Photos of bloke seemingly being arrested there appear to be of white European male, but until more info is officially released we can't be drawing conclusions or we might find ourselves doing 5 to 10 yrs at His Majesty's pleasure for mere speculation.
I not been to London on over thirty years, there seemed to be police walking their beats around every corner, you could see several on same street in twos, majority always friendly and ready and eager to help with queries, had several police at each tube station too. The least policed streets I experienced on weekends I used to spend in London (then bf lived in Dartford, I lived up North in Cheshire, that's not a long distance relationship, used to be engaged to a guy who lived and worked in Canada, had to take two different flights, to get to city where he was - Winnipeg. Had to swap flights at Toronto. Now that is long distance.) were ironically Park Lane and Mayfair, saw a single cop Mayfair once, that's it. Bet that all changed.
S - a white rioter gets named and shamed almost IMMEDIATELY after being charged by the met police, but this guy... no name, no race no nothing. Make you own conclusions on that....
@@danhan835 Thanks for sharing this. I heard it weas a white guy too and stopped by a muslim guy. Might help alleviate the problems these days.... but im assuming thats wishful thinking.
Wow, I just checked this report. Reported as "man from Croydon". The name reveals why that report quickly 'disappeared'. Sickening how everyone is being played.
"A Man is in custody". Meanwhile " Bert Smith, aged 50 from Dartford, Kent, a bricklayer by trade, has been given 3 Years for shouting at Police" etc etc. etc.
There just trying to scare and control not working there running out of ideas. People getting stabbed and not getting arrested, and people posting online are . It’s going to get way worse before it gets better and that’s the plan of the elites like it or leave it.
As if. Just look at Ricky Jones. Given a full week to get a defence in place. Those that have been subject to Starmers 24hr courts weren't afforded that luxury 😡
Of course we can comment on it - I have. For the sake of the victims, we all need to bravely speak up instead of cowering in fear before tyrants and terrorists. Do we prefer to 'safely' live under tyranny, or fight for our freedom?
My nephew and his friend when they were 15 years old were chased by a 40 year old man in a car and he ran them both over he was charged with 2 charges of attempted murder then the charges were lowered and guess what this scum bag got as punishment, 2 years in jail he was out within a year and a half AND not even a driving ban he could have drove himself home after being released from prison if he wanted to,how is this right and people are being given 2 year jail sentences for rioting
I was walking down the road one day in peckham, a group of white kids was looking for a blackman that robbed them, apparently i resembled the person that robbed them, the four of them pulled knives on me puncturing three holes in my abdomen, im an expert in martial arts so i managed to fight them off hurting one of those white kids badly i took out his eye witha winchun strike, the cops didnt charge them because they were young white kids and they didnt want to destroy their futures, do you think if this was a black on white crime they would have arrived at the same conclusion, is this the two tier justice you all talking about? Us blackfolks been experiencing this born in england, welcome to our world
So a crime goes unpunished and that makes it okay not to punish other crimes. Maybe think when you vote. 14 years of Tory brought our police judiciary and jails to their knees. Try thinking what the issues are, not excusing rioters. People in the UK don't want riots and property damage. Or the black guy walking past doing nothing and they punched him in the face. Or the guy who broke into a supermarket and looted. Or the ones who put police and police dogs in need of medical treatment! Or the fact people could have died! in the fire they set at that hotel.
a man has no name? soldier stabber - not named and shamed. the stabbing of 10 girls - not named and shamed. 11 year old girl and 34 year old stabbed - not named and shamed. 2 tier PM, 2 tier government, 2 tier media, 2 tier police, 2 tier UK
Oh you lot got his attention alright, already fooled you outta your free speech, and youve now got him focused on more ways to lock up and silence you all
I didn't realise you knew all the details of the case already mate, that's mad! Give us the scoop then... Who's the far left attacker and which far left agenda was he pushing? All I've been able to find is that a man called "Abdullah" stepped in to stop the attacker
Truly shocking! the killer was white & not an immigrant! I thought it was only dark skin Immigrants that were permitted to visit death upon English streets? will their be more riots??
lol Sorry we are NO WHERE NEAR the absolute slaughter of children we see in the USA EVERY SINGLE YEAR. These events are hugely shocking here in the UK, in the USA the hardly make the news any more. Perhaps you should take your own advice over where you are.
@@laurenpantryyou wouldn't like it if we "did what was right" There's estimated 5 million of them in the country.... nobody wants to be the next "german man" if you know what I mean
@@christinefrossard7983 you can relax cause it was carried out by a white non muslim person. My point exactly! Regardless of who carried it out, crime is a crime and I hope the girl and mother are both okay.
The Mayor travels in a convoy of three armoured cars with round the clock private and police protection. Did he state which areas he does not feel safe in?
As a British man, ex military now an Engineer, my wife is a nurse and our daughter is nearly 5. We are beyond concerned and now looking to move abroad. We believe that living in the UK for us Brits is now a SCAM.
In all seriousness New Zealand (my country) would be a viable option. We are not crime free, but only 1% of the population is Muslim so we are mostly free of the types of crimes that are happening in Britain. We seem to be one of the only western countries to be relatively safe in this regard...the beautiful scenery is a bonus! Just putting that out there 😊🌄
@marcuspinkney7328 love to have you in the USA...but our current president opened the boarders to people who felt unsafe in their own countries. We are housing,feeding,giving cash cards,giving education to them to make up for the White abuse these people suffered hundreds or years ago. Our people are living in cars,hitting up food banks to feed families, living off credit cards while non Americans get everything handed to them. You catch an illegal doing a crime. They walk away and cop tells you they don't understand how things work here. America is going down in flames.
But he isn’t ashamed, he doesn’t understand what it is. He is a self important domineering foreigner who has pulled the race card for years with impunity.
I’m Australian but of British heritage as my grandfather fought in England in the war. This was for our freedom. Unfortunately that is disappearing before yours and those in Australia’s eyes. I feel sick to the pit of my stomach. Fight for your freedom from this scourge! 🇦🇺🦘🦘🦘
Mate! Both of of my grandfathers fought against the Japanese in WW2. One came home with grenade shrapnel in his body. My dad is an ex AFP officer and a veteran also. All 3 of the brothers have brown skin. Do you think it was only white people who fought on the allied side during the war? Almost all of the Pakistanis you see in England now would have had grandfathers and fathers who served on behalf of the British Empire in WW2. You don't get to claim some kind of goodwill because of your grandfather. It was a world war FFS. Every c*nt's grandfather fought in it.
We are fighting against the very government who is suppose to protect us, people are being stabbed and killed by foreigners which these governments are supposed to investigate and are 100%Negligent, the police arrest protesters against illegals who are killing and get three years under a riot act OKimprisonment for rioting which was part of the? In
@@denisjoleary they still haven't told us what became of the terrorism investigation in the Southport murders. i strongly suspect some kind of ideological motivation.
Read an article from Sky news and another from BBC. Turns out the man that apprehended the perp and provided first aid was a Muslim shop worker named Abdullah. Another witness that was performing in the area described the knifeman as a "young, white, skinny male dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans putting the girl in a headlock and stabbing her."
When they can say he's native they do so with the utmost urgency as part of their policy to diffuse tensions but for whatever reason they don't seem aware that that also means when we don't hear swiftly that it's only logical to assume that it's not a native.
What the hell is happening in Britain? Constant traumatic incidents but we are told that if we comment or object we are the violent ones. Utter madness.
It's the business community wanting cheaper labor and access to more customers. They only care about money, not human life and we have millennia of history to prove this. The fact that you all need to be told everything because you won't be honest with yourselves or basically think critically at all is a disgrace!
Exactly , what about the Magna Carter that states no king or government is above the law ,it was wrote hundreds of years ago for a reason is that not going to be upheld anymore . Am i or others now in trouble for stating a historical fact and wanting to be safe to go out shopping or a cuppa without fear .
Something I have noticed that when they don't talk about, or even mention, the race and/or origin of the attacker, that usually means he is a foreigner/migrant
@@henrikchristensen7844 Not on,y have £820 million gone missing from the Silvertown Tunnel project, but hes stated that another £1.2 Billion will also be lost in the next 25 years. And he doesn’t know where it is or where its going. Just knows that its coming out of Londoners pockets. Its amazing what FOI requests can discover….
@@banjoebaby4590 he is so useless 💀💀💀💀💀💀after the stabbing he should have informed our police to be on every corner of every major city to try to avoid this but no, a person of colonour went from zeo to hero instead lmao.. we have to use people from other countries tod o the police man's jobb.
😂 It's a disgrace that they have forced you into that position. We should all be free to express our views and concerns without the threat of imprisonment.
@@kevinclark1992it is a disgrace that we are now feared to air our views and opinions. Welcome to east Germany pre 1989 the Stazi are watching. Disgraceful!!
How many more times does this have to happen before it’s addressed instead of blaming far right thuggery for everything…. We have a problem with this current situation and I’m choosing my words carefully as not to be arrested.
They are just baiting now for people to speculate, We will see reports on the news about the "Conspiracy theories" going around on social media next to further their agenda of clamping down on free speech.
Because Canada is watching? Daylight stabbings as posed to night time are ok? They are shooting in day light here and no one is getting caught. Alberta had a Father killed and the killers are both still at large...
from growing up in the 80s playing footy on the streets and riding a bike around the town all day and going home for tea time , to being a parent and scared to let my kids go outside or even go on a school day trip to London . This is not what i thought my country would turn out to be like .
Bit of a silly question? Cause you really dont want the answer? You gonna get it anyway, starmer will not be dictated to by bigots and racists, he,d rather build more prisons and lock you all up, you got it?
Breaking news ! The British police have arrested both victims for improperly disposing their blood on a public street. The migrant perpetrator has been released with apologies.
if it was terror related we would know almost immediately, the point of terror related incidents is to promote an ideology, no ideology has been promoted by the attacker
"Nothing to suggest terror connection?" How fucking stupid; when innocent people, particularly children, cannot leave their homes because of a very real risk of death or serious injury, that IS terrorism, regardless of the nationality or ideological beliefs of the attacker.
Fukin Beruit was. I was in Baghdad very early 80's before all the wars, & it was safer than London ever will be, you know why. ??? Cos Sadam got it sorted , whether you like to hear this or not. I never felt scared there.
I'm from São Paulo, Brazil - one of the biggest cities in the world and a very unsafe place where robberies take place everyday and given how my country has reached such "point of no return" when it comes to safety, I can say UK's falling into the same slippery slopes (we were once safe as well...remember that)
Could this be a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy ???? In Daniel 2:43 it states, “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.
Oh yes for a long time too, remember the moors murderers, Thomas Hamilton, Ian Huntley, Fred West, Peter Sutcliffe, Levi Bellfield, Venables and Thompson, Amelia Dyer, Lucy Letby, terrible record !!
I’m American and this is so sad what happened to these little Girls and others and what’s going on in England. Great Britain use to be Great! Not with this Government and the cops turning on their own! Shame on You!
It happened 2 hours ago. They might not know his name yet. It obviously wasn't terror related, if it was the girl would be dead. You have to be a very poor terrorist to stab an 11yo with intent to kill, and leave her with "non life-threatening injuries" instead.
@SmokeFactory Terrorism Act 2000 (1)In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where- (a)the action falls within subsection (2), (b)the use or threat is designed to influence the government [F1or an international governmental organisation] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and. I think the public is feeling a wee bit intimidated now. No mention of "ideology".
Mohsin Hussain, 32, was jailed for nine years and nine months on Thursday after admitting causing death by dangerous driving following the death of seven-year-old Malakye Hall
That sounds like by force, boy is you talking anarchy? Wait! Hold on a minute! Here mate! You aint got cold steel on your leg or a club in your jacket hav yer! Cause if you do? Well now you know what that makes you dont you mate
@@ONTrend1-m8t we don’t know that. He appears to be a white man from the footage of his arrest but his face was blurred and no information has been given. We don’t know where he’s from or what his motivations are.
@@ONTrend1-m8t How do you know he wasn't Irish or German or polish or Russian? These types of comments you've made here are the problem, you make a claim without evidence or confirmation and then say stick to facts lol go away.
_"And it is a mark of a tyrant to have men of foreign extraction rather than citizens as guests at table and companions, feeling that citizens are hostile but strangers make no claim against him."_ - Aristotle, 2400 years ago
@@Ironside-fz9vd Then can you say in the UK -- without any fear of persecution -- that Mohammad, the founder of Islam, was a pedophile? Because that is 100% true.
I'd imagine it would take longer than that to gather evidence for an attempted murder trial. but I understand people like you trip up over logic and never let it interfere with your rhetoric, so just keep talking nonsense I guess
@@vgclips3239The authorities could gain CCTV in hours many witnesses on the scene aswell so don't know why it should take longer than a couple of days to convict. Just my take on your comment but I could be wrong..
I am a british born lady, law abiding, hard working and kind. I now do not want to or feel safe in towns or cities. As british people we need to all come together with love. I for one want our wonderful country back.
You need to open your eyes, get over your fear and stand up for yourself. Coming together in love is a laudable sentiment, but it won’t happen and won’t make you safe. Naive thinking keeps the problems going and makes your society unable to solve them and progress.
When are we going to have the death penalty in this country or when are we going to bring capital punishment back because this is getting ridiculous !!
@@Justin-yt8zv It means what it means very English sounding very Northen European looking, if someone’s evil 👿 they’re evil….regardless of colour or creed
@@duokoro1 Agree with anyone is evil but that Kyle clifford guy didn't look eeerrmm British? He was probably quite a British guy though but I'm just saying he didn't look Northern European. Not being pedantic for the sake of it. Plus the overwhelming incidents of this sort recently have largely been from overseas, yes brits commit crime but there seems to be a greater trend for others to do it.
The country is not lawless sir, starmer will not be dictated to by rioting racist bigots, and hes gonna use this law you say doesnt exist to put you in jail mate
@Nanobits if you cared to listen to the news the so called outsider that you see in your eyes saved the girl and mother from being killed by the attacker his name is Abdullah, but hey you and the minority that a banging on about the same crap that's been going on since the southport stabbing just on the same band wagon clueless and ignorant of the facts
Gandhi started the Jail Bharo Andolan to protest against British government Jail Bharo Andolan (Hindi: जेल भरो आंदोलन, "Fill the Jails Movement") is a form of protest in which protesters voluntarily court arrest in order to overcrowd the jails of the authorities. In India, this is commonly used in a peaceful way to protest against the government.
No the far right wasn’t named till they was charged. What we do know a Muslim immigrant saved the girl and woman and got the knife off the attacker and captured him aswell
Probably was a white person , last month a 9 year old black boy was stabbed to death by white man with a machete police took ages to taser him was disgraceful.
@@RajaZulqarnainKhan they showed the face, some white guy but it’s not confirmed where he’s from, some say he’s Eastern European but nothing confirmed. They can’t confirm names yet as he’s only been arrested but once charged they can, this is standard process
A short walk from downing street? Well that wont do will it? Imagine people getting stabbed near to where you live, oh thats right most of us do unfortunately
Post an “offensive” post about this crime and you will go to jail faster than the suspect!
Sad but true.
Its crap it reallyis crap
Can we ask if Allah was mentioned?
Am I going to jail because I liked the comment?
Or even a mildly speculative post.
Remember that posting anything here can land you in jail longer then a murderer killing toddlers.
Photos of bloke seemingly being arrested there appear to be of white European male, but until more info is officially released we can't be drawing conclusions or we might find ourselves doing 5 to 10 yrs at His Majesty's pleasure for mere speculation.
I not been to London on over thirty years, there seemed to be police walking their beats around every corner, you could see several on same street in twos, majority always friendly and ready and eager to help with queries, had several police at each tube station too. The least policed streets I experienced on weekends I used to spend in London (then bf lived in Dartford, I lived up North in Cheshire, that's not a long distance relationship, used to be engaged to a guy who lived and worked in Canada, had to take two different flights, to get to city where he was - Winnipeg. Had to swap flights at Toronto. Now that is long distance.) were ironically Park Lane and Mayfair, saw a single cop Mayfair once, that's it. Bet that all changed.
Well on here you’re hurting feelings, which are actually important.
If you are a woketard
And important only for you
So, i couldnt care less
Have a nice day!
Hush Crimes are Antiwhite Crimes!
S - a white rioter gets named and shamed almost IMMEDIATELY after being charged by the met police, but this guy... no name, no race no nothing. Make you own conclusions on that....
Skinny white guy in a black t shirt..
The guy that stopped him was a somali security guard
@@danhan835 Thanks for sharing this. I heard it weas a white guy too and stopped by a muslim guy. Might help alleviate the problems these days.... but im assuming thats wishful thinking.
we know why
@@madma11 That's a lie. Why are you believing lies?
Two women stabbed in Bournemouth by a stranger, one died. Disappeared from the news rapidly
Hush Crimes are Antiwhite Crimes!
She was lesbian. Obvious motive. Crickets from the homophobic BBC.
White or black stabber?
Wow, I just checked this report. Reported as "man from Croydon". The name reveals why that report quickly 'disappeared'. Sickening how everyone is being played.
@@easyreader6179 There was a poisoning recently in Bath. City centre had to be closed down. Never heard any more about it.
"A Man is in custody". Meanwhile " Bert Smith, aged 50 from Dartford, Kent, a bricklayer by trade, has been given 3 Years for shouting at Police" etc etc. etc.
that is ridiculous. just sad.
😂😂😂😂😂 you don't go to prison for shouting at police officers. What an uneducated comment
There just trying to scare and control not working there running out of ideas. People getting stabbed and not getting arrested, and people posting online are . It’s going to get way worse before it gets better and that’s the plan of the elites like it or leave it.
Will the perpetrator be fast tracked through the courts in 24 hours just like those who wrote 'mean' things on facebook?
As if. Just look at Ricky Jones. Given a full week to get a defence in place. Those that have been subject to Starmers 24hr courts weren't afforded that luxury 😡
I don't know what's worse. The fact that a woman and child have been stabbed or that not a single Brit can safely comment on it.
Of course we can comment on it - I have. For the sake of the victims, we all need to bravely speak up instead of cowering in fear before tyrants and terrorists. Do we prefer to 'safely' live under tyranny, or fight for our freedom?
This is particularly so that our men will be out rioting again. To push then to breaking point. And then be jailed
Were they visitors??? I wish we knew a bit more
Corrupt two-tier government and police who have sold the country out a long time ago.
Communism for you
My nephew and his friend when they were 15 years old were chased by a 40 year old man in a car and he ran them both over he was charged with 2 charges of attempted murder then the charges were lowered and guess what this scum bag got as punishment,
2 years in jail he was out within a year and a half AND not even a driving ban he could have drove himself home after being released from prison if he wanted to,how is this right and people are being given 2 year jail sentences for rioting
I was walking down the road one day in peckham, a group of white kids was looking for a blackman that robbed them, apparently i resembled the person that robbed them, the four of them pulled knives on me puncturing three holes in my abdomen, im an expert in martial arts so i managed to fight them off hurting one of those white kids badly i took out his eye witha winchun strike, the cops didnt charge them because they were young white kids and they didnt want to destroy their futures, do you think if this was a black on white crime they would have arrived at the same conclusion, is this the two tier justice you all talking about? Us blackfolks been experiencing this born in england, welcome to our world
That's truly awful 🎉
So a crime goes unpunished and that makes it okay not to punish other crimes. Maybe think when you vote. 14 years of Tory brought our police judiciary and jails to their knees. Try thinking what the issues are, not excusing rioters. People in the UK don't want riots and property damage. Or the black guy walking past doing nothing and they punched him in the face. Or the guy who broke into a supermarket and looted. Or the ones who put police and police dogs in need of medical treatment! Or the fact people could have died! in the fire they set at that hotel.
a man has no name? soldier stabber - not named and shamed. the stabbing of 10 girls - not named and shamed. 11 year old girl and 34 year old stabbed - not named and shamed. 2 tier PM, 2 tier government, 2 tier media, 2 tier police, 2 tier UK
The one who did the army officer was indeed named, but was brushed under the carpet very quickly. Nigerian chap! 😏
@@desres2281 very quickly. almost forgotten
@@desres2281 yes, and that's what us going to happen here too.
@@desres2281no it wasnt the southport stabbing just over took it.
Probably another not terror attack and mental health.
Or it is the usual suspects
Another attack on a young girl and woman is horrific!
What a coward to target a little girl and a woman!
That says it all, odds are it isn't a British person.
It's normal the way they dress and show power it's haram!
@@Aneebanana1 yup the hatred for women and girls. They don’t think you should be walking around without a man.
Peaceful religion raises cowards like this.
@@Aneebanana1thats weird because the security guard who stopped him was muslim..? russian bots havent been updated it seems
The silence about the identity of the attacker is saying a lot right now.
We all know the rhetoric already. Always plays to the same tune.
We know the drill. The world is watching the UK on this.
He is a white man, as white as snow.
...well, attacker lost the hat...
@user-ii6xg1sj2k Not his identity now.
Maybe the government should focus on the real issue instead of focusing on the "far-right"
Oh you lot got his attention alright, already fooled you outta your free speech, and youve now got him focused on more ways to lock up and silence you all
That would require them having to do work though. You're asking too much.
It would mean each consecutive gov having to focus on themselves; because each one is signed up to the U.N's 'Repl@cement Migr@tion' schedule.
This has nothing to do with the Far Right, and everything to do with the Extreme Far Left.
I didn't realise you knew all the details of the case already mate, that's mad! Give us the scoop then... Who's the far left attacker and which far left agenda was he pushing?
All I've been able to find is that a man called "Abdullah" stepped in to stop the attacker
Probably a high school drop out, scaffolder or a plasterer not smart enough to be a sparks or even a brickie
The illegal Islamists got away with so much that now everybody who has an evil thought commits to following it out.
Truly shocking! the killer was white & not an immigrant! I thought it was only dark skin Immigrants that were permitted to visit death upon English streets? will their be more riots??
When will the suspect's picture of him at eight years old be released?
Yes isnt the stockport knifer 18 now? If so wheres the pic
We still dont have a proper photo of him @@johnsmith-eh3yc
Somebody will have video footage of this incident. But now they most probably will be jailed for sharing it.
Think about that !
It's on twitter
From an American this is disgusting. Please fight for your rights! We are doing the same in America. Don’t ever stop fighting for freedom of speech.
Cough Cough guns ???
An American with an opinion about violence with a weapon ,
when your own citizens sh○○t ki|| kids in the classroom .
Hypocrite .
lol Sorry we are NO WHERE NEAR the absolute slaughter of children we see in the USA EVERY SINGLE YEAR. These events are hugely shocking here in the UK, in the USA the hardly make the news any more. Perhaps you should take your own advice over where you are.
Guns Guns there is no freedom in America
He's Romanian @@Oil-j4d
A Brit has just got 18 month jail for throwing some eggs, now they are locking up the Brits for swearing
Just stop stabbing women and little girls...
Don't forget the 100 pound fine
1 year suspended sentence, UK finished. No comment Kier Stalin
Meanwhile, the Muslim thugs who attacked police at Manchester airport are enjoying their bail
24 months jail for selling stickers too
What’s worse? Burying murdered children or being called racist?
You will be called it both ways. Better to have dignity and stand up for your own
And you know the race of the attacker because....?
There's one common element with these attacks and it ain't race
@@noeticage Agree,....but how about stand up for what's right? then you can't go wrong! what happened to that.
@@laurenpantryyou wouldn't like it if we "did what was right"
There's estimated 5 million of them in the country.... nobody wants to be the next "german man" if you know what I mean
@@dogblessamerica we know because they say 'man' are you nieve or what?
Sadiq Khan complaining he doesn’t feel safe in London. The cheek, he cant even keep kids safe and he’s concerned about himself
Maybe he should let us know what he fears. How many muslims have been stabbed in the uk by white right wingers in the last 20 years?
Little weasel
He could always go somewhere else where he does feel safe but with his armoured car and 24/7 security don’t know why he is scared
Doesn’t that mean then that Mr Khan himself is far right?
Let me guess “don’t worry everyone, it’s not terror related”. What a pathetic country England has become.
Unfortunately for you it wasn’t terror related, the suspect was a white man!! The girl was saved by a muslim brown asian man called Abdullah.
So Prime Minister, we don't have to worry, it wasn't terror related... NOW, WE CAN RELAX..!!!!
@@christinefrossard7983 you can relax cause it was carried out by a white non muslim person. My point exactly! Regardless of who carried it out, crime is a crime and I hope the girl and mother are both okay.
Am I aloud to be pissed off about this or will I go to prison?
Not only will you go to prison, you will get more time than the stabber.
London needs a proper mayor and chief of police.
New Prime minister and king
@@charrua59Very true regarding the King. William is just as bad though!
@@zedrockiby AND regarding the "prime minister"
@@charrua59definitely a new PM but leave His Majesty alone
@@MultiBurger1 Correct
And the major of London says he does not feel safe. A disgrace.
I'd say his race is a lot safer than us poor whites
Exactly .its pathetic
The Mayor travels in a convoy of three armoured cars with round the clock private and police protection. Did he state which areas he does not feel safe in?
It's women and kids who aren't safe recently
Ridiculous statement by the POS. Who's doing all the stabbing?
As a British man, ex military now an Engineer, my wife is a nurse and our daughter is nearly 5. We are beyond concerned and now looking to move abroad. We believe that living in the UK for us Brits is now a SCAM.
What 😅
In all seriousness New Zealand (my country) would be a viable option. We are not crime free, but only 1% of the population is Muslim so we are mostly free of the types of crimes that are happening in Britain. We seem to be one of the only western countries to be relatively safe in this regard...the beautiful scenery is a bonus! Just putting that out there 😊🌄
@marcuspinkney7328 love to have you in the USA...but our current president opened the boarders to people who felt unsafe in their own countries. We are housing,feeding,giving cash cards,giving education to them to make up for the White abuse these people suffered hundreds or years ago. Our people are living in cars,hitting up food banks to feed families, living off credit cards while non Americans get everything handed to them. You catch an illegal doing a crime. They walk away and cop tells you they don't understand how things work here. America is going down in flames.
@@janethammond5925because you are racist and keep the borders almost shut...😂
Move to Portugal learn the language and be one of us
How long before the government makes it illegal to report these events?
Possibly not so long. In Sweden it is illegal to disclose the ethnicity of criminals. We're all on the same slippery slope.
This video stopped a few times
Learning from UAE
Rather like the number of immigrants in boats ferried over at the weekend.
Already is on the BBC
Sadiq Khan should be ashamed.
But he isn’t ashamed, he doesn’t understand what it is. He is a self important domineering foreigner who has pulled the race card for years with impunity.
When has Khan's people every showed shame?
They don't care abut anyone other than their own people.
He wants to see the down fall of Britain 🇬🇧 and give it to he’s people. Basically a Muslim country. 🫵🏽🏴🏴🇮🇪🇬🇧🏴👍🏼
Ha! Khan only play victim
@@dave4803To be fair, it’s same for all cultures
A vote of no confidence on Londons mayor and our PM
I’m Australian but of British heritage as my grandfather fought in England in the war. This was for our freedom. Unfortunately that is disappearing before yours and those in Australia’s eyes. I feel sick to the pit of my stomach. Fight for your freedom from this scourge! 🇦🇺🦘🦘🦘
Mate! Both of of my grandfathers fought against the Japanese in WW2. One came home with grenade shrapnel in his body. My dad is an ex AFP officer and a veteran also. All 3 of the brothers have brown skin. Do you think it was only white people who fought on the allied side during the war? Almost all of the Pakistanis you see in England now would have had grandfathers and fathers who served on behalf of the British Empire in WW2. You don't get to claim some kind of goodwill because of your grandfather. It was a world war FFS. Every c*nt's grandfather fought in it.
We are fighting against the very government who is suppose to protect us, people are being stabbed and killed by foreigners which these governments are supposed to investigate and are 100%Negligent, the police arrest protesters against illegals who are killing and get three years under a riot act OKimprisonment for rioting which was part of the? In
All by design for the top 8 countries in the west - U.N's 'Repl@cement Migr@tion'
@@alcedo_kf 'At' signs won't save you. Need to come up with a new code.
The moment they declare it's not a terrorist incident, you know mental health will follow...... We also know both claims are total and utter bs.
It's mental health everytime, if that's the truth then get the asylums back open.
No comment due to threat of arrest!
@@kevin1961 😂😂😂
How to shirk responsibility for literally anything you do: play the 'mental health' card.
also, the ethnicity was left out, so you know they aren't "white".
Absolutely disgusting! Yet Starmer will do NOTHING!
Depends on who did it
He is protecting the mosques, so at least they are safe.
He's still not addressed knife crime...too busy arguing with elon musk..
A speech. Paroles.
If you make the “wrong” comment about this, you’ll be jailed faster than the stabber.
Were living in a simulation
And everyone will know your name and other information in hours.
Did you call the local police and ask them for advice on what to say? 😂
Of course... Way more resources put in to jailing someone on here than the attacker
UK police are like the Keystone Cops. Even the Three STOOGES would be better protecting the citizens instead of men carrying popsicle sticks.
Convenient they named the member of the public who was ever so heroic. They are so transparent
Enough is enough,get Sadiq Khan and Mark Rowley and Keir Starmer out .... NOW ❗
You just voted them in.
Iv'e got an open mind on this one. No comment, but if it is a Muslim attack, they will not tell us, and that has always been the problem.
The longer they withhold his name the more you know he is a not British.
@@denisjoleary they still haven't told us what became of the terrorism investigation in the Southport murders. i strongly suspect some kind of ideological motivation.
Read an article from Sky news and another from BBC.
Turns out the man that apprehended the perp and provided first aid was a Muslim shop worker named Abdullah.
Another witness that was performing in the area described the knifeman as a "young, white, skinny male dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans putting the girl in a headlock and stabbing her."
When they can say he's native they do so with the utmost urgency as part of their policy to diffuse tensions but for whatever reason they don't seem aware that that also means when we don't hear swiftly that it's only logical to assume that it's not a native.
Why accuse Muslim ?? Don't forget to mention that who jumped on this stabber and threw the knife away is a Muslim
What the hell is happening in Britain? Constant traumatic incidents but we are told that if we comment or object we are the violent ones. Utter madness.
It's the business community wanting cheaper labor and access to more customers. They only care about money, not human life and we have millennia of history to prove this. The fact that you all need to be told everything because you won't be honest with yourselves or basically think critically at all is a disgrace!
Exactly , what about the Magna Carter that states no king or government is above the law ,it was wrote hundreds of years ago for a reason is that not going to be upheld anymore . Am i or others now in trouble for stating a historical fact and wanting to be safe to go out shopping or a cuppa without fear .
Not madness - sheer evil. There is a big difference.
Blame half the British sheep
@@PickanPop and legal aid immigration solicitors too! They make money on that.
Something I have noticed that when they don't talk about, or even mention, the race and/or origin of the attacker, that usually means he is a foreigner/migrant
I remember when the people stood up for victims like this and got called far-right.
that was last week
But don’t swear in the street as you will be arrested… that was yesterday!!!!!
@@djb5841 he was being sarcastic.
It was a far right guy that did this you helmet
@@danhan835how do you know that?
This is horrific. Let us all hope and pray for the full recovery of this 11 year old girl and her 34 year old mother.
This is less than a day after those girl's funerals at the weekend
This is absolutely horrific incident and all our thoughts are with the family.God willing the mother and the little girl get better.
I don't think you can fully recover after being stabbed. You will always have ptsd.
❤ 😢 🙏
How many more innocent will have to die before Parliament HAS to do something against it?
This government are a disgrace along with the British police they've shown the world who they want to protect
Approximately the 50 million population of a certain ethnicity.
I'm not sure they even care.
As many as it takes for us to be quiet
That pigeon has to be a suspect
Shame shame on politicians for not calling out these acts
Shame on you for rioting and costing me my free speech
That sound you hear is 10,000 tourists cancelling their trips to London.
Who would go there anyway it's a hell hole.
good idea for them to visit somewhere safe because we know London isn't
You can only hope because the government is not listening to the people.
Who would want to risk their life visiting Britain now ?
The mayor of London needs to resign. His leadership or lack of has destroyed London
that guy was put there to conquer the UK and europe.
So does the whole labour party
Khan is guilty of money laundering. Hes literally robbing the London population. And he doesn’t even care that everyone knows that.
100% true words.
@@henrikchristensen7844 Not on,y have £820 million gone missing from the Silvertown Tunnel project, but hes stated that another £1.2 Billion will also be lost in the next 25 years. And he doesn’t know where it is or where its going. Just knows that its coming out of Londoners pockets. Its amazing what FOI requests can discover….
Knife crime is beyond control in this country. Why would you stab a little girl?
because the book says its ok
Because you want to. Because you can. Because little ones are the most vulnerable in society.
Careful. You're not allowed to say this. You could get a knock on the door.
'Apostates' verse, perhaps?
It’s nothing whatsoever to do ethnicity or ideology - it was simply ‘a man’.
Starmer needs to resign immediately
You know that aint gonna happen! So why you even saying it heh?
So it's his fault whats been going on for years???????
@@AndrewCrichton-j7s know what i mean, starmer been p.m for a minute yet everything is starmers fault? Hate sounds so rediculous and delusional
@@AndrewCrichton-j7sHe wanted to arrest British citizens for being angry about the killing of British girls. Go piss off.
@@banjoebaby4590 he is so useless 💀💀💀💀💀💀after the stabbing he should have informed our police to be on every corner of every major city to try to avoid this but no, a person of colonour went from zeo to hero instead lmao.. we have to use people from other countries tod o the police man's jobb.
No comment
Jail time is huge for free speech now.
This guy who knifed this girl will get less jail time.
Again we are not supposed to speculate on social media
@@Asilis23 Pretend everything is fine
He shouldn't be getting any jail time.
@@Asilis23 What are we supposed to do then ?
He won't get any jail time under the numskull act
The country is collapsing in front of our eyes. Whats happened to our once beautiful country 😢
The UK has turned away from the One True God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, the LORD has turned the UK over to the false god of Islam.
@@Wayfarer4ChristWe have to turn back to God! If we don’t! It’s going to get much sadder.
Immigration happened and hasn't stopped.
I'm 84 and would like to comment but dont want to spend my last year or two in prison.
😂 It's a disgrace that they have forced you into that position.
We should all be free to express our views and concerns without the threat of imprisonment.
Keep it factual and no-one can touch you.
At least you’ would have free food and heating courtesy of HMP.
@@primafacie6442 A contemptible comment.
@@kevinclark1992it is a disgrace that we are now feared to air our views and opinions. Welcome to east Germany pre 1989 the Stazi are watching. Disgraceful!!
How many more times does this have to happen before it’s addressed instead of blaming far right thuggery for everything…. We have a problem with this current situation and I’m choosing my words carefully as not to be arrested.
Just how dangerous do our streets have to become, before we can claim asylum in another country?
Only non white can ask for asylum. Welcome to the absurd reality 😢
And demand they change their customs, while supporting us?
Plenty of cheap flats in Albania.
Ex Albanian mafia owned?
Why won’t they give more information on the suspect.? We as citizens have the right to know.
Do yo have to ask? Why does it matter. Unless he or she claims it was a terrorist attack.
They are just baiting now for people to speculate, We will see reports on the news about the "Conspiracy theories" going around on social media next to further their agenda of clamping down on free speech.
@@jayrwickerman with all what’s going on atm.
Witness literaly said it was a skinny white boy
Because Canada is watching? Daylight stabbings as posed to night time are ok? They are shooting in day light here and no one is getting caught. Alberta had a Father killed and the killers are both still at large...
from growing up in the 80s playing footy on the streets and riding a bike around the town all day and going home for tea time , to being a parent and scared to let my kids go outside or even go on a school day trip to London . This is not what i thought my country would turn out to be like .
Why are the press not reporting the 150,000 signatures for Starmer to step down ???
Bit of a silly question? Cause you really dont want the answer? You gonna get it anyway, starmer will not be dictated to by bigots and racists, he,d rather build more prisons and lock you all up, you got it?
Proberly because there is 70million ppl in uk you fool
Breaking news ! The British police have arrested both victims for improperly disposing their blood on a public street. The migrant perpetrator has been released with apologies.
It's a white man.
I dont believe you.
@@paulinetipper1351sarcasm shouldn't be that hard to spot, should it?
Immediately, the police said. "Not terror related" how on earth could they know?????
Liars that's why
if it was terror related we would know almost immediately, the point of terror related incidents is to promote an ideology, no ideology has been promoted by the attacker
Terrorism is to create terror. It doesn’t always need to be linked to a known terrorist group.. is loan wolf terrorism is a thing? I’m sure it is.
We all know who was responsible for this...
Skinny white guy......
The guy looks young and may be related to the mother and girl, and therefore they may know very quickly why this occurred.
Safe to assume that my wife and kids are no longer safe when they walk in public spaces!
Rest assured you will NEVER know the background of attackers ever again.
Attacker was white.
For Gods sake it is not about tourism or how we are seen by other countries.
They literally CANNOT WAIT to tell us when the perpetrator is white. We all KNOW what's up
"Nothing to suggest terror connection?" How fucking stupid; when innocent people, particularly children, cannot leave their homes because of a very real risk of death or serious injury, that IS terrorism, regardless of the nationality or ideological beliefs of the attacker.
I thought the same.....Terrorising the public.. especially children..should be treated as an "act of terrorism"🇬🇧
@@AmyHelenHughes exactly, these attacks are designed to terrorize.
They found there's nothing to do with terrorism in less than 12 hours after it happened? That's some quick investigating there 🤥
they say it isnt straight away.
If someones comes at your kid with a machete,THAT's TERROR!
Was a far right thug responsible ?
Asking for a friend, Starmer.
Herr Starmer receives his orders from the WEF and EU.
no it was a muslim man
@@kingbaaka3Dthey’re far right…
Geeee ya think mommy???
@@kingbaaka3D is that true. I suspect it is
So if it is not terror related then was it personal? Did they know this man? Or is it a terrorist?
And who was the suspect for stabbing a 34 year old woman and 11 year old child? Daylight stabbing. What happened to our beautiful country
A mentally ill christian white male , obviously
I just want to weep. How did we get into this mess? x
@@missmuffet3874Older and middle-aged people ignoring reality for decades!
Could be a disgruntled ex , jealousy and rejection is a serious sickness , look at the crossbow guy
Northern Ireland during the height of troubles was SAFER than London ....
London, during the height of the troubles, was safer than it is now....😮
Fukin Beruit was. I was in Baghdad very early 80's before all the wars, & it was safer than London ever will be, you know why. ??? Cos Sadam got it sorted , whether you like to hear this or not. I never felt scared there.
@@carlmason4153😂😂 no
I'm from São Paulo, Brazil - one of the biggest cities in the world and a very unsafe place where robberies take place everyday and given how my country has reached such "point of no return" when it comes to safety, I can say UK's falling into the same slippery slopes (we were once safe as well...remember that)
Starmer has blood on his hands. Trouble is he is so intent attacking everybody who disagrees with his view nothing else matters.
Diversity is our strength … 😡😡😡
Multicultural is the dream of every Wolf!
described by the man whom tackled him as "white skinny male"
you really should do some critical thinking before you reveal your ignorance
Could this be a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy ???? In Daniel 2:43 it states, “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.
The attacker was white British, a Muslim man intervened heroically. Yes, diversity is a strength you racist melt.
Don't mention the fact it was an immigrant who saved them both you clown
We are a 3rd World country, what do people expect.
@@kenoz6908 correct; the 3rd world is coming to a town near you.
Import the third world become the third world.fact.
🤔💭3rd world 🌎 period
🤔💭3rd world 🌎 period
Oh yes for a long time too, remember the moors murderers, Thomas Hamilton, Ian Huntley, Fred West, Peter Sutcliffe, Levi Bellfield, Venables and Thompson, Amelia Dyer, Lucy Letby, terrible record !!
British men…. Defend your children!!!!
And get arrested for racism in the process
Whats more important @@noeticage
@@noeticage waiting till your close ones get targeted?
Too late feminism, feminized the men
@@noeticage who cares ?
And we are not allowed to complain or protest about this
Don't be ridiculous
may be this act is part of conspiracy to make protests into riot and conflict
They can’t lock us all up.
The right The peaceful protest isn't effected and hasn't changed
Protest away, perp was whitw
I’m American and this is so sad what happened to these little Girls and others and what’s going on in England. Great Britain use to be Great! Not with this Government and the cops turning on their own! Shame on You!
Very rare in the UK for this to happen, hardly makes the news in the USA - how many under 18s have died to violence in the USA this year?
Same as with all governments here since the 70's 👎🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Coming from a Dumb yank where you have two or three mass shootings a day in yankeee fantasyland
Police say there’s nothing to suggest a terror attack. So let’s have the NAME of the attacker please. Or is THAT illegal now??
Why do you need a name?
@@jayrwickerman why not?
@@jayrwickermanSo we can get in front of any misinfo narratives being used to whip up tensions unnecessarily. Why do you want to protect the perp ?
It happened 2 hours ago. They might not know his name yet.
It obviously wasn't terror related, if it was the girl would be dead. You have to be a very poor terrorist to stab an 11yo with intent to kill, and leave her with "non life-threatening injuries" instead.
@@Cowtymsmiesznegowhat an absolutely ridiculous thing to say, should not be stabbing children full stop
Here we go again, that guy who recorded the video must have been arrested and in UK police custody right now.
He is going to be given a very long prison sentence in the next hour
And Starmer is releasing prisoners....????!!!!!!!
There are hundreds of cameras dedicated to the ULEZ in London instead of being dedicated to crime prevention.
They are more worried about our thoughts then real crimes.
1984 society
How can this not be terrorism.a child and woman randomley stabbed.come on
All white people in this country are being terrorised. We don't know who's going to be next.
Bro terrorists are people watching working class rallies, this is just another "isolated incident"
if its random then it is not terror related, terror plots involve ideologies…
Is it random?
Terrorism Act 2000
(1)In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where- (a)the action falls within subsection (2), (b)the use or threat is designed to influence the government [F1or an international governmental organisation] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and.
I think the public is feeling a wee bit intimidated now. No mention of "ideology".
stoned driver kills 7 year old and then drives off..."Suspended " sentence . This country is ruined
Mohsin Hussain, 32, was jailed for nine years and nine months on Thursday after admitting causing death by dangerous driving following the death of seven-year-old Malakye Hall
I don’t think the civilised world stone people anymore, oh wait.
@@CB-ou4hi Not long enough should be 25 years.
@@CB-ou4hi I wonder if its the same guy ?? The one I read about was found to have been smoking dope and leaving the scene of the accident.
British citizens take your country back. 🙁
@@thefbisux8122 yes bcuz a Muslim immigrant saved the girl and woman and got the knife off the attacker and captured him
*laughs in Aboriginal*
That sounds like by force, boy is you talking anarchy? Wait! Hold on a minute! Here mate! You aint got cold steel on your leg or a club in your jacket hav yer! Cause if you do? Well now you know what that makes you dont you mate
@@ONTrend1-m8t we don’t know that. He appears to be a white man from the footage of his arrest but his face was blurred and no information has been given. We don’t know where he’s from or what his motivations are.
@@ONTrend1-m8t How do you know he wasn't Irish or German or polish or Russian? These types of comments you've made here are the problem, you make a claim without evidence or confirmation and then say stick to facts lol go away.
_"And it is a mark of a tyrant to have men of foreign extraction rather than citizens as guests at table and companions, feeling that citizens are hostile but strangers make no claim against him."_
- Aristotle, 2400 years ago
Frighteningly apropos
A certain religion is being used for "crowd control" make no bones about it.
Social engineering at its scummiest.
'I'd rather be in Davos any day of the week over Westminster' - Prime Minister Starmer.
@@Lordradost Aristotle had many ancient beliefs
@@keithroy9217 and nothing of value was added but opportunity lost.
WARNING! 🛑: Every person speaking against this "stabbibg" may face immediate arrest and immediate incarceration.
So sad...
What a depressing state of affairs, we are a failed state…….
The truth hurts , read 1984 and you will get the full picture
Name will be keep hidden, as usual.
If they're white they'll broadcast it loud and clear. If they're not, they'll tells to "not look back in anger".
Unless he’s from a particular culture group.
His name was Jake Rithelson
If it was a white englishmen did it, they would already be taken to one of yalls 24hour courts. Reported, charged, and jailed.
@@rimacalid6557If you are wrong, you can go to prison for spreading misinformation
Only foolish people give their nation away.
Your leader suffers from a mood problem, he is giving a nation away.
Oh we,ll keep the nation, without you in it
described by the man whom tackled him as "white skinny male"
you really should do some critical thinking before you reveal your ignorance
@@Pyjamarama11 Thiis incident does not justify the genocide of the English people.
@@banjoebaby4590 Enjoy your Afro-Muslim Overlords.
Be careful what you say people. We don't want to get arrested for having an opinion on this.
No I’ve been saying it since 2005 they’ve let in everyone
I'm in the USA, so I'll say it: This stabber was very likely non-White. The police cater to them while persecuting White Britons.
No you're wrong.Nobody said your not allowed an opinion It's you're not allowed to spread misinformation and rumours.
@@Ironside-fz9vd Then can you say in the UK -- without any fear of persecution -- that Mohammad, the founder of Islam, was a pedophile? Because that is 100% true.
if the attacker is foreign, will the courts try & sentence him in days like the rioters?
I'd imagine it would take longer than that to gather evidence for an attempted murder trial. but I understand people like you trip up over logic and never let it interfere with your rhetoric, so just keep talking nonsense I guess
Mental health
@@vgclips3239The authorities could gain CCTV in hours many witnesses on the scene aswell so don't know why it should take longer than a couple of days to convict.
Just my take on your comment but I could be wrong..
If like US similar circumstances..
Investigation in a month, still ongoing, can't speak😮 on FBI Wray, but I digress.
The stabber has been taken to the nearest Hotel .
And given a mobile phone and cigarettes no doubt
@@BePresent.And social housing next week
@@stephendalton1648 FOR REAL!!!!
I'm curious what your SO CALLED COMMISSIONER is going to say about this one,,,,Is he going to say this is a FAR RIGHT INCIDENT??🤡💩
And they wonder why British people are angry 😢
I am a british born lady, law abiding, hard working and kind. I now do not want to or feel safe in towns or cities. As british people we need to all come together with love. I for one want our wonderful country back.
You are a tad naive.
"don't want to feel safe" ?
I don't understand (I speak french) your " I don't want feel save in town..." ??
We as a nation need to come together in these testing times.What is happening in Britain children are getting stabbed broad daylight
You need to open your eyes, get over your fear and stand up for yourself. Coming together in love is a laudable sentiment, but it won’t happen and won’t make you safe. Naive thinking keeps the problems going and makes your society unable to solve them and progress.
Why women and little girls? This is heart-breaking, yet again.
Shhhh, you noticed. I'll pray for your safety. 🙏
They're lazy and femicidal.
In order to further hinder the white peoples ability to reproduce!
Because they are the weakest ones.
Because they treat Women like Dirt and only want to sexually assault them. That's why.
When are we going to have the death penalty in this country or when are we going to bring capital punishment back because this is getting ridiculous !!
Why do they keep saying that 3 little girls were stabbed in Southport when it was almost a dozen with 3 deaths?
Don't criticise. It makes you "far right".
Thats ok, the word has had such a drastic change of definition its kinda comical at this point.
Kyle Clifford
@@duokoro1 what do you mean by that?
@@Justin-yt8zv It means what it means very English sounding very Northen European looking, if someone’s evil 👿 they’re evil….regardless of colour or creed
@@duokoro1 Agree with anyone is evil but that Kyle clifford guy didn't look eeerrmm British? He was probably quite a British guy though but I'm just saying he didn't look Northern European. Not being pedantic for the sake of it. Plus the overwhelming incidents of this sort recently have largely been from overseas, yes brits commit crime but there seems to be a greater trend for others to do it.
Protect our women and girls, or get the F out of government.
Too busy looking for nasty comments on facebook.
We better get used to it, the government is not going to deal with it.
The country is lawless.
The country is not lawless sir, starmer will not be dictated to by rioting racist bigots, and hes gonna use this law you say doesnt exist to put you in jail mate
Anyone defending outsiders instead of the British citizens should be jailed.
Starmer..if he had any decency he would step down
@Nanobits if you cared to listen to the news the so called outsider that you see in your eyes saved the girl and mother from being killed by the attacker his name is Abdullah, but hey you and the minority that a banging on about the same crap that's been going on since the southport stabbing just on the same band wagon clueless and ignorant of the facts
What are you blithering slow coaches on about?
So defend the White guy that was stabbing up a kid today????
Wtf are you on about dimwit? Not everything is related to one debate. Also Starmer should step down for..? Simpletons🤪
the real victim is Sadiq Kahn and his concern for his own safety
@@spenndoolie he travels in an oil guzzling armour plated Range Rover!
That attack wasn't a true representation of Islam 😂 now Khan will be forced to retreat from Tommy Robinson & his bannermen 😂
Innocent kid again just sickening
The British government started this
Without being asked
They started nothing! You bigotted racists started this by rioting
Don’t let your government curtail free speech. Stand up. Defy these tyrants and STOP THE BOATS.- love from USA.
God Bless America 🙏🏽❤️🏴
Rember we have no let's say no " instruments " to protect ourselves in the uk unlike the us
Gandhi started the Jail Bharo Andolan to protest against British government
Jail Bharo Andolan (Hindi: जेल भरो आंदोलन, "Fill the Jails Movement") is a form of protest in which protesters voluntarily court arrest in order to overcrowd the jails of the authorities.
In India, this is commonly used in a peaceful way to protest against the government.
The UK has fallen.
🤬🤬🤬🤬 I have no words without getting locked up
No don't fear your government cos this can't go on!!
Don’t be afraid to speak out. It’s your compliance and silence that gives them traction.
Yes. Now just disagreeing with anything will get us 10 years in prison 🤬
Once you're afraid of government you have tyranny
Speak up you spineless supporter of STASI STARMER.
If the perp was “far right” you would know everything immediately about the perp.
No the far right wasn’t named till they was charged.
What we do know a Muslim immigrant saved the girl and woman and got the knife off the attacker and captured him aswell
Probably was a white person , last month a 9 year old black boy was stabbed to death by white man with a machete police took ages to taser him was disgraceful.
Yes, we know for sure, its not someone who wants to save Europe. That's the only thing we know for sure.
Who was the PERP???!! Why are they not showing the FACE OR NAME????!!!
@@RajaZulqarnainKhan they showed the face, some white guy but it’s not confirmed where he’s from, some say he’s Eastern European but nothing confirmed.
They can’t confirm names yet as he’s only been arrested but once charged they can, this is standard process
A short walk from downing street? Well that wont do will it? Imagine people getting stabbed near to where you live, oh thats right most of us do unfortunately