I am looking to try RuneQuest, I appreciated this thoughtful review. I think I could handle the crunch of the rules with a bit of practice, Glorantha sounds more interesting to me than more standard high fantasy stuff
I absolutely love BRP, but I have to admit, the RuneQuest's take on it feels too crunchy for me. Even back with 2nd/3rd Ed, I used to raid RuneQuest books for my BRP games, but the extra crunch always felt like it got in the way. I'm currently going back and forth on the current edition. I really love the source material and the art, and I'm comfortable enough with BRP to run a mechanically stripped down game. But I just don't know if I'll ever be able to bring it to the table, so I may cut my losses and sell off the stuff I've acquired so far. Mulling it over.
Thanks for the review Doc.
I am looking to try RuneQuest, I appreciated this thoughtful review. I think I could handle the crunch of the rules with a bit of practice, Glorantha sounds more interesting to me than more standard high fantasy stuff
I absolutely love BRP, but I have to admit, the RuneQuest's take on it feels too crunchy for me. Even back with 2nd/3rd Ed, I used to raid RuneQuest books for my BRP games, but the extra crunch always felt like it got in the way.
I'm currently going back and forth on the current edition. I really love the source material and the art, and I'm comfortable enough with BRP to run a mechanically stripped down game. But I just don't know if I'll ever be able to bring it to the table, so I may cut my losses and sell off the stuff I've acquired so far. Mulling it over.