i did that too. Got an 8T ext drive & it's filling up with vital videos that get censored on a regular basis. Daily battle going on,..they take em down we put em back up & on & on it goes..
I had two adult German Shepherds 1 male & 1 female that have been deceased 14 years now. We live in a northern mountain state. My husband was an avid hunter, he’s also now deceased. He drew a buffalo permit & it was a successful hunt. The buffalo was dressed of several hundred lbs of meat in various cuts & burgers. We decided to feed our dogs the tougher cuts of the buffalo meat for several months. They received NO regular dog food of any kind for almost a year. When the buffalo meat was consumed we fed them antelope as well as deer. We were shocked by the results. Our dogs were leaner, stronger, faster and mentally sharper than we had ever seen in them or any breed we ever had previously! We were stunned & convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that dogs should live on lean meat. I do not have a dog right now but when I adopt another it will eat real meat!
My husband is from Ethiopia and he had 2 Great Danes growing up and they fed them meat and bones only, fresh meat from the market everyday and bones and they lived to be 17 with no health issues! Here they live to be 10 if that! Did you feed to raw or cook it ? They lightly boiled the meat ..
@@cathyaraya7635 They ate nothing but raw buffalo meat & deer. It was amazing how strong and beautiful they were. Vet was pleased to be able to have the chance to monitor their health on a pure carnivorous diet. Dogs are carnivores. I can’t understand & never will how people think that they should eat vegetables as their primary diet. That’s sad!
Luke 12:2. The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. No matter how hard they lie, the truth will always be revealed, will be made known.
Jesus is coming. April 9, 2021, my vision went black for a quick moment, then I saw in gold letters - Thus saith the Lord. About four hours later, April 10,in my sleep I heard - Prophet. Tell them I am coming soon. Maybe 3-5 min after that, at 1235 AM, our area had a 3.1 eq.
Hills is all my vet has in it to purchase. I read every bag available and was disgusted with the first 5 ingredients . All had meat by product's. Will never feed my baby Hill's.
@@jordangaga85 Depending on the animal organ, though. Meat by products are usually the rejects, the ones where you find the least nutrients compared to the other organs like liver or heart.
I just adopted my very first dog on January 28-your puppy loaf was the first dog food I made for my baby-thank you for being an advocate and telling us the truth to keep our fur babies safe and healthy!
Ms Judy, your video on testing pet food came on my feed and I wanted to let you know what I've found. Last year I took back 3 bags of cat food and 1 bag in January 2024! I feed stray cats, and i know if they won't eat and look at it after smelling and walk away.....something is wrong with it! I want to say this started in August 2023. These are the brands-dry kibble 1) Dollar General brand 2) Purina Indoot Cat 3) Meow Mix 4) Kit and Kaboodle Tried canned food and got same response......9 Lives Something is up! I called and reported to each company and got money back on all of them with no questions or concerns on their part! I have been looking up dog and cat food recipes. They are doing something to our pet food! Thanks for what you are doing! God bless 🙏🙌🙏
It just shows how an orchestrated litany of lies can grow if twisted to sound like truth. Ignoring the actual experiences of bereft pet owners. Take care of yourself DR Judy. Theres a way to go yet!!
Most excellent rant Dr. Judy. We can only hope and pray that this might be the start of something big. But, sigh, even if Hills is taken out, there are so many others. The public has been lied to for decades and it'll take alot to re-educate pet owners and vets to change. I'll never understand why common sense wouldn't tell traditional vets that all this kibble, etc. is not nutritionally safe for any pet. Even without adequate nutritional training in vet school, what happened to common sense? I'm just an average pet owner and when my previous vet wanted to put my dog on HIlls "prescription" food and I saw the first ingredient was corn, I said absolutely not, because I have a common sense trigger in my brain. That's when I searched out a Holistic vet. I think I need a drink too.
This is MASSIVE. Vets are STILL telling owners to stop feeding grain free and switch to Hills or Purina. I have to tell clients All. The. Time. that their vet does not know what they are talking about when it comes to nutrition. THANK YOU Dr Judy, Susan Thixton and all the others for continuing to bring the truth to light. Could this be the start of removing Hills’ influence in veterinary medicine and education?? Could there be actual change in nutritional education at University level? Or will it just open the door for another to take their place?
Why not have these vets/experts with opposing views, sit down and discuss this IN A VIDEO made for we the dog owners? I hear this and that from Dr. Judy. I some other this and that from other "YT vets". If they all are confident in the info they are giving we dog owners, then making a video like that shouldn't be a problem to arrange.
@@mcbeezee2120 in my experience it’s very difficult to get a conventional vet to concede that what they know might be incorrect. They are literally teaching vets in school that Hills is what dogs should eat but if you pull up the ingredients, they cannot tell you why dogs should eat it over real fresh food. If someone refuses to take earplugs out to listen, what is the point? The best thing you can do as a pet owner is learn about nutrition and use common sense. Kibble has only existed since the 1950s. That is not enough time for a species to evolve. Dogs do not need to eat grains and never have.
Remember that YOU are your own pets' best advocate, so be your own advocate by being a well-educated pet parent and doing your research. You should be giving informed consent for any decision.
I cannot thank you enough Dr. Your our voice to help us find the TRUTH,about the g Armageddon in our pets food!! God bless you for all the hard work from pet owners especially our helpless little pets!!❤❤❤❤😊
Thank you. Every human does decide to live or not with integrity, whether that person is a church pastor, a CEO or a Board member of an organization. It may take decades, but truth is always revealed.
Got to love the hills ad that was shown to me as I’m watching a video that talks smack about them. So glad that a major company that doesn’t care about anything but profits get the fire lit from under them.
I took my dogs off of grain free food from Costco. I saw other reviews stating they were having the same problems as me. I now have them on raw food. There health is improving greatly so I don't think I'll ever use kibble again.
Wolves & tigers dont eat grains .. Also people need to be held accountable for products that cause harm even of its just a handful of animals there shouldn't be 1 harmed l
Dr. Tom Lonsdale mentions in his book Raw Meaty Bones, that a zoo had contracted with Nestle to feed their large adult cats Nestle milk replacer. At least one cat died maybe two, when their soft palate rotted out and went necrotic.
A few years ago I told the vet that I couldn't get my dog to eat any of the store bought food, not even the refrigerated or canned varieties. I told them that I was just cooking an extra portion of our food for the dog, and altering it somewhat where appropriate. They told me that was fine but to be sure that I gave enough carbohydrates with their food because most people overlook it. I didn't realize that if low carb is good for me then it's good for dogs too. I figured it out when looking at alternative varieties online. It's still more cost effective for me to cook a portion of meat for my little dog than to buy a high end, small brand kibble. I eat at home 95% of the time anyway.
From the same people who implied at the same time that corn has an essential amino acid that isn't available from other sources?? I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.
I took my new rescue dog to the vet in June and they told me that grain free food was causing DCM. I told her 'no way!'. Just a knee jerk reaction. She said Purina was good. Then, she gave her a shot - 7 in one - that made her lame for a day. And the vet wanted to give it to her again in a month. Needless to say, I never went back. I found a holistic vet and will use her in the future. Thank you for doing this. I'm just shocked that the FDA seems to be wrong (kidding)
First, I just got a commercial for Hills pet food during this video, 2nd my vet recommended ID dog food from Hills and I read the label, ground pecan shells is a top ingredient, I googled and ground pecan shells are not recommended to feed to dogs do to mold , it is a fiber filler.
I saw this a day or so ago. Thank you, Dr. Judy for guiding pet parents on a daily basis. What is wrong with the average veterinarian that they can't be honest with their clients. Thank God we have you to depend on. I have always referred to Hills Science diet as poisonous. 😮
Thank you for calling all these jerks out and letting the world know ! Dam corporations ! And what’s sad is unless you research people don’t even know about this and they just feed that crap food hills and purina, my vet sells hills and I’m goin to show them this video! I’m actually going to find a holistic vet that won’t sell this shit !
I feed Viva raw because Dr. Judy Morgan is on their website recommending their food. I am very pleased with their product. I have my miniature Dachshund on their puppy formula. Thank you Dr. Morgan for all that you do for pet parents and our fur babies.
7 months ago during a nutrition consultation, and during the nutritionist’s discussion with me, I was informed by UC Davis that grain free diets were harmful and that the scientific research was done by someone at that university. Does anyone know if someone from UC Davis is named in the lawsuit?
Does anyone else find it weird the similarities between pet & human? Almost as if they try all therapies or nuances out first on pets before people right….. all medicines, therapies, etc. fortunately and unfortunately, good and bad, to every up is a down and the like. Could be a glimpse into the future like a game plan!! Heart problems, 🤔 wonder who caused it, how, and then purchased a therapeutic company to treat the very problem they caused 🤔 but yet not one big conglomerate ever just suggests or promotes what comes naturally for a happy healthy life food, exercise etc you know how things actually work biologically and appropriately
I agree and see it too... They want to see how we respond to the crisis they create so they can plan accordingly for the next. You have pet owners who are so socially engineered the are offended when you tell them there is a problem they need to look into.... Sheeple. Then you have people who are truly aware we can't trust any company owned by BR and V and they almost all are.
That’s because both pet food and human food industries are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry. Veterinary schools, veterinary medicine, and human medical schools and medical offices are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, the meat and dairy industries, and insurance companies. They don’t make money if animals and people are healthy.
My avatar is our feral stray rescue dog, he has been quite an education, beside looking like a red nose pitt bull (scary, right?) he instinctively examines anything we give him to eat and is water averse. He was 8 months old when he wandered to our yard (this put him squarely in the Hurricane Harvey interval) One consistent habit he has is to nibble on long blades of grass daily. I tried reading about dog nutrition to see if chlorophyll has beneficial/detrimental effects. After seeing very little about it and nothing negative, tried using Minties so he could get alfalfa/mint instead of grass. He loves them and he gets those along with chicken wrapped sweet potato treats. We notice less throwing up after eating and drinking (he has a long body) probably due to the soothing effect of the mint. Appreciate the product news Dr Judy and you got another subscriber.
What do you mean your avatar? Isn't that our body? Sorry I'm confused. Well if you believe simulation that's what our bodies are called 😂 I've never seen someone say that their pet is their avatar
Dr. Judy. I am from Ontario Canada and I am so very happy to knowing you through You Tube. I am watching your videos every day. You are the most amazing person who fights for everyone furry babies. Thank you very much✊✊✊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Dr. Judy and correct you can’t make this up. Bless you for being the voice for my dog. Pancreatitis is what my dog has. Changed his diet immediately and he’s doing alright. Yes, I did share. Bless you and have a double. Meditation is great too. A nice hot soak too.
When this whole thing broke open, a couple of veterinarians whom I followed went over the published science and mentioned that even with the fake science, he didn't think it was a big deal. So I kept feeding my dog kibble from Honest Kitchen, which is pretty much grain free Their carbohydrates come from vegetables and things like potatoes, sweet potatoes and sometimes butternut squash. I'm wondering if the pet food manufacturers who make legume-based grain free dog food were part of this. I can't prove this but I believe my dog's problems started with the glyphosate in these legume based dog foods, as he after months of cleansing, still has heavy metals, which glyphosate binds, along with yeast.
I had a 16 yr old beagle with end stage kidney disease. She also would get bloody, mucoid stools if given any beef or grain product. She had lived years on a homecooked diet without any further colitis symptoms. To treat her kidney failure the vet said she had to go on Hills kidney food. I looked at the ingredients & I refused. The vet said she would be dead in 2 weeks. I continued her homecooked diet with a bit of tweaking, started subq fluids & hydrotherapy. She lived another 9.5 months with good quality until the last couple of days. When the vet first met my dog he said he also had a senior beagle. I asked how old & he sheepishly said 8.
WWHHHAAAAASTTT!! Finally I’m so excited! I’ve always said I don’t want to leave this earth without seeing hills or purina go under. I will help in any way. I had a dog die early because of this false scare. I couldn’t get in to see a cardiologist for over a year because there was a stampede of fear booking up all cardiologists. I had to watch him decline while continuously begging to get in. Without a diagnosis I couldn’t get medicine. I’m still so mad over this.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Thank you for posting this. I was one of those people that were tricked in believing this DCM scam with grain free pet food. I’ve only recently discovered your channel. I’m looking forward to learning a lot.
Dr Judy !!!! I’m so very happy to hear not only this report , but also your vehement rant about it !!!. As a long time follower and feeder of raw ., I have been getting education (follow you and own your books, and follow others as well) and sharing it with anyone that talks ‘dog diet’ with me . A while ago I had a harsh reprimand from a vet - through a customer - that said ‘run away from anyone that is sharing with you raw feeding or absence of grains in the dog diet ‘ ( I’m a self employed dog groomer ) . I can only imagine what it feels like to you to be accused of misleading others, on the platform that you do. I hope this entire case explodes and many more truths of the corruption and manipulation of facts are exposed. Thank you so much for taking the knocks and sharing it anyway. ❤ps : adding this link to my website
WOW. I wish I was surprised, but…. 🤷🏼♀️ when I went through vet tech school 20 yrs ago the indoctrination surrounding diet was wild, I can only imagine what it’s like now. I vividly remember students who raw-fed their dogs for years - pedigreed, high performing, healthy, athletic hunting dogs - arguing with the science diet reps about the garbage they were spouting re “nutrition”. Since then - aka over the last 20 years- I’ve spent a A LOT of time involved with research and academia; when I left nursing (I shifted from veterinary medicine to human medicine) I was the head of the nursing research council at my huge teaching hospital and considering a nursing research doctorate*. So, pretty involved with that world. And let me tell you, it is SO GODDAMN EASY to manipulate data!!!! It’s f***ing TERRIFYING and I have seen wild dishonesty. *left nursing and turned my back on the profession when faced with v mandates and forced to be dishonest to patients about the c-demic
You GO girl ! About three years ago when I found your channel the first time I heard you I knew you were speaking the truth it was reasonable and it all made sense and I’ve been a fan ever since and I’ve changed the way that I feed my dog and I’m so happy I have and I have a holistic vet as well. I really feel sorry and bad and a lot of compassion for the people that cannot step outside themselves and be willing to change their mind. I don’t think it’s that they attached their pet food companies and they are tax decisions. Everyone is tax decisions they can possibly be wrong that’s what the problem is the people don’t have the grace to say I’m wrong, but I enjoy your channel very much. I’m sorry abuse you but you help me a lot and you made my dog have a better life and I’m grateful and I have a better life too because I’m doing the best I can for my dog.❤
Hills science diet was bought out about 35 years ago by a large corperation, I showed dogs and had a small kennel, most of those in the dog show arena stepped away from the brand !
Who brought forth this lawsuit?? An attorney. Why because he's in a can't lose situation. He's going to make bank in the free marketing even if the case is thrown out because it's meritless.
I feel like I should copy this video to a safe secure hard drive to protect Dr Judy's statements from disappearing.
i did that too. Got an 8T ext drive & it's filling up with vital videos that get censored on a regular basis. Daily battle going on,..they take em down we put em back up & on & on it goes..
Good idea! You know they will be taking this dowm!!!!
it's been a month and it's still up? hmmmmm
I had two adult German Shepherds 1 male & 1 female that have been deceased 14 years now. We live in a northern mountain state. My husband was an avid hunter, he’s also now deceased. He drew a buffalo permit & it was a successful hunt. The buffalo was dressed of several hundred lbs of meat in various cuts & burgers. We decided to feed our dogs the tougher cuts of the buffalo meat for several months. They received NO regular dog food of any kind for almost a year. When the buffalo meat was consumed we fed them antelope as well as deer. We were shocked by the results. Our dogs were leaner, stronger, faster and mentally sharper than we had ever seen in them or any breed we ever had previously! We were stunned & convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that dogs should live on lean meat. I do not have a dog right now but when I adopt another it will eat real meat!
My husband is from Ethiopia and he had 2 Great Danes growing up and they fed them meat and bones only, fresh meat from the market everyday and bones and they lived to be 17 with no health issues! Here they live to be 10 if that! Did you feed to raw or cook it ? They lightly boiled the meat ..
@@cathyaraya7635 They ate nothing but raw buffalo meat & deer. It was amazing how strong and beautiful they were. Vet was pleased to be able to have the chance to monitor their health on a pure carnivorous diet. Dogs are carnivores. I can’t understand & never will how people think that they should eat vegetables as their primary diet. That’s sad!
You are absolutely right! Same with human food! FDA knows it too!
When pet food makers are buying up vet clinics, you know you’re screwed.
Luke 12:2. The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. No matter how hard they lie, the truth will always be revealed, will be made known.
Jesus is coming. April 9, 2021, my vision went black for a quick moment, then I saw in gold letters - Thus saith the Lord. About four hours later, April 10,in my sleep I heard - Prophet. Tell them I am coming soon. Maybe 3-5 min after that, at 1235 AM, our area had a 3.1 eq.
Let's apply something similar to Get woke, Go broke." "Lie to us, Dead to us."
Hills is all my vet has in it to purchase. I read every bag available and was disgusted with the first 5 ingredients . All had meat by product's. Will never feed my baby Hill's.
@@jordangaga85so the list of the literal ingredients isn’t a good gauge of the foods quality. That sound pretty stupid.
@@jordangaga85 Depending on the animal organ, though. Meat by products are usually the rejects, the ones where you find the least nutrients compared to the other organs like liver or heart.
Thank you for standing up for all of us and our beloved pets!❤🐾
I just adopted my very first dog on January 28-your puppy loaf was the first dog food I made for my baby-thank you for being an advocate and telling us the truth to keep our fur babies safe and healthy!
Ms Judy, your video on testing pet food came on my feed and I wanted to let you know what I've found. Last year I took back 3 bags of cat food and 1 bag in January 2024! I feed stray cats, and i know if they won't eat and look at it after smelling and walk away.....something is wrong with it! I want to say this started in August 2023. These are the brands-dry kibble
1) Dollar General brand
2) Purina Indoot Cat
3) Meow Mix
4) Kit and Kaboodle
Tried canned food and got same response......9 Lives
Something is up! I called and reported to each company and got money back on all of them with no questions or concerns on their part! I have been looking up dog and cat food recipes. They are doing something to our pet food! Thanks for what you are doing! God bless 🙏🙌🙏
It just shows how an orchestrated litany of lies can grow if twisted to sound like truth. Ignoring the actual experiences of bereft pet owners. Take care of yourself DR Judy. Theres a way to go yet!!
"Science did that!"
"Trust the science..."
Very similar to the narrative that even though the jab does not prevent illness or transmission, everyone has to get it to create "herd immunity". LOL
THIS IS EPIC. You go Dr. Judy! Thank you for not backing down & for giving a voice to all of our pets!
Most excellent rant Dr. Judy. We can only hope and pray that this might be the start of something big. But, sigh, even if Hills is taken out, there are so many others. The public has been lied to for decades and it'll take alot to re-educate pet owners and vets to change. I'll never understand why common sense wouldn't tell traditional vets that all this kibble, etc. is not nutritionally safe for any pet. Even without adequate nutritional training in vet school, what happened to common sense? I'm just an average pet owner and when my previous vet wanted to put my dog on HIlls "prescription" food and I saw the first ingredient was corn, I said absolutely not, because I have a common sense trigger in my brain. That's when I searched out a Holistic vet. I think I need a drink too.
This is MASSIVE. Vets are STILL telling owners to stop feeding grain free and switch to Hills or Purina. I have to tell clients All. The. Time. that their vet does not know what they are talking about when it comes to nutrition. THANK YOU Dr Judy, Susan Thixton and all the others for continuing to bring the truth to light.
Could this be the start of removing Hills’ influence in veterinary medicine and education?? Could there be actual change in nutritional education at University level? Or will it just open the door for another to take their place?
Why not have these vets/experts with opposing views, sit down and discuss this IN A VIDEO made for we the dog owners? I hear this and that from Dr. Judy. I some other this and that from other "YT vets". If they all are confident in the info they are giving we dog owners, then making a video like that shouldn't be a problem to arrange.
@@mcbeezee2120 in my experience it’s very difficult to get a conventional vet to concede that what they know might be incorrect. They are literally teaching vets in school that Hills is what dogs should eat but if you pull up the ingredients, they cannot tell you why dogs should eat it over real fresh food. If someone refuses to take earplugs out to listen, what is the point? The best thing you can do as a pet owner is learn about nutrition and use common sense. Kibble has only existed since the 1950s. That is not enough time for a species to evolve. Dogs do not need to eat grains and never have.
Keep dreaming. They would rather take the whole industry down than loose their footing. M
Perhaps it started at the universities.
@@mcbeezee2120bid pharma will cut off their drugs.
Amazing. I do hope there is a loss of license.
You lifted out of your seat. Go Dr Judy Go
These big companies don't give two shits about what crapy food they sell. The only thing that matters to them is the bottom money line.
Thank you for all you do. Because of your warning you have saved many pets!
Yes even feral cats won’t eat poison food!
What? Giant corporations aren't telling the public the truth about basic science??? But but "muh experts!"
You go girl, I loved you before, but now you are my hero🎉❤🎉
Thank you for telling us truths about these foods and vaccines to keep our babies safe.
They are doing it to our food too
100 percent have your back, Dr. Judy. I will soon reference you publicly on my LinkedIn share. Godspeed, May he protect you always!
Remember that YOU are your own pets' best advocate, so be your own advocate by being a well-educated pet parent and doing your research. You should be giving informed consent for any decision.
I cannot thank you enough Dr. Your our voice to help us find the TRUTH,about the g Armageddon in our pets food!! God bless you for all the hard work from pet owners especially our helpless little pets!!❤❤❤❤😊
Thank you.
Every human does decide to live or not with integrity, whether that person is a church pastor, a CEO or a Board member of an organization.
It may take decades, but truth is always revealed.
I just love doctor Judy's rants
Thank you for caring enough to call out these greedy groups and individuals 🤗
Thank you for being an advocate for our pets
Thank you Judy for sticking with this! I just happened to see this video, thank you for he,ping pet parents that lost their dogs! Wow finally!
Got to love the hills ad that was shown to me as I’m watching a video that talks smack about them. So glad that a major company that doesn’t care about anything but profits get the fire lit from under them.
I loved the live, please don't take it down
I took my dogs off of grain free food from Costco. I saw other reviews stating they were having the same problems as me. I now have them on raw food. There health is improving greatly so I don't think I'll ever use kibble again.
You say it, how it is girl 😂 I love your passion, thank you for everything you are doing to raise awareness, our pets are family and deserve better ❤
Wolves & tigers dont eat grains .. Also people need to be held accountable for products that cause harm even of its just a handful of animals there shouldn't be 1 harmed l
Dr. Tom Lonsdale mentions in his book Raw Meaty Bones, that a zoo had contracted with Nestle to feed their large adult cats Nestle milk replacer. At least one cat died maybe two, when their soft palate rotted out and went necrotic.
Thank you for taking a stand on behalf of our dogs!
Their expensive , poorly made crap food and lies !
❤❤❤❤ I am so scared of all dog foods now. Thank you for your time and help for our fur babies.
And while watching this video a Hills commercial plays
Love you and your passion for all of our pets.
A few years ago I told the vet that I couldn't get my dog to eat any of the store bought food, not even the refrigerated or canned varieties. I told them that I was just cooking an extra portion of our food for the dog, and altering it somewhat where appropriate. They told me that was fine but to be sure that I gave enough carbohydrates with their food because most people overlook it. I didn't realize that if low carb is good for me then it's good for dogs too. I figured it out when looking at alternative varieties online. It's still more cost effective for me to cook a portion of meat for my little dog than to buy a high end, small brand kibble. I eat at home 95% of the time anyway.
Absolutely love you, and your drive to speak up against the corruption!!!!
From the same people who implied at the same time that corn has an essential amino acid that isn't available from other sources?? I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.
And, that is why wolves in the wild have been observed to plant and harvest maize. LOL
Truth will prevail ❤
I took my new rescue dog to the vet in June and they told me that grain free food was causing DCM. I told her 'no way!'. Just a knee jerk reaction. She said Purina was good. Then, she gave her a shot - 7 in one - that made her lame for a day. And the vet wanted to give it to her again in a month. Needless to say, I never went back. I found a holistic vet and will use her in the future. Thank you for doing this. I'm just shocked that the FDA seems to be wrong (kidding)
A thousand thanks for your tireless efforts!
First, I just got a commercial for Hills pet food during this video, 2nd my vet recommended ID dog food from Hills and I read the label, ground pecan shells is a top ingredient, I googled and ground pecan shells are not recommended to feed to dogs do to mold , it is a fiber filler.
I saw this a day or so ago. Thank you, Dr. Judy for guiding pet parents on a daily basis. What is wrong with the average veterinarian that they can't be honest with their clients. Thank God we have you to depend on. I have always referred to Hills Science diet as poisonous. 😮
And suddenly, Hills Pet Food commercials are showing up on TV. They are desperate now. Thank you for your warnings and caring for pets!
Thank you for calling all these jerks out and letting the world know ! Dam corporations ! And what’s sad is unless you research people don’t even know about this and they just feed that crap food hills and purina, my vet sells hills and I’m goin to show them this video! I’m actually going to find a holistic vet that won’t sell this shit !
I feed Viva raw because Dr. Judy Morgan is on their website recommending their food. I am very pleased with their product. I have my miniature Dachshund on their puppy formula. Thank you Dr. Morgan for all that you do for pet parents and our fur babies.
7 months ago during a nutrition consultation, and during the nutritionist’s discussion with me, I was informed by UC Davis that grain free diets were harmful and that the scientific research was done by someone at that university. Does anyone know if someone from UC Davis is named in the lawsuit?
Does anyone else find it weird the similarities between pet & human? Almost as if they try all therapies or nuances out first on pets before people right….. all medicines, therapies, etc. fortunately and unfortunately, good and bad, to every up is a down and the like. Could be a glimpse into the future like a game plan!! Heart problems, 🤔 wonder who caused it, how, and then purchased a therapeutic company to treat the very problem they caused 🤔 but yet not one big conglomerate ever just suggests or promotes what comes naturally for a happy healthy life food, exercise etc you know how things actually work biologically and appropriately
I agree and see it too... They want to see how we respond to the crisis they create so they can plan accordingly for the next. You have pet owners who are so socially engineered the are offended when you tell them there is a problem they need to look into.... Sheeple. Then you have people who are truly aware we can't trust any company owned by BR and V and they almost all are.
We are next.
That’s because both pet food and human food industries are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry. Veterinary schools, veterinary medicine, and human medical schools and medical offices are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, the meat and dairy industries, and insurance companies.
They don’t make money if animals and people are healthy.
Righteous anger 🙌❤️🙌 Thank you for working so hard to protect our fur babies. You're my hero
Thanks for Speaking Out to the rest of us ..........Your are Admired
You are awesome Dr.Judy Morgan!!! Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️
Thank you Dr Judy for being willing to stand for the truth ❤️🙌
The Truth Shall Set You Free. Amen
My avatar is our feral stray rescue dog, he has been quite an education, beside looking like a red nose pitt bull (scary, right?) he instinctively examines anything we give him to eat and is water averse. He was 8 months old when he wandered to our yard (this put him squarely in the Hurricane Harvey interval) One consistent habit he has is to nibble on long blades of grass daily. I tried reading about dog nutrition to see if chlorophyll has beneficial/detrimental effects. After seeing very little about it and nothing negative, tried using Minties so he could get alfalfa/mint instead of grass. He loves them and he gets those along with chicken wrapped sweet potato treats. We notice less throwing up after eating and drinking (he has a long body) probably due to the soothing effect of the mint. Appreciate the product news Dr Judy and you got another subscriber.
What do you mean your avatar? Isn't that our body? Sorry I'm confused. Well if you believe simulation that's what our bodies are called 😂 I've never seen someone say that their pet is their avatar
I wish I can like this a million times!!!!! Thank you Dr.Judy!!!
WE LOVE you Dr. JUDY ❤
Thank you so much for discussing this!
Dr. Judy. I am from Ontario Canada and I am so very happy to knowing you through You Tube. I am watching your videos every day. You are the most amazing person who fights for everyone furry babies. Thank you very much✊✊✊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Dr. Judy and correct you can’t make this up. Bless you for being the voice for my dog. Pancreatitis is what my dog has. Changed his diet immediately and he’s doing alright. Yes, I did share. Bless you and have a double. Meditation is great too. A nice hot soak too.
When this whole thing broke open, a couple of veterinarians whom I followed went over the published science and mentioned that even with the fake science, he didn't think it was a big deal. So I kept feeding my dog kibble from Honest Kitchen, which is pretty much grain free Their carbohydrates come from vegetables and things like potatoes, sweet potatoes and sometimes butternut squash. I'm wondering if the pet food manufacturers who make legume-based grain free dog food were part of this. I can't prove this but I believe my dog's problems started with the glyphosate in these legume based dog foods, as he after months of cleansing, still has heavy metals, which glyphosate binds, along with yeast.
I had a 16 yr old beagle with end stage kidney disease. She also would get bloody, mucoid stools if given any beef or grain product. She had lived years on a homecooked diet without any further colitis symptoms. To treat her kidney failure the vet said she had to go on Hills kidney food. I looked at the ingredients & I refused. The vet said she would be dead in 2 weeks. I continued her homecooked diet with a bit of tweaking, started subq fluids & hydrotherapy. She lived another 9.5 months with good quality until the last couple of days.
When the vet first met my dog he said he also had a senior beagle. I asked how old & he sheepishly said 8.
God Bless you Dr Judy! Thank you!
I absolutely love your passion & commitment to the health of our dogs! And I love how you stand your ground on what’s right! ❤
Good on you Dr Judy telling the truth 😊 I follow you from Australia you are amazing 😊🙏thanks for doing this 😊
Thank you for your tireless efforts advocating for the health of our pets and us.
I bought a few cans of Blue Buffalo. None of my cats or dogs would touch it.
Don't add topper to get them to eat it
Same issue with the kibble and than my dog had diarrhea from it. Never again
Dr Judy, you rock lady ❤❤❤
WWHHHAAAAASTTT!! Finally I’m so excited! I’ve always said I don’t want to leave this earth without seeing hills or purina go under. I will help in any way. I had a dog die early because of this false scare. I couldn’t get in to see a cardiologist for over a year because there was a stampede of fear booking up all cardiologists. I had to watch him decline while continuously begging to get in. Without a diagnosis I couldn’t get medicine. I’m still so mad over this.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
We love you Judy! Keep up the good work in finding out the BS in the Pet World! :)
I love you!!!! You go girl. So proud to have been referring people to you.❤😂
Better quality in this video lol I was in the middle of the other one and got this notification! 😂
Just like Holistic Doctors, you stay safe and download this and put it in a safe place. 😢
Thank you 👏👏👏
Thank you for posting this. I was one of those people that were tricked in believing this DCM scam with grain free pet food. I’ve only recently discovered your channel. I’m looking forward to learning a lot.
Dr Judy !!!! I’m so very happy to hear not only this report , but also your vehement rant about it !!!. As a long time follower and feeder of raw ., I have been getting education (follow you and own your books, and follow others as well) and sharing it with anyone that talks ‘dog diet’ with me .
A while ago I had a harsh reprimand from a vet - through a customer - that said ‘run away from anyone that is sharing with you raw feeding or absence of grains in the dog diet ‘ ( I’m a self employed dog groomer ) . I can only imagine what it feels like to you to be accused of misleading others, on the platform that you do. I hope this entire case explodes and many more truths of the corruption and manipulation of facts are exposed.
Thank you so much for taking the knocks and sharing it anyway. ❤ps : adding this link to my website
WOW. I wish I was surprised, but…. 🤷🏼♀️ when I went through vet tech school 20 yrs ago the indoctrination surrounding diet was wild, I can only imagine what it’s like now. I vividly remember students who raw-fed their dogs for years - pedigreed, high performing, healthy, athletic hunting dogs - arguing with the science diet reps about the garbage they were spouting re “nutrition”. Since then - aka over the last 20 years- I’ve spent a A LOT of time involved with research and academia; when I left nursing (I shifted from veterinary medicine to human medicine) I was the head of the nursing research council at my huge teaching hospital and considering a nursing research doctorate*. So, pretty involved with that world. And let me tell you, it is SO GODDAMN EASY to manipulate data!!!! It’s f***ing TERRIFYING and I have seen wild dishonesty.
*left nursing and turned my back on the profession when faced with v mandates and forced to be dishonest to patients about the c-demic
Thank you Dr. Judy❤
Thanks Dr Judy for be a brave advocate for all of us and our pets ❤ I really admire your atitude for what is right!
Thank you for staying the course and doing
What is right. Praying for you during this time as we need more people like you 🙏🏼❤️
So basically its independent company cause they want make money nothing do with safety of pets.
Yay, You!!! Thank you for your passion for the Truth!!! 💙
WE LOVE YOU‼💖🐾👍👍👍👍
I'm having trouble sharing this video!!!😵💫
You GO girl ! About three years ago when I found your channel the first time I heard you I knew you were speaking the truth it was reasonable and it all made sense and I’ve been a fan ever since and I’ve changed the way that I feed my dog and I’m so happy I have and I have a holistic vet as well. I really feel sorry and bad and a lot of compassion for the people that cannot step outside themselves and be willing to change their mind. I don’t think it’s that they attached their pet food companies and they are tax decisions. Everyone is tax decisions they can possibly be wrong that’s what the problem is the people don’t have the grace to say I’m wrong, but I enjoy your channel very much. I’m sorry abuse you but you help me a lot and you made my dog have a better life and I’m grateful and I have a better life too because I’m doing the best I can for my dog.❤
Wonderful job Dr. Judy!!
My Goodness this explains a lot!!!
Love you Dr Judy!
I thought huge pet industries were behind this all along.
Hills science diet was bought out about 35 years ago by a large corperation, I showed dogs and had a small kennel, most of those in the dog show arena stepped away from the brand !
Who brought forth this lawsuit?? An attorney. Why because he's in a can't lose situation. He's going to make bank in the free marketing even if the case is thrown out because it's meritless.
God Bless you Dr Judy
Telling the TRUTH❤
Went to a vet 10 years ago and he was pushing Purina cat chow and said it had real chicken in it. Lol
❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉Dr JUDY your amazing and I sooo grateful for your bravery.. love it!!! People are sick and deeply demented
Getting a nee dobbie puppy tomorrow and Im soo grateful to have found you! The world needs extraordinary people like you 💕 THANK YOU
Get them Judy.