“You aren’t engaging with what I’m saying” it seems like he really dislikes the fact that people disagree with him and have different opinions than what he thinks is “right”
Re: Brittany’s ancestral background, she is Chaldean, a religious ethnic minority group from Iraq who practice a specific version of Catholicism. Brittany’s parents are from Iraq and practicing Catholics 🙂
A key component of cult behavior is isolation. As long as she never tells her audience to abandon their physical lives in devotion to her she’s not a cult leader. It’s to say her viewers are being brainwashed when she possesses no power other then possible life advice/content.
I’ve been watching her for 2 yrs now, and she doesn’t say anything about isolation or devotion to her. She puts her ideas out there, and hope it helps someone. If it doesn’t then oh well.
the characteristics of cults are [1] Authoritarian Leadership [2] Exclusivism [3] Isolationism [4] Opposition to Independent Thinking [5] Fear of Being “Disfellowshiped” [6] Threats of Outside Attack i dunno if her channel or rules follow or match these but i kinda doubt it... this guy (mr gurl) is a strange fellow, who had his step-mom try to rape him, and abuse him so he has said that he has a underlying hatred of women because of that... oh... and he is 100% right about dr. K... dr K should be disbarred from practicing medicine and removed from public life entirely, he is a grifter who caused a young man to kill himself and legit runs a cult
MrGirl reminds me of my ex on so many levels. Let’s just get one thing straight, I don’t think his girlfriend is happy. MrGirl is probably EXTREMELY hard to live with. Walking on eggshells is crucial, because you can’t piss him off. Once you do, it’s on.. for weeks. It’s on for WEEKS and not in a fun way 😂
I swear Brittany is so misunderstood. Tbh I feel like she may have been a bit put off / somewhat nervous in the convo which may have effected the clarity of her responses, but if you watch her consistently you understand her points on things. She also responds in jest a lot and has a flirtatious personality but her expectation is that people will express their boundaries and she will adjust accordingly. Overall an interesting convo and I’m glad she didn’t let him get under her skin
I think I'll take your word for it. She sounds like a know-nothing narcissist to me. Her way of categorizing people seems absurdly shallow to me and the fact that she'd give rick Sanchez a 5 makes it clear that she doesnt have the slightest understanding of rick and Morty
Also I get why the numbering or leveling of people looks wrong lol. I do. I'd argue that maybe she should rework the titles or whatever to make it more palatable for folk but that's also not a thing is expect Brittany to give an f about so 🤷🏻♀️
So just for more information, Mr. Girl said that being attracted to children wasnt a joke on Augie's Stream. Also he gets frustrated he can't press the buttons of, he likes controlling the conversation and/or the emotions of the other person. If he can't do either he gets jumpy and defensive.
Woah ill have to look that up, thats gross...i thought he meant that he understood why someone could be physically attracted to girls who were going thru puberty but not young girls....nastay either way but one is waaay more criminal
This is the guy that defended that CP Netflix movie, right? Gave it a good review and I remember him saying "the blonde one was hot" or something. That's all I can think about when I hear anything about him.
I'm sorry but most of what Mr girl would say in response to her made no sense to me. How can parts of rape be consensual?. Personally i view rape as more of stealing. If someone steals from a store is it consensual? He didn't really elaborate on it and I'm not familiar with his content but it just seemed like a way to minimize how much a rapist actually takes from people and a way to also put partial blame on the victim. And the part aboutn not being able to recover from being an angry person I didn't understand either. Like, yes everybody has anger. anger is emotion, it's not something that you can ever get rid of. but being an angry person is completely different. when you're an angry person you're looking at everything through the lens of anger. compared to somebody who might get angry, have a moment, and come back down to level headedness see the world differently. with therapy or just going through your life you can certainly become less of an angry person without giving up anger as an emotion. I thought it was kind of funny that he was going on about how she's talking about "the sun the universe the moon" like kind of mocking her or whatever but in my opinion his answers more represented that kind of hippie-dippie bullshit type thing. I mean he couldn't even answer the question how are you without taking it to such a weird introspective place where he can't even tell you how he is but at the same time can tell Brittany that she's a very angry repressed person, but he doesn't even know how he feels. I mean it just made no sense to me. Maybe I'm missing something.
My experience with " angry" ppl are that they are so vulnerable that they need situations or ppl to fit to their exact expectations & when it does not they crumble. M9st of us grow out of this by 4 years old. They mostly felt owed something by life so even simple things that would be a water on a ducks back would be a major infringement to them.
My understanding is that MrGirl approaches simple questions like "how are you" with deep responses because he is looking to know have those types of conversations. It's as if he doesn't want to compromise that type of convo by using chit chat convo where you ramp it up and hope you end up being able to have those convos. It ends up blowing convos up real quickly but it also acts as sort of a filter.
yeah i feel u… it’s like he won’t have a definite feeling so that if something changes, he’s always right but tbh, i can’t tell if it’s cuz he genuinely cares about being misunderstood &/or possibly hurting someone or if it’s simply to be right 🤔
@@godiebeard he has touched on it a few times through his streams but yeah I think the one convo with destiny about avoiding meta convos is probably the best way to get insight on it
Okay this guy just really annoys me, he's nit-picky and wants to acknowledge every word and wording she makes, and on top of that he often just dismisses what she says because he's not like her, he projects so hard. Clearly she's very sex comfortable and positive and he isn't, which is fine, just dont put your belief and opinion over other people, this guy is like anti-assertive and it drives me insane listening to him
I think the problem is that Brittany is making a descriptive statement that society would be better without ones but she doesn’t actually believe there should be a prescriptive action in order to make ones die
I've liked Brittany on destiny's stream, and I agree with Mrgirl that her intentions are probably good. I do think her level system has the potential to be used destructively though. Categories in analysis are good for convenience, but they are not the end goal of analysis. Eventually, we must push further to dissolve those catagories in order to understand a system. Settling with a level system is kind of intellectually lazy. Although, I haven't watched a ton of her content, so maybe she clarifies this further.
She does go more in to it in her videos. From my understanding it’s supposed to be a tool for personal introspection and understanding the introspection level of others. And it does have least to most personally introspective on a number scale, but the numbers aren’t supposed to represent value. She acknowledges that the way people interact with numbers can lead people to believe that the goal is to achieve the highest number. I do think for clarity’s sake she should have named the states of introspection instead of using numbers, but as she states it’s not something that is even set in stone enough to write down. So, in a way it’s intellectually lazy, but I think that’s intentional. Like she does not want people to be able to attach to it completely.
do you think its possible to not use categorizations tho? like all of language is a categorization, and with out some sort of it then we are unable to deal in a real way with anything...it just always turns into a nothing is better than anything else bunch of mumbo jumbo, but we kno some things are better than others and its ok... as a species we want to lessen suffering from each other, and that is essentially better than hurting each other
@@domm5715I'll say dissolve is a poor choice of words on my part. My point was more specific to Brittany's application. Outside of that context though, because I think you asked a good question. Categories are important devices for convenience, but when categories are made incorrectly, they can distort or destroy the truth. Self help isn't about truth. It's about outcomes. Everything changes over time, so do outcomes, but the truth doesn't change. In these cases people don't seem to care as much about if categories represent true characteristics of how the world works, but rather which stories help people the most regardless of the cost. This is a philosophical problem that plagued psychology and other softer sciences even to this day.
I'm just always wary of philosophical theories where a person quantifies people's behavior and then puts themselves at the top. I put WAY more weight into philosophers who treat themselves as observers and opt out of the system. Brittany's system gets criticized for being cult-like, or has the potential to become that way, by many people and for good reason
Idk how anyone can defend the way she describes "1s". It's incredibly disturbing to me. Most people who struggle with addiction and mental illness deal with profound ambivalence to change. Most people with these issues have a trauma background and simply don't feel worthy of better. My experience as a social worker. How cruel and arrogant to suggest the world would be better without our most vulnerable and lost. For someone who preaches "introspection"... wow.
These are two of the most annoying personalities I’ve ever witnessed. Fascinating to watch but I would not want to be in a conversation with either of them.
Rogan has started that too - “My thoughts influence 120 million listeners a day, but whatever man I’m a fkn idiot cage-fighting commentator just talkin shit brah 🤷 “ that’s valid but they sorta sweep their level of influence under the rug by demanding them to see them as ‘just a dummy talkin like a dummy cuz I’m a dummy , I’m not responsible for my influence cuz I say the word DUMMY a lot 😊’
I have done life drawing with nude models probably over 500 times. We did it A LOT in my 6 years of college And we were drawing and studding everything we see. I would say nudity is not alway sexual. TBH I think because I have done so much life drawing the naked doesn’t bother me / I don’t fine it very sexual anymore. I think in our North American society we are condition to perceive a naked human as sexual and we are not used to seeing naked people so it can feel weird and vulnerable for both the person who is nude and the peoples observing. Desensitization could also play a role in my experience because I have been exposed to nudity in a non sexy way through life drawing. I understand how nudity can also be sexual but I think the context of the situation matters when it comes to nudity being sexual.
I’ve watched Brittany on and off for a decade now and a chunk of what she says really resonates with me, but charging $250/hr to talk to her throws you red signs for me and I’m undecided about her Levels System. It gives me diet Scientology vibes.
@Giacinta Micallef agreed. I don't think she promotes her calls as a gateway to answers, she has plenty of videos on the level system, she's shared tips on how to be more introspective. There are some creators that do the "let me help you with x, pay more to figure out the steps" and I don't think her content gives that vibe. You can get more than enough just from listening to her podcasts/conversations without having to pay for a one-on-one 30-60 min time slot or whatever it is
@@xXGrim14ReaperXx probably a poor analogy but just because of the levels. I’m aware she states that no one should feel the need to level up or achieve the top level, unless you’re a level 1 (useless to society and those around you) then you should probably strive to become a level 2.
@@giacintaah what service is she providing if she doesn’t have any answers? I mean clearly she has insight and wisdom that could be helpful to those struggling with mental illness or loneliness, etc. no?
The cult thing. I think it isn't something to fear unless the group is to the extreme end of cult. People become fans of viewpoints or people and some become overzealous. Do we fear Tony Robbins or the life coaches or book writers out there? No. Even within guru follower groups, there can still be good people and good ideas. I think it is good to have caution and look for dysfunction, but no need to squeeze our buttonholes with worry.
tony robbins and those ppl you mention dont fit the sociological definition of a cult tho, i think he meant a real cult like heavens gate or the mansons...
@@domm5715 But Brittney seems similar to a Tony Robbins as she does something life-coach-esque. Mr. Girl was painting her with the Heaven's Gate brush.
@@kennypham3856 he’s the world-record setter of making claims then citing “source: myself , the best or sources” like wtf “You’re angry cuz I know cuz I’m me and I’m right” lol 😆
I love Brittany more and more each time I see/hear her have these in-depth, thought-provoking conversations with other creators. I have been following Brittany for several years, and she is my spirit animal. Oddly enough, I had downloaded Discord for the first time, after swearing-off any type of social media platform.. And the only two creators I had on there for myself, were Brittany Simon and Papa Gut. This was months ago. Prior to the both of you even having your public conversation that has occurred. Intriguing. 💖
Papa, since you’re commenting on one of mrgirl’s discussions, can you please go over his Dr. James Cantor interview!? Pretty please!? :P It was one of the more interesting ones
I think Max has an overarching goal of 1) revealing the cause-and-effect that underlies peoples’ beliefs, feelings, values, and behaviours, and 2) revealing the degree to which the person of interest is truly self-aware and participating in said cause-and-effect underlying their projected presentation and understanding. Or, if through their relationship with themselves (interoception, or the ability to accurately identify internal valenced sensations), they are out of integrity (to not be consciously perceiving their internal states accurately). Thus the ‘quality’ he is seeking in people is their integrity, or roughly self-awareness (or even self-possession). At my interpretation, this is the standard and practice to which Max engages with himself and shares via digital mediums. Most people aren’t practiced, nor capable of engaging in such direct interrogation, as is Max’s approach with himself and thus others. Hence his content, for now, is revealing a novel dimension to the usual interpersonal dynamics in media and casual discourse. Unless you’re continuously doing this in your spare time, social conditioning and norms deter this process naturally (and artificially). It’s like the internet, you have to already know what you’re looking for, to utilize the search engine. It’s a curated experience for most people (and to varying degrees all people of course). But as with the internet, to truly ‘explore’, the scaffolding must encourage ‘exploration’ and facilitate exploration for the sake of it, before curation (like morality, hierarchies of authority, etc.) While this process of introspection and extrospection can become naturalized on the individual level, it’s an entirely different process to do said process with a single other person, or multiple people. From my interpretation, Max seems passionate about this explorative ‘penetration’ into and beyond the curated experience of self-reflection and awareness, in himself and in others. Self-reflection for the sake of it, almost ‘raw’, immediate, before applying conditionals to the impulses… (self-curation, or self-censorship sorta vibe), hence why it’s difficult for people to hear him say he found the children in ‘Cuties’ to be arousing (or w/e triggered sensory experience). He, as an individual stating this, is parallel to the collective experience for the movie; the sexualization of children. We all experienced the same sensory reaction, that we sense the sexualization happening, or we wouldn’t be able to form an opinion about it (which people do through identifying with the opinions of others, which done unconsciously, is even less self-aware). Max is modelling a useful process of ‘deconditioning’ ourselves, from the lived experiences we’ve accumulated and constructed our identities around to navigate reality. So him saying he is frustrated AND understands what is happening, makes sense. But the conversation is carried not by a singular person, but by multiple perspectives. Thus, Max needs a sort of ‘companion’ to his work for it to become effective and understood by the public. Something to contextualize the value in a way that other people can relate to, as it feels threatening to most people lol. This is empathy, which from a hardware perspective, engages the body by ‘validating the organic experience’, and is then ‘realized’ by the mind (where we direct attention). This is a skill, to listen to what is being said and validate it (if someone says they’re joyous, then that is true because they believe it), because we cannot effectuate the development of someone’s integrity if we don’t meet them where they (literally) are (mentally and physically). So we need to let go of labelling ‘what people are really feeling below their understanding’ and trying to convince them of it. Because that’s still curation, and what fosters integrity and self-awareness is self-exploration, which is facilitated (just like a baby with the security of mom being nearby), not via force!
@@domm5715 yeah, I feel if his goal is to bring someone more into their integrity, then his unique sort of ‘directness’ isn’t the most effective way. If someone isn’t able to explore his interpretation, he needs to develop flexibility in his approach (like stubbornly telling them they’re wrong isn’t going to do much except if the person gives up). But thats only if he genuinely is trying to move in a team-oriented direction with someone, I could be being too generous with his intentions lol
This guy is strange. There's so many things I can sympathize with and agree with, like women being capable of being sexually forward and overstepping and its accepted more than with men, but "rapey" is not right. He just presents his ideas awfully, if he worked on that then he could be agreeable for sure, definitely awkward af lmaooo
Jerry from Rick and Morty is Brittany's example of a 1. Maybe even a Bojack Horseman type in the beginning (my example). Addict Bobby Lee is a 1 (losing jobs, unregulated addiction and mental illness, damaging relationships, choosing to stay in that state despite having the means to get better) vs sober Bobby Lee who is more of a 2 (again, my example..Brittany may have said Bobby has always been a 2, speculation since she doesn't know him). I also LOVE Bobby Lee, this isn't an insult - he even talks about all this. The levels are a tool used to assess introspection, not morality. You can also move levels throughout life based on your introspection level, hence the name. Also, this is not the first philosophical levels system, many came before the great TH-camr Brittany Simon. The conversation around 1s in this video, in my opinion, is Brittany trying to convey that the 1s don't even realize, or aren't introspective enough, to understand that they're choosing to stay stagnant and are a drain on those around them. "They're so useless they can't even kill themselves." That's why she said that. If you want more context or to do your own research, maybe start with her video from the day after this stream.
1:02:10 MrGirl has said that all consensual sex has some coercion to it and all r4p3 has some consent to it. So when he says something is "r4p3y," I think he's mostly just highlighting the nonconsensual aspect of the interaction. I think it's an interesting framework to use, and there is some truth to it, but Papa Gut's reaction shows why that's not super useful terminology 2:27:17 Pretty sure he's said he had/has anger issues
@@UrbanDecayLova247 A framework diluting the meaning of a specific word doesn't make that framework worthless. That's like saying polytheistic religions are useless because they dilute the word "god"
@@noahthenormal I didn’t say it was worthless, but I don’t think that example is the same. Throwing the word r4p3 around could have material consequences which is why I don’t think it is USEFUL to dilute it. Using the word God loosely will not result in consequences with law and order.
@@UrbanDecayLova247 Lol ok you didn't say "worthless," but you did say "not useful at all" which is damn near the literal definition of the word. Obviously, they're not the same thing; that's how analogies work. They focus on a shared dynamic or trait to see if a specific logic holds up in different settings. Using "god" to refer to the petty, squabbling, selfish beings of Greek mythology dilutes the word "god" from describing an infinitely powerful, omnipotent creator to something much less significant. While I agree that MrGirl's _terminology_ isn't particularly useful and said as much in my original comment, the terminology's usefulness is not indicative of the framework's value
@@noahthenormal I understand the analogy and the point of them lol - just thought it was a poor one to use for what we’re referencing. If he wants that framework to hold any weight, I personally would just use a different word other than “r4p3” - it’s an extreme term to be using for what he’s trying to communicate IMO. Agree to disagree 🤷🏾♀️
That conversation he had with his girlfriend about her wanting to transition was one of the most visceral pieces he's done. It was somewhere between. I couldn't tell if it was art or abuse. I agree Papa should look more into his content.
Seems like alot of your opinions on what people say comes from you misunderstanding what they say cause you're more focused on the game your playing then the video your talking about
Yeah… I’m trying to power through some sort of stroke or something… because she’s agreeing too much with some of his stuff for my comfort. Is that satire of a sort for the sake of his side of his conversation… because later on I agree with her points but early on she agreed with a white superiority thing… I’m not familiar with her, so I don’t know her actual views. And I didn’t see any other vids on her channel I wanted to watch before this… soooo I’m confused. I’m not far into this vid… so I’m going to watch with the intent that we’re seeing more insanity from mr girl. But I have no idea what angle she’s coming from - I’m watching this with one eyebrow perpetually cocked.
@@CompanionCorbs Brittany's a fan of Mr. Girl (That's objective, the rest of what I'm going to say is subjective). She was also being extremely dry and trying to match Mr. Girl, she wasnt really agreeing with him there. On the flip side, she also doesn't really care much for the collective but for individuals. So as a result, she doesn't really put weight into systemic approaches or systems, nor how someone's actions affect others. She's gone on record to say that politics bore her and she moved to a tiny town after this massive brouhaha that happened a couple of years a go, where she interacts with a limited amount of people outside of the internet. So as an example, she's on record in multiple conversations, that she is "pro-slur". I agree you can't police or control what other people say, but she believes that if you're not around the person or the group who would be affected by the language, in the bubble of your friend group, you can basically say whatever you want. For me, that's gross. In a micro lens, if I found out a close friend of mine was calling me a name with their other friends behind my back, that would hurt. In a wider lens, I'm black, so if I found out someone frequently engaged in using the N-Word, I can't control it, but it would feel like a sort of betrayal and would not interact with that person anymore. Hence why she doesn't think there are "real nazis". (Not caring about collectives and all). Even if nazis dont have systemic power right now, their power comes from words and spreading ideology. She would be the type to ignore the Holocaust until we saw the bodies back in the day. She doesn't really put a lot of stock into perspectives that recognize groups as a whole.
1:02:00 why do you have this logic but always consider everything to be racist recently you also gave examples of black creators getting punished more but missed the gemini (i think thats his name) and edp after a while lol, as well as akowledging the factor of racism and indulging in it with petty page which is pretty much all she is 1:43:00 personally i think everyone can be born (excepting outliers) can be formed and malleable into anything. if someone would believe it so, and wouldn't help themselves, i would hope to structure a more hospitable life for them to flourish in an environment where there would be a different result instead of resulting in them dying lol. basically ignoring changing the system in exchange for conveniency which i don't agree with at all. i think britanny is a distorted degenerate and i tthink mr girl is a smart weirdo, that guy seriously has gone through something wow what a great time
If that's so, then she needs to go back to the drawing board on this rating system. That's a simple example and your telling me she already implemented contradictions to that. I made one example based off what she said and now I'm being told that doesn't count.
@@rainingfist I mean maybe one or two of them could be a one, but not every anti-vaxxer is a 1, that be kinda crazy, a lot of them are useful to their community in some way or I least I would hope so.
You know that Amos Yee actively campaigned to lower the age of consent, right? I get being creeped out by MrGirl, but seems like you're being a little reactionary
You couldn't have two more different people interact with each other. I personally loved every second of it. I love awkwardness.
Also he looks like Rasputin a bit.
Hope you enjoyed the discussion 😊
I am queer 🌈 For the record ♡
Bro, this guys whole personality is "I'm a jaded sad boi that keeps getting taken advantage of by society."
“You aren’t engaging with what I’m saying” it seems like he really dislikes the fact that people disagree with him and have different opinions than what he thinks is “right”
Re: Brittany’s ancestral background, she is Chaldean, a religious ethnic minority group from Iraq who practice a specific version of Catholicism. Brittany’s parents are from Iraq and practicing Catholics 🙂
ty for sharing this info about Brittany with us!!!🤗
A key component of cult behavior is isolation. As long as she never tells her audience to abandon their physical lives in devotion to her she’s not a cult leader. It’s to say her viewers are being brainwashed when she possesses no power other then possible life advice/content.
I’ve been watching her for 2 yrs now, and she doesn’t say anything about isolation or devotion to her. She puts her ideas out there, and hope it helps someone. If it doesn’t then oh well.
the characteristics of cults are [1] Authoritarian Leadership [2] Exclusivism [3] Isolationism [4] Opposition to Independent Thinking [5] Fear of Being “Disfellowshiped” [6] Threats of Outside Attack
i dunno if her channel or rules follow or match these but i kinda doubt it... this guy (mr gurl) is a strange fellow, who had his step-mom try to rape him, and abuse him so he has said that he has a underlying hatred of women because of that... oh... and he is 100% right about dr. K... dr K should be disbarred from practicing medicine and removed from public life entirely, he is a grifter who caused a young man to kill himself and legit runs a cult
That’s just not true at all.
Something about both of them really pisses me off
I actually started watching you bc of brittany and I've been really enjoying this channel so far!
Welcome to the gut fam!!!!
we are all mugblooded americans here
When Mr Girl said 'I have a gf' I died 😂😂😂
MrGirl reminds me of my ex on so many levels. Let’s just get one thing straight, I don’t think his girlfriend is happy. MrGirl is probably EXTREMELY hard to live with. Walking on eggshells is crucial, because you can’t piss him off. Once you do, it’s on.. for weeks. It’s on for WEEKS and not in a fun way 😂
I swear Brittany is so misunderstood. Tbh I feel like she may have been a bit put off / somewhat nervous in the convo which may have effected the clarity of her responses, but if you watch her consistently you understand her points on things. She also responds in jest a lot and has a flirtatious personality but her expectation is that people will express their boundaries and she will adjust accordingly. Overall an interesting convo and I’m glad she didn’t let him get under her skin
Very. You're right. It really takes watching her consistently, which isn't for everyone.
Well said
I think I'll take your word for it. She sounds like a know-nothing narcissist to me. Her way of categorizing people seems absurdly shallow to me and the fact that she'd give rick Sanchez a 5 makes it clear that she doesnt have the slightest understanding of rick and Morty
@@markharrison6498 no a 4 for Rick actually
Also I get why the numbering or leveling of people looks wrong lol. I do. I'd argue that maybe she should rework the titles or whatever to make it more palatable for folk but that's also not a thing is expect Brittany to give an f about so 🤷🏻♀️
So just for more information, Mr. Girl said that being attracted to children wasnt a joke on Augie's Stream. Also he gets frustrated he can't press the buttons of, he likes controlling the conversation and/or the emotions of the other person. If he can't do either he gets jumpy and defensive.
Woah ill have to look that up, thats gross...i thought he meant that he understood why someone could be physically attracted to girls who were going thru puberty but not young girls....nastay either way but one is waaay more criminal
@@domm5715 its in Mr. Girl debates blowblax amd technicals
This is the guy that defended that CP Netflix movie, right? Gave it a good review and I remember him saying "the blonde one was hot" or something. That's all I can think about when I hear anything about him.
I'm sorry but most of what Mr girl would say in response to her made no sense to me. How can parts of rape be consensual?. Personally i view rape as more of stealing. If someone steals from a store is it consensual? He didn't really elaborate on it and I'm not familiar with his content but it just seemed like a way to minimize how much a rapist actually takes from people and a way to also put partial blame on the victim.
And the part aboutn not being able to recover from being an angry person I didn't understand either. Like, yes everybody has anger. anger is emotion, it's not something that you can ever get rid of. but being an angry person is completely different. when you're an angry person you're looking at everything through the lens of anger. compared to somebody who might get angry, have a moment, and come back down to level headedness see the world differently. with therapy or just going through your life you can certainly become less of an angry person without giving up anger as an emotion.
I thought it was kind of funny that he was going on about how she's talking about "the sun the universe the moon" like kind of mocking her or whatever but in my opinion his answers more represented that kind of hippie-dippie bullshit type thing. I mean he couldn't even answer the question how are you without taking it to such a weird introspective place where he can't even tell you how he is but at the same time can tell Brittany that she's a very angry repressed person, but he doesn't even know how he feels. I mean it just made no sense to me.
Maybe I'm missing something.
I can’t take him seriously after his Cuties review
He admitted to rape. He is a rapist that's why he feels that way...
@@skullingtonfx4441 why does this man have a platform??!
@@Charlie-pd3qu people think hes a troll. Either way he said he did it and enjoyed it. Should be against TOS to say half of what he does...
My experience with " angry" ppl are that they are so vulnerable that they need situations or ppl to fit to their exact expectations & when it does not they crumble. M9st of us grow out of this by 4 years old. They mostly felt owed something by life so even simple things that would be a water on a ducks back would be a major infringement to them.
This whole segment felt like a red vs blue conversation. I understood what both of them meant however it feels like they both veered off topic.
Yeah but they're both Leftists
*Mr. Girl:* "Ahm. There's also a sexual element. To. Something."
*Brittany:* "My OnlyFans, you mean?"
*Mr. Girl:* "I dunno."
My understanding is that MrGirl approaches simple questions like "how are you" with deep responses because he is looking to know have those types of conversations. It's as if he doesn't want to compromise that type of convo by using chit chat convo where you ramp it up and hope you end up being able to have those convos. It ends up blowing convos up real quickly but it also acts as sort of a filter.
Sure, but he is definitely ok with labeling how other people are
yeah i feel u… it’s like he won’t have a definite feeling so that if something changes, he’s always right
but tbh, i can’t tell if it’s cuz he genuinely cares about being misunderstood &/or possibly hurting someone or if it’s simply to be right 🤔
I also watched his latest talk with Destiny
@@godiebeard he has touched on it a few times through his streams but yeah I think the one convo with destiny about avoiding meta convos is probably the best way to get insight on it
Okay this guy just really annoys me, he's nit-picky and wants to acknowledge every word and wording she makes, and on top of that he often just dismisses what she says because he's not like her, he projects so hard. Clearly she's very sex comfortable and positive and he isn't, which is fine, just dont put your belief and opinion over other people, this guy is like anti-assertive and it drives me insane listening to him
I think the problem is that Brittany is making a descriptive statement that society would be better without ones but she doesn’t actually believe there should be a prescriptive action in order to make ones die
“I’m a pretty law abiding citizen“
Sa’d a chick and didn’t get caught so he thinks it’s okay smh
*sigh* 3 hour long video .. better get the snacks and cosy blanket out and tell everyone not to bother me
I've liked Brittany on destiny's stream, and I agree with Mrgirl that her intentions are probably good. I do think her level system has the potential to be used destructively though. Categories in analysis are good for convenience, but they are not the end goal of analysis. Eventually, we must push further to dissolve those catagories in order to understand a system. Settling with a level system is kind of intellectually lazy. Although, I haven't watched a ton of her content, so maybe she clarifies this further.
She does go more in to it in her videos. From my understanding it’s supposed to be a tool for personal introspection and understanding the introspection level of others.
And it does have least to most personally introspective on a number scale, but the numbers aren’t supposed to represent value. She acknowledges that the way people interact with numbers can lead people to believe that the goal is to achieve the highest number. I do think for clarity’s sake she should have named the states of introspection instead of using numbers, but as she states it’s not something that is even set in stone enough to write down.
So, in a way it’s intellectually lazy, but I think that’s intentional. Like she does not want people to be able to attach to it completely.
do you think its possible to not use categorizations tho? like all of language is a categorization, and with out some sort of it then we are unable to deal in a real way with anything...it just always turns into a nothing is better than anything else bunch of mumbo jumbo, but we kno some things are better than others and its ok... as a species we want to lessen suffering from each other, and that is essentially better than hurting each other
@@domm5715I'll say dissolve is a poor choice of words on my part. My point was more specific to Brittany's application.
Outside of that context though, because I think you asked a good question. Categories are important devices for convenience, but when categories are made incorrectly, they can distort or destroy the truth. Self help isn't about truth. It's about outcomes. Everything changes over time, so do outcomes, but the truth doesn't change. In these cases people don't seem to care as much about if categories represent true characteristics of how the world works, but rather which stories help people the most regardless of the cost. This is a philosophical problem that plagued psychology and other softer sciences even to this day.
I'm just always wary of philosophical theories where a person quantifies people's behavior and then puts themselves at the top. I put WAY more weight into philosophers who treat themselves as observers and opt out of the system. Brittany's system gets criticized for being cult-like, or has the potential to become that way, by many people and for good reason
Idk how anyone can defend the way she describes "1s". It's incredibly disturbing to me. Most people who struggle with addiction and mental illness deal with profound ambivalence to change. Most people with these issues have a trauma background and simply don't feel worthy of better. My experience as a social worker. How cruel and arrogant to suggest the world would be better without our most vulnerable and lost. For someone who preaches "introspection"... wow.
These are two of the most annoying personalities I’ve ever witnessed. Fascinating to watch but I would not want to be in a conversation with either of them.
Honestly, though. Both are so frustrating in different ways.
She speaks like she’s making a point but ends each claim that she doesn’t know anything and shouldn’t be listened too 🤨
It could be a defense mechanism to constantly being called a cult leader
I think she’s just giving her point of view without trying to imply it’s the right one, just that it’s hers
Precisely and we love every moment of it.
Rogan has started that too - “My thoughts influence 120 million listeners a day, but whatever man I’m a fkn idiot cage-fighting commentator just talkin shit brah 🤷 “ that’s valid but they sorta sweep their level of influence under the rug by demanding them to see them as ‘just a dummy talkin like a dummy cuz I’m a dummy , I’m not responsible for my influence cuz I say the word DUMMY a lot 😊’
This physically hurts me I’m struggling to watch it
Was an absolute chore live
I have done life drawing with nude models probably over 500 times. We did it A LOT in my 6 years of college And we were drawing and studding everything we see. I would say nudity is not alway sexual. TBH I think because I have done so much life drawing the naked doesn’t bother me / I don’t fine it very sexual anymore. I think in our North American society we are condition to perceive a naked human as sexual and we are not used to seeing naked people so it can feel
weird and vulnerable for both the person who is nude and the peoples observing.
Desensitization could also play a role in my experience because I have been exposed to nudity in a non sexy way through life drawing.
I understand how nudity can also be sexual but I think the context of the situation matters when it comes to nudity being sexual.
Very well said !
Brittany’s level of self awareness scared him I think 😂
This was just such a awkward "conversation"
Yeah but did you listen to what they were saying?
@@giacintaah I did but the energy felt so weird from the start
I’ve watched Brittany on and off for a decade now and a chunk of what she says really resonates with me, but charging $250/hr to talk to her throws you red signs for me and I’m undecided about her Levels System. It gives me diet Scientology vibes.
How come scientology vibes?
I mean she's charging for a service, like everyone does?
She doesn't claim to have the answers, she's she's explicit about that
@Giacinta Micallef agreed. I don't think she promotes her calls as a gateway to answers, she has plenty of videos on the level system, she's shared tips on how to be more introspective. There are some creators that do the "let me help you with x, pay more to figure out the steps" and I don't think her content gives that vibe. You can get more than enough just from listening to her podcasts/conversations without having to pay for a one-on-one 30-60 min time slot or whatever it is
@@xXGrim14ReaperXx probably a poor analogy but just because of the levels. I’m aware she states that no one should feel the need to level up or achieve the top level, unless you’re a level 1 (useless to society and those around you) then you should probably strive to become a level 2.
@@giacintaah what service is she providing if she doesn’t have any answers? I mean clearly she has insight and wisdom that could be helpful to those struggling with mental illness or loneliness, etc. no?
I love seeing the people triggered by brittany. 🤣
The cult thing. I think it isn't something to fear unless the group is to the extreme end of cult. People become fans of viewpoints or people and some become overzealous. Do we fear Tony Robbins or the life coaches or book writers out there? No. Even within guru follower groups, there can still be good people and good ideas. I think it is good to have caution and look for dysfunction, but no need to squeeze our buttonholes with worry.
tony robbins and those ppl you mention dont fit the sociological definition of a cult tho, i think he meant a real cult like heavens gate or the mansons...
@@domm5715 But Brittney seems similar to a Tony Robbins as she does something life-coach-esque. Mr. Girl was painting her with the Heaven's Gate brush.
papa gut is def a 7
Papa gut is not a 7 papa gut is sexy he's a whole 10 im about to turn gay and ask him to marry me that's how I feel about papa gut 😂
Whew Brittany has so much patience
I think the video proves how not angry Brittany Simon is. Even though Mr. Girl accuses her of secretly being angry.
@@kennypham3856 he’s the world-record setter of making claims then citing “source: myself , the best or sources” like wtf
“You’re angry cuz I know cuz I’m me and I’m right” lol 😆
@@Sprite_525 , I'll admit, he is really good at pointing the finger back at a person, even if it isn't the person's fault.
lmao Brittany was definitely the exhausting one in the convo.
this is such a good dynamic I love this clash of ideologies
I love Brittany more and more each time I see/hear her have these in-depth, thought-provoking conversations with other creators. I have been following Brittany for several years, and she is my spirit animal. Oddly enough, I had downloaded Discord for the first time, after swearing-off any type of social media platform.. And the only two creators I had on there for myself, were Brittany Simon and Papa Gut. This was months ago. Prior to the both of you even having your public conversation that has occurred. Intriguing. 💖
Papa, since you’re commenting on one of mrgirl’s discussions, can you please go over his Dr. James Cantor interview!? Pretty please!? :P It was one of the more interesting ones
1:27:35 very insightful papa gut thank you
Why didnt fridays stream go up?
I think Max has an overarching goal of 1) revealing the cause-and-effect that underlies peoples’ beliefs, feelings, values, and behaviours, and 2) revealing the degree to which the person of interest is truly self-aware and participating in said cause-and-effect underlying their projected presentation and understanding. Or, if through their relationship with themselves (interoception, or the ability to accurately identify internal valenced sensations), they are out of integrity (to not be consciously perceiving their internal states accurately). Thus the ‘quality’ he is seeking in people is their integrity, or roughly self-awareness (or even self-possession).
At my interpretation, this is the standard and practice to which Max engages with himself and shares via digital mediums.
Most people aren’t practiced, nor capable of engaging in such direct interrogation, as is Max’s approach with himself and thus others. Hence his content, for now, is revealing a novel dimension to the usual interpersonal dynamics in media and casual discourse. Unless you’re continuously doing this in your spare time, social conditioning and norms deter this process naturally (and artificially). It’s like the internet, you have to already know what you’re looking for, to utilize the search engine. It’s a curated experience for most people (and to varying degrees all people of course). But as with the internet, to truly ‘explore’, the scaffolding must encourage ‘exploration’ and facilitate exploration for the sake of it, before curation (like morality, hierarchies of authority, etc.)
While this process of introspection and extrospection can become naturalized on the individual level, it’s an entirely different process to do said process with a single other person, or multiple people.
From my interpretation, Max seems passionate about this explorative ‘penetration’ into and beyond the curated experience of self-reflection and awareness, in himself and in others.
Self-reflection for the sake of it, almost ‘raw’, immediate, before applying conditionals to the impulses… (self-curation, or self-censorship sorta vibe), hence why it’s difficult for people to hear him say he found the children in ‘Cuties’ to be arousing (or w/e triggered sensory experience). He, as an individual stating this, is parallel to the collective experience for the movie; the sexualization of children. We all experienced the same sensory reaction, that we sense the sexualization happening, or we wouldn’t be able to form an opinion about it (which people do through identifying with the opinions of others, which done unconsciously, is even less self-aware).
Max is modelling a useful process of ‘deconditioning’ ourselves, from the lived experiences we’ve accumulated and constructed our identities around to navigate reality.
So him saying he is frustrated AND understands what is happening, makes sense. But the conversation is carried not by a singular person, but by multiple perspectives.
Thus, Max needs a sort of ‘companion’ to his work for it to become effective and understood by the public. Something to contextualize the value in a way that other people can relate to, as it feels threatening to most people lol.
This is empathy, which from a hardware perspective, engages the body by ‘validating the organic experience’, and is then ‘realized’ by the mind (where we direct attention).
This is a skill, to listen to what is being said and validate it (if someone says they’re joyous, then that is true because they believe it), because we cannot effectuate the development of someone’s integrity if we don’t meet them where they (literally) are (mentally and physically). So we need to let go of labelling ‘what people are really feeling below their understanding’ and trying to convince them of it. Because that’s still curation, and what fosters integrity and self-awareness is self-exploration, which is facilitated (just like a baby with the security of mom being nearby), not via force!
Oh my gay just write a book why don’t you
I’m Just a young mexican that smokes weed on my TH-cam channel.. tryna make it out the hood, this lifestyle not cool. 🤔
But max was saying he don't believe what she was saying (about her folks)
@@MothMAN351 your not str8 nuff to write a book, try a novella maybe
@@domm5715 yeah, I feel if his goal is to bring someone more into their integrity, then his unique sort of ‘directness’ isn’t the most effective way. If someone isn’t able to explore his interpretation, he needs to develop flexibility in his approach (like stubbornly telling them they’re wrong isn’t going to do much except if the person gives up). But thats only if he genuinely is trying to move in a team-oriented direction with someone, I could be being too generous with his intentions lol
31:05 might be one of the funniest moments i’ve seen from a brittany stream in so long
This guy is strange. There's so many things I can sympathize with and agree with, like women being capable of being sexually forward and overstepping and its accepted more than with men, but "rapey" is not right. He just presents his ideas awfully, if he worked on that then he could be agreeable for sure, definitely awkward af lmaooo
Jerry from Rick and Morty is Brittany's example of a 1. Maybe even a Bojack Horseman type in the beginning (my example). Addict Bobby Lee is a 1 (losing jobs, unregulated addiction and mental illness, damaging relationships, choosing to stay in that state despite having the means to get better) vs sober Bobby Lee who is more of a 2 (again, my example..Brittany may have said Bobby has always been a 2, speculation since she doesn't know him).
I also LOVE Bobby Lee, this isn't an insult - he even talks about all this.
The levels are a tool used to assess introspection, not morality. You can also move levels throughout life based on your introspection level, hence the name. Also, this is not the first philosophical levels system, many came before the great TH-camr Brittany Simon.
The conversation around 1s in this video, in my opinion, is Brittany trying to convey that the 1s don't even realize, or aren't introspective enough, to understand that they're choosing to stay stagnant and are a drain on those around them.
"They're so useless they can't even kill themselves." That's why she said that.
If you want more context or to do your own research, maybe start with her video from the day after this stream.
what game is he playing?
I would guess this is that Bloons tower defense game he mentions from time to time
Bloons TD5
Personally I find some of her comments very creepy, I wouldn't be comfortable if anyone talked to me that way without my consent
The way you feel about Mr Girl is the I feel about Brittany. So that's interesting.
Why do you dislike Brittany her content or her personality? I feel papagut and Brittany are both happy people mr girl is such a drag
@@learningisfunhappy6543 Agree. Even when Mr. Girl is joking it is dry and hard to tell. I wonder what he’s like in person.
@@learningisfunhappy6543 I very much enjoy Papa Gut, or else I wouldnt be watching his videos. :)
I dislike both her content and her as a person.
1:32:30 he wanted tapp her kitty at this very moment 😭
1:02:10 MrGirl has said that all consensual sex has some coercion to it and all r4p3 has some consent to it. So when he says something is "r4p3y," I think he's mostly just highlighting the nonconsensual aspect of the interaction. I think it's an interesting framework to use, and there is some truth to it, but Papa Gut's reaction shows why that's not super useful terminology
2:27:17 Pretty sure he's said he had/has anger issues
It’s not useful at all because I think that logic dilutes the entire word.
@@UrbanDecayLova247 A framework diluting the meaning of a specific word doesn't make that framework worthless. That's like saying polytheistic religions are useless because they dilute the word "god"
@@noahthenormal I didn’t say it was worthless, but I don’t think that example is the same. Throwing the word r4p3 around could have material consequences which is why I don’t think it is USEFUL to dilute it.
Using the word God loosely will not result in consequences with law and order.
@@UrbanDecayLova247 Lol ok you didn't say "worthless," but you did say "not useful at all" which is damn near the literal definition of the word. Obviously, they're not the same thing; that's how analogies work. They focus on a shared dynamic or trait to see if a specific logic holds up in different settings. Using "god" to refer to the petty, squabbling, selfish beings of Greek mythology dilutes the word "god" from describing an infinitely powerful, omnipotent creator to something much less significant. While I agree that MrGirl's _terminology_ isn't particularly useful and said as much in my original comment, the terminology's usefulness is not indicative of the framework's value
@@noahthenormal I understand the analogy and the point of them lol - just thought it was a poor one to use for what we’re referencing.
If he wants that framework to hold any weight, I personally would just use a different word other than “r4p3” - it’s an extreme term to be using for what he’s trying to communicate IMO. Agree to disagree 🤷🏾♀️
papa didnt make an NK account smh
god I love Brittany
The levelling system is kookoo,
Why does MrGirl still have a platform? Did I miss something?
I disagree that our wrongdoings are animalistic, there’s no other animal capable of the things we’ve achieved and wrought on other living things.
Both somehow took L’s
Britney is Christian Arab. I'm not sure what country her family is from but I know she's middle eastern and Christian.
her family is from Iraq i think
He is such a cringe….
Dude I am soooooo lost
watch her video "the levels"
I hope papa gut watches the Dr. K reckfull video
Melodrama seeping from my phone
I hated this dude when I watched this haha, he like just seems to not want to be there or have a conversation ?
Mr Girl is open about streaming not being his favourite thing to do. He streams because he needs money. You are probably right.
brittany absolutely destroyed that man
2 star crossed lovers right here ngl
watch more mr girl videos they are crazy interesting
That conversation he had with his girlfriend about her wanting to transition was one of the most visceral pieces he's done. It was somewhere between. I couldn't tell if it was art or abuse. I agree Papa should look more into his content.
When you beat the btd6 noob allegations
Seems like alot of your opinions on what people say comes from you misunderstanding what they say cause you're more focused on the game your playing then the video your talking about
I love Brittany and papa as they’re so honest and don’t sugarcoat things, I’m so glad they’re doing vids together
This is a 31 year old woman saying this nonsense guys
Yeah… I’m trying to power through some sort of stroke or something… because she’s agreeing too much with some of his stuff for my comfort. Is that satire of a sort for the sake of his side of his conversation… because later on I agree with her points but early on she agreed with a white superiority thing… I’m not familiar with her, so I don’t know her actual views.
And I didn’t see any other vids on her channel I wanted to watch before this… soooo I’m confused.
I’m not far into this vid… so I’m going to watch with the intent that we’re seeing more insanity from mr girl. But I have no idea what angle she’s coming from - I’m watching this with one eyebrow perpetually cocked.
@@CompanionCorbs Brittany's a fan of Mr. Girl (That's objective, the rest of what I'm going to say is subjective). She was also being extremely dry and trying to match Mr. Girl, she wasnt really agreeing with him there. On the flip side, she also doesn't really care much for the collective but for individuals. So as a result, she doesn't really put weight into systemic approaches or systems, nor how someone's actions affect others. She's gone on record to say that politics bore her and she moved to a tiny town after this massive brouhaha that happened a couple of years a go, where she interacts with a limited amount of people outside of the internet. So as an example, she's on record in multiple conversations, that she is "pro-slur".
I agree you can't police or control what other people say, but she believes that if you're not around the person or the group who would be affected by the language, in the bubble of your friend group, you can basically say whatever you want. For me, that's gross. In a micro lens, if I found out a close friend of mine was calling me a name with their other friends behind my back, that would hurt. In a wider lens, I'm black, so if I found out someone frequently engaged in using the N-Word, I can't control it, but it would feel like a sort of betrayal and would not interact with that person anymore. Hence why she doesn't think there are "real nazis". (Not caring about collectives and all). Even if nazis dont have systemic power right now, their power comes from words and spreading ideology. She would be the type to ignore the Holocaust until we saw the bodies back in the day. She doesn't really put a lot of stock into perspectives that recognize groups as a whole.
@@JadoDog I got those vibes. Thanks for confirming.
Shes a whole new level of NOPE.
1:02:00 why do you have this logic but always consider everything to be racist
recently you also gave examples of black creators getting punished more but missed the gemini (i think thats his name) and edp after a while lol,
as well as akowledging the factor of racism and indulging in it with petty page which is pretty much all she is
1:43:00 personally i think everyone can be born (excepting outliers) can be formed and malleable into anything. if someone would believe it so, and wouldn't help themselves, i would hope to structure a more hospitable life for them to flourish in an environment where there would be a different result instead of resulting in them dying lol. basically ignoring changing the system in exchange for conveniency which i don't agree with at all.
i think britanny is a distorted degenerate
and i tthink mr girl is a smart weirdo, that guy seriously has gone through something
wow what a great time
Bento Benjamin > DJ Benjamin
6:12 HELLO????
7/11 Taquitos kinda goated, he's right
This was interesting
This 1 to 5 categorization bs sounds like some brave new world rubbish
Mr Girl wasn't trolling on his cuties review 😬
In her rating system in theory, an anti vaxer is considered a 1 right?
Nooooo, she kinda defends them actually
If that's so, then she needs to go back to the drawing board on this rating system. That's a simple example and your telling me she already implemented contradictions to that. I made one example based off what she said and now I'm being told that doesn't count.
@@rainingfist I mean maybe one or two of them could be a one, but not every anti-vaxxer is a 1, that be kinda crazy, a lot of them are useful to their community in some way or I least I would hope so.
@@rainingfist she stands for bodily autonomy regarding ALL decisions including vaccines.
@@alottatiger9808 I'll have to take your word for it because this video was a bad introduction of those 2. I won't be looking into them any further.
Whats her OF? 👀
Boogie is a one
I really don't like her at all.
Mr. Girl is just the 2022 Amos Yee…
So hes a pdo right?
You know that Amos Yee actively campaigned to lower the age of consent, right? I get being creeped out by MrGirl, but seems like you're being a little reactionary
I love this level headed view and that you’re commenting on smaller creators 🤍