Do a gearbox service, it’s cheap and easy to do! You might find it stops the judder! I have bought 2 L322 very cheaply with failed gearboxes! But I knew when I bought them it was just the torque converters gone! I fitted them myself and fixed the cars for £280. You really need to change the fuel pump only a 20 minute job.
@@Craig-c5e thank you. I had considered doing a fluid and filter change and will. Was going to add some Judder Fix but I have got a new torque converter so will change it 👍
Brilliant video Very informative, so much better without the background music, will be watching more of your works.
@@derekhunt6943 thank you! It’s a steep learning curve this video making. 🤣👍
Do a gearbox service, it’s cheap and easy to do! You might find it stops the judder!
I have bought 2 L322 very cheaply with failed gearboxes! But I knew when I bought them it was just the torque converters gone! I fitted them myself and fixed the cars for £280. You really need to change the fuel pump only a 20 minute job.
@@Craig-c5e thank you. I had considered doing a fluid and filter change and will. Was going to add some Judder Fix but I have got a new torque converter so will change it 👍