@@markduckworth9470yeah, I agree; you are correct. The titles of videos can be deceptively misleading. I enjoyed the video. I appreciate the attitude of both men.
Carter, the self avowed atheist, is really a seeker of truth. Not overly emotional, well formed logical questions and arguments and inherently curious. I think he wasn’t exactly convinced of Gods existence but he respected the messenger. Great give and take.
The universe appears ordered but at the quantum level its random. Virtual particles come into existence out of nothing. This is well established. Hawking radiation depends on the fact that virtual particles may become real. So a virtual particle may have come from nothing, become real and become the singularity which started the big bang which according to Roger Penrose may not have even been the start of the Universe anyway. It's fine to believe in the God of your choice, or not, but sophistry is not evidence. And why one God? If i was a believer I would like many. You can't have too much of a good thing.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
@@skywalker-12345 I'm not sure if his last name and which church he preaches at will make him an "honest" man. But, if you truly believe that this information will make him an honest person, I'm sure there is a way to get that information.
@@skywalker-12345 You are right. THe video is a montage. Questions introduce prepared answers. I'll come back to that. In fact, all videos proclaiming: atheists "gunned down" in 1 minute are have the same flavor: lie.
Praise the Lord Almighty God for Frank responding to this young man in a respectful and intelligent manner, Amen!!! Great conversation and debate!!! Hopefully this young man will be converted!!!
All these people are experts on someone that no one has ever saw. They have no shame. Preachers are getting billions and billions of dollars from people who have no idea they are getting scammed. Are people sending these clowns money because they think they can bribe their way into heaven?? Not good. If millions and millions of Americans are dumb enough to believe Trump they will believe anything.
As a Christian who’s always loved science my mom always told me this when everyone else told me the two can not co-exist. My mom said: “Science does not exist to disprove God, it exists to prove his existence.”
@@matswessling6600 Well, is there any evidence that he’s a failed hypothesis? After all you can’t fully dismiss a theory until there is irrefutable proof.
God was created by us humans back in the past by war tyrants and was adopted by others some in other ways to control the people and convince them to go to war it's a simple truth that most ignore well the truth is always fearful for the fakers.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
I was surprised as to how civilized the interchange turned out to be. So many times, some such participants resort to slinging the contents of pre-fried chitterlings at each other. Humanism is a religion (see "Humanism, A New Religion" C.F. Potter, 1930) as was proclaimed also by Humanistic charter-member, John Dewey, and his close associate, Charles Potter, among others. So, which "religious" could be referred to in the above comment?
Carter young man. You handled yourself well and with professionalism. You are a credit to your wonderful upbringing and education. Well done young man.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
In Job, Yahweh asks Job who is the clay to ask the potter what he is doing to him. Who are we as the creation to ask the creator what He does with us? Free will is a lie. Yahweh will not lose what He created. Peter says, EVERY man will return to Yahweh but in his own order. Thessalonians says, through one man ALL men die, and through one man (Yahshua) ALL men will be made alive. Yahweh says, seek and you will find me. Ask and it shall be revealed. Ask Him yourself and ask Him to show you who he is and He WILL open your eyes. ❤❤
@@roscius6204 if you’re asking because you doubt any of his claims were true then none of what I’m about to answer you would make a difference. It’s because as Christians, we are taught in Titus 1:15 that nothing would be profitable to the unbeliever. However Ephesians 4:31 teaches me to think the better of you. So I will oblige your request to help you in your faith. I’ll direct you to scripture to support his statements here. When he said moral laws were written in his heart, look up Hebrews 8:10 and 2 Corinthians 3:3. Regarding the statement that God is uncaused look up Isaiah 43:10, Revelation 1:8, Hebrews 7:3 as per Christ who is born of God. Regarding free will look up Deutoronomy 30:19. On how God will not force you to believe in him look up 2 Chronicles 15:2. Now regarding God’s unrestrictive love it’s not possible for me (with the wisdom I have gathered in scripture from believing in it) to give you one or two verses that directly state the magnitude of it. What I can do is try to make see what kind of love that is in regard to your gift of free will. Look up Ezekiel 33:11 and Matthew 5:45 because whether you choose him or not, his love is so great that should you defy him you still have a chance at life, see 2 Samuel 14:14, he will still save you, see 1 Timothy 4:10, because he doesn’t want you to perish see 1 Timothy 2:4. And all that is barely scratching the surface. If you have loved anyone in your life, you already have an idea of him, accept it or not, see 1 John 4:8. I hope that helps you. If you don’t get all of it, it’s alright. Everything takes time. Knowledge from the truth requires time and practice as well. If you really want to understand all things about God, FEAR HIM! Because it is written in PROVERBS 1:7! Turn away from all evil and he will stay true to his promise in PROVERBS 1:23! All the best to you!
Remember, the lost aren't our enemies. They need to be lovingly shown what it means to be a Christian. Most (if not all) of us were where they are now. God bless you.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
@@skywalker-12345 I don't know anything about Pastor Daniel except that he posted this video clip of Dr. Frank Turek debating an atheist. Letting the video speak for itself is, in itself, supporting Christian teaching. I see no problem with that.
@@anthonymitchell9793 yah but blame GOD when persecuted. You dont have even an evidence for ur worldview. Give me some strong argument why your worldview without GOD good for ur life let alone the society?
@Truthquest0618 My world view has nothing to do with your god. That's presup "logic" because you have no evidence. But I am a methodological naturalist so I use the scientific method to explain the world. It does not apply to the supernatural and until there is a way to verify there is such a thing as supernatural there is no logical reason to believe there is such a thing. If you want to discuss this further I'm game but if you go all Darth Dawkins on me I'll leave to talk to honest people.
@@anthonymitchell9793 alryt lets do it prove to me scientifically that your mom loves you. I need gardcore proof thatbu can scientifically explain to the whole world what is the chemical composition of that. Explain also, envy, justice, trust, gudluck with ur scientific explamations.
@Truthquest0618 You are getting dangerously close to presuppositionalst apologetics which people who are honest never use. Our emotions like you listed are influenced by any chemicals. Things like serotonin and norepinephrine and dopamine and oxytocin are produced by the brain and different percentages of each create different emotions. MRIs can take pictures that show these percentages in different areas of the brain which are associated with different emotions so they can scientifically be measured. Also things like blood pressure and heart rates change with different emotions. Studies show blood pressure drops significantly and immediately when our pets enter a room. Most people it happens just from being shown a picture of a puppy. And according to your world view you don't have a valid explanation for what you asked me to explain because you don't have evidence for your god. But none of this or your attempts to debunk my personal philosophy are evidence for your god. Provide some or declare yourself a presup so I can leave to talk to honest people.
Very impressed with Frank's analogy of explaining who God is to atheist. I need to have my daughter and son in law watch this. Praying they would if I offer it to them in Jesus name!!
@@richardlively1666 I hope He's not an aithiest anymore...there are so many out there that don't get to hear about Jesus, God said "in the weak I'm strong".
@@joshhofer5465 My friend, just hearing about Jesus and doing what Jesus taught are completely different avenues. What does it matter if the person is considered an atheist? There are many people claiming God and don't know him. God calls that lip service, and God knows who knows him and who does not. It seems there are a lot of people who "hear" about Jesus, but if they did what he said, the world would end. I don't know how many "Jesus" follower's there are, but from the ones I've heard from are actually worshiping the pagan god, Tammuz, and carrying around his cross or making the sign of his cross thinking it is something contributed to Jesus. Do you know how many pagan saviors there are? There are a lot of people who don't know Jesus, they only hear about him. Maybe you? I think Jesus would freak out if he really were to come back, I know it freaks me out to be attacked by these worshiper's of a false god claiming the are doing it according to the bible. Of course Jesus said they would do that. All I can say is, Oh Lord, my God, have mercy on these lost souls.
The way pastor Daniel spoke to this young man Carter, was how I believe the good news is shared... It was beautiful to see this conversation unfold. Help us to realise that life is not worth living without you dear Father, and that all You are trying to do is help us to live well, and help others to realise they too can live a life of joy and peace and hope...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Thank You🤗🇬🇧❤️
This man was not cocky in any way. It was very refreshing to hear someone argue their opinion in such a respectful and polite manner. Ultimately his respect and patience led him to hear the ultimate reason of Heaven or Hell, which often sadly is a subject that never comes around when agitated atheists and/or apologists debate aggressively.
@7755ian1 each to there own mate. Even though you might have a different opinion, doesn't mean to say that you are right. And in regards to negative opinions, keep them to yourself. God Bless
@@roscius6204 Ok, let me explain what I think you want me to explain, friend. There is one sin, and only one sin, that God will NOT forgive us of and that sin is rejection of His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior. God will NOT force you/me to come to Him. He loves us too much to force us to come to Him. God wants people who want Him, and therefore seek repentance of their sins, then being saved by grace through faith. I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but is this the answer you were seeking from me? It's really a simple concept, yet it is so hard for most people to become Christians. The Bible tells us in Matthew 7:13-14 New International Version (NIV) “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Do you see what I'm talking about. God doesn't want "Robots". He wants souls who desire eternal life, and the only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ. However, most of the world wants to live in the current sinful state in which the world today exists. I hope I answered your question. I apologize if I came across as crass when I answered your first request. I beg your pardon. God loves you, and I hope you find God if, in fact, you are looking for Him. Peace.🙏❤🔥
Good luck explaining who God is. You cannot explain who He is, because he is too Marvelous and too Wonderful to explain. Our human mind is too narrow and too small to fathom who He is. The truth is that you can get to a place in a relationship with God that you will know with certainty that He is real, because there will be a point in the relationship that he will start revealing Himself vividly to you. If you are not there yet, keep pressing on, but if you are there, then keep striving for more, because in Him is unlimited possibilities. If you are still doubting, it is your lost, because those who have had encounters with him know that He is, and a rewarder of them that diligently seeks him. Hebrews 11:1-6
And interestingly, this is precisely right. Believers who try to explain their god with logical reasoning diminish the very entity they themselves created. It is absurd to say on the one hand ‘my god transcends time and space, is omnipotent and omniscient’, but then move on to say ‘and I understand this god to the point that I can explain its workings’. Nonsense. Believers who do that somehow lack confidence to accept the tenets of their own belief.
@@time_2_get_ready Excellent. Have you ever asked yourself why this is the case? If the invisible God did not possess a visible likeness, then nobody would ever be able to perceive it. But now that it does, all I need to do is look at Jesus and I will see God. But that means that God’s property of being invisible is moot. From the point of view of the believer, I would now ask myself why God is not visible in the first place. From the point of view of Occam’s razor, the believer would not NEED Jesus - God would be visible without one of its three manifestations just fine. The reason, I think, is obvious. A believer needs a mechanism which allows him to bat away precisely my issue. Yes, God is invisible, but there’s a mechanism that allows me to behold it. Yes, God is unknowable but there is a mechanism through which it reveals itself to me. So now it is fit for purpose (it explains where the world comes from, gives me purpose and guides me) but at the same time allows me to exist in a state of infantile immaturity, questioning endlessly why evil exists in the world or what precisely it is that God wants me to do. Do you not think it is a great stroke of luck that God invented this mechanism? And how, precisely, do you know that this mechanism exists? How do you know what the interactions of the three manifestations of your triune deity are? Are you truly that confident that you know, with certainty, the ontology of your God? Its mind? Its essence? Is that not blasphemous?
WOW ❤🙌🙏‼️ The best answers I could think of 🙌 I can’t understand how someone could not believe !!! He lives in my heart I love him 😍 He’s a Mighty Good God full of mercy 🙏🙌🙏‼️
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
So then God brings billions of people into existence knowing beforehand that they would be rebellious and end up suffering forever? What the hell for? Just to suffer forever? Is there any more horrific idea imaginable? And this is supposed to be the God who says He IS love that NEVER fails(1 Corinthians 13:8)?
@@caroleevandyk5544 God created us just for his love and his presence, also for us to love each-other. It's really that simple. You can always fix any suffering or worries that come to you through prayer and stuff. When people end up in hell, it's their choice, and there are always consequences for your actions so to whom takes the blame is not God but more of yourself. Complaining that God made you without permission is kind of sad seeing how much he has shown love to everyone including you and you are made perfectly within his image even despite of your sins and mistakes.
@@sskjppy It is quite amazing how easily and callously hell defending Christians swallow the idea of eternal conscious suffering. And how they do not bother to more carefully examine this doctrine to see if it is actually scripturally accurate. With the internet it is not difficult to do so. All one needs to do is look up the three words of the original Greek that have been carelessly translated into the one English word hell, meaning eternal conscious suffering, when they all mean different things and do not refer to eternal conscious suffering. They are Hades, Gehenna, and Tartarus. Hades only refers to the grave, meaning the “unseen”, the imperceptible, and literally, “where did they go?” Gehenna was the garbage dump of Jerusalem, in the Valley of Hinnom, currently a garden that one can visit. And Tartarus, only used once in scripture, refers to a place where rebellious angels, NOT people, are kept for judgement. And the judgement of people is not forever, it is for an age or eon, from the Greek “aion”, which means an indistinct period of time, WITH a beginning and an end. The literally translated bibles get these words right, unlike the popular English bibles. But you self-righteous Christians keep presenting a god to the world who brings billions of people into existence knowing beforehand that they would be rebellious and end up suffering forever. And you think in your heart, “l was smart enough to choose Christ with my own powerful free will, what’s YOUR problem?” You constantly ignore the dozens of scriptures that plainly indicate that God’s plan for humanity is to eventually bring ALL into reconciliation with Himself, having made peace through the blood of Christ shed on the cross, as Colossians 1:20 states, “and through him to reconcile to himself ALL things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” What about Romans 5:18-19, “Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for ALL people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for ALL people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many(ALL) were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many(the same ALL who were MADE sinners) WILL BE MADE righteous.” Have you ever stopped to consider WHY it is that you find yourself a believer? Statistically, your chances of finding yourself a believer, compared to all of humanity, are minuscule. What is so special about you that you found yourself believing in Christ? Are you smarter, more righteous, more humble, or maybe, more fortunate that you were born in a time and place where circumstances lead you to faith in Christ? By the way, you DO NOT have “free” will. You have a will, it’s just NOT free. You only have the ability to make choices, and that is influenced by thousands of factors, most of which you are not even aware, and God is behind it all. Remember, God chose who He would grant the faith to believe from before the disruption of the world, to bring them to faith in Him early, in order to become co-labourers with Christ to bring in the rest of the harvest later, in future ages. Ephesians 1:4, “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world for us to be holy and blameless before Him, in love”. So do you really think God brings all these billions into existence with the end result, after a very few years of life on this difficult and dangerous planet, of eternal unimaginable suffering? What a massive failure of this kind of god! How sick can you get? And this is the God who is love that NEVER fails, as 1 Corinthians 13:8 says?
Sooo, who is this god and why do we need to love him?? Is it so we don’t go to hell to be eternally tortured forever and ever? Sound like a just and loving being. Also this god thing is neither male or female, but a higher being in this big universe to which there are most likely many many of them. Not just one. Just an extraterrestrial entity that’s been around for longer than we have. Read Deutoronomy 18:16-18. This is your god. Killing innocent men,women,children,animals, anything that lives just because they don’t bow down to you and believe the way you think is right. Isn’t murder wrong? So this god is a sinner lmao.
@@crashandburngaming5103 The idea between hell and heaven is that we get to choose where to go. Hell is torment, as expected of a place which is without God's presence (to put it simple). On Earth, if you choose to spend your life without Jesus, then your eternity will be so. If hell is were any less of torment, then it would have God in it, which would theoretically be forcing his love on you. Since love is defined as "not forced". Gone to hell is not be blamed on God, but rather, yourself; that's what you had chosen and God let you choose what you wanted to fit the idea of free will. We aren't loving him to avoid hell; that ignores the whole point of love being by choice. If it were forced then we would all be forced into heaven when we die but some people never chose to spend eternity with God based on their life on Earth. Choose God to spend eternity without him. Don't choose God if you want to spend eternity without him. That fits the idea of "love" and it being a non-forced thing.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
Amen!!! That is the most beautiful explanation I've e er heard on this subject, its the most intensely content feeling loving God and being a Christian, when u find God there are no more questions about faith!
PRAISE GOD! Thank you very much Ptr. Daniel for the EXCELLENT ANSWER and for illuminating the mind of the young atheist about the existence of GOD. You're indeed a true servant of the LORD guided by His Spirit & Wisdom. 🙏🙏🙏
Hear-hear! God created the Universe - he is far, far smarter than we could ever hope to be, because we are the created. Nothing that is created should ever question the creator! Amen?
@@joeblack8915 God didn't create any diseases. The curse of man disobedience did. God is perfect and He doesn't create anything evil. I know you will say that He created satan, but he didn't. It is like when a driver eat the red light and kill a person. The car didn't killed the person, it was the driver who din't obey the law. The car was only the tool.
I remember asking my mother this exact question when I was 7 years old. So where did God come from? Her answer has stuck with me for years. I’m 66 years old now. My mother said: that’s a question I will have to ask God when I get to heaven. 🙏🏻❤️
Why is the god... a christian god.... The arguments presented were based in factual misrepresentation. But regardless, even if you accept them, it says nothing about the gods identity.
Romans 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
He loves you so much that if you don't love him back, he'll throw in hell for eternity. How does that differ from a gangland boss running a large-scale protection racket?
@@henrydaley1255 Is that a denial? You are expected to believe is a supernatural being without any evidence based on just faith (obviously), and to love him but if you don't, you are cast into hell for eternity. There, do I need to explain further?
@WriteTrax I have read the bible, one of the most evil and immoral books ever. It's certainly not to be taken seriously, even of any of it is true. "system is wired to send us..." - there is no system. How embarrassing that you even think al this drivel, let alone have the confidence to spout it out loud.
So well put. You definitely gave Carter something to chew on! He’ll be in my prayers to come to knowing and understanding God’s love. He seems confounded by your explanations, so you’ve planted them in his mind…..it can move to his heart.
What an educated, respectful young man. That's how debates and disagreements should go in every situation. Respectful dialogue and active listening. We may not come to an agreement but at least we give each other the chance to state our beliefs in a calm manner. Good job to both for their mutual honor to each other❤
The so-called 'Pastor' just had the Faith Virus - very tricky to remove even from so-called intelligent people. Every word he uttered assumed that there was a god and based his 'illogical' replies on that false premise. His daft assertions about the existence of hell and god were never challenged The atheist had to be a plant - his last sentence was ridiculous!
That's what I had to cosole myself with when the love of my life told me to leave ! 😪...if you love them ...let them go ! Not an easy decision for God ...or us mere mortals !! 🙏🙏❤
The trouble with the question of who created God is that it is a never-ending question. If someone created God, then who created the entity that created that God, etc. into infinity. Scripture says God is eternal, the alpha and omega, the self existent one. That young man was polite and listened before responding. I pray that he will be drawn to Christ.
@@BaldurGunnarsson If I ask it's rhetorical as I know they have no evidence. "True" believer always sounds funny to me. They love the word truth but their worldview is the farthest thing from it.
@@junodonatus4906 - My point is that those who believe don't need evidence, for they are convinced in their faith. To them it is as true as the taste of a strawberry. They don't need to prove it.
"...watching the United States become increasingly influenced by Christ-centered politics troubles me. The dystopian future depicted in Atlas Shrugged becomes more easily imaginable. And it is for this reason that I dread the fact that so few people I've met have ever even heard of Ayn Rand, let alone have enough understanding of her work to make a judgement about it." -Anonymous-from an Objectivist forum
@@BeefT-Sq How could God give up his son when he knows that his son will be "resurrected" and join him in heaven? If anyone gives up their sons it's humans who give up their sons in wars and never see them again. That's real sacrifice.
G-D Tell moses say to phar'oh I AM has sent you. Yeshua told the jews b4 abraham was I AM god 4give sins yeshua 4gave sins so you the connection. Phillip he that has seen me has seen the father i and the father are one ❤hope it helps Shalom
@@naomiail1534 Jesus tells us that the only true God is the Father. John 17:3 KJV And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 1 Peter 1:20 KJV Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, John 9:8-9 KJV The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged? Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him: but he said, I am he. Oops.
@@rogrog1616 God defines himself as I AM in the Old Testament. Every Jew understood that when Jesus says, "before Abraham was, I AM", he was saying he is God. How else did Jesus exist before Abraham, who went to his grave at least 1500 years before Jesus was born on earth?
If an infinitely intelligent BEING did not create, let’s say elephants, and Giraffes, what causes them to stop growing at a certain size? Same question applies to us human beings. If Creator God did not say to all growing things: “This height or length or width, and no farther,” there would be no end to GROWTH of everything that grows.
Please.Is that really your argument? The best you can come up with? It shows a remarkable lack of understanding of science. It's willful ignorance. The argument for the existence of a god can be compelling, but not with reasoning like that.
That was breath taking, how can you remember all those wonderful phrases ? God has given you the ability to do just that. I feel closer to God now even though I have loved Him forever.
Lets not say he is a cocky atheist - he is entitled to his belief which is atheism. Let's not always want to bring everyone down just because they hold a different belief.
Why do I call the wind "wind". How do I know it is there? Because I experience the wind. I believe there is wind, because I have experiences of the wind. I believe into God because I experience Him as the peace that passes all understanding when I let Him into my innermost being.
@@michaelmacpherson-wm6mhLooks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
He makes a good point. If you reject god you go to hell. Why should that bother atheists if you dont believe in god then naturally you dont believe in hell. You made the choice to be in hell which is absent of god
Hell isn’t the absence of God. Heaven/hell is an eternal subjection to the Love of God, and if we accept Him or not here is how we feel in the eternal afterlife. Did you love God, accept His Son, followed His Church, etc? Then you’re in heaven where His love is a feeling beyond measure. Reject Him, hate Him, believe in false gods, etc? Then His love is punishment to you. No one is ever absent of God’s love. Turek and other evangelicals are completely wrong about “being with or without Him”. God is omnipresent. It’s impossible.
@@Jws-t3owhere? I’m sure you’re referring to verse 9 in particular where the English is (poorly) translated as “Will suffer eternal destruction away from the presence of the Lord”…? But that’s wrong and not what the Greek says. The Greek says “they will suffer FROM THE FACE OF THE LORD”. Από means “from”. The word “away” isn’t there and was added. Helps to know and read the original..
@@Jws-t3ook guy, you listen to an app, I’ll listen to my Greek speaking self and Greek speaking Church and 2000 years of teaching 😂 “Mostly translated as..but since it doesn’t fit our false teaching, we’ll change it” 😂 We’re not separated from God. Period.
Well i think his opponent was not up to it. The step the universe has a beginning. Ok. Something outside created it. Ok. But saying God is another dimension, i find a big leap. We do not consider dimensions to be God, and yes one could make that assumption, but thats a bit to easy. God is a consciousness. The question was the universe created by a consciousness or an unconscious external factor has not been answered in a satisfying way
This is really good. The Greeks never got philosophy and theology together because they didn't have Hebrew scriptures. It was St. Thomas Aquinas who did that. And he did that with the knowledge and inspiration of the early church fathers, e.g.. St. Augustine. This inquisitive young man in honest pursuit of the truth has placed his trust in America, instead of God. He was experiencing cognitive dissonance. Thank you, Frank Turek. Your performance in this video was excellent.
@@jimscott9974 sure i can’t..oh and by the way, what you just said is just one of the oldest lies in the universe. you can live in that imagination you have as long as you live, your choice. Again, hell itself is a world without God. Your breath and your ability to comment all comes from God. Your comment is just one from an entititled human being who is loved by his Creator, given the freedom to choose, yet ungrateful, unbelieving and still so entitled. What else?
He wasn't cocky at all. He was asking the right questions and he got the answers I think he needed to hear. Beautiful conversation.
This was a weird conversation.
This video was titled "cocky athiest".. Very poor choice of words.
@@markduckworth9470yeah, I agree; you are correct. The titles of videos can be deceptively misleading. I enjoyed the video. I appreciate the attitude of both men.
@@suzibillballnothing at all weird about the conversation.
@@markduckworth9470the title is designed to get people to watch. Worked on me, but I don’t like liars. Daniel should change the title.
Two men speaking without interrupting each other’s statements, rather carefully listening and understanding. 🙌
I appreciate the respectful conversation.
what a polite young man... excellent responses, i pray they moved the young man's heart.
Prayers- nothing more than wishful thinking.
Go to the beach, it's more fun.
We can only plant a seed. It is God's choice who will listen and accept Him.
@@RSTI191 It is n0t all about you ! :-]
@@RSTI191Who created the beach 😏There is your proof God exists
How do you know God is a male?
Someone lift the robe and found a stem on the apple?
Carter, the self avowed atheist, is really a seeker of truth.
Not overly emotional, well formed logical questions and arguments and inherently curious.
I think he wasn’t exactly convinced of Gods existence but he respected the messenger.
Great give and take.
The universe appears ordered but at the quantum level its random. Virtual particles come into existence out of nothing. This is well established. Hawking radiation depends on the fact that virtual particles may become real. So a virtual particle may have come from nothing, become real and become the singularity which started the big bang which according to Roger Penrose may not have even been the start of the Universe anyway. It's fine to believe in the God of your choice, or not, but sophistry is not evidence. And why one God? If i was a believer I would like many. You can't have too much of a good thing.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
@@skywalker-12345 I'm not sure if his last name and which church he preaches at will make him an "honest" man. But, if you truly believe that this information will make him an honest person, I'm sure there is a way to get that information.
The kid is asking questions. When he stops doing that and is convinced of his atheism then he is in trouble.
@@skywalker-12345 You are right. THe video is a montage. Questions introduce prepared answers. I'll come back to that. In fact, all videos proclaiming: atheists "gunned down" in 1 minute are have the same flavor: lie.
Praise the Lord Almighty God for Frank responding to this young man in a respectful and intelligent manner, Amen!!! Great conversation and debate!!! Hopefully this young man will be converted!!!
Well said on the Christian side. It gave Carter something to think about. No hysterics and drama - just facts and your choice.
All these people are experts on someone that no one has ever saw. They have no shame. Preachers are getting billions and billions of dollars from people who have no idea they are getting scammed. Are people sending these clowns money because they think they can bribe their way into heaven?? Not good. If millions and millions of Americans are dumb enough to believe Trump they will believe anything.
As a Christian who’s always loved science my mom always told me this when everyone else told me the two can not co-exist. My mom said: “Science does not exist to disprove God, it exists to prove his existence.”
Yh that's true 👍
@@ForeverMe217 then science has failed.
@@dguy321 ---Science is a tool or mechanism that God provides mankind to discover his Natural Revelation. It is a TOOL.
😂 god is a failed hypotesis.
@@matswessling6600 Well, is there any evidence that he’s a failed hypothesis? After all you can’t fully dismiss a theory until there is irrefutable proof.
The explanation is very well said…To GOD be the Glory
God was created by us humans back in the past by war tyrants and was adopted by others some in other ways to control the people and convince them to go to war it's a simple truth that most ignore well the truth is always fearful for the fakers.
apart from the lying.
I enjoyed the explanation. It was excellent
@@Say-hey24 That's how it goes when you're fed what you want to hear.
Truth is sometimes uncomfortable.
@@roscius6204I can say the exact same thing to you, your bias and allergy to God. So your bias would be seeing everything as an accident.
He wasn't cocky. He was a delightful young man who was asking questions.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
Very respectful and I believe he went home to think about it and start praying God
Eh he was a lil cocky but yes at least this didnt get into an ugly screaming match like at on a lot of college campuses today. 👍🙏⛪🦁🐑🕎✝️🇮🇱😻
What's with skywalker's repetitive comment. What point is it trying to drive home here?
@thewildkids406 To make many people aware that this pastor Daniel is fake.
I didn't see the atheist as "Cocky", and neither did the Speaker, SO WHY FRAME THIS IN THAT WAY? I ENJOYED HIS TEACHING.
"God exists as a notion; An idea. But not as something metaphysically real."
-Anonymous-from an Objectivist forum
I enjoyed this. I didn’t think the young man was cocky at all.
Hell is not long suffering, it's the eternal separation from a loving Creator, & Paradise. eternal death, an eternal non existence. Period.
I was surprised as to how civilized the interchange turned out to be. So many times, some such participants resort to slinging the contents of pre-fried chitterlings at each other.
Humanism is a religion (see "Humanism, A New Religion" C.F. Potter, 1930) as was proclaimed also by Humanistic charter-member, John Dewey, and his close associate, Charles Potter, among others. So, which "religious" could be referred to in the above comment?
I dont look at the frame. It was the message that's more important.
I hadn't heard it put like this before, but it's perfect. Thank you.
I wouldn't describe him as cocky. If anything, he was very respectful. And left with a lot to think about. Praise be to God ✨✝️✨
The explanation was AWESOME!! THANK YOU GOD.. THANK YOU JESUS!!❤❤
Carter young man. You handled yourself well and with professionalism. You are a credit to your wonderful upbringing and education. Well done young man.
Why would you ask a man, "who designed God?" No one can answer that question. It's not atheism, it's just bitterness.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
I think that Carter will, in time, confess that a Loving God does exist and that through faith, substance is manifested out of the invisible.
In Job, Yahweh asks Job who is the clay to ask the potter what he is doing to him. Who are we as the creation to ask the creator what He does with us? Free will is a lie. Yahweh will not lose what He created. Peter says, EVERY man will return to Yahweh but in his own order. Thessalonians says, through one man ALL men die, and through one man (Yahshua) ALL men will be made alive. Yahweh says, seek and you will find me. Ask and it shall be revealed. Ask Him yourself and ask Him to show you who he is and He WILL open your eyes. ❤❤
@@johnjeffreys6440it’s just a genuine question that are limited minds will never be able to process unfortunately.
This is how it should be done! Carter you have great questions, God loves you so much! Great job young man! I pray you keep seeking.
Brilliant! Learned a lot about how to respond to those difficult questions. Thank you sir 👏🏽
Bravo! I applaud this explanation! Explained in layman terms yet rooted in scriptural truths.
OK, seeing as it was simple enough..
Please explain the proof your witnessed.
@@roscius6204 if you’re asking because you doubt any of his claims were true then none of what I’m about to answer you would make a difference. It’s because as Christians, we are taught in Titus 1:15 that nothing would be profitable to the unbeliever. However Ephesians 4:31 teaches me to think the better of you. So I will oblige your request to help you in your faith.
I’ll direct you to scripture to support his statements here. When he said moral laws were written in his heart, look up Hebrews 8:10 and 2 Corinthians 3:3. Regarding the statement that God is uncaused look up Isaiah 43:10, Revelation 1:8, Hebrews 7:3 as per Christ who is born of God. Regarding free will look up Deutoronomy 30:19. On how God will not force you to believe in him look up 2 Chronicles 15:2. Now regarding God’s unrestrictive love it’s not possible for me (with the wisdom I have gathered in scripture from believing in it) to give you one or two verses that directly state the magnitude of it. What I can do is try to make see what kind of love that is in regard to your gift of free will. Look up Ezekiel 33:11 and Matthew 5:45 because whether you choose him or not, his love is so great that should you defy him you still have a chance at life, see 2 Samuel 14:14, he will still save you, see 1 Timothy 4:10, because he doesn’t want you to perish see 1 Timothy 2:4. And all that is barely scratching the surface. If you have loved anyone in your life, you already have an idea of him, accept it or not, see 1 John 4:8.
I hope that helps you. If you don’t get all of it, it’s alright. Everything takes time. Knowledge from the truth requires time and practice as well. If you really want to understand all things about God, FEAR HIM! Because it is written in PROVERBS 1:7! Turn away from all evil and he will stay true to his promise in PROVERBS 1:23! All the best to you!
Remember, the lost aren't our enemies. They need to be lovingly shown what it means to be a Christian. Most (if not all) of us were where they are now. God bless you.
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
@@skywalker-12345 I don't know anything about Pastor Daniel except that he posted this video clip of Dr. Frank Turek debating an atheist. Letting the video speak for itself is, in itself, supporting Christian teaching. I see no problem with that.
@jamro217 The problem is that he not only trashed bad pastors but also good ones and called them demons.
@@skywalker-12345 I must have missed that part. Thanks for the reply.
That is the most wonderful answer and I’m so happy I heard this. Bless you and yours
Wonderful? I laughed it was so bad. His "evidence" is a list of unsubstantiated claims.
@@anthonymitchell9793 yah but blame GOD when persecuted. You dont have even an evidence for ur worldview. Give me some strong argument why your worldview without GOD good for ur life let alone the society?
@Truthquest0618 My world view has nothing to do with your god. That's presup "logic" because you have no evidence.
But I am a methodological naturalist so I use the scientific method to explain the world. It does not apply to the supernatural and until there is a way to verify there is such a thing as supernatural there is no logical reason to believe there is such a thing.
If you want to discuss this further I'm game but if you go all Darth Dawkins on me I'll leave to talk to honest people.
@@anthonymitchell9793 alryt lets do it prove to me scientifically that your mom loves you. I need gardcore proof thatbu can scientifically explain to the whole world what is the chemical composition of that. Explain also, envy, justice, trust, gudluck with ur scientific explamations.
@Truthquest0618 You are getting dangerously close to presuppositionalst apologetics which people who are honest never use.
Our emotions like you listed are influenced by any chemicals. Things like serotonin and norepinephrine and dopamine and oxytocin are produced by the brain and different percentages of each create different emotions. MRIs can take pictures that show these percentages in different areas of the brain which are associated with different emotions so they can scientifically be measured. Also things like blood pressure and heart rates change with different emotions. Studies show blood pressure drops significantly and immediately when our pets enter a room. Most people it happens just from being shown a picture of a puppy.
And according to your world view you don't have a valid explanation for what you asked me to explain because you don't have evidence for your god.
But none of this or your attempts to debunk my personal philosophy are evidence for your god. Provide some or declare yourself a presup so I can leave to talk to honest people.
Very impressed with Frank's analogy of explaining who God is to atheist. I need to have my daughter and son in law watch this. Praying they would if I offer it to them in Jesus name!!
That student is so polite, I enjoyed watching him. It’s so refreshing to see that level of respect from young people nowadays. Very beautiful.
The young man wasnt cocky at all but respectful in his debate. I think he got the message at the very end. Maybe hes not an atheist now
I thought the same thing. He had the look of somebody who was seriously thinking about what he just heard.
@@richardlively1666 I hope He's not an aithiest anymore...there are so many out there that don't get to hear about Jesus, God said "in the weak I'm strong".
@@joshhofer5465 My friend, just hearing about Jesus and doing what Jesus taught are completely different avenues. What does it matter if the person is considered an atheist? There are many people claiming God and don't know him. God calls that lip service, and God knows who knows him and who does not. It seems there are a lot of people who "hear" about Jesus, but if they did what he said, the world would end. I don't know how many "Jesus" follower's there are, but from the ones I've heard from are actually worshiping the pagan god, Tammuz, and carrying around his cross or making the sign of his cross thinking it is something contributed to Jesus. Do you know how many pagan saviors there are? There are a lot of people who don't know Jesus, they only hear about him. Maybe you? I think Jesus would freak out if he really were to come back, I know it freaks me out to be attacked by these worshiper's of a false god claiming the are doing it according to the bible. Of course Jesus said they would do that. All I can say is, Oh Lord, my God, have mercy on these lost souls.
@@ForeclosureGhost Let's Pray for Us and the other Soul's with God's amazing Grace.🙏🙏
@@joshhofer5465 My friend, "God" is a tricky word. It can be Tammuz that most all pray to. I don't. You can if you want to.
One of the most reasoned and thoughtful answers I’ve listened to this question
The way pastor Daniel spoke to this young man Carter, was how I believe the good news is shared...
It was beautiful to see this conversation unfold.
Help us to realise that life is not worth living without you dear Father, and that all You are trying to do is help us to live well, and help others to realise they too can live a life of joy and peace and hope...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Thank You🤗🇬🇧❤️
This man was not cocky in any way. It was very refreshing to hear someone argue their opinion in such a respectful and polite manner. Ultimately his respect and patience led him to hear the ultimate reason of Heaven or Hell, which often sadly is a subject that never comes around when agitated atheists and/or apologists debate aggressively.
Brilliantly said. Thank you for what you do and thank you to all of those that stand up for the word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
I love the respectful way they had their conversation . I learned a lot of it
Beautifully said. I'm a practicing Christian and I learned a lot from this short video. Thank you so much and God's Blessings.
Garbage, fairy tales
@7755ian1 each to there own mate. Even though you might have a different opinion, doesn't mean to say that you are right.
And in regards to negative opinions, keep them to yourself. God Bless
Wow! I didn't see that coming and I am a Christian. Bravo Zulu, Pastor Daniel!
What did you see...?
Explain, please.
@@roscius6204 The truth!
That not an explanation.
So I'll assume you can't
@@roscius6204 Ok, let me explain what I think you want me to explain, friend. There is one sin, and only one sin, that God will NOT forgive us of and that sin is rejection of His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior. God will NOT force you/me to come to Him. He loves us too much to force us to come to Him. God wants people who want Him, and therefore seek repentance of their sins, then being saved by grace through faith. I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but is this the answer you were seeking from me? It's really a simple concept, yet it is so hard for most people to become Christians. The Bible tells us in Matthew 7:13-14 New International Version (NIV)
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Do you see what I'm talking about. God doesn't want "Robots". He wants souls who desire eternal life, and the only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ. However, most of the world wants to live in the current sinful state in which the world today exists. I hope I answered your question. I apologize if I came across as crass when I answered your first request. I beg your pardon. God loves you, and I hope you find God if, in fact, you are looking for Him. Peace.🙏❤🔥
@@roscius6204 I replied to you, but it seems that TH-cam deleted it.
Why cant all debates be this civil . Hats off to both ❤❤
Good luck explaining who God is. You cannot explain who He is, because he is too Marvelous and too Wonderful to explain. Our human mind is too narrow and too small to fathom who He is. The truth is that you can get to a place in a relationship with God that you will know with certainty that He is real, because there will be a point in the relationship that he will start revealing Himself vividly to you. If you are not there yet, keep pressing on, but if you are there, then keep striving for more, because in Him is unlimited possibilities. If you are still doubting, it is your lost, because those who have had encounters with him know that He is, and a rewarder of them that diligently seeks him. Hebrews 11:1-6
And interestingly, this is precisely right. Believers who try to explain their god with logical reasoning diminish the very entity they themselves created. It is absurd to say on the one hand ‘my god transcends time and space, is omnipotent and omniscient’, but then move on to say ‘and I understand this god to the point that I can explain its workings’. Nonsense. Believers who do that somehow lack confidence to accept the tenets of their own belief.
He reveals Himself to us in the Bible.
Not so.
Jesus is the visible likeness of the invisible God and He said, "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father."
@@time_2_get_ready Excellent. Have you ever asked yourself why this is the case? If the invisible God did not possess a visible likeness, then nobody would ever be able to perceive it. But now that it does, all I need to do is look at Jesus and I will see God. But that means that God’s property of being invisible is moot. From the point of view of the believer, I would now ask myself why God is not visible in the first place. From the point of view of Occam’s razor, the believer would not NEED Jesus - God would be visible without one of its three manifestations just fine.
The reason, I think, is obvious. A believer needs a mechanism which allows him to bat away precisely my issue. Yes, God is invisible, but there’s a mechanism that allows me to behold it. Yes, God is unknowable but there is a mechanism through which it reveals itself to me. So now it is fit for purpose (it explains where the world comes from, gives me purpose and guides me) but at the same time allows me to exist in a state of infantile immaturity, questioning endlessly why evil exists in the world or what precisely it is that God wants me to do.
Do you not think it is a great stroke of luck that God invented this mechanism? And how, precisely, do you know that this mechanism exists? How do you know what the interactions of the three manifestations of your triune deity are? Are you truly that confident that you know, with certainty, the ontology of your God? Its mind? Its essence? Is that not blasphemous?
@@ralphhebgen7067 blah, blah blah.
Why do you question God's Word with "Did God really say...?"
This is beautiful, I feel like becoming a Christian again 😊
What a wonderful exchange. Thank You.
That was wonderful! I can see Carter’s heart changing at the end… Praise Jesus ❤️❤️❤️
No one knows because our mind is only limited
Thank you for sharing this interaction.
Amen! Blessed be those who understand the love of God ❤
@@shadowmoon-um7wr like those who lost a child.
WOW ❤🙌🙏‼️ The best answers I could think of 🙌 I can’t understand how someone could not believe !!! He lives in my heart I love him 😍 He’s a Mighty Good God full of mercy 🙏🙌🙏‼️
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
I don't believe because there's no evidence.
@@bethlewis8731 and that’s the only place in which he lives your “heart” meaning mind!
Amazing. The level of knowledge of the speaker is at another level. Thank you. God bless.
Yes thats right, God has rendered us a free will to either love him or either not to love him
So then God brings billions of people into existence knowing beforehand that they would be rebellious and end up suffering forever? What the hell for? Just to suffer forever? Is there any more horrific idea imaginable? And this is supposed to be the God who says He IS love that NEVER fails(1 Corinthians 13:8)?
@@caroleevandyk5544 God created us just for his love and his presence, also for us to love each-other. It's really that simple. You can always fix any suffering or worries that come to you through prayer and stuff.
When people end up in hell, it's their choice, and there are always consequences for your actions so to whom takes the blame is not God but more of yourself.
Complaining that God made you without permission is kind of sad seeing how much he has shown love to everyone including you and you are made perfectly within his image even despite of your sins and mistakes.
@@sskjppy It is quite amazing how easily and callously hell defending Christians swallow the idea of eternal conscious suffering. And how they do not bother to more carefully examine this doctrine to see if it is actually scripturally accurate. With the internet it is not difficult to do so. All one needs to do is look up the three words of the original Greek that have been carelessly translated into the one English word hell, meaning eternal conscious suffering, when they all mean different things and do not refer to eternal conscious suffering. They are Hades, Gehenna, and Tartarus. Hades only refers to the grave, meaning the “unseen”, the imperceptible, and literally, “where did they go?” Gehenna was the garbage dump of Jerusalem, in the Valley of Hinnom, currently a garden that one can visit. And Tartarus, only used once in scripture, refers to a place where rebellious angels, NOT people, are kept for judgement. And the judgement of people is not forever, it is for an age or eon, from the Greek “aion”, which means an indistinct period of time, WITH a beginning and an end.
The literally translated bibles get these words right, unlike the popular English bibles.
But you self-righteous Christians keep presenting a god to the world who brings billions of people into existence knowing beforehand that they would be rebellious and end up suffering forever. And you think in your heart, “l was smart enough to choose Christ with my own powerful free will, what’s YOUR problem?”
You constantly ignore the dozens of scriptures that plainly indicate that God’s plan for humanity is to eventually bring ALL into reconciliation with Himself, having made peace through the blood of Christ shed on the cross, as Colossians 1:20 states, “and through him to reconcile to himself ALL things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”
What about Romans 5:18-19, “Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for ALL people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for ALL people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many(ALL) were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many(the same ALL who were MADE sinners) WILL BE MADE righteous.”
Have you ever stopped to consider WHY it is that you find yourself a believer? Statistically, your chances of finding yourself a believer, compared to all of humanity, are minuscule. What is so special about you that you found yourself believing in Christ? Are you smarter, more righteous, more humble, or maybe, more fortunate that you were born in a time and place where circumstances lead you to faith in Christ? By the way, you DO NOT have “free” will. You have a will, it’s just NOT free. You only have the ability to make choices, and that is influenced by thousands of factors, most of which you are not even aware, and God is behind it all. Remember, God chose who He would grant the faith to believe from before the disruption of the world, to bring them to faith in Him early, in order to become co-labourers with Christ to bring in the rest of the harvest later, in future ages.
Ephesians 1:4, “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world for us to be holy and blameless before Him, in love”.
So do you really think God brings all these billions into existence with the end result, after a very few years of life on this difficult and dangerous planet, of eternal unimaginable suffering? What a massive failure of this kind of god! How sick can you get? And this is the God who is love that NEVER fails, as 1 Corinthians 13:8 says?
Sooo, who is this god and why do we need to love him?? Is it so we don’t go to hell to be eternally tortured forever and ever?
Sound like a just and loving being.
Also this god thing is neither male or female, but a higher being in this big universe to which there are most likely many many of them. Not just one.
Just an extraterrestrial entity that’s been around for longer than we have.
Read Deutoronomy 18:16-18. This is your god.
Killing innocent men,women,children,animals, anything that lives just because they don’t bow down to you and believe the way you think is right.
Isn’t murder wrong? So this god is a sinner lmao.
@@crashandburngaming5103 The idea between hell and heaven is that we get to choose where to go. Hell is torment, as expected of a place which is without God's presence (to put it simple). On Earth, if you choose to spend your life without Jesus, then your eternity will be so. If hell is were any less of torment, then it would have God in it, which would theoretically be forcing his love on you. Since love is defined as "not forced". Gone to hell is not be blamed on God, but rather, yourself; that's what you had chosen and God let you choose what you wanted to fit the idea of free will. We aren't loving him to avoid hell; that ignores the whole point of love being by choice. If it were forced then we would all be forced into heaven when we die but some people never chose to spend eternity with God based on their life on Earth.
Choose God to spend eternity without him.
Don't choose God if you want to spend eternity without him.
That fits the idea of "love" and it being a non-forced thing.
Who wouldn’t want a life based on righteousness, justice and love?!
Looks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
His grace endureth forever. Amen
Truly amazing explanation of God's existence 🙏🏼
No explanation whatsoever.
Simply appealing to scientific ignorance, of which there is plenty.
@@roscius6204 You can't understand logic ?
@@venzys6429 OK... School me...
What's the logic here?
@ OK… tell me… what’s so hard to understand in this video?
@@venzys6429 Nothing.
It's simple enough.
Conclusions are drawn without evidence...
As per usual...
Figures a pastor would assume that an Atheist is cocky.
Our son needs to hear this. Best explanation/debate/ logic ever. Now, if only we could get others in the news to debate this well.
Explain the 'explanation' you believe occurred please.
Wonderful description of our faith in our amazing God.❤️🙏🏻
@@Dani-sm8jp Faith is not fact though.
How is all the violence conducted by your god explained in the context of this discussion?
Amen!!! That is the most beautiful explanation I've e er heard on this subject, its the most intensely content feeling loving God and being a Christian, when u find God there are no more questions about faith!
He was there for the answer
Why does the title call him a "cocky Atheist"? I thought he was a very intelligent and respectful young man who had some very good questions.
Because they're condescending
This is as beautiful as a conversation can be.
I love the analogy at the end. Well put and clearly stated. Hopefully that young man comes to know Jesus!
PRAISE GOD! Thank you very much Ptr. Daniel for the EXCELLENT ANSWER and for illuminating the mind of the young atheist about the existence of GOD.
You're indeed a true servant of the LORD guided by His Spirit & Wisdom. 🙏🙏🙏
That was an excellent interaction from both sides of the argument!
Loved it, and I absolutely love hearing that. Amen. God is much, much smarter than us humans. ❤🙏 ❤🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
Hear-hear! God created the Universe - he is far, far smarter than we could ever hope to be, because we are the created. Nothing that is created should ever question the creator! Amen?
@@josephsdale3724 but prove it.
God loves me so....much that He gave me His only son JESUS CHRIST. God bless every one who participated in this discourse.
@@joeblack8915 God didn't create any diseases. The curse of man disobedience did. God is perfect and He doesn't create anything evil. I know you will say that He created satan, but he didn't. It is like when a driver eat the red light and kill a person. The car didn't killed the person, it was the driver who din't obey the law. The car was only the tool.
@@adrielrodriguez2621 God created Satan, however, Satan's wrong isn't God's fault of course.
@@sskjppy That is not what the Bible say. God created Lucifer, not satan. He became satan after iniquity was found in him.
@@adrielrodriguez2621 ok
I remember asking my mother this exact question when I was 7 years old. So where did God come from? Her answer has stuck with me for years. I’m 66 years old now. My mother said: that’s a question I will have to ask God when I get to heaven. 🙏🏻❤️
God simply exists He is without any beginning and without any end.
The Lord of Everlasting Life
Everything in Him
The Holy Spirit.
thanks for sharing bro ❤🙏
Your Mother was whittle but gave a great answer. I will be using it.Thanks for sharing 😊
What if God had parents?
This is why I'm a Christian so others know...him thru me....
Why is the god... a christian god....
The arguments presented were based in factual misrepresentation.
But regardless, even if you accept them, it says nothing about the gods identity.
WOW that was some Heavy stuff, answered Many questions I've been worried about Thank you 🥰
Like what?
To GOD be all the glory 🙌🙌 God's truth will set them free
Alethophobia. Wise up.
If you see this, just know that GOD LOVES YOU ❤️🙏🏻✝️
Romans 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
He loves you so much that if you don't love him back, he'll throw in hell for eternity. How does that differ from a gangland boss running a large-scale protection racket?
what on this earth are you talking about?
@@henrydaley1255 Is that a denial? You are expected to believe is a supernatural being without any evidence based on just faith (obviously), and to love him but if you don't, you are cast into hell for eternity. There, do I need to explain further?
@WriteTrax I have read the bible, one of the most evil and immoral books ever. It's certainly not to be taken seriously, even of any of it is true. "system is wired to send us..." - there is no system. How embarrassing that you even think al this drivel, let alone have the confidence to spout it out loud.
So well put. You definitely gave Carter something to chew on! He’ll be in my prayers to come to knowing and understanding God’s love. He seems confounded by your explanations, so you’ve planted them in his mind…..it can move to his heart.
What an educated, respectful young man. That's how debates and disagreements should go in every situation. Respectful dialogue and active listening. We may not come to an agreement but at least we give each other the chance to state our beliefs in a calm manner. Good job to both for their mutual honor to each other❤
The so-called 'Pastor' just had the Faith Virus - very tricky to remove even from so-called intelligent people. Every word he uttered assumed that there was a god and based his 'illogical' replies on that false premise. His daft assertions about the existence of hell and god were never challenged
The atheist had to be a plant - his last sentence was ridiculous!
Thank you for explain this very well and very clear 👍🙏🙏🙏❤
Awesome explanation from Frank.
If God does exist i really hope that "he" is way more impressive than religion describes.
That's what I had to cosole myself with when the love of my life told me to leave ! 😪...if you love them ...let them go ! Not an easy decision for God ...or us mere mortals !! 🙏🙏❤
Amen. Well done
Your wisdom us from almighty God. Thank you for sharing. God bless!!
That was amazing, thank you 🙏🏻
The trouble with the question of who created God is that it is a never-ending question. If someone created God, then who created the entity that created that God, etc. into infinity. Scripture says God is eternal, the alpha and omega, the self existent one. That young man was polite and listened before responding. I pray that he will be drawn to Christ.
No evidence for any of it.
@@junodonatus4906 - Asking a true believer for "evidence" sounds to him as if you are asking for a torch so that you can find the sun.
If I ask it's rhetorical as I know they have no evidence. "True" believer always sounds funny to me. They love the word truth but their worldview is the farthest thing from it.
@@junodonatus4906 - My point is that those who believe don't need evidence, for they are convinced in their faith. To them it is as true as the taste of a strawberry. They don't need to prove it.
Excellent...100% right.
I hope Cater was satisfied with Pastor Daniel's answer which was excellent! Carter I hope now you are no longer an atheist 🙏
Very Smart and Logic interaction about Our Creator! I thank God for Loving me and causing me to hear His Voice Calling me!! Thank you Jesus!❤🙏
great to hear a knowledgeable apologist!
Very well spoken
Very nice God so loved the world that he gave His only Son...and whoever believes in Him will have eternal life Amen
"...watching the United States become increasingly influenced by Christ-centered politics troubles me. The dystopian future depicted in Atlas Shrugged becomes more easily imaginable. And it is for this reason that I dread the fact that so few people I've met have ever even heard of Ayn Rand, let alone have enough understanding of her work to make a judgement about it."
-Anonymous-from an Objectivist forum
Don't you mean "eternal" life....?
No eternal life for me, thankfully. Who, in their right mind wants eternal life? Also, which of the 2000 "gods" are you referring to?
@@BeefT-Sq How could God give up his son when he knows that his son will be "resurrected" and join him in heaven? If anyone gives up their sons it's humans who give up their sons in wars and never see them again. That's real sacrifice.
@@raymorse284 yes
Great conversation❤
What a polite young man. I hope he comes to believe in Jesus and we see him in heaven 🙏
God will not send anyone to hell. When you reject Jesus you send yourself to hell.
“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain
Thank U for a brilliant explaination . God bless U.
"Objectivism for example provides a source Certainty and Principled thinking."
-Anonymous-from an Objectivist forum
And this is why you need faith. For it’s by Faith through grace that we are saved. 🙏💪
I got a gosebumps listening to this debate .. Frank Turek....awesome
No one created God. God has always existed and will continue to exist forever and ever. Jesus says, "before Abraham was, I AM."
I don't understand the connection.
G-D Tell moses say to phar'oh I AM has sent you. Yeshua told the jews b4 abraham was I AM god 4give sins yeshua 4gave sins so you the connection. Phillip he that has seen me has seen the father i and the father are one ❤hope it helps
@@naomiail1534 Jesus tells us that the only true God is the Father.
John 17:3 KJV
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
1 Peter 1:20 KJV
Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
John 9:8-9 KJV
The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged? Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him: but he said, I am he.
@@rogrog1616 God defines himself as I AM in the Old Testament. Every Jew understood that when Jesus says, "before Abraham was, I AM", he was saying he is God. How else did Jesus exist before Abraham, who went to his grave at least 1500 years before Jesus was born on earth?
And you know this how?
Started cocky and self-righteous, and left humbled and thinking. Good exchange.
Well said👏
If an infinitely intelligent BEING did not create, let’s say elephants, and Giraffes, what causes them to stop growing at a certain size? Same question applies to us human beings. If Creator God did not say to all growing things: “This height or length or width, and no farther,” there would be no end to GROWTH of everything that grows.
Please.Is that really your argument? The best you can come up with? It shows a remarkable lack of understanding of science. It's willful ignorance. The argument for the existence of a god can be compelling, but not with reasoning like that.
You uttered an argument from incredulity and ignorance.
The answer to your silly question is Evolution !
That was breath taking, how can you remember all those wonderful phrases ? God has given you the ability to do just that. I feel closer to God now even though I have loved Him forever.
Beautifully said 👏🏼 amen
What a pleasant young man, debated the questions he needed to ask and was polite and respectful when answers came.
Lets not say he is a cocky atheist - he is entitled to his belief which is atheism. Let's not always want to bring everyone down just because they hold a different belief.
Yes let’s not lift them up either
@@sarahboakes6392 "Objectivism isn't based on belief, rather it is based on Objective reality."
-Anonymous-from an Objectivist forum
@@BeefT-Sq nonsense
Why do I call the wind "wind". How do I know it is there? Because I experience the wind. I believe there is wind, because I have experiences of the wind. I believe into God because I experience Him as the peace that passes all understanding when I let Him into my innermost being.
god is in your brain and exists nowhere else
@@michaelmacpherson-wm6mhLooks like this pastor Daniel is a big liar! No mention of last name, no mention of which church he preaches at. Looks like someone making money in the name of Jesus.
Wonderful respectful intelligent questions from Carter. Wonderful respectful intelligent answers from Dr Frank Turek.
God cannot be found with the. carnal senses. You find God with your spirit because God is a spirit. This is why the atheist fails.
Well, also in part, because they want to understand everything with their head. God said His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and so on
so you are saying god is all in your mind
He makes a good point. If you reject god you go to hell. Why should that bother atheists if you dont believe in god then naturally you dont believe in hell. You made the choice to be in hell which is absent of god
Hell isn’t the absence of God. Heaven/hell is an eternal subjection to the Love of God, and if we accept Him or not here is how we feel in the eternal afterlife. Did you love God, accept His Son, followed His Church, etc? Then you’re in heaven where His love is a feeling beyond measure. Reject Him, hate Him, believe in false gods, etc? Then His love is punishment to you.
No one is ever absent of God’s love. Turek and other evangelicals are completely wrong about “being with or without Him”. God is omnipresent. It’s impossible.
Read 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, hell is in fact the absence of the Lord...
@@Jws-t3owhere? I’m sure you’re referring to verse 9 in particular where the English is (poorly) translated as “Will suffer eternal destruction away from the presence of the Lord”…?
But that’s wrong and not what the Greek says. The Greek says “they will suffer FROM THE FACE OF THE LORD”.
Από means “from”. The word “away” isn’t there and was added.
Helps to know and read the original..
@@gobucs3146 well, contrary to what you are implying, i did actually read it in Greek... its always great if you don't judge too soon
@@Jws-t3ook guy, you listen to an app, I’ll listen to my Greek speaking self and Greek speaking Church and 2000 years of teaching 😂
“Mostly translated as..but since it doesn’t fit our false teaching, we’ll change it” 😂
We’re not separated from God. Period.
Excellent speech ❤❤❤
Frank wins arguments like trump wins debates
😂 and as horses farts...
Well i think his opponent was not up to it. The step the universe has a beginning. Ok. Something outside created it. Ok. But saying God is another dimension, i find a big leap. We do not consider dimensions to be God, and yes one could make that assumption, but thats a bit to easy. God is a consciousness. The question was the universe created by a consciousness or an unconscious external factor has not been answered in a satisfying way
@@BlaBlabla-k8w who's opponent, frank's, trump's or god's?
By being forceful and cheating
That bad eh?
Excellent! Thanks for more enlightenment 🙏🏻
This is really good.
The Greeks never got philosophy and theology together because they didn't have Hebrew scriptures. It was St. Thomas Aquinas who did that. And he did that with the knowledge and inspiration of the early church fathers, e.g.. St. Augustine.
This inquisitive young man in honest pursuit of the truth has placed his trust in America, instead of God. He was experiencing cognitive dissonance.
Thank you, Frank Turek. Your performance in this video was excellent.
Hell is just the totality of eternal separation from God. I can’t even imagine a world without God. A place without God is hell period.
"I can’t even imagine a world without God." Sure you can... you're living in one. The only god you know resides in your imagination.
@@jimscott9974 sure i can’t..oh and by the way, what you just said is just one of the oldest lies in the universe. you can live in that imagination you have as long as you live, your choice. Again, hell itself is a world without God. Your breath and your ability to comment all comes from God. Your comment is just one from an entititled human being who is loved by his Creator, given the freedom to choose, yet ungrateful, unbelieving and still so entitled. What else?
@@johnbelmonte9231 I hope you wake up someday. Good luck.
@@jimscott9974 i wake up everyday, Praise God❤️