I am from Germany and I just can say the same and well most teen boys just wear a jeans and a hoodie ,the girls wear a kinda like oversized-cute outfit or a very "short" outfit .
I think two more things are worth mentioning in regard to fashion (or clothing in general): 1) Once (late) fall is here, the scarves come out. Everyone wears one. And for many women, it's part of their outfit of the day and stays on indoors even 2) For many job interviews that may not require a suit (say, for a restaurant job), it's OK to simply wear nice clothes -- even sneakers are OK as long as they're clean and don't look worn. That was a real 180 when compared to the US
I was working as a tailor and I can say there is a German style. It’s simple. If u come in a pink shirt with blue suit and a purple tie in Germany that’s way too much. Mostly dark blue white shirts and a normal tie. Just don’t wear something at work which gives u attention. No red socks. No button holes in a different color or extreme colors. If we look at german designer brands also it is clear. Boss, Jim sander is all minimalistic. I think Minimalism is just something very german. Also when we look at watches. Bauhaus Bauhaus Bauhaus Bauhaus.
I do agree with your viewpoint on minimalism, however I wouldn't generalise German brands per se for being minimalistic. You do have Hugo Boss, Jil Sander, Aigner and Joop which signify minimalism and safe fashion but then there are also absolute extremes like Philipp Plein, MCM and Karl Lagerfeld.
@@lilmess5234 Nomos, Junghans, Stowa, Mir würde jetzt nicht einfallen das in der Schweiz oder Frankreich so viele Uhren im Bauhaus Stil gebaut werden. Also mir kommt da keine Firma in den Sinn.
Gosh, this presenter is so good I just can't stop watching all her videos on this channel. She's appealing to the eyes, sweet sounding to the ears, and refreshing for the mind. Oh, and she's got a magical way of keeping you glued till the end of every of her videos. 🙂❤️
@@RachelStewart04 I received a recommendation for one of your videos today and now I cannot stop watching them all! Very good job! Bitte weitermachen! :-)
I think Gen Z dresses the same everywhere in the world: sneakers, jeans and a hoodie. I live in Berlin and we mostly dress in black unless you live in a more trendy area and you like going out a lot, then you tend to be more experimental and colorful.
Now now! Let’s not forget the hoodie has to have a big logo in the front! Preferably brands like Champions, Hollister, Tommy Hilfiger or Calvin Klein 😂
exactly wordcomposita are one of the great advantages of our german language! the world evys all the great composition we have and they adapt them in their language. kindergarten, Zeitgeist, Zugzwang, Wiederworte and million others. the guys in the comments even believe zeitgeist is an english word. and everywhery in the chess world they use Zugzwang
@@sandorx4whats lazy about not wasting time and money on stuff that doesnt matter? Id rather save money for the future and buy comfy and durable clothing
Oh i remember mine as a child: Red with this beautiful "Innenfutter was man einfach nicht beschreiben kann, weil es diese komischen Löcher hat" and this uprolled hood 😂
@1:25 I actually highly value that sort of mentality. That is the attitude we need in this crazy consumerist world. Controlling the constant urge to buy, damaging the environment less, feeling content with what we have.
People are just now catching on the environmental damage done by the planned obsolescence inherent in fashion that changes every year. from sweat shop child labor in third world countries to the depletion of water resources from cotton cultivation.
One typical german thing, that I feel is missing from the video is: never wear Jogginghosen (sweatpants) outdoors, if you aren't actually jogging. You will be branded either a hobo or a hipster.
Ich trag nur Jogginghose. Beste! Bin weder hobo noch Hipster. Mags einfach nur entspannt. Witziger weiße habe ich aber tatsächlich die Kontrolle über mein Leben verloren lol.
Are tracksuit pants more acceptable in public ? I've actually bought a few pairs recently because they're very comfortable. I think they look a little better than sweatpants.
Germans have a style. It is minimalistic. We didn't invent Bauhaus for nothing. And who the f... cares if someone wears a jeans to the opera? I mean, if you want to dress up, you can (and a lot of people do), but if you don't, it's fine, too. And you can even dress up with a jeans, provided that it is an elegant cut jeans combined with a fitting top. A little bling on it, and you are good to go. Also the woman with her "maybe it was the war" theory is full of sh... Back then AND in the years after the war, fashion was still pretty much a dictatorship. Every women who didn't want to look "low class" went to the hair dresser regularly and wore some sort of hat, and naturally they all owned some lacy blouse for Sunday. Rejecting fashion altogether is actually a pretty new thing even for Germans. I think it was in the 1990s when we moved from "okay, what is the current trend" to "f... the current trend, just wear whatever you like because if you wear it long enough it will eventually be in trend again anyway". Which is btw a very healthy attitude. If those designers want to see their work on the street, they should create something which is both chic and practical, which is designed for a woman who has actually some curves. Even the Italians are able to do this and sell just fine into the German market.
A lot of what was said in this video is nonesense anyways. First they stated people would not dress for the right occasion anymore, then stated that ww2 was responsible for that. The muh evil regime argument. The irony is, that the ww2 generation and people before were dressed very well even if they did not have much. They had much better sense for dressing for the riht occasion.
Best part of my day is finding Rachel Stewart has posted another new video essay. Interesting information on German life found nowhere else. Wish she would do some videos in German also but with subtitles of course for those of us with just the basic understanding of German speech. If you haven't seen them she covers everything from asparagus to baseball to money, check them out!
Michael Morgan Thank you Michael! I wish we had time to do a German version too, but it’s simply not possible 🙈 but here is the playlist with all videos with German subtitles: th-cam.com/play/PLdrKWT9w9Hg1hKpncJIbeMcZobepDCr6G.html
Realistically speaking, as a student in germany everyone just dresses like in america but not as hard. Like we have soft girls, the edge lords, smoking who wear sport clothes or hoodies everyday, e girls or like people who wear jeans everyday.
@@racyliiu Das dritte Outfit ... wenn unter dem bunten Oberteil eine schwarze Hose ist ... keine Frage. Aber die Farben oben und unten ... das macht Brandblasen auf der Netzhaut und ist weder stylish noch ein Style, sondern schlicht und ergreifend geschmacklos. Wenn man es den Kunden trotzdem andreht ist es eben Berlin-Style und eigentlich zu würdigen, weil so jemand auch einem Eskimo auf einer Eisscholle einen Gefrierschrank verkaufen kann.
@@RachelStewart04 Please, make video on stickers and flyers hanging wretchedly and loosely on lamp post, and graffiti scribble on beautiful buildings and public infrastructure like the ICE trains. There's also mad desperation to smear graffiti on on-going construction like the S21 in Stuttgart. However, I think Germany is changing gradually because of mass immigration, the Netherlands used to be like Germany in the 80s but at present they're very cool and progressive in their general outlook.
My favourite German style thing is the Jack Wolfskin functional 3x1 coat: you wear it in summer when it is raining until winter when it is snowing. Just wear it the whole year!
Technically in Munich, there’s actually people wearing Trachten in their everyday life. I recently got in the underground and there was a man who looked like he came straight from work- With a Trachtenhemd and Trachtenweste...
I remember my German teacher gave me examples like Adidas and Puma. Adidas is more about Black-n-white and function, while Puma is more colourful n casual. In a class presentation i said Adidas even once collaborated with Yoji Yamamoto (correct spelling?) in the brand Y3, which was chic. I still love the Y3 blazer with iconic 3-stripes of Adidas.
Noticed this in restaurants and Musical at home when I moved back from living in London. Was wearing a hat and high heals in the city and got starred at.
And don't forget the news anchors' styles. They always get me when I watch MoMA, heute-journal und so weiter. I wonder myself if this is an archive or the program is live!
Falsch... ihr verwechselt alle Stil mit Mode. Der Berliner und der Deutsche im Allgemeinen hat seinen individuellen Stil in vielen Fällen, der halt eher dem persönlichen Wohlbefinden und Charakter folgt, aber halt wenig mit dem modischen Zeitgeist zu tun hat. Warum sollte ich mich dem Diktat der Mode unterwerfen, wenn ich ganz genau weiß, was mir steht und wer ich bin. Style ist quasi ein Mix aus Mode und ein bisschen Stilbewusstsein. Personal style hingegen ist ein ausentwickelter persönlicher Stil. Mode ist meistens saisonal... Stil hingegen für die Ewigkeit. Wenn man modischen Stil finden möchte, dann hilft ein Blick auf bestimmte nicht überbordende Marken wie Coco Chanel, die sich mit dezenteren gesetzteren Tönen beschäftigen. Deren Mode kann man eigentlich fast immer tragen. Ich persönlich beispielsweise kann tragen was ich will und wo ich es will, da ich einen guten ausentwickelten Stil habe, der tatsächlich fast nirgends falsch angebracht ist. Ich kann mich in meiner Alltagskleidung auch problemlos in etwas bessere Restaurants setzen, ohne aufzufallen. Ich trage meist situativ leicht angepasste Kleidung, aber fast immer dunkle Lederschuhe, dunkle Stoffhosen und Hemden. Ob mit T-Shirt drunter und Hemd offen oder lediglich dem Hemd und vielleicht zusätzlich einem angenehmen in Herbsttönen gehaltenem Pullover spielt dabei eigentlich nur bezüglich der erwarteten Alltagssituation eine Rolle. Sandalen habe ich das letzte mal in der Kindheit getragen, darin fühle ich mich nicht wohl. Stilsicher unterwegs sein, heißt nicht modisch unterwegs zu sein. Es bedeutet sich zu kennen und zu wissen, worin man sich in welcher Situation wohlfühlt... und dann dennoch passend gekleidet zu sein. Seinen Stil zu kennen heißt auch Selbstbewusst zu sein. Man weiß wer man ist und steht dazu.
Ich bin Opern-Sängerin und sage: wenn es keine Premiere ist und nicht die Bayreuther-Festspiele, dann ist eine normale Jeans (ohne Flecken und Risse) und Oberteil vollkommen ok. Du bist nur overdressed mit einem Ballkleid
Man sollte aber schon den Anspruch haben mehr aus sich zu machen. Franzosen oder Italienische Frauen erkenne ich schon aus 500 m am feinen und gepflegten Kleidungsstil. Deutsche leider auch... H&M, Zara und Billiglabel, die nur Billig-Materialien verwenden. Mehr haben die meisten Deutschen doch eh nicht drauf 🙄 Vorallem deutsche Männer sind katastrophal schlecht angezogen!
Ich habe in meinem Schrank nicht ein einziges Stück von den labeln die du gerade aufgezählt hast. Aber auch kein einziges überteuertes Designerstück. Das sind alles Marken, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, gute Qualität für einen vernünftigen Preis zu liefern. Also die Art von Hosen, die man auch gut zehn Jahre und länger tragen kann, ohne dass sie gleich auseinanderfallen. Und wenn ich ins Theater gehe, dann trage ich gewöhnlich auch kein Ballkleid. Das wäre mir viel zu unbequem und auch zu kalt, so wie die immer die Klimaanlage aufdrehen. Eine elegante Hose mit einem schicken Oberteil reicht völlig, vielleicht noch eine Stola oder ein Tuch dazu. Nicht, dass es mich interessiert, was andere denken. Ich soll ja schließlich nicht auf die Bühne.
Sehr richtig. OHNE RISSE. Die Mode, Hosen mit künstlichen Rissen an den unmöglichsten Stellen zu tragen, ist mir unbegreiflich. Da war jemand gelangweilt und ideenlos. Und weil wir gerade dabei sind: meiner Meinung nach besteht der Unterschied zwischen einer Hose und einer Strumpfhose darin, dass eine Strumpfhose hauteng ist, eine Hose aber nicht. Aber ich bin wohl altmodisch!
Personally, I hate the expectation to dress up. It's not like I don't have my own style. I've never met someone looking quite like me. But having to wear a suit or what have you on certain occasions.. it just feels like a lie. So I'd never expect it of anyone else. That being said, wearing a suit on certain occasions is definitely a thing in Germany.
I have basically two types of clothes: 1. "official" - that includes everthing from "very formal" through "chic to go out" all the way to "business" 2. what my mother used to call "Räuberzivil" that is comfy and praktical clothes , i can wear every day.. and yes that sometimes includes sandals and socks^^
Given how terrible the fashion industry and general overconsumption are for environmental and humanitarian reasons, I'm quite proud of our thriftiness, even if it means we're a bit unfashionable. (Personally I live in dresses, tights and cardigans. Comfy bookworm chic lol)
Ich habe als Berliner, noch nie diese Tiermode und bunten Firlefanz gesehen. Das einzige Motto was man hier so sieht ist "Hauptsache dunkel" oder Sportklamotten, sonst nichts derart.
Berlin style looks so 80s and in Munich everyone is wearing designer clothes and bags. The cities are sooo different but they still do it in a "minimalistic" way
Jeans, ein einfaches Shirt und darüber ein Blazer…wahlweise mit Sneakers oder etwas feineren Schuhen (wenn ein Meeting im Job ansteht zum Beispiel) ist ein absolut gewöhnlicher Anblick zu jedem Anlass bei uns im Bayerischen Wald. Dass man Klamotten aufträgt wurde mir auch noch beigebracht, weshalb es sich also eher rentiert in etwas hochwertigere Produkte zu investieren. Praktikabel muss es sein und lange halten. Alte Kleidung kommt im Anschluss oft in die Altkleidersammlung. Wenn man auffällige Outfits trägt wird man bei uns auf dem bayerischen Dorf eher schief gemustert... Auffallen will man hier für gewöhnlich nicht, oder nur die wenigstens. Was man hierzulande dann auch sehr häufig sehen kann sind Outdoor-Klamotten und Wanderstiefel.
I was potato in Milan, but everytime i visited Stuttgart,, felt like Instagram Model everyday.. I love going back and fort between two cities, when I was sick being a potato..
I don't think that it has to do with WW II (what both women said). Because after the war, many people in Germany still were "well-dressed" (men wearing costumes, ties and shirts; women wearing dresses or skirts). It changed in the late 60s and the 70s, where people in Germany started to prioritise comfort over classic fashion (and rebelling against the social "prohibit" of women wearing trousers).
I lived in Germany 75 - 83…..I adored the bright yellow raincoats of Hannover…..the madness of Berlin….and the chic of Düsseldorf; the Koenigs Allee……100 times better than dull 🇬🇧
There are definitely visible social class and ingroup distinctions in Germany. While they’re not as overt as in some other countries, the upper and upper-middle class definitely attempts to distinguish itself. But that’s primarily the case for Munich, Düsseldorf, the Taunus, Hamburg and certain more rural areas in the North.
The Designer that talks about the Berlin Fashionweek is right, the fashion doesn't hit the street. In my case I never wear something really "fashionable" from a big designer, because: 1. it's expensive 2. it's not my size (with 46 you barely get some) 3. as a teen/ young adult I tried to follow the usual recommondations what to wear and whats trendy. And it often was not practical, uncomfy or ridicolious. Thats a real waste of money in my eyes, and now I just try to get whats comfy and I can wear most of the time. I sometimes miss it, to dress up for occasions, but I although like that I can wear my favorite sweater at work AND at home and try to have nice accesories. But its true, as a traveller you recognise Germans in other countrys. Thats the people with "Regenjacke", scarf and backpack (if its a cold country).
I'm sorry but no. There are only a few people which dress up with socks in sandals and ugly shorts. The others have dress normal but you don't recognise them on holydays because they look like everyone else
It is so refreshing to never think about fashion. I don't get why i should change my outfit because some other guys say this has to be done just to get them cash.
I'm german and personally i think that the practical look ( typisch deutsch) is only present in the older generations, everything below 35 is more fashion oriented
Es kann nun einmal nicht jeder ein Hipster sein, der durch die Großstadt läuft und sich als Holzfäller aus gibt, was ihn nicht zu einem Repräsentanten von Mode macht, sondern zu einem Imitator. Grundsätzlich kann man alles tragen, solange es einem selbst gefällt, ob es sich nun um einen Mantel aus Opas Kleiderschrank handelt, oder schlicht um ein bunt gefärbtes Bettlaken. Jeder ist Einzigartig und so sollte es sich auch mit der Kleidung verhalten.
That was new to me. And I guess there are big differences, like in every country of the world, between cities and villages or the countryside. When I visited the UK or the USA, I noticed a big difference on everyday fashion. To be honest I think in general germans have a bigger interest in fashion than those two countries. Doesnt mean tgey are dressed better. But when I walk through a smaller city in western germany mamy people look like they are going out all the time, whereas my experience in the uk and usa were that everyone is just wearing cozy things. Of course not in New York or London.
As a German who was born in Germany and moved to England woth my family when I was 7 years old i would love to wear jeans and t-shirts and hoodies also some more German headdress
Germans can easily combine their practicality with style, but they aren't interested in standing out, always wondered why they just want to blend in? Of course, some cities, like Munich, are more stylish than others.
Frankly, German fashion still has some roots in the post-war era, when new clothing was a valued gift for Christmas and your stuff had to last for years. Besides that, the Germans have a strong differentiation of 2 clothing styles. Working clothes and clothing for representation purposes. People of my age buy jeans and expect them to last 10 years or we buy a pair of shoes and that is used for decades, with frequent repairs of course. If the piece of clothing does not last long we are often disappointed and will not buy the brand again. i.e. I still have and wear a pair of shoes I bought at the age of 15 and I'm 53 now, it still fits perfectly and it has received new soles and new heels about every two to 4 years. The younger generation does not care so much, if a pair of pants last a season they are satisfied. But I want to spend my money on other things. And the low-quality pants are often not cheaper than the higher-quality ones. Often fashion trends are perceived as stupid by the older Germans. i.e. the pants with holes in them. How stupid do you have to be to buy a pair of trousers which are beat-up beyond repair from the beginning? Pants are worn for protection from the weather, to avoid being scratched etc. those pants do not protect your knees if you stumble and fall ... The people in Berlin are NOT really Germans. They are doughnuts... :)
Men's fashion here rarely changes, but If the German ladies want to know what the fashion will be next year, they just look at what the fashion in England was two years ago. I went to court once and I was more smartly attired than both my lawyer and the judge. I had a job interview last week for a promotion at work and everyone was astonished because I arrived in a suit and tie.
I'm moving to Germany and I wouldn't say I normally "dress up" a lot but I definitely have a lot of colorful clothes because that's how I like it and that's who I am.... So yeah... How fun for me 🙃. And I'm not even moving to Berlin, which is more like my style.
There's a big difference in generation too. Yes, I think most people (no matter how old they are) prefer simple and practical clothing over looking "gorgeous", but especially teens value fashion a lot more. They spend a lot of money on expensive brands. Elders above 55 years dress rather elegant and adults just dress casual and simple, but the combinations are terrible sometimes xD
I know this attitude from my upbringing „don’t throw away, if you can still use it“ . Well today we call it sustainability and it is the right thing to do 🤷♀️ I might never in my life been too fashionable?(with few exceptions), but at least I live sustainability. Which means today I am so en vogue 😄
Es gibt bei Feiern leider keinen Dresscode mehr. In unserer Firma werden immer die Jubilare Ende Januar zu einer Feier eingeladen. Ich hatte eher den Eindruck eines Heckenpennerttreffens. Das war 2018.
Ich erkläre es: Manche Menschen schwitzen an den Käsequanten und wenn man dann Socken nutzt, pappt der Fuß nicht so ins Fußbett der Sandale. Wenn das dritte Outfit von Rachel Stewart stylish ist ... bei der Farbzusammenstellung, dann sind auch Ringel-Zehensocken in Sandalen akzeptabel.
If everybody would only wear what's comfortable and would wear it untill it falls apart, thousands of people in the fashion industry would lose their jobs. Magazines like "Vogue" would be dead, people would have less debt, therefore banks wouldn't earn so much interest, ...
@@solidstate9451 yeah, let's do it. Just focus on the inner beauty. No more suffering to fit in skinny jeans... We would be all happy and some would still look pretty!
I don't think you have enough fashion impressions if you've only been to Berlin. I don't really like this city because everything is too "leger" and chaotic. Fashion also depends on society, workplace etc. You also couldn't summarise the American style. But usually I really like your videos :) greetings from Frankfurt
What do you think of German fashion? And what kind of outfits are common where you're from? Let us know in the comments
Great series. Trying to learn German. I only speak, English, Spanish, Tagalog and some Seri Indian....Always wanted to learn German. Any tips?
@@aaronbuster7201 Idk if you already learned how to pronounce ä, ö, ü. If not yet: Have fun.
@@aaronbuster7201 "Only"- 4 languages are a lot! If you want to give German a try, check out DW Deutsch Lernen --> th-cam.com/users/dwlearngerman
I am from Germany and I just can say the same and well most teen boys just wear a jeans and a hoodie ,the girls wear a kinda like oversized-cute outfit or a very "short" outfit .
I think two more things are worth mentioning in regard to fashion (or clothing in general):
1) Once (late) fall is here, the scarves come out. Everyone wears one. And for many women, it's part of their outfit of the day and stays on indoors even
2) For many job interviews that may not require a suit (say, for a restaurant job), it's OK to simply wear nice clothes -- even sneakers are OK as long as they're clean and don't look worn. That was a real 180 when compared to the US
omg you totally forgot Jack Wolfskin!
Jack Wolfskin, vor allem im Partnerlook, ist ein Alptraum!!!
I should really dedicate a whole episode to JW...
And Engelbert strauss
Ja, urdeutsche Marken 😉
And what about those work pants with the ostrich on them....
The germans have 2 styles,
1. Typische deutsche
2. Berlin
und Bayrisch wobei das ist eh Ausland
@@Caysari :D
@@Caysari Bayrisch ist immer Ausland.
Wir hier in Bayern sind ja auch Freistaat
@@sarahsteinhofer292 Sind die Thüringer auch, aber die können wenigstens ordentliche Rostbratwürstchen machen. xD
I was working as a tailor and I can say there is a German style. It’s simple. If u come in a pink shirt with blue suit and a purple tie in Germany that’s way too much. Mostly dark blue white shirts and a normal tie.
Just don’t wear something at work which gives u attention. No red socks. No button holes in a different color or extreme colors.
If we look at german designer brands also it is clear. Boss, Jim sander is all minimalistic. I think Minimalism is just something very german.
Also when we look at watches. Bauhaus Bauhaus Bauhaus Bauhaus.
Right. I still receive hard critics for my violet swatch...
I do agree with your viewpoint on minimalism, however I wouldn't generalise German brands per se for being minimalistic. You do have Hugo Boss, Jil Sander, Aigner and Joop which signify minimalism and safe fashion but then there are also absolute extremes like Philipp Plein, MCM and Karl Lagerfeld.
Peter meter WTF 😂 wieso Bauhaus Bauhaus Bauhaus?
I actually really like the ideas behind the german minimalistic style. I recommend everyone to read something about that.
@@lilmess5234 Nomos, Junghans, Stowa, Mir würde jetzt nicht einfallen das in der Schweiz oder Frankreich so viele Uhren im Bauhaus Stil gebaut werden. Also mir kommt da keine Firma in den Sinn.
Gosh, this presenter is so good I just can't stop watching all her videos on this channel. She's appealing to the eyes, sweet sounding to the ears, and refreshing for the mind. Oh, and she's got a magical way of keeping you glued till the end of every of her videos. 🙂❤️
Thanks very much! We hope to keep refreshing your mind :)
Yeah! Shed is freakin hot like a playmate from da 80th!
@@RachelStewart04 I received a recommendation for one of your videos today and now I cannot stop watching them all! Very good job! Bitte weitermachen! :-)
And everything what she said, it's true.
@Donnie Darko British married to a German.
I think Gen Z dresses the same everywhere in the world: sneakers, jeans and a hoodie. I live in Berlin and we mostly dress in black unless you live in a more trendy area and you like going out a lot, then you tend to be more experimental and colorful.
Now now! Let’s not forget the hoodie has to have a big logo in the front! Preferably brands like Champions, Hollister, Tommy Hilfiger or Calvin Klein 😂
Throw in some shitty songs by the latest wannabe rap artist, played on a cheap bluetooth speaker and it's a sell!
But I think Gen Z in Germany often wears an 80th or 90th style and that's not common at all in the US for example
@@dustinhofmann6776 yes this seems to be a very middle european(Paris,Berlin,Brussels,Oslo etc.) trend (Vintage pieces mixed with basics)
i also like to be colorful even tho im not going out. life is too short to wear boring unicolor shirts
I love how there's no translation for "Zeitgeist", lol.
@Совест Незваный the spirit of a certain time. Like the spirit of the Hippies in '68. The Zeitgeist was peace and love.
Zeitgeist is an english word you know
@@heylow5142 Zeitgeist is a German word the English language acquired. It's like "touché", but for the German language
Совест Незваный it’s like time spirit :D
exactly wordcomposita are one of the great advantages of our german language! the world evys all the great composition we have and they adapt them in their language. kindergarten, Zeitgeist, Zugzwang, Wiederworte and million others. the guys in the comments even believe zeitgeist is an english word. and everywhery in the chess world they use Zugzwang
I love the fact that there are no pressure to look always perfect here in Germany. I can wear whatever I want and be comfortable 👍🏼
Maybe some respect for your environment is nice, too. So no socks+sandals and no Cargo Jeans. Men do not wear shorts, never. (Australia excepted)
That is because you look perfect when you are comfortable^^
True, they are simple but wear quality suits
That's the terrible part. It feels like everyone is just lazy.
@@sandorx4whats lazy about not wasting time and money on stuff that doesnt matter? Id rather save money for the future and buy comfy and durable clothing
Ehhhh I'm German 90% of the people around me wear hoodies, expensive sneakers and light blue jeans
So practical then just as she described.
Das sind Asylwerber.
@highko Maier ikr
Sometimes we like mixing things up with a DARK blue jeans. Maaayybe black if we're feeling extra frisky. xD
That is worse than thriftiness , sorry you have to go through that
no mention of the ubiquitous "Allwetterjacke"?
Oh i remember mine as a child: Red with this beautiful "Innenfutter was man einfach nicht beschreiben kann, weil es diese komischen Löcher hat" and this uprolled hood 😂
@1:25 I actually highly value that sort of mentality. That is the attitude we need in this crazy consumerist world.
Controlling the constant urge to buy, damaging the environment less, feeling content with what we have.
People are just now catching on the environmental damage done by the planned obsolescence inherent in fashion that changes every year. from sweat shop child labor in third world countries to the depletion of water resources from cotton cultivation.
Even the fashion lecturer is wearing a checkered shirt 🤣
One typical german thing, that I feel is missing from the video is: never wear Jogginghosen (sweatpants) outdoors, if you aren't actually jogging. You will be branded either a hobo or a hipster.
"Wer eine Jogginghose trägt, hat die Kontrolle über sein Leben verloren"
Ich trag nur Jogginghose. Beste! Bin weder hobo noch Hipster. Mags einfach nur entspannt. Witziger weiße habe ich aber tatsächlich die Kontrolle über mein Leben verloren lol.
Hahahahahaha hahaha
rightfully so..
Are tracksuit pants more acceptable in public ? I've actually bought a few pairs recently because they're very comfortable. I think they look a little better than sweatpants.
One thing to note is that the Berlin fashion sense is becoming more and more popular among young people everywhere in Germany
The more and more I watch these videos the more I'm starting to wonder if I'm a German stuck in a Mexican body 😂
Haha! Which German habits do you have?
Love your comment, Real one!
Bienvenido en el Club
I totally know how you feel, only that I feel like I'm anything but German stuck in a German body
Enserio? Por qué?
As a german I wear practical clothes. Bonus Points for each pocket, and if it makes me feel comfortable.
Germans have a style. It is minimalistic. We didn't invent Bauhaus for nothing.
And who the f... cares if someone wears a jeans to the opera? I mean, if you want to dress up, you can (and a lot of people do), but if you don't, it's fine, too. And you can even dress up with a jeans, provided that it is an elegant cut jeans combined with a fitting top. A little bling on it, and you are good to go.
Also the woman with her "maybe it was the war" theory is full of sh... Back then AND in the years after the war, fashion was still pretty much a dictatorship. Every women who didn't want to look "low class" went to the hair dresser regularly and wore some sort of hat, and naturally they all owned some lacy blouse for Sunday. Rejecting fashion altogether is actually a pretty new thing even for Germans. I think it was in the 1990s when we moved from "okay, what is the current trend" to "f... the current trend, just wear whatever you like because if you wear it long enough it will eventually be in trend again anyway". Which is btw a very healthy attitude. If those designers want to see their work on the street, they should create something which is both chic and practical, which is designed for a woman who has actually some curves. Even the Italians are able to do this and sell just fine into the German market.
I like German culture
What i am german and i have style 😎😎
A lot of what was said in this video is nonesense anyways. First they stated people would not dress for the right occasion anymore, then stated that ww2 was responsible for that. The muh evil regime argument. The irony is, that the ww2 generation and people before were dressed very well even if they did not have much. They had much better sense for dressing for the riht occasion.
Best part of my day is finding Rachel Stewart has posted another new video essay. Interesting information on German life found nowhere else. Wish she would do some videos in German also but with subtitles of course for those of us with just the basic understanding of German speech. If you haven't seen them she covers everything from asparagus to baseball to money, check them out!
Michael Morgan Thank you Michael! I wish we had time to do a German version too, but it’s simply not possible 🙈 but here is the playlist with all videos with German subtitles: th-cam.com/play/PLdrKWT9w9Hg1hKpncJIbeMcZobepDCr6G.html
Totally agree! 🥰
@@RachelStewart04 thank you Rachel!!! 🥰🤗😊
@@a_gdia2300 :D
Mountaineering and Outdoor brands worn everywhere is a typical thing in my area (particularly fleece jackets, Goretex jackets and so on)
You must live in the Oregon/Washington part of Germany.
Realistically speaking, as a student in germany everyone just dresses like in america but not as hard. Like we have soft girls, the edge lords, smoking who wear sport clothes or hoodies everyday, e girls or like people who wear jeans everyday.
E Girls like the tiktok goth/punk/emo mixup style?
yeah, but like they said, it tends to be not as extreme
Der ,,Berlin look". Oder wie ich sage: aussehen wie ein Penner und den Berlinstempel draufdrücken.
Hi Luna
Und einfach sagen "Dit is Berlin", dann geht alles
@@racyliiu Das dritte Outfit ... wenn unter dem bunten Oberteil eine schwarze Hose ist ... keine Frage. Aber die Farben oben und unten ... das macht Brandblasen auf der Netzhaut und ist weder stylish noch ein Style, sondern schlicht und ergreifend geschmacklos. Wenn man es den Kunden trotzdem andreht ist es eben Berlin-Style und eigentlich zu würdigen, weil so jemand auch einem Eskimo auf einer Eisscholle einen Gefrierschrank verkaufen kann.
Watching Rachel's video makes my day 🌝
Ours too. Every single time
I’m glad to hear it 😃
@@RachelStewart04 Please, make video on stickers and flyers hanging wretchedly and loosely on lamp post, and graffiti scribble on beautiful buildings and public infrastructure like the ICE trains. There's also mad desperation to smear graffiti on on-going construction like the S21 in Stuttgart.
However, I think Germany is changing gradually because of mass immigration, the Netherlands used to be like Germany in the 80s but at present they're very cool and progressive in their general outlook.
My favourite German style thing is the Jack Wolfskin functional 3x1 coat: you wear it in summer when it is raining until winter when it is snowing. Just wear it the whole year!
Sandals and socks are life-changing.
Technically in Munich, there’s actually people wearing Trachten in their everyday life. I recently got in the underground and there was a man who looked like he came straight from work-
With a Trachtenhemd and Trachtenweste...
klar, der arbeitet bei "Trachten-Angermaier"
Fun fact: The French learned their word "chic", from German "schicklich" meaning "proper".
I remember my German teacher gave me examples like Adidas and Puma. Adidas is more about Black-n-white and function, while Puma is more colourful n casual. In a class presentation i said Adidas even once collaborated with Yoji Yamamoto (correct spelling?) in the brand Y3, which was chic. I still love the Y3 blazer with iconic 3-stripes of Adidas.
Funny about this brands is, that the founders are brothers and both brands arose out of a dispute between both brothers.
Hi friend
Sandalen und Socken hatte ich nur als Kind Getragen XD
Rachel great as always!!! Danke!
Rachel is my fav. She makes small things interesting.
As a Czech, I approve socks in sandals. It's comfortable, practical and healthy. The rest of the world doesn't deserve our fashion.
Everyone as he or she pleases....😉
As a German, I approve of your message.
Well the czech are just off shelf Germans anyways.
Noticed this in restaurants and Musical at home when I moved back from living in London. Was wearing a hat and high heals in the city and got starred at.
And don't forget the news anchors' styles. They always get me when I watch MoMA, heute-journal und so weiter. I wonder myself if this is an archive or the program is live!
Always relax and comfortable fashion style. Everywhere and every time. Is essentially being yourself.
The chaneel really gives a complete overview of germany for the people in the other parts of the world.
Der Berliner Style ist, dass man keinen Style hat.
Falsch... ihr verwechselt alle Stil mit Mode. Der Berliner und der Deutsche im Allgemeinen hat seinen individuellen Stil in vielen Fällen, der halt eher dem persönlichen Wohlbefinden und Charakter folgt, aber halt wenig mit dem modischen Zeitgeist zu tun hat. Warum sollte ich mich dem Diktat der Mode unterwerfen, wenn ich ganz genau weiß, was mir steht und wer ich bin.
Style ist quasi ein Mix aus Mode und ein bisschen Stilbewusstsein. Personal style hingegen ist ein ausentwickelter persönlicher Stil.
Mode ist meistens saisonal... Stil hingegen für die Ewigkeit. Wenn man modischen Stil finden möchte, dann hilft ein Blick auf bestimmte nicht überbordende Marken wie Coco Chanel, die sich mit dezenteren gesetzteren Tönen beschäftigen. Deren Mode kann man eigentlich fast immer tragen.
Ich persönlich beispielsweise kann tragen was ich will und wo ich es will, da ich einen guten ausentwickelten Stil habe, der tatsächlich fast nirgends falsch angebracht ist. Ich kann mich in meiner Alltagskleidung auch problemlos in etwas bessere Restaurants setzen, ohne aufzufallen. Ich trage meist situativ leicht angepasste Kleidung, aber fast immer dunkle Lederschuhe, dunkle Stoffhosen und Hemden. Ob mit T-Shirt drunter und Hemd offen oder lediglich dem Hemd und vielleicht zusätzlich einem angenehmen in Herbsttönen gehaltenem Pullover spielt dabei eigentlich nur bezüglich der erwarteten Alltagssituation eine Rolle. Sandalen habe ich das letzte mal in der Kindheit getragen, darin fühle ich mich nicht wohl.
Stilsicher unterwegs sein, heißt nicht modisch unterwegs zu sein. Es bedeutet sich zu kennen und zu wissen, worin man sich in welcher Situation wohlfühlt... und dann dennoch passend gekleidet zu sein.
Seinen Stil zu kennen heißt auch Selbstbewusst zu sein. Man weiß wer man ist und steht dazu.
I buy second hand and I love it. Great deals on very well made items. Practical is good.
Ich bin Opern-Sängerin und sage: wenn es keine Premiere ist und nicht die Bayreuther-Festspiele, dann ist eine normale Jeans (ohne Flecken und Risse) und Oberteil vollkommen ok. Du bist nur overdressed mit einem Ballkleid
Man sollte aber schon den Anspruch haben mehr aus sich zu machen. Franzosen oder Italienische Frauen erkenne ich schon aus 500 m am feinen und gepflegten Kleidungsstil. Deutsche leider auch... H&M, Zara und Billiglabel, die nur Billig-Materialien verwenden. Mehr haben die meisten Deutschen doch eh nicht drauf 🙄 Vorallem deutsche Männer sind katastrophal schlecht angezogen!
@@Mentis-de Und was bringt das jetzt? Man gibt nur mehr Geld aus.
Mehr aus sich machen, indem man sich teuren Stoff an den Körper bindet? Man macht mehr aus sich, wenn man sich bildet und seinen Körper gesund hält.
Ich habe in meinem Schrank nicht ein einziges Stück von den labeln die du gerade aufgezählt hast. Aber auch kein einziges überteuertes Designerstück. Das sind alles Marken, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, gute Qualität für einen vernünftigen Preis zu liefern. Also die Art von Hosen, die man auch gut zehn Jahre und länger tragen kann, ohne dass sie gleich auseinanderfallen.
Und wenn ich ins Theater gehe, dann trage ich gewöhnlich auch kein Ballkleid. Das wäre mir viel zu unbequem und auch zu kalt, so wie die immer die Klimaanlage aufdrehen. Eine elegante Hose mit einem schicken Oberteil reicht völlig, vielleicht noch eine Stola oder ein Tuch dazu. Nicht, dass es mich interessiert, was andere denken. Ich soll ja schließlich nicht auf die Bühne.
Sehr richtig. OHNE RISSE. Die Mode, Hosen mit künstlichen Rissen an den unmöglichsten Stellen zu tragen, ist mir unbegreiflich. Da war jemand gelangweilt und ideenlos. Und weil wir gerade dabei sind: meiner Meinung nach besteht der Unterschied zwischen einer Hose und einer Strumpfhose darin, dass eine Strumpfhose hauteng ist, eine Hose aber nicht. Aber ich bin wohl altmodisch!
Personally, I hate the expectation to dress up. It's not like I don't have my own style. I've never met someone looking quite like me. But having to wear a suit or what have you on certain occasions.. it just feels like a lie. So I'd never expect it of anyone else. That being said, wearing a suit on certain occasions is definitely a thing in Germany.
I have basically two types of clothes:
1. "official" - that includes everthing from "very formal" through "chic to go out" all the way to "business"
2. what my mother used to call "Räuberzivil" that is comfy and praktical clothes , i can wear every day.. and yes that sometimes includes sandals and socks^^
Given how terrible the fashion industry and general overconsumption are for environmental and humanitarian reasons, I'm quite proud of our thriftiness, even if it means we're a bit unfashionable. (Personally I live in dresses, tights and cardigans. Comfy bookworm chic lol)
I love how germans (in general) are so far away from mainstream and 'one-season' fashion. more sustainable and/or practical.
Hello my name is Josh Mark I bring you good news
Fantastic video, totally interested in Germany and it’s Culture, having enjoyed a family holiday in Berlin back in May. Thanks Rachel 👍🇩🇪
Nice to hear. Thank you!
Hat die Berliner Mode eigentlich irgendwas mit Ästhetik zu tun? Vollkommen ernst gemeinte Frage, findet das jemand hier schön?
hell no
Ich habe als Berliner, noch nie diese Tiermode und bunten Firlefanz gesehen. Das einzige Motto was man hier so sieht ist "Hauptsache dunkel" oder Sportklamotten, sonst nichts derart.
Ich liebe Berliner Fashion.. halt vor allem in kiezen wie Prenzlauer Berg oder so.
Ich finds persönlich nicht schön besonders Fetish und Latex, WTF?!
Ich find es einfach super. Ist halt sehr modern mit viel aktuellem Einfluss aus Techno und HipHop
That's great! Comfort and functionality above flamboyance.
Oh my, I'm binge on this series... 😂😂😂
Hope you enjoy the binge!!
Berlin style looks so 80s and in Munich everyone is wearing designer clothes and bags. The cities are sooo different but they still do it in a "minimalistic" way
Maureen Almudena not everyone who lives in Munich is rich hahah, pls don’t generalize..there are many differences
Gloria G. I know, I live here. But the MAJORITY, even if they are fake, wears some designer. Go to the center and u will see
Hi annie
Don't want to write an essay to tell you a simple thing that I absolutely love Rachel.
As a Dutch guy I understand German and English. And now I try to read the English subtitles to understand what they are saying ... Strange.
I am beginning to like the Germans more and more !
Berlin does not represent Germany.
That's what she is saying ...
Indeed - in fact the next episode (out on Wednesday) is all about how Berlin is often completely different to the rest of Germany!
@@RachelStewart04 More Rachel videos??? Yay ...
Jeans, ein einfaches Shirt und darüber ein Blazer…wahlweise mit Sneakers oder etwas feineren Schuhen (wenn ein Meeting im Job ansteht zum Beispiel) ist ein absolut gewöhnlicher Anblick zu jedem Anlass bei uns im Bayerischen Wald.
Dass man Klamotten aufträgt wurde mir auch noch beigebracht, weshalb es sich also eher rentiert in etwas hochwertigere Produkte zu investieren. Praktikabel muss es sein und lange halten. Alte Kleidung kommt im Anschluss oft in die Altkleidersammlung.
Wenn man auffällige Outfits trägt wird man bei uns auf dem bayerischen Dorf eher schief gemustert... Auffallen will man hier für gewöhnlich nicht, oder nur die wenigstens. Was man hierzulande dann auch sehr häufig sehen kann sind Outdoor-Klamotten und Wanderstiefel.
I was potato in Milan, but everytime i visited Stuttgart,, felt like Instagram Model everyday.. I love going back and fort between two cities, when I was sick being a potato..
@DW Maxx So glad Ive found ur channel Very cool and helpful Im English but have started to learn German I love it too 😃👍
I don't think that it has to do with WW II (what both women said). Because after the war, many people in Germany still were "well-dressed" (men wearing costumes, ties and shirts; women wearing dresses or skirts). It changed in the late 60s and the 70s, where people in Germany started to prioritise comfort over classic fashion (and rebelling against the social "prohibit" of women wearing trousers).
These videos are so well-done! And the Lady is very pleasant. Thanks!
I lived in Germany 75 - 83…..I adored the bright yellow raincoats of Hannover…..the madness of Berlin….and the chic of Düsseldorf; the Koenigs Allee……100 times better than dull 🇬🇧
There are definitely visible social class and ingroup distinctions in Germany. While they’re not as overt as in some other countries, the upper and upper-middle class definitely attempts to distinguish itself. But that’s primarily the case for Munich, Düsseldorf, the Taunus, Hamburg and certain more rural areas in the North.
That's true. The class division is arguably less pronounced in, say, Berlin
wherever I was in my life, the worst is the americans dressed( basecap) and best of all the italians, french and germans.
The Designer that talks about the Berlin Fashionweek is right, the fashion doesn't hit the street.
In my case I never wear something really "fashionable" from a big designer, because: 1. it's expensive 2. it's not my size (with 46 you barely get some) 3. as a teen/ young adult I tried to follow the usual recommondations what to wear and whats trendy. And it often was not practical, uncomfy or ridicolious. Thats a real waste of money in my eyes, and now I just try to get whats comfy and I can wear most of the time. I sometimes miss it, to dress up for occasions, but I although like that I can wear my favorite sweater at work AND at home and try to have nice accesories.
But its true, as a traveller you recognise Germans in other countrys. Thats the people with "Regenjacke", scarf and backpack (if its a cold country).
I'm sorry but no. There are only a few people which dress up with socks in sandals and ugly shorts. The others have dress normal but you don't recognise them on holydays because they look like everyone else
My sandals are very comfy. So I wear them untill autum. But it is to cold in autum to go out without socks.
It is so refreshing to never think about fashion. I don't get why i should change my outfit because some other guys say this has to be done just to get them cash.
Everyone of your videos is completely spot on 👌
Glad you like them!!
Informative and entertaining!
I'm german and personally i think that the practical look ( typisch deutsch) is only present in the older generations, everything below 35 is more fashion oriented
Bet, that Rachel would find a way to crack your argument! 😉👠👜🧦
Everyone below 35 is just more consom oriented. 😋
Es kann nun einmal nicht jeder ein Hipster sein, der durch die Großstadt läuft und sich als Holzfäller aus gibt, was ihn nicht zu einem Repräsentanten von Mode macht, sondern zu einem Imitator. Grundsätzlich kann man alles tragen, solange es einem selbst gefällt, ob es sich nun um einen Mantel aus Opas Kleiderschrank handelt, oder schlicht um ein bunt gefärbtes Bettlaken. Jeder ist Einzigartig und so sollte es sich auch mit der Kleidung verhalten.
I never knew Germans invented the stockings and sandals until your show. Thanks for the series
Lady behind the camera is super talented and the lady in front is spontaneous and witty. ..love from Berlin
There videos are first class.So much information in so little time.
@Michael Moreton Thanks, Michael!
I love this series!
That was new to me. And I guess there are big differences, like in every country of the world, between cities and villages or the countryside. When I visited the UK or the USA, I noticed a big difference on everyday fashion. To be honest I think in general germans have a bigger interest in fashion than those two countries. Doesnt mean tgey are dressed better. But when I walk through a smaller city in western germany mamy people look like they are going out all the time, whereas my experience in the uk and usa were that everyone is just wearing cozy things. Of course not in New York or London.
Agreed. They downplay that a lot of people have a good combination of wearing practical clothing and still looking fashionable.
Feeling overdressed in Germany?✅
1:55 I think this is the best and most positive although in bigger cities social classes a very visible when you look at clothes.
As a German who was born in Germany and moved to England woth my family when I was 7 years old i would love to wear jeans and t-shirts and hoodies also some more German headdress
I'm chilean, and german style is my style!! 🇨🇱🇧🇪👍
Your army adopted the full Prussian style in the Victorian Era; pickelhaubes, the goose-step march, the lot.
Hi natalia
@@jamesbussey2911 that's true. Just today I was watching a clip from our military parade. It's morr german than the germans!
Germans can easily combine their practicality with style, but they aren't interested in standing out, always wondered why they just want to blend in? Of course, some cities, like Munich, are more stylish than others.
Hi elia
Frankly, German fashion still has some roots in the post-war era, when new clothing was a valued gift for Christmas and your stuff had to last for years. Besides that, the Germans have a strong differentiation of 2 clothing styles. Working clothes and clothing for representation purposes. People of my age buy jeans and expect them to last 10 years or we buy a pair of shoes and that is used for decades, with frequent repairs of course. If the piece of clothing does not last long we are often disappointed and will not buy the brand again. i.e. I still have and wear a pair of shoes I bought at the age of 15 and I'm 53 now, it still fits perfectly and it has received new soles and new heels about every two to 4 years.
The younger generation does not care so much, if a pair of pants last a season they are satisfied. But I want to spend my money on other things. And the low-quality pants are often not cheaper than the higher-quality ones.
Often fashion trends are perceived as stupid by the older Germans. i.e. the pants with holes in them. How stupid do you have to be to buy a pair of trousers which are beat-up beyond repair from the beginning? Pants are worn for protection from the weather, to avoid being scratched etc. those pants do not protect your knees if you stumble and fall ...
The people in Berlin are NOT really Germans. They are doughnuts... :)
These are fun. Thanks.
If you want a full Berlin fashion experience: take the S bahn! Weirdest shit ever.
information with humour, thankyou
Men's fashion here rarely changes, but If the German ladies want to know what the fashion will be next year, they just look at what the fashion in England was two years ago. I went to court once and I was more smartly attired than both my lawyer and the judge. I had a job interview last week for a promotion at work and everyone was astonished because I arrived in a suit and tie.
I like your presentation. It's always intriguing.
As an American living in Hamburg I find it a little funny how the younger crown wears their high white crew socks over their sweat pants :D
Fashion 💅
I'm moving to Germany and I wouldn't say I normally "dress up" a lot but I definitely have a lot of colorful clothes because that's how I like it and that's who I am.... So yeah... How fun for me 🙃. And I'm not even moving to Berlin, which is more like my style.
There's a big difference in generation too. Yes, I think most people (no matter how old they are) prefer simple and practical clothing over looking "gorgeous", but especially teens value fashion a lot more. They spend a lot of money on expensive brands. Elders above 55 years dress rather elegant and adults just dress casual and simple, but the combinations are terrible sometimes xD
Elders are 55? Lol.
hahaha I love her videos they're so funny :3!
Hi friend u looking favbalus cut
Important is the white socks in the sandals
Clara Maria Metzger does not talk about "long look", she mentioned "layering" instead.
Hi Monica 👷
I know this attitude from my upbringing „don’t throw away, if you can still use it“ . Well today we call it sustainability and it is the right thing to do 🤷♀️
I might never in my life been too fashionable?(with few exceptions), but at least I live sustainability. Which means today I am so en vogue 😄
Es gibt bei Feiern leider keinen Dresscode mehr. In unserer Firma werden immer die Jubilare Ende Januar zu einer Feier eingeladen. Ich hatte eher den Eindruck eines Heckenpennerttreffens. Das war 2018.
Love the way Germans don't fall for the fashion industry and go for healthy and comfy outfits.
In The 12th House thanks😀
Hey Rachel i liked your style the way you talk and all, your videography also has X factor.
Amazing channel
the ending is hilarious
However... Munich jewellery week in March, is absolutely amazing! I love it
Hello my name is Josh Mark I bring you good news
As a German I can’t handle it when people wear their socks while wearing sandals
Ich erkläre es: Manche Menschen schwitzen an den Käsequanten und wenn man dann Socken nutzt, pappt der Fuß nicht so ins Fußbett der Sandale. Wenn das dritte Outfit von Rachel Stewart stylish ist ... bei der Farbzusammenstellung, dann sind auch Ringel-Zehensocken in Sandalen akzeptabel.
Why are there closed caption English subtitles for English audio?
The hell with fashion! People should wear what they're comfortable with, not what someone else has decided is "in".
If everybody would only wear what's comfortable and would wear it untill it falls apart, thousands of people in the fashion industry would lose their jobs. Magazines like "Vogue" would be dead, people would have less debt, therefore banks wouldn't earn so much interest, ...
@@solidstate9451 yeah, let's do it. Just focus on the inner beauty. No more suffering to fit in skinny jeans...
We would be all happy and some would still look pretty!
what most do not realize is that fashion comes from the streets and not the other way around.
I don't think you have enough fashion impressions if you've only been to Berlin. I don't really like this city because everything is too "leger" and chaotic. Fashion also depends on society, workplace etc. You also couldn't summarise the American style. But usually I really like your videos :) greetings from Frankfurt
There is the word Anziehsachen (things-to-wear) missing. That also reflects Germans attitude towards fashion :-)