Sean Penn has recently got married again for the third time. I always liked seeing him and Madonna together. They have both said they still love each other after they got divorced so I wonder why they didn't get back together?. This is one of my favourite songs from the True Blue album and it's one of my favourite albums. Madonna is one of my favourite actresses and singers, and Sean is one of my favourite actors.
They might have loved each other once but they were not good for each other. Madonna actually wrote the song Till Death Do Us Part on the Like a Prayer album about the breakdown of their marriage, and she didn't hold back: Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't, 'Cause you don't love me no more You need so much but not from me Turn your back in my hour of need Something's wrong but you pretend you don't see I think I interrupt your life When you laugh it cuts me just like a knife I'm not your friend, I'm just your little wife Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't, if you don't Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't 'Cause you don't love me no more They never laugh, not like before She takes the keys, he breaks the door She cannot stay here anymore He's not in love with her anymore The bruises they will fade away You hit so hard with the things you say I will not stay to watch your hate as it grows You're not in love with someone else You don't even love yourself Still I wish you'd ask me not to go Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't, if you don't Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't 'Cause you don't love me no more He takes a drink, she goes inside He starts to scream, the vases fly He wishes that, she wouldn't cry He's not in love with her anymore He makes demands, she draws the line He starts the fight, she starts the lie But what is true, when something dies He's not in love with her anymore You're not in love with someone else You don't even love yourself Still I wish you'd ask me not to go Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't, if you don't Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't 'Cause you don't love me no more They never laugh, not like before She takes the keys, he breaks the door She cannot stay, here anymore He's not in love with her anymore He takes a drink, she goes inside He starts to scream, the vases fly He wishes that, she wouldn't cry He's not in love with her anymore He makes demands, she draws the line He starts the fight, she starts the lie But what is truth, when something dies He's not in love with her anymore She's had enough, she says the end But she'll come back, she knows it then A chance to start it all again Till death do us part
I used to love so much this music into TRUE BLUE album (I still like it). MADONNA is beautiful and yes... she is indeed very beautiful in here. GREATEST FEMALE ARTIST EVER.
LYRICS (YEAR 1986): Where you goin' boy, I see your legs twitchin' (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) My daddy says you just need a good lickin' (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) You say you gonna be the king of Las Vegas (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) You're just a boy who comes from bad places (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why Do fools fall in love with fools like you (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) Why did you go and crash up your new car (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) Is it because it didn't take you too far (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) Why do you always have such a sad face (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) Is it because you want to get out of this place (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why Do fools fall in love with fools like you (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) You're much too wild for this town There's not much here that's gonna hold you down You gotta lotta style it should take you far Take you further than my back yard Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la Took my advice and got out of this place (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) This old town ain't never gonna be the same (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) I really love you, I just couldn't tell you so (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) I should've said it then, now you'll never know (Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy) Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why Do fools fall in love You're much too wild for this town There's not much here that's gonna hold you down You gotta lotta style it should take you far Take you further than my back yard Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why Do fools fall in love with fools like you Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la Hey! I really love you Jimmy Hey! I really love you Jimmy Hey! I really love you Jimmy Hey! I really love you, love you Jimmy Sha la la la Sha la la la
She is stunning. Definitely going to watch the movie. Critics are always harsh towards her so much that it did sway public's opinion. The movie is probably good. A lot of these Oscar-winning movies are terrible.
Every clip of Madonna is so ravishingly gorgeous and sexy...I never have to watch Shanghai Surprise now, because I just saw all the best parts of it!!!!
WAS. She was unbelievably pretty. Let's not sugarcoat it. She was ABSOLUTELY STUNNING, but now, in 2020, she has completely destroyed her looks with those awful cheek implants, the botox, the fillers, and the injections. Sadly, today she looks like a Madonna puppet from that British TV show Spitting Image.
Que bella, que hermosa eras MADONNA ❤️ Sean Penn no te merecía, ahora tienes 64 años como pasa el tiempo, no sigas operando tu rostro y haciéndote tantas cosas please 🙏 ya😘
@@orlandoaguirre2884 nope, not American. Also, I understand Spanish. And Portuguese. And Italian. I understood what you said. I just don't know why you were so rude in your answer.
I wish she hadn't felt she had something to prove as an actor. By the time "Shanghai Surprise" came out I was already obsessed with her and her music, but this flick was really terrible and Madonna just becomes kind of wooden as a character in front of a camera. Which is really weird, since in front of a camera on stage or in a MV she is the exact opposite of that: nothing but energy and dazzle. It seemed the movies just got worse and worse. Only "Dick Tracy," in which she basically played herself, is watchable and of course I love her in "Evita" but that's a huge spectacular music video so it makes sense that she pulled it off. "Swept Away," her last film I think, was embarrassingly bad and her acting was just horrible. But I love this song!
@Dio Ego Hmmm...maybe. But I think she's just such a terrible actor that it was wasted energy to go in that direction. As I said above, she seemed to think she needed to prove something as an actor. But from the very first, I, as a big fan hoping for the best and willing to give her a break, thought she was one of the worst film actors I'd ever seen. She becomes stiff and cliche in her mannerisms, and it made me a nervous wreck waiting thru each scene to see how she'd do. lol The rolls she pulled off - "Who's That Girl?," "Desperately Seeking Susan," "Dick Tracy" and "Evita," were Madonna playing slightly different versions of herself. Give her any character that required her to take on another persona and she was a disaster. I don't know if she had any dramatic background in college and theatre...I'll have to look. Have you seen "Swept Away?" She is so unspeakably horrible in it that you just want to die. Oh god, shoot me.
Haven't seen Swipt Away. At time I heard it was voted the worst movie of that year. It was directed by her husband Guy Richie who was her husband at the time. That movie was probably not his genre.
He had a girlfriend that passed from overdose just like me ... Funny how life took us to the same place ... Separately ... Im sorry Mr Smith I would have loved u
Пора говорить ПРЯМО. ВСЁ ИСКУССТВО: КИНО, ТЕАТР, МУЗЫКА, КНИГИ, ПОЭЗИЯ , имеет ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО ДВА ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ СМЫСЛА , либо служит ПРОСЛАВЛЕНИЮ БОЖЬЕГО СЛОВА , либо дьяволу. Служить БОЖЬЕМУ СЛОВУ это значит , каждым КАДРОМ, РЕПЛИКОЙ, КУПЛЕТОМ и т.п. "ПРИВОДИТЬ" НАС, ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ, СЛУШАТЕЛЕЙ к ПОКАЯНИЮ, СПАСЕНИЮ ДУШИ, и соответственно наоборот, максимально удалять от него. Что касается фильма Шанхайский сюрприз. МЕРЗКОЕ сатанинское КИНО. ДЬЯВОЛЬСКАЯ НАСМЕШКА, И пример МАНИПУЛЯЦИИ человеком, а ПОЧЕМУ надо понимать следующее. НО СНАЧАЛА. Любое УПОМИНАНИЕ в фильме О БОГЕ, ВСУЕ, это обычное БОГОХУЛЬСТВО(ХУЛА на ДУХА СВЯТОГО). НО БОГА ОБИДЕТЬ НЕ ВОЗМОЖНО ОН БЕССТРАСТЕН, А вот ХУЛА ЕГО это БОЛЬШОЙ ГРЕХ. А ГРЕХ это РАНА которую человек наносит прежде всего сам СВОЕЙ ДУШЕ. РАНА которая ОТКРЫВАЕТ ДУШУ ДЛЯ ДЕМОНОВ мучителей, БЕСОВ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ, слуг дьявола. Сам же ФИЛЬМ НАМЕРЕННО «РАЗЖИГАЕТ», но В ДУШАХ самих ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ, действие множества СТРАШНЫХ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ таких как ГОРДЫНЯ, ЛУКАВСТВО, ЗАВИСТЬ, ТЯГА К АЛКОГОЛЮ, КУРЕНИЕ, ЧЕЛОВЕКОУГОДИЕ, ЧРЕВОУГОДИЕ, ЛЮБОСТЯЖАНИЕ, СРЕБРОЛЮБИЕ(ПАГУБНАЯ СТРАСТЬ К ДЕНЬГАМ), А ГЛАВНЫЕ ПОХОТЬ, И ТЩЕСЛАВИЕ(ПАГУБНАЯ СТРАСТЬ К ЛЮДСКОЙ СЛАВЕ). И ВОТ ТАК, ОГРОМНОЕ БОЛЬШИНСТВО ЛЮДЕЙ, ВОЛЬНО ИЛИ НЕ ВОЛЬНО СОГРЕШАЮТ(не вольно значит что, грех только у себя в уме, под действием той или иной порочной страсти, является таким же грехом), И ДЬЯВОЛ «ВВОДИТ» В ДУШУ человека ДЕМОНОВ МУЧИТЕЛЕЙ разных ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ. Ну А «ОБЩЕНИЕ» человека в жизни С любым ДЕМОНОМ, «ПРИВЕДЁТ» рано или поздно только к одному, или К ПСИХИЧЕСКОМУ РАССТРОЙСТВУ, или УБИЙСТВУ, или САМОУБИЙСТВУ. И к АДУ для ДУШИ после физической СМЕРТИ тела. И ПОЧЕМУ МАНИПУЛЯЦИЯ. «ПРИОРИТЕТНЫМИ» демонами которые завладевает душой человека при просмотре фильма, если конечно они уже не находятся в душе, а если находятся тогда усиливаются бесом соответствующей порочной страсти, потому что они фактически из них и состоят, БУДУТ ДЕМОН МУЧИТЕЛЬ ГНЕВА, который вызывает как собственную порочную страсть ненависть, так и гнев и ненависть другого человека, например с которым происходит общение, И ДЕМОН МУЧИТЕЛЬ ПРИВЛЕКАЮЩИЙ человека К всякой БЕСОВЩИНЕ, ПОТОМУ ЧТО КАК реально примерно ВЫГЛЯДЯТ ЭТИ ДЕМОНЫ в своём «человеческом» виде ПОКАЗАНО В ФИЛЬМЕ. ПОЭТОМУ при просмотре подобных фильмов ЗАЩИТА тоже существует. ЕСЛИ СОГРЕШИЛ (даже только в мыслях, в данном случае почувствовал в своей душе проявление пороков записанных выше), надо сразу же ПРОИЗНОСИТЬ МОЛИТВУ ГОСПОДА нашего ИИСУСА ХРИСТА. «ГОСПОДИ ИИСУСЕ ХРИСТЕ СЫНЕ БОЖИЙ СПАСИ И ПОМИЛУЙ МЕНЯ ГРЕШНОГО». Стопроцентно помогает. И вот как БЫЛО БЫ ХОРОШО ЧТОБЫ КАЖДЫЙ зритель ПОНИМАЛ это. НО ЭТО очень «тонкие» моменты, ПОНЯТЬ которые МОЖНО будет ТОЛЬКО ЧИТАЯ, И ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧАЯ КНИГУ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ. Да и ПОРОЧНЫЕ СТРАСТИ это ГОРДЫНЯ, ТЩЕСЛАВИЕ, ЛУКАВСТВО, СЕБЯЛЮБИЕ, ТРУСОСТЬ, ЧЕЛОВЕКОУГОДИЕ, ЗАВИСТЬ, ЖАДНОСТЬ, ОСУЖДЕНИЕ, АЛЧНОСТЬ, СКУПОСТЬ, СРЕБРОЛЮБИЕ, ЛИЦЕМЕРИЕ, УНЫНИЕ, ЧРЕВОУГОДИЕ, ГНЕВ, РЕВНОСТЬ, ВОРОВСТВО, РАЗДРАЖЕНИЕ, ВЛАСТОЛЮБИЕ, ПОХОТЬ, ЛЮБОПЫТСТВО, ПЬЯНСТВО, КУРЕНИЕ, ПРЕЛЮБОДЕЯНИЕ, ОБИДЧИВОСТЬ, ЗАСТЕНЧИВОСТЬ, ХИТРОСТЬ, РАССЕЯННОСТЬ и т.д. и т.п. И у КАЖДОГО ЧЕЛОВЕКА своя(СТРАСТЬ), так сказать, ЛИЧНАЯ. И ЭТО всё БОЛЕЗНИ (а почему мы все «больны», это тема для отдельной беседы), но БОЛЕЗНИ ДУХОВНОГО ПЛАНА. И ГЛАВНОЕ. ИСТИННАЯ ВЕРА В БОГА, в первую очередь ЗАКЛЮЧАЕТСЯ В «БОРЬБЕ» каждого ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПРИ ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ, СО своими собственными ПОРОЧНЫМИ СТРАСТЯМИ, И только ТАК можно получить СПАСЕНИЕ для своей ДУШИ. Ну И ЕСЛИ каждый человек захочет "БОРОТЬСЯ" СО своими ПОРОЧНЫМИ СТРАСТЯМИ , ТО для начала, НУЖНО ПОВЕРИТЬ В БОГА, ПРЕСВЯТУЮ ТРОИЦУ: ОТЦА(СОЗДАТЕЛЯ ВСЕГО ЖИВОГО И НЕ ЖИВОГО, ВИДИМОГО мира и НЕ ВИДИМОГО),через СЫНА БОГА СЛОВО(ИИСУСА ХРИСТА), СВЯТОГО ДУХА. А ЧТОБЫ "ПРИЙТИ" к БОГУ или ПОЗНАТЬ БОГА необходимо ПОКАЯНИЕ. Ну А для того ЧТОБЫ ПОНЯТЬ ВСЁ что ЗАПИСАНО выше, И для ИСКРЕННЕГО ХРИСТИАНСКОГО ПОКАЯНИЯ, которое необходимо УСПЕТЬ(потому что ВРЕМЕНИ осталось очень МАЛО, ВОЗМОЖНО даже примерно 1 ГОД И ВСЁ(смотри СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ от МАТФЕЯ, ГЛ. 24)) СДЕЛАТЬ ПРИ ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПЕРВЫМ "шагом" БУДЕТ (и как об этом уже упоминалось выше) ЧТЕНИЕ и ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧЕНИЕ КНИГИ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯЩЕННОГО ПИСАНИЯ НОВЫЙ ЗАВЕТ. ✋🏻
She isn't a brilliant actress, but in this movie I felt she at least tried. It got way more negativity than it deserved imo. Now The Next Best Thing is a film where she didn't try at all, what was she thinking? If I was her I'd rather not do a film and just focus on the record and raising Lola.
Madona siempre será la numero uno y siempre se distinguirá por su enorme talento tanto así como por su pésimo - asqueroso - gusto....pensé que después de Sean Penn no podía caer mas bajo, pero si, le faltaba Maluma. ¡que pesar!.
True Blue is my teen years! And I know Shanghai Surprise was a bomb but wow she is so gorgeous in this movie.
She is absolutely gorgeous in this film.
I can forgive everything about this film because of how Madonna looks.
I've liked Madonna since 15 years old I'm 56 now and I still.listen to her 😊❤❤❤
This is some of the most beautiful footage ever filmed of Madonna 💋👍
Who's watching/listening in oct 2024
Whoever made this, THANK YOU!!! This was the first song that made me become obsessed with songs that have my name in it. Love this video! Great job!!!
One of my fav. childhood songs.
Shanghai rose is a good film!!! Madonna performs marvelously! How beauty's beast!
Sean Penn has recently got married again for the third time. I always liked seeing him and Madonna together. They have both said they still love each other after they got divorced so I wonder why they didn't get back together?. This is one of my favourite songs from the True Blue album and it's one of my favourite albums. Madonna is one of my favourite actresses and singers, and Sean is one of my favourite actors.
They might have loved each other once but they were not good for each other. Madonna actually wrote the song Till Death Do Us Part on the Like a Prayer album about the breakdown of their marriage, and she didn't hold back:
Our luck is running out of time
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change, but it won't,
'Cause you don't love me no more
You need so much but not from me
Turn your back in my hour of need
Something's wrong but you pretend you don't see
I think I interrupt your life
When you laugh it cuts me just like a knife
I'm not your friend, I'm just your little wife
Our luck is running out of time
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change, but it won't, if you don't
Our luck is running out of time
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change, but it won't
'Cause you don't love me no more
They never laugh, not like before
She takes the keys, he breaks the door
She cannot stay here anymore
He's not in love with her anymore
The bruises they will fade away
You hit so hard with the things you say
I will not stay to watch your hate as it grows
You're not in love with someone else
You don't even love yourself
Still I wish you'd ask me not to go
Our luck is running out of time
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change, but it won't, if you don't
Our luck is running out of time
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change, but it won't
'Cause you don't love me no more
He takes a drink, she goes inside
He starts to scream, the vases fly
He wishes that, she wouldn't cry
He's not in love with her anymore
He makes demands, she draws the line
He starts the fight, she starts the lie
But what is true, when something dies
He's not in love with her anymore
You're not in love with someone else
You don't even love yourself
Still I wish you'd ask me not to go
Our luck is running out of time
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change, but it won't, if you don't
Our luck is running out of time
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change, but it won't
'Cause you don't love me no more
They never laugh, not like before
She takes the keys, he breaks the door
She cannot stay, here anymore
He's not in love with her anymore
He takes a drink, she goes inside
He starts to scream, the vases fly
He wishes that, she wouldn't cry
He's not in love with her anymore
He makes demands, she draws the line
He starts the fight, she starts the lie
But what is truth, when something dies
He's not in love with her anymore
She's had enough, she says the end
But she'll come back, she knows it then
A chance to start it all again
Till death do us part
I used to love so much this music into TRUE BLUE album (I still like it).
MADONNA is beautiful and yes... she is indeed very beautiful in here.
Where you goin' boy, I see your legs twitchin'
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
My daddy says you just need a good lickin'
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
You say you gonna be the king of Las Vegas
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
You're just a boy who comes from bad places
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why
Do fools fall in love with fools like you
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
Why did you go and crash up your new car
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
Is it because it didn't take you too far
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
Why do you always have such a sad face
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
Is it because you want to get out of this place
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why
Do fools fall in love with fools like you
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
You're much too wild for this town
There's not much here that's gonna hold you down
You gotta lotta style it should take you far
Take you further than my back yard
Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la
Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la
Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la
Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la
Took my advice and got out of this place
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
This old town ain't never gonna be the same
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
I really love you, I just couldn't tell you so
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
I should've said it then, now you'll never know
(Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy)
Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why
Do fools fall in love
You're much too wild for this town
There's not much here that's gonna hold you down
You gotta lotta style it should take you far
Take you further than my back yard
Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why
Do fools fall in love with fools like you
Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la
Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la
Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la
Oop shoo boop oop oop sha la la la
Hey! I really love you Jimmy
Hey! I really love you Jimmy
Hey! I really love you Jimmy
Hey! I really love you, love you Jimmy
Sha la la la
Sha la la la
Madonna es única es la mejor de todos los tiempos nadie la igualará
I remember me dancing this song !!! Have a nice weekend ....!! Greetings from Argentina !!!
She is so beautiful ❤
Jimmy Jimmy, Jimmy Jimmy, Madonna diva do pop, sensacional adoro
The Queen of Pop ❤️❤️❤️🇮🇹 i love you Ciccone ❤️
80s Madonna was absolutely gorgeous. Before the cheek implants, surgeries, fillers, Botox....
She is stunning. Definitely going to watch the movie. Critics are always harsh towards her so much that it did sway public's opinion. The movie is probably good. A lot of these Oscar-winning movies are terrible.
Beautiful and this blond color looks natural on her 👍
she's gorgeous
I love this song!
1987 Roma stadio Olimpico, avevo 15 anni
que bella esta madonna !!!
Awesome tune
Every clip of Madonna is so ravishingly gorgeous and sexy...I never have to watch Shanghai Surprise now, because I just saw all the best parts of it!!!!
She so beautiful I love her so much
Christ, how unbelievably pretty Madonna is.
WAS. She was unbelievably pretty. Let's not sugarcoat it. She was ABSOLUTELY STUNNING, but now, in 2020, she has completely destroyed her looks with those awful cheek implants, the botox, the fillers, and the injections. Sadly, today she looks like a Madonna puppet from that British TV show Spitting Image.
Madonna was GEORGEOUS!
She has always used loads of makeup. She had huge sex appeal back in the 80’s for sure..
Omg she's so SUPER CUTE ❤️
She is beautiful I love her I used dress like her when I was 15 XX ❤️💕
Oh long Time this song 😆 why oh why oh whyyyyy 😍oh why
U lala😅
Madonna es realmente bella 💚
Fantastic montage!
I think with Jimmy she meant actually Sean! Very good Shanghai Montage video, thanks!
Que bella, que hermosa eras MADONNA ❤️ Sean Penn no te merecía, ahora tienes 64 años como pasa el tiempo, no sigas operando tu rostro y haciéndote tantas cosas please 🙏 ya😘
Has she ever looked more beautiful? ❤
Madonna bellezza infinita!
Linda canção👍
madonna arrasando como sempre amo as canções dela
Bonita Madonna....ainda e bonita....Saudaçoes de Buenos Aires, Mara
madonna looks so fresh in this footage
Happy Tuesday 😍
Hermosa!!!..bella!!!!. Linda Madonna desde siempre!!!..además de ser una super star!! mejor!!!
Bellissima donna sempre
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Jimmy Jimmy 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
How have 17 people decided they don't like this song...
good too
Good morning to u 😘
Quem nasceu pra petisco 😌 nuunca chega ao prato principal sensacional adoro essa música linda 😍🤗😘🥰😄🥰
Adesso ho capito il titolo di questa canzone
This is genius
*So This song Is About James Dean* ❤️
That's what I always assumed anyway
@@TheConorsmithusa yeah, I think she confirmed that in an interview
Always my assumption
Jimmy...jimmy ooo jimmy jimmy
Que pelicula es la del video?
I wonder if she still knows the lyrics to these 80s b-side songs haha. Would she be able to sing these songs in a show, if the crowd requested her to?
¿Porque no se lo preguntas a tu madre????
¿American? Yes, yours only speack one lenguaje......I said.....Wy dont ask your mother?...may be she is the same age of her.
@@orlandoaguirre2884 nope, not American. Also, I understand Spanish. And Portuguese. And Italian. I understood what you said. I just don't know why you were so rude in your answer.
@@orlandoaguirre2884 and btw, if you're gonna speak English, do it properly.
Se ve hermosa...
De dónde es eso?
Se ve radiante
shanghai surprise, una película que filmó en 1986
Ohhhhh Jimmy Ohhhh Jimmy
I forgot about that song
Мадонна в этом видео прям такая красивая и элегантная, сексуальная, действительно "Мадонна" Prima Donna
Madonna olen rakastanut sinun musiikkia alusta asti: Välillä tulee taukoja, muta olet aina se you know?
I haven't heard the song since it was released and popular.
Early track by Madonna
i love u
This is me and you Janet Marie swain and Anthony bacon xxxxx
Jimmy aka James Dean 🥊
OMG! I’m Jimmy~
Marco Marco
I wish she hadn't felt she had something to prove as an actor. By the time "Shanghai Surprise" came out I was already obsessed with her and her music, but this flick was really terrible and Madonna just becomes kind of wooden as a character in front of a camera. Which is really weird, since in front of a camera on stage or in a MV she is the exact opposite of that: nothing but energy and dazzle. It seemed the movies just got worse and worse. Only "Dick Tracy," in which she basically played herself, is watchable and of course I love her in "Evita" but that's a huge spectacular music video so it makes sense that she pulled it off. "Swept Away," her last film I think, was embarrassingly bad and her acting was just horrible. But I love this song!
@Dio Ego Hmmm...maybe. But I think she's just such a terrible actor that it was wasted energy to go in that direction. As I said above, she seemed to think she needed to prove something as an actor. But from the very first, I, as a big fan hoping for the best and willing to give her a break, thought she was one of the worst film actors I'd ever seen. She becomes stiff and cliche in her mannerisms, and it made me a nervous wreck waiting thru each scene to see how she'd do. lol
The rolls she pulled off - "Who's That Girl?," "Desperately Seeking Susan," "Dick Tracy" and "Evita," were Madonna playing slightly different versions of herself. Give her any character that required her to take on another persona and she was a disaster. I don't know if she had any dramatic background in college and theatre...I'll have to look.
Have you seen "Swept Away?" She is so unspeakably horrible in it that you just want to die. Oh god, shoot me.
Haven't seen Swipt Away. At time I heard it was voted the worst movie of that year.
It was directed by her husband Guy Richie who was her husband at the time.
That movie was probably not his genre.
Well at least M looks beautiful in this awful flick...
Truly horrible. I felt badly for her.
Is this her worst film? Shanghai Surprise
He had a girlfriend that passed from overdose just like me ... Funny how life took us to the same place ... Separately ... Im sorry Mr Smith I would have loved u
Что касается фильма Шанхайский сюрприз. МЕРЗКОЕ сатанинское КИНО. ДЬЯВОЛЬСКАЯ НАСМЕШКА, И пример МАНИПУЛЯЦИИ человеком, а ПОЧЕМУ надо понимать следующее. НО СНАЧАЛА. Любое УПОМИНАНИЕ в фильме О БОГЕ, ВСУЕ, это обычное БОГОХУЛЬСТВО(ХУЛА на ДУХА СВЯТОГО). НО БОГА ОБИДЕТЬ НЕ ВОЗМОЖНО ОН БЕССТРАСТЕН, А вот ХУЛА ЕГО это БОЛЬШОЙ ГРЕХ. А ГРЕХ это РАНА которую человек наносит прежде всего сам СВОЕЙ ДУШЕ. РАНА которая ОТКРЫВАЕТ ДУШУ ДЛЯ ДЕМОНОВ мучителей, БЕСОВ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ, слуг дьявола. Сам же ФИЛЬМ НАМЕРЕННО «РАЗЖИГАЕТ», но В ДУШАХ самих ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ, действие множества СТРАШНЫХ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ таких как ГОРДЫНЯ, ЛУКАВСТВО, ЗАВИСТЬ, ТЯГА К АЛКОГОЛЮ, КУРЕНИЕ, ЧЕЛОВЕКОУГОДИЕ, ЧРЕВОУГОДИЕ, ЛЮБОСТЯЖАНИЕ, СРЕБРОЛЮБИЕ(ПАГУБНАЯ СТРАСТЬ К ДЕНЬГАМ), А ГЛАВНЫЕ ПОХОТЬ, И ТЩЕСЛАВИЕ(ПАГУБНАЯ СТРАСТЬ К ЛЮДСКОЙ СЛАВЕ). И ВОТ ТАК, ОГРОМНОЕ БОЛЬШИНСТВО ЛЮДЕЙ, ВОЛЬНО ИЛИ НЕ ВОЛЬНО СОГРЕШАЮТ(не вольно значит что, грех только у себя в уме, под действием той или иной порочной страсти, является таким же грехом), И ДЬЯВОЛ «ВВОДИТ» В ДУШУ человека ДЕМОНОВ МУЧИТЕЛЕЙ разных ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ. Ну А «ОБЩЕНИЕ» человека в жизни С любым ДЕМОНОМ, «ПРИВЕДЁТ» рано или поздно только к одному, или К ПСИХИЧЕСКОМУ РАССТРОЙСТВУ, или УБИЙСТВУ, или САМОУБИЙСТВУ. И к АДУ для ДУШИ после физической СМЕРТИ тела. И ПОЧЕМУ МАНИПУЛЯЦИЯ. «ПРИОРИТЕТНЫМИ» демонами которые завладевает душой человека при просмотре фильма, если конечно они уже не находятся в душе, а если находятся тогда усиливаются бесом соответствующей порочной страсти, потому что они фактически из них и состоят, БУДУТ ДЕМОН МУЧИТЕЛЬ ГНЕВА, который вызывает как собственную порочную страсть ненависть, так и гнев и ненависть другого человека, например с которым происходит общение, И ДЕМОН МУЧИТЕЛЬ ПРИВЛЕКАЮЩИЙ человека К всякой БЕСОВЩИНЕ, ПОТОМУ ЧТО КАК реально примерно ВЫГЛЯДЯТ ЭТИ ДЕМОНЫ в своём «человеческом» виде ПОКАЗАНО В ФИЛЬМЕ. ПОЭТОМУ при просмотре подобных фильмов ЗАЩИТА тоже существует. ЕСЛИ СОГРЕШИЛ (даже только в мыслях, в данном случае почувствовал в своей душе проявление пороков записанных выше), надо сразу же ПРОИЗНОСИТЬ МОЛИТВУ ГОСПОДА нашего ИИСУСА ХРИСТА. «ГОСПОДИ ИИСУСЕ ХРИСТЕ СЫНЕ БОЖИЙ СПАСИ И ПОМИЛУЙ МЕНЯ ГРЕШНОГО». Стопроцентно помогает. И вот как БЫЛО БЫ ХОРОШО ЧТОБЫ КАЖДЫЙ зритель ПОНИМАЛ это. НО ЭТО очень «тонкие» моменты, ПОНЯТЬ которые МОЖНО будет ТОЛЬКО ЧИТАЯ, И ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧАЯ КНИГУ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ.
И ГЛАВНОЕ. ИСТИННАЯ ВЕРА В БОГА, в первую очередь ЗАКЛЮЧАЕТСЯ В «БОРЬБЕ» каждого ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПРИ ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ, СО своими собственными ПОРОЧНЫМИ СТРАСТЯМИ, И только ТАК можно получить СПАСЕНИЕ для своей ДУШИ.
Long way from the 8 grade lol
She isn't a brilliant actress, but in this movie I felt she at least tried. It got way more negativity than it deserved imo. Now The Next Best Thing is a film where she didn't try at all, what was she thinking? If I was her I'd rather not do a film and just focus on the record and raising Lola.
Lola is well raised at this stage
I'm jimmy jimmy okay who wants to know
Madona siempre será la numero uno y siempre se distinguirá por su enorme talento tanto así como por su pésimo - asqueroso - gusto....pensé que después de Sean Penn no podía caer mas bajo, pero si, le faltaba Maluma. ¡que pesar!.
it was always a weak song....and time hasnt helped it any....
She tries to be me ahem
Peroxide lol
Jimmy Jimmy is a poor mans version of the stunning Over And Over. So tacky
Actress= O singer =O she’s just good to nothing
i love u