for me, Long Night talk is only useful to some character that have a long run. You can see the community tier list here: and decide which psycube you want to amplify.
Kak cuma ada isolde&shamane(i2 lvl50 reso 7) arcanist bintang 6 Debuffer nya Sotheby, medicine pocket,ballon party¥isei healer, bkornblume, 37, marcus, jiu,melania, windsong(i2 lvl50 reso9) , Voyager, Eternity, pickles,Charlie,sonetto, dan si dessert flannel itu aja kak character gua windsong gua iseng 1x pull di banner baru rilis ehhh dapat...
Do you think Long Night Talk is worth upgrading to A5? Will there be many useful psychubes in the future that benefit much from amplifying?
for me, Long Night talk is only useful to some character that have a long run. You can see the community tier list here: and decide which psycube you want to amplify.
Kak cuma ada isolde&shamane(i2 lvl50 reso 7) arcanist bintang 6 Debuffer nya Sotheby, medicine pocket,ballon party¥isei healer, bkornblume, 37, marcus, jiu,melania, windsong(i2 lvl50 reso9) , Voyager, Eternity, pickles,Charlie,sonetto, dan si dessert flannel itu aja kak character gua windsong gua iseng 1x pull di banner baru rilis ehhh dapat...
Waaah congratulations 🎊
@@NekoGamers089 kira kira cocok nya pake team kayak apa ya kak mentok ss doang ni
@@SEAA4355 ada yg i3 ga? Bawa aja 2 debuffer + dps sama sub dps
@@NekoGamers089 kayaknya i 3 ada baby blue ama bkornblume ama isolde aja
@@SEAA4355 dicoba dulu aja kak, siapa tau bisa.. Sama bawa 1 dps lg aja kyk Mel ke i3