CORE Storytime | The Story Of Oliver *Trigger Warning*

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ต.ค. 2024
  • This is the O of my CORE storytimes. CORE stands for Casper, Oliver, Remi and Edgar. I forgot to explain it at the start of each video but this is going to be called my CORE series because it focuses on those four guys, the core of my problems.
    This is the story of my sexual abuse with Oliver. I talk about what he did to me, my battle with depression, self harm and being suicidal. It's a really serious story that I've never talked about until now. It's been six years since this happened and I've still not healed nor moved on from it. He did a lot of damage that I may never get over. Please don't leave any hate comments, I've already dealt with enough abuse. If you don't have anything nice to say, just keep it to yourself. Try to be loving and understanding and compassionate. I really need it right now. If any of you have met an Oliver, please no it's never your fault. Your clothes did not give a person permission to make sexual comments about you, or shame you for your clothes because you're allowed to be comfortable in your own skin and freely express yourself. Your clothes do not warrant a person to touch you or take advantage of you. If you say no and they don't listen, it's not your fault. If they hurt you and leave marks or make you bleed, you have proof and you need to go tell someone immediately. Go with people who you trust and who believe you. Only tell someone you trust. If your violator is a friend, a boyfriend, a family member, etc. you still need to tell someone. And if they threaten to hurt you, go to the police and try to get a restraining order. Always keep something on you to protect yourself, like pepper spray. Learn defense things like I did, I learned to kickbox as a form of protection and I'm very good at it. Learn something like that so you can fight the person off and get away. If you're followed home, call the police or have a close friend or family member stay with you. If this person is stronger than you, scream and always try to fight them off. Kicking, especially in heels, could save your life, bite them, scratch them if you have long nails or try to kick them between the legs because it will significantly hurt them and perhaps give you a clean getaway. If you're in heels, quickly take them off so you can run faster. Please tell someone, whether it's the police or in therapy if it's already happened. I know a lot of these people get away with their crime but you have to fight them back. My lack of arousal could save my life if this happens to me again. A guy would tear my skin open and there would be blood. If your abuser touches you and gets inside you and your body responds and becomes aroused, it is not your fault. Rape is never your fault. Sexual abuse is never your fault. Sexual harassment is never your fault. Even though sexual comments aren't as bad as someone raping you, it still is NOT okay. That person has no right doing it either way and should be punished. No means no. And if you were drinking a little bit, that doesn't give them permission. If a guy offers to buy you drinks, always make sure you go to a bar with a good friend who will keep an eye on that person to keep you safe. Never walk away from your drink, and if you do, make your friend stay with that person or just leave the bar. You can fight back against whoever does this to you. And you are strong. People like us are so strong and brave for telling our stories. I'm telling my story to help young girls not make the mistake I did. I'm trying to raise awareness and protect my young fans, since most of my fans are girls between the age of 13-18 and 18-25. Please just be aware. Men like this exist and whatever they do it's not your fault. My clothes didn't warrant him sexualizing or touching me. My pain didn't warrant him to use and take advantage of me. Please get help if this happened or happens to you. Let's try and end this from happening because it's not okay. Ever. Just remember, you'll find love someday. You're not to blame. They are. Someone will know about your past and still love you and try to be gentle and understanding with you. Please never feel alone, please never feel unloved, please never blame yourself. You will get through this. I love you. Stay strong, my butterflies.

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