Episodju 024 ma' Patrick Gaffiero | Jon Mallia Podcast

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 15

  • @hadesmalta7106
    @hadesmalta7106 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Well done for this podcast. My favourite so far. Tedukkaw lil poplu b dibbatitu newtrali.

      @PAVASAKOS 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      That which we call God is the personification of energy.
      What makes us more than the sum of the minerals and water that physically constitute our bodies is life energy.
      Everything is energy and this is scientifically proven , E=MC2. The fact that our technology can only revert that which we call radioactive, is besides the point.
      In answer to your question of who or what decides the next level, it is the energy level that you have accumulated/increased within your capture.
      Just as water finds its level in balance, just as a stronger electrical potential with push back a weaker, then your energy(soul) will find its place in the hierarchy
      One’s energy will effect/direct/educate that of another person even after ‘death’ , and that is eternal life , ie: that the effect we have had ‘lives’ on in others
      ‘Heaven’ is when our descendants smile when they remember us, hell is when they frown, purgatory is the period after our funeral where they are still too affected by the loss to dissect those feelings.
      That is my belief.
      I hope I have explained it cogently

  • @djc8744
    @djc8744 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Jon...tajjeb li taqsam l- opinjoni tieghek u zzomm konversazzjoni/dibattitu mexxej pero meta l- mistieden ikun qed jibni l- argument tieghu, hallieh jispicca mhux kull darba taqtalu diskorsu u tiddomina l- konvesazzjoni. Taghmilha spiss u tqabbadni n- nervi. Taghti l- impressjoni iddisprata li trid timpressjona. Mill- bqijja, prosit tas- suggetti varji, interessanti u hafna drabi mhux konvenzjonali li qed tkopru f' dawn il- podcasts. Pass 'il quddiem fix- xandir lokali.

    • @jordanbonello
      @jordanbonello 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree, although the theme and concept behind the podcast is to have a decent, casual conversation about a chosen topic with no fear of judgment

  • @jedioverlord
    @jedioverlord 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Aw, step up from the regular 'black mass u Satanizmu' episodes ta' Xarabank fin-90s, ha nghidlek.

  • @jokercrazy5359
    @jokercrazy5359 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    maaaa x'biza😱👿

  • @monicadebono8012
    @monicadebono8012 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Kien podcast interessanti. Imma ghalija l valuri huma komuni ma’ kull religjon. I’d differenza li L luciferjani jemmnu fil incarnation u li min jaghmillek azzjoni tpattijilu. Li r religjon kattolika toppressa ma naqbilx ghax thalli lil kulhadd fil libertà! Ma taqbad hadd minn ghonqu u jrid jiffolowja ezatt mat taghlim tal knisja! Anzi tant tammetti li nistghu nizbaljaw li kristu ghamel is sagrament tar rikonciljazzjoni. U mhux bil magic , imma jatu pariri kif ghandek tghid ruhrk tghid ahjar. Imbaghad sta ghalik jekk inti tiehux l pariri jew le. Il knisja hi maghmulha minn nies u fejn hemm in nies ha jkun hemm Il korruzzjoni u zbalji! Filfatt Matthew Gaffiero stess qal li jkun hemm certu nies fis setta taghhom li jizbaljaw u jkollhom jiehdu passi jekk ma jimxux mat taghlim taghhom! Li ma qalilnix Matthew, meta r ruh tmur quddiem dik Il kommunita tar rwieh li jiddeciedu jekk hu x safja Jew le ( li hu il gudizzju dak), u din ir ruh tkun safja, x isir minnha din Il ruh? Fejn tmur? Ghandhom xi genna ta luciefru?

  • @samjonez4854
    @samjonez4854 ปีที่แล้ว

    Luciferin philosophy seems to be very congruent with Tao Buddhism where reincarnation is common belief and improving one's divine status via meditation and other prospects is the common goal. Also the idea of necromancy is closely related to attribution to one's ancestors in Tao Buddhism. Fred Cook could have been a high ranking monk in a past life however the element of misunderstanding has been brought forward...Btw an entity which has been ostracized does not necessarily imply that the entity is evil but more commonly a leak in the system.

  • @robertgalea1301
    @robertgalea1301 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    u fejn jqaddws dan il-qassis iswed u x'hinijiet. U jqarar ukoll.

  • @marygracemallia6220
    @marygracemallia6220 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Il knisja maghmula min bniedmin li huma daghjfa. Il kmandamenti ghamilhom Alla u mhux il knisja, ghalhekk meta il knisja tizbalja ma jfissirx li Alla zbalja mete taghna il manwal ta kif ghanda nghixu. Alla tant habna li baghat lill ibnu stess biex jurina kif ghandna nghixu din il hajja. Tinsewx il parabola tas sinjur li meta miet kien qed ibghati u talab li xi hadd imur javza lil hutu biex ma jmurx f' dak il post ta dbattijja u skopra li ma seta jbiddel xejn li kien tard wisq u li l'ghazliet hziena li ghamel meta ma kellux kompasjoni lejn it tbatija ta dak li kien qed ibaghti quddiemu. Meta nmutu game over, jew infern , jew tisfijja fil purgatorju biex finalment tmur il Genna. Tinsewx li Gesu qalilna li Lucifru hu missier il gideb, u li jisraq , joqtol u jkisser xogholu. Finalment kustjoni lil min se tafda lill Gesu li miet biex isalvani jew lil dak li sfida lill Alla nnifsu, tilef postu u issa jrid li jtellef kull bniedem haj ic cans li jiehu il post vojt li hallew l' angli ribelli.

    • @marygracemallia6220
      @marygracemallia6220 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Li wiehed jahseb li jekk iqerr qabel imut jirbah a free ticket to heaven hija zball kbir. Xejn imnigges ma jista jidhol fil prezenza ta Alla. Ghalhekk jezisti il purgatorju, skont testimonjanza ta "Gloria Polo " fuq TH-cam hemm tbatijiet horribli.

  • @joycespiteri8350
    @joycespiteri8350 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    in a way, l insara suppost ghandhom twemmin vera simili ta gudizzju. kemm il darba smajt li l azzjonijiet li naghmlu fil liberta taghna , ser inkunu ahna stess li niddeciedu jekk inhaddnux lil Alla taghna jew le. jiena qed naraha hafna simili ta dak kollu li Patrick jemmen fih. li ghallmuni differenti hu li biex il bniedem jilhaq stat ta divinita irid li jaghmel dak kollu li hu tajjeb, mentri jekk jaghmel azzjonijiet u decizjonijiet hziena ser ikun ghazel huwa stess li jhaddan ix xitan. mentri Patrick kwazi qed jghid li is sewwa ghandu jirbah dejjem. Mela b dik il konkluzjoni, anke ir religjon jew idealizmu ta Patrick huwa simili ghal kristjanezmu li il bniedem ghandu dejjem jaghzel li jghix tajjeb.

    @PAVASAKOS 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That which we call God is the personification of energy.
    What makes us more than the sum of the minerals and water that physically constitute our bodies is life energy.
    Everything is energy and this is scientifically proven , E=MC2. The fact that our technology can only revert that which we call radioactive, is besides the point.
    In answer to your question of who or what decides the next level, it is the energy level that you have accumulated/increased within your capture.
    Just as water finds its level in balance, just as a stronger electrical potential with push back a weaker, just as oil will rise to the surface of water, then your energy(soul) will find its proper place in the hierarchy
    One’s energy will effect/direct/educate that of another person even after ‘death’ , and that is eternal life , ie: that the effect we have had ‘lives’ on in others
    ‘Heaven’ is when our descendants smile when they remember us, hell is when they frown, purgatory is the period after our funeral where they are still too affected by the loss to dissect those feelings.
    That is my belief.
    I hope I have explained it cogently

  • @mopkrayz
    @mopkrayz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jon jghajjik. Hadt gost nara ta Sayan ma l istess persuna, u YT issugerili dan. 👎