By attractive; having an appearance and personality that attracts women and other people will be appealing to her! Become "most girls type" and you will get most girls. Make a list of things that you lack and things that you can amplify to be "one of the hot guys" you will be effortless at dating and eventually find the right woman
Tbh you don’t even need to be attractive. Sure that’s what will be the first thing that will interest a girl if she doesn’t know the person, but if she knows you and you have a good personality, looks won’t matter that much!
Joku Äijä that’s really not true for me or my friends at least. I personally have had a few crushes on people I don’t think are particularly physically attractive but they have great personalities. The same goes for my friends. We’re 15 tho so that might be it but I don’t know.
1. check if they have a wedding ring 2. eye contact 3: smile 4: be bold 5: being prepared with your statements 6: compliment 7: Me saying I don’t know anymore
111alexg yeah if only every desperate nut sack would respect that my marriage would be a lot easier if she wouldn’t come home pissed or unnerved by some creepy asshole so often then maybe there wouldn’t be 15-30 minutes of the same speech of ohhhh you won’t believe this fucking guy....
losers. who cares if shes married? what's the number like 90% of marriage ends in divorce LOL. a ring just means she's easy pickings as shes probably bored, unsatisfied and depressed. EASY.
@@gbd-oq1rz How about if you're bald? The Death Knell for sure. Girl: I don't mind if a guy is bald. Bald Guy: Let's go out? Girl; Get away from me you creep!
I have a beautiful full head of hair my friend. Girls compliment me all the time on my hair. I really feel bad for the guys that are bald. Especially if there in there late 20's early 30's. That's tough going. They could get a hair piece from Men's Hair Club, as they have come along way with hair pieces.I know it sounds vain but girls like guys with a full head of hair. No way of getting around that.
Awkward Kiwi well how do you plan on meeting new people if anyone remotely interested creeps you out because they are interested in you. Sounds like you are insecure with yourself, just being honest.
I agree, confidence can help you gain some interest, but only when there is a base level of looks. You can't look like you ran into a wall and expect confidence to do the trick. This is why first impressions have always been the biggest attractor, which is why most failed relations fail. Someone chooses someone who is physically sound, then later discovers they like the person increasingly less. Most healthy relationships spring from a great friendship.
to catch her eye, jump in front of a train. science has shown that this maneuver is proven to raise a woman's heart rate, dilate her eyes, and make her breathe faster, which are all signs of arousal. play dead for full effect. girls love a guy who can commit to an action, and when you swoop back in to save the day from your perceived death, you can be sure that she'll be screaming for you ;)
***** Lmao! Not really.. there are plenty of single fugly girls out there that would date you but you are in fact shallow. So am I. Why date someone you're not attracted to? Don't be a hypocrite. On the other hand I see hot girls with ugly guys all the time for their personality. When do you see guys looking for girls based on personality alone? Us guys are definitely the shallowest gender.
***** having this good job required a considerable amount of work by the father, and being hardworking and productive is attractive to women. As when it comes to looks, it is exactly the same - you don't need to rely on good genetics, you can look pretty decent if you apply a little effort to improve the way you dress/ behave. When you think about it we are the same as every other kind of animal - the best male gets the best female and thankfully we live in a world which is developed enough so that we don't rely entirely on what we were born with, but rather on how we play our cards :) good luck to everyone reading this
***** No job has nothing to do with it. Personality is far more important. I work with some really heavy guys and they can easily go up and talk to girls and make them laugh and get their numbers. I consider myself not bad looking and I am very fit but I have a much harder time getting a date than they do just because I care a good bit more about what people think of me than they do. It's all mind set, which I'm working on to better. Mind you we have the same line of work and I am higher up, doesn't matter anyway, what do you do when you first go up to someone - tell them your income?? LOL My cousin I grew up with was also not the greatest looking guy and to this day doesn't have a job (ANY JOB) but he was always able to pick up hot girls because of how confident he was and how good he was at seducing them. And judging by your post you are saying that you would be cool with having this type of women. If someone is with you because of your money then you will not be happy forever. Notice the divorce rate these days is through the roof. You're supposed to wait for a decent girl not rush in to (or think about) finding anyone you THINK you'd be happy with. I have the same problem but it's not good. But moral is eventually you will have to admit you have the problem instead of blaming everyone else. Clearly not every attractive lady is a gold digger, and the ones that are aren't worth going after regardless of their looks... You want more than good looks in a women.
Nah trust me, I've seen a lot of guys who girls would consider "cute" or "hot" fault because they were being shy and weird. It's all about confidence. Of course looks play a role. If a girl wasn't interested in you to begin with you never had a chance.
Well I said looks initially play a chance. Not all girls will be interested in you (look wise). For the girls that are interested though, if you show weakness instead of confidence girls can sense it and it makes it awkward or creepy most of the time.
Beeing attractive is not as important as caring about your self. Make sure you're well groomed, no dirt under your nails, take care of your skin and you are instantly more attractive for girls than a more handsome guy who looks like he did't shower for a week
No, we're making it so (including myself). This shit is theoretically simple, as the instincts intended it to be: walk up to potential partner, seduce, leave with them or try again with another potential partner. But we are so deeply, intrinsically conditioned to be attached to the outcome, that we have tangled ourselves and need advice to untangle ourselves. I used to be extremely shy, and still am hesitant to a point, but I took a dive, said 'fuck it', and started talking in person, over Facebook, on Tinder, everywhere; not necessarily flirting, just approaching. Suddenly, I got approached myself by a true hottie, even had a 1 month thing with her, and after we broke it off I found another girl, and I'm only normally attractive with no extreme bank account. As Alpha said, it's a numbers' game. Just play it and give no fucks.
here's a few ideas for get a date using text messages and discovered take your time go out by yourself - dont just stay in all the time thinking about this (I discovered about these and more on Lynzey text tactic site )
Here's more advice from a girl: 1. The eye contact part is my fave part, it makes me giddy and have butterflies, so play it out a bit 2. When you approach, don't do small talk, if you did the eye contact right we already have some rapport, so talk to her like you know each other 3. This may not apply to every girl but: don't ask for her number, TELL her to give it to you (nom creepy of course) something "how about you give me your number and we carry on this convo" or if you're going to ask do it when you have to leave (or pretent to) e.g. Friend is calling you over, you're a bit in a hurry and ask for her number before you leave. K reason for this, when it's a normal conversation and the guy just asks for the number normally, most guys are really awkward about it. If you're not then fine, but I have found that even the most confident guys get awkward at this point because it's the most nerve recking part and it just turns the conversation awkward. Good luck 😇
I flirt a girl with these tips. and you know what? she said; "did you watch the alpha m. channel?". well, we're ended up dating anyway, so...thanks! haha
I know this is kind of a joke but... people will perceive what you portray. If you believe it yourself that you look creepy then nothing will help. Just be you, still there are plenty people out there who care about what inside of a book.
nah youll make a good reputation that sets you apart from the rest you'll be a man who goes for what he wants you should never think the way you are and you should assume its all gonna go well when you approach
Just stumbled upon this, 17 right now. I remembered the first time I went out of my way to flirt with someone. Train station and we looked at each other, eye contact and I smiled, she walked past and got to the bus stop. I decided to walk out and go talk to her. After a while she rejected me but hey, if you don't do anything you'll never get anywhere. 15 year old me 😂😂
+Thomas Shih If I could go back to my teens, I would have cared less about getting rejected -- ultimately noone bats a thousand, but like everything else, you get better with practice. So when you're in your 20's (and these girls become women, who are more "free spirited") you're game is legit, and it becomes routine. At that point, all you gotta do is make sure you don't get a GF until you actually meet wifey prospects.
the fine line of being charming or a creep rule no.1: don't be ugly ... that's all... example shy but super attractive guy stutters while talking to a girl... she may not jump on it but will later say aww he was so cute... now with an ugly dude she would be like: wtf what a weirdo and that concludes the lesson :D
maybe it's because you're too full of yourself that you see yourself as super attractive but others don't... or maybe you are super attractive but cocky...
The truth is, you're not as ugly as you think you are. If you dress well, go to the gym and take care of your hygiene, you're already a 6.5/10 or above.
No dude, how you dress makes a HUGE difference. How you present yourself is one of the things if not the only thing they notice first. That means unkempt facial hair and bad combinations of clothes or even bad shoes. You also have to talk with confidence or you come off weird.
I'm not particularly attractive, but two things have helped my dating life more than anything. First. I changed up my hairstyle and wardrobe a little to something that looked better for me personally. Second. And much more importantly, I became more confident, seriously, confidence is like half the battle.
I'll be honest, I'm not very attractive. A few girls say my eyes are beautiful but leave it at that. I've dated plenty of girls and many still queuing up. Let me just say, you don't have to be attractive to date an attractive woman. Have a sweet personality and when close with a girl avoid spitting. If a girl only likes what she sees on the outside then she isn't worth your time. Trust me, with past experiences
Everybody saying only hot guys can flirt without being creepy, anybody can be attractive...get a haircut that compliments your face shape, get a beard that compliments your face shape, work out, drink lots of water, take care of your skin, dress well and keep clean. if you do all those things, not only your face, but your whole body will be attractive
Xense you know what girls hate even more? guys who complain and feel sorry for themselves all the time...stop acting like you have a disability and go get laid. get plastic surgery if it's that bad bro
Durotan Gaming Be persistent but not to the point where it seems like harassment. Joke around and tell her when are the two of you going to have dinner. Or when is the next date. If she has a boyfriend tell her, “when your boyfriend dumps your ass I’ll be here for you on the rebound.” Also, flirt with her anyways to get some practice. You already got rejected. What the worst that can happen? Nothing! If you can get her to laugh or smile, despite her rejecting you, then she might like you anyways, and she might consider you for a potential mate in the future. Remember you’re supposed to be a confident man! Don’t let things get awkward! If you do, then she will realize she made the right choice in rejecting you and will warn all her friends or companions that you’re a lil bitch. Keep trying and annoy her just a little bit. But remember to get at it with someone else. Move on! You lost the girl you like. Get someone else and when you do, she might get jealous when you stop giving her the attention. Trust me man, I’ve done/seen this before. Listen to this: don’t fall in love with someone you have no relationship with. Don’t get all worked up over a girl you’ve got nothing going on with. Your goal is to get at it with as many girls as you can, but to treat them right. Just have a good time and show her a good time too. Don’t worry about anything like the a future together. Worry about building yourself as a man. At a young age no girl is worth anything. Don’t waste your money on a girl. I’m not saying don’t spend money on her or whatever, just remember to save and make some money for yourself so you can spend it on more important stuff like savings and investments (or presents that will get you some pussy). Then when you’re financially secure, and mature, you can start thinking about love and possibly marriage and children. At that point you will be a man and have plenty of experience in relationships and will have the skills and abilities to have a long and happy relationship with a beautiful wife. This is how the game works. Good luck, man!
317S58 Sorry, I didn't understand your sentence, but it sounded something like, if you don't have confidence then when you fake it usually you end up being cocky...? I think you missed what I was trying to say, and that was confidence can't be faked. I think people think that confidence is a personality. This is really confusing to me, but it's the only thing that explains why they say, "if you fake confidence, you're faking who you are". Confidence itself is not a personality. Confidence is better described as a tool used to express your personality.
+Lily Audibert Yes! I've found that kindness is the key. It also changes the angle and purpose of meeting someone, it's not just to "screw", or have a "shitty " relationship that you can't find meaning to, being kind implies that this is about having a good time, the BOTH of you, whether there's sex or not, it will be pleasant for the BOTH of you and the relationship is for sharing each other's company in kindness and respect no matter how compatible you are or aren't. Being oneself is hard, being funny can be really hard to, but u don't even need to think about that, as long as you're kind, the rest will flow.
+Gefa Duro Dude don't be too nice you'll get friendzoned like a motherfxxker. It happened to a guy I know recently and its so bad since he and the girl basically have all the same classes.
If you're talking about how you look, guys just be confident. If you see yourself as creepy, so will other people. If you're not satisfied with your look, get as healthy as you can. If there's nothing you can do about your look, then own it. It's all about confidence and happiness. No one is going to accept anyone that's very pessimistic and constantly beats them self up
*One of the best ways to avoid coming off as creepy is to stay aware of her reactions. If she’s responding positively, keep the conversation going; if she’s reserved, take a step back. Mirroring her energy builds comfort and shows respect!*
Also, I love the emphasis on NOT MESSING WITH TAKEN PEOPLE. Seriously, there are so many people out there, if someone is in a relationship, PLEASE respect that.
From a girly point of view I like your tips and I think they work pretty naturally, eye contact, a smile, nothing overly forced or 'I'm alpha' shit. I hate when guys try to do aggressive pick up on me, I spot that instantly and just wish guys didn't stuff their heads with this pick up bullshit going around. On a side note: you're really fun to watch! Keep up the good job :)
I've always been pretty good at flirting like last week, I was going to class and I started pulling out the wrong chair and this girl says "I think you have the wrong seat" so I played it off with "well then, I pulled it out for you" she says "oh, what a gentlemen" and we've been talking a lot since then.
I remember a time in college I got to the small talk stage and suddenly forgot how to walk 😂 much to my dismay my friends took matters into their own hands, one asked her to wait and the others dragged/pushed me over to the girl which was extremely embarrassing and only made the situation worse The worst part is we lived in the same dorm so I saw her again a few times afterward 🤦♂️ HER friend even tried to help me out (without me asking) when she saw us in the dorm (also embarrassing and didn't go well) definitely needed this video back then
Hey Alpha, I just wanted to send you a message of thanks. I found your channel recently and have been watching a lot of the videos and have started working to get myself more "alpha." Today was the pinnacle. I've had my eyes on a girl at work for a long time now, but I've always talked myself out of doing anything about it. I was terrified of rejection. After watching this video last week I tried doing the eye contact thing as I would pass her in the hall. I got a couple big smiles last week so I decided that, after thinking it over all weekend, today would be the do or die day. I just made up my mind that I was going to approach her if it killed me. I went this weekend and got some new, better fitting pants (not wanting to go totally alpha all at once), and that did indeed make me feel more confident. Well, sure enough I tried a couple times this morning to talk myself out of it as I always would, but I finally just decided to go for it when there was an opportunity. And guess what, she agreed to go out with me on Friday! I know my approach wasn't perfect, but I did it and she agreed to a date. This would have never happened without this channel and your advice. I would have continued to just wait on the sideline and give myself excuses not to approach her. So whether or not this will work out, who knows? But now I know that I can actually approach a girl that I'm interested in. Now off to watch some of your stuff on how to handle myself on the date!
Bro I was just following her home making sure she was safe. Then she started jogging. So I followed along. Then she was full sprinting. She kept looking back at me (I think we were flirting) she started screaming help so I tried catching up to her. Next thing I know she was on the phone while running. I yelled to her “Im coming!” to try and comfort her. She started screaming even louder. A few seconds later I see flashing blue and red lights. They pulled us over while we were running and asked us if anything was wrong. Obviously nothing was wrong. I wanted her number so while I was speaking to the officer I rapidly reached for my phone in my back pocket. I was then shot in the chest 14 times. The only thing that saved me was our ever lasting love. So the cops left and we went back to her place. I got to meet a bunch of celebrities. Elvis Presly, Kobe Bryant, Micheal Jackson and a ton of others that I thought were dead. Moral of the story, it always okay to follow her home.
Susan Chen So you can build a wall of defense against people who attempt this. "Oh you're trying to flirt with me... yeah I saw that youtube video too"
This is exactly how to not be an incel and to be a gentleman. Just honestly meeting other people, being respectful and maybe or not exiting. Perfect mang! If anything else this is a confidence booster for everyone if they follow it.
Alpha How to flirt, with out being creepy. I went to a bar, saw a guy who I thought I would like to know. Did all of the things you said to do. Got to the point where I walked over to him. Said Hi, my name is David, did some small talk, got to the part where I asked him for his phone number. He said he didn't give his number out. I did what you said ,I just told him it was nice to of met him, and walk away. About a hour later, he was getting ready to go home. He walked over to me, tapped me on the shoulder, and gave me a piece of paper, with his phone number on it. I just gave him a call, we are going to meet at the same club tonight. Thanks, it works. DAVID Burkey
Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved it on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I'm showing them), Then I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells."
Why am i watching this i don't even go out of my house
That's a very smart prep in case you fall off your house
Half life is dead😤
@@tryhardf844 Dont say that :/
@@tryhardf844 Half Life will not die until 3 comes out
I'm a donkey and donkeys don't like that game.
instructions not clear
ended up in jail
Huge L
Roman Phillips take this W
Roman Phillips grab them by the pu$$y lol
Step 1: Tiege Hanley
Step 2: There is no step 2
Me: *smiles*
Her: I’m calling the cops
gta v logic
Me: smiles
Big guy in prison: smiles back
Tribbiani Productions feminists
How you doin
That's not true when u smile to the girl , she is not gonna call the cops on u
or simply just tell them ur a meme page admin
dat makes em wet
Give them the dank meme
***** congrats mang
I actually am
This is more complicated than building a robot girlfriend.
A wild knuckle but this at the end of the day is more satisfying
One true knuckle Hey Brodda
One true knuckle dead meme!
no, its harder creating real life anime
What people don't understand is you don't need to be attractive, you just need to be attractive to HER, the hard part is finding out if you are
By attractive; having an appearance and personality that attracts women and other people will be appealing to her! Become "most girls type" and you will get most girls. Make a list of things that you lack and things that you can amplify to be "one of the hot guys" you will be effortless at dating and eventually find the right woman
well said man!
Tbh you don’t even need to be attractive. Sure that’s what will be the first thing that will interest a girl if she doesn’t know the person, but if she knows you and you have a good personality, looks won’t matter that much!
Joku Äijä that’s really not true for me or my friends at least. I personally have had a few crushes on people I don’t think are particularly physically attractive but they have great personalities. The same goes for my friends. We’re 15 tho so that might be it but I don’t know.
Guess what is awesome and is really attractive to most girls ....... CONFIDENCE
1. check if they have a wedding ring
2. eye contact
3: smile
4: be bold
5: being prepared with your statements
6: compliment
7: Me saying I don’t know anymore
Im trying them all
The best thing is to be spontaneous. If you actually like the girl you will automatically flirt with genuine interest.. and not be creepy
@@Obamnaz i try that bro
@@Obamnaz im trying that
Instructions unclear I am now in the trunk of somebody’s car
No ring is the priority. Well said Alpha, much respect.
111alexg yeah if only every desperate nut sack would respect that my marriage would be a lot easier if she wouldn’t come home pissed or unnerved by some creepy asshole so often then maybe there wouldn’t be 15-30 minutes of the same speech of ohhhh you won’t believe this fucking guy....
S T Ξ Λ L T H no girls put their ring on ring finger but some girls do it so no man hit on her
losers. who cares if shes married? what's the number like 90% of marriage ends in divorce LOL. a ring just means she's easy pickings as shes probably bored, unsatisfied and depressed. EASY.
"When you're bold and confident, that already sets you apart from 95% of the dudes out there" - True that, man!
Realest statement I’ve ever heard
@@gbd-oq1rz How about if you're bald? The Death Knell for sure. Girl: I don't mind if a guy is bald. Bald Guy: Let's go out? Girl; Get away from me you creep!
@@mikebingham9700 are u bald 🤣?
@@the_highnmighty_native8685 ????
I have a beautiful full head of hair my friend. Girls compliment me all the time on my hair. I really feel bad for the guys that are bald. Especially if there in there late 20's early 30's. That's tough going. They could get a hair piece from Men's Hair Club, as they have come along way with hair pieces.I know it sounds vain but girls like guys with a full head of hair. No way of getting around that.
Step 1: Walk up to her
Step 2: Use some pickup lines
Step 3: She says yes ofc
Step 4: Wake up.
Iheb Jabbes Best comment on here xD
what is ofc?
Step 3: she says yes Ohio Fried Chicken?
How to flirt:
Step 1: Use Tiege Hanley
Step 2: There is no step 2
Nailed it🔨
Step3: repeat step 1
Hahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhaahahhahaahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaa......... .....
1) stare into her eyes
2) rub your weenie
3) ride away in cop car
She’ll remember you forever
I love this
EasyPZ weenie?
Punfucius Fan
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Its weener
Who watches these but never actually does shit
lol me.....😂😅😓😢😭
drjeopyl You have a point though I will try to elevate my game coming this school year.
:D you got it right there, but hey you might need the knowledge one day
I talked to her..She slapped me..forgot she she was my ex..
Elvis G. Damn , you must've broke her heart
wawe master thanks man i found a beautiful and hot report button
You must have used teige henley
omg sammeee
_prezly_ hahahaha
If you're not good looking in their eyes, you're being creepy. If you look handsome in their eyes, you're being romantic. End of story.
Gotta be a way to look handsome to them
Uh, I would find it creepy even if he was handsome. If ANY person was looking at me, that would be really awkward.
Awkward Kiwi well how do you plan on meeting new people if anyone remotely interested creeps you out because they are interested in you. Sounds like you are insecure with yourself, just being honest.
True. Women are shallow.
"Gentlemen, knock it off." Lolol
I was like what's going here, I'm not flirting I swear sir!! 😂
Gentlemen, were you flirting with me? WTF??? Great, this is so alpha. haha
Why does your name have an e
+TyDogg Why do you have 2 gs.
+Justen Harden
Take a look here!
How to flirt without being creepy... Very simple: Don't be ugly.
RisefromyourGRAVE Creep is just a word women use for ugly people who are attracted to them.
Tesseract this is a lazy copout
It's not a copout, looks definately matter a lot when you're trying to attract other people.
I like your sincerity , however confidence can change the game on your favor. Cheers
I agree, confidence can help you gain some interest, but only when there is a base level of looks. You can't look like you ran into a wall and expect confidence to do the trick.
This is why first impressions have always been the biggest attractor, which is why most failed relations fail. Someone chooses someone who is physically sound, then later discovers they like the person increasingly less. Most healthy relationships spring from a great friendship.
But what if they never glance back...
jump in front of them
+Colin Pun lol 😂😂😂
to catch her eye, jump in front of a train. science has shown that this maneuver is proven to raise a woman's heart rate, dilate her eyes, and make her breathe faster, which are all signs of arousal.
play dead for full effect. girls love a guy who can commit to an action, and when you swoop back in to save the day from your perceived death, you can be sure that she'll be screaming for you ;)
+Nicholas Roberts wow .. r u a girl u know so much??
Cough* cough* I see your “ship” needs a captain 😏
YeoDeSloth so can I ride u girl
*SUNK MY BATTLE SHIP* say that to a girl
As a great TH-cam comment once said... "A captain always goes down ON the ship"
My new pickup line
Her: I support gay rights
Me: (trying to impress her) I'm gay
lost my sides
Does your mom know you're gay
420th like xd
So the cops holding me down is step 8?
I believe step 8 is pepper spray in your eyes.
@@darthportus I think it's actually getting kicked in the balls.
I think it's all three at the same time
How to flirt without being creepy:
1. Be attractive
2. Don't be unattractive.
Lmao! Not really.. there are plenty of single fugly girls out there that would date you but you are in fact shallow. So am I. Why date someone you're not attracted to? Don't be a hypocrite. On the other hand I see hot girls with ugly guys all the time for their personality. When do you see guys looking for girls based on personality alone? Us guys are definitely the shallowest gender.
***** having this good job required a considerable amount of work by the father, and being hardworking and productive is attractive to women. As when it comes to looks, it is exactly the same - you don't need to rely on good genetics, you can look pretty decent if you apply a little effort to improve the way you dress/ behave. When you think about it we are the same as every other kind of animal - the best male gets the best female and thankfully we live in a world which is developed enough so that we don't rely entirely on what we were born with, but rather on how we play our cards :) good luck to everyone reading this
No job has nothing to do with it. Personality is far more important. I work with some really heavy guys and they can easily go up and talk to girls and make them laugh and get their numbers. I consider myself not bad looking and I am very fit but I have a much harder time getting a date than they do just because I care a good bit more about what people think of me than they do. It's all mind set, which I'm working on to better. Mind you we have the same line of work and I am higher up, doesn't matter anyway, what do you do when you first go up to someone - tell them your income?? LOL
My cousin I grew up with was also not the greatest looking guy and to this day doesn't have a job (ANY JOB) but he was always able to pick up hot girls because of how confident he was and how good he was at seducing them.
And judging by your post you are saying that you would be cool with having this type of women. If someone is with you because of your money then you will not be happy forever. Notice the divorce rate these days is through the roof.
You're supposed to wait for a decent girl not rush in to (or think about) finding anyone you THINK you'd be happy with. I have the same problem but it's not good.
But moral is eventually you will have to admit you have the problem instead of blaming everyone else. Clearly not every attractive lady is a gold digger, and the ones that are aren't worth going after regardless of their looks... You want more than good looks in a women.
Nah trust me, I've seen a lot of guys who girls would consider "cute" or "hot" fault because they were being shy and weird. It's all about confidence. Of course looks play a role. If a girl wasn't interested in you to begin with you never had a chance.
Well I said looks initially play a chance. Not all girls will be interested in you (look wise). For the girls that are interested though, if you show weakness instead of confidence girls can sense it and it makes it awkward or creepy most of the time.
i am the best flirter until i start to feel something for her
First time, 656 likes!! 👍 ♥️
Thats SO FUCKING TRUE, I feel you bro
I fee ya bro
Yeah thats me too
next video idea: how to pick up girls without being attractive.
Beeing attractive is not as important as caring about your self. Make sure you're well groomed, no dirt under your nails, take care of your skin and you are instantly more attractive for girls than a more handsome guy who looks like he did't shower for a week
Money. Then they'll sleep with you.
cq33xx Just look around. Hardly any guy takes care of himself.
+Erd Nuss In what state/country do you live if you don't mind me asking?
Garrett Smith Germany
How to flirt:
1.get in the van,please
that comes after the flirting
Idiot!!!!!!! You need duct tape
+Randizle Peregoy Depends on whether or not he likes the body warm.
chloroform is also needed.
Ugh sorry guys, I'm not an experienced flirter :/
Holy shit, this is more complicated than engineering a car
Lucas silva vieira haha
@Marian Juana This is ridiculously over complicated. Fluid Mechanics are simpler than this, srly, speaking for myself
No, we're making it so (including myself). This shit is theoretically simple, as the instincts intended it to be: walk up to potential partner, seduce, leave with them or try again with another potential partner. But we are so deeply, intrinsically conditioned to be attached to the outcome, that we have tangled ourselves and need advice to untangle ourselves.
I used to be extremely shy, and still am hesitant to a point, but I took a dive, said 'fuck it', and started talking in person, over Facebook, on Tinder, everywhere; not necessarily flirting, just approaching. Suddenly, I got approached myself by a true hottie, even had a 1 month thing with her, and after we broke it off I found another girl, and I'm only normally attractive with no extreme bank account. As Alpha said, it's a numbers' game. Just play it and give no fucks.
I tried, didn't go well
Damn it
She was a lesbian guys
Edit:Well this blew up
Mission Fallied We'll get em' next time
Thanks.for the condolences........
She said:Oh haven't you noticed"?
You are lucky I did it and got slapped across the face
If she calls the cops is that a sign?
Nah she's playing hard to get bro.
Nikola's art house she wants you to come over trust me go to her house they love it
here's a few ideas for get a date using text messages and discovered
take your time
go out by yourself - dont just stay in all the time thinking about this
(I discovered about these and more on Lynzey text tactic site )
Nikola's art house run Forrest run!
Here's more advice from a girl:
1. The eye contact part is my fave part, it makes me giddy and have butterflies, so play it out a bit
2. When you approach, don't do small talk, if you did the eye contact right we already have some rapport, so talk to her like you know each other
3. This may not apply to every girl but: don't ask for her number, TELL her to give it to you (nom creepy of course) something "how about you give me your number and we carry on this convo" or if you're going to ask do it when you have to leave (or pretent to) e.g. Friend is calling you over, you're a bit in a hurry and ask for her number before you leave. K reason for this, when it's a normal conversation and the guy just asks for the number normally, most guys are really awkward about it. If you're not then fine, but I have found that even the most confident guys get awkward at this point because it's the most nerve recking part and it just turns the conversation awkward.
Good luck 😇
very nice of you
now get in my van so we can continue our conversation
+Rad Zilla Legend😂
+Rad Zilla lol
+Rad Zilla lol
Marcos Lussio take out the "in" take out the "law" and go for it
Just don't ask for nudes on the first date and you'll be fine
@Noble 6 Yea ;)
ohhhhh that’s why everyone leaves after the first dateeee
@@moelester2797 I'm dying 😂😂😂😂
Me: you look nice
Her: I have a boyfriend
Me: I’m gay
what a hero, he survived
I would never say 'you look nice'. There are better ways.
Her: I have a Boyfriend! You: I have a Boyfriend to!
Bruh , wtf.
Imagine his friends laughing from aside.
I flirt a girl with these tips. and you know what? she said; "did you watch the alpha m. channel?". well, we're ended up dating anyway, so...thanks! haha
R i v a l r y R i d e lies
R i v a l r y R i d e lmao
That's actually cool..if it works it works...
And everyone clapped right?
What if looking creepy is by default?
You'll be alone forever
+jgottheflu xx 😂😂😂😂
+jgottheflu xx omfg hahahahahahah
I know this is kind of a joke but... people will perceive what you portray. If you believe it yourself that you look creepy then nothing will help. Just be you, still there are plenty people out there who care about what inside of a book.
Lol by default u making me laugh ok fine am laughing
How to flirt:
1. Don't be ugly
2. Follow 1
+Alex walker
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!!!!
+Reptillian Henchman HISSSSSSS
well im fucked
+Alex walker don't be harsh . it is simpler than you think :
1-be rich
2-be son of a rich
best tutorial i have ever heard
I busted out laughing when he said “gentlemen knock it off”
Had to rewatch 4 times 😂
I used to have so much game back when I was younger, now I don't even know how to introduce myself lol.
Jonathan Justice LOL SAMEEEEE
Same here
You hit it on the head
Jonathan Justice That's the thing about game. When you stop, you have to start from square one again.
Worst thing to happen is if they say no and gossip, laugh, and make fun of u all year or longer
+darKnight270 nah. it means step up your game and get a hotter girl and make them jealous.
+Black Mamba W
And why exactly would you care about this type consequences?
Slap that bitch
nah youll make a good reputation that sets you apart from the rest you'll be a man who goes for what he wants you should never think the way you are and you should assume its all gonna go well when you approach
What happens when you look away and look back and they’re gone? lol
If its meant to be you'll see her again, or bump into her.
Just like My dad
@@TanyaKatherine Yes destiny rules.
omg i love this guy...……. 3 weeks since I broke up with my girl and watching all your video are giving me what I need. I thank you
Even me man
How To Flirt Without Being Creepy:
Three Simple Rules:
1) Be handsome
2) Be attractive
3) Don't be unattractive
Step 4( wear a hazmat suit
true af :/
1 and 2 or are easy for me. But how do I initiate number 3 effectively??
Green Trent Have a flashy car and a fat wallet and be famous. That should do it.
thank you hugh jackman.
python animalia thank you Barney stinson
Step 1: Be attractive
Step 2: There is no step 2
Thats one way, which is the easy way but some people are ugly as fuck and need to listen to this man
im sexy af tho
BOOM, just like that 10/10.
Me 2
Wha do you mean there is no Step 2?! Setp 2: See Step 1
no ring good. im 14 i hope they dont
@@onelesslonelymemer5863 Kind of harsh coming from the "lonely memer"
I'm 14 right now but I hope u stay safe
Just stumbled upon this, 17 right now. I remembered the first time I went out of my way to flirt with someone. Train station and we looked at each other, eye contact and I smiled, she walked past and got to the bus stop. I decided to walk out and go talk to her. After a while she rejected me but hey, if you don't do anything you'll never get anywhere. 15 year old me 😂😂
if you make eye contact and you smile then she gotta smile back, if she doesn't then you've been rejected already
+bs or it could mean she is just shy af, which isnt exactly rejecting someone
+Thomas Shih If I could go back to my teens, I would have cared less about getting rejected -- ultimately noone bats a thousand, but like everything else, you get better with practice. So when you're in your 20's (and these girls become women, who are more "free spirited") you're game is legit, and it becomes routine. At that point, all you gotta do is make sure you don't get a GF until you actually meet wifey prospects.
Can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket.
cant win the lottery when i do buy a ticket
When dancing with a girl, I like to pull her close and whisper "Your skin looks nice, I can't wait to wear it."
That's so sweet :D
You need help bruh.
I know, i was joking too
+Sloth from The Goonies go away buffalo bill
+Sloth from The Goonies That sounds like silence of the lambs shit!!!!!
+Sloth from The Goonies It actually works, wearing her skin right now
Hey Alpha, how do i introduce my girlfriend to my wife like a gent?
Arkadeep Banerjee
Introduce them in a fighting pit.
Both of them gets one weapon of choice.
Last one standing wins.
Arkadeep Banerjee say wife this is my gf then the divorce should go all into your plan
Enough internet for today...
you freaking legend. bless you
5:00 I can't stop replaying it.😂😂
I laughed so hard and subscribed 😂😂🤣
the fine line of being charming or a creep rule no.1: don't be ugly ... that's all...
example shy but super attractive guy stutters while talking to a girl... she may not jump on it but will later say aww he was so cute... now with an ugly dude she would be like: wtf what a weirdo
and that concludes the lesson :D
ahh ahhh eee II I agree... ii iii iii i am wwwwooo wooo ... forget it.
maybe it's because you're too full of yourself that you see yourself as super attractive but others don't... or maybe you are super attractive but cocky...
The truth is, you're not as ugly as you think you are.
If you dress well, go to the gym and take care of your hygiene, you're already a 6.5/10 or above.
Brohvakiin Dova this is so true. Nobody falls in love with your personality at first. Initially, it is all about looks
How to flirt without being creepy...
1: Be attractive
2: Be successful
3: Effortlessly reap the benefits of 1 and 2
How i flirt
*walk up to girl*
*Shake hands*
*walk away*
This comment is underrated, you need more likes
Depending on your personality this could actually work. But only if you have a way to see them again eg. school.
Actually did this. I am a train wreck.
I watched this and it actually worked, so proud of myself
advice is sound but let's face it, if youre physically unattractive, women will find you creepy regardless.
No dude, how you dress makes a HUGE difference. How you present yourself is one of the things if not the only thing they notice first. That means unkempt facial hair and bad combinations of clothes or even bad shoes. You also have to talk with confidence or you come off weird.
+Austin Wallett exactly
I'm not particularly attractive, but two things have helped my dating life more than anything.
First. I changed up my hairstyle and wardrobe a little to something that looked better for me personally.
Second. And much more importantly, I became more confident, seriously, confidence is like half the battle.
Beef Springs yup😟
Haole Wood yea all my female friends initially thought i was creepy. they say that i give off the "creepy aura". anyone mind explaining this to me?
I got butterflies in my stomach when he looked straight at the camera and smiled.
I'm a straight guy.
Tapz no, you’re not a straight guy.
it means he is good at what he is doin lol
Tapz u gay fam
Tapz mah man for real? Gay ass
Means it work
Your gangster limp had me cracking up
Remember guys! It's all about per$$$$$$$onality
Nikola's art house lmao
Nikola's art house it's bout growing balls!
Where could i get one of those???
And source of income💸$
this guy reminds me of Barney from "How i met your mother" 😂
SmaugLogic same 😂
Nashteen broooo solid
HTDA lmaooo
Player king of New York city
Semicolon my dude I thought the same thingg
Why am i watching this even though I am MARRIED & love my wife?
Its the pride in men. We want to know if we still have game. Thats all to it. Does not mean we will cheat.
hey its your wife 😠😠😠
John Rendon his wife is named John?
so you can flirt with your wife better?
Lubnan perhaps you want to have an affair
Misinterpreted advice now I'm on death row.
"Passing out, or throwing up, this is normal,"
I'm dying lmfao
I'll be honest, I'm not very attractive.
A few girls say my eyes are beautiful but leave it at that.
I've dated plenty of girls and many still queuing up.
Let me just say, you don't have to be attractive to date an attractive woman. Have a sweet personality and when close with a girl avoid spitting.
If a girl only likes what she sees on the outside then she isn't worth your time.
Trust me, with past experiences
+The Twin Gamers i'm guessing you are a rich boy or the girl look ugly
Frack Tack Not really.
+Destroyer 666 This foo, XD lol
+The Twin Gamers I second this. Simply being funny or charming seems to work much better than being attractive. :)
Everybody saying only hot guys can flirt without being creepy, anybody can be attractive...get a haircut that compliments your face shape, get a beard that compliments your face shape, work out, drink lots of water, take care of your skin, dress well and keep clean. if you do all those things, not only your face, but your whole body will be attractive
That's exactly what I do but girls don't even look at me. I'm a ghost in this world.
Xense you know what girls hate even more? guys who complain and feel sorry for themselves all the time...stop acting like you have a disability and go get laid. get plastic surgery if it's that bad bro
Hamza Kazi That doesn't happen overnight, man. hahah Also there's such a thing as a butterface
Hamza Kazi Or just get a lot of money, it works! ;D
+Xense lol Sad....
"Confidently walk over to them" *trips over a table* >.> welp
One of my new favorite channels. So glad I found this channel.
Me 2
Yeahhhh the guys funny and entertaining to watch
What if you are still in school and if they say no you have to see them everyday
Erick Official dont you think theyve talked and u have no shot for the best friend?
Girls are fickle bro. Trust me, the best friend is an open shot.
Yes i hate that
I'm having the same problem too, and I can't talk to her because she knows I like her and it will make things awkward as fuck.
Durotan Gaming
Be persistent but not to the point where it seems like harassment. Joke around and tell her when are the two of you going to have dinner. Or when is the next date. If she has a boyfriend tell her, “when your boyfriend dumps your ass I’ll be here for you on the rebound.” Also, flirt with her anyways to get some practice. You already got rejected. What the worst that can happen? Nothing! If you can get her to laugh or smile, despite her rejecting you, then she might like you anyways, and she might consider you for a potential mate in the future. Remember you’re supposed to be a confident man! Don’t let things get awkward! If you do, then she will realize she made the right choice in rejecting you and will warn all her friends or companions that you’re a lil bitch. Keep trying and annoy her just a little bit. But remember to get at it with someone else. Move on! You lost the girl you like. Get someone else and when you do, she might get jealous when you stop giving her the attention. Trust me man, I’ve done/seen this before. Listen to this: don’t fall in love with someone you have no relationship with. Don’t get all worked up over a girl you’ve got nothing going on with. Your goal is to get at it with as many girls as you can, but to treat them right. Just have a good time and show her a good time too. Don’t worry about anything like the a future together. Worry about building yourself as a man. At a young age no girl is worth anything. Don’t waste your money on a girl. I’m not saying don’t spend money on her or whatever, just remember to save and make some money for yourself so you can spend it on more important stuff like savings and investments (or presents that will get you some pussy). Then when you’re financially secure, and mature, you can start thinking about love and possibly marriage and children. At that point you will be a man and have plenty of experience in relationships and will have the skills and abilities to have a long and happy relationship with a beautiful wife. This is how the game works.
Good luck, man!
Step 1: Be physically attractive
Step 2: ?????
Step 3: Profit
me walks up to cute girl: he-
girl: *i have a girlfriend*
Me: *i didn't asked if you're single*
Lol , I've been single for 18 years
Alyssa Chalue1 ahahahahahah..… same
Same here man
Caroline Chalue:
Same, however, I’m 18 so I don’t think it’s too bad.
Caroline Chalue I've been single since 2013
Caroline Chalue I’ve been single for 12 years. I am 12.
Guys, if you're faking "confidence" then you're being confident.
317S58 Sorry, I didn't understand your sentence, but it sounded something like, if you don't have confidence then when you fake it usually you end up being cocky...? I think you missed what I was trying to say, and that was confidence can't be faked. I think people think that confidence is a personality. This is really confusing to me, but it's the only thing that explains why they say, "if you fake confidence, you're faking who you are". Confidence itself is not a personality. Confidence is better described as a tool used to express your personality.
if you're not confident, fake it till you make it.
hmm. i faked flying and got different results = /
Alex Ramos lmao, how do you take contorl over that, which is by definition, outside your conscious. . . ?
Alex Ramos That's like saying, in order to be brave you can't be scared.
How to flirt a girl in China
1- Rich
2- Rich
3- Rich again
4- not being poor
5. Be white
+Ethan Du be attractive.
+Just gimme my $200 7- dont be poor again
"your not the first person to ride that train" 4:59 - 5:10 💀💀💀
Eli Jones you’re*
I’m Michael why do you always have the need to correct people? Can’t you see that that’s pretty rude?
@@jp28family Proper grammar begets proper expression, and in turn proper expression begets proper communication.
@@jp28family Damn we gotta treat it as if it was right or something?
how to flirt with a girl
1.)be nice
2.)be funny
3.)be yourself
+Lily Audibert how to instant flirt with a girl
1. tell her you are rich
+Lily Audibert Yes! I've found that kindness is the key. It also changes the angle and purpose of meeting someone, it's not just to "screw", or have a "shitty " relationship that you can't find meaning to, being kind implies that this is about having a good time, the BOTH of you, whether there's sex or not, it will be pleasant for the BOTH of you and the relationship is for sharing each other's company in kindness and respect no matter how compatible you are or aren't.
Being oneself is hard, being funny can be really hard to, but u don't even need to think about that, as long as you're kind, the rest will flow.
+Lily Audibert don't be nice you will get friend zoned.
+Gefa Duro Dude don't be too nice you'll get friendzoned like a motherfxxker. It happened to a guy I know recently and its so bad since he and the girl basically have all the same classes.
Ify Nsoha
lol I don't remember the politics of high school...
none of the gangster limp LMAO!
that walk too 😂
Guy: (makes eye contact and smile)
Feminist: RAPE
hahaha! SO TRUE! Fuck this fucking world.
lol real shit
This is so fuckin true
About right
Me: *walks up to girl*
Her: “6 feet away please”
I stopped watching when he said to quit if you see a ring, that's my fucking specialty B)
Wow, that´s lame.
This channel doesn't have any content lol
If you're talking about how you look, guys just be confident. If you see yourself as creepy, so will other people. If you're not satisfied with your look, get as healthy as you can. If there's nothing you can do about your look, then own it. It's all about confidence and happiness. No one is going to accept anyone that's very pessimistic and constantly beats them self up
Yes it is about being confidence
It doesn't matter, two guys can do and say the same exact thing, the ugly one will come off as creepy, the handsome one will come off as sophisticated
Indeed. Life is so unfair.
We live in a prejudice world.
+chickengres Become handsome then, seriously, this comment section is full of winers and pussies.
+HellGod67 u talk as if becoming handsome is like working out in a gym.
Tushar chaudhary
Most of females are not that atractive but know how to makup, men can do something about their appearance too.
*One of the best ways to avoid coming off as creepy is to stay aware of her reactions. If she’s responding positively, keep the conversation going; if she’s reserved, take a step back. Mirroring her energy builds comfort and shows respect!*
Also, I love the emphasis on NOT MESSING WITH TAKEN PEOPLE. Seriously, there are so many people out there, if someone is in a relationship, PLEASE respect that.
You definitely should respect that
Did this and she called the cops
Ditch the bitch LOL
probably too much chloroform.
What the cops gonna do, you didn't harass her
Gots to 🅱️
E- Tox none of the gangsta limp lol
The K-crae show nah bitch it’s BOMPTON BITCH
From a girly point of view I like your tips and I think they work pretty naturally, eye contact, a smile, nothing overly forced or 'I'm alpha' shit. I hate when guys try to do aggressive pick up on me, I spot that instantly and just wish guys didn't stuff their heads with this pick up bullshit going around. On a side note: you're really fun to watch! Keep up the good job :)
this dude rules
I've always been pretty good at flirting like last week, I was going to class and I started pulling out the wrong chair and this girl says "I think you have the wrong seat" so I played it off with "well then, I pulled it out for you" she says "oh, what a gentlemen" and we've been talking a lot since then.
Good move. after 1 year what happened now
@@Alderite they have 3 kids now...
@Noble 6 where did you learn that, kid?
@@atomic8681 Situational opener. Very effective due to the spontaneity..
for an unshaven hobbit looking guy with 2 earrings he sure is confident as hell
Confidence overrides all his flaws
I like Hobbits...hes cute
Tee Powers but he looks like an unkempt hobbit version of Ahmadinejad
Most woman find beards attractive, and what's wrong with two earrings on a guy? Lol a lot of guys wear two earrings.
clray123 so true. Trying to alpha his way back in to power
Intro is the single greatest thing this century
I remember a time in college I got to the small talk stage and suddenly forgot how to walk 😂 much to my dismay my friends took matters into their own hands, one asked her to wait and the others dragged/pushed me over to the girl which was extremely embarrassing and only made the situation worse
The worst part is we lived in the same dorm so I saw her again a few times afterward 🤦♂️ HER friend even tried to help me out (without me asking) when she saw us in the dorm (also embarrassing and didn't go well) definitely needed this video back then
Bro so does eavery guy
None of that GANGSTA LIMP
Joe JOhnson lmaoo
Hey Alpha,
I just wanted to send you a message of thanks. I found your channel recently and have been watching a lot of the videos and have started working to get myself more "alpha." Today was the pinnacle.
I've had my eyes on a girl at work for a long time now, but I've always talked myself out of doing anything about it. I was terrified of rejection. After watching this video last week I tried doing the eye contact thing as I would pass her in the hall. I got a couple big smiles last week so I decided that, after thinking it over all weekend, today would be the do or die day. I just made up my mind that I was going to approach her if it killed me. I went this weekend and got some new, better fitting pants (not wanting to go totally alpha all at once), and that did indeed make me feel more confident.
Well, sure enough I tried a couple times this morning to talk myself out of it as I always would, but I finally just decided to go for it when there was an opportunity. And guess what, she agreed to go out with me on Friday!
I know my approach wasn't perfect, but I did it and she agreed to a date.
This would have never happened without this channel and your advice. I would have continued to just wait on the sideline and give myself excuses not to approach her.
So whether or not this will work out, who knows? But now I know that I can actually approach a girl that I'm interested in.
Now off to watch some of your stuff on how to handle myself on the date!
Hey man how did it go?
I don't hook up with women at work
Bro I was just following her home making sure she was safe. Then she started jogging. So I followed along. Then she was full sprinting. She kept looking back at me (I think we were flirting) she started screaming help so I tried catching up to her. Next thing I know she was on the phone while running. I yelled to her “Im coming!” to try and comfort her. She started screaming even louder. A few seconds later I see flashing blue and red lights. They pulled us over while we were running and asked us if anything was wrong. Obviously nothing was wrong. I wanted her number so while I was speaking to the officer I rapidly reached for my phone in my back pocket. I was then shot in the chest 14 times. The only thing that saved me was our ever lasting love. So the cops left and we went back to her place. I got to meet a bunch of celebrities. Elvis Presly, Kobe Bryant, Micheal Jackson and a ton of others that I thought were dead. Moral of the story, it always okay to follow her home.
I'm a girl, and I have no idea why I'm watching this.
Haha me too
Susan Chen The important question: Is he right or are his advices BS? Could be interesting to hear a woman's take on this ;-)
Susan Chen So you can build a wall of defense against people who attempt this.
"Oh you're trying to flirt with me... yeah I saw that youtube video too"
James N. Gouveia negative captain I'm not single. Please pass your spam onto others.
Same over here
Why is this in my recommended videos? Okay, I'll bite...
Dude you made my fucking day!
You got the best username
Trevor Philips Hahaha nice pic
You sir, are a god! The only tips I've seen that actually make sense.
This is exactly how to not be an incel and to be a gentleman. Just honestly meeting other people, being respectful and maybe or not exiting. Perfect mang! If anything else this is a confidence booster for everyone if they follow it.
Definitely bro
Should I do the crip walk.
Mumen Rider you should never not do the crip walk, cuh.
Do the b walk
Universal Warez hell yeah sawhoo
how to flirt:
1. alcohol
2. a gun
+Mark Nutt 3. Chloroform
4.umbrella... idk about you but I'm into some kinky shit
5. money
6. autism
7. The bus driver
How to flirt, with out being creepy. I went to a bar, saw a guy who I thought I would like to know. Did all of the things you said to do. Got to the point where I walked over to him. Said Hi, my name is David, did some small talk, got to the part where I asked him for his phone number. He said he didn't give his number out. I did what you said ,I just told him it was nice to of met him, and walk away. About a hour later, he was getting ready to go home. He walked over to me, tapped me on the shoulder, and gave me a piece of paper, with his phone number on it. I just gave him a call, we are going to meet at the same club tonight. Thanks, it works.
DAVID Burkey
Nice story
that's gay tho
dylan deocampo Good job stating a fact, buddy!
Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved it on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I'm showing them), Then I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells."
KPopsicleSNSD Gay pick up = easy mode.
Step 1: Look incredibly handsome