me and follows me everywhere, even if i take a run. that has helped me a lot lately. also the tip with the spooky horse is great. i suscribed your channel immediately. it's also nice to see pro's wearing a helmet. many good riders ride without one and are a bad influence on kids because it's "cool".
Do a one on good equitation ! PLEASE!!!!
Miss you guys❤️
Do you have or have you had any horses that hind legs brush together? Does it cause them any troubles in eventing?
I lease a school pony and because little kids sometimes ride him, he doesn't always respond, sometimes not to the crop or voice as they use them inappropriately. What do?
I recently started working with a school horse who was taken out of lessons because he refuses jumps and won't listen to aids I recommend trying to ride him outside. Or somewhere with more space and picking up a canter or gallop giving him the reign and letting him run you could also lunge him but I don't find it as affective they usually will be much more awake after that since he is a school horse you really have to make him know your in charge because he's probably used to little kids he can boss around I hope these tips that worked for me work for you!
+Emma Laiho I ride him out as much as possible, but as soon as he gets into the arena he gets very nappy. They also work him too much on rein and he is weak on the one rein when doing cantering.
we have a horse at the stables that I go to that likes to bolt twards the door to the areana. Any ideas?
This was so helpful!!!
Do you have tips for me for a bolting horse?
The moment the horse takes off do a one rein stop (pull one rein, preferably the inside one, in a way that makes his head turn to face you or his hind quarters, do that every time the horse takes off).
Also, once you stop the horse, canter him on a 20 metre circle until he is really tired. If he wants to canter, he can canter :)
your helping me to get my horse forward going because I came off 6 times trying to do a 2 hole up
The horse that I am currently riding is a draft cross. I have my whip with me and my legs pushes him forward almost all the time. Believe me that I have tried quite everything. Do you have any tips on how to keep a constant forward pace? He does go forward for a few strides before going slower. And then I forward him again, and he still slows down after a few strides. Could you please help? Thank you very much!
Warm Regards xxx
Being relaxed and loading him into the trailer and getting him used to being around it when there's no time pressure and when he doesn't have to get into it will make everything much easier. Imagine it from a horse's perspective - a trailer is very scary, and so being forced into it when you're unfamiliar with it by nervous, rushing people... I would probably rear up and try to escape too.
As a kid I learnt to ride on quite lazy horses and I have the habit of giving a squeeze everytime I come back in the saddle during posting trot, now usually when I ride the horses they don't seem to always react to my leg how they do with other riders.
Do you think that my habit could be the reason why they're less reactive to my leg?
shana rosseel because you are a kid, you don't have so much power in your legs. You need to work harder for a leg aid. and keep your legs still and your ankle down when giving aids.
Lia Miu I'm becoming 17 this year so I'm not exactly a kid anymore. I try to keep my leg still and it's working but I still have to break the habit of squeezing with my leg the entire time. thanks for the tip tho
keep your legs completely still unless you horse actually requires an aid
Hey, I need some help with the stallion I ride. He is so dead quiet that I stuck a nervous beginner rider on his bareback with mares in season in view, and he was falling asleep. Same concept at shows. I save my spurs for lessons and shows so he doesn't get dead to them, but when I do where them, no matter how hard I kick or whip him with the dressage whip, he stays dead. Completely unconcerned. How do I get him more forward? We're always going at a meander, even if the jump is a 1.30m oxer.
What do you do if your horse won't respond to the stick and just bucks if you hit it harder?
Buy a new horse :3
maybe have a vet check him out for pain, or go back to the basics and get him moving in small circles
+Rebecca Lippert Huber
I'm going to get the saddle fitter out but if she is still stubborn I will do simple things. :)
Ruby4ever my advice but this dépens on your horse. Hit him again and shout no.
Ruby4ever my horse is like that
He might have a ill fitting saddle ect xo
Quick question about fly sheets: One of my horses in very sensitive to flies and other summer insects. I think that a fly sheet might help him. However, he has this uncanny ability to get out of any sheet without undoing or breaking any of the clasps. I have no idea how he does it. No sheet has stayed on him for more than 24 hours, but he is always hiding in shed or going insane from the flies. I would like to know if there are any suggestions in how to keep a sheet on him or to help him. He is outside all the time, since we have no barn and using fly spray 24/7 is not practical for us.
You can buy this liquid stuff that you put on your horse to repel flys. Put apple cider vinegar in his feed, wash with small fly spray solution. (Very very little) Put you fly mask on inside out. Having a horse that is an escape artists with his rugs is a lost cause. You can treat the bites and get products from your vet. 😊 Hopefully that helped
Equine Today It very much did! Thank you!
+ThreeTailedWolf13 There are quite a few non toxic fly sprays out there, swell as fly block (a rub on) if you can't find any there are many youtube videos that can show you how to make some.
ahhhh holding the longe line in 'loops' is so not good! lol one thing ive always preached to everyone and always practice .. but awesome video i learned a lot!
Now ive had my horse for 3 months and hes been using a plastic well I dont rilly know what the black part of it is but its a soft bit any way he's been having a hard time stopping like theres no bit in his mouth and I dont know if its the bit or hes not wanting to stop but I might get a cupple of bits and see if that helps
hey love ur videos 😃 how do I get my horse to stop going backwards in the school she fine for first 5 mins but then when I ask her to go forward she will just back up I drop the reins and kick on and say walk on but she just keeps going backwards please help
when you use your legs sometimes they go behind the girth you just need to put your leg forward if thats the problem my horse does it somtimes
I love the videos guys! Well, i have an extremely lazy connemara x that is soooo marey! She used to breed so shes brood marey. She will pin her ears and push her hind end towards me when mounting and swish her tail! When mounted she will do nothing but walk and i know shes capable of trot and canter and jump because ive ridden her doing it before and she was perfect. Please any solutions to ACTUALLY make her go?
" Thank You! this had helped a lot! :D"
awesome help
do you have any tips on when a horse go into a gallop on accident? becuse my horse does that from a bad memory
Does anyone know the name of the music in the first video (How to keep your horse forward)
+luke murphy I've forgotten the name of the song, but I know it's by Switchfoot.
*pokes with crop* XD XD XD
Thank you!! I have ridden several horses with this problem and I will definitely try this out!! All of your videos are so helpful :)
Can you do a video on how to round out/engage your horse's back?
love your videos
I'm starting a horse in the summer how can I get her to get a good jump ??
Can you do a video on how to get your horse over the jumps if they are scared or refuse?
How do I get my tb to be more forward I've tried eerything and he won't go he can't lift up his legs over a jump properly either please help
Can you do a video about how to get your horse to listen to you? Mine won't listen to me when I try to keep her on the outside of the arena. I have tried getting off and walking her around the edge but it hasn't worked. She also start walking around in circles and will not listen to my leg or when use the reins
my horse does this to have you found a way to fix it yet?
My freinds horse moves very forward, but he is on his front end. Like he wont get his speed from the back hand. Yet when you lung, or just running around. him he will balance himself out. How do I. Balance him out when riding?
what is your intro song ? 😊
thanks so much for this vid
Nice! :D thanks for the tips!
Can you do a video on riding a nervous horse that is like nervous of everything
Thanks this will help
Thank you for this, I love your vids
I recently got a new 5 year old with very little experience and he is fast and likes to go but I can't get him to open out in trot and canter he's always gathering himself up really tight and I really want to know some tips if anyone has any ( also I'm not holding the reins really tight or restricting him from going )
perhaps try some work on the lunge? If he canters and trots on the lunge then I would look into a saddle or back issue
Sounds like your horse is hollow--short, fast up-and-down steps. I second trying him out on the longe to see if it is a back pain or improper saddle fit. Have him looked over by a vet and chiro and have a professional saddle fitter check the fit of your saddle. If your saddle allows (if it's a tiny bit too wide, which is actually a good thing) I'd then look into getting a half pad either sheepskin or prolite (my mare REALLY loves the prolite) if all's well at this point, ride and try and get him to stretch down and out while still maintaining an active, not necessarily fast, gait. I've found this usually helps my tense ottb relax and supple. What a lot of people don't understand is that it takes TIME for any horse to change his way of going. It will be uncomfortable for him at first. Especially as a young horse his balance is not fully developed. If you get just a few steps of a nice, swinging trot, reward him by softening your hand, leg and seat for a moment, then gently remind him of what you want. Oh and be sure to keep a light seat at that age no sitting trot and use half seat at canter. Good luck!
Finally! An equestrian video that plays descent music, I still prefer Megadeth though, but that's me. A horse can fell a fly land on it's ass, my favorite quote! : )
do u have tips on refuses
For jumps? Go towards the jump at a nice forward pace, and a pew strides before your horse would normally refuse, use your legs to squeeze him really hard (say I had a horse that would run out or refuse a jump two strides before, I would canter into the jump and three or four strides before the jump I would squeeze really hard with my legs). Hope that helps.
thank you i will try that on my youngster to night thank you so much
Usually refusals are caused by the rider. From you throwing your weight around, before the jump. Looking down can also cause refusals. Not consistent aids. Lots of possibilities. If it's a young horse/pony--it may also be a learned behavior or error from not being properly trained in the fundamentals. And make sure the horse has been fully vetted and seen by a chiropractor. To make sure he isn't in pain from jumping and thats why he is refusing. Also, make sure if he has shoes on that the shoes arent covering up the real issue.
How do your horse on the bit?
My horse racing into jumps but he jumps them perfect. His a hunter (stone walls) in the winter, but I like to do some show jumping in the summer. I tryed butting poles infront of the fence and when I take the poles away he goes back to rushing the jump. Can any1 help please
We tried loading my horse into a trailer the other day for a show and he has always been a little scared of trailers but this time he was rearing and striking at my trainer... Any ideas how to get him to be more relaxed and stop rearing and striking at people that are trying to load him in a trailer?And most importantly how to get him in the trailer.
OMG OMG OMG thank you so much I have asked for this I was waiting for it ! And hopefully not works thanks!!
my horse leans to the inside when he goes round corners is there anything i can do to improve that?
Please do one on if your pony is be stubborn
good one
came on here to find a vid to help me train my very lazy 4 year old haflinger was happy to see the sleeping one in the start of this vid 😂😂
thank you i found this video very helpfull 😀😀😁😁😂😂😃😃😄😄😊☺
Can anyone tell me the name of the song in the intro
My horse kicks out when i try to make him canter even if i hardly use my leck at all and then he just stops amd refuses to move
Do u have any tips on how to stop him from doing this
Be sure to have him checked out by a equine chiropractor so he isn't in pain from a displaced rib or something. Or that his shoes are covering up the real problem. So have a barefoot trimmer specialist come out and take a look along with a chiropractor to give an adjustment.
ok thnx
my mare is very forward she doesnt go fast fast but she can leave you behind but when i ask her to slow down she lags behind the leg.
My horse is lazy and that did work so it did thanksxx
can you make a groom and tack up video?
Pleassssseee do one on the perfect jumping position :)
My horse falls out of the canter too easily, making it hard for me to keep him in it, any tips?
Omg yall so pretty with the most beatful horse in word
two days ago my friend and I took or horses for a ride, my friend had a specific destination to reach, do he started cantering and after that he galloped, but my house refused to trot I've tried every single way to move but he refused,, so if anyone could help me I would be thankful.
+Sultan Jenaid Perhaps go back to the basics, lunging. Bring a long lead with you and when your horse refuses to slow, lunge him. he'll learn that not stopping will get him more work.
+FaithDollies you got me wrong😂 my horse is not moving
+Shiny Penny how do you suggest I show the house that I am in control