FYI, @4::21, it is a serious accusation if you say someone "is lying" in Canada, we usually say something like "there was confusion or miscommunication etc." It'll take time to get used to the local culture and choice of words here :)
@@GshsisiHsjsi If the bill does not exceed $65 as per the agreement, it should not be considered fraud. I’m not sure if he asked whether the plan was cheaper without the TV service when he signed up with the agent. I would say my agent did not fully explain the promotion I signed up for, or there was confusion or misunderstanding regarding the terms.
This may not be the end of this.. Double check what kind of discount you got on your internet service. The discount may have a time period, 6 months, or 12 months. This is normal as a Canadian to keep calling them before the discount end to get new discount. You just need to tell (threaten) them that you are going to switch to other company.
Internet plans have price update every 6 months. Still have to watch out. Might have to change company next year. Or change every other year. Since internet in Canada cost more than in Asia.
I get the bad experience from the same company. Supposed be $60 per month for my home internet. But it charged $65 when the bill dues. Then I called the customer service for complaint. The representative who answered my call agreed will adjust my bill for next month. You know what? It had been passed 4 months now. My bill still charged the same, no adjustment or reduce. I don’t bother to call back because my call been hold for almost 20 minutes last time when I called. I just want to cancel my plan and switch to another company when I’m free.
Please check whether your discounted promotion has an expiration date or not. Usually, they will increase your monthly payment after the promotion period. Be careful of those so-called agents. They all make commissions for living. Good luck young man.
Bell 1.5g $65係唔貴. That’s the way the bill showing and maybe even more complicated. I was a bell customer once for 20 yrs. Your agent didn’t lie. Bell product is expensive. Because u complaint, the guy on phone just credit $10 to your TV and made u happy and could keep a customer. Bell will increase price annually, and if u complain they’ll credit u the difference but sometimes they won’t.
Eric, at Warden and Finch (Bridlewood Mall - north west corner) second floor Bell Mobility operated by Chinese and speak Cantonese offer the best internet price. Good luck.
其實咁講啦,我覺得個sales又唔係真係呃你,一般1.5GB上網其實多數都開65左右,裡面其實都已經包埋個TV, 你真係當係兩樣綁埋sale比你。因為你都聽到佢講唔要tv其實本身係要80蚊。今次其實係個sales自己失策唔講清楚個收費點分,如果佢一早講係話剩上網要80蚊,但你join埋tv呢,上網可以減到55,tv就比10蚊,加埋65,又平左又多個tv,咁你就唔會覺得佢有呃你。打上客服嘈就一定會平比你架啦,佢都係費事煩。🤣
Eric, 你好醒目,識講價. 好多人會怕麻煩或者溝通問題不會聯絡客戶服務!
FYI, @4::21, it is a serious accusation if you say someone "is lying" in Canada, we usually say something like "there was confusion or miscommunication etc." It'll take time to get used to the local culture and choice of words here :)
But the sales is really lying
Lying are a norm in the real world; it's best to talk to the Manager or etc.
@@GshsisiHsjsi If the bill does not exceed $65 as per the agreement, it should not be considered fraud. I’m not sure if he asked whether the plan was cheaper without the TV service when he signed up with the agent. I would say my agent did not fully explain the promotion I signed up for, or there was confusion or misunderstanding regarding the terms.
This may not be the end of this.. Double check what kind of discount you got on your internet service. The discount may have a time period, 6 months, or 12 months.
This is normal as a Canadian to keep calling them before the discount end to get new discount.
You just need to tell (threaten) them that you are going to switch to other company.
Eric,你好醒目& 叻仔.來加有冇一個月?很多事件都做了👍👍👍.你的每次出片我都睇,是一位出識的青年.可嘉可喜.💪💪💪
👍🏻👍🏻 你好好彩 你碰上一個肯幫你取消電視服務嘅人 申請任何服務 都要問睇每月單據 佢哋一定有要寫明單據如何分類收費俾申請人 bell, rogers, Virgin....都有 因為係屬於合同嘅一部份
我唔覺得你個香港人sales呃你,因為呢邊上網, 手提電話大多數都係會bundle 先至有promotion
你可以話嗰個香港人sales冇解釋清楚俾你聽個breakdown, 但係由始至終都係$65 ,佢冇收多你
Internet plans have price update every 6 months. Still have to watch out. Might have to change company next year. Or change every other year. Since internet in Canada cost more than in Asia.
Hi Eric, 你個projector好用嗎?咩型號? 可唔可以介紹下thank you
我想問吓你買咗邊個 projector? 你推唔推介? ☺️ thank youuu !!
好正常, 美國呢邊好多上網公司d plan 都係咁 佢肯幫你减返$10一個月算係咁, 好多公司踩你都傻
直接去mall d 門市開啦!
個邊好L 鍾意d什麼bundle package 架,好膠的!
個sales 好明顯坤膠人。
個projecter 好正喎,想請問邊度可以買到同埋幾$ ?
個sales唔係呃你, 係好時要加Bundle先有discount. 如果唔係你既Internet可能真係要是$80. 不過, D sales係會講話比D著數你. 如果你同唔同個sales講, D discount或rebate都會唔同.
不過, loyalty department係可以比D好些既plan你.
你有冇問埋有冇合約?分分鐘依個淨係55蚊嘅plan 要多幾年約!
佢個兩年上網plan減價優惠,本來我都只係50 CAD + 稅
佢夠膽個plan唔夠半年就加5 CAD
個User Experience差到日後有其他台都唔會上
I get the bad experience from the same company. Supposed be $60 per month for my home internet. But it charged $65 when the bill dues. Then I called the customer service for complaint. The representative who answered my call agreed will adjust my bill for next month. You know what? It had been passed 4 months now. My bill still charged the same, no adjustment or reduce. I don’t bother to call back because my call been hold for almost 20 minutes last time when I called. I just want to cancel my plan and switch to another company when I’m free.
To be more clean about discount; make double call so that you will not be surprise a month later. Thank you for sharing.
捱多2個月等black Friday啦 到時會再平勁多 記得唔好簽約or prepaid呀
我依家用Virgin Plus上網都只係$45一個月
另外真心覺得你租樓個agent麻麻地 上次租樓好多權益無幫你爭取 仲要介紹個咁鬼既sales比你
醒目仔,呢度好多時要週圍shop around,時時都有promotion,你唔怕煩就得喇
其實Sales 冇呃你, 又係標題黨呃流量
很多時打電話揾客服會攞到平d plan, 不少人如果唔想打電就要接受個plan。😅
加油~支持 啲片好睇😄
叻仔 加油呀~👍👍👍
Please check whether your discounted promotion has an expiration date or not. Usually, they will increase your monthly payment after the promotion period. Be careful of those so-called agents. They all make commissions for living. Good luck young man.
Bell 1.5g $65係唔貴. That’s the way the bill showing and maybe even more complicated. I was a bell customer once for 20 yrs. Your agent didn’t lie. Bell product is expensive. Because u complaint, the guy on phone just credit $10 to your TV and made u happy and could keep a customer. Bell will increase price annually, and if u complain they’ll credit u the difference but sometimes they won’t.
我嚟咗3O年,要主動尋找SOLUTION .如果唔係真係比人。又時如果你CANCEL,佢地CALL BACK FOR LOWER PRICE 最重要唔好簽internet contract.
Smart & Clever .. 🎉😊
這間公司是不分國藉的客服都先用同一方法去大霧,我找它經理才可以取消TV services!!!!這種方法3年前已用
我唔係成日download嘢,1.5G 唔係成日用盡。我而家用緊150M $40/月。嚟緊BlackFriday可能有 500M $50/月。不過都係嗰句,150M夠用有餘。
BELL 有好多困綁,優惠有限期,一年或者兩年。問清楚。到時又到處去搵下一個所謂“優惠”計劃。麻L
呢度電訊方面係好誤導人㗎。join左個電話plan along with 有discount嘅電話,以為我慳咗幾百蚊買部電話,點知個discount冇擺到喺部電話度,而係擺咗落個plan度。去返間鋪度問,佢就話個費用都係一樣㗎喇,唔緊要啦,係咁㗎。wtf?!?!😂🤦🏻♂️
When u call them, u should get the ref# for today’s customer service for a black and white record arrrrr
呢個客戶OK,有香港人期望工作態度。呢度好多人好hea. 有啲人唔係人全心呃你(但亦有好多人唔老實的,所以要睇路行)而係佢哋唔清楚,做事求其,不求改進…. 又懶、又蠢、又官竂。
直接去Fido or Roger’s 40 G 才 40 元 如果有需要 就問問看 很多人都在騙新移民的😒
Loyalty department 唔係會員服務, 係加拿大好多服務供應商都有嘅講數部門。佢哋有權畀一啲其他客服畀唔到嘅優惠。主要任務係挽留客人。
通常手機電視上網嗰啲,每次打去cut台,都會轉去呢個部門有專人問你有咩唔滿意,點解要cut台。有時可以同佢deal 到無錯價錢。甚至你可以話你見到其他公司嘅更平plan,佢哋都有可能會match,不過唔係次次Work。
不過今次 case, 我覺得有唔係全心欺騙。加拿大好多組合服務會比單一服務平。當初可能Sales 想簡單化咁完成佢張單,所以話$65有全部。咁都平過單一服務$80。 如果你只係買單一服務,好多Sales還難畀 discount 你。
不錯呢個故事話畀大家知,只要你有時間同 Loyalty department 慢慢磨,有時會攞到好多good deal。
btw以後小心香港人 唔熟唔食
Sorry, I'm disagree your last said. All different kinds human, have same action. But all Hong Kong people must have this action.
It is very normal, don’t be too cheap
我估唔係sales 主動呃你, 我估佢哋內部指引就係博你睇唔到, 我去門市搞發生咗同一件事
我好奇你 $55 Internet 係咩速度?
我溫哥華啱啱簽約兩年 300M 光纖都要 $120 一個月。
1.5 gbp speed. Even $65佢個plan 好平仲係bell. 而家virgin ( cheap bell version) 50mb unlimited $35 promotion. Bell n virgin 係fibre. 50mb已經好快好夠用,除非上網打機。
佢嘅上網plan是否手機上網而你的是家居fiber broadband internet?基本都不一樣。
@@TheAnsonysc Yes! 原價 $150 我同 loyalty department 傾到口水乾先減三十。
Fuck Telus!
Eric, at Warden and Finch (Bridlewood Mall - north west corner) second floor Bell Mobility operated by Chinese and speak Cantonese offer the best internet price. Good luck.
Next time it's best to record your conversation; but let them know that you are recording to protected him or her.
Eric, 你既然在加拿大生活了,应该去官网搞这些东西。。。
根本唔使用啲乜嘢 TV app 睇本地電視、賣架韓國電視機、佢內至唔同免費 app 睇晒好多北美電視
所以都話 係他國異地係吾應該全信來自自己地方嘅人
然後裝完之後上唔到網,個support center話個地址register兩個服務,佢activate咗另一個
@@nghogaomeback吓? 着件T-shir跟虛榮心都有關係?🤣
@@KCR-Fanling-Station 剛到埗咁多嘢要搞,衣服不是priority 呀!清潔整齊就得.
@@kenUSAHK 睇吓咩T
又唔好話佢貪心。一個人嚟到,唔多唔少都係想每分每毫都用得其所。好彩個customer service又理佢呢單case。好多客服會話佢哋收$65冇錯。寸啲嘅可以話,你想見到$65internet,$0電視吖嘛,我就幫你張單顯示到$65internet,$0電視。