Great home, but terrible traffic, congestion and crime in this area.. the rich areas like any city attract crime. We lived here and moved to the outer skirts like Grecia. From Grecia we have the some wonderful City views... Love it and love less traffic and hardly any crime. Loved working with
very nice
Podría decirme el precio ( en privado si prefiere)
En Costa Rica en donde ?? Y a cuanto ?? Yo vivo en ese país y la quiero comprar ??
Fergie Mabel Bermúdez Jiménez corazon de jesus
Fergie Mabel Bermúdez Jiménez donde el rico se hace mas rico y el pobre mas pobre.
Fergie Mabel Bermúdez Jiménez yo digo lo mismo y boy a vivir alla
Hello I'm interested in a property to buy.
Please take a look at the listings on our website and contact us about properties you are interested in. Thank you
my new mansion .😊👌
It is very special!
Great home, but terrible traffic, congestion and crime in this area.. the rich areas like any city attract crime. We lived here and moved to the outer skirts like Grecia. From Grecia we have the some wonderful City views... Love it and love less traffic and hardly any crime. Loved working with
Cuanto vale
Quien les dio permiso de grabar mi casa?
Rafael Ramirez Mora jajjajajajajjaajj buena esa wey jajaja aunque si soy pobre xd
Ileana Samudio jaja saludos
Rafael Ramirez Mora vale wey
Quien dijo que es tu casa, esa mancion es de mi probiedad🤩