The Damn Commandments
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- Dennis Prager's "university" made another video wherein he says a whole lot of things that are just laughably wrong. It is bad enough that he thinks the ten commandments are real and significant, but then he said that no one could determine anything by evidence; we need 'authorities' instead. But when he started talking about what atheists acknowledged or needed to admit, I couldn't help myself anymore; I had to post a reply.
Here is the link to Prager's original video:
• The Ten Commandments: ...
Here is a link to Hemant Mehta's article depicting the 2013 report from the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Here is a link to the song at the end:
• Scraping Foetus off th...
"If it isn't God who declares murder wrong, murder isn't wrong." When your religion makes you proud to publicly sound like a sociopath.
then what makes something 'wrong'?
How do you know if murder is wrong if god did not write on your heart the difference between good and evil? it was not put there by sinful man.
We decide what is right/wrong based on the benefit/harm it does to others.
Murder for example is bad because it kills a person (which hurts everybody that cares for that person). Since people don't want to be murdered/have their friends murdered. We have made a law against murder.
When you get to more complicated issues, you'll find everyone has their own opinion on what is right (like what is the best punishment for criminals? do we focus on just keeping them away from others, kill them even if there is a chance they could be innocent or do we try to teach them that what they did was wrong?)
@@kellycowley3535 the whole fact that you know that murder is wrong and rape is wrong because God gave you freewill to think and understand. (created in God's image). If a person commits cold blooded senseless murder, do you think they understand the harm it does to others? Do you think they are listening to God or the devil?
Oh really, you know the bible never actually says rape is wrong (in many cases it encourages it, same with slavery).
But no, morality is subjective and there are some cases murder would be ok (like self defense and war for example, maybe even the death penalty for really bad criminals).
There are some people that seem to think murder is ok, and that includes christians (and other religions) as well (and some of them in the past/present has killed 'in the name of god').
I don't believe there is a god or a devil. I don't think the belief of a god is needed for someone to be a good person.
But if believers can 'listen to the devil' as you put it, then shouldn't that mean that every believer should doubt what 'god' tells them (encase that 'god' is the devil).
Asking, "If there is no god, what is the purpose of life" is like asking "If there is no master, whose slave should I be?" ~ Dan Barker
It’s more like, “if there is a creator of all this, then it created all the good anyone has experienced vice versa. Then the question is who should i act like?” Like a human? Look at history you can see for yourself what humans do. No act like the creator who creates beautiful scenarios. That’s the power I relate to, and that power relates to all.
@@taurenelias8318 I get that but at the same time. Bruhhhh, just be yourself no one person is the same as the others. Be the best version of yourself as long as you don't do any harm to others. Why so hell bent on imitating others?
Science is worthless at dealing with emotional problems as well as alcoholism and substance abuse. Treating alcoholics and other forms of degeneracy is left to faith-based programs. Faith seems to mitigate if not always cure.
Religion is a tool for social organization and the church is certainly guilty of crimes against humanity, but that isn't the whole story. Religion has helped untold millions. Atheism hasn't helped anybody.
@@taurenelias8318Funny thing,people who love to proclaim how theyr'e the most moral are the same ones who are the least moral!!😂😅
If life is suppose to be purposeful why are babies delivered still born?
Im a real life atheist Egyptian and i want to say this.Thank you Aron for restoring my dignity
Tunisian here! Stay safe brother.
@@paywastl3408 Karasata Kurd'akm la jeyaki wa detawa XD
Sllawt lebe
In America with radicalized fundamentalists for parents, parents who disown me for being an atheist. Your not alone freind.
@@XxUSAF1RExX that sounds rough
@Fenix is that starcraft sorry I was just curious.
I think it is funny that he used roman numerals on the tablets. Lol
Well the Arabic/Indians wouldn't make sense either. Even the 'Biblical' Hebrew alphabet would have been new and rare.... If they existed then.
General Titus agrees.
@Clarence Spangle What's sexual degeneracy
@Clarence Spangle Not sure if this is relevant, but based.
@Clarence Spangle I worship "heathen" gods, not satan.
Democracy was born in ancient greece, not thanks to the 10 commandments lol
Turks , "I had the electoral college before it was cool."
Frank Matthers ikr, you would think that Prager would do his research beforehand. But then again it's America, the arsenal of Christianity and uneducated people.
Also check out the Iroquois Confederacy.
No, turks weren't even present in turkey when there were ancient civilizations, and when they arrived, civilization was gone in asia minor. Forever.
That's why he said representative democracy.
I was born in Vietnam, in an Eastern World, and I just came to America for education. Did you just tell me all the Laws in Vietnam, and morals I was taught by my parents (they are Buddhists, but I'm an atheist) and I learned through my experience are come from your Sky Father, who in the Holy Scripture never came to East Asia or Southeast Asia? What a great joke Prager.
I don't know about the Sky Father, but the Sky Son apparently spent a good deal of time sitting with the saddhus in India. Learned a lot, I think.
N Marbletoe That's a myth. Like the rest of the Wholly Fables.
Jesus never came to USA China Mexico etc.. but wait.. Earth think earth think earth.. God came to earth.. the planet he created .. includes Vietnam ... but so sorry for those whose may misrepresent the laws purpose which is..Galatians 3:19 What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator Philippians 3:9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; Romans 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. (end quote) This is what the Bible says about the law. So sorry for those who left out its purpose other than the one above which are quotes from the Bible (NKJV). BUT also the following is important regarding Jesus`s Global mission ....Isaiah 49: Indeed He says,
‘It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob,
And to restore the preserved ones of Israel;
I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles,
That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.’” (end quote) .. This speaks of the ultimate ministry of Jesus continued though the Apostles .. that is to as Jesus asked them to.. go into all the World to preach the gospel (good news) John 3: 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but[b] have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
John the Baptist Exalts Christ
22 After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea, and there He remained with them and baptized. 23 Now John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there was much water there. And they came and were baptized. 24 For John had not yet been thrown into prison.
25 Then there arose a dispute between some of John’s disciples and the Jews about purification. 26 And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified-behold, He is baptizing, and all are coming to Him!”
27 John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. 28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, ‘I am not the Christ,’ but, ‘I have been sent before Him.’ 29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled. 30 He must increase, but I must decrease. 31 He who comes from above is above all; he who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all. 32 And what He has seen and heard, that He testifies; and no one receives His testimony. 33 He who has received His testimony has certified that God is true. 34 For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure. 35 The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand. 36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
Yes, that's exactly what he's saying. There are many fundamentalist Christians that believe even if you never heard of Jesus/Yahweh you still get your morals from it. Because according to them Jesus has written his law/moral on every heart. It's complete and utter bs. I've even heard them say, those that have never heard about Jesus will still go to hell because they know the truth that god wrote on every heart. It's absurd and pretty scary people believe you deserve eternal torture for never knowing something they claim you actu ally magically know.
If it really is not true, then you do not have to worry about the following(But you really do): Romans 2: 2 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? 4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?
5 But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. 6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”[a] 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 9 There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10 but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 11 For God does not show favoritism.
12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.) 16 This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
Love how the Greeks weren't Christian yet had democracy and human rights before Christianity
The Christians would make the excuse that they knew in their hearts that God existed and supported actual morality in his name.
I guess we must now worship Zeus for making democracy
and for Parliamentary democracy I pray to Jupiter
The Greeks had a form of democracy,Patriarchal Democracy or MGTOW heaven.
Not to mention the Iroquois and the Icelandic Vikings. They both had parliamentarian governments long before they became Christian, or even acquainted with it.
In fact, our ideal society has far more in common with the Pre-Christian Roman, Greek, and Persian ones than the Jewish or Christian ones. The Greeks gave us democracy, from Athens, as well as state-sponsored education and a professional military, from Sparta; Rome gave us a republican style government with checks and balances so no branch would completely dominate the state; and the Persians gave us a professional bureaucracy, and a tolerant, pluralistic approach to minorities, and were one of the few societies to NOT own slaves. They allowed people to practice their culture and religion as they saw fit, provided they paid their taxes and didn't rebel.
How's THAT for irony! ;)
"If God doesn't declare murder wrong, murder isn't wrong". Well Dennis, where does God say slavery is wrong?
Hmm... Nowhere?
@@Dianasaurthemelonlord7777 Top Prize Damien!!! Unfortunately, it's not exactly a difficult feat to know the Bible better than Dennis Prager.
@@drrickmarshall1191 Yeah I became an Atheist for those reasons that and he Witnesses all kind of Crime but does nothing but Forgive his "Servants" later on like What my Father did to me and my family, Which I don't wish to mention but that alone was the final nail in that coffin
It doesn't. That's how I justify keeping all those women -- sorry, I meant to say keeping all my property - locked up in the basement.
Dennis doesnt think slavery is wrong either
He needs God to tell him not to commit murder, while the rest of us have empathy to tell us we don't want to commit murder.
@krinkov545 uneducated fool
@krinkov545 A foetus is not a baby in the same way a bag of flour is not a loaf of bread.
Hate to break it to you, but this guy is a Satanists, not an atheist. If he believes in the Devil then he knows GOD is real.
Well apparently, "the rest of you" don't have that sense, or it wouldn't be happening every single day.
@@CteCrassus A fetus is a baby, it is human life. A bag of flour won’t become a loaf of bread by itself, but a healthy fetus inside a healthy womb will be shot out of a vagina.
I lol'd at the Christianity was responsible for women's rights, abolition, and parliamentary democracy part.
In a VERY vague and roundabout way, Christianity can claim to being partly responsible for women's rights.
Sort of...
And in a less vague way it can claim to have been and still be a hindrance to womens rights. It feels almost unreal to me that though I live in one of the most secular societies on the planet I keep finding pastors who think women shouldn't have the right to vote, for example. And when asking why, it's all about biblical quotes and the "natural order" where the man is superior to the woman.
The only reason I said that was due to the fact that Kate Sheppard, the most prominent member of New Zealand's Women's Suffrage movement, established the New Zealand Women's Christian Temperance Union, part of the larger temperance movement.
Her involvement arose primarily from her religious beliefs, which she had derived from her uncle, a minister of the Free Church of Scotland at Nairn.
Since New Zealand was the first country to introduce universal suffrage in 1893, Sheppard's work had a considerable impact on women's suffrage movements in several other countries.
mr2atara That is interesting. I have heard of womens suffrage arising early in New Zealand, but I had either not heard of or forgotten the name Kate Sheppard. Funny how that happens.
Either way, to clarify, I didn't mean that there havn't been christians who were inspired to do good things out of their own religious convictions. If you look at Martin Luther King Jr. you can see a similar pattern in the civil struggle for equality between what was then known as "races". What I mean is that this comes about from personal religious beliefs of good hearted individuals. If you actually take the time to read the Bible it's quite clear that the ideology within its pages isn't one of equality between men and women or different groups. The israelites are the chosen people and women should always obey their husbands, according to christian doctrine. A lot of christians disregard these verses when they don't feel like obeying them, the way I see it. And maybe (probably) we should be happy that they do.
She's on our $10 note because of her work.
Yes, I have taken the time to read the bible, and not just once.
It's the reason why I'm not christian.
Religion is a form of control for the sheep.
nope, is the Elites.
I think sheep are more intelligent
Robert Mattfeldt A matter of opinion& not look too closely at various similarities to Christian history.
Shithead pussy atheists claiming they got it going on.
I came up with my own 10 Commandments (with a little help from Christopher Hitchens) and I think I did a much better job than god.
1. Do not kill another human being.
2. Do not commit the crime of rape.
3. Do not condone or practice slavery, serfdom, indentured servitude or any other institution that would hold human beings as property.
4. Do not allow harm to befall others whether physical, psychological or sexual.
5. Do not discriminate or condemn on the basis of race, gender, orientation, etc.
6. Do not provide testimony that would incriminate the innocent or acquit the guilty.
7. Do not despoil others of their property
8. Remember that you to are an animal and are dependent upon nature. Take care of it.
9. Denounce all aggressive proclamations of war. Particularly those claiming a religious purpose.
10. Reject any god, religion, doctrine, or promoters thereof that violate even one of these commandments.
*These commandments are not meant to outline every possible scenario. However their intent is clear.*
(Edit: Minor spelling corrections have been made.)
God should watch your career with great interest...
But to be a protagonist of the bible you HAVE to live in the desert of Mesopotamia, God does not accept Stories from people from any other spot in the world. And you should have lived bach then, since nowadays or just some few hundred years back, it would be too easy to not believe in your words, as there are FACTS about you. Jesus and Isaac and Abraham lived more than 2000 years ago...there is quite a mist over this time period, only the bible tells us their epic tales. No modern Moses for you, then
@@VentilatorenBumser I don't seek to be a modern Moses, only proof that a mortal can do morality better than this so called god.
HarbingerOfBattle Yes, I know and I support your opinion. What I wrote was just sarcasm/irony
@@VentilatorenBumser Ah okay then.
Yeah i think you did a better job XD
Murder is wrong simply because it self-selects its own illegality.
Imagine a scenario in which the government suddenly decriminalized murder. After the resulting rash of killings, you would surround yourself with those friends and family members that you trusted. Well, what just happened? You created your own smaller community where murder was once again discouraged. If some parties subsequently went against that rule, you'd either remove them or break off into a smaller group that once again criminalized the practice.
Murder = bad, no divine dictator necessary.
Sounds like the Purge
Oswlek Not so sure about that. It all depends on how good the killers are at killing, and how many of them there are. They could very well kill everyone where they are and then spread out in seek of new victims and.... stumble upon your friends and family members. The only thing that self-selects against itself is suicide, not murder. That's why suicide is called a coward's way out, because some coward who had a gun to his head and didn't have the balls to pull the trigger made up that lie to make himself feel better, as if he was the courageous one, while the one who did have the balls to go through with it, wasn't around to contest being called a coward by the actual coward. That's why it's such a cultural taboo, because those who would be its biggest advocates have silenced their own voices via suicide. So we're left with a culture where everyone pretends that their lives are SO precious, and they must scramble to hold on to any chance at life, however dreadful, yet happy, healthy, friendly, affectionate cats are euthenized by the thousand, it's ONLY about whose voice can be heard (namely the cats can't talk). So no, the balance keeping murder in check is a precarious one by comparison, because THAT is all about silencing the voices of OTHERS.
Thanks for your thoughts, Cyndi. Or not Cyndi, be it as it may. ;-)
Your post doesn't conflict with mine at all. I never said murder is self-elimating, I said it naturally proves itself as being immoral even without divine inspiration.
Murder is bad because human beings have an innate goal to survive and so we distant ourselves from murder as much as possible. But that is subject to our biological conditioning and doesn't objectively show that moral is actually bad. Only that if the goal is to survive, then we have to avoid murder. So there are about 10000000 different grounds you can argue back and forth why murder would be right and wrong and there is no lawgiver, on the absence of God, that can choose. For example, human beings naturally distant themselves from murder on the basis of survivability, but what if the fact of the matter was that human beings aren't worthy of surviving? Facts exist extrinic to our evolution, to our emotions and to our thoughts. They don't care because they can't care.That simple.
Mostafa554466 *For example, human beings naturally distant themselves from murder on the basis of survivability, but what if the fact of the matter was that human beings aren't worthy of surviving?*
Interesting post, but I think you are superimposing extra meaning onto my post. If you'll notice, the first one doesn't even use the term "moral" at all. I wasn't making any value judgements, just illustrating that murder is obviously wrong even without divine proclamation.
Did he just say that COMMUNIST and FASCIST societies were immoral because they DID NOT have an absolute authority?
Damn the irony...
At this point I cannot believe that he is not knowingly lying.
I sincerely don't believe they are lying to us. they are however very likely lying to themselves and in doing so tell us what they believe to be truth. my father once said that you can lie to everyone else but you can't lie to yourself. oh boy, how little did he know about the human psyche.
Clarence Spangle, I had no idea Stalin, Castro and Kim Jung Un were Jewish. I thought they were ATHEISTS, genius.
@@theephraimite He is a moron, because he thinks that an ideology founded by an ethnic jew who hated Jews is somehow jewish... that shows how much american far right is politically illiterate and ignorant on purpose.
Putin Did It, you are lying between your teeth. Stalin’s atheist regime murdered millions. How are the atheist regimes of China and North Korea doing with human rights?
@ Satanism is actually the only surviving pure European religion. The only thing it has in common with Judaism is the name "Satan," and plenty of theistic Satanists call him Der Teufel, Old Scratch, or the Devil. Most of the demons are European pagan deities, like Hecate, Eurynomos, and Dagan. Satanism is the only surviving, pure Paganism, and its most prominent philosophers are not Jewish; Anton Long, Stephanie Connolly, Friedrich Nietzsche, Samuel Clemens, and Diane Vera were/are all white Europeans. LaVey's work was stolen from early European Satanists, and based largely on Germanic Theistic Satanism. Satanism is also the only unbroken line to the Pagan gods in modern times that's accessible to the general public, as most modern Paganism is attempted reconstruction or outright eclectic fabrication.
There's a reason there are so many Nazis in the Temple of Satan and the Order of Nine Angles.
Maybe that third tablet he dropped had the commandment "Thou shall not own slaves" on it.
No, probably not.
Or "Pay no attention to this guy". God was a dick with too much of a sense of humor for Moses. ;)
Luna Smith lol
You'd think god would have rewritten it for us, but no apparently
That third tablet had "Thou shalt not sexually abuse children" and it did, and at that moment, the Pope from the 22nd century appeared through time travel and made Moses drop and break it, saying ""No, no, that certainly won't do, I love me the buns of the littl'uns!""
Because it was atheists who did all that in the name of god, of course
I like what Darkmatter said about murder. If God existed, then murder is right, since it's part of his grand plan. Heck, every sin is actually good since it's part of god's grand plan for ultimate good
Sin is not part of his plan. We have free reign now but it will have consequences
When you put it that way.
@@HostileLemons u should check out reformed theology lol
Hate to break it to you, but this guy is a Satanists, not an atheist. If he believes in the Devil then he knows GOD is real.
@@HostileLemonsyou sure?
If murder is wrong why are so many Christians pro death penalty.
and so many non-christians pro-abortion
Murder is the same as death penalty apparently.
Ao Li I mean murder=ending a yeah you're still killing someone
Monday's insanity I feel that the death penalty is ok, if someone rapes and murders ten kids they should die but the death penalty should be a big deal instead of an every day thing
Donald Dumper I'm not saying the death penalty is bad (if their a rapist, serial killer, child molester, etc. And its proven far beyond a reasonable doubt i.e. video evidence) then yeah keeping them in prison for life is a waste
The Mel Brooks "15 Commandment" scene was duly noted.
I like how he fades in like this secular specter, he looks exactly how I imagine a level 1000 atheist looks like to most Christians and I kinda love it
Hell yeah!
The secular specter🤣🤣🤣
Atheist jumpscare
Hate to break it to you, but this guy is a Satanists, not an atheist. If he believes in the Devil then he knows GOD is real.
Aron is definitely a level 1000 atheist.
Aron, your efforts and contributions are appreciated.
Hate to break it to you, but this guy is a Satanists, not an atheist. If he believes in the Devil then he knows GOD is real.
god breaks his own commandments
Thou shal not kill - orders moses to kill those worshipping idols
Thou shalt not make graven images - orders aaron to make an idol so that whoever looks upon will be healed
Thou shalt not steal - tells moses that the land of milk an honey is inhabited and they need to "take it" from them.
And according to christians if you broken one you broken them all. But god can because hes god. Not a "lead by example " kind of person is he?.
I do love pointing this shit out to religious people, is that a sin?? What about a preacher working the sabbath? What about your stained glass windows (graven image) etc etc.
+Mos Melendez
congrats, you found a plotholes in bronze age novel!
moofymoo In another quote that preachers forget when it comes to tithing and sacrafice (dont remember the mans name in the bible or the verse) he states "I givin and I sacrificed to you but you dont hear me lord!" (paraphrasing) then god speaks "I dont need or require your sacrifices or tithings " the mans says " then why do we do such?" God then says " Just to see if you would do them! I have no need for silver and gold nor do I need sacrifices. You forget I created all of this why do I need you to give it to me when its already mine?"
Yet preachers always tell you " GIVE to god " or "God requires sacrifice"
If there is a point that GOD is suppose to be giving here is that a man is suppose to Give and Sacrifice to his own people, brother, stranger, etc. for a greater good or whatever. Which would make sense since most would take a bullet for a friend or loved one (maybe not for a stranger in cases) or help out homeless people or people in need.
Tithing an sacrifice are synonymous to "Giving" or "Giving up something" like taking time to help out the old lady cross the street even though you are running late to work or spending your last 5 bucks on a homeless person because you felt bad for him. In any case you dont need a belief in God to do those things.
You forgot to read the fine print !! "Thou shalt not kill (*) "
(*) Exceptions apply !!
The Bible is filled with all kinds of hypocrisies. It's a bullshit book and nothing else.
Prager: _"If we all agree on everything, there won't be any disagreement anymore."_ Well, whoopty freakin' doo, Einstein!
Boris B
Principal Skinner:“I DONT AGREE TO THAT!”
Edna Krabappel: “NEITHER DO I!”
But have you ever considered this in your life? Every 60 minutes in Africa, a minute passes.
You do realize that you proved his point?
@@mensetens6391 it isn't a point, though.
@@BorisNoiseChannel It is if you read it.
Just looking to my own area of expertice: Egyptology, I can state, as an actual fact, that murder were not only viewed as "wrong", but an actual _criminial_ _offence_ some TWO THOUSAND years before not only the myth of Moses but before any tribe - hebrew or otherwise - confessed to a monotheistic god belief. Of course, this doesn't concern Prager and the likes since phenomenon such as facts, evidence and empirical data always will be secondary to blind belief.
Deviant Outcast Thanks for sharing!
@@carnivorehitman Happy to contribute! =)
I mean, murder by definition is a criminal offense
I mean, murder by definition is a criminal offense
"ended slavery" oh yeah and it didn't perpetuate it for 500 years before that at all
The level of atheism throughout the rest of the developed world refutes any argument that religion is somehow a moral necessity, Countries like Norway, Iceland, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom are among the least religious societies on Earth. According to the United Nations’ Human Development Report (2005) they are also the healthiest, as indicated by measures of life expectancy, adult literacy, per capita income, educational attainment, gender equality, homicide rate and infant mortality. Conversely, the 50 nations now ranked lowest in terms of human development are unwaveringly religious. Other analyses paint the same picture: The United States is unique among wealthy democracies in its level of religious literalism and opposition to evolutionary theory; it is also uniquely beleaguered by high rates of homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy, STD infection and infant mortality. The same comparison holds true within the United States itself: Southern and Midwestern states, characterized by the highest levels of religious superstition and hostility to evolutionary theory, are especially plagued by the above indicators of societal dysfunction, while the comparatively secular states of the Northeast conform to European norms. Of course, correlational data of this sort do not resolve questions of causality--belief in God may lead to societal dysfunction; societal dysfunction may foster a belief in God; each factor may enable the other; or both may spring from some deeper source of mischief. Leaving aside the issue of cause and effect, these facts prove that atheism is perfectly compatible with the basic aspirations of a civil society; they also prove, conclusively, that religious faith does nothing to ensure a society’s health.
Who doesn't want to pat themselves in the back for ending something they helped perpetuate?
Prager is delusional, but at least he has a good graphics department.
BAHAHAHAHA..that was a good one
Damn, Prager, u got some George Lucas shit goin on there
Though it never fails to upset me when he uses the Mercator projection of the world map instead of the arguably both artistically, geographically, and mathematically much more beautiful and superior Mollweide projection.
Yes, but the Mercator map is what people are familiar with and is what is used for graphics. The Mollweide would likely lead to unnecessary confusion.
True, but at some point in time we just have to get rid of that piece of waste, on which Greenland appears larger than Africa.
"Imagine a world with no murder or theft. Everyone could go out anywhere at anytime without worry"
What about rape, Dennis?
What about torture Dennis?
What about pantsing, Dennis?
Also, notice how he phrases that: "without worry". Like, of COURSE we should become an enforced theocracy, because people shouldn't have to worry!
But this completely undercuts his point; if God laid down those laws, we WOULD live in that world. The fact that we don't disproves the antecedent. People risk jail AND hell everyday! So, what's his point? Despite what religious people might say, the average citizen fears prison or death MUCH more than any afterlife. And yet, we see murder and theft. And people still go out, worried or not.
A world where everyone can go about without worry?
So... Denmark.
The concept of "rape" (as we understand it) just doesn't exist, in biblical morality- The woman's consent is a 100% non-issue, in the bibles laws; Having sex with a woman you aren't married to WITH OR WITHOUT HER CONSENT, is crime against either her husband, or her father. But if you ARE married to her (or if she's your slave; pretty similar rules), then you're entitled to sex, again, WITH OR WITHOUT HER CONSENT. There is literally NEVER a situation where the woman's consent to sex is even considered, or changes anything, in the bible's laws.
Sex is just a property-crime against the father/husband, the exact same way that sex with slave you don't own would be a property-crime against the slave-owner. With consent being 100% irrelevant, in both scenarios.
[In fact, in practical terms, the bible's laws actively incentivize the forceful rape and murder of the rape victim; According to biblical law, if you're an unmarried man, who has consenting sex with ANY woman, married or not, you get the death sentence. But if that same guy forcefully rapes a woman first chance he gets, and then kills her, he STILL gets the exact same sentence- Death.... Except now, he's rid himself of the hassle of waiting for a woman who WILL consent, seducing her, letting her limit what sex acts do/don't happen, etc. AND he reduces his chance of getting caught, by disposing of the only witness- the woman. The forceful murder-rapist, is universally in a better legal position, in every way, compared to the "rapist" who gets consent from the "victim", under biblical law.
This is exactly why kidnapping alone NEVER carries the death sentence; Because logically, it incentivizes the kidnapper to murder the victim, and eliminate a witness who may be the factor that gets him found guilty, since he'd get the same sentence, either way... But I guess Yahweh didn't think of that, since prescribes the death sentence for EVERYTHING...]
Religious Moralism = "I would commit many crimes if I did not believe a completely invisible someone was watching me." No sense of personal responsibility or restraint. I mean, if that isn't the very bottom of the moralistic barrel, what is? :-O
And yet every culture has had to have and still does have laws just like that. Does that make everyone in the world dregs of humanity?
That is a clever statement but read Romans chapter 1 through 8 then come back with a descent argument. Wake up and seek Truth before you die blind by Satan.
@@mensetens6391 What are you talking about??? You said "... every culture has had to have and still does have laws just like that... " Have you actually read the commandments? Four of the first five Commandments are admonishments to remember and obey only (the traditional) YHWH; including a reprimand against art and sculpture. DO you like art and sculpture? This means that the only universal edict in the first five Commandments is to honour one's Father and Mother. It's likely most cultures came to that understanding very early in human history. What about the next five Commandments? Well, if we use the most benign version of the Commandments, the next five consist of admonitions against murder, adultery, theft and false witness. Do you really think the author/s of the Ten Commandments invented those ideas? The last Commandment, "Thou shalt not covet" -- a thought crime -- is the least useful of them all, in that we can use other words to describe 'covetousness': including 'ambition', 'yearning', 'longing', 'desire' and 'hope'. Do you know of any lasting culture which banned these things? Do I think the world is full of "dregs": of course not. I might use the term you've used, to describe people who try to reflect responsibility for their own egregious behaviours onto invisible entities or, worse, try to tell me that ten little rules written on a desert rock formed the basis of all cultural morality. Thank you for your thought.
@@deadandwicked Astounding as this may be for you, most Atheists come from a religious background... as do I. For almost 30 years, the Bible was the most important book in the world to me. Then I read it, all of it, many times: That's how I became an Atheist. You should read the whole thing, too. Maybe you'll become an Atheist. :-)
@@brooktu4249 _Four of the first five Commandments are admonishments to remember and obey only (the traditional) YHWH_
Context is important. One context is the conversation I entered with the OP, so my pronoun will refer to what he said. Another context is TH-cam, where demands are more common than propositions and premises and so answers should be concise wherever possible. Often that mistakenly means 'short,' which it ought not. Still, it's a consideration. It sometimes gets in the way.
So let's consider the OP's objection:
_Religious Moralism = "I would commit many crimes if I did not believe a completely invisible someone was watching me." No sense of personal responsibility or restraint_
This does not refer to worship but to ethics and morality, of which every culture has in fact has and had laws just like the ones we find in the Decalogue. We shouldn't be surprised at that, being all made in God's image.
This one is interesting:
_DO you like art and sculpture?_
This is irrelevant. i certainly didn't say anything about that, and surprise, surprise, neither does the Decalogue, for if you read the entire command it says,
_You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments_
You see, it's about worship, not 'sculpture' or 'art.' it says, 'Don't make an idol of anything physical.' Simple. We are free to enjoy and admire art and sculpture, even the Venus of Willendorf, if we can. Our standards seem to have changed a bit since then, but if we can.
_the next five consist of admonitions against murder, adultery, theft and false witness. Do you really think the author/s of the Ten Commandments invented those ideas?_
Come, that's either a straw man fallacy if you think that I'm making that argument, or a red herring fallacy if you jumped to the conclusion that that's what I'm doing. Either way, you are wrong. I started out with the very statement that you objected against (all cultures have had and have laws like that) yet here you say that I think the opposite, that they didn't exist before the Commandments. Which is it?
Of course they didn't 'invent those ideas,' nor does God anywhere say 'By the way, Israel, this is the first time anyone has seen these laws.' God simply says, 'these are right, so do them.' They've been right since before Cain killed Abel (which he knew was wrong). They still are.
_The last Commandment, "Thou shalt not covet" -- a thought crime -- is the least useful of them all_
Not 'a thought crime,' that's a twentieth-century anachronistic copout. You've read _The Cloud of Unknowing,_ I hope? It starts out with saying that if we're not serious about what he's saying, he doesn't even want us to read his book. then he goes on to say that we need to stop sin where it begins, in the heart. Jesus said that adultery and murder start in the heart, which in fact they do. James says the same thing. This command against coveting is merely the recognition of where sin begins. Stop it there, and you'll never hurt anyone. Simple. Excusing your thinking by labeling it with a negative modern term does not change its nature as the origin of all evil.
_I might use the term you've used, to describe people who try to reflect responsibility for their own egregious behaviours onto invisible entities or, worse, try to tell me that ten little rules written on a desert rock formed the basis of all cultural morality_
Not 'all cultural morality,' that's not what was claimed, but 'all western cultural morality,' for they have been the basis of our morality for over a thousand years. Decide to be angry at that if you wish (you've read _Man's Search for Meaning_ ? You'll find there that that's exactly what you did, and it was written before you were born. That means that you are predictable. Think about that), but it is true.
If Nazi's are an example of secular evil. Why does it say "God with us" on SS soldier's belts?
Dont forget Hitler's literal words in Mein Kampf where he says he believes he was on a divinely ordained mission.
@Alexander Büch I made no comment as to the complexity of German history. I asked a simple question. Perhaps you could attempt to answer it or. At least edit your straw man?
Because nazism isn't secular. it was a state-sanctioned religion with hitler as not only its figurehead, but with the overriding delusion that he is god made flesh.
I was a little kid when I first saw that scene in Mel Brooks ' History of the World. It was, up till then, the funniest thing I'd ever seen and I laughed myself silly with my dad roaring right beside me. I still chuckle whenever I see it, even 40 years later. Thanks to AronRa for adding that visual gem to this video and for bringing that moment and my dad back to me for however brief a second. Miss you, Dad.
Funny how every argument for the Christian God, comes with the presupposition that he's the ONLY alternative to atheism......
Untarded Atheist
Yeah, like if they prove that there is a god, it must be there god.
That is a really irrational believe, that the proof of some higher existence, like a god, which could has started the universe, would proof their scriptures.
Atheist and agnostic. There's a difference right?
Thats because they are not willing to consider anything else other than the God they already believe in.
Its like their brain is glitched.
Are you going out of your way to be irrelevant? Or do you honestly think you made some kind of point? Jesus Christ... You're not even on par with the average apologist, simply drawing breath must be a mental strain.
Satan is not real buddy.
I wanna have a barbeque and drink some beer with this dude.
Marcel Gardner I'd rather smoke a joint with Aron.
Beer, burn and BBQ!
@@jenniferbrewer5370 lol
Yeah we could invite Aron Ra, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchkins, Prager, and have a good roast.
Howard Lanus that’s over kill
Dennis Pragur: “No document in world history, so change the world for the better, as did the 10 commandments.”
Aron: *Materializes out of nowhere*
“Nothing personal, kid...”
Listening to the religious people talk on here, I'm now convinced that they have a wish to be a slave to a devine dictator who commands immoral actions. Sorry but even if this god character is real I would not worship it because his actions are not in humanity's best interest and in almost all situations seem to be the opposite of our best interest. To me this God character doesn't sound any better than Hitler or Charles Manson.
I always say the same thing. I don't care if your god is real. He is an immoral, evil mentally ill woman hating, tyrannical dictator who sex traffics young women. I want nothing to do with him, real or not
Captain Atheist. the God I worship, the most high almighty One, yeah that one, He doesn't make me do anything I don't want to do. he does not force me to come to him and he does not force his will on me. he is a gentle Spirit and a gentleman. men I have known were nothing like him.
I have thought for some time that the religious have a slave mentality.
Tony Bates I think Friedrich Nietzsche elaborated on the concept of a "Slave Mentality"
That's because you worship a book, the god you think you worship doesn't exist and it isn't the one the book you worship talks about. Why don't you hit up some of those verses Aron showed on screen? Why not check out a few of Aron's other videos and read some of the other verses? Why not? For the same reasons creationists don't actually read up on actual evolution and desperately cling to their many profoundly false notions: fear of the truth.
"Don't swallow your moral code in tablet form." - Christopher Hitchens
That's very funny, excellent statement.
Well Hitchens also believed in killing civilians in the middle East for oil.
rollo131 the only tablets I like to swallow are Percocets.
@@ryublueblanka ehhh not really. Hitchens largely believed that the Gulf War was a "right thing, but for the wrong reason." But he also understood that he didn't want to really commit anything like an endorsement of that statement, because he loathed GW Bush for the moron that he was/ is. Hitchens mostly saw the Gulf War as standing up against Islam. You can argue the ins-and-outs of that all day long but one thing is for sure, he NEVER would have been cool with "killing civilians." Hitchens hated RELIGION. He had no problem with the PEOPLE of the Middle East-- just their backwards-assed beliefs.
Apparently, Dennis is unfamiliar with an emotion most of us feel, called "human empathy." Empathy is a crucial component that makes it possible for us to live in close proximity to others of our species. Or, if he DOES recognize "human empathy," he apparently thinks it cannot have been the result of natural processes (evolution), propagated throughout the species because it bestows a competitive advantage, allowing us to cooperate to our mutual benefit.
"Apparently, Dennis is unfamiliar with an emotion most of us feel, called 'human empathy.'" - well, thankfully for the rest of us normally functioning humans, Dennis has the Code of Harry to fall back on.
WildwoodClaire1 That's the part that annoys me the most about these pious pinheads. Empathy as the catalyst and motivation for our improving social behavior is an instinct inherent amongst all members of our species,.....yet, these religious folks have no problem whatsoever claiming that their barely coherent mythology is the cause of our progress instead.
And empathy is especially hard to explain to simple minded folk since today we have less and less of it as sociopathic behavior is rewarded. I submit that's why people resort to ideology, that's why we have so many fanatics these days. We have constructed this system of economy in which we don't take into account anything else but the bottom line, the profit, none of that "we're in this together on a tiny spec of dust in the universe" crap. Those are externalities as defined by economists and are treated as such. We have liberalism aka "I want to do whatever without being responsible for the consequences". In order to alleviate the sources which fuel religion, we have to use the scientific understanding at our disposal to reconstruct society from the ground up. Otherwise, I submit that we're blaming the swarm of files without removing the turd in the punch bowl.
Take for instance the France incidents of the last days. No amount of mockery can do any good and if empathy were in play, those journalists would realize that they're doing only harm to them, to Muslims in the Middle East, the ones who fled repression put in place by UK and USA etc. etc. I would not have published such stuff for the same reason I don't use the N word, it is not productive. I am in no way excusing them, I just say that lack of empathy has brought us here. Nobody cares for the illegal wars, people get disillusioned and turn to charismatic leaders, form top down terrorist structures etc. and religion is a tool for just this as it can justify as we've seen, just about everything.
Claire, it is all a matter of perspective. To Dennis, it is not "human empathy", but "God-given empathy". It's the beauty of having magic as your explanation for everything - everything is consistent with your explanation. It's like the Italian professor they discussed on the Atheist Experience once. His answer to why god doesn't answer prayers to cure cancer is that god IS answering them every day, as we learn more and more about curing cancer. God is answering prayers by revealing more and more to us about curing cancer - it's just that god works on god's time scale not ours. See? It's NOT the hard work and dedication of trained oncology researchers that is curing cancer - it's PRAYER!
Pat Doyle To the best of our understanding, the brain works by superimposing prior memories and experiences, along with current sensory input, to produce what we call free will. After we make up our minds and get an idea, we then try to retroactively justify it. To me, as long as the person behaves properly, having god as a wildcard for everything is not nearly as bad as a religious secular sociopath like Sam Harris or Christopher Hitchens who can utter phrases like "preemptive nuclear strike" or "why should we not take their oil", both being of some Jewish descent, both not seeing themselves as totally in line with the Nazi doctrine.
I am in no way trying to defend religion. And if you get right down to it, we are naturally predisposed to religion. We still say that the sun sets or that a type of frog is green in order to be harder to spot for predators. We still think in terms of purpose and seek patterns even where there are none. The bottom line is and should be the survival of the species and if religion morphs into this benevolent force, I'll have less of a problem with it then I have with the supposedly secular,rational, skeptical intellectuals.
"All you need are these ten!" Then why did God add some 300 extra, even in the story?
there is a difference between the general, 'apodictic' laws and the specific 'casuistic' laws. We need both, as in the Constitution and the legislation that comes out of it.
@AquaticBoardwalkEngineer _Religion offers neither_
Assertion. Example?
@AquaticBoardwalkEngineer _Other than the bible there is no evidence of any of the gods man has created_
Why dismiss evidence? That's part of your problem: you deicde _a priori_ that evidence is not evidence. Therefore you have made yourself hopeless.
_Talking snakes, donkey's, burning bushes is not reality_
Category error: 'reality.' You mix metaphor with the empirical and conclude improperly. No wonder you're so certain.
_where does our daylight come from again?_
Again, category error. Read Origen of Alexandria. Good luck.
@AquaticBoardwalkEngineer _Which parts of the bible are metaphors?_
Read it and find out.
_Why would a god not speak plainly so there is no need for interpretation?_
They considered it 'plain' at the time. Story, metaphor, allegory, poetry was the main teaching techniques for most of human history. If you want God to speak to you, speak to him. Then wait and learn, because he will speak very seldom in the ways you find easy, but that's because you have much to learn. Welcome to the human race.
_Is slavery in the bible, you know, where it says how long you can own someone, how badly you can beat them, how to trick your Hebrew slaves into being a slave for life instead of just 6 years?_
Of course slavery is 'in the Bible,' because it's older than the Bible. God started with where we are in order to guide us to where he wanted us to go, like Abraham. That's only the early part. Read the rest.
_You're an apologist_
So are you. I guess we're even.
Come, putting a label on someone avoids the argument. It does not address the issue(s) that you say you're concerned about, but apparently not so concerned as you seem to present, for you changed the subject to an ad hominem. Do better.
_What ever BS and immoral things are in the bible you have an excuse for it_
You're assuming from ignorance, for you have not read it. What I say is not 'an excuse,' but a reason that includes facts that you did not previously know. Be glad that you have the opportunity to learn.
_I see no evidence of any of the thousands of gods man has created._
The operative word there is 'see.' I'll bet that you don't. i do. But for you to see it, you'll have to do as Jesus said: 'Follow me.'
@AquaticBoardwalkEngineer _Jesus also said he disciples would not until they saw his return in their lifetime_
Not exactly, nor do you reference or quote the text to which you refer. Acts 2 says something about that.
_So he's the master at hide and seek?_
Only for those who try to find. 'Seek and you will find.' Many have. You can, too.
Modern humans have been around for ~200,000 years. Why did God wait 197,000 years to pass on this valuable information?
I could tell you but first I need your credit card number so we can set up a path to heaven which you will be granted a plaque on our candle alter.
Eve Ihlone the WiFi was down.
Simple. Our Father, who art in heaven, is a deadbeat dad
Christopher Koester because they were dumb cavemen.
Fundamentalist Christians believe that the world is only about 3000 years old.
Prager is cringeworthy
"God is watching" does NOT keep people moral - God forgives, that's why the vast majority of convicts are religious, why worry about the consequences in life when heaven is waiting...
Dont believe
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
While there may be a number of ways to define religion, I believe a more biblical view of the definition is “a system of belief that is a person’s ultimate standard for reality-their worldview.” A worldview is basically a perspective by which someone sees and interprets the world around them. One is revealed in God’s Word and the other is based upon man’s opinion in its many variations.
What if
Sounds great but guess what ...Buddha is dead and my God lives forever !! He is at the Right hand of The Father as I speak...wake up before it is too late !!
What if
@@deadandwicked JESUS IS DEAD AN BUDDAH IS IN HEAVEN AS WE SPEAK WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TO LATE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤬
"ended slavery" xD ahahahaha
Are they REALLY going to take credit for that despite the praises the Bible has to say on the subject?
whade62000 13:40 Not like religion AT ALL. ;.
yes ALL the praises to slavery about freeing slaves who are bought. So weird. I love how people think that the world is as cut and dry as it was thousands of years ago when there was hardly any morality at all. Also, did you know the Bible is actually many, many many different books that are all stapled together? Like... you may be able to take certain lessons out of one book, where in another it may be outdated. Imagine taking bits of spiritual teachings that you think could be useful in life..
Nahh let's just completely disregard all theological discussion and thought despite it playing INTEGRAL parts of EVERY successful civilization in all of human history.
Slavery was re-learned from Ottomans (Muslims) in XV century. Before that slavery nearly died out in Europe.
Waszk Reslem
Wow! What a joke. "Slavery was relearned from the Ottomans?"LMAO!
Nope. Napoleon Bonaparte chose to maintain slavery in Haiti, despite it being after the so called "Enlightenment Period"
Spanish and Portuguese empire chose to maintain plantation slavery in Brazil and South Americas.
Slavery was outlawed in most of the mainland Europe, but in colonialist held lands, slavery was thriving.
And in Congo, King Leopold II of Belgium held the entire population of Congo as slaves, forcing them to collect rubbers by vines from very tall trees. In addition to that, they also have to meet the daily quota. Those who failed to meet the daily quota will have their hand amputated.
These kinds of slavery was nothing like the Ottoman Turks slavery. Ottoman Turks slaves consisted mostly of Circassian, Caucasians, Blacks, Vienna, and all sorts of nationality where they became concubine, eunuch, soldiers, officials, and even ministers.
I'm not excusing the use of slavery by the Ottoman Empire; I'm just stating the facts that the slave hierarchy and utilization of the Ottoman Empire are very much different than that of Western Colonialist Areas that it's impossible to accuse the Europeans of "relearning slavery" from the Ottomans.
You just can't accept the fact that both Muslims and Christians are just as guilty in the slave trade, so you make up some other "alternative facts" that Europeans somehow "relearn" slavery from the Ottomans. LMAO!
And speaking of the Ottomans, The Ottomans, through a reform known as the Tanzimat, banned slavery in 1847.
Compare that to the U.S., where Slavery was Banned in 1865 after the 13th Amendment was ratified.
suriamarsuli and what have you proved ? Everything that you have pointed out is way after the XIV and XV century. During the medivals times there wasnt so called slavery in Europe my dear American friend.
"The Lord Jehovah has given unto you these fifteen... (smash) Oy!... Ten! TEN Commandments! For all to obey!"
-Mel Brooks.
@krinkov545 lol you gotta love Mel
Their were way more than 200 commandments but 10 resumes them. Hahaha 😂 🤣 u guys know very little. As for Greeks they were in to wisdom and art but didn't understand morals and values. 😂🤣
What about Rome?? 😂🤣 This person has a short life and will soon die and be forgotten and he hates truth and judgment because he loves his son 😂🤣
Is there still warranty for your comment?
Because you got a broken one...
Hurry up, perhaps you can still exchange it for a working item!
@@Sleeping_Insomiac 😂🤣 you believe your a good comedian 😂🤣 but it's going to be a screaming act for you since your reward is not laughter but fire lots of it 😂🤣
@@Sleeping_Insomiac you believe your a comedian but ur actually just a burning lump of met that will come to pass for your future but I will not laugh but I will clap at ur burning performance.
I'm so glad you showed the Mel Brook's version of the 15 commandments.
@Russ Gallagher Satanism is a Jewish cult.
Yes I can. I need to prove that God land everything. Evolution is flawed. Why would something become something else just to Survive. If an event was to wipe out all life on Earth, creatures would not have millions of years to adapt. They be killed in weeks.
I always love that part in Mel Brooks “the History of the World Part 1” where Moses (Mel Brooks) goes to give the “15 commandments” but he drops one of the stones and it breaks so it’s just the 10 now. Good film!
Welcome to Prager University: The blog that thinks its a university.
Morpheas It’s a mail drop on Ventura Blvd.
calling PragerU a blog is generous
😂😂😂 Is the long haired guy is the video Satan or Jesus. I never could tell the difference
@@SUGAR_XYLER Satan is Jewish
@ Satan is an alias of many personifications of The Supreme Deity's Darkside Doppelganger. PA ZU ZU means "Father Zeus"
Wow. This is an incredibly thorough and badass deconstruction of the 10 commandments. It's going right in the 'ol favorites folder.
This was pretty good I admit... There was another guy whom sadly I can't recall decided to do a revision of the commandments that was pretty damn good
TheGood Shepherd That may well be Scott (user "Theoretical Bullshit") whom Aron used a short clip of in this video - I seem to remember him doing a good vid or two on it. Most of his are well reasoned and eloquent, worth watching.
EnglishTMTB hmm it could be him I watched some of his vids in the past
EnglishTMTB Yes, Scott is a treasure, as is Aron. Superb video!
Hate to break it to you, but this guy is a Satanists, not an atheist. If he believes in the Devil then he knows GOD is real.
My mom taught me to never say anything bad about a person, so allow me to say that Prager has great hair...
0x777 This might be a good tine to disobey your mom.
0x777 he also has a great brain.
@@phoneman729 Quite possibly, but how much is used?
Alan Thompson Less than 5%.
Oldie locks has nothing on Aron Ra's hair.
I absolutely love logic and reason. Thank you Aron for your work. What a breath of fresh air 😊
I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so”
[Adolph Hitler, to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941]
“Any violence which does not spring from a spiritual base, will be
wavering and uncertain. It lacks the stability which can only rest in
a fanatical outlook.”
[Adolph Hitler, _Mein Kampf_, p. 171]
Hitler quoted and based his actions on the Bible in Mein Kampf. Read it for yourself.
+SomethinJustAintRight Nothing was refuted. All you did was post Hitler quotes that anyone who has studied WW2 already knows. What I was responding to in my second reply was this which you said and I quote "Excuse me but did you just call me a liar, an idiot, or simply refuse to read what I taught you, emphasis TAUGHT you?"You "taught" me nothing. You falsely accused me of calling you a liar and an idiot. And now you imply I am some kind of google educated child and that I said you were wrong about everything which I never did.'Apparently you are either delusional or so obsessed to be right about your assumptions that you have totally lost the ability to reason, comprehend or address anyone else's opposing viewpoints without becoming defensive, even if for the most part like myself, agree with you. So yes, it is a waste of my time to even try to discuss or argue anything with you. What I feel we do both agree with is "bye", because it is pointless to try to reason with someone like you.
"According to the bible, these people aren't true Christians."
[citation needed]
If you mean they didn't follow the ten commandments - well, neither do you. No Christian does.
Stalin based his extermination of religious people on the exact same thing, regardless of religion: the way religious people had oppressed the poor and supported the royal family.
Much like happened during the French revolution, the working poor who had seen their wealth stolen by churches for generations to build palaces and extravagant churches while they starved rose up against organized religion as well as the royalty. Stalin simply fanned the flames so it included all religions, while the French revolution only targeted Catholics.
So you still won't admit that Hitler was a Christian, but now you are admitting he believed in mysticism and the supernatural? You realize that means he wasn't an atheist, right?
Chele V yeah especially guys like Ludendorff.
Hitler may have been a believer. However, this argument back and forth over whether certain Nazis were atheists or believers to me is a non issue. There are asshole atheists in the world and there are asshole believers. Certain members of Hitler's gang may have been at least closet atheists. So what? The bottom line is that one doesn't need to believe in a higher power to be good or evil. The atheist that feels he is higher than every one else because he is an atheist and the Christian that feels the same have one thing in common. They are FULL OF THEMSELVES!
God's opinion is still man's opinion because man made up the Gods therefore he made up God's opinion
How do you know that ?
@Patrick Parker-How do you NOT know that?
@@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 Yawn .
Patrick 777 I agree. God bores me too 🤣
@@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 Yes , that's about the strength of it with all of you .
The first four of the ten commandments have nothing to do with morality and everything to do with the practice of a particular religion. THAT is the key to WHY fundamentalist Christians are so determined to have to displayed on public property. The remaining six instructions are: (1) honor your parents; (2) don't commit murder; (3) don't commit adultery; (4) don't steal; (5) don't bear false witness; and (6) don't covet other people's stuff.
Those six guidelines ARE NOT divinely inspired ideas brought from on-high, they are simply common-sense rules for getting along with one another. And they've been ubiquitous to human culture since time immemorial. In fact, any community that did not embrace such basic rules for getting along would not long survive. The hubris of fundamentalist ninnies who insist that their religion is the wellspring from whence the rules of accepatable behavior flow is breathtaking in its asininity.
I love the word "ninnies", lol. It invokes memories of Monty Python sketches and British comedians in general.
Aronra beat Prager around like a rented mule.
This is why I get into some serious eye-rolling when the claim of how "original" the 10 commandments supposedly were. Heck, even the buddhist basic 5 precepts (the starting 5) that date back to around 500-400 BC say "I will abstain from:" (1) killing (2) taking what is not given ie stealing (3) sexual misconduct, (4) lying, and (5) intoxicants as tending to cloud the mind. And that list isn't original nor do buddhists get uptight saying this list is. Aron does well to point out the code of Hamurabbi. Silly people. Hate the willful ignorance.
The worst part is that according to the Bible, those aren't even the 10 Commandments. The real list in Exodus 34 is ALL about the practice of that particular religion, and says nothing about stealing or killing.
I was taught at school, and at my university because I majored in the Russian language that "If there is no God, everything is allowed". An atheist activist from my country once said: squirrels have a conscience. And then through my life experience, I learned: even psychopaths know that murder is wrong. This is why they will hide it. And they don't have a feeling of remorse. Why do we know that murder is wrong? Because people have the mental capacity that tomorrow they can be killed. And we tend to like people, we spend time together.
The Iroquois had a form of democracy which rivalled anything the Ancient Greeks had long before Christians arrived in the new world.
i guess; but that's not to say it was exactly better. it was still highly plutocratic/oligarchic.
All currant government is based on Greece and Rome. This is not a secret.
@@rikkitimm3211 Dennis Prager seems to think modern governments are based on a Hebrew legend so it is a secret when you refuse to view the evidence.
Gareth Baus god forbid they just read, Paine, Jefferson, Adams, or Franklin you don’t have to take our word on it!
@@rikkitimm3211 definitely best for a person to view the evidence for his/her self.
A real monotheistic god would not elude to other gods regarding worship. God would not have made this rule, but a bronze age tribesman would have. 😂
I remember watching "The Ten Commandments" (1956) when I was little and feeling that God and Moses was being a bit unreasonable when they punished those people for dancing around idols. Already then that I realized Christianity was not a "realistic" ideology to follow for me even at that tender age of mine.
+Andiotic - You were way smarter as a child than I am now to catch that.
Oh, a fellow sufferer. I disliked the ten commandments & Ben-Hur, which at that time was rated R! And the catholic church was having 7 year olds watch it! Now, I notice, it's Fucking G. Right, watching some guys skull getting crushed by a chariot wheel is good for children. "This is how you treat the enemy! Remember."
That actually is kinda funny if you consider the hatred Christians have had historically for "violent" video games. If you play the first Mortal Kombat for the SNES/Genesis it looks so ridiculous its hard to think that people that it was so bad for kids. Video games are a lot more violent today. Yet we hear nothing....hmmmm.
I started doubting Christianity because I was smarter as a child, too. I never read the whole bible but thanks to a colourful bible edition for children, I was able to see the inconsistencies. Never really professed such inconsistencies but they sure got me thinking. I was afraid of asking the adults, of course "they knew better than me - they're adults, and they are the ones who are right, I am more likely to be wrong".
When my father was reading the bible for me, I made questions and he didn't like that. He always gazed at me with angry eyes, suppressing doubt.
Erick Lopes
Usually you can iron those out. In the end the bible gels just fine like a tapestry.
lol, this religiouse guy.
"imagine a word, where murder was illegal"
noone tell him, that Murder is actually illegal in all of the civillised world.
DerAnanasKing first, learn how to spell second, that is not what he said.
@@ACI9INE first. yes, I made some simple spelling mistakes. happens.
second. yes, thats what he said, and we all know how he ment that.
by extend that means he doesn´t recognise secular authority and he thinks humans are psychopathic murderers by defualt.
to me that tells me way more about him, than anything else. you know. people imply in others what they see in themselfe.
@@ACI9INE yeah actually he did say that in a shell, but yes.
@@DerAnanasKing I agree with you about this guy, he's quite the character isn't he? It's so hilarious how he only takes part of the information and leaves out the other half, and then replaces it with his own perspective so it fits his narrative. But the crazy part is all these people who are quick to agree with him as if everything he says lol you should've heard his Noahs ark clip. While challenging the ark having enough room to house all species on the ark, he actually brings up as part of his argument that Noah couldn't possibly have fit the 7,000 species of marine life ha ha ha ha. It was a world wide flood so why would marine life need to be on a boat? Lmao this guy wouldn't know a fact if he were hit over the head with it.
Trevor Maldonado The man said, and I quote “ Imagine a world where there is no murder or theft...” . If you are going to paraphrase you don’t use quotation marks. That implies that it is a direct quote, not merely your interpretation of what was said.
"How do you *know* it's wrong? Not believe, know."
*wipes tear from eye*
Do- do you think he got the irony of that? The sheer, unmitigated hypocrisy? I hope so.
Exactly! We know it's wrong because we don't want others to do it to us, so why do it to others? We always put ourselves in others shoes and that's why we see that it's wrong to hurt others.
Oh, there is no hypocrisy. He knows that God exists.
@@nathanhunt6208 He knows that he believes god exists yes.
Dennis Prager's opening first sentence: "No document in world history, so changed the world for the better, as did the Ten Commandments".
#6) Thou shall not kill (thou shall not commit murder)
*1 Samuel 15:3 (NIV) "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, CHILDREN AND INFANTS, cattle and sheep, camels and donkey's".*
This "loving and just" deity remembered what the Amalekites did to Israel hundreds of years in the past and thought it was time for a little revenge. So he ordered the massacre on the Amalekites. Could you just imagine the utter terror on these children's faces as they watched their family members being hacked to pieces while knowing they were next?
This single passage illustrates perfectly just how petty, cruel, blood thirsty, and power mad this God was...and is. Those that know about this verse and yet still worship this deity are spineless cowards with zero sense of true morality.
Alan W You should include the reference for when the amalekites attacked the Israelites first.
Fred Mcelroy Irrelevant, unless you think every violent criminal's children and pets deserve to be killed for their actions.
Fred Mcelroy DID YOU TRY AND JUSTIFY WHAT THEY DID BECAUSE IT WAS DONE TO THEM? You are a fucking idiot. Not to mention an immoral piece of shit.
8:00 Lets not forget *WHY* Cain killed Able. Cain was a farmer, he had no livestock to sacrifice to God. He tried to sacrifice a part of his labor, but because Cain's sacrifice didn't bleed God rejected it.
Cain tried to buy Able's goat, offering a fair price in what he had, but Able refused.
God set up Cain to murder Able.
@audiotrax2000 To me it reads as a fable about problems inventing a new technology (agriculture in this case).
Like if today someone invented test tube meat, and it became a big thing, there would be tension between the tubers and the traditionalists. They'd both claim to be better. Or, cybernetic people vs organic people. Etc.
@audiotrax2000 Same. The Cain and Able story actually was my starting point to realize the absolute madness that the bible is
@@nmarbletoe8210 Daniel Quinn's book Ishmael says it s about hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists.
@@JM-ot8ux thx for the tip! So many things from our past were encoded in art, myth and legend before we had writing.
@@nmarbletoe8210 I'm reading A History of God, and it's just astonishing. There's also a book called The Hidden Book in The Bible, but much of it escapes my memory now.
PragerU is the reason why the word University should be a legal protected word
"Imagine a world where there's no murder or theft . . ." says the man who's ignorant of Abbot Arnaud Almaric. The Papal legate who said:
"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."
Translated in modern speech as:
"Kill them all. Let God sort them out."
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I have a friend that has constantly tried to get me to go to his church for several years now. yet, whenever I ask him a question, his response is always "i'll ask my minister." why cant he answer for himself I then ask. it's because his ability to think does not exist. he must be told what to think.
one question I love to pose to him as well as other Christians, if a person needs someone (god) watching them constantly to be good, are they a good person? I have no fear of any imaginary beings watching me, I try to be the best person I can be because it not only helps other people, it makes me feel good also.
but my point is, if a person needs permanent supervision, supernatural or not, to do the right things, then that person is not necessarily a good person. if you only do good out of fear of punishment, you are not good, you are scared into not doing what you are inclined to do. so basically, Christian morality is fear based, while secular morality is logic based. I will do this act because it helps in some way.
so far, every Christian I asked this question to has stumbled through an answer or given a ridiculous answer, "it's not fear" the hell it isn't
Steve, I am sorry to hear that your friend was unprepared, but he most likely had a heart to lead you to the truth of God's word. I would like to start by saying that none of us are "good".
Psalm 14: states 2 The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men,
To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
3 They have all turned aside,
They have together become corrupt;
There is none who does good,
No, not one.
Even without the supernatural. Mankind is already submitted to fear to become a good person. If I was wrong. Prison systems should've been run by the church and not the government.
"If people will not willingly follow to a loving leader. They will fearfully submit to a cruel dictator."
- I've just read this somewhere. I just can't remember where. 🤔😅
@@deadandwicked If you think that's a reasonable reply then you're just as unprepared as his friend was. "My Magic Book says that *every single human on the face of the planet* is evil" is hardly a compelling argument.
@@CteCrassus it shows that we all need God to save us. It is why he died on the Cross for us. We are all born with a sinful nature. To enter the Kingdom, we must be born again. Trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
@@deadandwicked Yeah, that's pretty much a common tactic for charlatans: Convince the target they're sick and then tell them that only you have the cure. You're gonna have to come up with something more sophisticated than a snake oil salesman's routine.
Also do notice that, by your own admission, accepting Jesus doesn't solve the "innate sinful nature" (and if it's something we're born with and have no say over then it would be unjust to punish us for it); It just allows access to the super-exclusive club. It should also be noted that in your mythology it's the club's owner who caused the horrible fire outside the club that will guarantee a horrible death should you not be allowed in.
This is one of the best PragerU takedowns I've ever seen!
"Well. I pray to Joe Pesci. He seems like a guy who can get things done."
And the sun , don't forget the sun .
@@petechaisty7776except you don’t pray to the sun. Just worship the sun
Two reasons: First of all, I think he’s a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn’t fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with.
Remorse. When an atheist feels it, it's almost always genuine. But a christian is able to shrug it off and believe they would be forgiven, simply because they believe. That's what being "saved" really means. It's an unspoken warrant to murder, genocide, rape, stealing, and so on...
Rereading the commandments narrative and came across this juicy tidbit at the beginning of chapter 25. "The Lord says to Moses, 'Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give.'"
Wonderful racket Moses had going, worthy of a mega-church pastor.
The Bible literally endorses slavery and this guy is giving a credit for ending slavery. 🥴
He said “unparalleled human cruelty” I got chills
In the bible, does it say that it is wrong to throw battery acid in someone's face? How about throwing people off an airplane at 35,000 feet without a parachute?
If not, how am I supposed to know if it's wrong or not?
Would you want someone else to do either of those things to you?
Are you saying that I can come up with my own sense of morality WITHOUT god?
Ah, the issues of basing your morality on ancient ideas: people just keep inventing new ways to be bad...
Ezekiel was pro nuke. 🤣
During the French Revolution the French did something right, they separated government from church and to make it absolutely clear on how that worked they separated the clergy and the rulers from their heads.
We will inevitably be forced to do that again; I am building a guillotine just for that purpose, lol!
@@konradsartorius7913 Any serious French Revolutionary would forego their Catholicism so that they could eat.
@@konradsartorius7913 The reason the French were revolting with revolution is that they were starving to death. Practicing ritual cannibalism and ritual vampirism (Communion) really isn`t very filling.
Shows how twisted your mind is , France is a cursed country .
@@konradsartorius7913 It wasn`t the catholic church; it was the French government; why don`t you get this? For someone who likes factual accuracy; you don`t seem to know the history.
Listening to Prager on the radio in the 1980's is one of the main reasons I'm an atheist today.
I still think we’re all coming out on the negative end, unfortunately. I can only hope he did this to hundreds of thousands of other people. Then we might have a little equality for all the damage this moron has done to the country.
@@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 There is still a long way to go, one important step being establishing and promoting atheist conservatism. On large driver to the faith these days is to fit in you must choose either the left or the christians. If you dont choose the left, even if you dont choose the christians, you get lumped in with them by people like A-ron, who consistently is right about the christian right, but disregards or just cant see the failings of the left.
@@morgan3688 are you kidding me? "The left or the Christians"? There are millions of "left" Christians. If you think the right wing "Evangelicals" who worship Trump are THE Christians you are as troubled as they are. I hate folks like you who judge whole groups of people that you know nothing about.
See also, for left wing ones.
@krinkov545 Hell doesn't exist, and even if it does exist, I'd rather have a good life and a shitty afterlife than vice versa. Afterlives are meaningless. Even if both afterlives exist, I'd rather choose neither if given the option, but belief is not at all a choice. I can't choose what convinces me. Hell is literally just a scare tactic to convince gullible people to join their side.
When you’ve hit extreme lows in life like I have, and recovered from them all(drug abuse and homelessness), not believing in a god becomes far less scary. Idk how to explain it, but sure I was once scared that there wouldn’t be an afterlife, but as I have sought out more and more education on the questions I had about the Bible, life, how the world works, science, therapy, I’ve come to realize my own personal power, the power of thought, and how it defines me, only I have control over how I feel about my perspective l, and I choose to be at peace with it. This channel is great!
More people should hear this!
Happy for you bro!
I hope Dennis doesn't need medical assistance on the sabbath.
Jesus healed on the Sabbath. Ok he did get in trouble for it and had to go to the principal, but still.
Ignorant comment. Doing good--most specifically saving life (even that of an animal)--was not only permitted on the Sabbath, it was commanded. Read the Bible for yourself instead of relying on a biased and dumbed-down echo chamber. It makes you look stupider than I suspect you really are.
...Thats why he gave us these 15 *drops tablet*
....10...10 commandments for all of us to obey
No, a 1981 movie: History of the World: Part 1.
Mel Brooks, :)
After the most recent Prager video dropped, I had to come back to this video to expunge my repulsion with Prager's insanity by listening to Aron Ra's sound rebuttals.
As society has gotten less religious it has gotten more peaceful and less cruel.
Why is it so hard for these people to realize this?
There will be people commenting regarding recent wars and conflicts, so I'd like to say in advance that they are literally nothing compared to how common wars and famines and conflict were in early history.
Earth: Laughs 😂
AronRa I’ve only just found your channel and it is amazing. I love the way you give these religions every chance to prove themselves, causing them to disprove themselves.
The ten commandments: a really, really rough brand of toilet paper.
Side note: if God is always watching, he's a damned pervert and the largest peeping Tom in history.
Props for the My Cousin Vinny clip.
If God watches me fap doesn't that make him gay? Asking for myself before I fap lol
There's also the Golden rule... It holds up pretty well as a moral compass, so much so that every religion and philosophy encourages you to use it. But anyway... Do these people not get tired of being wrong? I don't need God to monitor my behavior, because if I were as full of shit as these people are I couldn't stand myself. Even if at some point they honestly believed this nonsense, by the time you're 30 you pretty much have to be lying to yourself to maintain such beliefs. At the very best they're lying through omission, that is to say that they're wilfully maintaining ignorance because they know what honest inquiry will tell them. How can they stand themselves?
I laughed my ass off. Especially when he goes ‘murder isn’t wrong if magic sky daddy doesn’t say so.’
Some of them are pretty fine. Don't kill people, don't steal things, try not to be envious. Decent advice does not need to be carved in stone to make it decent advice.
7:17 Yeah it is pretty absurd. Living in heathen atheistic Czech republic where almost anyone knows that. And we have murder rate 0.61 (per 100000) unlike Mexico who is rather religious with 19.26 or USA with 5.35... I mean how is it possible for these people to completely ignore evidence that atheists do not kill each other just because they do not believe in god telling them that the murder is bad. From history it is evident that murder in the name of god is encouraged, not otherwise. I admit that theft is not that low in here, but murder is low for sure and that is despite (or because) of religion being ignored by most people.
The eye-rolling was epic.
AronRa looks like an older Undertaker, especially when eye-rolling.
I rollee by eyes 360° in my eye sockets several times listening to that Prager lunatic.
I started laughing when Prager was talking about a society that could exist "without fear of being killed or robbed" I guess primarily since one of the countries with the most fear of this is also the most Christian nation (America) and I'm here living in one of the most secular nations (Australia) where murder is practically unheard of, and our skills rarely, if ever, practice shooting drills, in fact in my lifetime it only ever happened once, the irony
Yes, you are correct. I live in the US and it is awful. It makes me cry whenever I hear of a new school shooting, happens at least once every 2 months. Prager claims that the commandments would make a world without murder, yet most Christians I know support gun rights. My uncle has a poster in his room that says that he proudly wields his gun and his Bible, and he is not alone.
I am glad that Australia does not have this problem. You said it, and Aron said it too when some secular countries have the kind of peaceful society that Prager claims that could only happen when the commandments are used. Prager does not realize how asinine his statement is, because he is not interested in truth.
"Coveting your neighbor's good , keep the economy going ...leave it alone ."
"Someone has a vibrator that plays oh come all you faithful , you want one too ."
-George Carlin.
it's ironic that many Christians in the US are also advocates for capitalism which primary driving force is coveting
Damn Aron, great vid man! Very well articulated points, solid arguments, and jagged honest pragmatism! Awesome production value/quality to top out off!!🤘🏽👍🏽
Thank you for all that you do. You have helped me, and I’m sure many many more people!
Listening to theists speak makes me sick.
These people make the PR department for despots everywhere green with envy. Stalin easily could have used William Lane Craig's expertise to back up his crimes against humanity.
rictus gate So you're comparing WLC to someone like Walter Duranty? Craig is a philosopher, not a propagandist. His arguments do not have the rhetorical or revisionist quality of ideological propaganists.
One Man's Chorus in Apologist terms, both of those are the same thing.
Damian Freeman No they're not. A Christian apologist attempts to give a rational defense of the Christian faith. It is not a revisionist cover-up of police state activities.
Yea the theist is talking from an appeal to ignorance fallacy.
I am still try to be a christian but this guy just make such good points! And screw this other guys reasoning! Truth is to believe by evidence and not by faith!
I have a lot of respect for this guy, he's been doing things like this for years now. I could never do what he does, as in constantly coming back and arguing the same things against people who refuse to learn. I get bored of dealing with people's bs after just a few minutes reading comments. Also can anybody tell me what the clip at 18:54 is from?
The clip is from "My Cousin Vinny"
Mosis: "I bring forth these fifteen commands!"
**Drops stone tablet**
Mosis: "These t-ten, ten commandments"
Hahaha I see that 😂
Aron Ra: You rock! Cheers from Denmark..
Is Prager U an unaccredited online institution for simpletons? First time seeing it and it looks like that to me.
JT Cen Consider it "crack cocaine for conservatives"
It's not even a university. They just put that word in the channel name to trick fundies and boomers into thinking they're dealing with a serious person.
The video at the end makes me wonder something.
How on Earth did you get your hands on the movies that were taken at my last party!
I'm not inviting that damn Aaron to any more of my parties, he always drags his party pooper brother Moses along with him!
*3:31* There are countries where men and women can walk freely in day or night without any fear of being killed or robbed. And some of these believe in no god. Funny how the countries that have no religion at all, are the ones that are the safest, cleanest and with better education.
I love that I got a prager u ad before this video and then used them
Hammurabi's code is a much better example of how Western Civilization is based upon a codified law system.
If there was a god who told us to murder each other I would regard him like Sauron from LOTR and not someone I would voluntarily worship.
The benefits of cooperation and peace understood viscerally and logically are the only requirements for a just world.
Just have to say you look badass!! Also love how logically and calmly you're explaining things.