Plot becomes intriguing with today's episodes: the pillar man actual name is Santana, which was localized in these episodes as Santviento (like Saint wind) because it's a reference to a copyright name of the guitarist Santana. Donovan is a reference to the homonym singer. Also this thing of "the bad guys who awaken an ancient relic thing" is a reference to the Idiana Jones films, whose Araki is a fan of. 7:38 this ost starts with the exact same guitar assolo of the song "Owner of a Lonely Heart" by Yes. There's a little detail added only in the anime is a star on Joseph's back at 8:21 , can't tell what it means tho 👀
@@ciccio7663 I know it's a name of a singer, but if a singer is named something that many people use like Michael or Robert for example, no one will be sued for using those names.
Maybe you've already figured it out by now, but if you listen you can hear the Japanese voice actor say the original name of the characters that are music references, since it works a little differently in Japan.
Plot becomes intriguing with today's episodes: the pillar man actual name is Santana, which was localized in these episodes as Santviento (like Saint wind) because it's a reference to a copyright name of the guitarist Santana. Donovan is a reference to the homonym singer. Also this thing of "the bad guys who awaken an ancient relic thing" is a reference to the Idiana Jones films, whose Araki is a fan of. 7:38 this ost starts with the exact same guitar assolo of the song "Owner of a Lonely Heart" by Yes. There's a little detail added only in the anime is a star on Joseph's back at 8:21 , can't tell what it means tho 👀
That’s pretty dope! Santana would have been cool for the anime but I understand why they had to change it! What was the star on jojos back for!?
1:04 They really had no reason to change Donovan's name to Donobang. It's a regular name, sigh.
@@cookiedestroyer2801 it's a name of a singer
@@ciccio7663 I know it's a name of a singer, but if a singer is named something that many people use like Michael or Robert for example, no one will be sued for using those names.
True. donobang sounds more jojo like though so it’s okay lol
@@DLFamReactions Yeah, I guess it's not that big a deal, but Donobang is just the most ridiculous name. LoL
Maybe you've already figured it out by now, but if you listen you can hear the Japanese voice actor say the original name of the characters that are music references, since it works a little differently in Japan.
we didn't notice, but one of our subscribers, Ciccio, tells us each time we upload! it's really great information!