I'm really hoping the new changes will realistically let me run more of my Khador warjacks at a time. It was one of the main reasons I got into the faction to begin with.
+WarGamerGirl Or at least run them even better. I'm right there with you. Khador is the heaviest of metal. Ah man I wonder if Karchev will get better...
+WarGamerGirl +WarGamerGirl Im also playing khador becuase of the jacks so i share your hope, let's roll over those weak southerners with heavy metal!! ;)
Well that was certainly 5 minutes worth of fancy buzz words. Proof is in the pudding. Maybe this time we'll have a game where more than 50% of the models aren't complete garbage.
+Matt Henderson Well they seemed to imply that warjacks are getting a buff. Really hoping this is the case because when you come to a game for robots and then are stuck painting 30 odd infantry, it's pretty off-putting.
50% huh. I can count the models in the Protectorate that aren't played on one hand, and even some of those have nichéd uses but are mostly outshone by other options. Go listen to the new Primecast episode 30. They go into depth about some of the things they are changing. No details, such as individual model changes, but some of the overall stuff. Warjacks will automatically recieve free focus if they are in their caster's control area, for example. Seems like a great change that will make casters like Amon Ad'Raza and Kara Sloan a lot more viable than they currently are, mostly due to issues with the focus system.. Every warcaster will also have a unique spell or ability.
***** Yes 50%. Protectorate is one of the factions with the highest percentage of playables and even there... Vigilant, Redeemer, Castigator, Sanctifier, Deliverers, Deliverers Sunburst Crew, Exemplar Cinerators, Flame Bringers, Flameguard Cleansers, Idrian Skirmishers, Knights Exemplar, Vassal Mechanik off the top of my head.... Being able to count that on one hand, you should seek immediate medical attention.
CloakingDonkey The Redeemer, Sanctifier, Mechanik, Idrian Skirmishers, and Knight's Exemplar certainly aren't unplayable. And the Vigilant, Deliverers, Cleansers and Flame Bringers aren't great but they do what they're supposed to do, albeit at too high cost. Minimum Cleansers bring a lot of fire to the table, and the Flame Bringers are mostly bad in comparison with other Light Cavalry. At any rate, I have better things to do than to argue miniature plastic soldiers on the internet. Have a nice day.
***** Nobody forced you to respond, so don't act like I accosted you or something. Your argument was bad and now you're weaseling out. At least call things by name.
I'm hoping to see a few changes:1. More warjacks and less infantry spam2. More viable casters for competitive play instead of the same 2-3 per faction that you always see at tournamentsP.S. our new Circle caster looks awesome! Super excited to see her rules.
+kangtheknightx No indications of the $40 introductory battleboxes so far. I would bet that they'll get the same text they have for current journeyman leagues, where you're given a list (or three) of faction models to form an "equivalent battlebox" so you can participate in a journeyman league, without them releasing them as a boxed set.
+joshefbird Per the Primecast they released today they're going to show off concept art for the new faction at L&L (probably teaser art rather than a full faction reveal), and announced that it would be released at L&L 2017.
+glluppor Yes, across the board. At the very least they're roughly doubling point values in order to give the point system some additional granularity. There will be new cards released at L&L (apparently new full faction decks for everything released for Mk2 in one deck per faction).
+Calcifar PantsOwl Hes purposely being factitious to make a point about price hikes. I see them as unavoidable as every company increases in size though.
I do not know where you are from but in Germany and the UK, Warmachine miniatures are vastly more expensive than most minis by a huge margin. Another example : 49 pounds for 5 greylord outriders.
Dunno about "sharing creative energy" but sharing faction pdfs seems common with the people I know since book prices are ridiculous. Spartan Games offers their stats and rules for free and just sell models, why the hell don't PP follow suit and just sell fluff books or campaigns instead of building barriers to entry when a new edition pops up. Don't get me wrong, you make great books but fuck your attitude towards not letting people know what they're investing money into before they buy.
So Battlegroups will be more powerful... and then 3 and a half minutes of fluff? Is the new edition going to affect how players "share creative energy"? This video seems poorly edited. Newcomers aren't going to care about the first 1/3rd of the video (a new edition, and the reasons behind it), whereas people already playing aren't going to care about the majority of the video because we already know all of those things. Is this video supposed to be an introduction to WarmaHordes for brand new players, OR is it supposed to provide information on the new edition to current players?
+Elthenar, Magnus has all kinds of personal reasons to hate Stryker though; he was directly involved in the Lion's Coup, his first Earthquake spell broke Magnus's arms and legs, Stryker is Cygnar's golden boy while Magnus is working from the shadows and trying to sieze control of the country... About the only thing they'd currently agree on is 'Vinter's an asshole.' Clearly, the new Faction is Vinter. Just him.
I am jumping over to you from GW now, Your lore, world, factions and artwork etc. is way cooler. The only thing I am missing from you atm are way better made minies;P To many mold lines, often parts are not fitting etc. But I hope that will change on the minies to come????
+Steven Walker Sigmar was a gutted version of WFB, I'm sure MK3 will be 'simpler' as it's easier to start, but can become very complex at a higher level of play. At least I hope so.
+Steven Walker They're addind pre-measuring. Which I think is a good thing, especially for new players who don't know all the tricks to pre-measure currently (Using control areas, zones, forest LOS etc.). Plus it removes scenarios where you eyeballed 11" but it was actually 11" and 1/32. That's not fun. They're also improving the point system by doubling it. So 100 points will be the new standard instead of 50, and they will be able to fine tune model costs, so no more that some models cost half a point too much or too little. There's tons of other stuff, too, but I haven't heard anything negative so far. Some people aren't fond of the pre-measuring, but I think it will work out.
+Steven Walker I'm having the same concern. In my experience, games which attempt to steamline or simplify their rules usually end up losing far more than they gain. I'm also really concerned about pre-measuring. Mainly because when GW introduced pre-measuring, they 'balanced' it by adding a ton of randomness. I really don't want to see Warmachine go the same way.
+WarGamerGirl The thing is, Warmachine already has some pre-measuring in that you can measure anything inside your Warcaster's control area. I always thought that was quite a good compromise. With careful positioning, you can measure/estimate ranges. And, of course, you also have to weigh up the risks of moving your warcaster close enough to the enemy. Out if interest, what do you consider the biggest barrier(s) to entry for new players?
If it is indeed MK3, please re-balance and make every model/unit useful in the game. I'm sure it would kill off some meta-tournament lists but that's part of the fun (making lists). Also, I hope the game does not go power creep with all these huge base models. That's the main reason my group stopped.
this is perfect timeing because i was just about to get into warmachine and hordes. i was thinking to pick a hordes army and a warmachine army . but i am haveing extreme trouble picking a faction, i am stuck between cephelix,cryx and convergence of cyriss. can anyone give me a suggestions on witch factions i should play. i heard that cryx is not a plug and play army, this the main resone why i am leaning to the other 2. with cephelix i was hoping u could run more monstorsities then any thing else. i was also thinking legion and gator minions. i hope u guys can help me pick my warmachine and hordes factions. thank u for the help if u help me :)
+Fatmomma0000 Don't listen to WarGamerGirl, try Trollbloods instead. They have durability, lots of great combos, and one of main Troll warlocks rides a friggin' polar bear! Just kidding (we are both biased towards our own factions)! My advice is just play what you think looks cool and what fits your play style. I just want to warn you that Cephalyx, Minions, and Convergence have fewer models (and therefore, slightly fewer options) than other factions. Cryx is one of the main factions, so they get more models/options/new stuff.
Monstrosities are already super cheap (points-wise). It will be interesting to see what their point costs will be in the new edition. You may be able to spam them as a bigger battle group than other armies. Enjoy and good luck to ya!
Great motivational video but it doesn't really tell u much right? And yes i look forward for the possibility of realistically running all beasts/all jacks teams in every faction... more beasts for troll bloods, more jacks for khador, for cryx... ultimately what's special about war machine is machines and right now there are factions where the bias is definitely towards infantry.
im all for new editions as long as its drive is the quality of the game and not just a marketing drive. i've seen the same thing over the years with another popular games company and it always concerns me when i hear the kind of buzzwords flying around especially concerning removing complexity and helping beginners join. bywords for disaster. PP are not however that company and i have faith they will do a good job. whether or not it's the same warmachine i know and love is another matter. this is the last wargame i play and the one i love the most. please don't suck.
So...does that mean getting the MkII 2 player starter boxes would be a bad idea at this point? Or will MK3 use all the same models and just tweak rules/stats, making it easy to roll forward?
+Dan Upton Privateer has said that they won't invalidate models. One of the first things released for the new edition will be faction decks, with updated cards for all the existing releases for each faction.
+Dan Upton Mk3 will use the same models, but the models will recieve new rules. In other words, the models you get in the box will be as valid as ever, but the stat cards they come with will be obsolete. However, there will be decks you can purchase that gives you every card released in Mk2 updated for Mk3. Perfect if you purchase a lot of used models that don't come with the Mk3 cards.
Hmmmm, I had just finished taking pictures on my Warmachine army to list it on EBay. I hope these are real changes and not just a rules tweak. I wanted to play with big stompy robots not play infantry machine as the game has turned out to be. So we will see..................
+foolinjected101 According to the most recent Primecast episode it seems they're aiming to do just that. Warcasters will now have enough warjack points (Same goes for warlocks) to include several warjacks for free (The new battleboxes will equal out to 0 points), and warjacks in a warcaster's control area will automatically recieve one free focus. Then, every model's rules are going to be changed and edited somehow, so big, big changes on the horizon.
+Kinsman Studios Pretty sure the new releases has made Gunnbjorn more viable, not less. My friend has been playing him a lot during the last year with a lot of success.
I used to like building models but with your new policies affecting vendors I shop at it's become harder for me to justify purchases because of the price increases.
Hey, it's time to throw out all your books again. They did it before with mark II and that was supposed to fix everything. Whoops. Guess not. Give them more of your hardearned money because they just made it all obsolete - again.
I definitely didn't like how the video was, "hey, battlegroups will be better!" then just 5 minutes of nothingness. Kind of a waste in my opinion really.
Ohboy ohboy ohboy! I can't wait to see how badly they fuck this up! I'm an active solo player Scorne and Menoth and I stopped playing with other people because the rules are apparently too complicated for normal people and they just end up making shit up. And the few who do understand the rules, all play the same copy-cat armies from the meta that everyone else plays at tournies. Cause with prices this expensive, most people can only afford to build an army once. So why risk wasting money buying a 'personal' army that will be curbed stomped by all the broken theme armies which by their very nature, break all the force list rules, and add special bonuses that said "personal" army won't necessarily get unless its by sheer chance. I may not be a good player, but at least I can have fun, even if it is by myself. Oh right! I also forgot another important factor, or two. No death clocks, and no one gives a shit about my colour scheme or 'personalized' mods to some figures! Because nothing says personal like tournament only authorized colour schemes and no modifications allowed in 'for play' models! edit: oh right, i forgot another thing, no one will get pissed when they lose and toss my terrain on the floor and break it. Fuck Denver players, and fuck Colorado in general. I hope Privateer Press Age of Sigmar's the fuck out of this release, just for you. I swear, the more I remember what playing this game with other humans, the angrier I get. Miniatures should have been awesome fun, but instead if its not the players "win-harder" ruining the fun times, its the companies. If I hear one more company say "appealing to a wider audience" in so many more words, it'll be too soon.
Tell your friend who doesn't play Warmachine/Hordes to watch this video, then have them honestly say that they're not interested. It simply can't be done
I started collecting warmachine because I was unhappy with the way GW mass produces and sells overpriced booklets which get outdated very quickly. So I guess this is goodbye from me, Privateer Press.
We need an Honest Trail for warmahordes, where they show the multitudes of toxic players that drive people out of the game, and how personalizing your army isnt really as rewarding since conversions are heavily discouraged and factions only have one color scheme, and how the game is often unfun because your army frequently lives and dies with a single measuring (them: "that doesnt look within 12" lemme check" me: "well you just bumped my model in doing so, so now it's impossibke to fairly judge" them: "well im not going to give it to you")
+DragonL0rd132 if the steamrollers are still hypercompetitive and anal on rules, the same situation is likely to pop up just as frequently. itll just have new added dialogie of "i just measured it two minutes ago and it was fine" or the whole exchange i previously described happens when said premeasuring happens in the first place.
"finding a game is easy - just walk into a game store"
*cricket sounds play*
I'm really hoping the new changes will realistically let me run more of my Khador warjacks at a time. It was one of the main reasons I got into the faction to begin with.
+WarGamerGirl We can only hope.
+WarGamerGirl Or at least run them even better. I'm right there with you. Khador is the heaviest of metal.
Ah man I wonder if Karchev will get better...
Im also playing khador becuase of the jacks so i share your hope, let's roll over those weak southerners with heavy metal!! ;)
::unintelligible Butcher shouting::
+WarGamerGirl pls buff the walking fridge Karchev, big K needs some love.
I'm both excited and worried
+Jack Stead SAME!
Well that was certainly 5 minutes worth of fancy buzz words. Proof is in the pudding. Maybe this time we'll have a game where more than 50% of the models aren't complete garbage.
+Matt Henderson Well they seemed to imply that warjacks are getting a buff. Really hoping this is the case because when you come to a game for robots and then are stuck painting 30 odd infantry, it's pretty off-putting.
50% huh. I can count the models in the Protectorate that aren't played on one hand, and even some of those have nichéd uses but are mostly outshone by other options.
Go listen to the new Primecast episode 30. They go into depth about some of the things they are changing. No details, such as individual model changes, but some of the overall stuff. Warjacks will automatically recieve free focus if they are in their caster's control area, for example. Seems like a great change that will make casters like Amon Ad'Raza and Kara Sloan a lot more viable than they currently are, mostly due to issues with the focus system.. Every warcaster will also have a unique spell or ability.
***** Yes 50%. Protectorate is one of the factions with the highest percentage of playables and even there... Vigilant, Redeemer, Castigator, Sanctifier, Deliverers, Deliverers Sunburst Crew, Exemplar Cinerators, Flame Bringers, Flameguard Cleansers, Idrian Skirmishers, Knights Exemplar, Vassal Mechanik off the top of my head.... Being able to count that on one hand, you should seek immediate medical attention.
CloakingDonkey The Redeemer, Sanctifier, Mechanik, Idrian Skirmishers, and Knight's Exemplar certainly aren't unplayable. And the Vigilant, Deliverers, Cleansers and Flame Bringers aren't great but they do what they're supposed to do, albeit at too high cost. Minimum Cleansers bring a lot of fire to the table, and the Flame Bringers are mostly bad in comparison with other Light Cavalry.
At any rate, I have better things to do than to argue miniature plastic soldiers on the internet.
Have a nice day.
***** Nobody forced you to respond, so don't act like I accosted you or something. Your argument was bad and now you're weaseling out. At least call things by name.
2:06 for the new Menoth caster
Do we know if the new model cards are going to be available online for free?
The new battle box casters they showed looked awesome.
I'm hoping to see a few changes:1. More warjacks and less infantry spam2. More viable casters for competitive play instead of the same 2-3 per faction that you always see at tournamentsP.S. our new Circle caster looks awesome! Super excited to see her rules.
What's the name of this soundtrack?!?!?
Anyone know if they will release a new 2 player battle set?
intriguing... Might hop back in if it turns out to be any good.
Make the Iron Kingdoms Great Again.
+Draconian1 build a wall to keep the skorne out
Build a Wall to keep the HORDES out!
Anyone else notice the Kodiak sneaking in with a Cygnar force at around 4:42?
Hey PP, will minion pacts get battleboxes? IE: Blindwater Congregation or the PigHerd?
+kangtheknightx They said there would be 9 new battleboxes, so no.
+generalpf I meant in general, maybe not with the new MK3 release, but later.
+kangtheknightx No indications of the $40 introductory battleboxes so far. I would bet that they'll get the same text they have for current journeyman leagues, where you're given a list (or three) of faction models to form an "equivalent battlebox" so you can participate in a journeyman league, without them releasing them as a boxed set.
Too bad this game died at my LGS and I moved onto 40k.
Took me a long ass time to paint up my Skorne army.
Am I gonna have to buy new models or new cards for said models, cause that would suck.
when are we getting the any clues on the next hordes faction? ;-;
+joshefbird Per the Primecast they released today they're going to show off concept art for the new faction at L&L (probably teaser art rather than a full faction reveal), and announced that it would be released at L&L 2017.
Excitement blends with worry. Hoping for the best.
anyone knows if there would be changes in statistics/cards?
+glluppor Yes, across the board. At the very least they're roughly doubling point values in order to give the point system some additional granularity. There will be new cards released at L&L (apparently new full faction decks for everything released for Mk2 in one deck per faction).
Get READY to pay FIVE TIMES the price tag of usual miniatures! EDGY!
Not a baseless ridiculous comment at all.
why do you say that?
60 Euros for a unit of stormblades being one example.
+Calcifar PantsOwl Hes purposely being factitious to make a point about price hikes. I see them as unavoidable as every company increases in size though.
I do not know where you are from but in Germany and the UK, Warmachine miniatures are vastly more expensive than most minis by a huge margin.
Another example :
49 pounds for 5 greylord outriders.
Don't you dare make having me to by new books all over again sound exciting!
Dunno about "sharing creative energy" but sharing faction pdfs seems common with the people I know since book prices are ridiculous. Spartan Games offers their stats and rules for free and just sell models, why the hell don't PP follow suit and just sell fluff books or campaigns instead of building barriers to entry when a new edition pops up. Don't get me wrong, you make great books but fuck your attitude towards not letting people know what they're investing money into before they buy.
So Battlegroups will be more powerful... and then 3 and a half minutes of fluff? Is the new edition going to affect how players "share creative energy"?
This video seems poorly edited. Newcomers aren't going to care about the first 1/3rd of the video (a new edition, and the reasons behind it), whereas people already playing aren't going to care about the majority of the video because we already know all of those things. Is this video supposed to be an introduction to WarmaHordes for brand new players, OR is it supposed to provide information on the new edition to current players?
I must know who that new Menoth caster is!
Not 5 times... just expect to pay 10 to 20% more to play the game on your kitchen table.
Weird, June 29th is my birthday...well that's ominous as all hell.
if u listen to their podcast primal episode 30 they made the worlock/warcaster's jack/beast points like 20-25 that is awesome
I'm dying to know why Magnus would team up with Stryker.
+Praetor Hellkipz Against, Cryx...I think they would. After all, Nemo and Irusk teamed up and they have just as much history.
+Elthenar, Magnus has all kinds of personal reasons to hate Stryker though; he was directly involved in the Lion's Coup, his first Earthquake spell broke Magnus's arms and legs, Stryker is Cygnar's golden boy while Magnus is working from the shadows and trying to sieze control of the country...
About the only thing they'd currently agree on is 'Vinter's an asshole.' Clearly, the new Faction is Vinter. Just him.
I am jumping over to you from GW now, Your lore, world, factions and artwork etc. is way cooler. The only thing I am missing from you atm are way better made minies;P To many mold lines, often parts are not fitting etc. But I hope that will change on the minies to come????
Amazing video! the main fantasy game! you made it! Cheers from Venezuela CALABOZO CRIOLLO!
"simplified"? Like how Age of Sigmar simplified warhammer?
+Steven Walker Sigmar was a gutted version of WFB, I'm sure MK3 will be 'simpler' as it's easier to start, but can become very complex at a higher level of play. At least I hope so.
+Steven Walker They're addind pre-measuring. Which I think is a good thing, especially for new players who don't know all the tricks to pre-measure currently (Using control areas, zones, forest LOS etc.). Plus it removes scenarios where you eyeballed 11" but it was actually 11" and 1/32. That's not fun.
They're also improving the point system by doubling it. So 100 points will be the new standard instead of 50, and they will be able to fine tune model costs, so no more that some models cost half a point too much or too little.
There's tons of other stuff, too, but I haven't heard anything negative so far. Some people aren't fond of the pre-measuring, but I think it will work out.
+Steven Walker I'm having the same concern. In my experience, games which attempt to steamline or simplify their rules usually end up losing far more than they gain.
I'm also really concerned about pre-measuring. Mainly because when GW introduced pre-measuring, they 'balanced' it by adding a ton of randomness. I really don't want to see Warmachine go the same way.
+Virideon Yeah, I'm not a fan of pre-measuring at all. I wonder if they'll address the things that were ACTUALLY a barrier of entry for new players.
+WarGamerGirl The thing is, Warmachine already has some pre-measuring in that you can measure anything inside your Warcaster's control area. I always thought that was quite a good compromise. With careful positioning, you can measure/estimate ranges. And, of course, you also have to weigh up the risks of moving your warcaster close enough to the enemy.
Out if interest, what do you consider the biggest barrier(s) to entry for new players?
If it is indeed MK3, please re-balance and make every model/unit useful in the game. I'm sure it would kill off some meta-tournament lists but that's part of the fun (making lists). Also, I hope the game does not go power creep with all these huge base models. That's the main reason my group stopped.
this is perfect timeing because i was just about to get into warmachine and hordes. i was thinking to pick a hordes army and a warmachine army . but i am haveing extreme trouble picking a faction, i am stuck between cephelix,cryx and convergence of cyriss. can anyone give me a suggestions on witch factions i should play. i heard that cryx is not a plug and play army, this the main resone why i am leaning to the other 2. with cephelix i was hoping u could run more monstorsities then any thing else. i was also thinking legion and gator minions. i hope u guys can help me pick my warmachine and hordes factions. thank u for the help if u help me :)
+Fatmomma0000 Going Mercenary or Minions is a good start since you can use them in other armies later on.
+Fatmomma0000 I hear Khador is, by far, the best faction =)
+Fatmomma0000 Don't listen to WarGamerGirl, try Trollbloods instead. They have durability, lots of great combos, and one of main Troll warlocks rides a friggin' polar bear!
Just kidding (we are both biased towards our own factions)!
My advice is just play what you think looks cool and what fits your play style. I just want to warn you that Cephalyx, Minions, and Convergence have fewer models (and therefore, slightly fewer options) than other factions. Cryx is one of the main factions, so they get more models/options/new stuff.
+llongone2 ya i am really leaning to cephelix if i can run more monstrosities
Monstrosities are already super cheap (points-wise). It will be interesting to see what their point costs will be in the new edition. You may be able to spam them as a bigger battle group than other armies. Enjoy and good luck to ya!
magnus and stryker are friends now?!
Im still awaiting that 2 player MK3 box - my Cryx could use the Banes and Cygnar has piqued my interest for some time now.
Take note games workshop How to launch a new version
Great motivational video but it doesn't really tell u much right? And yes i look forward for the possibility of realistically running all beasts/all jacks teams in every faction... more beasts for troll bloods, more jacks for khador, for cryx... ultimately what's special about war machine is machines and right now there are factions where the bias is definitely towards infantry.
im all for new editions as long as its drive is the quality of the game and not just a marketing drive. i've seen the same thing over the years with another popular games company and it always concerns me when i hear the kind of buzzwords flying around especially concerning removing complexity and helping beginners join. bywords for disaster. PP are not however that company and i have faith they will do a good job. whether or not it's the same warmachine i know and love is another matter.
this is the last wargame i play and the one i love the most. please don't suck.
+borkthebasher Im picking up my first models tomorrow and now I'm hoping the rulebooks I just read won't be pointless in a few months.
+Jordan C Which faction?
Anyone in Chicago Illinois play? cause miniature gaming is pretty dead here and would LOVE TO PLAY!
So...does that mean getting the MkII 2 player starter boxes would be a bad idea at this point? Or will MK3 use all the same models and just tweak rules/stats, making it easy to roll forward?
+Dan Upton Privateer has said that they won't invalidate models. One of the first things released for the new edition will be faction decks, with updated cards for all the existing releases for each faction.
+Dan Upton Mk3 will use the same models, but the models will recieve new rules. In other words, the models you get in the box will be as valid as ever, but the stat cards they come with will be obsolete. However, there will be decks you can purchase that gives you every card released in Mk2 updated for Mk3. Perfect if you purchase a lot of used models that don't come with the Mk3 cards.
Hmmmm, I had just finished taking pictures on my Warmachine army to list it on EBay. I hope these are real changes and not just a rules tweak. I wanted to play with big stompy robots not play infantry machine as the game has turned out to be. So we will see..................
+foolinjected101 According to the most recent Primecast episode it seems they're aiming to do just that. Warcasters will now have enough warjack points (Same goes for warlocks) to include several warjacks for free (The new battleboxes will equal out to 0 points), and warjacks in a warcaster's control area will automatically recieve one free focus.
Then, every model's rules are going to be changed and edited somehow, so big, big changes on the horizon.
The best game ever made, I own 4 factions...if only my friend would love to play it with me, its too complicated they say ; ;.
.......and how's the balance? Can I pick sexy models, make a list and compete? Or will the rules bloat mean that in a year Gunnbjorn is no good again?
You can pick sexy models and compete in mkII...
Compete for last place. Or best painted =P
+Kinsman Studios Pretty sure the new releases has made Gunnbjorn more viable, not less. My friend has been playing him a lot during the last year with a lot of success.
I used to like building models but with your new policies affecting vendors I shop at it's become harder for me to justify purchases because of the price increases.
+LookItsCollin Can you expand upon this? First I've heard, genuinely curious.
Hey, it's time to throw out all your books again. They did it before with mark II and that was supposed to fix everything. Whoops. Guess not. Give them more of your hardearned money because they just made it all obsolete - again.
A war game changing the rules? Never heard of that
Well that was a whole load of nothing.
KHADOR! I love war machine
I definitely didn't like how the video was, "hey, battlegroups will be better!" then just 5 minutes of nothingness. Kind of a waste in my opinion really.
For the Motherland!!!
Ohboy ohboy ohboy! I can't wait to see how badly they fuck this up! I'm an active solo player Scorne and Menoth and I stopped playing with other people because the rules are apparently too complicated for normal people and they just end up making shit up. And the few who do understand the rules, all play the same copy-cat armies from the meta that everyone else plays at tournies. Cause with prices this expensive, most people can only afford to build an army once. So why risk wasting money buying a 'personal' army that will be curbed stomped by all the broken theme armies which by their very nature, break all the force list rules, and add special bonuses that said "personal" army won't necessarily get unless its by sheer chance.
I may not be a good player, but at least I can have fun, even if it is by myself. Oh right! I also forgot another important factor, or two. No death clocks, and no one gives a shit about my colour scheme or 'personalized' mods to some figures! Because nothing says personal like tournament only authorized colour schemes and no modifications allowed in 'for play' models!
edit: oh right, i forgot another thing, no one will get pissed when they lose and toss my terrain on the floor and break it. Fuck Denver players, and fuck Colorado in general. I hope Privateer Press Age of Sigmar's the fuck out of this release, just for you.
I swear, the more I remember what playing this game with other humans, the angrier I get. Miniatures should have been awesome fun, but instead if its not the players "win-harder" ruining the fun times, its the companies. If I hear one more company say "appealing to a wider audience" in so many more words, it'll be too soon.
+OrbitalRescueSage Man, the bitterness in this comment is hilarious.
Tell your friend who doesn't play Warmachine/Hordes to watch this video, then have them honestly say that they're not interested. It simply can't be done
I started collecting warmachine because I was unhappy with the way GW mass produces and sells overpriced booklets which get outdated very quickly. So I guess this is goodbye from me, Privateer Press.
We need an Honest Trail for warmahordes, where they show the multitudes of toxic players that drive people out of the game, and how personalizing your army isnt really as rewarding since conversions are heavily discouraged and factions only have one color scheme, and how the game is often unfun because your army frequently lives and dies with a single measuring (them: "that doesnt look within 12" lemme check" me: "well you just bumped my model in doing so, so now it's impossibke to fairly judge" them: "well im not going to give it to you")
Trailer* not trail
+Knightfall8 Mk3 will let you measure whenever.
+DragonL0rd132 if the steamrollers are still hypercompetitive and anal on rules, the same situation is likely to pop up just as frequently. itll just have new added dialogie of "i just measured it two minutes ago and it was fine" or the whole exchange i previously described happens when said premeasuring happens in the first place.
I can live with premeasuring inside the warcasters control area. Please don't add premeasure. Game will lose a lot of that happens.
premeasuring is a thing now.
Well, I'm out.