Ezi Guday hadegenja e u. Halfti tegaru qntab halyot hzbi yeblun. Nmntay Mengsti Eritrea ke Tm eilu zrei zelo. Ezi kulu hxbxab may eka n Eritrea yfess e u
I don't understand why tegaru each one only for themselves and even if so many people lose their lives nobody cares what counts in Tigray only me and again me that's why they lost.🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
Aye inda weyane !! FREE the people of TIGRAY !!
Egziabher. Ferad. DamTigiray. Uaye. Gud. ☝️😢🙏
ካብቶም ልያው ሰረቕቲ ተኽላይን ጉጅሉኡን እዬም።
ሓደገኛ አከያይዳ
ሰማዒ እንተሃልዩ ዝቐረበ ዶክሜንታሪ መንቅሒ እዩ ንፖለቲከኛታትና።
ህጂ ዝተረፎ ጄኔራላት ምእሳር ምጥፋ እዩ ጌታቸው ምስ አብይ ኮይኑ ንትግራይ ከፍርስ ተሉኮ ተዋሂብዎ እዩ
@@samsamsun367ዝ ዶክሞንተሪ ኣዳሚፅካዮ ድኻ ። ዘይፍለጡ ኣካላት ግደዛርቲ እናበሉ ከምዝካፈሉ ። ኣሰገደ ውን ብጌታቸው ኣሰፋ ከምዝተትሓዘ ። ኣካላት ፀጥታ ከምዝሳተፉ ኣብኡ ውን ተኩሲ ከምዝኸፈቱ ። ጀነራላትን ሓለፍትን እዮም እዙይ ኹሉ ዝሰርሑ ዘለው
እቶም ተኽላይ ዝብሎም ዘሎ አካላት ሽፋን እዮም። ብታሪኽ ተሓታቲ ከይኸውን ሓቂ እንተዝዛረበ ፅቡቅ ነይሩ?
ዛርቲ እንታይ ማለት ምዃኑ መጀመርያ ንፍለጥ?
Ezi Guday hadegenja e u. Halfti tegaru qntab halyot hzbi yeblun.
Nmntay Mengsti Eritrea ke Tm eilu zrei zelo. Ezi kulu hxbxab may eka n Eritrea yfess e u
Ay gecho leybnet kabaka yjimer guregna
I don't understand why tegaru each one only for themselves and even if so many people lose their lives nobody cares what counts in Tigray only me and again me that's why they lost.🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
Ethiopia no Moro
ራሱ ሽፍታ አድ ድለዘለዎ አበር ንምታይ ደው ዘየብሎም መራሂ አድዩ