This has to be one of the truest yet sadest love songs ever. No matter what, you can't make someone love you. In my experiences, they may come to realize what they turned down, but it'll be too little too late.
@Abombx5000 It is better than Bonnie Raits version. But that should be no surprise,look at how Lakeside redone "I Want To Hold Your Hand". Whitney redoing "IWill Always Love You". We just put the Soul to it.
This has to be one of the truest yet sadest love songs ever. No matter what, you can't make someone love you. In my experiences, they may come to realize what they turned down, but it'll be too little too late.
they really are amazing
You obviously know about great singing i agree with everything you said
Such a heart felt and true song!
I've heard it before but today I heard it for the first time all over again. It made me cry. You go boys!!
Love this song
@Abombx5000 It is better than Bonnie Raits version. But that should be no surprise,look at how Lakeside redone "I Want To Hold Your Hand". Whitney redoing "IWill Always Love You". We just put the Soul to it.