Rumsfeld got an unfair rap in the Bush years, especially in contrast to how little he is understood. Many who labeled him a war-monger and that sort of thing clearly haven't watched this video (less than 3,000 views in over a year)--whereas, Rebecca Black, Gangham Style, and David After Dentist millions of views. I guess I find it unsettling the lack of use our democracy now has for listening to people and various view points as opposed to its limitless appetite for mindless entertainment.
The former Secretary of the Defense Rumsfeld obviously is a very experienced and important Governing leadership always. Otherwise it won’t be happened as the situations that almost most past more experienced Presidents all appointed him to be our important governing head of the leadership, I guess. As his age he has lived long to see America’s greatness up and down and to be able to point out why and how, I guess. Certainly he is patriotic to love to see America’s greatness always. I guess the Iraq war actually was won pretty quickly and stopped any further attacks in our own domestic homeland and made homeland society’s stability by less fearful and continued progress toward greatness of entrepreneurship systems and Americans lived peacefully during the Iraq war. I believe this was already amazing miracles as the great mission of freedoms and equality of the opportunities principles America would be able to continue, when terrorist suddenly knocked down our tallest tallest trading towers in New York, isn’t it a miracle under the former President Bush’s Presidency? Although medias criticized President Bush on and on, but honestly say, I did appreciate him a lot at the time. Easy to criticize, extremely hard to make the miracle in any case as 911 incident at the time. This is why I believe media’s duties are correctly report the news instead of criticizing, or adding their own opinions, because they are not elected President Bush for the decision making, but to correctly and honestly report the news only. Decisions making were from elected President Bush and elected Congress. Criticizing great, better, good, ok, or worse or worst or not are Americans’ views in America’s own free election system, I guess. This is why I always feel sorry for the former President Bush. He worked hard for America’s greatness, but wasn’t not fair to him as what he deserved.
Although I have no ideas of the war strategies due to lack of experience of it. However, I really appreciate President Bush 43 who made us safe in reality and psychological side at the time. Who wouldn't be panic and worried with much fears as soon as two tallest buildings of World Trading center were falling apart and so many hundreds of Americans were dead. This was happened in America's own home land and who would know what will be the next at the time. The sudden and clueless disaster happened, the decision making is extremely important at the time toward the dictator Saddam Hussein who threatened America most viciously and diligently as America's most head ached dictator in the area. Found the nuclear weapons or not is not the issue, anyway, if he threaded America, earlier or later, he wanted or would achieve his goals of destroy America and kill Americans. It was just the matter of the time. However, The former President Bush 43, Vice President Cheney, Congress and high leveled Generals' decision obviously made Americans of all safe at the time, any further conspiracies of continuing attacking America would have to stop immediately then after the quick and decisive decision makings. Saddam Hussein had been even so cruel to his own peoples, threatened America very viciously, does he really deserve anyone's sympathy? As Americans of all may still appreciate President Bush 43, Vice President Cheney, Congress and high leveled Generals' effort which made us safe and less worry at the time, if we still remember the urgent 911 incident at the time.
Too delicate of an interview. Rumsfeld needs to be put to the wall and asked repeatedly about reports from Paul Pillar and others about exaggerated pre-war intelligance. Also, about the 'curveball' informant who was relied upon despite his obvious problems.
Rumsfeld got an unfair rap in the Bush years, especially in contrast to how little he is understood. Many who labeled him a war-monger and that sort of thing clearly haven't watched this video (less than 3,000 views in over a year)--whereas, Rebecca Black, Gangham Style, and David After Dentist millions of views. I guess I find it unsettling the lack of use our democracy now has for listening to people and various view points as opposed to its limitless appetite for mindless entertainment.
Per George P Shultz, the advisors complained that its impossible to work with Rumsfeld - he does not listen to any arguments or evidence.
Tumultuous times.
America itself gets a bad rap.
he remind me of a ruthless teacher i had in primary shcool, but i do like Rumsfeld
The former Secretary of the Defense Rumsfeld obviously is a very experienced and important Governing leadership always. Otherwise it won’t be happened as the situations that almost most past more experienced Presidents all appointed him to be our important governing head of the leadership, I guess. As his age he has lived long to see America’s greatness up and down and to be able to point out why and how, I guess. Certainly he is patriotic to love to see America’s greatness always. I guess the Iraq war actually was won pretty quickly and stopped any further attacks in our own domestic homeland and made homeland society’s stability by less fearful and continued progress toward greatness of entrepreneurship systems and Americans lived peacefully during the Iraq war. I believe this was already amazing miracles as the great mission of freedoms and equality of the opportunities principles America would be able to continue, when terrorist suddenly knocked down our tallest tallest trading towers in New York, isn’t it a miracle under the former President Bush’s Presidency? Although medias criticized President Bush on and on, but honestly say, I did appreciate him a lot at the time. Easy to criticize, extremely hard to make the miracle in any case as 911 incident at the time. This is why I believe media’s duties are correctly report the news instead of criticizing, or adding their own opinions, because they are not elected President Bush for the decision making, but to correctly and honestly report the news only. Decisions making were from elected President Bush and elected Congress. Criticizing great, better, good, ok, or worse or worst or not are Americans’ views in America’s own free election system, I guess. This is why I always feel sorry for the former President Bush. He worked hard for America’s greatness, but wasn’t not fair to him as what he deserved.
I meant wasn’t being fair to him bellow.
Jesus, did you even watch the video?
we did not lose vietnam.we wtihdrew
Although I have no ideas of the war strategies due to lack of experience of it. However, I really appreciate President Bush 43 who made us safe in reality and psychological side at the time. Who wouldn't be panic and worried with much fears as soon as two tallest buildings of World Trading center were falling apart and so many hundreds of Americans were dead. This was happened in America's own home land and who would know what will be the next at the time. The sudden and clueless disaster happened, the decision making is extremely important at the time toward the dictator Saddam Hussein who threatened America most viciously and diligently as America's most head ached dictator in the area. Found the nuclear weapons or not is not the issue, anyway, if he threaded America, earlier or later, he wanted or would achieve his goals of destroy America and kill Americans. It was just the matter of the time. However, The former President Bush 43, Vice President Cheney, Congress and high leveled Generals' decision obviously made Americans of all safe at the time, any further conspiracies of continuing attacking America would have to stop immediately then after the quick and decisive decision makings. Saddam Hussein had been even so cruel to his own peoples, threatened America very viciously, does he really deserve anyone's sympathy? As Americans of all may still appreciate President Bush 43, Vice President Cheney, Congress and high leveled Generals' effort which made us safe and less worry at the time, if we still remember the urgent 911 incident at the time.
Too delicate of an interview. Rumsfeld needs to be put to the wall and asked repeatedly about reports from Paul Pillar and others about exaggerated pre-war intelligance. Also, about the 'curveball' informant who was relied upon despite his obvious problems.