you're welcome, for sure you are able to learn capoeira. Probably you NEED some capoeira in your life, yes I am a bit biased ;-) The question is really in regards to your training: will you do they exercises you need to build your capoeira skills? Will you take care of injury prevention? Is there space for your personal needs instead 'training hard along with the group because everybody does that'. So yes its possible, you surely have to connect with your body, your preferences, your needs within capoeira. Thats a big part of KAHPU Training Method. So maybe the videos here can assist you as well ;-) enjoy training my man!
Desde Colombia gracias por explicar bien qie opinas si yo que tengo 40 años comienzo a hacer capoeira sera que puedo hacerlo?
you're welcome, for sure you are able to learn capoeira. Probably you NEED some capoeira in your life, yes I am a bit biased ;-) The question is really in regards to your training: will you do they exercises you need to build your capoeira skills? Will you take care of injury prevention? Is there space for your personal needs instead 'training hard along with the group because everybody does that'. So yes its possible, you surely have to connect with your body, your preferences, your needs within capoeira. Thats a big part of KAHPU Training Method. So maybe the videos here can assist you as well ;-) enjoy training my man!
Тоже начал заниматься капоэйрой,так как зимой скучно,кругом всё белое,а хочется какой-то энэргии и драйва.
great to hear Neon! enjoy training! more videos coming up!!
Parabéns pela iniciativa amo essa arte capoeira
vlw irmão, um grande prazer. vc é da onde?