The gasket and diaphragm under the cover labeled "Walbro" ( the pump) side, requires that the diaphragm goes on the body of the carb first, then its gasket on top (it frankly seemed like you did not put the gasket on at all); it is the reverse order on the other side (the metering side) - gasket first then diaphragm. Any other order and the carb will not work properly if at all - as yours did not. I could not tell if you got it right eventually. Very useful to note the order of things when disassembling the old parts.
The gasket and diaphragm under the cover labeled "Walbro" ( the pump) side, requires that the diaphragm goes on the body of the carb first, then its gasket on top (it frankly seemed like you did not put the gasket on at all); it is the reverse order on the other side (the metering side) - gasket first then diaphragm. Any other order and the carb will not work properly if at all - as yours did not. I could not tell if you got it right eventually. Very useful to note the order of things when disassembling the old parts.