OMG. My thoughts were random in bits and pieces. I can clearly see how neatly you stitched your experiences and purpose. Your essays walked me through my past and opened up the forgotten experiences
Hi Lukas! I love the content! I am thinking about applying for class 2025, and you really inspired me on how stories should be told. I am now also thinking harder about my own long term goals.
Hello Lukas and thank you for this very insightful video! I happen to be applying for a master's degree, and this video helped me in my personal statements. Good luck at Stanford and in life! Much love from Lebanon!
Thanks for the feedback! I hope more people feel comfortable sharing their essays, because I believe it provides some real guidance as to how clear, deep and authentic these essays can go to create a vivid image of a person.
Hey Sarvarbek, I can happily go through my extracurriculars in a video. Most of it was focused on social entrepreneurship at "Enactus" (the world´s biggest student organization). What are your questions about letters of motivation? Is it specifically the MIT essay (which to my knowledge is the only one in the motivation letter format)? Or do you think about motivation letters more generally i.e., also for applications for jobs?
Im very curious, why you chose Standford over the other schools like HBS, Wharton or Insead? Love your videos!! Thank you for the immense amount of value you share, looking forward to videos where you share your experience at Standford!
Hey Rohan, thanks for the compliments! Happy to hear that you found my videos valuable. I chose Stanford mainly because of it's entrepreneurial culture. The curriculum is much more flexible than that at HBS, which allowed me to take Computer Science classes, find my technical co-founder and start working on a tech startup. Stanford is also the most selective of the schools (740 GMAT avg.; 3.8 GPA avg; lowest acceptance rate) with the lowest ratio of classmates coming from traditional paths (consulting; IB; ...). I really like the work the adcom does to pick an extraordinary class. INSEAD would have just been too short of a program for me. Maybe I'll make a video about how I though about this decision some day. KR Lukas
Wow! Your videos are inspirational. I am an MBA applicant at Round 2 for class of 2024. Your videos were one of few reasons I summoned my courage and decided to apply to top schools like HBS and GBS. Would love to connect with you in future
Now I truly understand what creating your brand means! Thank you so much... Great video 💯👍🏻. What are your numbers? Gmat, Gpa, years of work experience?
Thanks, Haziq! This is what I wanted to achieve by putting the essay out there. Concerning numbers: - I scored a 740 in my GMAT (slightly above avg. in Stanford) - had a 3.3 GPA at a top German school (below Stanford average, but weighted differently as international/German schools tend to grade tougher) - ca 4 years of work experience (a bit of consulting, but mostly 3years in a mgmt. position as Chief of Staff of a mid size technology firm (lots of decision making, strategy, managing projects/initiatives, negotiating deals). After arriving on campus I realize, that what made me stand out was probably the high degree of responsibility I had early in my career and the success I had in standing up to this responsibility. KR Lukas
Hi Lukas! Thank you for this video and for all the useful information you share so generously! I was wondering, did Harvard, Stanford or Wharton offer you a scholarship?
@Lukas Haffer i cannot for the life of me write as beautifully. But I will keep at it using these tips and hope to get to the GSB next year too. Please keep the content coming
Hi Lukas! I feel motivated by seeing this video. MBA from Stanford is my dream. Can you please give guidance about Stanford MBA, I do lots of research on it but by guidance from Stanford MBA student helps me knowing how much I have to work on my profile.
Hey Lukas, ich liebe deine Videos! Du kommst echt aufrichtig rüber. Ich bin V und komme aus Bremen. Ich wollte dich fragen, warum du eigentlich statt HBS Stanford gewählt hast? P.S. Ich finde du hast es total verdient auf so viele Schulen zu kommen :)
Hey V, Vielen Dank für den lieben Kommentar! Habe gesehen, dass du auch Videos machst und fand den Bericht vom Leadership Seminar sehr cool. Hab selbst an vielen solchen Veranstaltungen in Deutschland teilgenommen und man lernt immer super viele, interessante Leute kennen. Ich habe mich für Stanford vor allem wegen des unternehmerischen Ökosystems entschieden. Durch die Nähe zum Silicon Valley, die legendären Startup-Incubator/classes (z.B. lean launchpad und startup garage) an der Stanford GSB, die viel häufiger unternehmerischen Classmates und den flexibleren akademischen Stundenplan ist der Stanford MBA wie gemacht für Startup founder. Ich hatte das Gefühl HBS hat zwar erstklassige Professoren, ist aber doch etwas traditioneller auf eine Manager Karriere (oder Beratung/High Finance) ausgerichtet. Im Admissions Prozess spricht man oft davon, dass Stanford nach einem x-faktor bei den Bewerbern sucht und ich finde das merkt man. Viele Klassenkameraden haben schon große Unternehmen aufgebaut oder sind auf andere Art und Weise echte Changemaker gewesen. Weniger Leute mit einer traditionellen, Schema F Karriere. Generell sieht man außerdem, dass dich Lücke zwischen Stanford und HBS in vielen Kriterien auch immer weiter aufgeht. Stanford ist mit Abstand das selektivste Programm (740 GMAT avg vs. 727 GMAT in Harvard, 3.8 GPA vs. 3.6?, höchstes exp. salary, …, poets&quants ranked GSB zum dritten Mal in Folge #1 vs HBS rank #5). Harvard als Mutteruniversität hat im Deutschsprachigen Raum zwar die stärkere Marke, für die business school, haben aber für mich die Vorteile der Stanford GSB überwogen. LG Lukas
@@LukasHaffer dankeschön, ich bin neu auf TH-cam. Jetzt verstehe ich warum du Stanford genommen hast. Ich glaube Stanford ist sehr innovativ, Harvard natürlich auch, aber mehr traditionell. Ich mache dieses Jahr mein Abitur und ich habe in jedem Fach 15 Punkte, mache auch außerschulisch sehr viele Aktivitäten. Ich habe heute meine Bewerbung für Stanford Undergraduates abgeschickt… das ist so beängstigend. Ich hoffe, dass sie mich annehmen, aber ich weiß, dass meine Chancen extrem niedrig sind. Ich weiß dass Stanford Business School super schwer ist reinzukommen, aber die acceptance rate for undergraduates ist 3% und weil ich international und Regular Decision gewählt habe, noch niedriger. Deswegen denke ich, dass meine Chancen extrem niedrig sind, aber ich habe mein Bestes gegeben! Deine Videos waren echt inspirierend, weil du der einziger TH-camr von Deutschland bist, der bei Stanford, HBS, etc. angenommen wurdest - das gibt mir bisschen Hoffnung, aber du bist echt krass! Weißt du eigentlich, wo die meisten Deutschen vorher in Deutschland zur Uni gegangen sind? Ich weiß noch nicht was mein Ersatzplan wäre, bzw. welche deutsche Uni mich am besten vorbereiten würde. Ich habe gehört dass Mannheim sehr gut sein soll, aber ich habe keine Erfahrung, welche Uni findest du am besten? Auf jeden fall finde ich deine Videos echt cool, bitte mach TH-cam weiter, du wirst safe erfolgreich! Ich mache für dich bei meinen Freunden Werbung :)) Beste Grüße, V
@@viviencheng_ Glückwunsch zur eingereichten Bewerbung! Es sagt schon viel über dich aus, dass du die Courage hast dich für den Bachelor in den USA zu bewerben. Ich war nach meinem Abi (ebenfalls perfekte Noten 😉) nicht so mutig. Die Deutschen an den US Top Business Schools kommen häufig von der WHU. Mannheim, München, Köln und Frankfurt sind auch gute Unis für BWL in Deutschland. Wenn du offen für ein Studium im Ausland bist, kann ich dir empfehlen auch einmal nach England zu schauen. Oxford hat einen super Bachelor in Econ, Philosophy und Business. Auch die HSG in der Schweiz ist eine super Option, die man hier häufiger antrifft. Bist du auf BWL festgelegt? Ich würde vermutlich nicht noch einmal BWL studieren, sondern mich im Bachelor auf Hard Skills fokussieren (Computer Science, Engineering, Bio/Chemistry) und dann falls nötig später einen MBA machen. Man bekommt später kaum wieder die Zeit um sich eine echte fachliche Basis anzueignen, die bis zur CEO Position super nützlich ist. In jedem Fall wünsche ich dir viel Erfolg bei deinen Bewerbungen. LG Lukas
@@LukasHaffer Hey Lukas, dankeschön! Ich bin sehr aufgeregt über die kommenden Interviews (nächste Woche schon) und Endentscheidungen - ich muss erstmal bis Ende März bzw. Anfang April warten. Ich finde die Idee mit Hard Skills sehr interessant! Ich habe das meinem Vater erzählt, er findet die Idee auch ganz gut. Ich war eigentlich immer auf BWL festgelegt, aber Computer Science fand ich schon immer super interessant. Ich kann Coding und habe an meiner Schule sogar einen Coding Club gegründet. Ich finde Oxford gut, aber halt nicht so gut wie die Ivys in Amerika. Falls das mit den US Unis nicht klappt, dann schaue ich mir auf jeden Fall WHU an. Vielleicht arbeite ich auch nach meinem Bachelor erstmal paar Jahren, ich habe gehört dass manche Firmen die MBA für mich bezahlen würden. Ich habe bisschen recherchiert und gesehen, dass die ganzen CEOs von Google, Microsoft, Tesla etc. ganz viele Master /Bachelor/Ph.D in verschiedene Bereiche haben (Engineering, Business, etc.). Danke für diesen Tipp! Es ist echt hilfreich. Ich fand auch deine „Insider“ -Tipps in deinen Videos sehr gut. Was willst du eigentlich später werden bzw. weißt du schon bei welchen Firmen du gerne arbeiten möchtest. Ich habe das Gefühl die ganzen MBA Leute gehen entweder Richtung Consulting, Banking oder Firma gründen. Vielleicht liege ich auch falsch. Wenn es zu privat ist, dann brauchst du es nicht beantworten, ich kann es total verstehen :) Ich bin dir sehr dankbar für deine Tipps. Beste Grüße, V
I am a science student from India ,and am attracted towards business studies,and so want to pursue masters in business administration abroad, but am unable to frame why exactly do I want to pursue an MBA. Could you please help me with any material or course that could help me know business more clearly and ,I could design my MBA application for abroad studies.
Hey Luckas Danke fuer das Video ! Ich wollte dich fragen- hast du diesen Aufsatz völlig selbst geschrieben…oder mit Hilfe des Beraters. Ist eine Dienstleistung von Eintrittsberator nötig? und ja ! Ist es möglich mit die eine persönliches Termin zu haben? Danke im Voraus ❤
I wanted to ask one more thing. I am currently studying to be an accountant, would you recommend that I join a big 4 firm such as PwC, KPMG, for 4-5 years. Or would you recommend changing to jobs and possibly going into other companies to have more decision making power, manage people and have more responsibilities to prove yourself in 4-5 years. The recognition of other firms wouldn't be as much as the Big 4 but it would place me in roles high up the hierarchy. What would you recommend?
Hi Lukas, just wondering if you used an admission service or applied on your own? A few people I spoke with (who were admitted) all used admission services, seems like those who didn't use a consulting service didn't get admitted.
Hi DH, thanks for the question. I didn’t use an admissions consultant as it not very common and almost seen as cheating in Germany. But I did use „applicantlab“ ( which I can recommend wholeheartedly!! It’s a website with informational videos on the admission process, guided reflection exercises to find your story and interview prep material. It‘s much cheaper than admissions consulting and for me it did the job in helping me navigate the process. It was created by an HBS alumn and a lot of my classmates at Stanford used it.
Hi Dukka, I led a social startup student organization with 75 members. With my team we built a few cool social startups - some of which are still around today e.g., KR Lukas
My story is similar to your story. But US schools give importance to GPA more than the stories. I can’t get admission because my GPA is low. I studied only the day before the exams. You guys won’t even pass the exams if you study like me. Thank you for this video and All the best for your future.
Hi Clay, I get your feeling. I also spent most of my undergraduate time engaging in startups. The GPA range at top schools shows that there are people getting admitted with lower GPAs (especially from international schools) when their GMAT scores are above the school's average (thus showing their academic aptitude). Not sure if this helps, but I believe there is always a way if you want it. KR Lukas
@@LukasHaffer Thanks for your reply. I have a GPA of 3.0 in Undergrad. I am doing Masters to cover it up. So if I score 3.7 in masters (post graduation non-MBA) and score around 750 in GMAT, will my chances be high to get a admission? will the masters GPA be useful to cover the Undergrad low GPA?
@@clay8573 Hey Clay, yes, the masters GPA will help a little - but more importantly scoring above the school average on the GMAT is the real deal. The adcom uses primarily your undergrad GPA and the GMAT to assess your academic aptitude (i.e., to make sure you will be able to handle the curriculum and not slow anyone else down too much). Also, please don't forget that academics are just one piece of the puzzle... a track record of impact in your work experience (ca. 3-4 years) will matter just as much, once you apply! KR Lukas
Hey Arka, I went to the University of Cologne for undergrad (public school in Germany, ranked #1-3 in Business/Economics) and had a GPA of 3.3, which is much lower than the average in Stanford. Concerning work experience: Right out of UG I worked in consulting for 10 months (loved the people, hated the lack of decision making power). Having had a lot of startup/non-profit leadership experience during UG, I was hired into a management position in a German mid-size technology firm at a very early age. When I applied to business school my position was Chief of Staff of a firm with ca. 250 employees reporting directly to the CEO.
Hey Nayna, there are programs for applying directly out of UG, but it is much more competitive than applying after 2-3 years of work experience and I suggest taking responsibility in the real world first, then deciding whether an MBA is the right next step. KR Lukas
I applied in round 2! R3 is tough for international applicants (almost impossible) and I wasn't organized enough to get my application ready in R1 (haha). KR Lukas
Dear. Thanks for your great advice. I have vv unique life experiences. Cannot afford a consultant. Can I contact directly with you? Merry Christmas. Take care
Hi Babar Munir, I hope my video on the application process has helped lead your towards free resources online / more affordable alternatives to the expensive admissions consultants. I personally also do not offer admissions consulting services. KR Lukas
Brother, tbh, your efforts are so touching that I feel like I know you for ages
Thank you, chandrahas! I appreciate the nice words and it makes me happy that my videos were meaningful to you ☺️
OMG. My thoughts were random in bits and pieces. I can clearly see how neatly you stitched your experiences and purpose. Your essays walked me through my past and opened up the forgotten experiences
Awesome! This is exactly what I wanted to achieve by giving this example. Good luck on your application 💪
Appreciate your candidness in sharing such a personal part of your application.
Have a great time at Stanford!
Thank you, Rinika.
I know it sounds silly but your essay made me cry and thank you so much for sharing your essay
This is by far the best video I have watched on SOPs. Thank you for sharing your essay and the invaluable tips.
Please keep those videos coming Lukas and best of luck at Stanford!
Thanks, Fredi. Any specific things you would be interested in?
Fantastic. It is not the tactfulness but it is coming out from your heart and brain. Very well explained...
Hi Lukas! I love the content! I am thinking about applying for class 2025, and you really inspired me on how stories should be told. I am now also thinking harder about my own long term goals.
Hi David, that sounds great! Happy to hear my videos have helped you :) KR Lukas
It was very nice of you that you shared your essay with us.
Thanks Rishi. It’s a pleasure and I’m happy you liked it.
Hello Lukas and thank you for this very insightful video! I happen to be applying for a master's degree, and this video helped me in my personal statements. Good luck at Stanford and in life! Much love from Lebanon!
Hey Dany, thanks for the feedback! I am happy the video helped you with crafting your personal statement 👍 good luck for your application and KR Lukas
Your eassy is such an inspiring one,thanks a lot bro
This is great and very helpful ! Can you go over your HBS essay as well ?!
I must congratulate you for the magnificent job you have done!!
Thank you for sharing Lukas! Really helpful. All the best for everything ahead :)
Thank you, Nayonika, for the positive feedback and good wishes :) I am happy you found the video helpful!
Thank you! your videos have been really inspiring and helpful!
Thanks Yuan for the great feedback! KR Lukas
This is great content, Lukas! Thank you for everything.
Great video. Very helpful insights. Thank you for reading out your essays, people usually dont do that.
Thanks for the feedback! I hope more people feel comfortable sharing their essays, because I believe it provides some real guidance as to how clear, deep and authentic these essays can go to create a vivid image of a person.
Cheers for putting this out
It’s my pleasure. I hope you liked it :)
Thank you for the insight I am in my sophomore year of law school and want to join the MBA fingers crossed i hope i get in
Good luck for the applications! KR Lukas
Man, your essay prove the fact that stanford gsb admission council never makes mistakes :)
Hahah lol! KR Lukas
Sir, one more video about your extracurricular activities and honors, please
And if you do not mind video about writing a motivation letters
Hey Sarvarbek, I can happily go through my extracurriculars in a video. Most of it was focused on social entrepreneurship at "Enactus" (the world´s biggest student organization).
What are your questions about letters of motivation? Is it specifically the MIT essay (which to my knowledge is the only one in the motivation letter format)? Or do you think about motivation letters more generally i.e., also for applications for jobs?
Im very curious, why you chose Standford over the other schools like HBS, Wharton or Insead?
Love your videos!! Thank you for the immense amount of value you share, looking forward to videos where you share your experience at Standford!
Hey Rohan, thanks for the compliments! Happy to hear that you found my videos valuable. I chose Stanford mainly because of it's entrepreneurial culture. The curriculum is much more flexible than that at HBS, which allowed me to take Computer Science classes, find my technical co-founder and start working on a tech startup. Stanford is also the most selective of the schools (740 GMAT avg.; 3.8 GPA avg; lowest acceptance rate) with the lowest ratio of classmates coming from traditional paths (consulting; IB; ...). I really like the work the adcom does to pick an extraordinary class. INSEAD would have just been too short of a program for me. Maybe I'll make a video about how I though about this decision some day. KR Lukas
Wow! Your videos are inspirational. I am an MBA applicant at Round 2 for class of 2024. Your videos were one of few reasons I summoned my courage and decided to apply to top schools like HBS and GBS. Would love to connect with you in future
Very cool! Fingers crossed for your applications 💪💪
Classic casual. Nice one.
Thanks! 😃
Beautiful essay ❤
Awesome Lukas 🌟
Thanks Sandeep!
This is very helpful indeed!
Thank you Oliver! KR Lukas
Thank you for your encouragement!!
Dear Lukas, Can you share insights on parameters you considered selecting Stanford and not HBS.
Now I truly understand what creating your brand means! Thank you so much... Great video 💯👍🏻.
What are your numbers? Gmat, Gpa, years of work experience?
Thanks, Haziq! This is what I wanted to achieve by putting the essay out there. Concerning numbers:
- I scored a 740 in my GMAT (slightly above avg. in Stanford)
- had a 3.3 GPA at a top German school (below Stanford average, but weighted differently as international/German schools tend to grade tougher)
- ca 4 years of work experience (a bit of consulting, but mostly 3years in a mgmt. position as Chief of Staff of a mid size technology firm (lots of decision making, strategy, managing projects/initiatives, negotiating deals).
After arriving on campus I realize, that what made me stand out was probably the high degree of responsibility I had early in my career and the success I had in standing up to this responsibility. KR Lukas
@@LukasHaffer That's a great score 👍🏻
Thanks again 😊
How to get accepted if we have low cgpa (in my case i have 7.2/10 cgpa from India)
Very Informative !!
Happy that you liked it :)
Thank you for sharing.
My pleasure, Don Nyagudi!
Been summoning my inner Shakespeare in vain😂, this was really helpful.Thanks
Hi, Lukas. thank you for sharing. can I have copy of your essay because I just start learning to write and I learn english too. Thank you again Lukas
Hi Lukas! Thank you for this video and for all the useful information you share so generously! I was wondering, did Harvard, Stanford or Wharton offer you a scholarship?
Beautiful story.
Thank you, Maud! ❤️
@Lukas Haffer i cannot for the life of me write as beautifully. But I will keep at it using these tips and hope to get to the GSB next year too. Please keep the content coming
@@CareersWithMaud Do your best and write from the heart. Good luck on your application.
I apologise for being random, but how much of a difference would it make if we choose to apply with the gre score rather than the gmat ?
Big Cheers :)
Thank you!
Hi Lukas! I feel motivated by seeing this video. MBA from Stanford is my dream. Can you please give guidance about Stanford MBA, I do lots of research on it but by guidance from Stanford MBA student helps me knowing how much I have to work on my profile.
Hey Lukas, ich liebe deine Videos! Du kommst echt aufrichtig rüber. Ich bin V und komme aus Bremen. Ich wollte dich fragen, warum du eigentlich statt HBS Stanford gewählt hast? P.S. Ich finde du hast es total verdient auf so viele Schulen zu kommen :)
Hey V, Vielen Dank für den lieben Kommentar! Habe gesehen, dass du auch Videos machst und fand den Bericht vom Leadership Seminar sehr cool. Hab selbst an vielen solchen Veranstaltungen in Deutschland teilgenommen und man lernt immer super viele, interessante Leute kennen. Ich habe mich für Stanford vor allem wegen des unternehmerischen Ökosystems entschieden. Durch die Nähe zum Silicon Valley, die legendären Startup-Incubator/classes (z.B. lean launchpad und startup garage) an der Stanford GSB, die viel häufiger unternehmerischen Classmates und den flexibleren akademischen Stundenplan ist der Stanford MBA wie gemacht für Startup founder. Ich hatte das Gefühl HBS hat zwar erstklassige Professoren, ist aber doch etwas traditioneller auf eine Manager Karriere (oder Beratung/High Finance) ausgerichtet. Im Admissions Prozess spricht man oft davon, dass Stanford nach einem x-faktor bei den Bewerbern sucht und ich finde das merkt man. Viele Klassenkameraden haben schon große Unternehmen aufgebaut oder sind auf andere Art und Weise echte Changemaker gewesen. Weniger Leute mit einer traditionellen, Schema F Karriere. Generell sieht man außerdem, dass dich Lücke zwischen Stanford und HBS in vielen Kriterien auch immer weiter aufgeht. Stanford ist mit Abstand das selektivste Programm (740 GMAT avg vs. 727 GMAT in Harvard, 3.8 GPA vs. 3.6?, höchstes exp. salary, …, poets&quants ranked GSB zum dritten Mal in Folge #1 vs HBS rank #5). Harvard als Mutteruniversität hat im Deutschsprachigen Raum zwar die stärkere Marke, für die business school, haben aber für mich die Vorteile der Stanford GSB überwogen. LG Lukas
@@LukasHaffer dankeschön, ich bin neu auf TH-cam. Jetzt verstehe ich warum du Stanford genommen hast. Ich glaube Stanford ist sehr innovativ, Harvard natürlich auch, aber mehr traditionell. Ich mache dieses Jahr mein Abitur und ich habe in jedem Fach 15 Punkte, mache auch außerschulisch sehr viele Aktivitäten. Ich habe heute meine Bewerbung für Stanford Undergraduates abgeschickt… das ist so beängstigend. Ich hoffe, dass sie mich annehmen, aber ich weiß, dass meine Chancen extrem niedrig sind. Ich weiß dass Stanford Business School super schwer ist reinzukommen, aber die acceptance rate for undergraduates ist 3% und weil ich international und Regular Decision gewählt habe, noch niedriger. Deswegen denke ich, dass meine Chancen extrem niedrig sind, aber ich habe mein Bestes gegeben! Deine Videos waren echt inspirierend, weil du der einziger TH-camr von Deutschland bist, der bei Stanford, HBS, etc. angenommen wurdest - das gibt mir bisschen Hoffnung, aber du bist echt krass! Weißt du eigentlich, wo die meisten Deutschen vorher in Deutschland zur Uni gegangen sind? Ich weiß noch nicht was mein Ersatzplan wäre, bzw. welche deutsche Uni mich am besten vorbereiten würde. Ich habe gehört dass Mannheim sehr gut sein soll, aber ich habe keine Erfahrung, welche Uni findest du am besten? Auf jeden fall finde ich deine Videos echt cool, bitte mach TH-cam weiter, du wirst safe erfolgreich! Ich mache für dich bei meinen Freunden Werbung :)) Beste Grüße, V
@@viviencheng_ Glückwunsch zur eingereichten Bewerbung! Es sagt schon viel über dich aus, dass du die Courage hast dich für den Bachelor in den USA zu bewerben. Ich war nach meinem Abi (ebenfalls perfekte Noten 😉) nicht so mutig. Die Deutschen an den US Top Business Schools kommen häufig von der WHU. Mannheim, München, Köln und Frankfurt sind auch gute Unis für BWL in Deutschland. Wenn du offen für ein Studium im Ausland bist, kann ich dir empfehlen auch einmal nach England zu schauen. Oxford hat einen super Bachelor in Econ, Philosophy und Business. Auch die HSG in der Schweiz ist eine super Option, die man hier häufiger antrifft. Bist du auf BWL festgelegt? Ich würde vermutlich nicht noch einmal BWL studieren, sondern mich im Bachelor auf Hard Skills fokussieren (Computer Science, Engineering, Bio/Chemistry) und dann falls nötig später einen MBA machen. Man bekommt später kaum wieder die Zeit um sich eine echte fachliche Basis anzueignen, die bis zur CEO Position super nützlich ist. In jedem Fall wünsche ich dir viel Erfolg bei deinen Bewerbungen. LG Lukas
@@LukasHaffer Hey Lukas, dankeschön! Ich bin sehr aufgeregt über die kommenden Interviews (nächste Woche schon) und Endentscheidungen - ich muss erstmal bis Ende März bzw. Anfang April warten. Ich finde die Idee mit Hard Skills sehr interessant! Ich habe das meinem Vater erzählt, er findet die Idee auch ganz gut. Ich war eigentlich immer auf BWL festgelegt, aber Computer Science fand ich schon immer super interessant. Ich kann Coding und habe an meiner Schule sogar einen Coding Club gegründet. Ich finde Oxford gut, aber halt nicht so gut wie die Ivys in Amerika. Falls das mit den US Unis nicht klappt, dann schaue ich mir auf jeden Fall WHU an. Vielleicht arbeite ich auch nach meinem Bachelor erstmal paar Jahren, ich habe gehört dass manche Firmen die MBA für mich bezahlen würden. Ich habe bisschen recherchiert und gesehen, dass die ganzen CEOs von Google, Microsoft, Tesla etc. ganz viele Master /Bachelor/Ph.D in verschiedene Bereiche haben (Engineering, Business, etc.). Danke für diesen Tipp! Es ist echt hilfreich. Ich fand auch deine „Insider“ -Tipps in deinen Videos sehr gut. Was willst du eigentlich später werden bzw. weißt du schon bei welchen Firmen du gerne arbeiten möchtest. Ich habe das Gefühl die ganzen MBA Leute gehen entweder Richtung Consulting, Banking oder Firma gründen. Vielleicht liege ich auch falsch. Wenn es zu privat ist, dann brauchst du es nicht beantworten, ich kann es total verstehen :) Ich bin dir sehr dankbar für deine Tipps. Beste Grüße, V
loved the content!!!! very insightful sir.
Thanks, Ashmit! Appreciate the positive Feedback ❤️
I am a science student from India ,and am attracted towards business studies,and so want to pursue masters in business administration abroad, but am unable to frame why exactly do I want to pursue an MBA.
Could you please help me with any material or course that could help me know business more clearly and ,I could design my MBA application for abroad studies.
Hey Luckas
Danke fuer das Video !
Ich wollte dich fragen- hast du diesen Aufsatz völlig selbst geschrieben…oder mit Hilfe des Beraters. Ist eine Dienstleistung von Eintrittsberator nötig?
und ja ! Ist es möglich mit die eine persönliches Termin zu haben?
Danke im Voraus
You Sr 👏
I wanted to ask one more thing. I am currently studying to be an accountant, would you recommend that I join a big 4 firm such as PwC, KPMG, for 4-5 years. Or would you recommend changing to jobs and possibly going into other companies to have more decision making power, manage people and have more responsibilities to prove yourself in 4-5 years. The recognition of other firms wouldn't be as much as the Big 4 but it would place me in roles high up the hierarchy. What would you recommend?
Where would you have the steepest growth curve?
Hi Lukas, just wondering if you used an admission service or applied on your own? A few people I spoke with (who were admitted) all used admission services, seems like those who didn't use a consulting service didn't get admitted.
Hi DH, thanks for the question. I didn’t use an admissions consultant as it not very common and almost seen as cheating in Germany. But I did use „applicantlab“ ( which I can recommend wholeheartedly!! It’s a website with informational videos on the admission process, guided reflection exercises to find your story and interview prep material. It‘s much cheaper than admissions consulting and for me it did the job in helping me navigate the process. It was created by an HBS alumn and a lot of my classmates at Stanford used it.
@@LukasHaffer I did use Applicant lab. The only thing is people should use it whole heartedly without skipping the modules.
Hi bro can you please tell me what are the extra curricular activities you did in your graduation in Germany
Hi Dukka, I led a social startup student organization with 75 members. With my team we built a few cool social startups - some of which are still around today e.g., KR Lukas
Thank you very much for your reply. I really appreciate it.
Can i do mba from stanford without work experience and direct after my graduation
My story is similar to your story. But US schools give importance to GPA more than the stories. I can’t get admission because my GPA is low. I studied only the day before the exams. You guys won’t even pass the exams if you study like me. Thank you for this video and All the best for your future.
Hi Clay, I get your feeling. I also spent most of my undergraduate time engaging in startups. The GPA range at top schools shows that there are people getting admitted with lower GPAs (especially from international schools) when their GMAT scores are above the school's average (thus showing their academic aptitude). Not sure if this helps, but I believe there is always a way if you want it. KR Lukas
@@LukasHaffer Thanks for your reply.
I have a GPA of 3.0 in Undergrad. I am doing Masters to cover it up. So if I score 3.7 in masters (post graduation non-MBA) and score around 750 in GMAT, will my chances be high to get a admission?
will the masters GPA be useful to cover the Undergrad low GPA?
@@clay8573 Hey Clay, yes, the masters GPA will help a little - but more importantly scoring above the school average on the GMAT is the real deal. The adcom uses primarily your undergrad GPA and the GMAT to assess your academic aptitude (i.e., to make sure you will be able to handle the curriculum and not slow anyone else down too much). Also, please don't forget that academics are just one piece of the puzzle... a track record of impact in your work experience (ca. 3-4 years) will matter just as much, once you apply! KR Lukas
I almost came for your essay😂😂😂
Hey man. What was your UG and work experience profile like ?
Hey Arka, I went to the University of Cologne for undergrad (public school in Germany, ranked #1-3 in Business/Economics) and had a GPA of 3.3, which is much lower than the average in Stanford. Concerning work experience: Right out of UG I worked in consulting for 10 months (loved the people, hated the lack of decision making power). Having had a lot of startup/non-profit leadership experience during UG, I was hired into a management position in a German mid-size technology firm at a very early age. When I applied to business school my position was Chief of Staff of a firm with ca. 250 employees reporting directly to the CEO.
Got dinged from 3 major B schools back to back :(
I am sad to hear this. I wish you success in making your next steps, Prateek!
Hey, do you think its okay to apply to stanford right after UG, and no work experience
Hey Nayna, there are programs for applying directly out of UG, but it is much more competitive than applying after 2-3 years of work experience and I suggest taking responsibility in the real world first, then deciding whether an MBA is the right next step. KR Lukas
Would you share your HBS essay?
May I ask which round you applied in, round 1, 2 or 3?
I applied in round 2! R3 is tough for international applicants (almost impossible) and I wasn't organized enough to get my application ready in R1 (haha). KR Lukas
@@LukasHaffer thanks again! That is good to hear considering you even had time to meet other prospective students before!
Dear. Thanks for your great advice. I have vv unique life experiences. Cannot afford a consultant. Can I contact directly with you? Merry Christmas. Take care
Hi Babar Munir, I hope my video on the application process has helped lead your towards free resources online / more affordable alternatives to the expensive admissions consultants. I personally also do not offer admissions consulting services. KR Lukas
Can you plz share your resume 🥺
How much did you score in GMAT
I scored a 740 on the GMAT. KR Lukas
I don't have any work experience but hold a master's degree ( from a reputed university in India should I apply?
You look like Harry Potter⚡😂
Hahah xD