I’ve watched a few installations for this product and Chuck’s was by far the best, offering good visuals and the easiest way to hide all the wires. Way to go Rick and Chuck.
I normally don't post, but Chuck I followed your instructions and easily installed my Soler device. This device changes the dynamics of driving a C8. I started in Sport 5 and it blew me away with the response compared to original settings. Thanks again.
Love this install video Rick and Chuck! I too didn't want to mount to my leather or have it dangling behind the pedal. Best install video out there for a C8 on the SP TC!!
Subscribed, purchased, drank to Kool aide, swallowed the bait... After Pastor Chuck's easy install video, this is simply a no brainer - even for me! Thank you and can't wait for the Throttle Controller to arrive!!!
Rick, I want to give you a BIG SHOUTOUT for introducing us to the Soler Performance Throttle Controller. After watching the video where you had Joe from Soler Performance on the phone I immediately had to get one so ordered it the very next day. I finally got the opportunity to install it today after watching Chuck install yours. His installation method of hiding the controller behind the carpet then routing the connector cable under the trim was pure genius! After I completed the install no one can even tell it’s there except for the small display discreetly attached to the right of the steering wheel. My first drive with the controller was mind blowing it transforms the C8 into a responsive rocket! I selected Sport 6 then pushed the pedal and the car shot forward and it’s the first time the front end actually lifted up! It was breathtaking. I also tried the throttle lock (anti-theft mode) after selecting the lock feature I stepped on the pedal and nothing happened. No rev no movement. So good! Now when leaving my car parked anywhere whether at the beach, roadtrips, hotel parking lot and yes even the grocery store I will utilize this amazing anti-theft feature. Again, thank you so much your channel continues to provide the best content for Corvette enthusiasts. PLEASE TELL CHUCK how much I appreciate his installation how to method! Scott from Florida
Got mine and installed it “the Chuck way.” Great video and a great unit. Very simple install and the unit is great!! Love the lock feature too. Was happy to find out that when it’s locked, the console module is locked as well. I was concerned that a thief could just open the center console and unlock it. But the controller locks too. I’m very happy.
Just received and installed mine today. Chuck’s install video was so easy to follow. I placed the controller in the center consul so it is out of the way and invisible. I am blown away at the difference this makes. I only experimented with Sport 5 and am anxious to try the other modes. The shifts feel much smoother. I can not imagine what adding a larger throttle body would do paired with the controller.
Thank you Rick after seeing Chucks install video I finally decided to try it. What a differnce! . BTW i called soler and spoke to Mike to find out about AI mode. He said it runs in thr baqckground and you never see what mode you are in. It starts in Sport mode 5 and after three cycles it will adjust to your driving style,. Preet dar cool to say the least..
I ordered mine after watching Rick's conversation with the company's CEO. I can't wait to get it! Thanks for turning me on to this. You guys are great.
Have had a Soler Controller for a year concerned if I installed it there would be a problem. This morning after watching Father Chuck install one I put mine in. WOW everything I’ve heard about how great these r is true! Thanks guys, ur a great team. Keep it up, I’m one of ur best fans 🎉.
Rick Chuck the mechanic is phenomenal and he seems like such a great guy. You are very very very lucky to have somebody at that level of skill to be able to be at your side and help you the way he does… You both complement each other but there’s nothing in this world like having a great mechanic for your car and you have that God bless you And God bless Chuck. He reminds me of the mechanics that I worked with in the Air Force very knowledgeable very skilled and very good with people thanks Chuck for all the hard work that you do. Don’t ever think it goes unappreciated love you like a brother thank you for sharing your brilliance with the🌎🇺🇸🙏✝️☮️⭐️😇✈️👍
On my 2023 HTC I was able to access the connection without removing the pedal, but I ran my wires exactly like Chuck did. I was floored by the difference in performance! I am driving mine mostly in SPORT 5, SPORT 9 is awesome but it can be touchy.
I have a 24 z06 and recently installed the soler throttle bodies and today did the throttle controller…whata difference…Chuck…those torx bolts on the engine side of the air box are a real pain to remove..once I got them out and reinstalling I used two hex head bolts,from the side air box joints..10mm and it was easy to finish up…thanks for all your great tips…Tim
Watched the preview and conversation. With Joe for Soler Performance. Reached out to their office and found the correct unit for my 2022 Escalade. OMG. Sport 8 turned my Escalade into a V series! Rocket ship…
***SOLER SHIPPING***Hi all! For those that have received your order and are enjoying it, we are so glad! For those that were awaiting your order, all orders have shipped🎉Thanks for your patience, let the good times roll! Best Joe@Soler
Rick! Absolutely LOVE my throttle controller and YES can be used as anti theft device by basically turning throttle off Not that u would VER valet your car but if you did…./ can use it for that as well
Rick I went back after a 15 min break and was able to get the plug off and everything is working perfectly. I had it on sport 5 & 7 awesome!!!! Thanks I love doing mods that I can do lol
I'll be installing mine today. Just waited to see if you had any issues! And one small suggestion on the steering wheel lock Rick; put the key hole to the dash so thieves can't simply drill it out. As always, thank you!
That lime green Corvette @ 22:33 is 👌 We need more exotic colors!!! And they need to be metallic to show off those body lines! As much as I love the Amplify Orange and Rapid Blue at times, the pastel paint doesn't cut it!
Rick, I absolutely LOVE MY NEW Z06 HTC! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this opportunity happen. Can hardly wait to see how it performs with the throttle controller given the responsiveness of the flat plane crankshaft. I have a Soler Performance throttle controller on my 2 Shelby GT 350 Mustangs and my 2021 Corvette HTC. I did not realize that you can make the throttle inoperable by using that simple mode. I’m also considering getting the Club for the new Z06 too. We currently live in a messed up world of increasing crime. Thanks again my friend.
Kudos to Chuck for explaining the software update for the gateway module. His explanation was on point. I have not had any problems with downloads but received the email. I just had my 2023 done and the car was in the shop for 5 hours. I did not talk to the Vette Tech so I don’t know how long the process took. My dealer provides complementary transportation to home and back so the project was painless.
@@Texas_Clay I put it on within a couple of months. I installed it with paragons straight pipe catback exhaust, Soler ported throttle bodies, and the Eventuri CAI. It has been great. I had one on my C6 GS and my C8 Stingray. I like the throttle response. It does not add HP but it is quicker because of the drive by wire lag without it. No issues whatsoever with check engine lights.
@@WildCPA thank you sir. I ordered one and now plan to install. My reason is solely for the anti-theft protection. I do plan to install the eventuri intake in the future
I have a 24 riptide blue z 51 coupe Installed the Soler controller Have it set at sport 7 or 8 The difference is amazing a game changer in throttle response , you can definitely feel it Recommend it 100% !! Money well spent!
Rick consider how you utilize that on the track carefully. You have become accustomed to a certain throttle response and any change may put you in the spin cycle instantly.
I ordered the throttle controller. What gear selection mode should I drive in while using the controller? If using sport 5, what the c7 manual gear selector be set,sport or could still be in tour or economy mode?
Received my Soler throttle controller last week. Used rick5 for discount, thanks! Plan to install it this weekend. Nice to see Chuck install controller under the carpet. I had the same idea and could not figure out why Soler doesn't show it installed that way. Common sense? Think I'll locate the controller display in console compartment as you have to keep it out of sight. As you, one of the main features is the throttle lock. The other features are just icing on the cake . . . fun factor. 👍
The next day. Installed the Soler Throttle controller. Piece of cake, quick install. Took a few tries to get it to pair up, other than that it works everything went smoothly. Now the funs begins . . .
On my Z06 I drive around town in sport 9. On the track I put it in Ludicrous 9. It does not add horsepower, but I definitely believe it is quicker. It removes the lag in the drive by wire so it is more nimble and responsive. I am very satisfied with the Soler Throttle Controller. I had one on my C6 GS and my C8 Stingray before the C8 Z06.
Chuck does it again! But, in all honesty, I would have preferred to see YOU try to install it. I bought one (and used your discount code), installed it in my garage by myself. It wasn't as easy as Chuck (or the video) makes it seem. Also, for Soler, why must the app need access to my pictures, emails, and everything else on my phone. Because of the HUGE intrusion of my privacy, I deleted the app. All-in-all I love the controller though.
Ric I wanted to thank you for the great informative videos you make. One question I have about the Soler pedal features that weren't really covered. Would you mind making a followup video showing how the app and controller work in regards to disabling the accelerator? Show us what happens when you try to start the vehicle as well as explaining how the controller works in that mode? Will the vehicle start but just not drive? Thanks, Ric
Thanks Rick and Chuck for the info 👍🏾 also I've seen 4×4's in Carlisle have fun. Can you let us know about the great pricing like the good old days 😂. Nosale 🙏🏾
I prefer the Comfort settings. You can tune out the factory lag without making the acceleration feel artificial. In city driving in the Sport modes and higher when the DCT is in auto it tends to downshift with the slightest throttle opening resulting in more acceleration and noise than is necessary. I came from an E85-tuned 2020 Supra. The first thing I noticed about my 2023 C8 is that it really didn't feel all that fast in normal driving in comparison. The Soler Controller cured that. It still isn't nearly as fast as the Supra at WOT. My upcoming E Ray will cure that.
My Soler is in shipment and I'm really looking forward to the install. QUESTION: I read another FB thread where a C8 owner said he was denied a warranty claim on his DCT because of the Soler throttle controller. He said they could read the engine's history of revs, etc., and because he had a Soler in use, they wouldn'y cover the DCT repair cost. Any word as to whether GM has officially stated their position one way or the other? Thanks!
Rick, another suggestion to add with the solar controller is to add an obd2 port blocker!!! I got an awesome one from maverick man carbon. Between the 2 devices you'd really slow down would be thieves. Thanks for all your content!
***SOLER PERFORMANCE DELIVERY TIMES**** Hi All! First and foremost thank you Rick for your review and to all those who have ordered our Controllers! So pleased by the overwhelming positive feedback! We strive to ship ASAP but as I am sure you all realize with the two major hurricanes in the last two weeks, USPS, FEDEX AND UPS have all issued delivery delays. PLEASE BE PATIENT AND THE SLIGHT DELAY WILL BE WELL WORTH THE RESULT ONCE YOU RECEIVE AND INSTALL IT! Our hearts and prayers go out to those who suffered losses through these violent storms. Many thanks. Joe @Soler
My prayers go out to the Hurricane victims. 🙏 Quick question. I ordered on 10/9, website said back ordered until 10/11, and it’s still showing that my order is still listed as Pending. Did you get the back ordered shipment on 10/11, or are you still waiting for those to come in before you can ship?
@@BandDirectorHi, we are getting a large shipment now confirmed, early part of next week and have all the shipping boxes and labels ready to fire out . We updated the date on the site. Again, apologies for this delay! Thanks for your patience to the situation and enjoy! Best, Joe@Soler
I installed mine last week, went on a trip and just got home to drive it. I watched your video first . I installed it on my C7similar to how Chuck did yours. It disables the throttle in lock mode so I think the Club is still needed to keep them from driving off in it at idle. Mine is also a 7 speed so it also has a third Millennial deterrent!! What driving mode did you have your car in? I had mine in Touring and it spun the tires in 4th gear!! So much fun!!!!
For some reason I couldn’t take the plug out of the pedal. I did push the red button but couldn’t get the plug out. Worried that I would break it. Does Chuck have any suggestions?
I was able to do it after I waited 15 min and tried again. It worked and is awesome. Did sport 5 & 7 so far and did the lock down. Thanks to another mod I did because of you and your Channel. Chuck was a great help.
@@Texas_Clay Coupe, red mist 3LZ, satin graphite with red stripe wheels, carbon flash splitter and ground effects, front lift, radiator guards,engine appearance package black exhaust tips,black interior with two tone red and black seats,stealth package, level 2 carbon. This is all from memory so there may be a few other items. The dealer called in August and told me that I have an allocation. I am just waiting for GM to pickup the order.
Rick, try the AI setting on the Soler, see what you think. It’s suppose to create a driving profile based on your driving. The device is a blast on my C7 GS M7. I can only image it’s more pronounced on an automatic transmission.
We have had issues with this product setting P2138 app sensor 1 and 2 implausible. 2019 C7 Z06, I know there is the bulletin for water intrusion, did not see that. Have not duplicated the issue after removing the Soler device.
Great product, if you leave the controller in the console what is stopping a would be thief to change setting to sport and then go if you have it shut off.
Rick Nice video on the controller but I think you need to show how the disable function of the controller works. Can you push the accelerator down and the car revs but doesn’t move or what? Thanks. I bought one and will install soon.
Bill....I agree. Just put mine in today. Had to make a call to solar. Mike gave me 5 star customer service. Maiden voyage...VIOLENT!! EAR TO EAR GRIN!!! Made previous track seem like touring mode. Have fun
Father Chuck, you are the best!! My C7 has a similar leather covered panel by my right leg and it unclips exactly as the C8! I now have my controller in my console and no one can see the wiring! Should I remove the controller when I park the car ? Thanks so much for your video!! It, as usual, is the best anywhere!!!
I had a pedal controller i forgot which model. But it worked great for awhile but I think the computer must of adjusted to it because now it went back to normal. I'm wondering would this one do the same.
Note date listed on site. Item was back ordered and two hurricanes have not been helpful with shipments . It’s worth the wait we guarantee it! Thanks for your order. Joe @ Soler
Hi All! A few questions about a thief breaking in your car and unlocking the LOCK feature from the Small LCD screen and driving off. Well the LCD does not have the LOCK/Unlock feature for that very reason.😉That feature is only on the Bluetooth phone App.
Greetings Rick. Installed! Scary!!!!!😂
Just bought for my 23 red metallic vette..Can't wait for it to get here...thanks
Great Video for easy install. Ordered and waiting for it to arrive.
I’ve watched a few installations for this product and Chuck’s was by far the best, offering good visuals and the easiest way to hide all the wires. Way to go Rick and Chuck.
I normally don't post, but Chuck I followed your instructions and easily installed my Soler device. This device changes the dynamics of driving a C8. I started in Sport 5 and it blew me away with the response compared to original settings. Thanks again.
Chuck has done the best show and tell on this solar pedal controller awsome job
Love this install video Rick and Chuck! I too didn't want to mount to my leather or have it dangling behind the pedal. Best install video out there for a C8 on the SP TC!!
Watching our blessed Father Chuck's inspiring install sold me!! Thank you Rick and Chuck, for our continuing education and fun. Sport 5 here we come!
awesome thank John, hope you are well sir - email me an update pic of the car for the rides segment
Chuck is absolutely the best super tech! He should teach techs! Outstanding
Chuck has the solution to any installation and makes it look easy. What a great product Rick, throttle controller anything to stop car theft.
Really appreciate the installation demo. I finally installed the one I bought a year ago and love it. Thanks for providing such great content!
Subscribed, purchased, drank to Kool aide, swallowed the bait... After Pastor Chuck's easy install video, this is simply a no brainer - even for me! Thank you and can't wait for the Throttle Controller to arrive!!!
Thanks Mike, appreciate the support sir
I want to give you a BIG SHOUTOUT for introducing us to the Soler Performance Throttle Controller. After watching the video where you had Joe from Soler Performance on the phone I immediately had to get one so ordered it the very next day. I finally got the opportunity to install it today after watching Chuck install yours. His installation method of hiding the controller behind the carpet then routing the connector cable under the trim was pure genius!
After I completed the install no one can even tell it’s there except for the small display discreetly attached to the right of the steering wheel.
My first drive with the controller was mind blowing it transforms the C8 into a responsive rocket! I selected Sport 6 then pushed the pedal and the car shot forward and it’s the first time the front end actually lifted up! It was breathtaking. I also tried the throttle lock (anti-theft mode) after selecting the lock feature I stepped on the pedal and nothing happened. No rev no movement. So good! Now when leaving my car parked anywhere whether at the beach, roadtrips, hotel parking lot and yes even the grocery store I will utilize this amazing anti-theft feature. Again, thank you so much your channel continues to provide the best content for Corvette enthusiasts.
PLEASE TELL CHUCK how much I appreciate his installation how to method!
Scott from Florida
@@Maximum1A that is so cool thanks Scott
WOW Rick and Chuck what a great addition to the Corvette's!! Life's a dream, Drive It!!👍🏽👊🏽
Got mine and installed it “the Chuck way.” Great video and a great unit. Very simple install and the unit is great!! Love the lock feature too. Was happy to find out that when it’s locked, the console module is locked as well. I was concerned that a thief could just open the center console and unlock it. But the controller locks too. I’m very happy.
Had mine installed yesterday!!! I did sport 9. I love it 👍
Just received and installed mine today. Chuck’s install video was so easy to follow. I placed the controller in the center consul so it is out of the way and invisible. I am blown away at the difference this makes. I only experimented with Sport 5 and am anxious to try the other modes. The shifts feel much smoother. I can not imagine what adding a larger throttle body would do paired with the controller.
Thank you Rick after seeing Chucks install video I finally decided to try it. What a differnce! . BTW i called soler and spoke to Mike to find out about AI mode. He said it runs in thr baqckground and you never see what mode you are in. It starts in Sport mode 5 and after three cycles it will adjust to your driving style,. Preet dar cool to say the least..
I ordered mine after watching Rick's conversation with the company's CEO. I can't wait to get it! Thanks for turning me on to this. You guys are great.
@@MattHatfield-pb7yk thank you for that , you will love it and hope tonight’s install helps you
Just installed mine after watching Chuck. Have had one for a year but was concerned about installing it myself. They r amazing! Enjoy
lots of great info! ty
Bought mine from your link...thanks for the discount Rick. Texas Strong!!!
Have had a Soler Controller for a year concerned if I installed it there would be a problem. This morning after watching Father Chuck install one I put mine in. WOW everything I’ve heard about how great these r is true! Thanks guys, ur a great team. Keep it up, I’m one of ur best fans 🎉.
Rick Chuck the mechanic is phenomenal and he seems like such a great guy. You are very very very lucky to have somebody at that level of skill to be able to be at your side and help you the way he does… You both complement each other but there’s nothing in this world like having a great mechanic for your car and you have that God bless you And God bless Chuck. He reminds me of the mechanics that I worked with in the Air Force very knowledgeable very skilled and very good with people thanks Chuck for all the hard work that you do. Don’t ever think it goes unappreciated love you like a brother thank you for sharing your brilliance with the🌎🇺🇸🙏✝️☮️⭐️😇✈️👍
On my 2023 HTC I was able to access the connection without removing the pedal, but I ran my wires exactly like Chuck did. I was floored by the difference in performance! I am driving mine mostly in SPORT 5, SPORT 9 is awesome but it can be touchy.
Chuck is the man. I like the way he things and finds a better solution.
I have a 24 z06 and recently installed the soler throttle bodies and today did the throttle controller…whata difference…Chuck…those torx bolts on the engine side of the air box are a real pain to remove..once I got them out and reinstalling I used two hex head bolts,from the side air box joints..10mm and it was easy to finish up…thanks for all your great tips…Tim
Watched the preview and conversation. With Joe for Soler Performance. Reached out to their office and found the correct unit for my 2022 Escalade. OMG. Sport 8 turned my Escalade into a V series! Rocket ship…
***SOLER SHIPPING***Hi all! For those that have received your order and are enjoying it, we are so glad! For those that were awaiting your order, all orders have shipped🎉Thanks for your patience, let the good times roll! Best Joe@Soler
Rick! Absolutely LOVE my throttle controller and YES can be used as anti theft device by basically turning throttle off
Not that u would VER valet your car but if you did…./ can use it for that as well
Love my Soler throttle control in my C6 and use sport 9 too. It gets on it so fast it makes my head spin. Can't wait to fire it up and go go go 😊
Rick I went back after a 15 min break and was able to get the plug off and everything is working perfectly. I had it on sport 5 & 7 awesome!!!! Thanks I love doing mods that I can do lol
Tony, any trick to unplugging it from the accelerator. Having a very hard time with the red tab pushed back. Just won't give.
@ you have to hold the red tab back while unplugging it. Initially I wasn’t holding it back.
@@tonydibartolo191 Thanks for your response. I was doing that or maybe just not enough pressure. I'll try that. Thanks again.
Nice "how-to" by Chuck. He is a great Vette technician but I'm amazed at how cluttered his tool box is. I'm sure he knows exactly where everything is.
Frankenvette I love it. I’m going to ditch my Range and get this Solar performance for my c7
I'll be installing mine today. Just waited to see if you had any issues! And one small suggestion on the steering wheel lock Rick; put the key hole to the dash so thieves can't simply drill it out. As always, thank you!
I went Uncle Grandfather Chuck’s install and it’s definitely the best way. I’m sticking with Ludicrous 7. Now where’s that like button ?
That lime green Corvette @ 22:33 is 👌
We need more exotic colors!!!
And they need to be metallic to show off those body lines!
As much as I love the Amplify Orange and Rapid Blue at times, the pastel paint doesn't cut it!
Rick, I absolutely LOVE MY NEW Z06 HTC! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this opportunity happen. Can hardly wait to see how it performs with the throttle controller given the responsiveness of the flat plane crankshaft. I have a Soler Performance throttle controller on my 2 Shelby GT 350 Mustangs and my 2021 Corvette HTC. I did not realize that you can make the throttle inoperable by using that simple mode. I’m also considering getting the Club for the new Z06 too. We currently live in a messed up world of increasing crime. Thanks again my friend.
We get so much super feedback from z06 owners!
Great how to by Father Tech Chuck! Can’t wait to install my controller!
Nice addition ! I'll get one coming asap. Nice install by Chuck 1
Great Tech Tuesday. Chuck makes it look easy as usual.
Nice , clean. Stealthy install.
Thanks for the info Rick and Chuck.
Mine is set at Sport 5. Love that Lime Green Z06. C'mon Chev, lets get some colors!!
Kudos to Chuck for explaining the software update for the gateway module. His explanation was on point. I have not had any problems with downloads but received the email. I just had my 2023 done and the car was in the shop for 5 hours. I did not talk to the Vette Tech so I don’t know how long the process took. My dealer provides complementary transportation to home and back so the project was painless.
Great tips by Chuck! I might have to get one for the new Z 🤔 Love the hot wheels of the C4X4 💯
You laughing is cracking ME up! LOL
I have it on my Z06 along with the Soler Ported Throttle Bodies and Paragoms Eventuri CAI. I have tracked it and it is amazing! 😁
@@WildCPA how long (in terms of miles) have you have the controller installed on the Z? Any issues such as engine lights?
@@Texas_Clay I put it on within a couple of months. I installed it with paragons straight pipe catback exhaust, Soler ported throttle bodies, and the Eventuri CAI. It has been great. I had one on my C6 GS and my C8 Stingray. I like the throttle response. It does not add HP but it is quicker because of the drive by wire lag without it. No issues whatsoever with check engine lights.
@@WildCPA thank you sir. I ordered one and now plan to install. My reason is solely for the anti-theft protection.
I do plan to install the eventuri intake in the future
I have a 24 riptide blue z 51 coupe
Installed the Soler controller
Have it set at sport 7 or 8
The difference is amazing a game changer in throttle response , you can definitely feel it
Recommend it 100% !!
Money well spent!
Thanks it is a game changer good call!
Thanks Rick. Just ordered mine!!
Way to go Chuck! Chuck is the Boss!
Great instructional video! Thank you!
Thank-you for watching
You’ve convinced me to go Soler! Love “Frankenvette” and your favorite accessory has to be the trailer hitch. :)
Thanks so much and good guess.....
Thanks and you are going to love it! Joe @Soler
Rick -- does the electronic unit have any impact on the factory warranty covering electronics?
Yes, my question as well. What's Chuck's opinion?
Following…I have the same questiom
Rick-Awaiting your update before I order for my dad…
good tip chuck, bad form on scratching rick's plastic peddle though!
Rick consider how you utilize that on the track carefully. You have become accustomed to a certain throttle response and any change may put you in the spin cycle instantly.
I love the Frankenvette name!
I ordered the throttle controller. What gear selection mode should I drive in while using the controller? If using sport 5, what the c7 manual gear selector be set,sport or could still be in tour or economy mode?
Wow, Rick! Looks like a lot of fun! ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
Margret was that your c5 in the rides segment?
@@stevedolan5065 it sure is! Isn't she beautiful!
@@margaretmesacortez2421 yes indeed…keep driving it like you stole it! 😎
@@stevedolan5065 every chance I get!
I bought the soler performance 4 years ago, and have used a lot more fuel!
Received my Soler throttle controller last week. Used rick5 for discount, thanks! Plan to install it this weekend. Nice to see Chuck install controller under the carpet. I had the same idea and could not figure out why Soler doesn't show it installed that way. Common sense? Think I'll locate the controller display in console compartment as you have to keep it out of sight. As you, one of the main features is the throttle lock. The other features are just icing on the cake . . . fun factor. 👍
The next day. Installed the Soler Throttle controller. Piece of cake, quick install. Took a few tries to get it to pair up, other than that it works everything went smoothly. Now the funs begins . . .
On my Z06 I drive around town in sport 9. On the track I put it in Ludicrous 9. It does not add horsepower, but I definitely believe it is quicker. It removes the lag in the drive by wire so it is more nimble and responsive. I am very satisfied with the Soler Throttle Controller. I had one on my C6 GS and my C8 Stingray before the C8 Z06.
got one for my c7 and c8, I havent installed it in the c8 zo6 yet but i will in a few, once I get my miles in.
Just installed it about to drive the freaking zo6 c8
Excellent install! You can't really tell that it is there that way.
Chuck does it again! But, in all honesty, I would have preferred to see YOU try to install it. I bought one (and used your discount code), installed it in my garage by myself. It wasn't as easy as Chuck (or the video) makes it seem. Also, for Soler, why must the app need access to my pictures, emails, and everything else on my phone. Because of the HUGE intrusion of my privacy, I deleted the app. All-in-all I love the controller though.
Ric I wanted to thank you for the great informative videos you make. One question I have about the Soler pedal features that weren't really covered. Would you mind making a followup video showing how the app and controller work in regards to disabling the accelerator? Show us what happens when you try to start the vehicle as well as explaining how the controller works in that mode? Will the vehicle start but just not drive? Thanks, Ric
@@NemesisVegas-vc8ff great idea sir. I hope rick follows thru
Love Frankenvette!! But C4x4 is cool! And shorter!
Thanks Rick and Chuck for the info 👍🏾 also I've seen 4×4's in Carlisle have fun. Can you let us know about the great pricing like the good old days 😂. Nosale 🙏🏾
Ordered mine yesterday. Just curious about the changes using weather mode, sport mode, touring mode...
Change the security code on your phone. You shared it with the world😉.
I prefer the Comfort settings. You can tune out the factory lag without making the acceleration feel artificial. In city driving in the Sport modes and higher when the DCT is in auto it tends to downshift with the slightest throttle opening resulting in more acceleration and noise than is necessary. I came from an E85-tuned 2020 Supra. The first thing I noticed about my 2023 C8 is that it really didn't feel all that fast in normal driving in comparison. The Soler Controller cured that. It still isn't nearly as fast as the Supra at WOT. My upcoming E Ray will cure that.
So, can the car still be towed? and will it void the warranty
no warranty void!
My Soler is in shipment and I'm really looking forward to the install. QUESTION: I read another FB thread where a C8 owner said he was denied a warranty claim on his DCT because of the Soler throttle controller. He said they could read the engine's history of revs, etc., and because he had a Soler in use, they wouldn'y cover the DCT repair cost. Any word as to whether GM has officially stated their position one way or the other? Thanks!
How do you know which C8 modifications are acceptable for the factory warranty?
Oof, that scratch on the pedal plastic at 4:10! The car is totaled!
Rick, another suggestion to add with the solar controller is to add an obd2 port blocker!!! I got an awesome one from maverick man carbon. Between the 2 devices you'd really slow down would be thieves. Thanks for all your content!
In repairing your windshield, how does the pdr get put back in the windshield, Rick?❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
Thank you Rick for putting my Baby ORGZMMC in Your Beautiful Rides!! ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
Hi All!
First and foremost thank you Rick for your review and to all those who have ordered our Controllers! So pleased by the overwhelming positive feedback!
We strive to ship ASAP but as I am sure you all realize with the two major hurricanes in the last two weeks, USPS, FEDEX AND UPS have all issued delivery delays. PLEASE BE PATIENT AND THE SLIGHT DELAY WILL BE WELL WORTH THE RESULT ONCE YOU RECEIVE AND INSTALL IT!
Our hearts and prayers go out to those who suffered losses through these violent storms. Many thanks. Joe @Soler
@@joelanza4755 maybe a dumb question but will this work with stock throttle body or do I need yours ? Thanks
Stock will work just fine! Enjoy Joe @Soler
Stock is just fine!
My prayers go out to the Hurricane victims. 🙏
Quick question. I ordered on 10/9, website said back ordered until 10/11, and it’s still showing that my order is still listed as Pending. Did you get the back ordered shipment on 10/11, or are you still waiting for those to come in before you can ship?
@@BandDirectorHi, we are getting a large shipment now confirmed, early part of next week and have all the shipping boxes and labels ready to fire out . We updated the date on the site. Again, apologies for this delay! Thanks for your patience to the situation and enjoy! Best, Joe@Soler
I installed mine last week, went on a trip and just got home to drive it. I watched your video first . I installed it on my C7similar to how Chuck did yours. It disables the throttle in lock mode so I think the Club is still needed to keep them from driving off in it at idle. Mine is also a 7 speed so it also has a third Millennial deterrent!! What driving mode did you have your car in? I had mine in Touring and it spun the tires in 4th gear!! So much fun!!!!
Another great VLOG!
For some reason I couldn’t take the plug out of the pedal. I did push the red button but couldn’t get the plug out. Worried that I would break it. Does Chuck have any suggestions?
@@tonydibartolo191 will ask him sir
I was able to do it after I waited 15 min and tried again. It worked and is awesome. Did sport 5 & 7 so far and did the lock down. Thanks to another mod I did because of you and your Channel. Chuck was a great help.
Man looks like fun !!!!!!
This excites me and I am waiting for GM to accept the order for my Z06.
Hey john, you’re gonna love the Z06. What color and spec did you order?
@@Texas_Clay Coupe, red mist 3LZ, satin graphite with red stripe wheels, carbon flash splitter and ground effects, front lift, radiator guards,engine appearance package black exhaust tips,black interior with two tone red and black seats,stealth package, level 2 carbon. This is all from memory so there may be a few other items. The dealer called in August and told me that I have an allocation. I am just waiting for GM to pickup the order.
@@johnhupp8444 nice.
Rick, try the AI setting on the Soler, see what you think. It’s suppose to create a driving profile based on your driving. The device is a blast on my C7 GS M7. I can only image it’s more pronounced on an automatic transmission.
thanks for the tip!
We have had issues with this product setting P2138 app sensor 1 and 2 implausible. 2019 C7 Z06, I know there is the bulletin for water intrusion, did not see that. Have not duplicated the issue after removing the Soler device.
Take Chuck on the test drive!
Great product, if you leave the controller in the console what is stopping a would be thief to change setting to sport and then go if you have it shut off.
Only the Bluetooth app has the lock and unlock feature.👍
If you shut it off on the ap...they cannot override it
I have a 2024 3LT Non Z51 C8 is this Recommended for my model as well or only Z51
I expect that having the app put it back in OEM mode before dealer servicing or before valet parking would be recommended.
Nice video on the controller but I think you need to show how the disable function of the controller works. Can you push the accelerator down and the car revs but doesn’t move or what?
Thanks. I bought one and will install soon.
Bill....I agree. Just put mine in today. Had to make a call to solar. Mike gave me 5 star customer service. Maiden voyage...VIOLENT!! EAR TO EAR GRIN!!! Made previous track seem like touring mode. Have fun
Do you need to download the app on a smart phone? Or could you just use the controller?
either way....that's what is nice....
@@RickCorvetteConti that’s good to know ,thanks for the info.
I like Frankenvette!
Rick- what are your concerns for warranty mishap using solar throttle controller
none..woudl not have presented it you guys if there were...all good man!
Father Chuck, you are the best!! My C7 has a similar leather covered panel by my right leg and it unclips exactly as the C8! I now have my controller in my console and no one can see the wiring! Should I remove the controller when I park the car ? Thanks so much for your video!! It, as usual, is the best anywhere!!!
I had a pedal controller i forgot which model. But it worked great for awhile but I think the computer must of adjusted to it because now it went back to normal. I'm wondering would this one do the same.
Ours will not revert back. Enjoy and thanks! joe@Soler
Does the controller have to stay hooked up?
I’m assuming yes, as it’s the Bluetooth transmitter?
Well, I ordered it and we’ll see how long it takes to ship.
Thanks Johnny told they will be restocked Friday
Note date listed on site. Item was back ordered and two hurricanes have not been helpful with shipments . It’s worth the wait we guarantee it! Thanks for your order. Joe @ Soler
Is it ok to use this device on an Eray
@@Goodtobejim yes thanks for asking
Chuck leaning in your doors killed me. Otherwise, good work
When you shut off the pedal using the app can a thief turn it back on using the display unit?
Only on phone Bluetooth app- lock and unlock .
Hi All! A few questions about a thief breaking in your car and unlocking the LOCK feature from the Small LCD screen and driving off. Well the LCD does not have the LOCK/Unlock feature for that very reason.😉That feature is only on the Bluetooth phone App.