Honestly, you think that's bad - I regularly run across soviet antitank rifles in townpost classifieds. Totally non-restricted. I would love hear the rationale for that one.
@@ConnorThompson4 Both are. The original military FMJ round was designed to defeat level 2 body armor so it is prohibited as well because it was considered "armour piercing" unless something has changed.
@@thomasuniat2939 5.7 and FMJ in general is not prohibited...if that was the case most ammo would be insanely expensive and we pretty much wouldn't be able to get bulk ammo for around $200 like we can...the 5.7s are just stupid hard to find...kinda like tracers...not illegal, but almost no one carries them....you can still buy the 5.7 pistol and the PS-90....your just gonna have a hard time finding ammo for them
@@brettharvey2530 Yup, you are correct, FMJs are not illegal to use just illegal to hunt with. People don't seem to understand the difference between firearm and hunting laws.
@@Aenima308ridiculously harder. Today (Feb 23rd) we’re gonna find out if the new bill will be passed😢 basically getting rid of everything. It’s so dumb, they’re getting rid of everything that “looks scary”. They say “no one needs to have a weapon that is capable of unaliving a bunch of people in a short amount of time”. But then you can still get a semi auto tactical shotgun or a pump action AR or a semi auto .22. So it’s just a bunch of people that know nothing about guns that get to choose what we get to own. & they’ve also banned all handguns from being sold and or traded.
Canada: hey that's a scary ar15 so you are not allowed to own it, because it scares me United States: hey thats a cool looking grenade launcher let's shoot it, wait that's a short barrel shotgun, okay hands behind your back
yea canadian gun laws are non-sensical. I need an authorization to transport to take my restricted AR15 to the range which is the ONLY place I can shoot it, cause that 5.56 round is super duper scary outta that tactical-looking rifle. BUT I can take my .50BMG out to any crown land and pop off without telling a soul or need any authority to transport. 5.56 out of an AR15? ...............TERRIFYING .50BMG out of a big Bushmaster?............. It's all good bro go pop-off.
I bet the guys on the range love having guys like Matt who already know how to shoot, and know all of the safety aspect of shooting. He's probably a super easy customer.
@marc proulx It's not expect for .22, that's hunting regulations :P Except for certain specific rifle mags it's still 10+1. Semi auto shotgun tubes are irrelevant because they can only hold what they can hold since 5+1 is max tube size anyways :P
@@Atomic1710 In the end, the only guns that were changed to prohibited were AR-15s, Mini 14s, guns with a muzzle energy over 10 KJ, and maybe some other niche things. Still fucking shitty though and we never should've had that ban. Or any of them. All rifles with a barrel length long enough should be non restricted and we shouldn't have magazine capacity limits because there's no point - those pins aren't hard to remove
@@st3llarmemer111 what’s the law in terms of concealed carry - & are you aloud to own a firearm for home defence. I’m in Toronto jus uneducated on the subject
@@Atomic1710 oh cool I'm also from Toronto. Pretty sure that for any rifles, the laws are gonna be the same here as anywhere else. You can still get Type 97s, Tavors, various pistol caliber carbines, and other cool guns which is neat since our laws are less strict than a lot of the shittier anti-gun US cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, SFO, etc). You can't explicitly say you want to own a gun for home defense, but there's some complicated laws around it if it happens. I don't own a gun or PAL yet but I do want to in the future.
@@skinwalker69420 yes it is, don't see all the libtards fleeing communist California to Oklahoma do you????? Everyone is going to TX and that's not a good thing. If tx starts looking like communist California I Will be heading to Oklahoma. Or Florida
its actually not illegal to own firearms in Australia its just normal citizens are not allowed any semi auto rifles. And also you are allowed to shoot on your property if its 40 acres or more.
TL;DR: Australian firearm laws and licencing is confusing. Sorry in advance if you read all this I didn't realise how long it was hence my too long didn't read at the top of the comment In Australia we have a host of different category licenses for firearms and other weapons. Cat A & B cover air rifles, rim fire and center fire rifles which need to action manually operated (bolt, lever, etc) as well as break action and lever action shotguns (with no greater than 5 round capacity) To own a semi automatic in Australia you need a category c and d licences (there are a hand full of reasons to be able to obtain one however for your average Joe its pretty difficult) also under this category of licence falls pump action shotguns For hand guns it is a Cat H which requires 3 competition shoots at a gun range prior to applying for your licence then 6 each year to maintain it and is only for competition use. Then to top it off there is a few other categories such as M, which cover a whole other class of weapon including cross bows and R, which covers items such as body armour. Also before you can obtain a licence you need a firearm safety course and a "legitimate reason for obtaining a licence" (eg sporting shooting or hunting/vermin control on properties which exceed 40 acres). These laws are only for Queensland however I am fairly sure it is similar state to state with only some minor differences. And for the record in Queensland there are no open and closed season on feral/introduced species they are fair game all year round natives on the other hand have some very strict laws and permits in regards to hunting.
For those wanting more clarity: Non-restricted = can be shot freely outside of city limits ("crown land"). Typically hunting rifles, shotguns, and a few semi-autos like Mini-14s, SKS, etc. Restricted = can only be shot at a range. All "legal" hand guns are in this category, as well as "black" semi-automatic rifles like the ARs in this video. Prohibited = might as well not exist for a typical Canadian. Think of this as the "illegal gun" category. Machine guns, "concealable" pistols, that sort of thing. All gun owners in Canada must pass a licensing process that includes demonstrating proper gun handling in front of an instructor as well as a written knowledge test. You must also have character references and an interview with the police to complete your license application. There is a license available for both non-restricted and restricted that include similar, but different tests. Most people do them together. It is a photo ID card that must be renewed every 5 years. We also have barrel length laws, magazine capacity laws, and that sort of thing, but they are kind of a mess so I won't go into it. The best part of being a Canadian gun owner is access to certain imports that are either banned or less available in the States. We can get cheap M14s (which are non-restricted, somehow) from Norinco, amongst other things. A Russian SKS is around $200 here. Crates of Chinese surplus ammo are common and very cheap.
Better in some ways, worse in others. I would love having a 10.5 inch rifle without having to pay the government permission to own it and wait 9-12 months.
That doesn't make sense though. AR-15s are pretty common hunting rifles in the states. You can't classify a gun as hunting or non-hunting just through its appearance.
DatGrunt trust me, the 200 dollar tax stamp is a way better deal, to use a SBR in Canada you need a second restricted licence plus you can only use it on a range.
At the time they were deciding on prohibiting certain guns in Canada the AR-15 was on the list, but it was canadas current military service rifle. So they gave people a choice keep the AR-15 as restricted or keep the FN Fal the old service rifle. People opted for AR-15s.
Then you get the interesting sections of firearm laws like using pistol magazines in rifles and .223 rounds in .50 Beowulf magazines. Or the fact that we're starting to see some rifles that take AR-10 or AR-15 furniture and accessories but aren't AR-15s.
Our gun laws are a little ridiculous. The AR15 rifles are restricted just because of how they look. We can run Robinson XCR's Tavor's Type 95's Sig's etc etc. But AR's are restricted. The AK is the same way. We can have VS58's but no AK's. SKS's but no AK's. Almost all of the AK series is prohibited. Prohibited means banned. Grandfather licenses don't really exist anymore. There isn't much logic to it beyond anti-gun crazies restricting guns because they look mean. No automatic weapons, and 5 round mags. Anything under a 18" barrel length ends up in the restricted pile, anything over ends up in the non-restricted pile. All pistols are restricted aside from a few black powder options. Hope that helps.
Top Cheese if you're banning an item on how it looks versus how it operates your entering a world of government seriously over stepping its bounds. It's the same as banning Ferraris over lambos, wonderbread over dempsters green garbage bins over blue ones. I hope you get my point.
+Top Cheese Why do you need a Hummer over a Prius? Government is made up of people. Do you want those people (who don't know you, or even really care about you) telling you/dictating to you what you can and cannot own, or buy with your own money (not talking obviously illegal things here of course).
Canada: *Tries to restrict military grade guns* Also Canada: *Restricts the civilian grade AR-15 but leaves 2 military grades unrestricted* Good job Canada.
I love Canada, but my God she ain't perfect. The fact that punching someone in the face (self defense or not) can result in your imprisonment for 5 years is just embarrassing...
Maybe we banned the AR-15 because the media was constantly running promotions to sick people about how to light up your school with an ar-15 for international attention, and fear mongering the public for ratings. It's politics and making the restriction of the ar-15 well known on our news networks, while american news promoted it, may have very well made a lot of sick people here with an idea, think that they couldn't be like the one's in the U.S. It's a win win move with gun owners still being able to equip themselves but giving off the impression we don't allow weapons that kill people. Like they say in the video it's a complicated process we have and its for a reason. You have to know your stuff and truly be an enthusiast for the right reasons in order to own (or at least greatly reduces putting guns in the wrong hands). Which also translates into reduced number of black market sellers. IMO its not worth that, just so responsible owners can have a fraction more fun..
Go play Shinny with Canadians, they get beat up, and knocked around, but everyone goes and helps them up then everyone goes back to playing, injuries never stop Canadians
The one good thing about Canadian gun laws is that being federally regulated they are consistent across the country. Which in a way, makes them less complicated than the US where the regulation depends on which state you live in.
We have both federal and state gun laws. Glad most of the laws are state, last thing we need are California's gun laws becoming federal. Which it is headed that way by the day.
@Jimmie Toyne American gun law is based on self defense. I like the fact we can shoot someone if they threaten our life. Granted most of our gun laws are based on hunting Indians lol
No thanks. States rights ftw. Federalism. I'm not interested in being under a giant centralized government. Anything not expressly granted to the Feds in the constitution should be left to the states.
Fun fact: Canada banned the Franchi SPAS 12 shotgun in 1992 because.. wait for it...... It looked too intimidating!!!! Law enforcement went to registered owners of the SPAS 12 and confiscated them one by one.
No, if it has an AR lower, then it is considered like an AR-15. What new companies are doing, are adopting different lowers with AR uppers and such. Works great
A lot of countries require you to be a part of a gun club or a hunter to shoot though. Like my country the UK you can only really go shooting if you have a license or know a guy with one in which case it's easy, otherwise you need a club membership
@@Ivan-sm4dq I don't think that. I just think people are overreacting when they say that Canadians have no freedom because of it. Honestly they can still own guns that are just as lethal as before. It's not a very good policy but I still think most of Trudeau's platform is better than the opposition.
@@allin4508 Trudeau, with the stroke of a pen has killed a significant part of an industry, criminalized a significant part of the shooting sports, and made tens of thousands law-abiding gun owners into criminals over night. Imagine banning golf or baseball because a maniac went on a rampage and kill a bunch of people with a baseball bat or a golf club. This is quite impactful to the idea of freedom wouldn't you think?
jester 80s nope you can own a real ar15 with a firearm license but it is restricted to semi automatic and .223 rounds do some actual thorough research on uk gun laws before commenting you can own rifles bolt action and semi automatic and long barrelled revolvers with a fireman license shotguns require a separate shotgun license. Normal handguns like 9mm are banned everywhere in uk except Northern Ireland and concealed carry is also illegal everywhere except Northern Ireland. Don’t just assume uk is a gun free zone there are plenty of guns here.
So...a lot of guns get lost in boating accidents. Or eaten by polar bears. "Hey there bud, where's the firearm yer not allowed to sell, eh?" "Oh hey there, Officer. It's the darndest thing, I was out there on Lake Nipigon around the exact center of the lake, ya know where it's deepest? And I got a leak in my boat there, and I was doin my darndest to patch up the leak while my whole boat was sinking....and a bear ate my guns. Only the grandfathered ones. Darndest thing."
As someone -just- getting into firearms into his 30's (shh) - This was actually a really good, informative watch. Really awesome to see firearm fans with a level head.
In my firearms safety course (Canada) Instructor: "The only times you can shoot are when your not moving and on solid ground." My Dad: "Aw really? I thought it was hanging out the side of my dad's truck going 30 through a field."
Hey Matt, glad you came up for a visit, on a side note check out firearmsrights.ca an amazing website which has every thing you wanted to know about Canadian gun laws (and were afraid to ask) also doing tons for the Canadian gun community to support firearm owners in Canada.
Hammer, also a good one, looks like an off-shoot of firearms rights.ca it's got all of Rod's videos...but hey it's all good! The more positive, factual information we get out there the better
@The hamer 69 and @Crazy Canuck I hope you guys know they're the same organization. The organization is called the CCFR (Canadian Coalition [for] Firearm Rights.) that runs and owns gundebate.ca and firearmrights.ca
Canadian gun laws aren't tricky at all, people just make a big deal out of them because why not. Most Canadians just look at it that if you aren't smart enough to understand the law you aren't smart enough to pull the trigger responsibly.
@@theslavicslav1417 No, handguns have to have your slide lock or trigger guard and ammo is stored away from the firearm, same as any other firearm in Canada.
They purposely confused these guys in regards to Canadian gun laws. Instead of explaining what is permitted in Canada, they focused on restricted and prohibited weapons. Really, it's not confusing. You earn a license by taking a course which gives you a firearm license. You can choose to take the regular course or go for the restricted course which grants you access to more firearms but also costs more. With a license, you can go to a store and buy a gun that falls within the classification of license that you have, and go home with that firearm. Regular classified firearms can be used on your property or out hunting. If you want to shoot a restricted firearm, you need to be at a sanctioned range. All handguns are restricted weapons. Some other weapons fall within this category as well. If you "accidentally" break the law, you probably didn't pass the license to begin with.
Yo Yo physics major my guy.. I do too much damn reading... point is, when it comes to gun laws.. it should not take you a thesis’ worth of a response to explain it... That’s the problem... So much regulation that the synopsis if long?? That’s criminal.. it’s treason... it’s wrong...
@@CT-Woods how is a simple paragraph considered "thesis level"? Here, I'll explain it much simpler for you in a single sentence. In Canada, you are permitted to do what you are licensed for. There you go. Easier to understand with your "physics education"?
Thanos88888888 again.. it is not a matter of reading comprehension... it’s the fact that you have to convey purposely frustrating gun laws with a frustrating amount of words... The fact that the matter isn’t simply “Own what guns you want because you ought to as a free man” is the problem..... Canada is a socialist shit hole and this is one of the many reasons why.... Do... You... Understand....
I know this is an old video, but Mere is probably listening to this going "hmm, if we emigrated to Canada he couldn't buy any more super-expensive weapons and we'd be *set*."
@@Vikseproducts Well, there was also that Trumptard who killed a bunch of muslims in Quebec a few years ago. But yeah, You get the point that it doesn't happen often in Canada. (Or any other developed country with proper firearm laws, unlike the USA).
trials_bike2000 same as Canada. 3 shells while hunting with shotgun. 5 rnds for semi auto rifle and i can have 12 rnds in Lee Enfield...but most new bolt guns only hold 3-4 in the mag. and some lever guns can hold up to 10 rnds in a tubular mag.
Yeah that's so stupid... Like a 5 round magazine or a 30 round magazine will determine whether someone can kill 3-10 people. Cause you know, who RELOADS amarite? Reloading is for casuals, criminals are so stupid they won't think about using another magazine! EDIT: Also, the rivets can easily be taken out by anyone who isn't a klutz... The magazines are fully functional, they just have a basic rivet in them to prevent the round follower going any lower than 5 rounds
Most passive agressive burn.. Pete: "Now I look like a man? Sweet!" Canadian in the background: "I don't think that's going to happen..."... Me: Dead ;D
Uk gun laws Fully automatic or burst-fire - this may include some airguns Semi-automatic or pump-action rifles which fire centre-fire ammunition Cartridge ammunition handguns, regardless of calibre Firearms disguised as another item (such as a mobile phone or a walking stick) Rockets and mortars Any firearm which is designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid gas of other substance. This normally refers to stun guns, electric shock device, tear gas, pepper spray, all of which are classified Section 5 Firearms Air guns chambered for self-contained gas cartridges. If an existing owner has had one prior to 20th of January 2004, they are allowed to maintain ownership subject to obtaining a firearm certificate Firearms which have previously fallen into a prohibited category, have been converted to an otherwise permitted form. This could be, for example, a pistol which is adapted by permanently fitting in a 60-centimetre-long smooth-bore barrel to it does not just become permitted The reason we have our gun laws is because we had a school shooting and decided we want our kids alive
@@zakiry8634 No the reason you have your gun laws is that your leaders in 97' are/were Hoplophobia mornons not willing to apply that knee jerk mention to anything else, but guns. So glad I live in Canada, only one of the few countries that allow semi's.
Pete reminds me of EVERYONE on The Walking Dead trying to kill Negan....... 4000 rounds later (apparently there is no shortage of ammo in the post apocalypse), nobody get’s hit..... Loved watching his elbow go flying up when sighting down. I’m eating a Whataburger BTW.....Merica!
FishFind3000: Hey Bud.. Just like all REAL Americans, I watch Demo Ranch! Isn’t a minimum 3 hours of Demo Ranch mandatory to become a US Citizen? I’m working with Matt to do something next year....with guns....and some other folks. It’ll be fun
anghellic: Yeah, 1 Shot 1 Kill clearly isn’t something that made to the Post-A (unlike the crates of Ammo they have access to). Never see them carrying extra mags either.
I love how in my country (Britain) a lot of sas are sent to legally neutralise threats while back home they allow people to have guns but when a threat enters their house without permission they aren’t legally allowed to discharge a weapon 😂
Canadian here and I think its the dumbest shit in the world. Motherfucker can come in my house with an intent to kill, but if I shoot him in self defense I'm in the wrong. The legally best option here is to let assholes break in and kill my family so I don't get charged.
Yep. The story goes that the politicians just thumbed through an old issue of Soldier of Fortune magazine to decide which guns to restrict or prohibit by name. Case in point, the H&K G11 is prohibited by name... because there's loads of those around.
Funny thing is, the laws about magazine capacity are even more random. As said in the video, centre fire rifles can have 5 rounds max. Meanwhile, handguns can have up to 10 rounds. However, these laws apply to what the intended use of the magazine is. Meaning, if it is specifically designed for a handgun but is compatible with a rifle, it can hold more than the 5 round limit and is considered legal. This also applies if the magazine can hold more of a smaller calibre cartridge then intended, as the 'maximum allowed cartridges' is based on the intended calibre for use. So if you can stuff more of a smaller calibre round in your magazine, and it works, it's legal. Also, you can have an unlimited rimfire magazine capacity as long as it can only be used for a rimfire rifle and not a handgun. So if you really wanted you could own a .22 rifle with a huge drum magazine and shoot it off on your own property. Just goes to show the inconsistencise of gun laws here.
Regarding the 10/22 mags having no restrictions, I'm pretty sure that was changed (rather, redefined by the RCMP) just recently. From what I know, all 10/22 mags over 10rnds (without being pinned to 10rnd) are now considered prohibited. It was done pretty quietly in July 2016 if I remember correctly, basically overnight.
I wish it were that easy. It's not so much about the gun as it's about the magazine and the type of firearm(s) it was made to be used in. The 10-22 is just one of the most popular which is probably why the RCMP specifically mentioned it. The way they defined it is a huge gray area, they reference the paragraph _"The Regulations prohibit a cartridge magazine that is capable of containing more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in a semi-automatic handgun that is commonly available in Canada."_ Meaning, any .22 mag you can use for anything classified as a pistol (in Canada) and holds more than 10 rounds is technically prohibited. Like, 25rnd mags for the SW 15-22 as an example. It might not be the way it's directly written, but I can almost guarantee the way it's written won't stop a cop from taking your 50rnd drum mag and charging you with "possession of a prohibited device" because they're having a bad day. Yeah, you might be able to beat this on a technicality, but is that a chance you're willing to take? Personally, if I had mags or a drums like that, I wouldn't make a habit of telling people about it.
To add to Doug's OP...and the confusion on the 10/22 mags.... The 10/22 mags are Prohib now specifically because they also fit the Charger. In their utter ignorance, the RCMP's crack firearms lab determined that meant they were 'designed to fit' the Charger and therefore were a handgun mag in excess of ten rounds. Ruger ships the Charger with a bipod, meaning it is absolutely NOT designed to be held and operated with one hand per the CCC definition of 'handgun'. It's really a pistol-grip 10/22 rifle with a 10" barrel, so it's still Restricted as a short barreled rifle (barrel
TheKawasakidude you guys need to get off your asses and take your country back. The tankers I met in the desert, I can’t imagine those guys letting the government push them around.
One nice thing about having a restricted license in Canada is there is no waiting period, you can go to any gunstore and walk out with a restricted gun... and to be honest, everyone knows ina SHTF / WROL scenario the pins on those magazines come out pretty easy.
luvmyctd liberals are not comin for your guns, im liberal and own many guns. One for every occasion. Our laws are not satisfactory. Il give you two examples of laws not being effective. 1,ghost guns. Altho legal anyone can get access to one even if restricted by law. (I built one)im not a criminal but it wouldnt have mattered, no background check at all. 2."repair magazines" large round capacity mags are simply sold as "parts" and legal to possess when apart(or pinned) but easily can be put together in less than a minute. For a shtf scenario. In my opinion its a weapons capability of mass casualties thats the issue.
You are mistaken or misinformed. There is a waiting period, you have to do a transfer of ownership. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on how busy the CFO is.
You're absolutist arguments is worthless. Mass shootings in the US and mass vehicular murder sprees are separate events. Guns are a luxury, vehicular transportation is not. We can limit usage of guns, because almost nobody in Canada needs to use a semi-automatic firearm with a large capacity magazine for their living. We can't prevent people from owning and driving cars because transportation is a necessity, not a luxury. If we have X number of spree killings involving guns and cars, and 50% are caused by guns, and 50% are caused by cars, what do you think is the most logical option? We restrict firearms to the point where law abiding citisens can use them for fair sporting or hunting purposes. Let's estimate that that law change results in half of those mass shootings not happening. That's a 25% decrease in the total number of spree killings. We've reduced the number of people who have died, put in place restrictions that barely affect a small percentage of the population, in a way that they really have no reason to be upset about. Seriously, if you're that upset about having to reload every 5 rounds you're a lazy motherfucker. The best part is, we aren't even taking guns away from people as a whole. We are carefully issuing licenses to those who are committed to safe gun ownership and usage by taking gun safety and handling courses, banning criminals from gun ownership, and requiring those with licenses to pass standard mental health checks. The number one reason we don't have crazy people shooting up schools in Canada, is that mentally deranged individuals have nearly zero access to firearms. They can't get a license, so they can't legally own a firearm. The chances of someone they know having a license, while at the same time be willing to give their firearms and large supplies of ammunition to someone without a license, which they know is illegal, is very low. But that's just it, it's only a low chance, not a zero chance. Your entire perspective on this issue balances on a massive nirvana fallacy, that there is no good option for gun control if it isn't some magical perfect solution that prevents 100% of gun crimes, and still allows you to be a cheap, lazy, piece of shit that keeps loaded firearms and ammunition just laying around your house and car, because fuck safety, that would require thinking and effort. Then you take your guns to some random berm behind your shed, shove a drum mag into your custom AR, chug a beer, and unload wildly into the dirt. There's a reason you have to go to a gun range in Canada, so you don't do whatever you want unsupervised, and accidentally kill someone a kilometre away with your stupidity.
Julio Enrique Santana Meléndez the only fucking moron here is you. Do you think people that want to do bad shit care about gun laws? Hint they dont. Ban all guns and shitty people will still get them and do shitty things to people that cant get them. Fucktard.
Yes, he saw all the 'crazy combinations' of weapons we can actually have up here, so he retired up here. He does selfies with us Canucks when we ask, on the street. He's a nice guy really - just don't ask about his past...
Went to the wrong province. Swing by Alberta, we're the Texas of Canada. Didn't know we couldn't shoot in our fields, I sure as hell have, neighbors do too.
Provinces don't make their own laws pertaining to firearms. Firearms are regulated under criminal law which is 100% federal. Provinces have different legislation in regards to hunting such as minimum caliber requirements. So, firearm laws are federal.
yes you are correct, firearms laws in Canada are regulated by the federal government, but, Provinces are free to ADD laws pertaining to firearms, not change them, big difference. like in the case of Quebec making their own long gun registry that Nolan pointed out. But yes, the federal government creates and regulates the majority of laws pertaining to firearms in Canada
Give me a difference between provinces besides municipal discharge legislation and hunting regulation. Quebec is its own messed up "province" and I personally don't include them in anything to do with Canada.
GrwizzweeBear I don't need to. Just because there are no other weird laws does not mean they could not one day be implemented. It's just that Quebec is the only province retarded enough to make its own law like the long gun registration
Canadian gun laws are easy to understand when you remember that our laws were written by people who are afraid of guns without knowing anything about them.
Respectfully: no, it's not 'better'. Not at all. There is a fundamental difference that is at the very heart of the debate. Our Firearms Act, conceived and exercised in ignorance and fear of firearms, seeks to disallow some guns and control the use of others in the name of public safety. That's fine...IF...you can back up the public safety argument, which neither the CFC nor the Firearms Advisory Committee are able to do. Our gun laws are hamstrung right out of the gate and gun owners have neither equal nor appropriate representation. OTOH, I agree that the Second Amendment of the US Constitution needs retooling to deal with its anachronisms, but that's essentially an administrative process if public will is onboard. A law that can't evolve with social norms is inherently flawed - Article 5 allows for the US Constitution to do so as well. The 28th Amendment can repeal the Second just like the 21st repealed the 18th. For gun owners, it's a matter of civil procedure, democracy and denial of liberty. For gun grabbers, it's about removing something that they fear as a threat but, like the arguments used to support it, that fear is borne of ignorance and doesn't withstand critical analysis.
Ethan the sneakerhead.. No, within the United States IF an American can legally own a firearm, that person can also fly with it in their checked luggage within a locked case. There are some other provisions, but what you claimed is wrong that you have to be "ex military" or have "a special license".
Some very strange gun laws. Kind of arbitrary IMO. Seems like the decisions were made based on what's trendy to be scared of. I mean, the AR-15 platform is decades old, and mass shootings and the like weren't common until fairly recently. Seems like a societal problem to me.
How do you know? If there were next to no random shootings before the mag restrictions, and there are next to no random shooting now.....where's the evidence?
We have strong beer & we've been known to riot if our hockey team loses, so we thought it might be best to restrict some of our gun laws. It's a compromise eh.
Dear TH-cam. Please help me understand why you do the things you do. DemolitionRanch or VetRanch have been nothing but good quality videos. I been watching these channels for years, and I cannot hold back on the fact that you gave this channel a warning. Matt has been producing nothing but good quality videos which the contents are supported by our amendments. I have seen no violence, no extreme haterism towards any culture or person. Matt has constantly portrayed patriotic things for our country. Not to mention that he has a kind heart to care for animals and help them get better. We must evaluate Matt's contribution towards TH-cam as a whole meaning vetranch, demolitionranch, and offtheranch. With that being said, I don't agree with you, TH-cam, constantly threatening to take down videos and giving warnings. Watching these videos, I have never felt more American, willing to help animals, and be a better person. So please stop trying to act like a bad cop and let what is GOLD be GOLD. There are many other channels that do stupid pranks on elderly and people in general which teach us nothing and do more harm to viewers than good. You should go attach them instead. Sincerely, your viewers
5.7 FMJ: Prohibited because "it is designed to punch through body armor". 50 Cal: Non-restricted.
Honestly, you think that's bad - I regularly run across soviet antitank rifles in townpost classifieds. Totally non-restricted. I would love hear the rationale for that one.
incorrect FMJ are not prohib. Armor piercing are
@@ConnorThompson4 Both are. The original military FMJ round was designed to defeat level 2 body armor so it is prohibited as well because it was considered "armour piercing" unless something has changed.
@@thomasuniat2939 5.7 and FMJ in general is not prohibited...if that was the case most ammo would be insanely expensive and we pretty much wouldn't be able to get bulk ammo for around $200 like we can...the 5.7s are just stupid hard to find...kinda like tracers...not illegal, but almost no one carries them....you can still buy the 5.7 pistol and the PS-90....your just gonna have a hard time finding ammo for them
@@brettharvey2530 Yup, you are correct, FMJs are not illegal to use just illegal to hunt with. People don't seem to understand the difference between firearm and hunting laws.
I think we may need a remake on this video. A lot as changed in last 5 years.
I agree . I just completed my non and my reg. A lot of this is outdated
@@istayhighi1540did it get easier or harder for gun owners in Canada?
@@Aenima308 harder
@@suraajsingh8780 sorry to hear that
@@Aenima308ridiculously harder. Today (Feb 23rd) we’re gonna find out if the new bill will be passed😢 basically getting rid of everything. It’s so dumb, they’re getting rid of everything that “looks scary”. They say “no one needs to have a weapon that is capable of unaliving a bunch of people in a short amount of time”. But then you can still get a semi auto tactical shotgun or a pump action AR or a semi auto .22. So it’s just a bunch of people that know nothing about guns that get to choose what we get to own. & they’ve also banned all handguns from being sold and or traded.
Canada: hey that's a scary ar15 so you are not allowed to own it, because it scares me
United States: hey thats a cool looking grenade launcher let's shoot it, wait that's a short barrel shotgun, okay hands behind your back
We can own restricted guns just need the restricted licence.....70000 Canadians have ar-15s
J S that’s not much
@@justanotherhaxzor2492 I know but we're still allowed for the time being...they are trying to ban them as we speak
J S oof
yea canadian gun laws are non-sensical. I need an authorization to transport to take my restricted AR15 to the range which is the ONLY place I can shoot it, cause that 5.56 round is super duper scary outta that tactical-looking rifle.
I can take my .50BMG out to any crown land and pop off without telling a soul or need any authority to transport.
5.56 out of an AR15? ...............TERRIFYING
.50BMG out of a big Bushmaster?............. It's all good bro go pop-off.
Canada: if I've seen this gun in a movie, you can't have it
Or if its been in a mass shooting
@@LowkeyAirgunner bill c-21 is the gayest thing ever
Same with knives
I love being Canadian
@@corkey82g44 I like it too but the gun laws are just getting worse and worse
The disappointment in your eyes when you found out all our mags were pinned to 5 was real lol.
now he is a true canadian gun nut.
@@newman793 How so? In my eyes, its not a good thing at all...
@@newman793 fuck off liberal
@@newman793 nope, can shoot 1500 yards with my mossberg MVP and I get about a 1-2" grouping... I just like to have more than a K98 :D
Rayan Ighil why everything gotta be political tho
Canada gun laws are simple. Scary guns are restricted, guns that have not frightened any one yet are non restricted.
No Name sorta like how a 22 rifle with a wood stock is a hunting rifle but a 22 rifle with a cool looking composite stock is an assault rifle.
No Name That's why you can't get an AK in Canada. "It's a terrorist gun!"
Tranquilizer guns are of ok
My friend's mom would manage to ban every gun in Canada
Basically. Overnight if they decide a gun you own is too scary they make it illegal.
Canada: we do NOT want military grade weapons in the hands of civilians
Also Canada: the tar-21 is non restricted
@@architecture_A51 I do enjoy taking my A-10 Warthog to the range on weekends
@@TheInator1234The A-10 is a vehicle. Not a gun.
and also the Type 97, which is... or not. Orrr maybe it's ok now. Maybe for sure. ;)
Also the GSG MP-40 is not restricted.
The A-10 is a gun with a plane attached to it.
I bet the guys on the range love having guys like Matt who already know how to shoot, and know all of the safety aspect of shooting. He's probably a super easy customer.
*Having a discussion about Canadian gun laws and history*
Pete: I like the red gun
Phil Swift lol. That guy is so innocent acting.
5:28 the look of his soul dying a little bit as the Canadians explain our restricted vs non restrictive gun regulations... is priceless
“All semi-auto rifles can only use five ro-“
@marc proulx It's not expect for .22, that's hunting regulations :P Except for certain specific rifle mags it's still 10+1. Semi auto shotgun tubes are irrelevant because they can only hold what they can hold since 5+1 is max tube size anyways :P
Only like 9 models + clones. Tavors, AUGs, XCRs, still legal.
@@DaikaijuProductions Rocket Launchers too, because all of zero owners were rampaging criminals and it needed to be banned twice for some reason.
10 for the lar -15 mag that first ars
@@DaikaijuProductions For now
Canadian gun laws just completely changed over night! You should do an update video where you discuss it.
What’s the deal?
@@Atomic1710 In the end, the only guns that were changed to prohibited were AR-15s, Mini 14s, guns with a muzzle energy over 10 KJ, and maybe some other niche things.
Still fucking shitty though and we never should've had that ban. Or any of them. All rifles with a barrel length long enough should be non restricted and we shouldn't have magazine capacity limits because there's no point - those pins aren't hard to remove
@@st3llarmemer111 what’s the law in terms of concealed carry - & are you aloud to own a firearm for home defence. I’m in Toronto jus uneducated on the subject
@@st3llarmemer111 I am aware of the 5 round capacity that’s ridiculous
@@Atomic1710 oh cool I'm also from Toronto. Pretty sure that for any rifles, the laws are gonna be the same here as anywhere else. You can still get Type 97s, Tavors, various pistol caliber carbines, and other cool guns which is neat since our laws are less strict than a lot of the shittier anti-gun US cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, SFO, etc). You can't explicitly say you want to own a gun for home defense, but there's some complicated laws around it if it happens. I don't own a gun or PAL yet but I do want to in the future.
10:56 "I don't want to look like a girl."
Wearing cowboy boots with shorts isn't helping. 😂
Luis Rodriguez I was thinking the same thing
zeek me too :D
Exactly what I was thinking!😂😂😂
Canada: I have strict gun laws
Germany: Hold my beer
United Kingdom: you guys get guns? 😳
Switzerland: Hahahaha, Switzerland go brrrrrrrrr
Well Germany kinda screwed itself over when the 1900s started😂
@@saltt9394 They're not good at picking allies either. Japan wasn't bad but holy hell was Italy useless. lol
Salt T wrong the 40s lol
Not gunna say those pins in the mags are really easy to drill out..... but the pins in the mag are really easy to drill out
Always a good thing lol
Very easy
well sometimes they just fall out, but the pins are there because legal gun owners respect the laws, not so sure about criminals.
Makes me that much more grateful for living in Texas
SemperFi Brother!! (Saw the thumbnail).. 2ND. MARINE DIVISION TANK BATTALION.. RAH!!
Consider the following: Oklahoma
Pros: all the same gun laws plus better weather
Cons: the government is batshit insane
Yes Texas is the best state
@@judah_loves_trombone5039 no
@@skinwalker69420 yes it is, don't see all the libtards fleeing communist California to Oklahoma do you????? Everyone is going to TX and that's not a good thing. If tx starts looking like communist California I Will be heading to Oklahoma.
Or Florida
Come to Australia to shoot a..
gun, ooh wait that's Illegal
bb gun: Illegal
Airsoft gun: Illegal
Nerf: good to go :)
Ahah. In Oman even nerf gun is illegal
its actually not illegal to own firearms in Australia its just normal citizens are not allowed any semi auto rifles. And also you are allowed to shoot on your property if its 40 acres or more.
cairo nicholson
You still castrated the population of their defense from tyranny
yeah, when we have school shootings in Australia, it's fun af
TL;DR: Australian firearm laws and licencing is confusing.
Sorry in advance if you read all this I didn't realise how long it was hence my too long didn't read at the top of the comment
In Australia we have a host of different category licenses for firearms and other weapons.
Cat A & B cover air rifles, rim fire and center fire rifles which need to action manually operated (bolt, lever, etc) as well as break action and lever action shotguns (with no greater than 5 round capacity)
To own a semi automatic in Australia you need a category c and d licences (there are a hand full of reasons to be able to obtain one however for your average Joe its pretty difficult) also under this category of licence falls pump action shotguns
For hand guns it is a Cat H which requires 3 competition shoots at a gun range prior to applying for your licence then 6 each year to maintain it and is only for competition use.
Then to top it off there is a few other categories such as M, which cover a whole other class of weapon including cross bows and R, which covers items such as body armour.
Also before you can obtain a licence you need a firearm safety course and a "legitimate reason for obtaining a licence" (eg sporting shooting or hunting/vermin control on properties which exceed 40 acres).
These laws are only for Queensland however I am fairly sure it is similar state to state with only some minor differences.
And for the record in Queensland there are no open and closed season on feral/introduced species they are fair game all year round natives on the other hand have some very strict laws and permits in regards to hunting.
8:05 orange hat guy is me in a 3 hour lecture
He was havin a vietnam flashback
I dieded
Winterfell 😂😂😂😂😂😂
6:53 I thought that was Jesse Ventura lmao
For those wanting more clarity:
Non-restricted = can be shot freely outside of city limits ("crown land"). Typically hunting rifles, shotguns, and a few semi-autos like Mini-14s, SKS, etc.
Restricted = can only be shot at a range. All "legal" hand guns are in this category, as well as "black" semi-automatic rifles like the ARs in this video.
Prohibited = might as well not exist for a typical Canadian. Think of this as the "illegal gun" category. Machine guns, "concealable" pistols, that sort of thing.
All gun owners in Canada must pass a licensing process that includes demonstrating proper gun handling in front of an instructor as well as a written knowledge test. You must also have character references and an interview with the police to complete your license application. There is a license available for both non-restricted and restricted that include similar, but different tests. Most people do them together. It is a photo ID card that must be renewed every 5 years.
We also have barrel length laws, magazine capacity laws, and that sort of thing, but they are kind of a mess so I won't go into it.
The best part of being a Canadian gun owner is access to certain imports that are either banned or less available in the States. We can get cheap M14s (which are non-restricted, somehow) from Norinco, amongst other things. A Russian SKS is around $200 here. Crates of Chinese surplus ammo are common and very cheap.
Better in some ways, worse in others. I would love having a 10.5 inch rifle without having to pay the government permission to own it and wait 9-12 months.
That doesn't make sense though. AR-15s are pretty common hunting rifles in the states. You can't classify a gun as hunting or non-hunting just through its appearance.
DatGrunt trust me, the 200 dollar tax stamp is a way better deal, to use a SBR in Canada you need a second restricted licence plus you can only use it on a range.
At the time they were deciding on prohibiting certain guns in Canada the AR-15 was on the list, but it was canadas current military service rifle. So they gave people a choice keep the AR-15 as restricted or keep the FN Fal the old service rifle. People opted for AR-15s.
Then you get the interesting sections of firearm laws like using pistol magazines in rifles and .223 rounds in .50 Beowulf magazines. Or the fact that we're starting to see some rifles that take AR-10 or AR-15 furniture and accessories but aren't AR-15s.
Like how Matt said “bud” to a Canadian 😆
Mere: "right on the top of my head"
Matt: "I did not think it would eject that hard"
Jimmy Phan you have a photo taken with him? I wish I can have 1 too. Lucky you.
I know right: :)
@@axelshmontes14 maximum penatration
Andre McGoo Dont be a debbie downer.
Aaaand it’s over for Canadian gun owners
Connor Reynolds yea we know
We're fighting it...Trudope using covid emergency power to pass it without a vote...rocket launchers were banned too
J S there was a BB gun included in the ban list too. It’s a shame no Canadians will take the time to look at how ridiculous the ban list is
"Weak men create hard times"
Catcher of thicc minnows lmao he banned that coffee! I love that coffee
Our gun laws are a little ridiculous. The AR15 rifles are restricted just because of how they look. We can run Robinson XCR's Tavor's Type 95's Sig's etc etc. But AR's are restricted. The AK is the same way. We can have VS58's but no AK's. SKS's but no AK's. Almost all of the AK series is prohibited. Prohibited means banned. Grandfather licenses don't really exist anymore. There isn't much logic to it beyond anti-gun crazies restricting guns because they look mean. No automatic weapons, and 5 round mags. Anything under a 18" barrel length ends up in the restricted pile, anything over ends up in the non-restricted pile. All pistols are restricted aside from a few black powder options. Hope that helps.
Top Cheese if you're banning an item on how it looks versus how it operates your entering a world of government seriously over stepping its bounds. It's the same as banning Ferraris over lambos, wonderbread over dempsters green garbage bins over blue ones. I hope you get my point.
+Top Cheese
Why do you need a Hummer over a Prius? Government is made up of people. Do you want those people (who don't know you, or even really care about you) telling you/dictating to you what you can and cannot own, or buy with your own money (not talking obviously illegal things here of course).
Shawn Dejong come to Australia where you cant get automatic rifles
Jhye Sheppard we can't own autos anymore either.
DaShnipa it's annoying we can have pistols auto only bolt action or leaver action really
Glad to hear you came up north to Canada been watching your channel for a long time
Canada: *Tries to restrict military grade guns*
Also Canada: *Restricts the civilian grade AR-15 but leaves 2 military grades unrestricted*
Good job Canada.
yea. our gun laws make no sense at all. they were designed by complete idiots who knew nothing in general let alone anything about guns.
I love Canada, but my God she ain't perfect. The fact that punching someone in the face (self defense or not) can result in your imprisonment for 5 years is just embarrassing...
Blame canada
Newmaidumosa Thank you, it's nice to here someone from a different country not call us stupid for once :)
Maybe we banned the AR-15 because the media was constantly running promotions to sick people about how to light up your school with an ar-15 for international attention, and fear mongering the public for ratings. It's politics and making the restriction of the ar-15 well known on our news networks, while american news promoted it, may have very well made a lot of sick people here with an idea, think that they couldn't be like the one's in the U.S. It's a win win move with gun owners still being able to equip themselves but giving off the impression we don't allow weapons that kill people. Like they say in the video it's a complicated process we have and its for a reason. You have to know your stuff and truly be an enthusiast for the right reasons in order to own (or at least greatly reduces putting guns in the wrong hands). Which also translates into reduced number of black market sellers. IMO its not worth that, just so responsible owners can have a fraction more fun..
"I didn't know it was gonna eject that hard" - Matt
Theblastingbrit I did not know
Theblastingbrit 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
That humor 😂
Theblastingbrit omg 😂
Theblastingbrit I was like nooooo matt nooo
Dam Canadians are tuff.... That old man shot that magnum one handed like he was shooting a .380 lol
That wasn’t a magnum...🤦🏻♂️ it was clearly a sawed off 12 gauge
You are... painfully stupid.
Magnum slug?
Go play Shinny with Canadians, they get beat up, and knocked around, but everyone goes and helps them up then everyone goes back to playing, injuries never stop Canadians
Royal Eclipes it was a magnum slug dumbass
“Do I look like a man now?” “I don’t think that’s gonna happen” 😂😂
If someone breaks into my igloo your going to see the hardest snowballs ever and a very aggressive face wash !
Oh you put ice into it, the unofficial law, I need to file a formal complaint.
Watch the machine gun version of a snowball's, from Mark's channel. :)
No that’s so wrong! You’d greet them with a nice bowl of poutine and Tim Horton’s hot chocolate.
My pet polar bear protects me at all times
@@Sgt_Long_Dong gross Tim Horton's coffee and hot chocolate sucks
I have to hand it to Pete. He’s not crazy familiar with firearms, but his muzzle discipline and trigger discipline is amazing.
his grip discipline is terrible as well as his magazine discipline
The one good thing about Canadian gun laws is that being federally regulated they are consistent across the country. Which in a way, makes them less complicated than the US where the regulation depends on which state you live in.
We can also buy guns from anywhere in the country and have them shipped to our homes. No need to go through a dealer like in the US.
We have both federal and state gun laws. Glad most of the laws are state, last thing we need are California's gun laws becoming federal. Which it is headed that way by the day.
@Jimmie Toyne American gun law is based on self defense. I like the fact we can shoot someone if they threaten our life. Granted most of our gun laws are based on hunting Indians lol
No thanks. States rights ftw. Federalism. I'm not interested in being under a giant centralized government. Anything not expressly granted to the Feds in the constitution should be left to the states.
@@willlienellson7451 we're being invaded by people who only understand federal power.
Fun fact: Canada banned the Franchi SPAS 12 shotgun in 1992 because.. wait for it...... It looked too intimidating!!!! Law enforcement went to registered owners of the SPAS 12 and confiscated them one by one.
I'd be telling them to suck my dick or pay me for the gun there taking lol
They all gangsta till someone pulls the pin out.
So you can have an AR, but name it differently. Makes sense...
Canadian Gov. Agent: Hey, is that an AR-15?
Me: uhh, nope, it's an R-A51
NoT An aR
No, if it has an AR lower, then it is considered like an AR-15. What new companies are doing, are adopting different lowers with AR uppers and such. Works great
Yep, some really dumb inconsistencies in Canadian gun law.
That because Canadian guns laws are made by idiots who don't understand guns.
Matt, you should get one of those AR styled 12 gauges like the Daya, it looked sweet
Alex Green utas xtr 12 is bad ass
not legal for import i think because they aren’t 922R kosher
Yup, definitely
Andy47357 922r is so fucking stupid, completely redundant and completely unenforceable. Liberal stupidity never ceases to amaze.
Alex Green Just don’t tell Mare
Matt said put your elbow down and big dude took a step back.. 💪 🤦♂️ 😂
New Series Idea.
The Demo's Range Travels. He goes abroad to learn foreign gun laws and test out their gun ranges.
Next up: Visiting and taking part in an Isis Training camp just to learn about gun laws in isistan
A lot of countries require you to be a part of a gun club or a hunter to shoot though. Like my country the UK you can only really go shooting if you have a license or know a guy with one in which case it's easy, otherwise you need a club membership
CardinalGamer he would only be able to shoot in like 5 other countries
The UK episode of that series would be pretty boring X'D
Sean Todd the UK is just boring
This video along with Canadian freedoms hasn't aged well.
Imagine thinking banning scary guns means you no longer have freedom.
ALL IN It does because Trudeau decides what a "scary gun" is.
ALL IN imagine thinking a gun is more lethal because it looks scary
@@Ivan-sm4dq I don't think that. I just think people are overreacting when they say that Canadians have no freedom because of it. Honestly they can still own guns that are just as lethal as before. It's not a very good policy but I still think most of Trudeau's platform is better than the opposition.
@@allin4508 Trudeau, with the stroke of a pen has killed a significant part of an industry, criminalized a significant part of the shooting sports, and made tens of thousands law-abiding gun owners into criminals over night. Imagine banning golf or baseball because a maniac went on a rampage and kill a bunch of people with a baseball bat or a golf club. This is quite impactful to the idea of freedom wouldn't you think?
Next do British gun control
Oh wait
Ben Smith you can own certain firearms in uk with a license
Including the ar 15
@@cw1774 you must be talking about an airsoft AR-15 with a ukara license right? 🤣🤣🤣
jester 80s nope you can own a real ar15 with a firearm license but it is restricted to semi automatic and .223 rounds do some actual thorough research on uk gun laws before commenting you can own rifles bolt action and semi automatic and long barrelled revolvers with a fireman license shotguns require a separate shotgun license. Normal handguns like 9mm are banned everywhere in uk except Northern Ireland and concealed carry is also illegal everywhere except Northern Ireland. Don’t just assume uk is a gun free zone there are plenty of guns here.
jester 80s please swim to the titanic.
Pete's elbow bothers tf out of me 🤣🤣 always has.. People that shoot like that are all the same lmao
this video didn't age well
Now Trudeau's wife's son will not have to grow up fearing these weapons of dreadly assault
spiders conquest they banned a lot of guns in Canada
True but the 5.56 in a Glock video did
@@CruelestChris his wife's son 😂😂😂😂😂
It sure did not.
Who’s here after the ban
Stevethekid 119 me I am
You mean the bullshit? I am
The bullshit yes
Mr. Cynxk Justin Trudeau banned over 1500 guns including the ar15
So...a lot of guns get lost in boating accidents.
Or eaten by polar bears.
"Hey there bud, where's the firearm yer not allowed to sell, eh?"
"Oh hey there, Officer. It's the darndest thing, I was out there on Lake Nipigon around the exact center of the lake, ya know where it's deepest? And I got a leak in my boat there, and I was doin my darndest to patch up the leak while my whole boat was sinking....and a bear ate my guns. Only the grandfathered ones. Darndest thing."
thebenforever literally what I’m gonna tell them if Trudeau gets his way
@@sebastienvillenueve1102 i am honored to have contributed to your efforts.
Viva la resistance!
One a time a polar bear broke into my house and stole all my military style assault weapons. The crazy part was that it actually knew what that meant.
@@frankmurphy5 🤣
As someone -just- getting into firearms into his 30's (shh) - This was actually a really good, informative watch. Really awesome to see firearm fans with a level head.
In my firearms safety course (Canada)
Instructor: "The only times you can shoot are when your not moving and on solid ground."
My Dad: "Aw really? I thought it was hanging out the side of my dad's truck going 30 through a field."
To be fair, Matt would do this.
The flare gun is a Canadian RPG
Lol, proberly
Johnathan delgado nah fam. Moose’s are our Anti tank missiles. But beavers are our RPGs
Well, ironically enough, Actual RPGs are non-restricted. Rocket Launchers are considered a single shot rifle.
@@walt9327 jesus
Nah it aint
This aged poorly
This is awesome! Silver dale is actually 5 minutes away from my house in Smithville Ontario
Hey Matt, glad you came up for a visit, on a side note check out firearmsrights.ca an amazing website which has every thing you wanted to know about Canadian gun laws (and were afraid to ask) also doing tons for the Canadian gun community to support firearm owners in Canada.
Another excellent resource is gundebate.ca/
Hammer, also a good one, looks like an off-shoot of firearms rights.ca it's got all of Rod's videos...but hey it's all good! The more positive, factual information we get out there the better
@The hamer 69 and @Crazy Canuck
I hope you guys know they're the same organization. The organization is called the CCFR (Canadian Coalition [for] Firearm Rights.) that runs and owns gundebate.ca and firearmrights.ca
Time to come back to Canada and get this updated :P
What do you mean, I am Canadian and know quite a bit about guns, but I have no idea what you are talking about
When you think that canadian gun laws are tricky, come to germany :D
I get all my information from Joergsprave. :D
@@joshuaspector8182 the slingshot channel and Demoranch should colab one day.
Canadian gun laws aren't tricky at all, people just make a big deal out of them because why not. Most Canadians just look at it that if you aren't smart enough to understand the law you aren't smart enough to pull the trigger responsibly.
I want to get a gun but aren’t there weird rules about keeping a handgun in your house
@@theslavicslav1417 No, handguns have to have your slide lock or trigger guard and ammo is stored away from the firearm, same as any other firearm in Canada.
"I thought it was gonna be a hunting rifle."
Well, now it is like that...
They purposely confused these guys in regards to Canadian gun laws. Instead of explaining what is permitted in Canada, they focused on restricted and prohibited weapons. Really, it's not confusing. You earn a license by taking a course which gives you a firearm license. You can choose to take the regular course or go for the restricted course which grants you access to more firearms but also costs more.
With a license, you can go to a store and buy a gun that falls within the classification of license that you have, and go home with that firearm. Regular classified firearms can be used on your property or out hunting. If you want to shoot a restricted firearm, you need to be at a sanctioned range.
All handguns are restricted weapons. Some other weapons fall within this category as well. If you "accidentally" break the law, you probably didn't pass the license to begin with.
Thanos88888888 the fact that you had to separate that into paragraphs is the problem...
Yo Yo physics major my guy.. I do too much damn reading... point is, when it comes to gun laws.. it should not take you a thesis’ worth of a response to explain it... That’s the problem... So much regulation that the synopsis if long?? That’s criminal.. it’s treason... it’s wrong...
@@CT-Woods how is a simple paragraph considered "thesis level"?
Here, I'll explain it much simpler for you in a single sentence.
In Canada, you are permitted to do what you are licensed for.
There you go. Easier to understand with your "physics education"?
Thanos88888888 again.. it is not a matter of reading comprehension... it’s the fact that you have to convey purposely frustrating gun laws with a frustrating amount of words... The fact that the matter isn’t simply “Own what guns you want because you ought to as a free man” is the problem..... Canada is a socialist shit hole and this is one of the many reasons why.... Do... You... Understand....
@@CT-Woods you ain't wrong. And it's getting worse...
Lol Peter... In his camo shorts with cowboy boots... SMH
S.Roberts How did you noticed it haha
He looked like he was from Florida, not Canada with that outfit lmao
That0neHippie I know, I live in Florida and have worn that outfit unironically...
S.Roberts smh😂😂
Lol at the end I thought he might hit all the targets he did better than I think he expected to do
I know this is an old video, but Mere is probably listening to this going "hmm, if we emigrated to Canada he couldn't buy any more super-expensive weapons and we'd be *set*."
Well the GM6 Lynx in Non-Restricted but carry's a hefty price tag! www.tacticalimports.ca/gm6-lynx-p-3.html
@@shakercrouch as i read this comment i was about to comment this.
He'd also be living in a country with virtually no mass shootings.
@@burny6666 Wrong,we had one in Toronto last summer.He just happened to be muslim,just a coincidence I guess.
@@Vikseproducts Well, there was also that Trumptard who killed a bunch of muslims in Quebec a few years ago. But yeah, You get the point that it doesn't happen often in Canada. (Or any other developed country with proper firearm laws, unlike the USA).
Thankyou for putting this video out! Especially now, during this time in the world!
And I was complaining about pheasant hunting being restricted to 3 shotgun shells in the gun at a time even if the gun can hold more than 3 😂.
same as Canada.
3 shells while hunting with shotgun.
5 rnds for semi auto rifle
and i can have 12 rnds in Lee Enfield...but most new bolt guns only hold 3-4 in the mag.
and some lever guns can hold up to 10 rnds in a tubular mag.
Yeah that's so stupid... Like a 5 round magazine or a 30 round magazine will determine whether someone can kill 3-10 people. Cause you know, who RELOADS amarite? Reloading is for casuals, criminals are so stupid they won't think about using another magazine!
EDIT: Also, the rivets can easily be taken out by anyone who isn't a klutz... The magazines are fully functional, they just have a basic rivet in them to prevent the round follower going any lower than 5 rounds
its to slow them down, even if they do reload its alot slower doing 5 round compared to doing 30 and reloading to another 30
In Norway we can only hunt with 2 shells
Some old .22 rifles held like 15+ LR rounds in them, don’t get caught without the plug tho
As a Canadian Firearm Enthusiast, I agree the majority of our laws are actually detrimental.
Look, its Demolition Dan and Pistol Pete.
Munitions Mat?
Demonitization Derrick?
Or Doctor Demolition
Can't wait for the virus to end so you can do get together with furious Pete and Mel again! Great video! I'm also from Ontario!
Most passive agressive burn..
Pete: "Now I look like a man? Sweet!"
Canadian in the background: "I don't think that's going to happen..."...
Me: Dead ;D
Everyone says Canadians are so polite, lmao we love sarcasm and sick burns :D
Porkleaker they’re just underhanded and indirect
@@Tbrous4 better than being cheeky and oblivious.
"Why had nobody told me about this!?"
*Proceeds to cause the most British amount of carnage possible*
Me: Good lord he kicked over a bin!
Matt come to Britain 🇬🇧 try the guns we hav all 2 of them😂😂
True Brexitier n e r f
Uk gun laws
Fully automatic or burst-fire - this may include some airguns
Semi-automatic or pump-action rifles which fire centre-fire ammunition
Cartridge ammunition handguns, regardless of calibre
Firearms disguised as another item (such as a mobile phone or a walking stick)
Rockets and mortars
Any firearm which is designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid gas of other substance. This normally refers to stun guns, electric shock device, tear gas, pepper spray, all of which are classified Section 5 Firearms
Air guns chambered for self-contained gas cartridges. If an existing owner has had one prior to 20th of January 2004, they are allowed to maintain ownership subject to obtaining a firearm certificate
Firearms which have previously fallen into a prohibited category, have been converted to an otherwise permitted form. This could be, for example, a pistol which is adapted by permanently fitting in a 60-centimetre-long smooth-bore barrel to it does not just become permitted
The reason we have our gun laws is because we had a school shooting and decided we want our kids alive
@@zakiry8634 No the reason you have your gun laws is that your leaders in 97' are/were Hoplophobia mornons not willing to apply that knee jerk mention to anything else, but guns. So glad I live in Canada, only one of the few countries that allow semi's.
Love the look on his face when that shotti shell flew out and hit mere.
Pete reminds me of EVERYONE on The Walking Dead trying to kill Negan....... 4000 rounds later (apparently there is no shortage of ammo in the post apocalypse), nobody get’s hit..... Loved watching his elbow go flying up when sighting down. I’m eating a Whataburger BTW.....Merica!
Big Truck Big RV also hate that none of them seem to be able snipe just spray n pray
Fancy seeing you here... you gonna do some gun videos to go with the f450? Maybe buy a new rifle every month?
FishFind3000: Hey Bud.. Just like all REAL Americans, I watch Demo Ranch! Isn’t a minimum 3 hours of Demo Ranch mandatory to become a US Citizen? I’m working with Matt to do something next year....with guns....and some other folks. It’ll be fun
anghellic: Yeah, 1 Shot 1 Kill clearly isn’t something that made to the Post-A (unlike the crates of Ammo they have access to). Never see them carrying extra mags either.
If you're watching TWD for realism .. you're doing it wrong.
I love how in my country (Britain) a lot of sas are sent to legally neutralise threats while back home they allow people to have guns but when a threat enters their house without permission they aren’t legally allowed to discharge a weapon 😂
Canadian here and I think its the dumbest shit in the world. Motherfucker can come in my house with an intent to kill, but if I shoot him in self defense I'm in the wrong. The legally best option here is to let assholes break in and kill my family so I don't get charged.
@@alexthibodeau979 that’s so fucked up man. It’s like the laws are meant to protect criminals and not law abiding citizens
Nobody likes your country lol
@@alexthibodeau979 Canadian here, comfortable with taking whatever charges comes from defending myself and family.
@@coltonyeoman-reed5564 I agree. My family and loved ones come before any ridiculous laws
Ar15 restricted..... tar21 fine???
Yep. The story goes that the politicians just thumbed through an old issue of Soldier of Fortune magazine to decide which guns to restrict or prohibit by name. Case in point, the H&K G11 is prohibited by name... because there's loads of those around.
Thats sadly funny haha
welcome to canada
politicians always sucks
Ryley Hayes Wait, the *G11?* ,you mean the one *that doesn't even have any real service models?*
American: Damn that hurts I’ll never try with one hand.
Canadian: making maple syrup while shooting sawed off shotgun with feet.
Funny thing is, the laws about magazine capacity are even more random. As said in the video, centre fire rifles can have 5 rounds max. Meanwhile, handguns can have up to 10 rounds. However, these laws apply to what the intended use of the magazine is. Meaning, if it is specifically designed for a handgun but is compatible with a rifle, it can hold more than the 5 round limit and is considered legal. This also applies if the magazine can hold more of a smaller calibre cartridge then intended, as the 'maximum allowed cartridges' is based on the intended calibre for use. So if you can stuff more of a smaller calibre round in your magazine, and it works, it's legal. Also, you can have an unlimited rimfire magazine capacity as long as it can only be used for a rimfire rifle and not a handgun. So if you really wanted you could own a .22 rifle with a huge drum magazine and shoot it off on your own property. Just goes to show the inconsistencise of gun laws here.
Regarding the 10/22 mags having no restrictions, I'm pretty sure that was changed (rather, redefined by the RCMP) just recently. From what I know, all 10/22 mags over 10rnds (without being pinned to 10rnd) are now considered prohibited. It was done pretty quietly in July 2016 if I remember correctly, basically overnight.
B Thiel but only for the ruger 10/22. It's not applicable on other .22 rifles
I wish it were that easy. It's not so much about the gun as it's about the magazine and the type of firearm(s) it was made to be used in. The 10-22 is just one of the most popular which is probably why the RCMP specifically mentioned it.
The way they defined it is a huge gray area, they reference the paragraph _"The Regulations prohibit a cartridge magazine that is capable of containing more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in a semi-automatic handgun that is commonly available in Canada."_ Meaning, any .22 mag you can use for anything classified as a pistol (in Canada) and holds more than 10 rounds is technically prohibited. Like, 25rnd mags for the SW 15-22 as an example.
It might not be the way it's directly written, but I can almost guarantee the way it's written won't stop a cop from taking your 50rnd drum mag and charging you with "possession of a prohibited device" because they're having a bad day. Yeah, you might be able to beat this on a technicality, but is that a chance you're willing to take? Personally, if I had mags or a drums like that, I wouldn't make a habit of telling people about it.
To add to Doug's OP...and the confusion on the 10/22 mags....
The 10/22 mags are Prohib now specifically because they also fit the Charger.
In their utter ignorance, the RCMP's crack firearms lab determined that meant they were 'designed to fit' the Charger and therefore were a handgun mag in excess of ten rounds.
Ruger ships the Charger with a bipod, meaning it is absolutely NOT designed to be held and operated with one hand per the CCC definition of 'handgun'.
It's really a pistol-grip 10/22 rifle with a 10" barrel, so it's still Restricted as a short barreled rifle (barrel
We need to just scrap the entire system and build it up from the start so it actually makes sense
Canadian Gun Laws:
Actual military (surplus) weapons: unrestricted
Stuff that looks like modern military weapons: restricted and/or prohibited
thats about the size of it.
Your fart stinks
That little shotgun is more dangerous than any of the guns on the table.
So much substance in your comment. I love it when all you losers have is personal attacks and nothing else.
How any of those personal attacks?
You guys think you have it bad in Canada, we can't even have fucking airsoft in Australia.
TheKawasakidude you guys need to get off your asses and take your country back. The tankers I met in the desert, I can’t imagine those guys letting the government push them around.
TheKawasakidude rip
TheKawasakidude you should start hanging people that work for your government
Join the club! :(
Huh? Wait...Australia and the UK don't allow airsoft? Surely you're...kidding...right? O.o
DemolitionRanch, home of the best intros on the internet.
One nice thing about having a restricted license in Canada is there is no waiting period, you can go to any gunstore and walk out with a restricted gun... and to be honest, everyone knows ina SHTF / WROL scenario the pins on those magazines come out pretty easy.
luvmyctd liberals are not comin for your guns, im liberal and own many guns. One for every occasion. Our laws are not satisfactory. Il give you two examples of laws not being effective.
1,ghost guns. Altho legal anyone can get access to one even if restricted by law. (I built one)im not a criminal but it wouldnt have mattered, no background check at all.
2."repair magazines" large round capacity mags are simply sold as "parts" and legal to possess when apart(or pinned) but easily can be put together in less than a minute. For a shtf scenario.
In my opinion its a weapons capability of mass casualties thats the issue.
You are mistaken or misinformed. There is a waiting period, you have to do a transfer of ownership. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on how busy the CFO is.
You're absolutist arguments is worthless. Mass shootings in the US and mass vehicular murder sprees are separate events. Guns are a luxury, vehicular transportation is not. We can limit usage of guns, because almost nobody in Canada needs to use a semi-automatic firearm with a large capacity magazine for their living. We can't prevent people from owning and driving cars because transportation is a necessity, not a luxury.
If we have X number of spree killings involving guns and cars, and 50% are caused by guns, and 50% are caused by cars, what do you think is the most logical option? We restrict firearms to the point where law abiding citisens can use them for fair sporting or hunting purposes. Let's estimate that that law change results in half of those mass shootings not happening. That's a 25% decrease in the total number of spree killings. We've reduced the number of people who have died, put in place restrictions that barely affect a small percentage of the population, in a way that they really have no reason to be upset about. Seriously, if you're that upset about having to reload every 5 rounds you're a lazy motherfucker.
The best part is, we aren't even taking guns away from people as a whole. We are carefully issuing licenses to those who are committed to safe gun ownership and usage by taking gun safety and handling courses, banning criminals from gun ownership, and requiring those with licenses to pass standard mental health checks. The number one reason we don't have crazy people shooting up schools in Canada, is that mentally deranged individuals have nearly zero access to firearms. They can't get a license, so they can't legally own a firearm. The chances of someone they know having a license, while at the same time be willing to give their firearms and large supplies of ammunition to someone without a license, which they know is illegal, is very low.
But that's just it, it's only a low chance, not a zero chance. Your entire perspective on this issue balances on a massive nirvana fallacy, that there is no good option for gun control if it isn't some magical perfect solution that prevents 100% of gun crimes, and still allows you to be a cheap, lazy, piece of shit that keeps loaded firearms and ammunition just laying around your house and car, because fuck safety, that would require thinking and effort. Then you take your guns to some random berm behind your shed, shove a drum mag into your custom AR, chug a beer, and unload wildly into the dirt. There's a reason you have to go to a gun range in Canada, so you don't do whatever you want unsupervised, and accidentally kill someone a kilometre away with your stupidity.
the vegas shooting would not have happened and people would not have died if there werent guns, look at the ariana grande concert, fucking morons.
Julio Enrique Santana Meléndez the only fucking moron here is you. Do you think people that want to do bad shit care about gun laws? Hint they dont. Ban all guns and shitty people will still get them and do shitty things to people that cant get them. Fucktard.
8:05 Guy in the orange hat just spacing out 😂😂
Why isn't there a shirt that is literally covered in shotgun shells? Maybe even a button up?
buttons made from the brass ends on the shells would be cool
This exact vidéo made me buy the derya Mk12 and I absolutly love it!
I remember the old title, Matt. I'm not offended, but I remember.
Senvr11 what was the old one
Canadian gun laws... ARE TERRIBLE
Yeah i saw the old title to
I'm Canadian and I agree with the old title, in relation to the arbitrary restriction of certain weapons, and magazine capacity.
love ur content matt. and the new merch is on point.
thank you
You found Frank Castle he's living in Canada disguised as a fat guy Punisher. I did not know he retired
Yes, he saw all the 'crazy combinations' of weapons we can actually have up here, so he retired up here. He does selfies with us Canucks when we ask, on the street. He's a nice guy really - just don't ask about his past...
he also let himself go...
Never underestimate old fat guys with weapon skills. LOL
Intros always on point 🤣
Girl: “it’s just like taxes”
Matt: “taxes?”
Went to the wrong province. Swing by Alberta, we're the Texas of Canada. Didn't know we couldn't shoot in our fields, I sure as hell have, neighbors do too.
Our gun laws are federal not provincial so it doesn't matter where they were, laws are the same.
Provinces don't make their own laws pertaining to firearms. Firearms are regulated under criminal law which is 100% federal. Provinces have different legislation in regards to hunting such as minimum caliber requirements. So, firearm laws are federal.
yes you are correct, firearms laws in Canada are regulated by the federal government, but, Provinces are free to ADD laws pertaining to firearms, not change them, big difference. like in the case of Quebec making their own long gun registry that Nolan pointed out. But yes, the federal government creates and regulates the majority of laws pertaining to firearms in Canada
Give me a difference between provinces besides municipal discharge legislation and hunting regulation. Quebec is its own messed up "province" and I personally don't include them in anything to do with Canada.
GrwizzweeBear I don't need to. Just because there are no other weird laws does not mean they could not one day be implemented. It's just that Quebec is the only province retarded enough to make its own law like the long gun registration
Canadian gun laws are easy to understand when you remember that our laws were written by people who are afraid of guns without knowing anything about them.
Respectfully: no, it's not 'better'. Not at all.
There is a fundamental difference that is at the very heart of the debate.
Our Firearms Act, conceived and exercised in ignorance and fear of firearms, seeks to disallow some guns and control the use of others in the name of public safety. That's fine...IF...you can back up the public safety argument, which neither the CFC nor the Firearms Advisory Committee are able to do. Our gun laws are hamstrung right out of the gate and gun owners have neither equal nor appropriate representation.
OTOH, I agree that the Second Amendment of the US Constitution needs retooling to deal with its anachronisms, but that's essentially an administrative process if public will is onboard. A law that can't evolve with social norms is inherently flawed - Article 5 allows for the US Constitution to do so as well. The 28th Amendment can repeal the Second just like the 21st repealed the 18th.
For gun owners, it's a matter of civil procedure, democracy and denial of liberty.
For gun grabbers, it's about removing something that they fear as a threat but, like the arguments used to support it, that fear is borne of ignorance and doesn't withstand critical analysis.
seems they're written by dippy soccer moms, like Trudeau
Neuro Mancer
Google Wendy Cukier - your description is far too kind. Shrieking banshee is closer to the mark.
So basically a huge California when it comes to gun laws
Now now, no need to be nasty :^)
Cali's a little too liberal for most of us here too, I think.
Thanks for the information learned a bit !!! 👍😁👍
Not no mo lol, those laws are about to get a whole lot worse
RIP Canadian Gun Culture.
yup its sad, but at least they did not make more guns restricted
This video is ironic
Thanks for reminding me of our gun laws.
eyy everybody there is a canadian over here lets gawk at its awesomeness, WOW what a majestic creature.
This was really informative! How about a video on how you fly with a gun and accessories?
Scott W those aren't his Guns
He didn't take any to Canada
Military arms has a video on that
You can’t unless you ex military or have a special Liesens
Ethan the sneakerhead.. No, within the United States IF an American can legally own a firearm, that person can also fly with it in their checked luggage within a locked case.
There are some other provisions, but what you claimed is wrong that you have to be "ex military" or have "a special license".
Furious Pete just chillin in the background 😂
That's actually...really sad....
Make the eagle ar into some stickers for a rear glass on vehicles
Some very strange gun laws. Kind of arbitrary IMO. Seems like the decisions were made based on what's trendy to be scared of. I mean, the AR-15 platform is decades old, and mass shootings and the like weren't common until fairly recently. Seems like a societal problem to me.
Eexactly like banning pitbull
14:59 "its for 2 people like one really professional shooter and then pete."
Im dead why you all dissin pete?! 🤣🤣🤣
Seeing that magazine pin was like seeing an eagle with it's wings clipped. :(
Stops alot of random shootings tho.
How do you know? If there were next to no random shootings before the mag restrictions, and there are next to no random shooting now.....where's the evidence?
In case you we're wondering what Maxime Cloutier typed. It was "Gaaaaaaaaaay" in hiragana (Japanese)
Raymond Michael Canada's first school shooting happened years before americas first school shooting...
The best thing about Canadian gun laws is there is no tax stamp for SBRs or SBSs many which are non-restricted.
There are no laws on how many you can have
Many people in Canada and from the United States hunt in Canada so the idea that you cannot shoot outside of a range is absurd.
8mm bolt is one of my favorite iron sights gun to shoot , sooooo accurate
Who’s proud to be an American ? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
We have strong beer & we've been known to riot if our hockey team loses, so we thought it might be best to restrict some of our gun laws. It's a compromise eh.
I remember when the Canucks lost in the Stanley Cup finals back in 2011 and all of Vancouver rioted, burning cop cars, smashing windows it was crazy
I choked on popcorn reading this. So Canadian I love it
Damn didn't think the fans were really that serious
Shit I may be mistaken but didn't they riot in Ottawa after the Sens WON a playoff series a few years back?
""Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Dear TH-cam. Please help me understand why you do the things you do. DemolitionRanch or VetRanch have been nothing but good quality videos. I been watching these channels for years, and I cannot hold back on the fact that you gave this channel a warning. Matt has been producing nothing but good quality videos which the contents are supported by our amendments. I have seen no violence, no extreme haterism towards any culture or person. Matt has constantly portrayed patriotic things for our country. Not to mention that he has a kind heart to care for animals and help them get better. We must evaluate Matt's contribution towards TH-cam as a whole meaning vetranch, demolitionranch, and offtheranch. With that being said, I don't agree with you, TH-cam, constantly threatening to take down videos and giving warnings. Watching these videos, I have never felt more American, willing to help animals, and be a better person. So please stop trying to act like a bad cop and let what is GOLD be GOLD. There are many other channels that do stupid pranks on elderly and people in general which teach us nothing and do more harm to viewers than good. You should go attach them instead. Sincerely, your viewers
did you mean to email this to TH-cam's head office? No way they will see it here.
Canada: "We ban guns, lock you up for opening your church and fine you for making a joke."