Liking someone starts by loving yourself first and loving your own people. Love the people in your own countries before attempting to love strangers and stop blaming slavery and colonization
@@Greenboy5325 Zimbabweans are the last people to lecture us about self hate. The same Zimbos that justified Gurakuhandi. Were the Ndebeles slaughtered them cows and goats?
MaNdaba wakwaNdaba, Here are the 6 stupid beliefs that created racism. 1 white people believe that white people invented all civilizations. That is wrong. White people did not invent civilizations. It was the aliens, fallen angels (demons) who brought and taught science, astrology, astronomy, reading and writing with ink, making of weapons of war, making and melting of iron, gold, silver, bronze, art, and all other civilizations to the people of the earth in the days of Jared, who was the father of Enoch. All these are written down in the book of Enoch. They are also written down in the book of jubilees. The books of Enoch and the book of jubilees are among the oldest books of the bible. But they were not included in the Biblical collections of books. Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah. Enoch is also mentioned in the Bible as the seventh descendant of Adam and Eve. Former witches (occultists) who have abandon witchcraft and are now Christians, said in their testimonies that while they were witches, and while they were astral projecting to the spiritual demonic world of satan, they saw demons and the devil and hold meeting with them, and saw technologies and saw how scientist people from this earth who are also witches (occultists), go there to copy their technologies and bring them to the earth. And that these aliens, fallen angels (demons) are the ones bringing all technologies and development to the earth. Humans did not invent anything. They also said that, there are demons Who are not humans, who enters the womb of women and are born on earth. For the destruction of humans. That these demons live among humans and pretend to be humans, and do not let people know that they are demons. That they grow up and they work among teachers as teachers, as students, pilots, doctors, judges, police, companies, markets, engineers, in the shops, as traders etc. That some of them work among humans who are scientists, and are also bringing technologies from the spiritual world into this world, and are also creating all kinds of development, secular entertainment, movies, sport, video games etc. That ordinary humans can not invent these things or anything. That it is the demons who are living among us that are doing it, and are bringing all these things to the earth to distract humans from focusing on and fulfilling their true purpose on earth. So that when they die, God will throw them to hell for failing to fulfill their true purpose on earth. That our true purpose on earth, is to worship God, serve him, and live our entire life in righteousness and holiness, in obedience to his commandments and laws. Here is one of many such testimonies I have seen. On TH-cam, search for (THE FIRST HEAVEN AND THE AVATARS). Here is the link and listen to the 23 minute testimony of Jean Mark Mutombo. Many Christians also said that they had spiritual experiences, where Jesus and angels told them that demons are the ones bringing technologies to the earth. Here is one of the many testimonies I have seen. On TH-cam search for (AN EX ROCKER TAKEN TO HELL). Here is the link and listen to the 15 minutes testimony of a man called mark Thompson from Canada. 2 white people believe that only white people have been ruling the earth. That is wrong. There were no white people ruling the earth before Jesus was born. It was 300 years before Jesus was born that Greece rosed and ruled the earth becoming the first country in Europe to rise to power. And Jesus lived on earth 2000 years ago. White people rule today because it is their turn to rule the earth. According to the Bible, spiritual beings are the ones controlling and deciding who rule this earth. Each nation is given its turn to rule. 3 white people also believe that God is white. That is also wrong. God is not white. He has no entire or original appearance. He takes on different forms and colors according to the description of holy prophets who have seen him. Both people from the Bible and people from today who have seen him in visions, dreams and death experiences, said that he has no entire or original appearance. 4 white people also believe that all angels are white. That is also wrong. The angels are of different races. Again both people from the Bible and people of today who have seen them in visions and death experiences, described them in different colors. They said that some of them are white as snow, some are pale with blond and black hair, while others are black with Afro hair. I have seen testimonies of people who said they saw black angels with Afro hair and white angels in heaven, in visions, dreams and during their death experiences. The Bible also mentions an angel that look like bronze. 5 white people believe that the whiter and straighter one's hair is, the wiser and more civilize one is. That is wrong. Because animals with white skins are not more intelligent than animals with black skins. At the schools, majority of people from every race are not clever, while a minority from every race are the clever ones and are passing their tests and exams. Those white students who are not doing well at school, how come their white skins and straight hair are not helping them to be clever at school? It is because it is not skin color and straight hair that make people wiser. 6 white people believe that a real 100 % human being is someone that has civilization. That is also wrong. For when God created human beings, Adam and Eve, they had no civilization and were naked. And yet God called them human beings. He did not say no. They are not human beings yet. I must wait until they invent one civilization before I call them human beings. No. He called them human beings right away. Which means human beings were already perfected and completed as 100% human beings, before civilizations came.
Sithabelamandlawenkosiwodu6298, Please, black people should stop acting foolish. They should stop wearing white people hair and should stop bleaching their skin to be white. And wear their own natural hair and skin color. White people do not look down on black people because of their skin color. White people look down on black people, because they believe that black people are not civilized and did not contribute to civilization. White people eat black meat, black cows, black goats, black sheep, black rams, black birds etc. They slaughter and eat them without complaining that they are eating things that are black. White people also have black pets, buy black shoes and clothes, and other things that are black, without complaining that they are black. But it is only when it comes to black people that white people love to pretend as if they hate black people because of their black skin. Which is not true. White people are using what they believe they have accomplished to be exalting their appearance and themselves. By thinking and saying, people that are white are the ones who invented all civilization, they are advanced, they are rich, they they are the only ones that have ruled and are still ruling the earth etc. Therefore being white is better. You see how white people are using the vain things of this world to exalt themselves? Because they believe they are the ones inventing them. What does accomplishments have to do with skin color and appearance? Because of that, they also believe that God is white. Thereby using God to promote and exalt themselves. And it is because of civilization that white people think they are the correct and perfect human beings, which is foolishness. Because humans have always existed and called themselves 100% humans before the first civilization came to earth. Why is it now that civilization has come that those who possess it say that they are the real and perfect human beings? A human being is a creature that has human form. Not a creature that has done something great, which is pride, and is white people's version, and is wrong and foolish. Because when God created humans, they were called Adam and Eve. And there was no civilization on earth. After God created them, he called them humans. Which means humans were already perfect as humans 100% before civilization came to earth. But when it comes to black people, white people say, people that are black did not invent nor contributed to civilization, they are not advanced, and are poor. Therefore being black is not good. They are attaching skin color and appearance to the conditions and state of black people. Which is foolishness. For what do skin color and appearance have to do with conditions and state of black people? this is why white people ridicule and make fun of black people and call them monkeys. Which is stupid. Because monkeys have different colors. There are black monkeys and there are also pale monkeys. If black people came from black monkeys, that would also mean that white people came from pale monkeys. Which is also stupid. Since civilization is the problem, therefore the only way to solve this problem is to proof to white people that they are not the founder of civilization. And give them evidences. Here is evidence. 1, White people did not invent civilizations. It was the aliens, fallen angels (demons) who brought and taught science, astrology, astronomy, reading and writing with ink, making of weapons of war, making and melting of iron, gold, silver, bronze, art, and all other civilizations to the people of the earth in the days of Jared, who was the father of Enoch. All these are written down in the book of Enoch. They are also written down in the book of jubilees. The books of Enoch and the book of jubilees are among the oldest books of the bible. But they were not included in the Biblical collections of books. Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah. Enoch is also mentioned in the Bible as the seventh descendant of Adam and Eve. Former witches (occultists) who have abandon witchcraft and are now Christians, said in their testimonies that while they were witches, and while they were astral projecting to the spiritual demonic world of satan, they saw demons and the devil and hold meeting with them, and saw technologies and saw how scientist people from this earth who are also witches (occultists), go there to copy their technologies and bring them to the earth. And that these aliens, fallen angels (demons) are the ones bringing all technologies and development to the earth. Humans did not invent anything. They also said that, there are demons Who are not humans, who enters the womb of women and are born on earth. For the destruction of humans. That these demons live among humans and pretend to be humans, and do not let people know that they are demons. That they grow up and they work among teachers as teachers, as students, pilots, doctors, judges, police, companies, markets, engineers, in the shops, as traders etc. That some of them work among humans who are scientists, and are also bringing technologies from the spiritual world into this world, and are also creating all kinds of development, secular entertainment, movies, sport, video games etc. That ordinary humans can not invent these things or anything. That it is the demons who are living among us that are doing it, and are bringing all these things to the earth to distract humans from focusing on and fulfilling their true purpose on earth. So that when they die, God will throw them to hell for failing to fulfill their true purpose on earth. That our true purpose on earth, is to worship God, serve him, and live our entire life in righteousness and holiness, in obedience to his commandments and laws. Here is one of many such testimonies I have seen. On TH-cam, search for (THE FIRST HEAVEN AND THE AVATARS). Here is the link listen to the 23 minute testimony of Jean Mark Mutombo. Many Christians also said that they had spiritual experiences, where Jesus and angels told them that demons are the ones bringing technologies to the earth. Here is one of the many testimonies I have seen. On TH-cam search for (AN EX ROCKER TAKEN TO HELL). Here is the link listen to the 15 minutes testimony of a man called mark Thompson from Canada. 2, white people believe that only white people have been ruling the earth. That is wrong. There were no white people ruling the earth before Jesus was born. It was 300 years before Jesus was born that Greece rosed and ruled the earth becoming the first country in Europe to rise to power. And Jesus lived on earth 2000 years ago. White people rule today because it is their turn to rule the earth. According to the Bible, spiritual beings are the ones controlling and deciding who rule this earth. Each nation is given its turn to rule. The Bible and other books that are not included in the Bible, but were written before Jesus was born said that, the ancestor of Sudan was an elder brother to the ancestor of Egypt. The brothers names were cush and mizraim. That cush was the name of the ancestor of Sudan. And that his younger brother mizraim, was the ancestor of Egypt. Which means ancient Egyptians were black. Also the Bible and those books said that the world first king, the world first emperor and the founder of the world first kingdom and empire, was a black man by the name of nimrod. And that he was from Cush. Which is the name for ancient Sudan. 3, white people also believe that God is white. That is also wrong. God is not white. He has no entire or original appearance. He takes on different forms and colors according to the description of holy prophets who have seen him. Both people from the Bible and people from today who have seen him in visions, dreams and death experiences, said that he has no entire or original appearance.
Christopher Kativhu, If white people say they hate black people because of their black skin, then how come white people eat black animals and black foods, black cows, black goats, buy black products etc? How come they are not saying that because those animals are black, they will not eat them? That is one of the evidences that white people do not hate black people because they are black. Instead it is pride. Pride brings foolish feelings and foolish thoughts. It makes you to feel that all others are inferior to you, and are not qualified to be called humans, are savages etc. Non of it has anything to do with skin color. For if it was skin color, then white people would never eat black animals, food that is black, buy black products or anything that is black etc. No. They are proud and are feeling superior to black people, because they have been exalted to rule the earth and because they believe they invented all civilizations on earth. According to the Bible, spiritual forces are the ones choosing and raising up different nations one after the other to rule the earth. Any people that have been exalted to rule the earth, everything on earth will be brought under their control. When that happens, it will then be looking as if they are the ones who invented them, and they would be proud and look down on all the other peoples of the earth and see them as inferior who are not qualified to be called human beings. That is why today it is looking as if it is white people who invented everything on earth. That is why white people are proud and look down on all other people on earth. According to the Bible, there were no european nation ruling the earth before Jesus was born. It was middle eastern, asiatic and black African countries that ruled the earth before Europeans began to rule. It was actually 300 years before Jesus was born that Greece became the first country from Europe to rule the earth. After them, the romans came. There were already civilization on the earth before Europeans began to rule the earth. The book of Enoch the oldest book of the Bible, and the book of jubilees, revealed that civilization was brought to the earth by fallen angels. These books exposed the truth that human beings did not invent any technology, science, astrology, astronomy, writing with ink, weapons of war or any other civilization. But that these things were brought to the earth by the alien watchers, who are fallen angels (demons). On TH-cam, search for (Ancient Aliens: The Watchers Who Oversee Mankind (Season 9) | History) here is the link and watch a 4:57 minutes documentary about how human beings did not invent any technology and civilization. But that civilization and technology was brought and is still being brought to the earth by aliens, who are fallen angels (demons). There are also other documentaries about all these. Full documentaries. Watch them on TH-cam.
Name one group of Africans who liked each before colonisation. we raided,enslaved each, fought wars against each other and stole from one another . It Stoped when we're colonised and had one common enemy but once that enemy left we started to see the cracks.
Liking someone starts by loving yourself first and loving your own people. Love the people in your own countries before attempting to love strangers and stop blaming slavery and colonization
Self hate is bloody too much in SA,why.
@@Greenboy5325 Zimbabweans are the last people to lecture us about self hate. The same Zimbos that justified Gurakuhandi. Were the Ndebeles slaughtered them cows and goats?
MaNdaba wakwaNdaba, Here are the 6 stupid beliefs that created racism.
1 white people believe that white people invented all civilizations. That is wrong. White people did not invent civilizations. It was the aliens, fallen angels (demons) who brought and taught science, astrology, astronomy, reading and writing with ink, making of weapons of war, making and melting of iron, gold, silver, bronze, art, and all other civilizations to the people of the earth in the days of Jared, who was the father of Enoch. All these are written down in the book of Enoch. They are also written down in the book of jubilees. The books of Enoch and the book of jubilees are among the oldest books of the bible. But they were not included in the Biblical collections of books. Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah.
Enoch is also mentioned in the Bible as the seventh descendant of Adam and Eve. Former witches (occultists) who have abandon witchcraft and are now Christians, said in their testimonies that while they were witches, and while they were astral projecting to the spiritual demonic world of satan, they saw demons and the devil and hold meeting with them, and saw technologies and saw how scientist people from this earth who are also witches (occultists), go there to copy their technologies and bring them to the earth. And that these aliens, fallen angels (demons) are the ones bringing all technologies and development to the earth. Humans did not invent anything.
They also said that, there are demons Who are not humans, who enters the womb of women and are born on earth. For the destruction of humans. That these demons live among humans and pretend to be humans, and do not let people know that they are demons. That they grow up and they work among teachers as teachers, as students, pilots, doctors, judges, police, companies, markets, engineers, in the shops, as traders etc. That some of them work among humans who are scientists, and are also bringing technologies from the spiritual world into this world, and are also creating all kinds of development, secular entertainment, movies, sport, video games etc.
That ordinary humans can not invent these things or anything. That it is the demons who are living among us that are doing it, and are bringing all these things to the earth to distract humans from focusing on and fulfilling their true purpose on earth. So that when they die, God will throw them to hell for failing to fulfill their true purpose on earth. That our true purpose on earth, is to worship God, serve him, and live our entire life in righteousness and holiness, in obedience to his commandments and laws. Here is one of many such testimonies I have seen. On TH-cam, search for (THE FIRST HEAVEN AND THE AVATARS). Here is the link and listen to the 23 minute testimony of Jean Mark Mutombo.
Many Christians also said that they had spiritual experiences, where Jesus and angels told them that demons are the ones bringing technologies to the earth. Here is one of the many testimonies I have seen. On TH-cam search for (AN EX ROCKER TAKEN TO HELL). Here is the link and listen to the 15 minutes testimony of a man called mark Thompson from Canada.
2 white people believe that only white people have been ruling the earth. That is wrong. There were no white people ruling the earth before Jesus was born. It was 300 years before Jesus was born that Greece rosed and ruled the earth becoming the first country in Europe to rise to power. And Jesus lived on earth 2000 years ago. White people rule today because it is their turn to rule the earth. According to the Bible, spiritual beings are the ones controlling and deciding who rule this earth. Each nation is given its turn to rule.
3 white people also believe that God is white. That is also wrong. God is not white. He has no entire or original appearance. He takes on different forms and colors according to the description of holy prophets who have seen him. Both people from the Bible and people from today who have seen him in visions, dreams and death experiences, said that he has no entire or original appearance.
4 white people also believe that all angels are white. That is also wrong. The angels are of different races. Again both people from the Bible and people of today who have seen them in visions and death experiences, described them in different colors. They said that some of them are white as snow, some are pale with blond and black hair, while others are black with Afro hair. I have seen testimonies of people who said they saw black angels with Afro hair and white angels in heaven, in visions, dreams and during their death experiences. The Bible also mentions an angel that look like bronze.
5 white people believe that the whiter and straighter one's hair is, the wiser and more civilize one is. That is wrong. Because animals with white skins are not more intelligent than animals with black skins. At the schools, majority of people from every race are not clever, while a minority from every race are the clever ones and are passing their tests and exams. Those white students who are not doing well at school, how come their white skins and straight hair are not helping them to be clever at school? It is because it is not skin color and straight hair that make people wiser.
6 white people believe that a real 100 % human being is someone that has civilization. That is also wrong. For when God created human beings, Adam and Eve, they had no civilization and were naked. And yet God called them human beings. He did not say no. They are not human beings yet. I must wait until they invent one civilization before I call them human beings. No. He called them human beings right away. Which means human beings were already perfected and completed as 100% human beings, before civilizations came.
Shame on you south Africa
Sithabelamandlawenkosiwodu6298, Please, black people should stop acting foolish. They should stop wearing white people hair and should stop bleaching their skin to be white. And wear their own natural hair and skin color. White people do not look down on black people because of their skin color. White people look down on black people, because they believe that black people are not civilized and did not contribute to civilization.
White people eat black meat, black cows, black goats, black sheep, black rams, black birds etc. They slaughter and eat them without complaining that they are eating things that are black.
White people also have black pets, buy black shoes and clothes, and other things that are black, without complaining that they are black.
But it is only when it comes to black people that white people love to pretend as if they hate black people because of their black skin. Which is not true.
White people are using what they believe they have accomplished to be exalting their appearance and themselves. By thinking and saying, people that are white are the ones who invented all civilization, they are advanced, they are rich, they they are the only ones that have ruled and are still ruling the earth etc. Therefore being white is better. You see how white people are using the vain things of this world to exalt themselves? Because they believe they are the ones inventing them. What does accomplishments have to do with skin color and appearance? Because of that, they also believe that God is white. Thereby using God to promote and exalt themselves. And it is because of civilization that white people think they are the correct and perfect human beings, which is foolishness. Because humans have always existed and called themselves 100% humans before the first civilization came to earth. Why is it now that civilization has come that those who possess it say that they are the real and perfect human beings? A human being is a creature that has human form. Not a creature that has done something great, which is pride, and is white people's version, and is wrong and foolish. Because when God created humans, they were called Adam and Eve. And there was no civilization on earth. After God created them, he called them humans. Which means humans were already perfect as humans 100% before civilization came to earth.
But when it comes to black people, white people say, people that are black did not invent nor contributed to civilization, they are not advanced, and are poor. Therefore being black is not good. They are attaching skin color and appearance to the conditions and state of black people. Which is foolishness. For what do skin color and appearance have to do with conditions and state of black people? this is why white people ridicule and make fun of black people and call them monkeys. Which is stupid. Because monkeys have different colors. There are black monkeys and there are also pale monkeys. If black people came from black monkeys, that would also mean that white people came from pale monkeys. Which is also stupid.
Since civilization is the problem, therefore the only way to solve this problem is to proof to white people that they are not the founder of civilization. And give them evidences.
Here is evidence.
1, White people did not invent civilizations. It was the aliens, fallen angels (demons) who brought and taught science, astrology, astronomy, reading and writing with ink, making of weapons of war, making and melting of iron, gold, silver, bronze, art, and all other civilizations to the people of the earth in the days of Jared, who was the father of Enoch. All these are written down in the book of Enoch. They are also written down in the book of jubilees. The books of Enoch and the book of jubilees are among the oldest books of the bible. But they were not included in the Biblical collections of books. Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah.
Enoch is also mentioned in the Bible as the seventh descendant of Adam and Eve. Former witches (occultists) who have abandon witchcraft and are now Christians, said in their testimonies that while they were witches, and while they were astral projecting to the spiritual demonic world of satan, they saw demons and the devil and hold meeting with them, and saw technologies and saw how scientist people from this earth who are also witches (occultists), go there to copy their technologies and bring them to the earth. And that these aliens, fallen angels (demons) are the ones bringing all technologies and development to the earth. Humans did not invent anything.
They also said that, there are demons Who are not humans, who enters the womb of women and are born on earth. For the destruction of humans. That these demons live among humans and pretend to be humans, and do not let people know that they are demons. That they grow up and they work among teachers as teachers, as students, pilots, doctors, judges, police, companies, markets, engineers, in the shops, as traders etc. That some of them work among humans who are scientists, and are also bringing technologies from the spiritual world into this world, and are also creating all kinds of development, secular entertainment, movies, sport, video games etc.
That ordinary humans can not invent these things or anything. That it is the demons who are living among us that are doing it, and are bringing all these things to the earth to distract humans from focusing on and fulfilling their true purpose on earth. So that when they die, God will throw them to hell for failing to fulfill their true purpose on earth. That our true purpose on earth, is to worship God, serve him, and live our entire life in righteousness and holiness, in obedience to his commandments and laws. Here is one of many such testimonies I have seen. On TH-cam, search for (THE FIRST HEAVEN AND THE AVATARS). Here is the link listen to the 23 minute testimony of Jean Mark Mutombo.
Many Christians also said that they had spiritual experiences, where Jesus and angels told them that demons are the ones bringing technologies to the earth. Here is one of the many testimonies I have seen. On TH-cam search for (AN EX ROCKER TAKEN TO HELL). Here is the link listen to the 15 minutes testimony of a man called mark Thompson from Canada.
2, white people believe that only white people have been ruling the earth. That is wrong. There were no white people ruling the earth before Jesus was born. It was 300 years before Jesus was born that Greece rosed and ruled the earth becoming the first country in Europe to rise to power. And Jesus lived on earth 2000 years ago. White people rule today because it is their turn to rule the earth. According to the Bible, spiritual beings are the ones controlling and deciding who rule this earth. Each nation is given its turn to rule. The Bible and other books that are not included in the Bible, but were written before Jesus was born said that, the ancestor of Sudan was an elder brother to the ancestor of Egypt. The brothers names were cush and mizraim.
That cush was the name of the ancestor of Sudan. And that his younger brother mizraim, was the ancestor of Egypt. Which means ancient Egyptians were black. Also the Bible and those books said that the world first king, the world first emperor and the founder of the world first kingdom and empire, was a black man by the name of nimrod. And that he was from Cush. Which is the name for ancient Sudan.
3, white people also believe that God is white. That is also wrong. God is not white. He has no entire or original appearance. He takes on different forms and colors according to the description of holy prophets who have seen him. Both people from the Bible and people from today who have seen him in visions, dreams and death experiences, said that he has no entire or original appearance.
Nonsense. Zimbabweans are suffering and yet to you it's safe. That's nonsensical.
Christopher Kativhu, If white people say they hate black people because of their black skin, then how come white people eat black animals and black foods, black cows, black goats, buy black products etc? How come they are not saying that because those animals are black, they will not eat them?
That is one of the evidences that white people do not hate black people because they are black. Instead it is pride. Pride brings foolish feelings and foolish thoughts. It makes you to feel that all others are inferior to you, and are not qualified to be called humans, are savages etc. Non of it has anything to do with skin color. For if it was skin color, then white people would never eat black animals, food that is black, buy black products or anything that is black etc. No. They are proud and are feeling superior to black people, because they have been exalted to rule the earth and because they believe they invented all civilizations on earth.
According to the Bible, spiritual forces are the ones choosing and raising up different nations one after the other to rule the earth.
Any people that have been exalted to rule the earth, everything on earth will be brought under their control. When that happens, it will then be looking as if they are the ones who invented them, and they would be proud and look down on all the other peoples of the earth and see them as inferior who are not qualified to be called human beings. That is why today it is looking as if it is white people who invented everything on earth. That is why white people are proud and look down on all other people on earth.
According to the Bible, there were no european nation ruling the earth before Jesus was born. It was middle eastern, asiatic and black African countries that ruled the earth before Europeans began to rule. It was actually 300 years before Jesus was born that Greece became the first country from Europe to rule the earth. After them, the romans came.
There were already civilization on the earth before Europeans began to rule the earth. The book of Enoch the oldest book of the Bible, and the book of jubilees, revealed that civilization was brought to the earth by fallen angels.
These books exposed the truth that human beings did not invent any technology, science, astrology, astronomy, writing with ink, weapons of war or any other civilization. But that these things were brought to the earth by the alien watchers, who are fallen angels (demons).
On TH-cam, search for (Ancient Aliens: The Watchers Who Oversee Mankind (Season 9) | History) here is the link and watch a 4:57 minutes documentary about how human beings did not invent any technology and civilization. But that civilization and technology was brought and is still being brought to the earth by aliens, who are fallen angels (demons).
There are also other documentaries about all these. Full documentaries. Watch them on TH-cam.
Name one group of Africans who liked each before colonisation. we raided,enslaved each, fought wars against each other and stole from one another . It Stoped when we're colonised and had one common enemy but once that enemy left we started to see the cracks.
Why are they not teaching history in school. I was born in north Sudan the education system is garbage. Let's focus on the education is useless