Gain levels of the backing tracks aren't set the same. The backing tracks are much louder during the Neve recording! Should have gain matched because I think the Focusrite is crisper with better high end...and a better gain match with the background would have shown this.
They were the same tracks on the same file at the same level. The drums were differently recorded, and obviously were levelled at a mix level by ear. The intention was not for it to be a “scientific” test - more a “flavour”and sound comparison. Thanks as always for your comment though.
Night and day, thank u for this
Wow. Love the Neve. It’s so full and honest.
Focusrite still sounds good, but lacks the class and depth.
I tend to agree - I think its the low end. Thanks for the comment.
Neve is saturated and fits nicely in mix. Focusrite are transparent and clean. Both are great, choose your color.
Great comment and summary
Gain levels of the backing tracks aren't set the same. The backing tracks are much louder during the Neve recording! Should have gain matched because I think the Focusrite is crisper with better high end...and a better gain match with the background would have shown this.
They were the same tracks on the same file at the same level. The drums were differently recorded, and obviously were levelled at a mix level by ear. The intention was not for it to be a “scientific” test - more a “flavour”and sound comparison. Thanks as always for your comment though.