doesn't sound like she tried to get to know him at all. She has no regrets because she did not and still does not care about his feelings AT ALL. Maybe she has no friends. I mean with an attitude like that, I certainly wouldn't be friends with someone like that
Well, it wasn't outright rude or anything, probably just not the greatest choices. I guess I can see where she's coming from. She lived her whole life being a little Goodie Two-Shoes and she wanted one day out. But it's definitely a lot for anybody to handle on a first date.
That's the stuff you do with your friends... not on a first date 😂
Jubal was much better. I feel like I'm listening to my father on the air.
Talk about a narcissist! Go ahead and live the rest of your life for YOU and good luck with the rest of YOUR life lady!
She definitely doesn't sound like it's going to be any sort of problem. Good for her. Although not on a date should she be doing that.
doesn't sound like she tried to get to know him at all. She has no regrets because she did not and still does not care about his feelings AT ALL. Maybe she has no friends. I mean with an attitude like that, I certainly wouldn't be friends with someone like that
Well, it wasn't outright rude or anything, probably just not the greatest choices. I guess I can see where she's coming from. She lived her whole life being a little Goodie Two-Shoes and she wanted one day out. But it's definitely a lot for anybody to handle on a first date.
She is very disrespectful. She was on a date. red flag. Totally disrespected your date. Women are out of control.