How was OP1 supposed to talk to his sister about it well in advance of the wedding? She knew he had a boyfriend. She gave him a plus one. He reasonably assumed that meant he could bring his boyfriend. She’s the one who changed that up at the last minute. And I’m sorry, but if someone tells me last minute I can’t bring my SO to an event we both traveled for (and made alternate arrangements for his birthday, no less!), I’m probably not going either. She shouldn’t be surprised. And if she pulls the “you put your boyfriend ahead of your sister” nonsense,” he should reply that she put her husband’s bigoted family ahead of her brother.
Honestly I’ll say he should’ve seen it coming. He knew she was marrying a bigot and after the “he’s joking” comment, he should’ve just bounced from that.
I really hate the "okay to be gay but don't push it on everyone" thing. Cis people constantly talk about their love life and who they find attractive. They would be shocked to have their partner excluded. How is that not the same?
Ohhh but that's not how it works in Good Southern Christian Families like the sisters in-laws, not at all. I know, I am my Good Southern Christian Families 'black sheep' for not conforming. Not for the same reasons as OP, mine are atad different, but the results were the same. Best to cut your losses and move on like I have. If I were OP, I would be also very weary of any Gift Horses offered from this point forward. They might decide to 'pray the gay' out of you.....for your own good, of course.
@@bcaye Right? Did she think they were going to have at it during the ceremony or something? OP was a groomsman-they weren’t even going to be sitting together. I’m really sorry she let her husband influence her to become such a bigot.
Psychic BF needs a reality check. Even if he did dream she got a raise (which isn't even that extreme when OP clearly had been working hard and a promotion or raise might be expected) he didn't earn that money and isn't entitled to it. Unless someone hands me winning lottery numbers, they're not entitled to the fruits of my labour.
I dream things too but I just let life happen. My sister is the same way. Sometimes I get feelings like when I knew my therapist was pregnant before she told me. I don’t think I know better so OP’s boyfriend needs to dial it back.
That is exactly what I thought. If he had come to her and said, I predict you are going to get a raise. Go to your boss tomorrow and ask for more money and she did so based on his encouragement. Then maybe she could give him some kind of gift, but he literally did nothing for her.
I think she needs to wake up one morning and go, “Omg I had the craziest dream last night. It was so real. You kept making every experience of mine about you being more special and it got really grating and I broke up with you! Maybe I’M psychic too?! So how much you wanna pay me when I make it come true!” 🙄
Spouse:” I can’t believe you’re playing favorites!” OP:”Yeah I favor my daughter who I loved and raised her entire life! Your daughter only recently came into the picture!”
IKR ! Her parents were acting like entitled idiots with someone else's property and she allowed it. No is NO and that should have been it. I'm with the comments on this one and the husband and his family have every right to be furious with her and her parents over it. I wouldn't be surprised if her husband does divorce her over her enabling her entitled parents.
I hope OP and her greedy parents get sued for the damage. The tree alone will cost them enough that they will have to sell the RV to pay it back. I also expect her husband to divorce her. There is plenty of reason to do so.
If OP stopped her parents. She wouldn't be the A-hole. But because she didn't, she ended up becoming one. Her parents are even bigger A-holes for doing it in the first place.
RV gate: Dad is TA, and so is OP. "No" is a complete answer, and disrespecting the tree and the aunt's wishes is a bad thing to do. "I didn't realise" is a piss poor defence from OP. OP has played herself.
Let's say, for the sake of the argument, that OPs boyfriend truly does predict stuff. So he predicted that she would get a raise and did not tell her about it. How does that help her get the raise, exactly??
Exactly! I sometimes have “dreams”. It’s just my brain working through subconscious informations and thoughts. In one dream I dreamed about my parents getting child 5+6… my father got the snip after I told him(1-4 weren’t planed). My mom got babyfeaver three years later but no more kids for them. 😆 It wasn’t a gift/superpower I just knew my mom. And even that I told my father hadn’t changed that much only that he got more aware. Now she is hounding us about grandkids. I saw that coming without a dream 😂 The boyfriend saw his hard working girlfriend and dreamed about her promotion…. Wow what a surprise! /s And even if he told her … didn’t she work for it? Would telling her changed something? All he did was sleeping and his subconscious telling him what he allready knew(his girlfriend is hardworking)
I'm just bewildered that the OP father felt entitled enough to do construction work let alone cut down a tree on someone else's property like wow if they got that kinda money couldn't they store the rv somewhere. Then who feels bold enough to look at what someone else is eating to demand money 🤔 and not accept that they fished for it as an answer 👀. I truly don't understand people
It’s absolutely bewildering. What was he going to say to the aunt when she saw it? Oh remember the gate you said no to? Ta-da! I probably shouldn’t be surprised they have an RV since they behave like trailer trash
I’ve seen this in other Reddit narrations. And Tree Law is a real thing. In another narration, some people cut down two magnolia trees that were on OP’s property. And yes, a full grown apple tree can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. Not to mention criminal charges. Plus the construction company and whomever cut the tree down (if it wasn’t the same) could be sued AND have their respective licenses yanked for not verifying that the person asking for the work was NIT THE ACTUAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY. I hope they all get screwed up the butt.
Well sister can have a traditional life now. She doesn't want OP "forcing" his gayness on other people by just being gay but feels there's no problem forcing her straightness on him by being straight. She should be happy, he's not going to be forcing his gayness on her at all anymore.
I would have stood up five minutes before the ceremony to "notice" she was marrying a man and made sure everybody in the church heard "WAIT! Evangelina Hagar Dolly-jo Bob!? When did YOU turn STRAIGHT??!"
@@lamwen03 she shouldn’t have gotten with that man in the first place. She claimed to love her brother, but got with someone who would potentially treat him like trash. There’s also a chance that she could have children with this man and one of those kids would be LGBTQ. What do you think happens to kids whose parents are homophobic?
I have a friend who grew up on a tiny island in the Caribbean. His father was a fisherman, like almost all the men on the island. The friend always thought of lobster as poor people's food, because they ate it all the time and rarely had the luxury of chicken or pork, not to mention beef. Same thing with kale. I remember it as being one of the weeds we would pick on the corner lot when I was a kid to take home to my mother to be cooked. Nobody bought it at the store.
I’ve heard something similar in another country, I’d have been commenting,on all those crappy comments,“you’re a moron, how much do you pay for a lobster you catch yourself?
Maine Lobster was traditionally "poor people food". Like so much undesirable foods; beef skirt steak, oxtail, chicken wings, we have all learned to like these cheap, flavorful ingredients . Now they are higher priced than anyone could ever imagine!
The comment on the 2nd story about the boyfriend "predicting" it having nothing to do with it actually happening was exactly what I was thinking the whole time, so what if he did "predict it" it's not like him "predicting it" caused it to happen unless he's saying he "dreams things into reality" and that's how he "predicts" things. OP owes him nothing even if he did "predict" it.
Lotto ticket trick only really works once, or on a small scale though. As people will get suspicious if you keep winning the lotto. All the smart psychics only win the lotto once, and then use their power to see where stock prices are going to be in the future and invest/trade based off that information.
The boyfriend is powerful enough to somehow "predict" the raise yet unable to predict the backlash he'd get for asking for his finder's fee for it. Yeah right... That's like the psychic friends network phone scam. If they really were psychic, shouldn't they be calling you? lol. Also, I wouldn't trust asking his friends, sounds like they're all in on this scam.
OP: “ I can’t believe I’m being thrown under the bus!” No! You jumped in front of the bus! OP should be thankful she is only being evicted and she should brush up on tree laws because aunt may can sue
I love when the narrator sees the absurdity in these people's behavior and laughs at it! It just makes it all the more funny to listen to! It's like I can barely make it through some of the life issues people have without dying of laughter and the narrator is laughing with me! Love that! The Jedi boyfriend really had me dying of laughter! I see him being single!
The story about the tree removal- Holy cow. I've worked in property management for 15 years and people do not realize how EXPENSIVE trees are. If it was fully grown, OP may be financially liable for a $150,000 tree. It takes YEARS to grow a tree which makes them incredibly expensive. These people altered property and removed a sentimental (and very expensive) tree. The Aunt is well within her right to SUE and kick them out. Unbelievable. It doesn't matter if OP knew about the sentiments of the tree. It was HER parents and she is responsible. You cannot just alter someone else's property. It's illegal. OP is 100% the AH.
Tree law is wild Aunt should sue, growing up one of our neighbors got a massive fine and a few days in jail for cutting branches off an oak tree without government permission apparently it was a rare species of valley oak
@@melissaharrison293 A mature apple is going to cost alot. It can take anywhere from 3 to 10 years for an apple tree to be mature to grow. The cost is not in the thousands not including planting it, but you could include loss of revenue from the apples.
A few towns over a church cut down several redwood trees on the street in front of their lot that were city property. (And they aren't even in redwood country!) The church got fined $80K.
My ex-coworker had someone cut down a bunch of privacy shrubs in her backyard. She wound up suing her neighbors for a pretty penny afterwards, as they were some old tree shrubs of some kind.
1st story: How could OP have a conversation 'well in advance' when he didn't know that the BF wasn't allowed to come until the rehearsal dinner (which is usually the night before the wedding)? The ESH commenter sounds like they need everyone to be blamed 'just because'!
Sister: “why didn’t you come to my wedding?!” OP: “I’m just really uncomfortable with you and your husband forcing your heterosexuality on everyone. Especially in a church. Like, save it for the bedroom. Why do I have to see that?” That’s how it works right? 😒
Everytime Alabama is mentioned it's always in the worst light. People like fiance exist, but even in Alabama most people are not going to behave in such a bigotted manner.
I’d say Mississippi has the everyone is rep. However KY/WV tend to get the family tree is a straight line gag. AL does tend to get the racist bigot rep.
Story of Susie and Lynn - I do not understand how OP's husband doesn't see his blatant hypocrisy. So when he doesn't send OP's daughters money it's fine. But if OP does the same thing, she's cruel. This guy has problems.
Lobster story - my daughter's BF is a keen deep water fisherman and diver. We eat crayfish (lobster) and all types of otherwise expensive seafood all the time - for zero cost. We love that young man :) We also raise our own animals for meat and always have high quality food available. It is not free but certainly way way cheaper than buying from a butcher or supermarket.
In story 2, it sounds as though OP's bf may have something called schizotypal personality disorder, which is characterized generally as having magical thinking. Believing they have ESP, or other supernatural abilities. My housemate has it, among other mental health co-morbidities. You might want to look it up and see if any other features fit him.
S1: NTA. No beating around the bush here: the fiance is a bigot, and OP's sister is a simp for him. OP owes her zero apologies. Time to cut ties. But when OP gets married, if she chases him for an invite, he should tell her that her husband isn't invited. Because she shouldn't force her straightness on everyone else 🤣
Apple tree story: Notice how op did not sound like she has an ounce of remorse. Ignorance is not a valid defense. I hope the aunt takes her family to court, tree law stories are nuts. Too bad a preowned RV won't bring back that tree.
Tree removal story - ESH but OP’s husband and his family. Also OP was wrong, she’s not being “thrown under the bus”, she “let the RV run her over”. OP will have to do so much to make up for this, but honestly I doubt she will and this relationship likely won’t last.
She will be hated by the in-laws for life, if I had to attend any family function with her I would label her Tree Killer. The parents though, they need to be sued for all they have, but I doubt the value of an apple tree would be equal to the emotional trauma the Aunt went through. What a wonderful thing having a tree your loved one planted knowing that it will live on.
I've heard that psychic boyfriend story before and commented on it somewhere else. So I'll just say that his 'psychic' abilities sound a lot like the Texas sharpshooter story. (Drew the bullseye around the bullet hole after he shot).
Man, that last story though… It’s always been amazing to me, how food is looked at from region to region, and how something can be a sign of big spending in one area but not another. For example, if you live in an area where people make maple syrup for a living, it’s relatively inexpensive compared to getting it somewhere else. The same goes for seafood. If you live in an area where you have constant access to it, it’s gonna be less expensive. Hell, there are places where shellfish is considered poor people food, and steak and pork are the pricey premium items! So if you see someone posting a lot of a particular food that’s expensive in your area, don’t automatically think that’s the way of it everywhere. My $15, 8oz bottle of syrup doesn’t cost that much in other places.
Dream story: so OP is saving for a car and BF “dreams” she’ll get a car. She works her butt off for a raise for 6 years and he “dreams” she’ll get it. As for the dog, he dreamt a new friend... that could have been anyone. If OP mentioned a new collage at work BF would have yelled it was just as he dreamt. These are a load of generic thing that happen to anyone’s and retroactive claiming credit for things he has zero control over.
dont stick with people that stress you out. anyone who hates you for you, who demands things they didnt earn, who expect you to fund their expenses while letting you or your loved ones go without, who go against your right to choose, and who creates lies because they cant bear to see you happy without them.
Story 1: Just because his boyfriend wouldn't be at the wedding, doesn't mean the negative treatment would have stopped. It's his being gay they don't approve of, that would still be the case even if he showed up alone. He's not going to magically stop being gay for one night just because he has no plus one. If he's asked if he's seeing anyone, I'm sure he's not going to lie for his sister. So if the options are be openly resentful at the wedding or celebrate the boyfriend's birthday elsewhere, I know what I'd pick. Birthday cake trumps wedding cake in this case.
This this and this! "I don't care if you're gay, just don't bring any of your partners round or talk about gay stuff. You might spread the gay." Translation "I don't actually support you, I just have to pretend I do because we're family."
RV Story… not only do you deserve to be evicted, y’all deserve to be Sued! Especially the Dad! What part of “NO” did OP and your family not understand? This marriage is over. My heart hurts for the Aunt
Predicting the raise 1. If you work someplace and you are a good worker it is a good bet you will eventually get a raise. 2. Predicting something is not helping it come true. In fact, in many fictional stories about recognition telling someone the future can cause them to alter behavior and thus alter the future. Telling them something good may make them relax and not try as hard causing them to miss out on the good thing, or tellin them something bad can cause them to make active attempts to avoid the event wich causes it to happen. So instead of giving him a reward OP should bill him for predictions she hears that do or do not come true as his meddling potentially messes up her timeline.
Psychic boyfriend: Even if he was somehow a real bloody psychic, how should he get any credit for her raise? If he saw the future, shit was predetermined. Had fuck all to do with him.
RV story you are a MASSIVE AH. This is not your home. You shouldn't have given the okay from the beginning. Then you let them build this gate after being told not to. You deserve to be evicted. If I were the husband I'd serve divorce papers too.
Last story even at the grocery store you can get lobster tails for $7-$15 each. That's not a prohibitive cost. When they work around seafood it would be even cheaper and probably a negligible cost
Yeah, during Christmas time lobsters are cheap, as low as 20$ for a whole crustacean. Also, he says the gf catches her own, one or two lobsters each would be easy on the wallet
I remember reading about prisons in New England in the 19th century where the inmates rioted because they were fed lobster (cockroaches of the sea!) most of the time.
@@jgw5491 it's the case with a lot of stuff, caviar, chicken wings and the likes used to also be a poor mans meal, until the rich made it a fad to eat, artificially bumping up the price.
So what if they are minted and live off of champagne and lobster every day? Sis didn't marry into that family, OP did. You don't get free money because your brother's wife's parents are rich. This isn't a Jane Austen novel where the whole family is set for life because Lizzy married Mr Darcy.
@@Draggonny Exactly ! His SO's family and their circumstances do not have anything to do with him or his family . Sis is just being jealous that OP gets these excursions so she's behaving like an entitled brat .
First story so sis and groom gave OP a plus one knowing he is gay, OP has been out of the closet, knew he had a bf, and yet is shocked he will bring him to the wedding? What did they expect?
The irony of accusing a gay person of shoving their gayness in other people’s faces for just existing at a straight wedding. Does she not realize having a wedding is shoving her heterosexuality in everyone’s face?
The thought of BF being alone in a strange city on his birthday makes me feel sad. Sister should have thought about that. I might have gone, being a member of the bridal party, but once the ceremony was done left immediately. No one could reasonably called that rude.
1st story... If ever op gets married he should give his sister a +1. And tell her the day before the wedding that she obviously can't bring her husband as he is having a gay wedding and bringing him will be rubbing in her straightness.
Last story with the lobster... have the sister and family come on the boat and get there own lobster and fish. When the family realize the hard work it is to bring up those cages, and so forth, not including getting up well before dawn to go out, they might change their toon. Because she and her family WORK for that food, not jusy go to the store and buy it for 20 bucks a pop. There is a reason lobster is as expensive as it is.
LOL! Guaranteed the sister will look @ OP as if he had lobsters crawling out of his ears (got that line from "A Christmas Story) because I'll bet she doesn't like hard work
OP said to let the parents finish off the gate when she know she was told no. The father being told no went ahead and did it? Sounds suspicious to me. Would OP have let her Dad do this if the Aunt wasn’t the landlord? I doubt it, sounds like they were all playing the family card. To cut down the Aunts Husbands tree that can’t be replaced, I would sue for damages.
How could she not know the tree would be removed when she knew it was in the way? What did she think they would do? And what the hell is wrong with her dad?
Most likely countless mental disabilities not to mention op justifying said behavior most likely made its retarded semen donor think it could do whatever it wanted without consequences
Omg WTF is wrong with the person who said ESH because the gay brother decided not to be discriminated against & backed out the day of OP's sister's wedding WTF maybe the sister & her fiance should have decided not to be bigots but unfortunately they did NOT!
Yeah, I don't really get that either. I guess maybe he could have told her AT the rehearsal when she said his plus one couldn't come to the wedding. But then she would have accused him of ruining the rehearsal dinner AND the wedding! She is selfish and a coward. She knew his plus one would be the boyfriend. She wimped out and hoped either brother or fiance would suck it up for her.
Story 1: fiances family doesn't have to accept but they should suck it up for the day. Same for fiance. OP and BILs family will not be getting together that often... Also this story reminds me of one catholic weddin i attended. Bride's bro was gay (her dad and granda knew also friends but no extended family) and his bf was invited and no one else than the same people knew who he was. Bf was there as a guest and it's been so long that i don't even remember were they acting as couple even later at reception. That was their setting, their choice. Wedding was super important to bro because he knew he'll never get that wedding. But yeah, NTA
First story: OP, your sister never cared about you and would rather you play the role of a "straight" person than be happy. When you getting married, don't send her a invite. Don't want the gay all over her. Second story: Let me make a prediction, OP will dump the boyfriend and his friends will attack you for it. Girl, you need a new man. Third story: It's a miracle that you're not divorced yet. If your parents have an extra space in that RV, they better not complain when you two live in there. Fourth story: honestly, cut ties with them. They'll start to expect things out of you and guilt you into it
I always thought my mother was far right but as i listen to these stories, i realize she isn't that horrible. Sure, she won't get along with most on the left, but she doesn't treat gays horrible. Meaning she doesn't disinvite them to wedding. She doesn't treat my ex Sil (now lesbian) with disgust. She doesn't mistreat the new gfs horrible. She goes "treat my grandsons with love, i will respect you." (don't get me wrong, she has some annoying beliefs but man, she isn't as bad as i thought she was) So yea. NTA for skipping out on the wedding
I just want to know what that sister, mother and grandmother expect from the girlfriend’s family??! Even if they were loaded, how are you entitled to their money?!! 🤔 If the OP is invited to their family celebration, how does that translate to money? Do they think he’s getting paid to be the boyfriend? Like, I really want to know what the hell these 3 assholes are thinking?! And how is harassing the OP’s girlfriend’s family helping them get money out of the situation? I wouldn’t even invite them anywhere much less to my family gathering.
Second Story: The ability isn't actually crazy. I think he might be fabricating his stories. I have this ability as well, but it's mediocre things that I can't control. Mainly just little things like daily aspects at work, things I'm gonna watch, things I'm gonna see, and they present themselves more as "deja vu" moments.
Yeah.. it is. It's not real. It's human behavior to associate things and build false connections between events to create some grander meaning to yourself. Deja Vu exists because monotony, doing the same nonsense over and over eventually makes you feel like you witnessed some things before.
I dream of images I'll see the next day. I'm talking a weird looking clock in a dream which I'll see in a magazine later. My brother calls it a stupid psychic pet trick.
I thought I was the only one that have dreams like that! Mostly it’s ordinary stuff I dream about (and forget about) and then months later, I get a flashback type of thing when I’m seeing or doing the thing.
I usually get places I will go to half a year later ,but I only have a flash of memory of the place when I'm going there or see something that was in the dream ,it's called precog abilities ,where you see the future of a place where you'll go and you don't know why .
Dream Predictor: Okay, this was funny at first, but now OP’s boyfriend is being really ridiculous. OP got that raise because she worked hard to get it. Her psychic boyfriend doesn’t deserve a dime of OP’s raise😠 RV Tress-passers: OP and her parents are insane! The parents go onto property that doesn’t belong to them , making changes, and OP seems to support what they did!😠
Story 1 NTA Bro this was at the REHERSAL dinner. It usually takes place the night BEFORE the wedding. Is the ESH commentor an idiot on how TIME works? WHEN would that conversation take place? It was literally thr incident where sis said the terrible shit and the next morning on wedding day.
last one would be as stupid of me to be jealous a FB friend in Singapore eats avocados and mangos every day because multiple trees of both grow in her garden in the tropics 🤣🤣
Apple tree: YTA How dare you tell your dad to just continue but make sure to clean up. Like that betrayal is ok because your dad paid to have a gate installed that your landlord said NO to. So how expensive is it to be evicted, move and be sued for destruction of property for the fence tree and eventually the divorce. Also yes you did say it was ok to cut the tree down because you told your dad to keep going and it doesn't matter who planted the tree you should not have been disrespectful to the family you married into. Oh yeah so where are your parents parking the RV now, and why wasn't that an option before?
Story 3: Ahhh i see, the husband is a “rules for the, not for me” kind of step parent when it comes to equality. The daughter with loans and a job isn’t struggling for money, but HIS daughter who has everything paid for, no she definitely is. Yeah NTA Op, your husband is clearly projecting onto you, good luck with him
Tree story: YTA. I always read about husbands who are mama boys but i don’t often read posts about wives who are daddy’s girls ugh. At least the parents couldn’t park their RV
Wow, how fricken entitled does one have to be to go ahead with permanent changes to another persons property after they’ve already been told no. I would sue them. She is the big idiot for letting them finish since they had already started. What giant a holes they are. And then to say I didn’t know it was my late husbands tree.
RV/Tree story: The aunt should sue her and her parents and the construction crew (they should have made sure who owned the house before starting work and should in turn sue the dad and the wife).
The ESH on the first story doesn't seem to understand that the rehearsal dinner wherein the sister offended OP and his boyfriend, thus changing OP's decision on attendance, was literally the night before the wedding. The sister was made aware of the nature of OP's permitted plus one 3 weeks ahead of time, that was her chance to tell OP she wasn't ok with it. She let OP think she was ok with things as they stood for 3 weeks, then threw this in his face last minute. It's her own fault she got a last minute cancellation, because she got a chance to speak up in advance, and chose not to.
To the person who thinks its suspicious that the stepdaughter is struggling due to car trouble, are you kidding? These young women probably barely cover rent and tuition with the money they’re getting from their parents plus whatever they can earn while going to college. Any number of car problems can cost more than $1k, and that would be money she wouldn’t have. What IS suspect is that he got angry when she asked why the mom wasn’t pitching in. What’s up with that?
@@bcaye why are you telling me this? I’m not saying OP should give her money. I’m just saying it’s possible that she could really have a problem finding the money to fix her car. There’s nothing suspicious about it, as some of the redditors were claiming.
I really hope the aunt does press charges for the change to her property and for the tree. I hope the fine really is 6 figures and OP and her parents have to face the consequences of their actions.
Last night... I have several dreams... Each so vivid... A Pinned comment... With my name just under it... And a heart... May my dreams come true someday
Story 1: I don’t feel bad for sister. If you love your lgbtq family members, DON’T. MARRY. SOMEONE. WHO. IS. ANTI. LGBTQ. You cannot have it both ways.
I live on the shore of Long Island Sound. A good friend of mine is a lobster fisherman who, once a month, gives my daughter and me a couple of lobsters. We thank him very much and, because I'm retired from the Navy and can buy tax-free liquor, I buy him a bottle of single malt Scotch whisky for his birthday. We both think this is a good deal that benefits all of us.
I thought the same about the late notice re the wedding but then realised he was only told he cldnt have his plus 1 at the rehearsal dinner so he didn't get much notice either. Op is not the ah. Sister and fiancee are.
Our family can predict things as well, one member has dream preminitions and can know when things are going to happen right down to details sometimes and has been since I was a kid and its scarey (I hide details now around her intentionally.....LOL). Me I dream about future people or places I am going to be at, I dont remember them but I get this overpowering dejavu when the incident happens. It isnt like gambling or fortune telling and if you going to want payback for your ability to see these things you dont deserve that ability, I am not sensitive on most things however if you are really given something that special, you treasure it and dont take it for granted. That dufus doesnt deserve the gift he was given, we never take it for granted in our family, and the moment I have a dream that i can actually remember all the details of, I always go and ask to help work it out cause usually it does mean something important I need to remember or dont want to face.........
How was OP1 supposed to talk to his sister about it well in advance of the wedding? She knew he had a boyfriend. She gave him a plus one. He reasonably assumed that meant he could bring his boyfriend. She’s the one who changed that up at the last minute. And I’m sorry, but if someone tells me last minute I can’t bring my SO to an event we both traveled for (and made alternate arrangements for his birthday, no less!), I’m probably not going either. She shouldn’t be surprised. And if she pulls the “you put your boyfriend ahead of your sister” nonsense,” he should reply that she put her husband’s bigoted family ahead of her brother.
Honestly I’ll say he should’ve seen it coming. He knew she was marrying a bigot and after the “he’s joking” comment, he should’ve just bounced from that.
I really hate the "okay to be gay but don't push it on everyone" thing. Cis people constantly talk about their love life and who they find attractive. They would be shocked to have their partner excluded. How is that not the same?
Yeah, I would of got the hint and just send a rainbow flag. Lol
Ohhh but that's not how it works in Good Southern Christian Families like the sisters in-laws, not at all. I know, I am my Good Southern Christian Families 'black sheep' for not conforming. Not for the same reasons as OP, mine are atad different, but the results were the same. Best to cut your losses and move on like I have.
If I were OP, I would be also very weary of any Gift Horses offered from this point forward. They might decide to 'pray the gay' out of you.....for your own good, of course.
@@bcaye Right? Did she think they were going to have at it during the ceremony or something? OP was a groomsman-they weren’t even going to be sitting together. I’m really sorry she let her husband influence her to become such a bigot.
Psychic BF needs a reality check. Even if he did dream she got a raise (which isn't even that extreme when OP clearly had been working hard and a promotion or raise might be expected) he didn't earn that money and isn't entitled to it. Unless someone hands me winning lottery numbers, they're not entitled to the fruits of my labour.
I dream things too but I just let life happen. My sister is the same way. Sometimes I get feelings like when I knew my therapist was pregnant before she told me. I don’t think I know better so OP’s boyfriend needs to dial it back.
If his "powers" are so great why didn't he predict the winning number for that billion dollar lottery? Then he wouldn't need to ask OP for anything.
That is exactly what I thought. If he had come to her and said, I predict you are going to get a raise. Go to your boss tomorrow and ask for more money and she did so based on his encouragement. Then maybe she could give him some kind of gift, but he literally did nothing for her.
I think she needs to wake up one morning and go, “Omg I had the craziest dream last night. It was so real. You kept making every experience of mine about you being more special and it got really grating and I broke up with you! Maybe I’M psychic too?! So how much you wanna pay me when I make it come true!” 🙄
Also, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t psychics say that don’t use their gift for profit?
Spouse:” I can’t believe you’re playing favorites!”
OP:”Yeah I favor my daughter who I loved and raised her entire life! Your daughter only recently came into the picture!”
The wife that let her parents destroyed someone else's property when they were already told no is TA. Listening to this story infuriated me so much.
IKR ! Her parents were acting like entitled idiots with someone else's property and she allowed it. No is NO and that should have been it. I'm with the comments on this one and the husband and his family have every right to be furious with her and her parents over it. I wouldn't be surprised if her husband does divorce her over her enabling her entitled parents.
I hope OP and her greedy parents get sued for the damage. The tree alone will cost them enough that they will have to sell the RV to pay it back. I also expect her husband to divorce her. There is plenty of reason to do so.
If OP stopped her parents. She wouldn't be the A-hole. But because she didn't, she ended up becoming one. Her parents are even bigger A-holes for doing it in the first place.
RV gate: Dad is TA, and so is OP. "No" is a complete answer, and disrespecting the tree and the aunt's wishes is a bad thing to do. "I didn't realise" is a piss poor defence from OP. OP has played herself.
Let's say, for the sake of the argument, that OPs boyfriend truly does predict stuff.
So he predicted that she would get a raise and did not tell her about it. How does that help her get the raise, exactly??
Exactly! I sometimes have “dreams”. It’s just my brain working through subconscious informations and thoughts.
In one dream I dreamed about my parents getting child 5+6… my father got the snip after I told him(1-4 weren’t planed). My mom got babyfeaver three years later but no more kids for them. 😆
It wasn’t a gift/superpower I just knew my mom. And even that I told my father hadn’t changed that much only that he got more aware. Now she is hounding us about grandkids. I saw that coming without a dream 😂
The boyfriend saw his hard working girlfriend and dreamed about her promotion….
Wow what a surprise! /s
And even if he told her … didn’t she work for it? Would telling her changed something? All he did was sleeping and his subconscious telling him what he allready knew(his girlfriend is hardworking)
I'm just bewildered that the OP father felt entitled enough to do construction work let alone cut down a tree on someone else's property like wow if they got that kinda money couldn't they store the rv somewhere. Then who feels bold enough to look at what someone else is eating to demand money 🤔 and not accept that they fished for it as an answer 👀. I truly don't understand people
I hope the husband divorces her.
Especially after being told no and knowing that OP and spouse rent and don’t own the property
It’s absolutely bewildering. What was he going to say to the aunt when she saw it? Oh remember the gate you said no to? Ta-da! I probably shouldn’t be surprised they have an RV since they behave like trailer trash
I’ve seen this in other Reddit narrations. And Tree Law is a real thing. In another narration, some people cut down two magnolia trees that were on OP’s property. And yes, a full grown apple tree can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. Not to mention criminal charges. Plus the construction company and whomever cut the tree down (if it wasn’t the same) could be sued AND have their respective licenses yanked for not verifying that the person asking for the work was NIT THE ACTUAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY. I hope they all get screwed up the butt.
@@GrumpyOldFart2 I hope we get to see that update as well. They deserve the fines etc!
Well sister can have a traditional life now. She doesn't want OP "forcing" his gayness on other people by just being gay but feels there's no problem forcing her straightness on him by being straight. She should be happy, he's not going to be forcing his gayness on her at all anymore.
I would have stood up five minutes before the ceremony to "notice" she was marrying a man and made sure everybody in the church heard "WAIT! Evangelina Hagar Dolly-jo Bob!? When did YOU turn STRAIGHT??!"
She should never have given a +1. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see what that future held in store.
@@lamwen03 she shouldn’t have gotten with that man in the first place. She claimed to love her brother, but got with someone who would potentially treat him like trash. There’s also a chance that she could have children with this man and one of those kids would be LGBTQ. What do you think happens to kids whose parents are homophobic?
I love it when the narrator starts laughing while reading these Reddit stories 🤣
@Trisha Murray Them & Brooke too!
I have a friend who grew up on a tiny island in the Caribbean. His father was a fisherman, like almost all the men on the island. The friend always thought of lobster as poor people's food, because they ate it all the time and rarely had the luxury of chicken or pork, not to mention beef. Same thing with kale. I remember it as being one of the weeds we would pick on the corner lot when I was a kid to take home to my mother to be cooked. Nobody bought it at the store.
I’ve heard something similar in another country, I’d have been commenting,on all those crappy comments,“you’re a moron, how much do you pay for a lobster you catch yourself?
Maine Lobster was traditionally "poor people food". Like so much undesirable foods; beef skirt steak, oxtail, chicken wings, we have all learned to like these cheap, flavorful ingredients . Now they are higher priced than anyone could ever imagine!
The comment on the 2nd story about the boyfriend "predicting" it having nothing to do with it actually happening was exactly what I was thinking the whole time, so what if he did "predict it" it's not like him "predicting it" caused it to happen unless he's saying he "dreams things into reality" and that's how he "predicts" things. OP owes him nothing even if he did "predict" it.
Yeah, the boy needs to start predicting somewinning lotto tickets.
Ask him to dream winning lottery numbers and dump him when he fails because he obviously did it since he's so talented.
Lotto ticket trick only really works once, or on a small scale though. As people will get suspicious if you keep winning the lotto.
All the smart psychics only win the lotto once, and then use their power to see where stock prices are going to be in the future and invest/trade based off that information.
The boyfriend is powerful enough to somehow "predict" the raise yet unable to predict the backlash he'd get for asking for his finder's fee for it. Yeah right... That's like the psychic friends network phone scam. If they really were psychic, shouldn't they be calling you? lol. Also, I wouldn't trust asking his friends, sounds like they're all in on this scam.
I Hope he doesn't ask for split custody of the dog, in the break up!
He predicted that OP, who was saving for a car, would get a car?!!
Amazing powers of prediction.
OP: “ I can’t believe I’m being thrown under the bus!”
No! You jumped in front of the bus! OP should be thankful she is only being evicted and she should brush up on tree laws because aunt may can sue
She jumped in front of the rv bus as it was getting crushed by the apple tree she helped chop down.
I love when the narrator sees the absurdity in these people's behavior and laughs at it! It just makes it all the more funny to listen to! It's like I can barely make it through some of the life issues people have without dying of laughter and the narrator is laughing with me! Love that! The Jedi boyfriend really had me dying of laughter! I see him being single!
The story about the tree removal- Holy cow. I've worked in property management for 15 years and people do not realize how EXPENSIVE trees are. If it was fully grown, OP may be financially liable for a $150,000 tree. It takes YEARS to grow a tree which makes them incredibly expensive. These people altered property and removed a sentimental (and very expensive) tree. The Aunt is well within her right to SUE and kick them out. Unbelievable. It doesn't matter if OP knew about the sentiments of the tree. It was HER parents and she is responsible. You cannot just alter someone else's property. It's illegal. OP is 100% the AH.
RV tree story, OP should get a divorce notice and her father should be served lawsuit papers on the same day.
Tree law is wild Aunt should sue, growing up one of our neighbors got a massive fine and a few days in jail for cutting branches off an oak tree without government permission apparently it was a rare species of valley oak
An apple tree is not going to be anywhere near the amount of a mature oak but there is definitely emotional damage for the aunt.
@@melissaharrison293 A mature apple is going to cost alot. It can take anywhere from 3 to 10 years for an apple tree to be mature to grow. The cost is not in the thousands not including planting it, but you could include loss of revenue from the apples.
A few towns over a church cut down several redwood trees on the street in front of their lot that were city property. (And they aren't even in redwood country!) The church got fined $80K.
My ex-coworker had someone cut down a bunch of privacy shrubs in her backyard. She wound up suing her neighbors for a pretty penny afterwards, as they were some old tree shrubs of some kind.
1st story: How could OP have a conversation 'well in advance' when he didn't know that the BF wasn't allowed to come until the rehearsal dinner (which is usually the night before the wedding)? The ESH commenter sounds like they need everyone to be blamed 'just because'!
Sister: “why didn’t you come to my wedding?!”
OP: “I’m just really uncomfortable with you and your husband forcing your heterosexuality on everyone. Especially in a church. Like, save it for the bedroom. Why do I have to see that?”
That’s how it works right? 😒
"i never told them to remove the tree"
Yes you did op, you told your dad to finish the job and part of that was to remove the tree
Psychic story - surely he could have foreseen that she wont give him money.
😄 🤣 😂
Lol, the raise story is hilarious.
Everytime Alabama is mentioned it's always in the worst light. People like fiance exist, but even in Alabama most people are not going to behave in such a bigotted manner.
Are you from Alabama, lol? I lived there a bit.
Roll Tide. I am in Tennessee, but I understand.
I just think of family members getting it on when I think of Alabama
Would they have been more accepting if the brother was in love with his sister? Lmfao.
I’d say Mississippi has the everyone is rep. However KY/WV tend to get the family tree is a straight line gag. AL does tend to get the racist bigot rep.
#1: NTA: "If I knew you felt this way up front, I would have declined right away."
Story of Susie and Lynn - I do not understand how OP's husband doesn't see his blatant hypocrisy. So when he doesn't send OP's daughters money it's fine. But if OP does the same thing, she's cruel. This guy has problems.
Lobster story - my daughter's BF is a keen deep water fisherman and diver. We eat crayfish (lobster) and all types of otherwise expensive seafood all the time - for zero cost. We love that young man :) We also raise our own animals for meat and always have high quality food available. It is not free but certainly way way cheaper than buying from a butcher or supermarket.
In story 2, it sounds as though OP's bf may have something called schizotypal personality disorder, which is characterized generally as having magical thinking. Believing they have ESP, or other supernatural abilities. My housemate has it, among other mental health co-morbidities. You might want to look it up and see if any other features fit him.
S1: NTA. No beating around the bush here: the fiance is a bigot, and OP's sister is a simp for him. OP owes her zero apologies. Time to cut ties. But when OP gets married, if she chases him for an invite, he should tell her that her husband isn't invited. Because she shouldn't force her straightness on everyone else 🤣
"I moved to California, she stayed in Alabama." Oh boy, I can already see the direction this is heading.
Apple tree story: Notice how op did not sound like she has an ounce of remorse. Ignorance is not a valid defense. I hope the aunt takes her family to court, tree law stories are nuts. Too bad a preowned RV won't bring back that tree.
Tree removal story - ESH but OP’s husband and his family. Also OP was wrong, she’s not being “thrown under the bus”, she “let the RV run her over”. OP will have to do so much to make up for this, but honestly I doubt she will and this relationship likely won’t last.
She will be hated by the in-laws for life, if I had to attend any family function with her I would label her Tree Killer. The parents though, they need to be sued for all they have, but I doubt the value of an apple tree would be equal to the emotional trauma the Aunt went through. What a wonderful thing having a tree your loved one planted knowing that it will live on.
There are No way to fix this, the tree is gone.
@@amandarose4469 I hope she doesn't get to attend future family events. I'd like to see an update saying her husband filed for divorce.
The property owner told OP no. That's the end of the discussion. Aunt should sue OP's parents for destruction of her tree and fence.
@@cyberhard So would I
I've heard that psychic boyfriend story before and commented on it somewhere else. So I'll just say that his 'psychic' abilities sound a lot like the Texas sharpshooter story. (Drew the bullseye around the bullet hole after he shot).
Man, that last story though…
It’s always been amazing to me, how food is looked at from region to region, and how something can be a sign of big spending in one area but not another.
For example, if you live in an area where people make maple syrup for a living, it’s relatively inexpensive compared to getting it somewhere else. The same goes for seafood. If you live in an area where you have constant access to it, it’s gonna be less expensive. Hell, there are places where shellfish is considered poor people food, and steak and pork are the pricey premium items!
So if you see someone posting a lot of a particular food that’s expensive in your area, don’t automatically think that’s the way of it everywhere. My $15, 8oz bottle of syrup doesn’t cost that much in other places.
My son got married this weekend at a church and his brother who is gay was a groomsman and no fire or anything.
I loved the second story! A story, that makes the reader chuckle like this is always great.
Dream story: so OP is saving for a car and BF “dreams” she’ll get a car. She works her butt off for a raise for 6 years and he “dreams” she’ll get it. As for the dog, he dreamt a new friend... that could have been anyone. If OP mentioned a new collage at work BF would have yelled it was just as he dreamt. These are a load of generic thing that happen to anyone’s and retroactive claiming credit for things he has zero control over.
dont stick with people that stress you out.
anyone who hates you for you, who demands things they didnt earn, who expect you to fund their expenses while letting you or your loved ones go without, who go against your right to choose, and who creates lies because they cant bear to see you happy without them.
Story 1: Just because his boyfriend wouldn't be at the wedding, doesn't mean the negative treatment would have stopped. It's his being gay they don't approve of, that would still be the case even if he showed up alone. He's not going to magically stop being gay for one night just because he has no plus one. If he's asked if he's seeing anyone, I'm sure he's not going to lie for his sister. So if the options are be openly resentful at the wedding or celebrate the boyfriend's birthday elsewhere, I know what I'd pick.
Birthday cake trumps wedding cake in this case.
This this and this! "I don't care if you're gay, just don't bring any of your partners round or talk about gay stuff. You might spread the gay." Translation "I don't actually support you, I just have to pretend I do because we're family."
RV Story… not only do you deserve to be evicted, y’all deserve to be Sued! Especially the Dad! What part of “NO” did OP and your family not understand?
This marriage is over.
My heart hurts for the Aunt
A landlord actually not at fault in these stories
Always a joy seeing a new upload
Predicting the raise
1. If you work someplace and you are a good worker it is a good bet you will eventually get a raise.
2. Predicting something is not helping it come true. In fact, in many fictional stories about recognition telling someone the future can cause them to alter behavior and thus alter the future. Telling them something good may make them relax and not try as hard causing them to miss out on the good thing, or tellin them something bad can cause them to make active attempts to avoid the event wich causes it to happen. So instead of giving him a reward OP should bill him for predictions she hears that do or do not come true as his meddling potentially messes up her timeline.
Psychic boyfriend: Even if he was somehow a real bloody psychic, how should he get any credit for her raise? If he saw the future, shit was predetermined. Had fuck all to do with him.
RV story you are a MASSIVE AH. This is not your home. You shouldn't have given the okay from the beginning. Then you let them build this gate after being told not to. You deserve to be evicted. If I were the husband I'd serve divorce papers too.
Last story even at the grocery store you can get lobster tails for $7-$15 each. That's not a prohibitive cost. When they work around seafood it would be even cheaper and probably a negligible cost
Yeah, during Christmas time lobsters are cheap, as low as 20$ for a whole crustacean.
Also, he says the gf catches her own, one or two lobsters each would be easy on the wallet
I remember reading about prisons in New England in the 19th century where the inmates rioted because they were fed lobster (cockroaches of the sea!) most of the time.
@@jgw5491 it's the case with a lot of stuff, caviar, chicken wings and the likes used to also be a poor mans meal, until the rich made it a fad to eat, artificially bumping up the price.
So what if they are minted and live off of champagne and lobster every day? Sis didn't marry into that family, OP did. You don't get free money because your brother's wife's parents are rich. This isn't a Jane Austen novel where the whole family is set for life because Lizzy married Mr Darcy.
@@Draggonny Exactly ! His SO's family and their circumstances do not have anything to do with him or his family . Sis is just being jealous that OP gets these excursions so she's behaving like an entitled brat .
First story so sis and groom gave OP a plus one knowing he is gay, OP has been out of the closet, knew he had a bf, and yet is shocked he will bring him to the wedding? What did they expect?
Future seeing boyfriend obviously didn't see that she will not give him any money.....
The irony of accusing a gay person of shoving their gayness in other people’s faces for just existing at a straight wedding. Does she not realize having a wedding is shoving her heterosexuality in everyone’s face?
Glad you went out for your boyfriends birthday you did the right thing.
Agree and it not like the wedding would be the end of it Op sister will forever be asking him to come without his boyfriend on every occasion
The thought of BF being alone in a strange city on his birthday makes me feel sad. Sister should have thought about that.
I might have gone, being a member of the bridal party, but once the ceremony was done left immediately. No one could reasonably called that rude.
1st story... If ever op gets married he should give his sister a +1. And tell her the day before the wedding that she obviously can't bring her husband as he is having a gay wedding and bringing him will be rubbing in her straightness.
I bet bf never guess that op would not give any percentage to him.
Last story with the lobster... have the sister and family come on the boat and get there own lobster and fish. When the family realize the hard work it is to bring up those cages, and so forth, not including getting up well before dawn to go out, they might change their toon. Because she and her family WORK for that food, not jusy go to the store and buy it for 20 bucks a pop. There is a reason lobster is as expensive as it is.
LOL! Guaranteed the sister will look @ OP as if he had lobsters crawling out of his ears (got that line from "A Christmas Story) because I'll bet she doesn't like hard work
Story of the non-jedi, soon-to-be-ex boyfriend: Op, dump this lying sack of crap now.
OP said to let the parents finish off the gate when she know she was told no. The father being told no went ahead and did it? Sounds suspicious to me. Would OP have let her Dad do this if the Aunt wasn’t the landlord? I doubt it, sounds like they were all playing the family card. To cut down the Aunts Husbands tree that can’t be replaced, I would sue for damages.
Dude should've dreamt a breakup coming.
Mr psychic boi didnt see that fight happen, what a mockable person
How could she not know the tree would be removed when she knew it was in the way? What did she think they would do? And what the hell is wrong with her dad?
Most likely countless mental disabilities not to mention op justifying said behavior most likely made its retarded semen donor think it could do whatever it wanted without consequences
I predict lots of red flags for the amazing prediction boyfriend.
Omg WTF is wrong with the person who said ESH because the gay brother decided not to be discriminated against & backed out the day of OP's sister's wedding WTF maybe the sister & her fiance should have decided not to be bigots but unfortunately they did NOT!
Yeah, I don't really get that either. I guess maybe he could have told her AT the rehearsal when she said his plus one couldn't come to the wedding. But then she would have accused him of ruining the rehearsal dinner AND the wedding! She is selfish and a coward. She knew his plus one would be the boyfriend. She wimped out and hoped either brother or fiance would suck it up for her.
The psychic powers story reminds me of that South Park episode with the guy who claims he can talk to the dead. 😆
Story 2: Even if the weird boyfriend could legit see the future, knowing about the raise ahead of time does not entitle him to a single cent of it.
He should have also predicted that OP will not give him her hard earned money and that he is a selfish douche with main character syndrome
I would sue over that tree without question along with everything else. What were her parents thinking? Huuuuuh
Story 1: fiances family doesn't have to accept but they should suck it up for the day. Same for fiance. OP and BILs family will not be getting together that often...
Also this story reminds me of one catholic weddin i attended. Bride's bro was gay (her dad and granda knew also friends but no extended family) and his bf was invited and no one else than the same people knew who he was. Bf was there as a guest and it's been so long that i don't even remember were they acting as couple even later at reception.
That was their setting, their choice. Wedding was super important to bro because he knew he'll never get that wedding.
But yeah, NTA
First story: OP, your sister never cared about you and would rather you play the role of a "straight" person than be happy. When you getting married, don't send her a invite.
Don't want the gay all over her.
Second story: Let me make a prediction, OP will dump the boyfriend and his friends will attack you for it. Girl, you need a new man.
Third story: It's a miracle that you're not divorced yet. If your parents have an extra space in that RV, they better not complain when you two live in there.
Fourth story: honestly, cut ties with them. They'll start to expect things out of you and guilt you into it
I was loving how the narrator kept trying it to laugh in story 1. 😂😂
I always thought my mother was far right but as i listen to these stories, i realize she isn't that horrible. Sure, she won't get along with most on the left, but she doesn't treat gays horrible. Meaning she doesn't disinvite them to wedding. She doesn't treat my ex Sil (now lesbian) with disgust. She doesn't mistreat the new gfs horrible. She goes "treat my grandsons with love, i will respect you." (don't get me wrong, she has some annoying beliefs but man, she isn't as bad as i thought she was)
So yea. NTA for skipping out on the wedding
I just want to know what that sister, mother and grandmother expect from the girlfriend’s family??! Even if they were loaded, how are you entitled to their money?!! 🤔 If the OP is invited to their family celebration, how does that translate to money? Do they think he’s getting paid to be the boyfriend? Like, I really want to know what the hell these 3 assholes are thinking?! And how is harassing the OP’s girlfriend’s family helping them get money out of the situation? I wouldn’t even invite them anywhere much less to my family gathering.
Second Story: The ability isn't actually crazy. I think he might be fabricating his stories. I have this ability as well, but it's mediocre things that I can't control. Mainly just little things like daily aspects at work, things I'm gonna watch, things I'm gonna see, and they present themselves more as "deja vu" moments.
Yeah.. it is. It's not real. It's human behavior to associate things and build false connections between events to create some grander meaning to yourself. Deja Vu exists because monotony, doing the same nonsense over and over eventually makes you feel like you witnessed some things before.
I dream of images I'll see the next day. I'm talking a weird looking clock in a dream which I'll see in a magazine later. My brother calls it a stupid psychic pet trick.
It really does feel like a fun little part trick sometimes. Ir never shows anything worthwhile, just brief moments of an unimportant future event.
I thought I was the only one that have dreams like that! Mostly it’s ordinary stuff I dream about (and forget about) and then months later, I get a flashback type of thing when I’m seeing or doing the thing.
I usually get places I will go to half a year later ,but I only have a flash of memory of the place when I'm going there or see something that was in the dream ,it's called precog abilities ,where you see the future of a place where you'll go and you don't know why .
Dream Predictor: Okay, this was funny at first, but now OP’s boyfriend is being really ridiculous. OP got that raise because she worked hard to get it. Her psychic boyfriend doesn’t deserve a dime of OP’s raise😠
RV Tress-passers: OP and her parents are insane! The parents go onto property that doesn’t belong to them , making changes, and OP seems to support what they did!😠
Story 1 NTA
Bro this was at the REHERSAL dinner. It usually takes place the night BEFORE the wedding. Is the ESH commentor an idiot on how TIME works? WHEN would that conversation take place? It was literally thr incident where sis said the terrible shit and the next morning on wedding day.
Sounds like that last family is acting like... wait for it... wait for iiiiiiiiiit... crabs in a bucket.
last one would be as stupid of me to be jealous a FB friend in Singapore eats avocados and mangos every day because multiple trees of both grow in her garden in the tropics 🤣🤣
Apple tree: YTA How dare you tell your dad to just continue but make sure to clean up. Like that betrayal is ok because your dad paid to have a gate installed that your landlord said NO to. So how expensive is it to be evicted, move and be sued for destruction of property for the fence tree and eventually the divorce. Also yes you did say it was ok to cut the tree down because you told your dad to keep going and it doesn't matter who planted the tree you should not have been disrespectful to the family you married into. Oh yeah so where are your parents parking the RV now, and why wasn't that an option before?
Story 2 hilarious! LoL moments there!
First story, brother is definitely nta, it's good he took himself out of their normal relationship. Hopefully he stays out.
Story 3: Ahhh i see, the husband is a “rules for the, not for me” kind of step parent when it comes to equality. The daughter with loans and a job isn’t struggling for money, but HIS daughter who has everything paid for, no she definitely is.
Yeah NTA Op, your husband is clearly projecting onto you, good luck with him
I once dreamed that my Nana would buy biscuits. I will now start demanding a biscuit tax.
1st I hope none of sister’s future children ever come out but if they do at least they can always go to op for support
Hoping DH doesn't try to 'fix" them like sending them to a board School, conversion therapy... , I already feel bad for them
Secure all funds from bf. He's nuts. Text his friend that you forsee bf needing a new place to live.
Sister will come running to him for support when her husband leaves her for another.
Tree story: YTA.
I always read about husbands who are mama boys but i don’t often read posts about wives who are daddy’s girls ugh.
At least the parents couldn’t park their RV
Wow, how fricken entitled does one have to be to go ahead with permanent changes to another persons property after they’ve already been told no. I would sue them. She is the big idiot for letting them finish since they had already started. What giant a holes they are. And then to say I didn’t know it was my late husbands tree.
RV/Tree story: The aunt should sue her and her parents and the construction crew (they should have made sure who owned the house before starting work and should in turn sue the dad and the wife).
Psychic boyfriend needs to play the know see he can "see" that stuff...
The ESH on the first story doesn't seem to understand that the rehearsal dinner wherein the sister offended OP and his boyfriend, thus changing OP's decision on attendance, was literally the night before the wedding.
The sister was made aware of the nature of OP's permitted plus one 3 weeks ahead of time, that was her chance to tell OP she wasn't ok with it.
She let OP think she was ok with things as they stood for 3 weeks, then threw this in his face last minute. It's her own fault she got a last minute cancellation, because she got a chance to speak up in advance, and chose not to.
To the person who thinks its suspicious that the stepdaughter is struggling due to car trouble, are you kidding? These young women probably barely cover rent and tuition with the money they’re getting from their parents plus whatever they can earn while going to college. Any number of car problems can cost more than $1k, and that would be money she wouldn’t have.
What IS suspect is that he got angry when she asked why the mom wasn’t pitching in. What’s up with that?
Dad pays her tuition which probably includes dorm and free meals.
@@bcaye Yes. That doesn’t mean she has a lot of “spare” money around to buy a new set of tires or transmission.
@@lkayh, then buy a bike or use public transportation until you save enough. Some people live in the real world.
@@bcaye why are you telling me this? I’m not saying OP should give her money. I’m just saying it’s possible that she could really have a problem finding the money to fix her car. There’s nothing suspicious about it, as some of the redditors were claiming.
I really hope the aunt does press charges for the change to her property and for the tree. I hope the fine really is 6 figures and OP and her parents have to face the consequences of their actions.
Lobster dinners: Sister is very crabby and shellfish. Cut them out of social media.
You can tell who does not own a vehicle or who has never had to pay for repairs. Vehicles can and will drain money fast.
Last night... I have several dreams... Each so vivid... A Pinned comment... With my name just under it... And a heart... May my dreams come true someday
I predicted you would receive this pin so I would also like to be pinned
LoL! Your BF is funny. He should get your money because you got a raise?!
He's cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Not cocoa for cocoa puffs. Your BF is hilarious.
Candace Cameron Bure approved!!
Story 1: I don’t feel bad for sister. If you love your lgbtq family members, DON’T. MARRY. SOMEONE. WHO. IS. ANTI. LGBTQ. You cannot have it both ways.
Love your voice ❤️
How does predicting her getting a promotion equal helping her get the raise? Or mean that she owes him money????
I live on the shore of Long Island Sound. A good friend of mine is a lobster fisherman who, once a month, gives my daughter and me a couple of lobsters. We thank him very much and, because I'm retired from the Navy and can buy tax-free liquor, I buy him a bottle of single malt Scotch whisky for his birthday. We both think this is a good deal that benefits all of us.
Hey, fellow Long Islander! I live in Bethpage!
So according to boyfriend logic he also owns part of her car and dog… prediction is not creating.
I thought the same about the late notice re the wedding but then realised he was only told he cldnt have his plus 1 at the rehearsal dinner so he didn't get much notice either. Op is not the ah. Sister and fiancee are.
"Always been neutral about politics" means "bigoted, but has enough sense to keep her mouth shut around people who don't share her views".
Our family can predict things as well, one member has dream preminitions and can know when things are going to happen right down to details sometimes and has been since I was a kid and its scarey (I hide details now around her intentionally.....LOL). Me I dream about future people or places I am going to be at, I dont remember them but I get this overpowering dejavu when the incident happens. It isnt like gambling or fortune telling and if you going to want payback for your ability to see these things you dont deserve that ability, I am not sensitive on most things however if you are really given something that special, you treasure it and dont take it for granted. That dufus doesnt deserve the gift he was given, we never take it for granted in our family, and the moment I have a dream that i can actually remember all the details of, I always go and ask to help work it out cause usually it does mean something important I need to remember or dont want to face.........
I had a dream that I’ll be a year older in 2023.