Ask Arabs from Jordanian & Egypt,..They tested Israels medicine, they are not ready to go through what they went through.And Even if they combine forces with all Arab countries Israel will still wipe floor with all of them and cry for UN to help.
Lol, yes, except that you have to be able to at least convince yourself you can trust a used car salesman. I don't think anybody's ever going to be able to trust Blinkin on anything again
You hatred for Trump was programmed in you by this US Democratic sound really uneducated. On the one hand you acknowledge this Democratic run gov't is culpable. Then you say they are like Trump who is a Republican. This is proof you don't know that Republican means Patriot(America First)
I completely agree but he did say straight after 7 October that he was in Israel as a Jew! That said everything I needed to know from that loyalty to the US, just serving the interests of another state!
is this a Binding or Non-Binding resolution? the previous resolution was deemed Non-Binding by the US when they abstained.... What makes this resolution Binding and the previous Non-Binding?
There's no such thing as a non-binding un security council resolution. That was something that the US made up so that Israel could keep killing people. When the security council says so, the rest of the world is supposed to do as they're told. That was the agreement. If countries don't have to follow it, then why should they? I'm interested to know the verbiage of what everybody signed on to today. Everything that I had read about the US plan said that it was intentionally vague in order to basically allow either side to read into it what they would. That's not a ceasefire agreement, that's just agreeing to talk. They were already doing that, if that's the case, the US deserves no credit.
i wish Israel elect people like Itamar -Ben Giv to properly deal with murderers Hamas.......But i Know Donald Trump the incoming USA president will stop this Biden nonsense stop funding scandalous organization UN UNRWA which has been infiltrated by bunch of Jew Hating, antisemitic fellas like lazzarini, Islamist karim khan ,and Lebanese icj president.
Im confused: im reading that Hamas has agreed to the deal, but all they are saying here is that they are waiting for Hamas to accept. Which is it??? Especially considering Is ra el have been rejectinf every deal all along!...
hhammas accepted the deal a few weeks ago but zeonist israel refused as zeonist israel refused to remove their forces from Gaza. The new us deal zeonist israel supposedly has accepted (zeonist israel has not publicly said they agree only the US said they had agreed) is more in favor of zeonists israel side and allows zeonist israel can stop any time they want. Given zeonist israels track record of not telling the truth I would suggest they can't be trusted.
Anthony Blinken pinning all the blame on Hamas being a barrier for this ceasefire resolution is the United States of AIPAC’s way of saying “we can’t control or get our rabbid dog Israel to comply, will you ask Hamas to play nice for us? “
Every normal person blames them you don't scream Allah akbar during a music festival rape and murder women on camera and pretend your innocent and btw fakestine never existed in human history inaf with the freedom fighters bullsh@t get lost
Everyday there is more evidence of the impotence and feigned concerns for the lives of Palestinians - America has failed to uphold "equal justice under law" in a global scale, and lost the respect and regard of the global community. Quit putting the resolution and ceasefire on Hamas - it was never anything like a fair fight and we all know it. So ashamed of my country right now.
You can’t tell me there’s not a massive red flag conflict of interests with Anthony Blinken being put forward for Foreign Policy in matters in ME. Anthony Blinkens great grandfather was Russian empire (now Ukraine) of Ashkenazi descent and his grandfather Maurice Blinken, was an early backer of Israel and founded the American Palestine Institute which helped persuade the United States to back the creation of Israel. In 2017, Blinken co-founded WestExec Advisors, a political strategy advising firm, with Michèle Flournoy, Sergio Aguirre, and Nitin Chadda. WestExec's clients have included Google's Jigsaw, Israeli artificial-intelligence company Windward, surveillance drone manufacturer Shield AI, which signed a $7.2 million contract with the Air Force,and "Fortune 100 types". According to Foreign Policy, the firm's clientele includes "the defense industry, private equity firms, and hedge funds". He has political and financial bias.
The US Representateive to the UN should be truthful to herself she being a black, and who's race have been subjectes to Suffering and humiliation till date the racist acts. what does she think of herself a JEW?
Personne au monde lui fait confiance et ne lui fera confiance, il est faux, menteur, traître, et criminel, izrael menace tout les gens qui ce mettent en travers de , izrael a menacé la CPI ses membres du parlement, et les démocrates sionistes d'Amérique veulent porter plainte a la CPI, izrael achète et tu ce qui les gènes des psychopathes des malades, voilà pourquoi , sa n'avance pas, l'argent et la menace marche chez eux, seulement un criminels 😈👹 restera a vie un criminel
Blinken is the King of Hypocrisy - Blinken talks about tragedy when it is his proxy causing the carnage. Those who run proxies are more guilty than the proxy. Giving cash and weapons to a proxy is evidence of owning a proxy and Blinken is 100% personally complicit.
Let’s look like we really care and sit in a circle and move our lips and achieve nothing but lip service, but we will let trucks go to Israel Via Jordan
Yes,and a puppet,and gofer for the evil zionists,including US and other states that support this evil agenda.Thanks Marwan for your incredible backbone and intelligence,THANKS.
Well, now the Queen of America is urging Hamas to accept the ceasefire deal and return the hostages and accept peace over war & life over death. This new ceasefire proposal is a gift of peace, life, and care for the existence of humanity
Neljas Moosese raamat 6:Õnnistussõnad 22 Ja Issand rääkis Moosesega, öeldes: 23 „Räägi Aaroni ja ta poegadega ning ütle: Õnnistades Iisraeli lapsi, öelge neile nõnda: 24 Issand õnnistagu sind ja hoidku sind! 25 Issand lasku oma pale paista sinu peale ja olgu sulle armuline! 26 Issand tõstku oma pale sinu üle ja andku sulle rahu! 27 Nõnda pandagu minu nimi Iisraeli laste peale ja mina õnnistan neid!” Teine Ajaraamat 7:14 ja kui siis minu rahvas, kellele on pandud minu nimi, alandab ennast ja nad palvetavad ja otsivad minu palet ning pöörduvad oma kurjadelt teedelt, siis ma kuulen taevast ja annan andeks nende patu ning säästan nende maa. 15 Nüüd on mu silmad lahti ja mu kõrvad panevad tähele palvetamist selles paigas. 16 Nüüd olen ma valinud ja pühitsenud selle koja, et minu nimi oleks seal igavesti. Mu silmad ja mu süda on seal iga päev. Psalmid (Laulud)122:Palve Jeruusalemma hea käekäigu eest 1 Palveteekonna laul Taavetilt. Ma rõõmustasin, kui mulle öeldi: „Lähme Issanda kotta!” 2 Meie jalad seisid su väravais, Jeruusalemm. 3 Jeruusalemm, kes oled ehitatud nagu hästi kokkuliidetud linn, 4 kuhu läksid üles suguharud, Issanda suguharud tunnistuseks Iisraelile tänama Issanda nime. 5 Sest sinna on seatud aujärjed kohtumõistmiseks, aujärjed Taaveti kojale.
6 Paluge rahu Jeruusalemmale! Käigu hästi nende käsi, kes sind armastavad! 7 Rahu olgu su müüride vahel, hea käekäik su kuninglikes kodades! 8 Oma vendade ja oma sõprade pärast tahan ma nüüd öelda: Rahu sinule! 9 Issanda, meie Jumala koja pärast tahan ma otsida sulle head. Jesaja 30:Issand tõotab oma rahvale armu anda 18 Ja ometi ootab Issand, et teile armu anda, ja jääb kõrgeks, et teie peale halastada, sest Issand on õiguse Jumal, õndsad on kõik, kes teda ootavad. Jeesus 36:10 Kogu kõik Jaakobi suguharud ja olgu nad pärijad nagu muistegi! 11 Halasta, Issand, rahva peale, kellele on antud sinu nimi, ja Iisraeli peale, keda pead esmasündinuks! 12 Halasta oma pühamu linna, Jeruusalemma, oma hingamispaiga peale! 13 Täida Siion sinu ülistusega ja oma rahvas sinu auhiilgusega! 14 Anna tunnistus oma esmalooduile ja tee tõeks, mis sinu nimel on ennustatud! 15 Tasu neile, kes sinu peale loodavad, ja sinu prohvetid jäägu usaldusväärseks! 16 Kuule, Issand, nende palvet, kes sind anuvad, sinu rahvale kuuluva Aaroni õnnistuse pärast, 17 et kõik, kes maailmas elavad, tunneksid, et sina oled Issand, igavene Jumal! Baaruk 5: Sest Jumal juhib Iisraeli rõõmuga oma auhiilguse valgusesse, halastuse ja õigusega, mis temalt tuleb.” Saalomoni Tarkuseraamat 11: Halastamise põhjus 23 Sina halastad aga kõigi peale, sest et sa suudad kõike, ja vaatad mööda inimeste pattudest, et nad meelt parandaksid. 24 Sest sina armastad kõike, mis olemas on, ega põlga midagi, mida sa oled teinud, sest sina ei olegi loonud midagi, mida sa ise vihkaksid. 25 Sest kuidas saaks midagi püsida, kui sina ei tahaks, või kuidas säiliks see, keda sina ei ole kutsunud? 26 Sina aga säästad kõiki, sellepärast et nad on sinu omad, Issand, hingede armastaja. Estri raamatu lisad 3:2 „Issand, Issand, kõigeväeline Kuningas! Sinul on meelevald kõige üle ja ei ole kedagi, kes võiks sulle vastu astuda, kui sina tahad Iisraeli päästa! 6 Ja nüüd, Issand, Jumal ja Kuningas, Aabrahami Jumal, hoia oma rahvast, sest meid jälgitakse, et meid hävitada, ja neil on himu teha lõpp sellele, mis on algusest peale olnud sinu pärisosa! 7 Ära põlga oma pärisosa, kelle sa enesele lunastasid Egiptusest! 8 Kuule minu palvet ja ole armuline oma pärisosale! Pööra meie lein pidurõõmuks, et elavaina lauldes ülistaksime sinu nime, Issand, ja ära sule nende suud, kes sind kiidavad!” 9 Kogu Iisrael hüüdis kõigest jõust, sest neil oli surm silma ees.
Taanieli raamatu lisad 3: Kiitke, kõik Issanda teod, Issandat, laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti! 58 Kiitke, taevad, Issandat, laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti! 59 Kiitke, Issanda inglid, Issandat, laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti! 60 Kiitke, kõik taevased veed, Issandat, laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti! 61 Kiitke, kõik väehulgad, Issandat, laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti!
The first two phases of proposals could be implemented without barriers when it comes to the important third phase the leaders of the both Israel and usa would be changed
Any action should bring value to the world, but wars don't bring value. Its unfortunate that we don't remember this in spite of going through endless wars..
MEN are still making 90+% of all domestic and foreign policy decisions regardless of what country. Take a look around. IT'S ALL ON THEM. EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT. Apparently there's something deeply and intrinsically wrong with the male gender.
UNSC resolution has never worked ever since.Israels in support of US and allies has ignored several unsc resolutions and keept its desired course of action
Calling for a ceasefire from a wr you started doesnt sound right, even 8 months later still wont sound better.. Sorry guys dont get too ahead of yourselves..
Blinkin has no real conscience. He feigns compassion, mimics the gestures, but his twisted logic and avoiding truths shows what kind of man he really is.
I cant understand how countries act in osce and in security responsibility areas in osce pakistan which was responsible in for the safety in the israelian area...i suppose..
A middle schooler has more credibility than blinken on common sense and truth telling
LOL, not if that middle schooler is from a blue city wasteland.
@@srsmopar3808 nay, more like red inbred
One more meaningless drama..that has no action
So many countries complicit in all of this
These are not countries, just arms length assets
Jordan and Egypt are disappointments.
Ask Arabs from Jordanian & Egypt,..They tested Israels medicine, they are not ready to go through what they went through.And
Even if they combine forces with all Arab countries Israel will still wipe floor with all of them and cry for UN to help.
Run by Talmud
they both signed peace treatys with Israel after the 6 Day War - it's been complicated ever since with the U.S. on-going military support of I*srael
US ensured that!
I can't understand why the international community continues to afford Blinken any respect whatsoever. He's a murderous used-car salesman.
Lol, yes, except that you have to be able to at least convince yourself you can trust a used car salesman.
I don't think anybody's ever going to be able to trust Blinkin on anything again
Because the international community are Zionists, the Israeli lobby rules all government.
@@madmaverickmattblinken has aged 20 years in the last 8 months. even his own body wants him to go away
@@mix1roomg, thanks for the lighter moment!!
Blinken and his wife have worked in various positions for the U.S. government for many years - having dual citizenship has paid them well -
Shame on US UN ICJ ICC and world's human who too late to stop Genocide
A murderer sitting with his puppets
It's not only Israeli action it's USA and Israeli
Without America' crook politician and their financiers Zionists would behave more like Humans.
They are one and the same , this is a Zionist American Israeli regime , they are a threat to democracy globally !
Duh! Glad you finally made it.
Can't trust the united snakes
Ilike this comment
leave then. Go to Palestine
We are all palestinian
U.S signing off on a deal to a crime they've been watching for months is like Trump paying all of his workers.
You hatred for Trump was programmed in you by this US Democratic sound really uneducated. On the one hand you acknowledge this Democratic run gov't is culpable. Then you say they are like Trump who is a Republican. This is proof you don't know that Republican means Patriot(America First)
Blinken blame hamas but never condemn israel..hypocrite at the highest level
Israel can do no wrong.
I completely agree but he did say straight after 7 October that he was in Israel as a Jew! That said everything I needed to know from that loyalty to the US, just serving the interests of another state!
Like united nations, they condemned israel but never condemn hamas for what happen last oct. 7.
He’s a clown
is this a Binding or Non-Binding resolution? the previous resolution was deemed Non-Binding by the US when they abstained.... What makes this resolution Binding and the previous Non-Binding?
There's no such thing as a non-binding un security council resolution. That was something that the US made up so that Israel could keep killing people.
When the security council says so, the rest of the world is supposed to do as they're told. That was the agreement.
If countries don't have to follow it, then why should they?
I'm interested to know the verbiage of what everybody signed on to today.
Everything that I had read about the US plan said that it was intentionally vague in order to basically allow either side to read into it what they would.
That's not a ceasefire agreement, that's just agreeing to talk. They were already doing that, if that's the case, the US deserves no credit.
Russia abstained so probably nonbinding
No !!!!!!!
There's no such thing as a non-binding security council resolution.
That was just something the US made up to give Israel an out.
Can the US or Isreal be trusted to abide by the resolution? They have bothbeen complicit in the greatest loss of life since ww2,in equal measure .
Hamas targeted in innocent women and children on Oct 7th during a ceasefire. You confident they would honor it?
@@ianalan4367 Israsel fired indiscriminately into a crown of its own citizens on the 7th. Not even the Knot seas did that
Palestinians started this war on Oct7th, so why should they be trusted
@@ianalan436747 Palestinian children were killed by Israel in 2023 before 7th October
i wish Israel elect people like Itamar -Ben Giv to properly deal with murderers Hamas.......But
i Know Donald Trump the incoming USA president will stop this Biden nonsense stop funding scandalous organization UN UNRWA which has been infiltrated by bunch of Jew Hating, antisemitic fellas like lazzarini, Islamist karim khan ,and Lebanese icj president.
More Hollow words
😢 only talks no action for the people of Palestine
Im confused: im reading that Hamas has agreed to the deal, but all they are saying here is that they are waiting for Hamas to accept. Which is it??? Especially considering Is ra el have been rejectinf every deal all along!...
Dont be confuse luv. This is wat happened when u dealing with tongue twisted blood thirsty narcissist zions.
USA and Israel literally changed the deal in days and now they are making it look like hamas is the one not agreeing to cease fire.
hhammas accepted the deal a few weeks ago but zeonist israel refused as zeonist israel refused to remove their forces from Gaza. The new us deal zeonist israel supposedly has accepted (zeonist israel has not publicly said they agree only the US said they had agreed) is more in favor of zeonists israel side and allows zeonist israel can stop any time they want. Given zeonist israels track record of not telling the truth I would suggest they can't be trusted.
We wait with btted breath to listen to the journalist our dear marwan bishara .may God bless him .many many thanks to him .
He speaks truth eloquently
“…I’m worried about my eyes as I roll them endlessly listening to Blinkin.” Ah, Marwan, I couldn’t love you more!
A rule should be that if a member doesn't help enforce a ruling then they lose their veto power.
Definitely a cap on unilateral sequential vetoes is needed.
Anthony Blinken pinning all the blame on Hamas being a barrier for this ceasefire resolution is the United States of AIPAC’s way of saying “we can’t control or get our rabbid dog Israel to comply, will you ask Hamas to play nice for us? “
Can we trust USA?
WHY !!!!!!! 🤷
No more excuses, Blinken! No more weird piers and deadly airdrops
I love tuning in for Marwan's analysis of geo-politics. Such a breathe of fresh air.
They will continue having meetings, summits and conferences until they find out why nothing is getting done for 9 months!
Exactly 💯
Watching a horror unfolding and no brakes applied ...
Makes me sick in my stomach!
Blinken blaming Hamas! What, does he think we are stupid?
Every normal person blames them you don't scream Allah akbar during a music festival rape and murder women on camera and pretend your innocent and btw fakestine never existed in human history inaf with the freedom fighters bullsh@t get lost
Shame on Israel
And all this terrorist land theive state supporters!
LOL, keep pretending that hamas isn't responsible for this.
A silly clown statement from a genocide supporter 🤣
Everyday there is more evidence of the impotence and feigned concerns for the lives of Palestinians - America has failed to uphold "equal justice under law" in a global scale, and lost the respect and regard of the global community. Quit putting the resolution and ceasefire on Hamas - it was never anything like a fair fight and we all know it. So ashamed of my country right now.
United Nations of Hyporcrites
Agreed. Hamas attacked on Oct 7th during a ceasefire. Yet, the UN thinks another one will help?!?!
@ianalan4367 another bonehead who thinks this all started on oct7th. Pathetic
Peace love and happiness for all❤️🇨🇦
We are so sick and tired of all the talks...I'm from South Africa watching on TV the live Genocide 😢😢😢😢 How must the Palestinians feel. Stop talking.
I was thinking that. How can they even stand being neighbors to such selfish people like the Israelis.
You can’t tell me there’s not a massive red flag conflict of interests with Anthony Blinken being put forward for Foreign Policy in matters in ME. Anthony Blinkens great grandfather was Russian empire (now Ukraine) of Ashkenazi descent and his grandfather Maurice Blinken, was an early backer of Israel and founded the American Palestine Institute which helped persuade the United States to back the creation of Israel.
In 2017, Blinken co-founded WestExec Advisors, a political strategy advising firm, with Michèle Flournoy, Sergio Aguirre, and Nitin Chadda. WestExec's clients have included Google's Jigsaw, Israeli artificial-intelligence company Windward, surveillance drone manufacturer Shield AI, which signed a $7.2 million contract with the Air Force,and "Fortune 100 types". According to Foreign Policy, the firm's clientele includes "the defense industry, private equity firms, and hedge funds".
He has political and financial bias.
So well put, thank you!
Thank you so much Mr. Marwan Bisharah and Mr. Rob for the great analysis. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
4 million? How generous. That's like giving them four thousand.
The US Representateive to the UN should be truthful to herself she being a black, and who's race have been subjectes to Suffering and humiliation till date the racist acts. what does she think of herself a JEW?
Of what value is Benjamin Netanjahu's commitment? Who can trust it?
@@fatihaslimani4365 Vrai. ❤
No one.
@@71suns Yeah, it seems to be the sad truth. ❤
Personne au monde lui fait confiance et ne lui fera confiance, il est faux, menteur, traître, et criminel, izrael menace tout les gens qui ce mettent en travers de , izrael a menacé la CPI ses membres du parlement, et les démocrates sionistes d'Amérique veulent porter plainte a la CPI, izrael achète et tu ce qui les gènes des psychopathes des malades, voilà pourquoi , sa n'avance pas, l'argent et la menace marche chez eux, seulement un criminels 😈👹 restera a vie un criminel
Shame on Israel and Washington
Thank you Al Jazeera
It is a Qatari funded media but not a single news about Qatar, but they are concerned about rest of the world.
Take your Obsession to Modi’s pit toilet Dungibaba
Absolutely true
Watch Arnab Gooseswamy instead
@@doctorspock124 at least they show india's internal news also that may be biased(according to some) but it talk every internal news of India
@@Tangoboy978 Good heavens I knew you Watch the news With blinkers who taught you to spell Can’t Spell your mother Country
Blinken is the King of Hypocrisy - Blinken talks about tragedy when it is his proxy causing the carnage. Those who run proxies are more guilty than the proxy. Giving cash and weapons to a proxy is evidence of owning a proxy and Blinken is 100% personally complicit.
Lock him up now!
This message was deleted:
"Lock him up now"
I don't care what you do. Give the whole world an account of what you have done to prevent the death of innocent people, the answer is clear: nothing.
Anthony Blinken is absolutely shameless and evil
King of Jordan 🇯🇴 thank you!
Push push push.
Greetings from Ireland .. BDS apartheid Israel .. Free Palestine!
Jews are the owners of this land according to both Bible and Quran ❤
Wow copy and paste u wast of space
I wonder if another country blatantly disregard the ruling of the world what's the price
3 children? I think you mean 30,000
again?!! don't hold your breath.
"Never more important than today" Marwan
Good platitude
More platitudes like that and we'll be getting somewhere
Well done Marwan (King of platitudes)
Great analysis, thanks Marwan
Emergency conference for how to defeat resistance
Why ensure!! Did not they already agree to it??
Blinken !!!
Never Ever believe him
Hmm.. Blinken !!!
Look at the sumptuous lap of luxury these diplomats (mostly, men) enjoy: all empty words & absolute no action. Just performative theatre.
He is trying to save his trone, not the Palestinians ! It's clear that after The Gaza Holocaust monarchy won't survive in Jordan!
Mr Bishara says things like it is. 100%.
Great converge thank you very much
Let’s look like we really care and sit in a circle and move our lips and achieve nothing but lip service, but we will let trucks go to Israel Via Jordan
❤❤❤ all true. Thank you for this investigative reporting!!💜🏋️
Blinken is a hypocrite
Yes,and a puppet,and gofer for the evil zionists,including US and other states that support this evil agenda.Thanks Marwan for your incredible backbone and intelligence,THANKS.
Would you trust Washington where Israel's interests are concerned?
5:52 The US officials have no shame. Blinken will fall into the cracks of history...
Stopping funding weaponry and weapon support like fossil fuels would be a good way to ensure compliance. There is an arms embargo in effect.
Well, now the Queen of America is urging Hamas to accept the ceasefire deal and return the hostages and accept peace over war & life over death. This new ceasefire proposal is a gift of peace, life, and care for the existence of humanity
Did you have to like your own comment COMRADE?
the yankee pier shenanigans delayed this discusion of making a true solution of supplying aid through land.
More cocktail parties for important people ?
Thank you Al Jazeera!
Neljas Moosese raamat 6:Õnnistussõnad
22 Ja Issand rääkis Moosesega, öeldes:
23 „Räägi Aaroni ja ta poegadega ning ütle: Õnnistades Iisraeli
lapsi, öelge neile nõnda:
24 Issand õnnistagu sind ja hoidku sind!
25 Issand lasku oma pale paista sinu peale ja olgu sulle armuline!
26 Issand tõstku oma pale sinu üle ja andku sulle rahu!
27 Nõnda pandagu minu nimi Iisraeli laste peale ja mina õnnistan
Teine Ajaraamat 7:14 ja kui siis minu rahvas, kellele on pandud minu nimi,
alandab ennast ja nad palvetavad ja otsivad minu palet ning
pöörduvad oma kurjadelt teedelt, siis ma kuulen taevast ja annan
andeks nende patu ning säästan nende maa.
15 Nüüd on mu silmad lahti ja mu kõrvad panevad tähele
palvetamist selles paigas.
16 Nüüd olen ma valinud ja pühitsenud selle koja, et minu nimi
oleks seal igavesti. Mu silmad ja mu süda on seal iga päev.
Psalmid (Laulud)122:Palve Jeruusalemma hea käekäigu eest
1 Palveteekonna laul Taavetilt.
Ma rõõmustasin, kui mulle öeldi:
„Lähme Issanda kotta!”
2 Meie jalad seisid su väravais,
3 Jeruusalemm, kes oled ehitatud
nagu hästi kokkuliidetud linn,
4 kuhu läksid üles suguharud,
Issanda suguharud tunnistuseks Iisraelile
tänama Issanda nime.
5 Sest sinna on seatud aujärjed kohtumõistmiseks,
aujärjed Taaveti kojale.
6 Paluge rahu Jeruusalemmale!
Käigu hästi nende käsi,
kes sind armastavad!
7 Rahu olgu su müüride vahel,
hea käekäik su kuninglikes kodades!
8 Oma vendade ja oma sõprade pärast
tahan ma nüüd öelda: Rahu sinule!
9 Issanda, meie Jumala koja pärast
tahan ma otsida sulle head.
Jesaja 30:Issand tõotab oma rahvale armu anda
18 Ja ometi ootab Issand,
et teile armu anda,
ja jääb kõrgeks,
et teie peale halastada,
sest Issand on õiguse Jumal,
õndsad on kõik, kes teda ootavad.
Jeesus 36:10 Kogu kõik Jaakobi suguharud
ja olgu nad pärijad nagu muistegi!
11 Halasta, Issand, rahva peale,
kellele on antud sinu nimi,
ja Iisraeli peale,
keda pead esmasündinuks!
12 Halasta oma pühamu linna, Jeruusalemma,
oma hingamispaiga peale!
13 Täida Siion sinu ülistusega
ja oma rahvas sinu auhiilgusega!
14 Anna tunnistus oma esmalooduile
ja tee tõeks, mis sinu nimel on ennustatud!
15 Tasu neile, kes sinu peale loodavad,
ja sinu prohvetid jäägu usaldusväärseks!
16 Kuule, Issand, nende palvet, kes sind anuvad,
sinu rahvale kuuluva Aaroni õnnistuse pärast,
17 et kõik, kes maailmas elavad, tunneksid,
et sina oled Issand, igavene Jumal!
Baaruk 5: Sest Jumal juhib Iisraeli rõõmuga
oma auhiilguse valgusesse,
halastuse ja õigusega,
mis temalt tuleb.”
Saalomoni Tarkuseraamat
11: Halastamise põhjus
23 Sina halastad aga kõigi peale,
sest et sa suudad kõike,
ja vaatad mööda inimeste pattudest,
et nad meelt parandaksid.
24 Sest sina armastad kõike, mis olemas on,
ega põlga midagi, mida sa oled teinud,
sest sina ei olegi loonud midagi,
mida sa ise vihkaksid.
25 Sest kuidas saaks midagi püsida,
kui sina ei tahaks,
või kuidas säiliks see,
keda sina ei ole kutsunud?
26 Sina aga säästad kõiki,
sellepärast et nad on sinu omad,
Issand, hingede armastaja.
Estri raamatu lisad 3:2 „Issand, Issand, kõigeväeline Kuningas! Sinul on meelevald kõige
üle ja ei ole kedagi, kes võiks sulle vastu astuda, kui sina tahad
Iisraeli päästa!
6 Ja nüüd, Issand, Jumal ja Kuningas, Aabrahami Jumal, hoia oma
rahvast, sest meid jälgitakse, et meid hävitada, ja neil on himu teha
lõpp sellele, mis on algusest peale olnud sinu pärisosa!
7 Ära põlga oma pärisosa, kelle sa enesele lunastasid Egiptusest!
8 Kuule minu palvet ja ole armuline oma pärisosale! Pööra meie lein
pidurõõmuks, et elavaina lauldes ülistaksime sinu nime, Issand, ja
ära sule nende suud, kes sind kiidavad!”
9 Kogu Iisrael hüüdis kõigest jõust, sest neil oli surm silma
Taanieli raamatu lisad 3: Kiitke, kõik Issanda teod, Issandat,
laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti!
58 Kiitke, taevad, Issandat,
laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti!
59 Kiitke, Issanda inglid, Issandat,
laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti!
60 Kiitke, kõik taevased veed, Issandat,
laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti!
61 Kiitke, kõik väehulgad, Issandat,
laulge talle ja ülendage teda igavesti!
Israel does NOT want a ceasefire 😰
Fock konig jurdan saudi egypt maroko turky pakistan khomeni iran alle arab alle moslims ,free palestine🤲👍👏✊🤝☝️❤️💯🙏
The first two phases of proposals could be implemented without barriers when it comes to the important third phase the leaders of the both Israel and usa would be changed
Any action should bring value to the world, but wars don't bring value. Its unfortunate that we don't remember this in spite of going through endless wars..
wars are very profitable to those countries who produce the bombs, other weapons, air support (fighter jets) and war ships -
MEN are still making 90+% of all domestic and foreign policy decisions regardless of what country. Take a look around. IT'S ALL ON THEM. EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT. Apparently there's something deeply and intrinsically wrong with the male gender.
@@battles146What gender is perpetually responsible for these henious atrocities?
To Blinken: Where there is arrogance the knowledge does not operate.
I dont understand why all reports from israel says they are not okay with tjis plan, but just hamas ia the problem?
Obviously they won’t.
"US must ensure Israel complies with UN-approved Gaza ceasefire proposal:" LOL, no.
Why US must approve?
UNSC resolution has never worked ever since.Israels in support of US and allies has ignored several unsc resolutions and keept its desired course of action
Calling for a ceasefire from a wr you started doesnt sound right, even 8 months later still wont sound better.. Sorry guys dont get too ahead of yourselves..
All eyes on Jordan
Who watches the watchers?
The devil 😈
Blinkin has no real conscience. He feigns compassion, mimics the gestures, but his twisted logic and avoiding truths shows what kind of man he really is.
To lie is to spit in the air, it always falls back on us, know that behind every smooth talker hides a magnificent liar
Pain in the a@@..
Means Hamas will not compliance anything?
All talk no action
Almighty Allah. Amin.
Only US can stop this madness
I cant understand how countries act in osce and in security responsibility areas in osce pakistan which was responsible in for the safety in the israelian area...i suppose..
The AL Ghoul and Yasuen 105 is doing the talking for the people of Palestine. Nothing else will.That is the only language that colonizers understand.
There isn't any Gazza anymore, the heart 💔& soul 😍 has literally been riped out of these beautiful people ❤️ 🇵🇸🇮🇪🙏
And you’re helping Isn’t Rael Your Majesty
Where is the netanyahu promise to eradicate hamas?
Lies. Not trust