Stuttering cannot be cured. However, there are several things that can be done to assist someone who stutters in achieving their communication objectives and living the life they desire. Please don't give the student incorrect information. Instead of coming to her with incorrect information, you should have a problem with ethics and the fundamentals of speech.
Betam tiru new
Bertu bzih Srachu ye mtagegut Erkata kemnm ybeltal ftari kenante gar yhun msgana ygebachuhal !!!
Please where is the therapy place? Or and contact information! THANKS.
አፌ ይኮላተፍን መፍትሄ ካለሽ በፈጠረሽ
እባክሽ አድራሻ
Stuttering cannot be cured. However, there are several things that can be done to assist someone who stutters in achieving their communication objectives and living the life they desire. Please don't give the student incorrect information. Instead of coming to her with incorrect information, you should have a problem with ethics and the fundamentals of speech.
Selqun or Address btsechin
Address please
ahun ene beka edme28 argiyalew gin snager afe yzegnal techenke new maweraw endet normal aweralew
አንቺ እራስሽ መናገር ሳትችይ እንዴት ነው ሰው የምትታክሚው ምናለ አማርኝ ብትናገሪ ካልቻልሽ ደግሞ አስተረጉሚ ይደረግልሽ ።