1 Year Big Chop Anniversary! **Full year recap & 12 month update**
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my 1 year hair anniversary!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for watching and encouraging me to keep posting!
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When she said :
Anytime I shave my hair I feel beautiful......
I loooooovvvvveeeeee her for that💖💖💖
your hair grows fast!!
it doesn't average hair growth in one year is 6 inches.
Another reason I love this video is because you weren't quick to put a wig on to cover your hair and that also has a lot to do with your hair growing out so fast. You allowed your hair to breathe and get lots of sunshine. That's so important. And you are Beautiful.
Tiffany Ward so thats why my hair not growing !
Kea, I have no idea why your hair isn't growing. I do know that allowing our hair to breathe is so important. Are you taking vitamins?
Tiffany Ward Nope! I think I may start any suggestions ?
Kea, I honestly ordered prenatal vitamins off of Amazon and it works wonders. I got a cut I didn't like and now I'm growing it out. Let your hair breathe. No weave. Just embrace your hair, keep it twisted at night, wrapped and use the proper products. You will see growth. It takes a lot of love and patience.
Shanyce Williams I’m a have to do that tomorrow ! Thanks !
This is the BEST video I've seen on the "Big Chop"... Thanks for sharing and being Real. Great Video.
that is not a Chop...that's a shave...wonder what it looks like now (10/2018)
I agree 💯% on that
We as African American have beautiful natural hair
I'm white and wish I had hair so rich and beautiful. White girls be jealous of your curls - don't let them lie
why didn't you just say black tho?
What about Africans from Africa and other Africans living in other part of the world
@Nina SeventySeven stfu😅plz STOP ✋. White woman aren't jealous. BLK women are. so much so, we spend billion dollars every year on white women hair
You are so right. Big chopping is an emotional roller coaster. But it’s strengthening as well. My hair has since grown out now of course it’s been almost two years. And to see the growth and progression of my hair pleases me beyond belief. Going natural is a spiritual thing to me. It’s letting go of your crown only to have to pick up a bigger crown for all that healthy hair. lol. Happy healthy hair/life journey.
Tiffany Smith well said!
Black Beauty. Black Power. Black Love. Black Universe.
These videos really inspire me.
I big chopped on March 4, 2019 and despite the criticisms I got for my hair, I'm still growing it out lol. It's April 21 now, and the front of my hair is right below my eyebrows now 👌😊
Afro Nugget I bet you look stunning with your natural hair 💓 keep it goinggg 😊
Yayy!! You go girl! Not everyone will be positive but focus on the positive only! Even if you aren’t getting any positivity from other people, remember the reason why you big chopped!
when she shave her head it literally did look good im not gonna lie
So nice l like
My comment is the newest comment here that’s a fact
U just encouraged me even more. I just did my big chop. My sis and mom dont really like it, but I love it and more determined to go on this natural hair journey. Thank you ❤❤
A real big chop ! Love this
Your hair grew out beautifully sis. You are right, natural hair does bring confidence. Yes. 😍💜
You were so pretty with your hair shaved! I admire your confidence and I must say that your hair grew out beautifully!
I guess one of the best things of natural hair is that it looks good “messy”.
Love your video. I went to the barbershop yesterday and had him to shave it all off. Wasn't sure how my confidence level would be after. But the barber actually charged me half price for the cut then asked me out. Girls we do not have to have a perm, wigs or weaves to be beautiful. God gave us African American girls a hair texture like none else's so let's stop ruining it and embrace it.
Love this video! Can't wait till I get into month 2 to see what my curl pattern is like. And I love how simple minded people in Louisville ky are. I've had other girls look at me and laugh. But I've always been confident and different so the looks and laughter make me smile because I'm thinking "if ya'll only knew how much healthier my hair is now you'd be getting the big chop too"!
AAAAW! That would make a very interesting love story if it unfolded....
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Tonya Young you must be out prp area cause I shaved mine off I got those looks out there lmao
Tonya Young thank you so much I just did the big chop and I've wore wigs for 20 years I'm so nervous but excited I was getting ugly until I read your comment thank you
Me too I did the same with my hair right after watching her video and I love it
"Natural hair brings out confidence like no other" I can attest to that sister! Gorgeous hair
HOW DID YOUR HAIR GROW SO QUICK IN 2 weeks???? Any tips or products pls
I was thinking the same!
It depends on the person😂 but my sister shaved her hair and in week two was something like this, she used wild oil at the time
Randall Oniel best product ever
It’s genetics lol
Im doing my big chop as soon as my clippers arrive. Finally have the balls to do it after 5 years
You will love it. Had to go bald during chemo I look younger and hair growth and texture is awesome.
The best big chop video I’ve come across...... and I’ve watched lots of em Lol!
The best big chop video I have ever watched!!!! I love it and your spirit.
Love this! I appreciate you embracing the process and not giving up or using wigs or weaves. Looking forward to my big chop.
I came back! I thought my hair grew fast, but damn! Yours grows hella fast.
Wow! The growth is amazing !!
By Far the best big chop video ever. I recently cut off my hair into a pixie cut and now I am ready to big chop. Thank you so much for giving me the encouragement to do it
I just did the big chop yesterday! 25yrs of braids and sew ins I am ready for my NEW hair journey! Great video! 👍🏽
You go girl!! Congratulations on the big chop and thanks for watching!
This is beautiful. I'm at my 3rd month and literally don't know what to do with my hair. It sometimes makes me insecure but your confidence is contagious. Thankx for the video
Simply beautiful! Thank you. I have locs, almost 5 years now...Looking to do a big chop, just because I need to reset...I need a fresh start...thanks again. 😍😍😍
Great footage! From start to finish. Your hair grew very quickly so you were very lucky to have incurred no problems along the way.Fabulous healthy hair 💁🏾♀️👌🏽👏🏽👏🏽
I just had my very own complete shave, and I'm going to start my natural journey. This gives me hope that it'll grow back fast. :)
I love this video. I did the big chop recently and I've been rushing the growing the process and getting frustrated and depressed. This has taught me to have patience. Thank you❤
Me currently 😩
Girlll, thank you for sharing this! I’ve been wanting to cut my relaxed hair off because of breakage. I cut it short in a pixie cut but still don’t have the guts to go way short, thank you for giving me the confidence to do so! I’ll keep the pictures also to see the growth. I can tell it will be an emotional roller coaster but I’m confident in January 2020, I’ll be more than confident and beautiful in my skin. Thank u, you’re beautiful btw
Thank you for showing us. I literally just left the barber and had my head shaved, came home and found this video.
Breezy Godiva it's been 3 months!! Yaaay how's the growth
This motivates me so much. This is my second time with the big chop and this journey feels more different Because it feels like I’m doing something different than the last time but watching this video helps me love my hair at whatever state its at even more
I've watched hundreds of hair videos, and this is, by far, the BEST hair video I have ever seen!! You should win an award for this. Very inspiring👍
I've also had that sensitive pain in my head also when I would touch my head I thought something was wrong OMG I was nervous about it your hair looks nice
I did too! I think its growing pains lol
this video gave me so much courage from start to finish. I started another natural hair journey a couple of weeks ago and this time I'm committed to embracing my natural texture. I loved month 10!
I never thought someone could look this beautiful with a shaved head but girl you look amazing!
Hands down this was one of my favorite hair journeys so far, Thank you. Your patience and positivity threwout your journey has inspired me to keep positive😁. I recently big chopped from middle of my back to collar bone length. So happy with my new texture, however it is so strange and sometimes sad not having my long hair.
The best natural hair journey video I’ve seen - and I’ve been watching for YEARS!
Beautiful at every single stage of this journey. Thanks for sharing sis.
OMG I’ve been looking for a video like this!! I love it!
Omg I can’t express how much I loved watching this. You are beautiful.
sometimes I go back and watch big chop videos, yours is the best I love your voice its so calming. You could literally narrate a movie or book!
OMG I have the same exact hair texture, coils with straight ends. I'm about to big chop again, I big chop about every year and a half.. love it!!!
You’re so confident. Honestly I would of picked my self apart through the whole journey. You deserve an Award cause your not just beautiful outside but you are beautiful inside and out. THANK YOU FOR THE VIDEO
Thank you for being soooo thorough!!! I can’t find any videos that give me hope! I feel like my hair isn’t growing then I remember it’s only been a month! Thank you!!!!!
You are a beautiful young woman! Love the way you embrace your big chop. Thank you for sharing your monthly journey. I just big chop and lined my hair up just like you. Honestly, I’m super excited I did it!!
I said the same. My mom is shady af so she doesn't get it but I felt more beautiful & free the second time.
I just big chopped mine and I’m still not comfortable wearing it yet. Mostly because my mom was the first to say how awful it looks 😩lol
You’re a total inspiration to me. Because of you, I finally cut off the chemically processed parts of my hair, it was really, really short at that time. I received negative comments about the choice that I made but I knew what I did was right. Now my hair is nice, long, bouncy, curly and natural.😍😘
I'm on week 2 since I shaved my head and it's unreal, because my hair is growing rapidly. Lol Kudos to you on making it. Your hair is gorgeous! You have given me more reason to see who I am in this journey. And I cannot wait! Much love and support from Louisiana ♥️🎉
My daughter did the big chop. Your hair will grow like wild grass her hair is so long you have the same texture that she has you will have hair to show in another year that you won’t even believe trust me it’s beautiful I love it
I love your video! I did a big chop in July 2019 and I'm finally allowing it to grow back..so far it's been a month! I went from a fade to 1 1/2 inches long in 30 days..yay. I love your comment about feeling beautiful than ever when you shaved your head..i did a video (never posted) a couple of months ago saying the same thing! I can't wait to see how long my hair will be in 11 months! Your video confirmed all my feelings and now i know I'm not the only one! Thank you!
Finally someone who legit shaved her head for the big top tired of these people who come out and said they big chop an their hair is not even that short
Wonderful. Thanks for sharing. I totally agree. Natural hair does bring confidence.
Just watching this has brought a smile on my face because I literally shaved my hair off last week. It just makes me so excited to see what my hair journey is going to look like and I hope to have hair as beautiful as yours!
This is the BEST natural hair video ever!!!! You’re awesome!!!!
I just shaved my hair off yesterday just like you did, watching this video gave me so much hope of growing my hair back healthy
Thank you did such a great video!! I’m starting my natural hair journey over for the 4th time. I did the first 2 in my teens. Lol when it wasn’t popular to do but I didn’t care. I did it 4 years ago to gain a connection with my inner self. My husband doesn’t like natural hair so I relaxed after 4 years and now... October 2019 I’m big chopped again for me. I love natural hair!! Your motivation!!
Girl I give you so much bravery to even date with a haircut. You have blossomed very beautifully
You have an adorable spirit! God Bless!
I feel like the best part of this video was that she was confident in the whole video about her hair growth and I really like that🤩🤩👏🏾👌🏾 Great job
Yes, my black queen very inspiring and you look beautiful
I’m free!! Thank You for the Motivation,, I shaved all my hair off today!!
I have that same problem straight hair growing in the middle of my head
LOL wow me too!!
So do i
Me too omg
You are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing. I big chopped in February and it was the best decision I ever made. And I’ve said the EXACT same thing about the unexpected side effect of confidence! I’ve never felt more beautiful.
Up close and personal. I love 💕 your video. I am thinking about doing a big chop but not shaving like you did. You really gave me a push just watching this video. I love how you said that this made you stronger and that it wasn’t just about your hair or wanting healthy hair. Beautiful hair, Beautiful Smile. Beautiful You.
Thank you so much.
This is the realest natural hair video I've seen. Thank you!
The comment about tender scalp !! Im almost on month two and my scalp is so tender and dry. Had to go back to grease. Happy to find somone with my hair type and texture, debsity as well.
I’m so glad you talked about the tender stage. My head was tender too and I thought it was just me.
Your a brave soul to shave all your hair and yes your very beautiful. Grow all that hair back girl. God bless.
Thank you for sharing this. This is by far the best Big Chop video I've seen and I've watched hundreds to the point I just need to put my phone down. The best ever.
Oh! My God! What courage to Do the Big Chop! So beautiful from the beginning and Now!!
Crying in 2019... BEAUTIFUL!!!
my hair is EXACTLY like yours, even the straightness in the middle and the tenderness i experienced during that 2 week period! i’ve never seen anybody with “kinky straight” hair like mine before, it can be so difficult to have no curl pattern some times but i’ve learned to love it
Best big chop video I ever watched. So detailed. I have a tapered natural haircut atm but I want to grow out my natural hair so I am just gonna do the big chop and it all grow in the same length. Loved the video
I did my 3rd big chop. I went the shortest I have ever been. Im not too confident right now. I havent shown anyone my hair yet. But thank you for posting this video. It helps.
This video was very encouraging. I'm growing out my tapered cut and after watching you, I feel like I can do it now! 😊
Love the transitioning stages of your hair growth
A gorgeous sister inside and out!
Just did my chop in April, no regrets.
Thanks for doing your video.
You have really inspired me with your hair journey, i am going thru the same thing when it comes to the straight pieces in my hair i have even big chopped several times thinking it will change an of course no change. Just big chopped an couple weeks ago and i almost gave up on my hair by starting to wear weave and wigs til it grows back, until i watched your journey i now have change of heart and willing to wait and see how my hair does. Thanks so much
Thanks for sharing the step-by-step journey of hair growth. It’s inspiring and encouraging to see these stages of growth.
Wow your hair grows fast! Week two and three quick!!
Very impressive. Thank you for sharing your journey
I cut my hair off just like this, before 2019 was over. I’ve been rocking it!!! Like you said, every time I cut my hair I look more beautiful. I’m going through a journey of ascension, and I’m looking at my hair growth as my spiritual growth as well. And I’m also a fashion designer!!!
Same here hun. I shaved my head in Nov 2019 and I love it. Patiently waiting the outcome. ❤
Quick update: I’ve been keeping a visual journal and this is month 2 for me as of the 26th. I’m able to twist my hair all over. It itches a lot as it grows.
Gorgeous!!!. Just accidentally buthered my hair..so cut like 12 inches off...so... journey begins.. but it does feel healthier.. and confidence is key ..
Thank you so much for showing your journey. I am three and a half months out and I was literally about to give up. You have renewed my love to continue and I just wanted to say thank you!
Tameka Dixon Thanks so much for watching the journey! ❤️❤️ Stick with it!
Everytime I shave my head I look beautiful...I get so many compliments and it's hard to grow out bcuz I love the shaved look...
I had shaved off my hair for 10 yrs bc I ❤️ it. The freedom of the bald look, many chicks envy bc my confidence was through the roof and it showed. Do you girl!!!
U know what ,watching the video again, I like it when it grew out and you let it do it's own thing, I loved it,that beautiful nappy happy curly fro ,LOVE IT, you can rock anything
Beautiful growth! Loved all of your different looks!!
Thanks for sharing your hair journey. How beautiful. You have grown into your beautiful hair. Love it
thank you for sharing your experience! I stopped heat styling my hair 2 months ago. Can’t wait for it to grow back healthy!
Such a beautiful journey & you looked gorgeous at each stage!! 😊
Love seeing black women rock their own natural hair
You give me hope . Thanks for your inspiration .
Beautiful, raw and simply brilliant. Love this. You're inspirational 100.
This is my absolute favorite big chop video! I am ready to cut my hair now. I love that you documented to diligently. Thank you for sharing!
Just did the bald after 10 yrs of really long dreads.Thanks for the inspiration😍
Wow! Beautiful sis, I wish my hair would grow this fast. I love it!